to, the boom and 4md r. e *1 I r "j'- éMdegl mlm4hyoe em the 1157 111 tue*# e, i mUsa usBe kqpe b" Wbanba mOu, ~ 4 I b e lait-bu ~êss bts * lekus tie i Itibilpaus M Oh. Oms 's!..-' mdi se heu 1~~ paW v ihi~ miel I~Iel. Mi Ba. &. tft tua sobe up4s,3 en l ite. omslIw.tome 4 Ie ù»ames.. ol fes lo %teS loks le etgm W tes albe-cc kt.Mft te. iy voe a telaI,.. Po^5teaeh M.l fo <e a -e M -~d su -mh tbsmI Mev. . R. ause t U 6"l. gis mu âem eu -*f èm t vai -de 40» t Firoq. J. R. Olaq «maame awbmea hs.&,«etmiêm mml OU&ubg»a cqea1% -1, ïous& u aft. X&. cii 0060e. 4114 Md > Omie b t"Van-ei bues.'.nt ii. 11W pew . vho. T s.menweb pua elaWb". Wm N.ia.w e eA pwui, moenuet hm. -: be behs lois Smi b .4 s m . atEl~peubcaedU id» J»hie. eu., cas busadmbe* fu, 1* i"Ie h.tine un 48e" Kr »d 1e Fut0&61;" MOU Am puisa. M iau; e.wMeèj; M bam eiJ«thlI.-Maj Mas W J-b W&u . lesigmpt; VUt..utM te l t.,tlle maie; NaIMdmm4j.pà I lie tae;to" eii is, eAbas sue sebrtd .lvehim.sot'-*mmd vus vftOàamus " as. me 4 n J"; M e I., m; sAlai ilsI es. U J asile a onff-lah la b*@d m Ibo beb4wae. uPV il. , ~ wk slmebsht ba *0al sl 1 Uve bitr oas a m. u le~~~~~~~e ammw abrv s es8EI~ ,~ - as, - - 4* l'Imm Xb un M l MOMM .dble tu *6 b à :m'k mê sut f m e *5 - - am emmWom h. luneiau ci cus Ce ýmulmot Ma m.... MME- - sl ImmM MWa vb"eeaïws mophe Bethe.... hüt> :1 4wmoe!IVA.r a-mu.»ým %bub MMh. Uh.l bGevý umsal hh" *.1l a~~~~k va.wibcci s be Lb elpm obi$" c e t' b ow ian nmeuW poul e --nth We soloe ~1. pu M sns Lbe. lamasa iIpsloomtb ue , Ptom pilep 6"uli b.ok La.ah.peeof dlew th. theyaahohi 81je"a. N.IL lobs (GufaL Mo06. il, rit N.?.. *dit*' cet h. je" JobsOloe. glve. Ilsspe»d:bslM sOt. utedle. as 1< vas a year a«jco, eeooouv, Amd te exercee <at econ- amy requ lues more <or t%îrdy ael-ieal, Moue*tutand Aicmt ivepauasm hj kwhma ii etl tr.r in han . ayet aeseelsd. -E1t Is teleI&on Whib tki ouxabto a h.immMed u0litheoontry 00 uîrty 9a h.national rmn Ma roud li oscratOrm i.'a cte *~~~h l'hà1cr<. Lnaereoanamiaaa-baie me a.great patriotic nted ai Canadaà Ste ,Ieresse .*.xpemniunareby "mie lsN p Yai, mmd- ah. Public debt ata 1- el"l .t iafor iSr wltirid aurie aays ah. Tub..a.te Brte effacte aftd ooae.everave.lue a« dI*appntuent. 1thasFt eu uer beties.usi.theoag»u atI <ato. a« certa nepealn~la o#der to do tbis Sir WlfId mus "hiteh- yo.r cbuulo téo- îstar. Vonu-muai efface ai vFeeelIeIe. M the p oal I e jeauof PI&n Mr-s Lamulr, ha&s, *1 théeold Liberal Patyclbyi purse ied vlth rtithteOli- ,wea* mir; RhhuOtdsou. ».P..' who gets ahis OM~tiaml *aMewimite wk. lthe Ore of ha.bumn.d loy. l- iaq avic« te -Ih. poUl! et 1Er. Laueir af tshluag 9.1 , oll reIerê- ole whieh, by th.e ay, Imy nv»w vgu power we.ive»s MMl amilbr w(tb h.h <rada... 1h.LIbuar uty. a I N MW b a$ M - la 4 N b w e M M i a N e M h I q *~ ~ à OMMs8a~Gl. mu The~- P s.n» zms. eh epkib ~nlu* fh.a la t RAB? OAKWOOD I P s u a o'~ L ~ M r .. ;t' . J. H o op e r a n d > o ayGrdon, of Toront nt en m kw &ys of Liat week wib er, mother, Mm .Me-, Kinnïon. .MNiqs .41k. Wakelv is ivisitrng bier qi-%ter, Mss. .