r". ’f "V M“ 7' l i H '-"‘P~M*J‘m‘ez::£4" ‘ " ' " ‘ ‘ 1" -- â€". v 3'91; “I u: {i “c. ’D g." F. _ . -, * ‘ "" : ' ‘ " â€"â€" 3.3,“: ,_ s r c Q ~ ‘ . I ‘r- cmssv FALL snow, 3 minimum NOTICE. ;‘ l l‘Telc Store ()2 Sadly S Blot/1. The Undemg'ned ‘ V y‘ ‘ ' a 1 d 1. d ' d ' h i I ' n r ‘9‘-) tl‘eu e51 .t-1 ‘ xx le_r}h;'izlc:e|:reb::k :ccoun: If: §:;hynno-E e G'. G‘. K E I '1‘ bcgs l0 inform hi. austeritan nnd “I. ‘ “5", ‘5“ u“ "m mu“ m inâ€! mm“ is ï¬lling up his shelves with new arrivals of SPRING GOODS. among “hid‘ Pumi" Swen“, m“ h. lid“ to In new and m niï¬cent stock 5 will be ilncedin court for collection. with- “in be found L y y r , I of cow Ax†SILVER WATCHES. )5! E 0.11! respect to persons, a: he is leaving the flock of silver American Hutches, including “us f" ‘ “me’ Lu, J, POWER, - “n o! winche- urr-cin'lr Marv-ml fori Pent-ion nus. Feb. 3rd, 1881. 47-2 och»! tuchers’ use, [elected from reliable linker: only, is the ingest And best curl “'_ READE, B. A., M. 1)., HM.- it Lindsay. and W been purchnsed } ins-nit COLLEGE, mnoxro.n. c. p. outinly far cub. i particuiarly solicit an 3 k S. 0nt., Physician, Surgeon and Acâ€" .' L intend“). ,.,,-3 coucheur, formerly PhySICum at the _ nsane luer .104 of my stock Y b I Asylum, London, Ont. .\. B. Spectal atâ€" chun't “fl 1 “4 “madam that x “n quow tention paid to diseases of Women and low. price: than they can be bought tor Children. flanker: or from any expensive city um?»- 36" Oflice for the present on Francis lilbfnnt, Int! instead of dealing with an 1 “real “‘5‘. Penelon Fillâ€. entire Itrnzger, one who never attw you be- (m sod whom you may never see again, you will hue the ndvnntagr ofhuying from The 8“, ha†or Lo! No. m in me and .I' '5. “v†in 70"" “ml nelgm’ourhoc’d Concession of Verulum, about three miles 3'5 '53" Ill" “1 inltm5l-5“¢b “5 "'3 from Penelon Falls, The soil is a. clay nut-get would have-«4n giving you a good loam, and about sixty acres are cleared, ' ' ' ' c5 effect a“, well fenced and in it good state at cultiva- .n.h "d “flag that u g" p tiun ; the balance hardwood and cedar "bflkt swamp. There is a frame dwelling house, G» W- BEALL 32 x 20 feet, with kitchen, a good log born, 0014-: .ith’a 1141!, next dwrtu 01111.14†.j',f'la- stables, kc, and an excellent well. For "h afoulâ€, terms und conditions apply to - . w» JAMES DICKSOX P. L. S. {Juan sem' _ Fenelon Falls, Dec. Both, 1830. ) 42-tf. JAMES DlCKSUN, Tu] CRIS SHOP 1.. Surveyor. Commissioner in the Q. l’.., g , ‘1 .' J _ P. h Conveyance-r, arc. ltcsidcncc,und,11.1]- In", 38119100 “Stu-MW“ M»_w_ A, SALE OF VALUABLE respvflfull."inmnnsu‘egentlemen“Fen' ‘ _ elon l-‘ulls and its vicinity thnt hc bus com- HH‘AEH‘H'D mcnced the tniloringzr business - ) f. ' )‘ "‘ f V '7' 1 1"01 LR’ 1 1 ‘ 0n Colborue Street, Cad“ POW" “f 5“!