5 À" I OGq muArnae e1t~ fl~1~k4 oAva jM--Ain J~tn~. P ria - bamum di"OMM ago oe.,.<g ýtP*M&lElm W & nce 1$250000- . -uu _____ ___ ibsi l..et ais.'.. Pst.. 1 lt u 8.âuà. eju m ame fam p ou Ohak ,h wzm 9 ýd te u se uofsea ytrd a o g u on tmes B~~~l - bi1bteii N. Ile..ns". ami . aIly ushi -~~~~~j CAH Pt..Eokuuq.11, - spxO aý t nSolt. id" Oso s'W » " U ".A9 M - m 1 fup ros d i * mmf... w . .l.I.g. ._._._._. 11W q.e-» a ai- - a.u .ue fut Ou 01 - 0v. - M i uA. sks om '0 t.si.."-A.*C.bPotB I.esa o f i g e n e t i a n g m S &-It e m or * M t m wow l ' a E fi -F M L Y G O M* W#& buta t Oh sylue AsB'.ci E t"iO*uO..mi - b., vs ushe" eL04wqo hippy.uiordoth wrk i Ili vus eut b*w1S V s tb 0e le.aa etumi. usintitu t.u l.* ~ W . . W ~I tu IS Du? i Yeumg hm i "g Wet lb.ETm of1 Î"send&" s - ' ~ ~ ses 'ou"* b a e sI oaros YpCA) h s e UO TA HUZ ~ ebs m~aT Ltsi .uogr«bias bshe a ,si-etb K uhv h p o r5 t oW la fou V ~ lr.A lm , lsh~r eli ci t~__ _ _ _ who audairos of *104018 th*TsoutCe .irIL OoMfa io. r u a- .Lti u sio isauslb uta o Leaml RlS atet? Bongit u od~a~'mm>buaa. L hf.s.yl i ae. d 0àdueur Mbal]NOV.ed withembeneitteaObie tiat* ;Ecv 011 ,l a rsN o oU I-l1. rlr 41<1 a_-_sao mii btghknahti otca uiia OS e rou . i5m m las 5b 5 S î ~ e . sio .ubà tev ers li. eeciosW esâLe eofn UtM M eo »W =a n mn s C UkbusWO m isaali bhla t.tlovUi.waoi.sIfi<a'te a yforio ls lbuttheo te uScuTd. xeuOofldh -b a o m to ft l is pý e as e i N pa rm optr esKr.o.W u Md. et r a os 0 ls eansd i esm oud1 z oab vdt e -St M V t m' I s aim r m A t ,- ITi e .m m IL . s u ps W 0The nt 5. es.sm .lm Do O e a m a b u e. aitB O1 . o -W " i * d gi H . 8o '# a m te a » W -M09 O T H E R A N Of d& u ly" pran th M M jo"i m Mi ,d alla a ; .1>= m0 e l déPilO a te tp saoum ll t i s i n W l e fe O u is c M mhoobluebut ma" ..V trou "*John K e s , rsg Jis obtkt7-0 ila; hremm aaNac t . am . l [W s % Afeeiw w f lohWe l e ant ter.na w 'don p m à wlll 'm m i, e t aelll u o M M.four e u a h bt @ , ~~ ~ ~ the m * 4 M t % l m a c n e e p a. 'é p u m al a s c - e pbli c i s d I. tante mSB ZYw ha inohn dybusuo -c sàmdlà D mi ui: uiFige goue a96«ghma cshoe AT ISTOS repo l i s. u»614omioc ahie W od umdiibe-iss a cf vh e*t ug eo lina lbasty aboute. z: s Tla b ea us i a rW a ai R H B I pu a url;TieM d it mgi, T 3T g oun d , Irs. Pls ob aia fe ow . AI lu s ug ul arme etPaing r9ENaT o.' IN DaY1uNIS f»de"ag ahéauu **trou is -112 Ve"edb"ud bt14 onda WWoi i uHgoune oma.hutiim. Moshuui e wher I Nsfn ovsg vansis