TEEVICORI WAI>E, INDAT lI»T1DECENDER 24, 1897 THE ROCK 0F ÂES REV. DR. TAL.NAGE ON TrME#UOLOV 0F THE 61OLF, a Sermon e terpt e A4. Uh.wià That G.oltmg7 <l Ikrms the.Vmlh «o. tlb. Word e of0.L îCopirijht. 1897 W'à encan Prego Asool Washington, Dec. 1.-TIi. throýigu comilng ta Dr. Talmage's preaehlmg sur- vlc.3$ at the Ffret Presbytelan ohuroharo ail the M~ine lncrasling and far, beyond. the capoicty O! bis cburch te hold. Ini th,tsseflioft bdlscusetvlasui-jeot. interý-' esring te al-vis, "The Ooology of t , Bilez or,. God Arnong the Rocks." Tiù, tet iS Il. Sarnuei vi, 6, -à: -And vheni tbey o4unie te Nachon'a thr.shing looi mZh put forth hisbhand te th. arkoet QEd iand tml., hold of Il; for . euxon Shook it. And the anger cf îLe rdv kimtlld :igainst Uzzali,-and Qed amots hni thero for his errr, and thee h. lied -by the ark cf God." *A baud cf nusie is coibag dovu the rdcornets biown.. tinibrels stru.ek, b arps thruinid and cynbals lapped, ail led iln by ahwld, who was himeel! a rousiehîin. Thcy are abead of a vagon ou Whieh k thé saereWd box, callol tho ark neu yoko of oxo6n. drawlng the wagon hiipx-rUdii( t. -ýSonije critics say that the Oxm ýkioked, being, struck yw iLh-te driv'.. gond, ut UUy knowledge of oxen icad, mO te say-that if oh a bot day they. urv a -shadow of a 1ree or wafl, tht'y arm api "q) :udenly shy off l elt cool- Me'Is ofthe shîdONw. I lnkth sOxeu se eudnyturnr-d that tie 1ui CO box seemti about to upeet and be thrown *0 the ground. Uz9ah rushcd forward and laid hold of tb. ai-k te kecp l uprigbt. But he had-no.-righ e oose. A specWa Coemnxand ad bemn givren W' th.Lord that noe se v the perct under amy circumistanoes should touch liaI box. -Nervous and oxclted andImlivermt 'Un- % ah disobeyed when hb.-lcok bol of the ark, and ho* died asla consequence. In al ages, and -nover more so. thau tu oui day, thieroarmgool people &ailhelbimeafrafi that lb. Holy Bible, wbich 18the sacrel awk o! our lime, vilho, nisI,. amd tbeý' bave boon a long vlifle afahid hat ut- emmu, and ce laiy geie, witul ove- lhrow t. Whlie w.e mol tcrflddm teboch th. holy book amd, on thb. oes0ry, are te e ondi ' amd atadyil,. amy one who ta afraid or lhe ovetrzof et b book la greally <fsadlng the 1*,! with bis uubetie. The umm bave net yet be.m 10eell hioh osaupuel liaI && of lh. w@ilds MsaMIL e.writn by lhe Lord Aimlghly, hlu-la going *0 rom it i uil SUmIui i te aUfled amitiLoe *011 u b * *0nueami ofasBbi. boum &U11Its pepheoeS vill av e a ulBl dýLu haman tacsanii b.,4 - vod ftObOmuh, li 1hs nmq h. pbW la pofIaSoiv S.e @BUie omuat et' *0 oeites 4mluwi m i" *0geoiqý luou parmobmel a m ili àl rocks a"iyelaS pm*IRIail Uhiab- *or& .The. wor""d 46poum inSm * SU. Hebrew wverni yumi" et lM. BUI moas omettutu ial ,w. tatia &W, main 84 bourem or 1o,,"a OR(3a te *0 Otbeet o! otslls