“ “mumâ€! i†a '50“ opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson, and “.i" m""“",‘59 mm!" if). S‘mmri 17‘â€? “I we solicits 11 share of public putronagc. Cloth- "lufll3“ 0r “mew†hm" hm'r‘“: “â€" I‘L ing will he mndc in the latest stylcs and lfllh day of ,\ugu.t. 187»: there will be sold IFS} A Good Fit Gun ‘untced. at Public Auction, Guruu-nts cut for persons who wish to At the “McArthur muse,†, mcme lhcm up nt home, and changes reus- in tho villngc of unable in ll†cases. F ‘1 F lls, .‘lln ’ l'itl,1880. FENELON FALLS, emu" u i ' nt 1 o'clock p. in. on Snturdgey, “MOVAL' “a, __ The Twelfth day of March next, ‘ JOSEPH NEWSON by Suit-1:1. Juussos. Auctinrwcr, the follow- lins rt-movcd his Harness Shop The frnme house on l-‘rnucis Sirl't‘! PJlSl, Where can be found an cxccllcnt assortment of to the. west side of Colhnrne strcct, next in thc villuge of Frnclun Full»: :1: pre-Snut a I a I _ Drugs, Medlcmes, Chemicals, Sponges, occupied by tho niurtgugtr. Snmuci llurr. will keep on lmnd :1 good stock of Trusses and Shoulder Braces, with the burn,:t:nbl12 11nd buildings upper- Sing‘le Wombleï¬m‘mss Toilet, Fancy (is Rubber Goods mining thereto, togcthvr with the lot on which they sluud.ni1-s1-ril>~1lus l'n iu\\'.~‘: for funn or road work, aniscs, ,, ,5, PM E OE Q I PERFUMERY &c-, «350-, ‘1 HL’ 1‘ .- 1. 10" 1‘). . “I- STILL“ ,8, “Ad,†WELLS, always on 11 1nd A lirnc .md Thnt ct-rtuin p11rut-lut'l-1nil.situnlc in the screams STOCK 0F DYE srurrs village of l’c-uclnn l"11li<. in lhv- county of 1 ,) ol‘ the best quality and at low prices. Also, a Lurrvcoznhs, brushes. ‘ Victoria, part of Lot No.11 south of Francis ill-ELL SELECTED STOCK 0F STATIONERY, strect and east oi ()lifmn slr».-t,dv:1-1il.ud comprising a lull assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stutioucry. I “ï¬ll the INN-"30!! 0‘ “H 7mm†ml fail by the lSth of February inst., or they 1 A SPLENDID LOT or TWEEDS, HAS N°W 0†HAND arid-ware lelllERV now, 1111111, 11011111, I Crctons. Prints, Cottons &c., &c. N 13RICE AT N" will be found fresh and at bottom priccs. Special inducements in sugars. We are selling every description of building Hardware, including 3 In BOOTS 8: SHOES In.- is oii'cring a splendid ns<ortu.cnt. of Wright’; make, and is sulc agent for Fugarty‘s celebrated " Gordian Scam," which is warranted not to rip. Any pair in which this scam fails to outwcnr the boots NAlLS, LOCKS, HINGES, will be replaced. 3:? All the above goods will be sold at the very lowest living prices for cash GLASS, PAINTS, or farm produce. A call solicited. OILS, 81.0., &C., Fenclon Falls, March 4th, 1881. This season. at the lowest price they have ever been offered for by the trade. 1881. runs in 3511 11m. 1881. