44 PUs loy.adoes i Ohbemgtao Mi,@ but Lbw7 ae -1umeaguiI Mu n ,muauw* aiom et h t 9014 . , go lm * $M" onmua= - Ww M oeuUme tbmse - eue - boug- maks -b *0--aMdlmbm- »Pett- moli.- u t" ~ a M WO =e tesu lpmme n*» lin I b opsa.m lm a tethme. buIla or mokm b M 4O4 a iq«nvmou la loA"- Me ou M MIe uiOM VIII. aj g *ua lie mm« vue n mil "mtatu uo i.i *buEs4 ieai g Sali. Oam 1.1. 1Us am vul gnou,. t a. aoo ohiê ai emli un" .'.mmsoestb Wi* veo#»»w .hoe muwml lm wiui. p o M . mm m - hi «a "bd aispe hontos ouAb".ma, W. eso mmt. m N"WeWhn " lmw u lii ewd spulasE u UkM&% mOmismuoaMMe"" las iqW$ 1 Umm »Wu u "mm ga.wua a am Loa. uIoa eild. a ~.ts ebsouia OIvioosi. "ommThe i. .1.mmue *a uudu a 86 a§"ssISOMg a. lé$o "M. et lèle Pa. to. e U»! a*a - *g uily hase -Oeee vin -Oheio-'a oeia me& - at lieP000 bouse in m ww UiIf puueu" oiviimd sth"lia lu utQIw Mua . ,lu sgny boms mua ,8kaisa nosa po0 wmo A s boO.doble lieu tb. ua Seatombi h àmue imol bsh.O.hato Île vueS tif Il I WOM 501 unumuk Ibme a IM b o ano" u e- vin l a.bos - fusaa-a-lIse ,0104Wouli. a lem. B lis" s i.tga aii n taubl .~.m .om.Ssa 1o s3a15h n IRv ou-& ovos a rraud watchhribeus wu. *mi mmme y" wm le âspit<.J Tbw, z " Oim .cm wae >or ibe axleooe of the hummd W lm I* &I hic i n red e a Mmim mus tl»bin a car et *8thse sare lid owd> ld, beir .wp.hls u~g tilsperW of oetu Thecoo.-r itm mba%-U faieupos ibm otbu, eacb wuKWMd id Secbeadege evmrybail ruas sja aseparae E ~s, is hals ai obiaç eeuh iber. ]BR MW>-*« gbl ils hi rntaliag Cape o"s ws esistasco .ib-sep, bEs uuhor ibm dm *. t .weight, whbistUp lV&Mttole tame WIL ibs usternig *e Ibm hallsia a béatung are loaded equafy, "1% e IbSsrlguwba in botbed it swel knovnîba aiitbqiMW 'of limnip bbedgeiehals e oss, sMd ltre is mo conact belvemu tho bMuls Mdmdk t s at mipoint MWer a sstiad bail crosses the top centre of 4 beanniù,.' wight 0lails 1.§14lissif-hscoaveyed t. >eaoogb of ius fellows in frout te thow lim r cobiaq4 ,weigbt <8asut.ibe flba. ii.loked h- tie te P mt<4e Suç ac"mlioa is mot possible wbec the - banl retaiuig cape is uie4 lI u.~lu i l" .~ bail ciàg regulat and ulîhot ut>' mlore fik" t oione_]out l.au asther.t Moul siasiae L Ubi~g bi al taunigcageus that fewer halsar reqela mo<bi rw esponfor lest frction. jim- bamoum&~i oi lE"e mn hein -miBad- ho meihmiB wd ofm ue M 4 t iiass bmp pmiarl liee omimi a teileuipr ilo ludue télU» SCRNT s Oéwt -of bcotbtiea" cent 94 rides $.Red Nird Spelal evesy day, and knows that k ruas wood.feiy .U',bet t~of ail ha &uowm ezatly why k ruas sasier " Whe m -*bave a vouent to sOre cal! aithenearesiBrantford . Ru d icy aMd h*0subit nieeb wb-elsw-are turni ont ii yevor wruýite e i v audemu'98 caalogue A poui card iI xtU GOLD SMCYCLE, CO., LIMITEDi, u~s J.~~~ RGGAGN>LINDSAY* «- am d h "*êIuýub ]w b~ ni iis. .i v a. is. 1 ' im a sarnia, a a [v ili auiw jr m *0 09 toi~ h-ay " i, bmrumo io Md . me %>&y a. ussuuLl»t. m*yi»e_ _ ,y iâm vw Mbyme l. Mi a. h vosmiual bl Ie te ~ a n.éhl .1aishm& U ~~agi fiLE and. there.,iis no 1a&D anrie. E-I -61- GAIE BACL Ob lV oaa -.fl madslly» Mayu. I a. wi - bMurs am volai sud l.- >-**Yuqr M le pelum a.. vu ~am b*i Item #bue ' #hm. li Md*tW«d gite y114 0 o. eho t o lett lias ibfwA =. "Mase grl o' ocus - *~pW~v.~t t~~ê iê -is a bu mab a -t-m tom lMa lu-u T e- N J., ý, . ý, ' the 1 1.