's * I ~ usy h. me -'a,, om WoQd!ar i avwàma uos~' ma ,uJ. KNOW SON. Wt@M lie' a- g o M dia Î qwi. t!a - A «MNIU waaluhg lui Alas Uhs S ' I~Ios~Oa tnettew vu,_7 C3eliAS_ TQSe eti Mi W««a. t " - t __________ * M M w vau - 9» m 1s 0Il - o Io > S ya i TTi oes g bu ouaugni u ,unLusfaEesIFLI)ES *~.à.0orsauWb 1haOILSBIhitftKidht u. *mldupu sU b d * mb fmeS laO UN B S D ES E' met aavoeati.taie. eM ees <B~ VI buhie t .her aiah. impet bora t ge10 TAIS Tomgma, taIdig , m " abSoeil o l>diff. T .tWi.u 4waT h #iveY n %' . e ux the * ~ma a Ts U BSsu TRINS, R in 1, ST ÂK CRA M S . lm *bII ome t uni-ChriS t u wa mordsmaJJIJO AU 3 eIIdM W » M ""-tata* Dllat Pl mmCAP-Tg ro M *d y« la leur »L W13MUIE CARI AUGES WITK. * poelthsvIU*S7-haVtPARASOL TOMS _ sq fi5fî5 Win w »W- te ~ EOOPXES WAGONS, s i i' P imdalimBs1 u ~ '- VIOLINs N' GUITA.US, L"d us, I 1* bat hat ah. usaN - ~'~'BANJOS, ÂCOQRDONS a Mam t oedsiphu Mi là. à" m ine s.~ - AUTO ]BAINp, MOUTHO-RGÂNe m -a-< vuugà~mmivà. g U~I~'~'1 GAIE il REAT VREY lm > su dos là - , AgPnlt f«tOoaT3eriv veut'viii.'. o eutaàosUam -~*.. 1,*im hSu Oum L f" Md tou êm BK aime sa Imm ilmMdu Ouma i -s * - l:u6 Io um 5 aa hm liti- 1 abatl M** ash su l a1 1 m l W I b W U s 1 , l u e s osf i p k a y -oe iI. tm ebu r mom. NtbeU~- osoU5tU IOfImageUIIDUs ONT 4 bu e i V »a h sh s te îïï.ehWlo do pIIV-M mimilele d t * t em ~~ - ,~~~ ,,M nh. .susNMA wk to u bb.Mhh=" i Ibo%~u - - 44 WWU' boma l.I - POU PMe bave »Stih Io lott 8 tuan »s? Doms et Vili 0 d" *1 a plats g- i>àt*m 0 ~O4L~ ~URE ~TL Go. Makeiu OU 11. raoo~ li kplaced in stock, but neuer rwuasin a»coa and AT PRICES PARISON. but <Geueai rY iteil to take a close àtber vou buy or' ering in -DRY 009D. bàut weile c-» T:WOOAD. TuS Oeuflti 0 dam"uB 40'. ah MÙO-à - m& 1 jd »Ii 1 « . i& u , hbu or ie "Z i m mewv leg b . as - If abs dosuS ~ .»i! "v 1 ueg~ 0w* r Nmiel& .ai MR fla odfr WEDDING PRESENTS HLIDAY> SEÂSON Je 00D renvla mal a jeuel ceshovi, Paper Cuttersý, etc- PPY WOMENS, se ef UUburm' M..,.e Pis*. ' b MeniflS I - WEDDING BINGBI aieloss1i"B. ..2311'AIBWGa OPA VING. few boxes of, Nilburn*s Vé Pilla. ýe no qUestion about tle remedv..T tir~ o und itdo alithat:scli;.irned is the testimony <pr Mrs. Street. lntn .I ~àda~es, rreglar atîn Ifeit ;0 ,veik thlat 1 a afcrmydoesti. dutie3. dA.to ur this wzrry arnd tme Frlief.Urnil happAy m' sIHeart ar.d Nerve î is ýn'takling thlem ashort tinte ratlN- beuefited. -.Thisen- tob, ContinUe (ètheir usý' until *e was effected. been.trz"abled.iwkhthn ed- ing.those pit;. T!nev hi- ->petitc, açie!jýratUCd mv en- ind gave me bac, n ld' ' .and igor7" bie ÉIoSide"pwitt.oist ag Mmke Y«. led bat tcf ln tli i.. t p thrtaq *W#~b~ R. 'a- ~ mes i et lb *UIOVWU ifasees IINE8 blie oheapsul ail oaa ~ve bosI~ ~u ~1t >8 mim sea ,mi abus sm bar-,t ma --a i G id