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, EVERY LINE COMPLETE. GENERAL E. E. HENDERSEH & 6., DRY GOODS, Kent 81.. Lindsay. Hardware Merchants. McflRTHUR’S BLOCK, FEHELON FALLs. ï¬/ EDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, tastefully got up, at Vuy Reasonable Prices. A large nod well nssortcd stock 0 MANTL‘ES, from $2 50 to 310. LADIES' COSTCMI 0mm Blankets, both white and coloured, 1nd ()1: Prices cannot be bent. w... CAMPBELL: Fenclon Falls, Nov'r 12th,}880. l l I IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. * 1-:w GOODS. N â€"â€" . Mrs. KEELEY‘ llus just received and opened up I birgo stock 11! NEW TOYS, in grcnt vnrlcty. DOLLS, VASES,- Tuilet Sets and it good assortment of 14‘ an (ay G o 0 dis, Millincry, )luntlos, Feathers, Flowers and ‘ M omsnn moss, and would ask all in need of anything in their line to give them it cull and EXAWENE THERE $TGCK, and be convinced that thcr are selling cheaper than any other house in town. 0 NEXV GOOIJS rl‘IIIS VVICIEII. Canadian Tweeds, a Large Assortment 3. Choices! Patterns. Over-Coatings, in Black Worsted, Tweed and Rap Cloths. Grey Cations, at Bottom Prices. Splendid Heavy Buttons, for 8 cents per yard. Blankets, White and Grey. Woollen Shirtings, alarge range. Dress Goods, Black Lustros, Black 3. Coloured Cashmeres. Shawls, Clouds and a Large Lot of Woollen Goods. White, Scarlet and Golcred Flannels, from 25 cents per yard. Ladios’ Mantle Cloths, lack and Grey. 3%?“ A full stock to choose from. Give us a call. No trouble to show goods, whcthcr you buy or not, Ordered “705:3. Specialty. A Good Fit Guaranteed, and in the Latest Stylus. Agents for Harper‘s Bazaar Patterns. JARVIS S; MCDOUGALL. McArthur's Block, Fonclnn Fulls. â€"â€"0â€"- t Thanking their customers for their liberal patronage in the past, he}: to inti- mate that they have removed to larger premises, Austin's old stand, which have been thoroughly repaired and ï¬tted up, and in future will curry :1 lurgcr and BETTER ASSRTEB STM of goods than heretofore, which will enable them to supply their numerous custo- mers and increased demand nnd Motto Frames, Plnln nnd Porfontod“ Gurdhourds, Canvas and Berlin Wooll. A nice lot of‘ Wall Paper and Window ' Blinds just received. Mus. HEELEY. V W Milliucry Store and Show Room, ‘ one door north of ll. 1’. llcming'a hardware store. Feuelon Falls, Mny 26th, 1880. EOTICE, L .â€" Notice is hcrcby given thnt the under- ' igned will not he responsibln for any dc:th ontructcd in his name, unless the party ontrncting than has his written authority or that oi'1\lr. J. D. Smith, angle ufthc mid lot ‘. thcnm- rush-rly 111141;! the suulhcru boundary of brunch sir-wt lil‘2 {ect ; lhvncc thvnce «Mllu'rly [until -I with C ifton stn-ct: Ilium-1:westurly purullrl with Francis sin-rt 11h I‘m-t: them-1» norlbt-rly :1- long the ca‘tcrn humider of Clifton street 63 feel, to the pillow oi bcginniug. i’nrticulnn nnd condition of all!" mny b-- hnd It the tinu- club: or on uppiicntion in 5]. Sill‘ll’l‘Altl). Vendor‘s solicit-Ir. l’cnclun Pulls Founlnn Pulls, Frb'y ltjth, WM. .‘1 H. R. 0. SMITH, ' Fenclon l-‘nlls May 26th, 1880. 14-". Vicronm RAIEiVAY.- :0: T131 134‘ 'I‘AHLFL‘L. -!Oi~ Summer Arrnngornonm.’