tvel aq.i'q -# wbomthe - a e am à" e am ma *0 b docu mkle i le Rail lut leaime Mme oburc e & t e =s whii> ,1ae ' M î rem amqbi jw" lie. agm* a aiomBi l e ai *0 A tui wa mpot»os UnM4*0 vuli iV ImUm etai aiMidin e Bl Slob s &bon * bw tf0 lare* le bi iu~h l~a tradiction betwomeu Ibe melns the churoh, and . . il rUla i11 &nsut curerbeftore h.beomre bigadier gonrni dlngaIBeaufti*, S. C., dmig Our, civil wa., t b iaom m oprend hie map Of . sIâmula ofrockialith presecofo!greal abudiences, and Profeosse Mlexander Wincheil c! Mieb%'8n univer sily and ProfemeorTaylor lavis e UaiOI ooiles. hovel Itbal 1h. "tlth t or and voil" of th AnsI chiPie ofGeieuis Vas lie ,very chasout aofviiclath vold vas formulalol, lt.e aaiofGoa pscklng -loge"th b..lanid a GSUhig Ibe moutainsIntd Vgiil iigIdai s Silnglng dovu t i *wu,*0 Ibteir pu leptha. -Befers GQd geSlàs Ih wtéà thi& vorîl thors viin hadly h. a bo* 01 tbe Bibl aI viii neDt ffmi cftmsIiSn lther lu archaeloglror puI.gy.. Mr bunmed Babylon, Ninevah, Jeimilet4 Tyre sud EgYptWai ht«ogiyples are CrY lng oun t h. eue -othe voe: "f Bible la ightl Ail rhiIl riramlbe lght ol"(g ta m the issme t lia not ouly onimsgl.5*be.iI the Passages eo!thb. Srp«tblatI MOeuni aigbtly roter té thua But youdo mot reafy-boUMetb 010 etheýdéIugo sad t*0 .*0Mng O.* 1 o.itin1un=s um. 151 flglnêm» thing vo can believe. "B8Um"ti v.us geologey,'f r hev ido)JM for those soaÎhelle a"ni 5eemaI etIns o!fuma animais tu"- m *0 bP 0' moe.of the higiestmI mw x b Waters did netUoaetlm.is m MO=Unh, h*vlm -----w-- OU Séu iO1ut "M<Sm *tad lemc à mi wp$ng LoVa 'lmfatu ocdi uU M oui.tiogs ga .m liisi, a 150k Atmut? Fcr tbe coufrmalo < ltsMy lb. gocioglalgem tle*leu r iui ai ti* k- Svain le takeaa am l b. éIa9e, O-tLik viit beh cammot Ewim il-lb. lake beneath bth &isa m dG=ôm<rh lie b=itel, unsdro Ot the valt se ffloU f maihur a&M lalm- th" e lit 'mllp rou ongue, Md fo Leurs ym eiuit genucibet enaumt- tmg drop-4besççiala*thonidigglng dOva &ad indingui-gr. on top of sulphur, brmtun top,« ulimelone, vile su uW&nd 1k.. arejetas md oragesud peass ce ait, sa",oue ai Ihorm did net b.- comne the ýýbrcphaguu o! Lot'. vif., tâter ahov yenLo* a hunian being miglil lu liaI lempeut hav eaoom baied and packed jute a whtl. moumaent liaI veuddt y Butl, nov, $ou do not realiy bolieve liaI Nuwv Testament oiiory about the cartbquake at.heb. ime Christ vas cruel- Iled, 'do you? Eoioa_ -11<. bovu ileo Voant Cal'rary aud finds lb. rocks rup- binte aud âaiau, hoving the verk -eo am eqMpe arthquake for Ibat mounhain, and an earlbquake viiol i di ol lunch the aurronndngrigon. Go and lcok for 7oursolf, ami meo thero a dhp aud cleav- ffgo o rocks asunoviere ese on the Pianet, gelog thuagannouncfng an espeolal carthquake for the greatest tragedyo! ail ho eturies--the assassin- allen of the Son of (cd. But. you