J. G. EDW A RDS & 00. l Wessg e SRels e oio ftrI."Th co khan]à psc pl, o iliyiess tll ovlig i Aras e r» Ii.Dii tfomibu nai i br..EL uit,.. w .olooedwi; dh iabo , Oeg n t& S ew n thhee pct a o lit sar t u *WsUcmbot v buto ooafure Mdl ta i ete oetp.ls ta'.h ru ut a lb' TE Gr.am.t"hlsld, W; Jos 1iv ot; e 1h m re, ym keih rO ad nor oim ,cope te uyc e Md tutu w o nt ut m u No. 262, . lbe G iec Uee bu as ipll. elOlI N îmm t tb' .d air, c orig W nliy aeuodb - dps.~iim emtlaofuj. 101rmla'V.V ia iuiplapay -5. . Aim5ctL s si. '. to est t fl go f t~ bENT ami tts mams.S. t hé u o ut on th. ps s.arls vi lsHmbiUmeySa u t, ihel. e nsr . L G N AXS-UY110Rus ib AS zj htUSi* asnau feu 0C5< p.ari. autbe blglis.l niaemompalilla vOfitth 8.amifa. Selh t<01 li o. dpt eaa t mi Johna = rhabl t. ais m qi Btta e = onothe m hots-Obal Hn oa o ,Ib d. 8Él 8 u ER A o s. &" b 2-.feh",&uitit. sou lal limii{o »JIYJJ!Ld is ffta i.ai. h L TT E H IN -B~O n Piet 181 teio b s le oi io mioa si Jol h nTIKAs ,ýre g; JohnIlv t e i on W UsOIltS b hipaltcliaj eb mioa IhHc»14Egmioan adl or4ld aOsof 0 i sot b. cosui& us Ss ughi. h Wld .dsWainaslai. hlaammide«M th im nbetr al, hs ol tay nrp ot d ia»l itme m i a i u , Tm lieu ai n c r o d l'u ntlu g fr. et liM iue n0a150f li epassim a mi à- in . W -At thé -..-- - esM ea o LÂT IN SAY$ ' UT O iée umy the ii m sdllta ls.O'agi..val phgIs 11 aCà MUa i vml.v s ~ ~ b~ ,.... 91 KNT. 11ha MI piatu Oh.o ubons a T d W SnwSoluLeti. n RpsRoe s i omene .t a pll mi u t UVUiar GW OmillUlMpdne.agemoyube eveaisa. hik mm.F" . idtu té tllvii.1010 fafa GasSioii 1UiS,, Md i tiwalue >ofm mâ&Wb U o»omf o ins hobim ma go k. 1B " ROiU fer à.* l .mi %ort-ejcomuug yer, the dot.pba deathe CimbagButbat hemhKras maWe4 W m.mouafo R S m 4f th T1 rdddJW-Jhle"ae a the qart, iaoemymc3adv iu. Zo& a ,>i i< oa. gg,, e. isiI. S 1.1 haa J ifs. uf n a lu a hi % di. u'pte e m a i m is. -8 ritd~. O Immi ar ..Roui*eèèà.... - Ut.a likio lIsotus pcroc h n s . b sldh0190% Imotei f ewasLes*ts1MU"lono apO f àhm mmmmlivomiailula H ms i &i0W sW aUpaa'sl. Am I iyas mlii u . nselu O tt dymibii Zr otssi f b Ai le lv 'ww* g MIse U t i A vVAHNUO .NR I am4 t - of.-u* Cet MUe.b ,AmÈ. efèVeTeau ff N o w Y a ba ul nmil " ? * Oo I"tao ofS w e n ."n o o u tvt etOm a o nnRsa outmtedtW ,o nteh o il 1 i vB1i i go .. 51*bu.5 M U thé! 64tSealmmdl anuahoru as W.nvestigtooe Thens Damd s, Brahnde'0'alerhMU E s E L -§ m oua TE TAMITI g putI ofosio.