Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Nov 1897, p. 3

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lA i.mo. M4- eSipclaus, *toi ut 08814. plma ai hvOu 900& a" mCo.mst, i amiPae~osut Puwoa" 55 -fl «wv Au 1TONATIO", laIssIami but liai 1 ." il Cestlw VRo " sti no :ya lto A VA nom M de- vil LI lblà0 dovw oeC, i a tujw-a «Ode" am"Mi)erairimâ 1.1 hhuus. Dk ss~ ba ojl ~I 1g~ . b.,.wIb.wU~p . jnu y va U. fmnyb.ol 1 te av# oui *94" I b boît redes% lAbýfS te n n%»*s u e. " ,ua* *» 09 *8 Weil une#* jui lm - no èm en a" "mm -Umm' 8m iPre ..lb . b aiam .~bai tk$PU a lima....... maa uj IemImm- O cii *IR sl, es's. m enu"m n1ooi lbhublt. olo ago MW é>. gM4 Dr.slIfS9110 a- you " "i--ý it» bo dnddo t6 eai mog m mir i»Fes fmi h.omorne la blia b saIt.Su O "MI »b ia u * a»MoiM gmoeo S olI y o e , a t i 4M e é b w m t o r d , b ê l th " e v n o 0 1 ,au m i W b " ,@l h i i s I p u s e ve1 a s fa m a ç d " l k O s u __ mev m l Mbj l -i9asbesho foe rfsL tie Li& mmer Mt The -, 1*' Mbb ma-mi é, 'a siru* tsma muWo, 'ia..U- r rE oa e gvsup I MLu iwo &.x .lmeIo er itel v r P ls ufl l, iétisiS USm L i caHp laI0% =ab@Zm i; honsomme.olls m b i0bs. Sd N * " » W M 4E.S 0 . 0 ô b a vmu h . 4 ee P m o m b mIIU% OI ihal ea aU o peouio e y 61 a g gi ou l » u !MMM ~~~ TMy lb mthéc.Mp v m osisléae hae JIaU wIth~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h lbsp m i.lMg~touaMd leul èOY to- -. LivWh cmo. lofi -uIm b"vsMdvls a-mas snoaralm, wsê bots.a y icl l pr o, ho d@UV U Ros OWs WOd W blo i. auéu a b~sl 11hos lbajs.svua . a bsaus cntvaa v aa.mm1~ la £MM héi a umdse T Chati " à , pim m ai issez u v1. glon t dih fe u o a a soot asd e. l A .-M IR lm5158Sttiw M i__ _ _ _ u è * W u b u M 4 ous ba e m s =I bu Loin oc. l m,084uàé .OMi . àm=V; $à tu " os~~~~~ ~~'o %* il à ïX. uTHNBFFR l'LlE~I sviImaualrrr 9.Th ff f 6 ià$nusTos n « u . il aB t m i sgl *oui5.gUmmI fu ~ o l atue 0wm vtoturnigo unn elw Is1 i.a lu~ Is gl% IaIbi--.a, mip.. &Èa~. a M M & as m 8 mé F *k, .h ai orasb ssi . @ i3 .geo , -toe, a p fio i I m t 30 OUc R , DOtE - lu 'r 8.ujalb m'a ois cm er . IO u»,the "L j» T i vubus M51Ah'. ad . m0. ta ane*m m 505rN 5 i_ _ _ _ _ ~>lcha tout tac tatrani eudi aitoit washusï Tocayai séumi ilne mda scatah.v ' TH U S0Fl'hismyti nae vo an"i eo IZ 05 Wti L O l OaL*H6U 22luinât LXnad.2N -ehe.Lde,20 e whib mail - hé o hmp un nbave A i i u ftvap u hàm té h. Iis b ilw ». ets . s1 mtit teff svab'..is. bocs, iIoh*hàllin.t mm lgte twg Pa sl eoy o pun i e ,I o» oipluthf l il ul p. !ls V ag Uudt 01500 SPd e oiSf al t e cluaaimii t1 lî htbei augbm b , a!la mm e.£"Z A i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h MI@ peptadiS cfem smahu >a Agnus maoubd vi~ is o b 1 ima . dIWOI.sé te, !se 0 L U. o,.M tetsfte mpm it nai vu1 isihai hadsh, bck .UiÊ 5 thou i n Dr 8linskxpuua. .1D os Ms om i t m d -o téfuMdt oie WWM@nm sai - oopUdt. t th* umlmt in-. IL erïblrca.ili evseadfrlc&" aegl u T dsIq. lhand elimimoea Osie heomtlu» 100alas.egiu Tes Ors 0?Obhbhifm w. oamhoutnadf;VG AIval Ipm, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ " etZ 5~bi5<~ bvi .ol mis tai o.yvmi ~ uolms.ho v ends M a Stn ov t DEAA uuu.