do net really beileve that 9tS7ry ethîe burnlng o!our vorlil at the last day? Geology digs dovn and finds liai thi enSd le already on lire and îLot the conter e! Ibis globe lu1Incandescent, moioen,- vlonle, a burnlng c=ù, burn- iug outt ovard the surface, sud the ln- * ernai lres. bave so fanroached lb, out- aide m inktaI Ido mot mcc Loy the, vonld la lu keep .from Complote conflagration until the propbecie. oncernIng Il are fs.lflhIe1 The lava pourol forth from lb. mouts etVesuius, Mount Etna sud eolopaxi ànd Kiaala os lny thoregur- gitalion from An avfuli nflammation thousandu et miles deep. Thère are mines Sm Penusylvatmi aSmsveralparts of the voi Ihat bav ee out nre for rnay years. Thu..cea mines baralng dova and lie internai Iretaith. carth btann- tmg np,.afIn ravil. l be.. bye ires, th. iescending a&âdlutascouding, vii meet, a" milm vilcur the universi oefagpahion o! vbtoh lbe Bbi. spau Wh" lit asys, ,The elementash*au Mm vilh fervent boa% thue mi* aise, ami *0e wSks tbM are *beoinshaf h.be rme Inmâ aiot -dlubeUhievg lMBie b ory âbsu eInu ma omtlOp ah» mie.have leokm l 1*1 tis gsoio, auins fla iwm .zluiAfta au l a tl âiet cou.- 4 afet". lua e~Àt.Kblel fte-ahhave iawboom te aurnonffb erscap" de oling more t u .theonevbW"lsvalleethe roeroa pbqmtThMes. U *01,» coapters et the . Bible i..i'1 nug authe btbokB fA90% &au, aM t~hey viii stand wImS th" shrlveàIM u thle fna irTM, Whlh go90010883MMY &Mhfekindled s low hoboe ba l thefurmaus etau o*Ê*mm m- SiPau, ont &fom Nw Yolk- Nairovs flm Hambuwg or Southi- d oil amiwqami tfrhm 1au cry 41 aneluélidcle. s e lqpred Wnubolp Ot àbà*w, M*,- j»)maniJohn, ln tbab on chrogrpy, ould h.ae W, and th.epislles vhléh Paul dbicial e1 hia aInamuenois as wonl as the one ln, the apllels own bandwrMtng. At the. urne ratio Of am-baoelogical and teoloel confIrmation of the Seriptures the lime viti corne whmn 'the truth of the Bible vill no more be doubted thani the corn- mon almana., which WbU yon the days, and the. xmonths of th. yeur, an.d theun- believers viiib. accounted harmles lunatie. Forward the. lolesoope and the spectroscope and th chemicai. batteries and oriticaiiy examine th. ostracolds of th. ocoan depthba-and the bones of th preat mammals on the gravelly huihops! And lt.ernlghtier, and th. grander, and th deeper, and th. highor 1h. exploa- tions 1h botter ftoiour cause. As mûre as the thanderbolts of 1h. Âlmighty are stronger than the steel pens of th. agnos- tics, th. ark of Qed vill ride on unhurt and Uzzah need net f car any disasters upsetting. The apocalyptie angel flylng through the miel of hèaven, prolainiing to aIl nations and klndred and people and tongues the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ are mightier than the shy- ing o'ff of a yok. of oxon. The geology of the Bible shows that. our