%-FLCalweiIof Maple.. . - %lm's Wm. lVakely is iit3ing ýfrien.ds ai. ýosava. ,. AIi&S icamie IL:Kinilon is spend log er holidays home. THÉus maY friends *of34r.. Wm. lnos kins wîU-be p§ed ta knowv thst h. h-ta r eba.ei fraisM f. John FeUs, -thé ahi rone<ad tar n which pceBUrv Gres posa office bu h~aybee.M, Hmhklug ba the faim rented for eieta pue@Mas s .be, umweiy suceeain i aienmes.The pi "Mapoewhlo 'e eakicd to er aiegate , MMo n1h.- tu hru rat« &= the tbu at la Iis lchhgite. IlÀ 96 the publie Interestand disgraceMtul ta t" LiberaI Party. Buatugi. G-an ier ibra, MMiuualag"nG leanur refuses to blui the uMemsrnc of tiesaý.dired Tarte- Blr argaa »BCte <oeameut' so freeir ropoo tht mcesci <bueiuiostry.V, snd speaks IR- fla etlgmolleasing. Reeaimg ah 1, woia.fervnesly talen by MuocIS UA la <le mama tment of ti. List es ta bel JOlftig e thb e h.nnh iàbersi a.&1 Ogk*. TIe IMpremia. 1.1< on the pulie, mini by,<bt. repest-ed translations frosé taS. 09onaith. loa. etthicpubtlic serviee os 90 the Sesate, i,atenienis aesef Sekiug mand donot enter !'Arlianient wit'h tlie objeet ai servînig the Catunrrv, but af. p o iuig their au-n iaere-tý,. W laen tbe T A.r A uiisr.uion ira. iin power. fa rsju!stlY objeteld. that i, 3otaineda ,aaýoritr b! the i- t ni ernher. -ho hâd, ln abeir u"cker.prmi.e tapc -nrîe- Totieaudy the <vil ar the t .ý; 4'rnment of tii.è dav oecurxng support ihy promiisfrg obftice5 §tu niember% Mr. Ituxk :nrrodué,x alli forbidding lthe pràT-e. -uit wnch wa&- abro" outa. Mr. NMu'. k Aa rXwm ber of a C.oreefir t!' e .4 ma ndel mine -aPPMtmnt* Oi the kind lue avn- - decunned, and 'Nr. Li-ter t.àe4uv,%ntage oi thé. systeni. wbich. whi!e Ooor. on b. spo)kea&m'iusî..p.enr.1k-El WitII regard it tlae,. h,ý- hriiproràl-aiP. [ plid-tothe politerA5.stripe of the recipients 09 th. favari§ and flot the tpruxciple ýif apphed a thm~eves .u2uerought ta Pnwte. Se e .iit~e xriibé tions of hucon- sisear ~ie'~feingaeIvrnhs i 'hin a"V aaymscat chance tegus«yoar eu for sabhzug teils ofae s *quîiky as- ay haie. lita yo t-eaeCI Etbi e under lmxewaat gS." M hIt he Et astler amt ea bakbmma. aboii amiahn hitbecommes ecg *mores .auldan&r,,a Pftvçnà s t $fO lat oZ *V te a abook ou1ah. flair hvhi e valigiadly fYeu "det oti ja ati ie bmre. 64Yuexpected g7,,0 the u» et 15e w1.e the -dortor aboc: At. wtth yt>a j.r 5 t r 12, aw tcna le ~.Ji . A MÉ . vE i. ALI PRICIS. - I I ;y la lm m"M aEm - I I Je"s mams àh,» uami mmi«Bd r.~~ne C.Imebu ppoisa.bre L la Gse halm bisrulmi - endvit cli* e ahete-. s. Jae" b*ei"u 1 &mm'à ehu r vii sib.ena, maimhae IM aw ul & wmulbo s Feum,~b h m d elr p., ast * ~imiabaeir,"ffsd rulismo.7«WNs. JM, a-uhmais u insdl le - u.mlu Ab * M4 Mo e ie ~Elhuilcbph Be~ 9A~!'~IA r le. .r ketà and Capes., ear. Las Lajlie' fot 'Nice Gi ChW 'r. - ~-rev, ~' i2O~, ~ :2 Yo-uthi ad - .-- i . *3,50. staz ar niss mdeome Linel t ['S , s p c a r c for I~ k. ith i do big~1 for f ail f4 J 4 M * A ai AiadJho Ila~l <~ .ohat~.s ta O0# %i~al iOft n.ti~1 Ia ftS%.(4'4qI 1 ý 1 ý 1 l . A 77ýý] Nica Tffl