-î mccl up!. Yole. 11 (1 onct»M"n1e» Juileffrtste & i» f t e *sadoAt a.v Dm a of *iOsoi seSo soalu 11 as hs960 uli laL Ilelcial.Isiahi iat sss pidtiWIu.b 1 .a oa 7OUtffl b.lhe amsi au Is -I.1I8,UiIM1- , Lu Iomzm*asT. of A n uaiS .u f, ~ ,, u...oa ,IUSIOBm i J L M 08T,.love 0 is. IlargSuimi MPÊlces k;t» tégedufldapislg bs Gial . oco ,0»ilass hmu à I 6 sick ti ck o im yt m e 0matos ahkOUh m 8 1ons E110 aa 680 fsl l u i l P " 8 ou i l m ta he flt Ast k u *0 et MM mm*,la u'ode .L t p0U rvldb..H and R1 llcso olt raaordueu ère e iknetL vi. er a illbémoLoua W e'l'v deidded to g obooitR Â D Y -M A D Irce asai t %soa s voew - Ode No. 1 . hmEsol o O ibse. --àm cý I_ 0. ÏALIf.lj. et o Ow O t O T IN G fd aieslaessie asi: Posb lmi-unflcEa, cmslg le~~~~~~! stickbb aIeubonsaams sol m et Pr ime a rosai tic soeusa Sso i daus-Ana ls blts, Ra it a b le mli Ibss a .leuvhivold yaie b l ol t mv, milstnals Pr ogois s erosa f thek est ,tu us çly m*s, to guao. ~h eaOf 2%r'-Tb an ý Dsicb b. cusé l isaiatllaIie ,m I.'Z# Ic HusAOOron adP Pt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e etcsoesi sIkss.1k w seUsso.Abpm.um ..e. m.Frm iisym . eg, i'0 . 050ýr ammwWobd Inct ead -h$aY. PLLuAT Pern FmwmLL-Bepot v&ut Bal: 581 mi m $me Wav. e0ladr. U. cmm'.*9aa *dMom. Clutl ulovatg* lvrvrmu I sy . uWllegi«sM te hohâes ol Bdaimet. IIQGai-C3 m eer 8EZoam" )8I i .Id mlghl as ailëmiàt Pound#sb 5mof-Wml5w ois, le mo ni m econd.......d U,5kWovm '.,3 ov.s0.o.,10povot 2.. A K V V O lb, ali si ock fouls «for in. (ur ti svàtéu al ia Eh. Kemud D Raimisa vaeatlps. m uoem... i n dOU care opti.M, bulace iok ~~~ ~6010 mahm fsoIbi ~ 'L eetoVoe TuuoJsJpna aut ps inlahau(.. ~ 50.Pe 5oct.2 yoI stic a i k ogl a i b1.651oluadulte.g De gttivé vouSet Lomee...." m m As21,tentL suSiuma JohnOOSeE la l'arm A .. W or9 1'ias chace bau* àol însla od of it, : - Grh le.. Bush Umils! BUmm&u ami lapau..... r.oua. 5e Sfl a téI ABn lts a" . rmWui Ds g L C 'u *@s ** ----Sadselotviï..ce asic à r t k s .ym à tikBiame, Carr ine mg a u u s teil. . D slatia s afooSam, sba C m iMd *S o* nrAin x y amt1oc UlmE lif eb y h u,é sh e é o our i dO mieae -er al M enus f Il d 8y o i o asibli*. *mmi 1' muai beu X490, higodbloFaet Clarke, bot. bo m Nugb o<1 DrFow -r E tract f iidPanesseli Pso stali bi aba So "I Suub i . cS L ax ..-S sduI hi e . api a k t » b ' oK .. t m wh 4 v u d l (aleca r tas _ - rsud fol uethegr a p n*als t 1 e ce.1» P uIomsd U aiu s wm d _ _ _ __a Oiig w O lgeaenrage a U neCA S Tb Tte ro Lf * M . Mk . lcr &l lmgka6 in kv. s.w â L 1 -16 -, a rd b o l ok Oaas fNt' --ih o L asr e.. -l à -6 a . Cn a«los u a msi. tila o snaboie__W7; w .vou . b.w rush~~~~Imu as memi.sa ugsus I » W G l b e e t - é . U a* ta y othéi u aim-100 rmGrIqTLEMN,-1 bave feund great . .Egev t e ico.IJ m.rc blvuoe. m gatiudsetof mimaisi l y u t ngadadmrmm lpsy I Io lou s lbe, W. 0-r- 97U- ,r, sAD wrn. r sU g, . _ _ _ v m a t i o e a b e b ai s f aco fo n sn t hmu se.o f D r .c-iD frl -h o s f abi o l t. -M !