religion la net a nainby pamby, nerveless, dflettantish religion. Il was projectcd and bas beon protected by 1h. God o! the. irok. Religion a balini Oh, yes. PRlgion a soothing power? Oh, yes. Religion a beautif ni sentiment? Oh, ye.. But vo m" h av, a Gel cf th. rocks, a rnlghty Ged te defend, an, omnipotent Qed to achiove, a force able to overcome ail other forces in the univu"&e.Rose Of Sharon and Lily of the Valley Io h., combination of ail gentlenes and tender- nom and sweelneu? 0h4 yes. But if 1h. mlghty torounenovarrayed for 1h. deshruc- lion'o! the nations are to be me and conquered, ve must have a (lod oet1he rocks. TheII. "Llqof Judah'a eMb.," as veilas the "Lar ho wu vassel"',On. hundrel ami thirIy times does th. Bible speak of the rock ms defeue, as arma- meu", »refuge, aoepwens.gI David, Melu panIi, VOÏL amomg th. rocks, am" 1h.y rembiui hlm o! lb. Uvoh; eshlmh.aqréool " au me t0 tbe rook thal la bicher IhanIL" A"i if 1!hi. puajut aiboom amwavut 44 ub a l I - upe m a Zrock. Umoa bi M» EUesjoil a alinsph hq* am Lt.b« b511 ~ Uu " leu ete gosU Voli b à*BIb ftor.o ~bfd- te'.flà&mle b d" Mt g"Ma et ~ W« hoa *»tsI a lmiBh.myu, luti, Imt Loir l mp bifMo o t os ie "VieohW"* bom- mymiao!e smi »# ul ti r-wviiilikunhlm malsa vnLua vtobbut Lia hem. - bsk , m a am imul alutp On buweo4 mi il. bu lmt lm a, s ami A avaubr.-a mu*wt - ami lunu$*,a aI Lffis maflop -bst~ W iIr-*lu-~le am ami ta Lod, cd thêbko, op u la te Wndehom GOW$raoI "vao.fei viti - - d*two L Boy'lae rS ofe orbp" l mensbaok in gashlngrip- -- wlnm a ..4fur#,the m gftn*rnt. li*tau " dW=me uPua lu e g- P'Umi' uprnii' 'wu"m. ' - légyof!theu-Bible, or God amomg tlu shrekstand a " rck li slrue i! Ani ýtokg, I charge &a ateanssd affriglt-thnasd brck liao-gns esi-uugaibUo, alm their pulan about thb.thelongesI Word Sln b BIbe-..ham- Acllgo l.SoitrejLo ene iameikth, and il vas vorthy of are- 1er n.uai aundeparse u«Monhave seundlu& eoesquipedaliani nemeuclahure, -bsen jerking tb. ai-k thuavp u htfe hIa okSulvscmell andi pnrnmg iî over rougi places sud tnp- qi i ursuit of David sud go home itgl ok ài Sthlb.mud et deilan i ~ ami look îattho Philistines, vbo voe ti*in<vill aau lb. power ai thair hoc>fa raklug a liank movernnt. Thon vonr aa~ib.slaaip gauda and liying *0lu berocks of Bozes .ami SeneL, bet-ween puiewttheb.colsad- awfehl ich Jonathan clmbed np and sont fly- Let cf elibtheiOm i Ie a Qed'vo themg lu retreat the <arrison of lie uncli viiiby m inc îeeait cgillYOy" y mcmcised. And peuder e David sud Lis bav-ye mo mticl ~atthe book k.m mn hilden Sm the rock et Adullam anI »«v« been n".st? Tic oonl; changes Eiei mailu l vrt W i~leanel ond la But vile I go on MILh my atudy e! the lie risn ir yearu r e bookgIn leofethe Bibe, or Gel among lhe !Genesihmasbeen huniasi againsl ' rocs,= I et a moneintelgent sud