-diveaMW lb ffoulewue0yreeric Reunglobai.t, NEe' Suait, laotetiha" araelewuol atide5D j S B l y t e l d i à W t d w os mo s l»ST O W Na r fuse et thliet bus.DW sbvonli . ..a e4 deep w u aU S$ M IS UAVIRA 8t11 tedU A funN ICIIIYm i PtCàN CI Am uCIERtSKETC 1 eut, jens. w o k , tbi n A M S @ M or. a i o.eb o lu ." b M e p * uà ml m of a m m ak of 10 * 6 l t upTheqrep ésentative of * 0 Iem b guae50< Um l ie & d m e 0&no m . 01M .Boa. 9. l m put, ptet sem to mdb te odthm'00.vula oi Vih he mpwottwr19 AI MV stbaWhu. he Wih is 16&lid UM « ho»Ct d 019 vil"9 t al Mlet ligh lasrte s ud l t o e m m o o m Tim 7 e tclek011. a' hl m à dmi e uin al t siu a *bu- - - - .......... $75100su . II. 50 w ve psa sos its . ubmp.oumonI l hoi1 Md« tbl u uiam teallias ePa bioI...- .-.- s.mss B. iblNeRs, 3 .1 OB " 0.&f1 OU M tha * a ei s u ppog t of ha aRT. o T u a so chio te * M 0vil78 sma. 0se 78i alu hatig bp-. Mp-vebu Te , i f bettdlaavnv0101R a el lsisili l. pOF laiM. Puk bi ..e... 2 .alists. àars, isigh bla 1#W, papaà" for h .appblé tu 00 "Il , ete' l b @147a' V U Wglts. v is. M. ail aga - 5 -1et a W OW M M e . ... 4010101 imai 't -itm, "u-o ot ot tKkd il n aon-- -1 buet W m iuiIa nvbwàs Cab. et mf i on"O i Mt&tultam-ià vu mmlbff u t hed i ofMeceti "Wm UMlaBoe i 8*eeu'a.* seau5kyi'Wsi.oubtiiu «y fVolaht JAL DWADS en- L l" tm . , -t a m -m u~~~snlotu1À lmmTiJ oam i d 'l' b.hmt oehaeit er hmasi ta.t s dpaie0optisetT.i5 Lc~ BVnu3~~ e v' 5lgg¶L ...... 0517te àsai mTEC. o IIli lieulésMMt hckla of " l. M " à 00oav40toW0 aube the OSU s l lemsEvWi ly ie Es. W . i si mlmilàai asuumÏ1108100 oid m t4 R iIII OOan.IUI.IuhL mi0.slà oe 100 l... S e ~Oss..iiltaatilame le , t-a _ __na a u 1F 'a ioh lu . q s. wd 0 -toi f 'T i i i ul o c* W b m aV IXl mM 84_ w a " u e-- I * t. I. le. ..... * ...... OMM Malle Sb .Uto "* Mtu ce ft &7 @*Wbucug as. - .... a'.....'..e.job. $4 a W th l 7W* de>vry9m mmmiaan" qu' aie m vecn n rcs... tP 0ate0d Dubon W mltn b n fi. a e-n l 1% -moi twewbeR mie. _ UOs. ias. lID.ý *w teIlw »Is Sn. .ioaW ?Ih JLCS »Air. Dy Aàkts.teeP* LOCAL JOkTs à& -a aua S-27w ___am.~b<~~ qUO~ Iécqml I1éf T.rlP'YUR __ _ eeu0m wiepa van " . ebM e* tu ulaletUv -~ ~II~J.lM -..e~nom, pi~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ a e~ ~ LmP n ~ e r etn ed a m is.hla0 so ____ W = te b " illicoiro ssts aili mais Rousm laies Os bi ___ __ I teslip AL~s, 1u~O. hj~ihbis.. Tué i~, __ ~uY - - _ W.Fe, MOO0&RTY'78, ____ ___- - - *iA~ Kaloi £iI O nt o rtt frsfliav Bs . .0 r- t 1, r's. ind ty' té. e 4. j2 I "k