àà of the O m S.10016Extract of Wil Strwberty an Con- lbafm O d. o utI ug VelaG n. tvi ,me. go ubaog ml. s fisugl p eaa lii ilsWmo.Lueusa lb. ps a 1 t AlOhhIJ - ider it invalueble in al Ucas«aaOf t Its a leesure to me to JrecRUst êum Hc,10 i,01 touai! ~sat asîs weushoi is~nl, *. ,u~ba uin- JL Um ua, etl ssi. u.ouIbt u îs te hlOfbp t Io ftea toned Upby DiCkPm Blood it to thepublic. 4 . . «ocl I Stophoae», E T m a " 0 -I p E. vRTONlb.gisisitilsvoeuaba utméb a b ut e a@ 1 éii sumngthe guam uchVimnd d lied M U R..mB.Bras , UWW@mytbo4 ais. dre . u a i ~ ~ it o m b é e a s lSe a n d "H i g h S c h o o i , R i v e r C h a r l o , N B . J O " l iVm mciC m .lH o aro ta aM, m ui i l t e r m e s.iB oli si N o0 0i.-B e p oe s W Md 'h M du nO Fha mOa m WD r.s? « Iam i L m dm wR ai for O lbqodbal rIeI*0 globe vitb îc Iualgl.rdirso O.utb(f cm ye Gre o i.od Ite masS»Nià bali b #Pu.d Nucbl.ceu, or»" lvai4 ofmamai.M oh Il veueS WitiiitUgs7111Iboua'. IO ac.lbb 9 obiua 31 cratic JIsey co s o u Jo »bs uqMt bONL at si.Oa stoPro obntom tus csa~~~~?~ ~ ~ ~ 4M.Papt 1a- WMa î0sa ve dfllgtheIsVoeull ordi (cul, and a mYCOV bs uU e vsrcmaaln I Me~ lbe fsllhful »ami sY u vSé ju ph-Ba-818 eu. Paa4- hpivmawl outloe.Towhen gîTen J o~. c ie oLr~ amQa~htvlr m! hi ihl lh asT luaiUOsU. " Md P O* ï -- pieoO vh m o id m mU O5u:ofU 0150 Gthebo-as ca Ieg attei ouIvi~ 5 - __Pm. .* bataiscoo1 mi m- Vcic, ce, e SemeT bolu v Ma$W u» s, mbuait l. hed lgbMetifl «Mm-j ie e..ý;' vnqarr lu i L.u6 oa 985. i"mod wVrpoeib W.OT.U. ia'I J1CD*KS o9G&Usc olarm ld8'-&JU, mh bal lent bWu povot ia Md lm& RIs OMMela, uS _ _ls hJ e u "-0U 0b 11114 " , livdei 0111110111_ n - > » 'Ol is i.bsisio blefutp aMdl a hWBToo lO aq« m v . deumi e l hbyt nom_ u6o, SKedbys eE ic. friêlund"uoy ol alu, ioc toUp. nseea. m "aat o - 34 iêc l miwmS IbSou Te bjIaRà cii»ssd lvIéfp.kin 1aitee bt ey omodel ci W wmWOà m q m m a l$ s, %1 M .16-e t s i n i " * à8 c .N u liu usit i 1 0 _ OM .isom .Imijl n v lmie1m dli;il, wu 11,5 ~-tussipysl go hé onam pb 1dam-E 3 1 ~vai bua i 5v lavImIub FAOsPUi 101 uSI Ora"..jrs" U R OMasia s omd m1, a b'C, i eac loem sd n. MOa for 5fl7 Ifjeu 6à«&» MW SPti able é "y"ab il EMIOSIS. O & *8*0sIrI .iss.4k5 whSk Ps. . Wo.t.'hbalmas ue. pllutote yield o(mU ikI tsafeed Ic- waas S&m19 ma"MIIbecs- a mleâoxat of woil baisbalIlky I m ~ W sIu litos.Eau""51l£*moit'Wê ufood- dipki U sI ï' Gir W.G.de-DSGîveoosW.C ofmakWOODSr f eheco for 'D 11A .SIIl-inLf tj S 5 h 8 4U P4y _01111 _e j* l fb ut m - lUbies_ I - ~~~~li-, u~~ LW 1± inri IL

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