help- Ibm lghleS baléllOs po ye canotfulidîes, of divine deliberationi. These io~dy AdinaU 1. trtia of 1h. rocks, tho grovth of thousands oe!rye, *o4 Bible ail'btk. eot c50aptrsi ild, gelogp apetaimillions !est a, Bibeichoy buli ok o!h en heset inlt lu show ILe prolongatien et God'e lu startig lith vil "thei fIasumd cure Oui Impatience becaue lent tin Wit theý wodsIbings are mt doue ln short order. Mon beglnflin9 Gl" 1 anddongvIitJoUBPh'5 viliut aeeng Il beennle critical ofthle duns .bom ml eu hey miibok fîîS-AbmiWhty and thlnkr, Why doese n. Ol do dus cuel i mmlroW m th"rcbsud"uIb is sud do Ihat aud de itrilgil awayl WUtor cft6 unil mai vas mpbable.0 W. tut Ommetimasfas if ve cauli Dot Ba bgock 0f imi-U . eminoinact, voit. Weil, I gnon W. viii have tu, vait amimotor na n, oomailfg lascruel- Qed lun oter lu a iuniTYexMpt about Ina lies w*hic h.gveudbave coninuad i hag& , Bis plans, swe.ping lirugb - a *0m l jb" ick lt sai pI, voudetwonly, ame beyamb ou i ooméual Lave lirova Ph&ara b pik *if v liwras av mea ii rIsacileila Mm hen i= a lutn<- mdI ouaI Sinîi aï ofrevelUt&IjonSU&iin,âaitW btv o la-day a pieEle iumandtamble bang% eanmol ompaunlta. Indeel b.oveu reoilig b. alolym nof that rnounnua mol h. muob ef a (lo icinw. ouli venila m vsgivn. Ani, as ho tlieu. ougWunieralannLTht vouid mt Tta bonù"âil omauB n iav, ail bo mach aia ùtahe vis adne beugits Germainlaw, ailEnL u mail Aiwmk or .puan Jages tâ is hibabaet cfmepeur -3 avia nUn reamelcoule cmi m .if 0am tom MaHisionis et un lw, ", W*àc &"squme, c, akecm. roc, id otalot mube- foullaiou bea-80bookhtPcom rne cl1If bb. taLus 90 Yensor # pustÈnhisbas k.m MMUeh *osd v@&,ceboresko do! lêibius aimonla an Im.ult 1 hiiv euhk 0bv ae hum nat4m nmému i bgt.but Ibook et diatei. DO a1101 iOitlb. or p alio nuqh.»f oumi le.WIaytI la.ciapel WOonld be a.Qdo k s auakw*Ul la ~esc'~lSmde- l e u.npIyvb a ilhal an, uPe i*-od d tbias gool boCima b.40 met *Jwc&Me1, rou o!*0lunalag. The. nbèl-boki 1W pr o IL ur Je nbea 9 * id 14cfMIOue 11 tliVI& MWilhWlisp "@in -. Mtfl#amld, :- ma r ut *g** 4b mvdnsis mo mtafala yeut m i Pa ,qniel, but vitli a êvlnklp Smin oaen sud lais tluneovenjrd hpghd exo Ons o!0 le- aveebSl ao0ncptions ot bmaio my bind a I& t ouio '<Theio remainetlh, Ihe. na rouI le lu OÉ ' pol iQd"Labea, anxely and car. ~ ~ " ar u ri e in u vh.n the effeelè of mdushail bave onu entlreW removel, then viii came Ithelsu ad endleusroi of heuven-Ret. John Scoîl, Teok a wumbla Toilie-Poan, PuMfngtolà bas brain Auin-le liai set Wt brougil il ou? Teilan-Why, h. teck bemsafroeaa protcuaonal until h* homme quit. mam e. porl mlnd-reader, and thon vion b. dia oevoed viii poople. realy ibogi o! hlm luhe 1 wvasmes liash. o h &*Bd theexcitai 1&vy«rci!a5pbysllm ; 4The mm ua tbbol about manèa Mda ahall le Welothé b.mehlalU» @abou au Ohabove lie