r MISS cap-sud ~ I M M fflo tI w IILL'S lreyoui cani~z1'~ fgi thUre lins of Dre," M-kngo io not mias thà ope~prtr'itv ovu - -~--- 4l It'ý tt e' n - - - w., - - - u,è8 moi w h~mup. 1w b ~ ~ g- 10 n Sm A hsIm~v10dsU - se- lui-la. ~ a. ami - daeuIus~Ma.S._N. uns à a a - u~ a. su lu As.-,.' ia.~uml.4 - 0* usdfl -- u10~~ r ~ - I ui 10NUUMi -- is~ bg iiou9LI~ - ~ * elMdm"o 4b.ili *4. e ý"qw4é l i8<1 Ot. to * 4 hog pGou0 6" , .Si *5m lou m lad b n w mi= t.a. w mils ubvu 10. a "a w .a5 n be à0 p«k i ~~duit.ii~ii t.* ha liSp dl*sivlOl mu .~ i 5m4~. is a. hollu mmm loi mi i W 'siiii b abus- a. lut d..frd~b UU~ qin,0* i~ieu a. exp-ai bernAi di~wB W.mid mi mi.hm.St.a. w-. ikl~ - duS Si a. Kb.is lb. ls.y un %v.1w0 W.~ s. WMWwsui. .W.T. A Uui?~ ~ u. Tisa h heu u1U~ ~ ~.. ol* lu sm-~2;~ -~ moioUs buahbubemIuu4 o te âb U a M tq n hlal. Atb*vOluU tuIpml 1wowu& a"-Aua bu abu bum0b ,md~h.a lit~ 4à vi i .Inbe o» *al M»(MU au s~a. ~su~ dua.latam- i., ..4wv.' bm 5 te' 61e leu& 10 b.- Ui it uMiM4 mb L" un mginiPl .t Imm 0- l aw b Nu i1bon - 03W. - Iraut0*kqi. " t ut ~~kmJon kmube .lauw mima = mohm et mla t uuam e à "I - i a. I husuà a. un g a. l puma uu b a.lis.bu tsi. t v u e the ie xme m . athm * mm bu S ~- g ~imteb uS MW-am IL - -- lm - - PV w # . - - MU QUIT! DReINmKING' w.'h A-MWORD>A cftC. e cen saz~sfy s ~, aud we zie~d thmat etpresenti- repiete .wit h a ur Fanocby omd Glàud ext. A. â k LiduyPbi ~-.,' ~ - umi - mb ba, u1 , a. i. ali 1 a. uu.Wi dm Mr~ Twno~y atoIi, Of Ti .T. Etou lo, Mited, Young utreet w»acharg- ed i Xagitrate Dermes S curt Torofto_ tRie week, wM h efrauding Edward IL Troweru. , sécretary ,cf »re Retail Nercbants' Awciaticon.uy selli.ng bim midver waze sdvertîsed amquadrnpleplate, pLat, hich Trowem usaysvason oriayplate. The as e ae a<jouned bcoumt iantil jnly 7. filff in thieirst cf a serin cof prose- eutions tRie uociaica n 11 iadtr &ast the. depertmental etom, wb ic h > tbey «Surt, are defrauding the. publie by id'rertising one qàiàliti of joodsa nd uelling sa inferier girade. HALIBE' RTOIX QUI). On cotes ondet the I'etçrboîrough Examiner=a - U; gold mine in the. 'ViIIa<ehmau been developed te à .zfficient extent. te eltabuish its value. The. ezient of thie vlof, puartZ, bas been aetained t o y Mgret, sud iti richam .hm' been proied by teste. T7heéefaeu having been proved, aotbing 1 : mm. wM b. dome nati stops-ane taken to w ork the. mine syst.miceily 1>y mesns of ,usbinery.. A.teas tamp miIi wil! probably b.e rected. The tideuce esde stroug!y -tir'the belief that sluriliar Veine of quarti atedis- trubutfd throughouat Un .eutire distric. 19,il u quit. vithia h irage Gof am lty t bie village uay become t est e de -thie gret«t <cM mumg induutries ain eim. John Parr of..Witakeli u ued Heery Groy, a aigRt aishasifat 1tRie Almonte KaiItiag(oupaay, vu aLot and klfled IvbuzgbauWeuldi ay1 flomma Pums., bueia, kiwnhy and jail brnakp', as uuho I a Bellevile ,o forte". eslathe.peni- 0 isii iI tThereport liai r0*p I. val inlasose Parf thek.Nm mb., -Incorrect hi WMVelsa * 0m. @ma' W pmha Ob d0< S aivi<B la,3vI"ib - --am 1*06dt. spu< -iira - - nmer Gooc1s ngPri.ces rt- r, Z r- r Vii ~ jr i OWe.TZ I. '- itt~. ~ T~' . - -' 4. '*ct*:-:~ ~2 Z sat i~r ~ ~t pric0~. z. n*,-r wrx - * ~AIN (3V~ . CLI Knofl. Washi*nU Sj- I. rnr,1VRsX nu Tho Warder * oo.,I< I r2d 1 m. iw~4 ,s, SUOPSi 't O*fI 's (j wu~ i.. *4 Ml1 . 1.1