umbliomo," tOhe vndK mitubl 0. But 1 eoEiIIOWa5 mal lb. lova halIL The Bank cf Bngland employ abouta 11,00 ae mm d bata amy liaI la .IiLmig pomaons. ai ab"Out *i,MOOI luia ommin t.n %ais o! *1kam ep SMO" 0 bou à CRUEL OPERATIoN.IRUBR&OV SHE THEPRCES B WHCHTOROIE .VRHE SHELL IS PROCURECI. » rest -on lb. iUVhag 'rtile te seps- ffa 1e Eeuy Layer. e!t t.han]KOU".l Wh" S elives - A BusinessThat «mash am Observerm se .rmom s.. S853F~ORTY-FOUR YSAR-1897 THE» CANADIAN, RURRER tO.PS tmg SU0 yen.te swing "Ibis an d 500 7«M tle swing tbat vsy.1 Do not lot ua Mt ip ur ou- nu, ing whvbtas oide lu bloum Smnvt"Eb Qe vves urime aMd aunets &ami aira. W, ýbave the bugi !aughorty Iforsaytfg It cm. &ay vilh*9IMMLSd .as a Iheusand yens aas tboummai fa casmda."fDo mot expoot làai umbIas oxe, oe If thW doe moh lyeR, but îp*0ighl abutd, cm kep 'Op MIL lu the l ed Butatoawu .4alp c tb. lougue visa I m5litait God te nover ln a humr except Sm 1w. lhIne.Thmse Io IMage aré vheu Le gee to le .a repetant aluner sud cr!a Praylng mourn. The eouewuvuei va ot forth lu lbe parab. et . gam onvbh eaya, «'the tAber mu.,ne' . as oldi, sud I auppesehadasmciiý as ho conld doleo valk, but the si or bie b.d bey cern- ing homelm lbthe su.,knee sud" lengthinedthe ah pace of the old main ln an athitridte. "The father rani" Put Il mIeni oratorios. Sound it vlth Mi raL epeat 1h throngli sUl beavoa, 9"The thrtani" O seuli farhhest off, orne kasd Qed, your Fa1her, viiiOco tte muet yen aIfun rni!TheoILer eSv wben ed lain a hurrluven a ubl sul cfsor oomtort. Then Bible represent the divrine <ail ami g sud voloclhy by the reludeer, us 'B. thon like a roc or a young hart nthe mounlains o! Beher. P$" aI IaIput lu think-g Ingthat there mab. nome repentant olamer vho vants finI pardon -or Boule rnouring seul w onoes& com!erl, sud theretore I mentiolb.he othlngs about vhich god iin a hthurry. But couowniug dlb.hev"utthîngs e! Glod's goverrnent f the univers. Le pa- tient MIL IL.e g ont ef plans be- yoni oui m . Naturalists tell us that te, are Ibtat ame born sud ie. tI nsun sud that there are gaverai gnrlost hem Sm oeeday, sud If euee ftth July insectecf -au heur ahould uay:" o4 slow everylhlng wus!Iva ai the chrysalia state W' a ondrou that I would find 'Sm Ibis venàd seae thelb.yer--sprlnag, sommer, autumu wiuter. But vhere mie lhe autominal uphohteredlnSm Ire, mdwvice are e gloriousa Ping- liMes, Mi vavng heir cousus o! per! rn btas allais o! tie mcn- ing 1 do met thon are amy su- Imam or 1 If, Ihen, a goidmn sige, am unsi tlaa cage neunby,! beerdtlu hum Oet ccmplaning -, ma% l hI sael aawor, 440 mamEn taoeta ab, younIllelte 'liet yom n a thlumarnifieent hum et the uos., I blty sal-mo tIbm neihSi, fer I bave bom IL.Wh.m I - yemmgmai I Wusimpri- WiM r va Y live au Les. 1 Maviflau liesoRmeyM h. ~ ~ &: a tliol b mm ~ ~ * etiahow, bu ne- Omalpoit ami Uand thI Ias& lu w the aLoi- ~»> m 0 do~, miIb Ueeui i ila@oou àfsi âUâBto-go. Ifami - -Uë" i lueS Bigune-ne y. a __ - ithe r ock *',fe vetqj.ru ..ý'.- mmithp mgg omw!Jeh i Q This book ,. in ôugbtnoIt . Vtb9%a M«reatz fully and in plein. langiuage the Mon imakfasi AnatomY. Dierses eL anI reî,&n Wee Wakln-DOs I ba ua IDomef3tic Anil l.&jý a,1P I * Ieo a ILviefr wemk7.ih.t ashi Mr * containngIçatfull des..rjp o tfcf(ine us.êq .~~ j nd Rec@ïPt$, 80 that ee ry farmrr *n si. lasino odfifo imm u m fflThe. Weeklii Free Freon and kFir B ffenthe lu e ]Rw ra4 a cppr cf the vetern,)ary Scivnce <price" Oveden, sud thal tiename "olkuovM CoetB JpD4S.C>.Bthe's .c,- îiott o W a - *011ive more han 570 yamen. Gmua coa, t<ii~1 I <Alb ~ Jontmw hNhce. j nden ,1 v m m_____________________________ ulr 0. pýint ol!rU tl"110%Vndt~ft el" stcakb lived OnIY aiaieUGWO rebIt* lu Ri ia te- Ou bec i-: it 00W lil -ir 500 purs. 0-,.n , iCe* -MO- I7er;a mgh t n u rctrl Almhtlas tnu orphqu i ayliil5. Erery . O e <P~ 'I>~~Ade yarand" t. dr £ r-,ocr ' 1 eýFroc Dres --lrirIîg Co., ILpirU ~ v i i her<i board ui'jcliS! n t ndl iie -t~4t. Lkortdel nt VS a* #'ý4 iiitiiîhneenl l bourly Ülle constantly passing betore sur oye.s ad throngh our bands about, RECORD ln MAKINO RUBIERS. the production of vhich we know cern- paratively liii).or nothing. An inter- esting example ofthIis je tortoise shiell, RESUJLT.. from «hich combe snd hairpins are madle, besides a multitude cf triukets fur the dressing table, the dusk sud Rubbers that "WEAR" and arn«UP TPO DATW' a thefr th. poebet. Fierce crusades have bocuprve mne-seale udpopulariy inatitutel in recent years againet th, alaughter o! birds for the procurement sudhei plumage for hat trimnrings,4 ' * ~STANDAR NEVER LOWERED. adyet I venture te say that the proc -________ ___ __ eof eprocaring tertoie belis a cru- ~ __________- __ eity ho animai lite which fai exceede Qia le vbich-birds are snbjected. V~ " lui tbe eighiiesl1happened tb b. dcviowrn~~ aw. iu Blueficîda, on ha avfnl Mosquito Th e i W l 111 cost, and ast he invitation oet-ene Manuel Latona, vho was tLe ower ad wilI be Jncreased. hn otecay El Roncadon for tertoise h otoaltet oubeo keep- abel. us ay ctsilsnare (hic lu~Ing cows and get o-,.y.at-out hall English would b. tLe Snerer) from the exceedingly angry surf, which osu b. " ' the milk they should produce. huard for s lcug distance breaking over 11. iLu the reefs. This is thç cayeun whicha F couple et years bock the historic od,________________ sLip Kearsarge vas vrccked aud bat-I .S~ sta-engthêns the digestion andi in-' terci ho piece.. El Roncador je nothing - more or less than a typical ocrai jea- - - -v-1gorates.the whole system so land, suci as is found tbroughoutthi that thec nutriment -is al drawn frein the. food. It takes just sonute ss, three-quartcrs o! a mile! the saine trouble to .car e for aý cow when she gives only three long, perhaps, sud net more than s quarter of a mile acrose is videst part, quarts rus when site gives a pall. Dick's Blood Purifier will Snrundlug thei lu lal a roc!, inaide: pay back its cost wKth good.initerest ln a lew wes et which the vater ius mooth amd raIL- e sballov, s»d ah the bottom o! ibis LEINMILCS &CO. 60 CENTS DICK & Co., aIlowwAter ther. greva a peculiar ONm OTtL - AP KGEAPITO__ kind et ougia wicin adaiuty food for lie turlle tribea,. Thon lu iseoo tonna cm ie tp etlie ator ucid liesa<De u(ure<L reef a omocf mmllblubber liai, oued 10 ltemvuo komfraobii za palshdeais, r hiblefn, Burdeck lood Bitlts 1h uhe mlet 2 ~i' 1up erbapodlereaheil e fia.y povorfut -blool uedm b ka. Lt musýmf whih i pebal th geatst éliaciaoest md @lai kim isoos.Pr.,àsict* 'aliy i of lb. enre turle menu. htisbend b.d 1v. cananS muktLs ffhie, foc.. Thetugewhoe'shlu in sIMÉL ÜLsadsothet vua oonalg on bb f ip'oBARRS SC)A ocafflercinla aMiau li ele.kuownaimat'a bottles*of Bordesft Bluc BiUMte d. mai io BA S IA lhe havk bil. Tbre are oier varie- dtmanpmrod. I bau tht. Mole* ab hieb ornet. El Bonoador *t*o 1eolimt bId pfiNiTIÉ.'Um. Wx. KmRia. 8pw'1a, but tLey are mol Mcole tBta.a .,New Ymk-SI . lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Ta LeoI a terep ec oa. Oli b a bu e ltmul uee dipuilugun s aene about 7& TT, by lakma 0a et liUbmm'a 11gHuo w Li iep mi fInlaying thtiqp i. 4S OWanMilydelUcéoq" W n.e m secft ouais t. tivhs "Wu. viesreiIbu l.luI~q o ~j tmt ar e sut ooplio o, wilh soe. EXPERIENCE 11k. for *04, mS te peotea eael m «110 oi »u4 s, se am, selpt»s.'oa » pow»oe 1h. Imereum cdtkIis vluable j mole.osam wos t i mouat cf b la M.it rell.At nigh i us qsolineidus 1lif#a i lMo liomlvo Aisg *0 be oh asmwonDM a ipaè, al UflvIi1bui ",*à"i ut h"miavo, .0lunk bs4kl 'ip ql~ p~g mbou*~ nuiooel o.ayt tu .Ulm W ov 01 cf *oreele aT, ia is m uegsL4 i.musallbis i-M, b8fom e-___________ lut»if m aa"yhlcb OTEr lu éleI. Thome Mmne Ba IL V malê aie1 aaubsSp aah-. biU W3~F l.ga wt»ea »4, ebtimv. ~owRbva~ oiibste AbêaI I~w.e o~j MW wa aus i ,..mmÉUtSO G dOu uU*à là w .$ bmm , liaIie U l aqi à~.i r ~ o.,. ue~.*-siiyn ..sle largo momemoS bng asmach s il~ - _W! 10«A m .,.1f T"' imebo.k.g am i :lak. .'oi,, .emu o, a vu.î liaupaim ua boillfuiy arlq ~CURE - bm ta =iO ., eloé vll sd 80. -101ZiMl0. 4mb 'ovEdeui, Iilé 4ivelieOR- . w- tesnTo' -"d "d- by t abol 5g Ilu mmn.-eCHEa --- w»euuywm ý fo ZiW4 = a1 la lb. repuui lL asy lu- MIL BNe Nil...a~t~vSld ted a bhuir ed-Md____________ lb. Suhu£"AM'f c'me av lb v».VLI I cs e isi..<10m. Ael RI1am SgS m'uns*.,05 d ma u ssDIZ E:SMi U Ioa y md,t miaetaljoInt&.-A large b avy' &L- lamiam wvbcL aia à aliIahlàyslladoiâ à=tebalk.Groaât cr ui .bh Ià