~ ' ....;n; .â€" uud all articles in his line of business. 1 u .--~-.. , 1-. n JOLL. 11s ‘1"/.:‘;R.RA.L\TTED. lingmirs promptly and nonlly t‘xccutcd. llc bugs to return his since-ri- thanks for thc lib-ml pntrunugc with which he hits <Ui'u'hc1-n luvurt-d, and is dcfcrmincd to uncritu continuun of it by turning out lu follows: (Ionnncncing Ml thc uurlh-wn-st h-‘ï¬uf-‘Jâ€˜ï¬ Horse and Cattle Medicines, Physiciaus' promriptinns and Domestic Recipes can-fully compounded. Taking effect on J Monday, 21st 01' June, 1880. ‘ LINDSAY TIME. CR'MH’ mod Work at "mu-ram prim-=- ku . "1’" - .. ' - -. a- " "1' "up" 1‘) , Ci. 7 d \i 77 sr-movs oolvu vonrn r $3 Pure Wmss end L1G 0.0.3 for M enamel .11... pass. 1% l 1 - 1 m- ‘ ' 'V ‘ u 1 r . u . . . . i jg l a "ll §l‘()(xl\ OF A in†1|“Sï¬l'lllll‘lli o! l’utuut :t'Hi l’rupru-tnry .‘lcdlclnes nlwuys on hand. A I {iiï¬i‘}; T I, , 1,â€"9“‘"" . ‘ » - ’ - .‘f n ' - , ’_ 5pm ‘1’ i‘nl' \' -u-t:bl‘- l'iuzn'rixn. I... .. 0â€â€œ 0' V'“ ' ' “'0 ~ 5"“ . t , ‘ * W h“ “ 1‘ “ 3 ‘ “ AND " starry NEW YEAR. 1? TO ALL. . 1-; i . lmdmt Hit “1 i &l n Surpriving l-‘1-1113 l-u' 111-1†11f 8L E. 4 ï¬n‘iimw ' ' huh: “.50 .1 "5554 FPO ‘ t- l ' Fcuclon rails. .‘ulny 27th, 1380. ’ Manager 'n';â€"â€" “60-7,- . V,,‘._r;\ . , 1. ’1 ‘.'1.. . â€˜ï¬ 3 .2: x, x r 1 r 1 w, ' ' ‘ . , ‘ v V ‘ v ' I" ‘ i) ‘ ) _ ‘ ‘ J T has Just Rccmvcd at his shop, fâ€"-â€"â€"â€"-~ --._~..---s...--___ I 3 o. .1... 1.,- ,.....,..1, .1... 1L. (,1 i l 0 N 5 Mom" MOM“ Mom VI"110,151,}‘0Eg1gfl‘gï¬ â€œN†DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE £123“???11.'.;;.....'°‘:'° “1°92 ’32'" ', ‘ .â€" L L J l. ’ ‘1 ' . 4 Are you ninth! ut the sunr- sud I'ulc'.’ If v . I “m "9“ l’r‘dmrml m "Oiâ€"'n' ‘ at large and well sclcctcd stock of lll’iill‘i":f)jl.'.l......:_:: i you nrc, you luul brill-r 1-.1ll ut ‘ . _ tum: straight loans on good The subscribe, be,“ ,0 inform his cunm " pouch)“ Fun,“ , n 11 4 1,5 11 1'1 1 r v v "y bought before the r130: selling 1‘4"" l'mlm'l." “N'umd' lorimy mersnnd tlu- publicngcncrnllv that he has 110 S I g l“cll‘s...... " 4.25 “ J11.H111A3 4'1, (.1 .\ '1 15. ti-t'm ()l'yt-ul‘s :li cight porccut. ulwnys on hnnd 11 complete stock of l‘ L {it'ttic's . .. “ (.12 "' ' 1 N 1' ~ 31".†v ., . . . . n I’ ! .... . †whcrc you will g -1 I r 1. l,llt(_r'f.'_t“,“‘d,l “'0 i.†HM'TQ “f ‘ Q q and how Year's Grits, which he will be able to sell at the Lamas! I’osstblc ’I'wcx, ï¬giig;y)';,:,ti,,v,,v Jun“. 11 J icputim any portion of tho I . , . . . . . . . ' rm , . .. n . , as they new bought chcnp lot cash. 51,...11-1. 5mm,†1mm, 5 (.9 n a prmcipul at any timc, the m- .i ,_ ’ ‘ . . Inflows“). H 8,13 1 "‘9 t-.-r1-.~tocnsiiw on the sum 5'0 , H _ . 1 ‘ t S t S 11 t [H'snrt “ 0.2! " lurprisingiy i.‘h1~:1p f.1r (7.141, us he is 1&1, paid. D (Alma Munâ€, “crrmgs’ 0 a 1 S O :libpld's u 6.35 11 - This gives the borrower ov- ‘i 4 ' , , , , ., I , U i . , I I ' ’ 1|. iburtnn nrrivo 6.4.5 ‘1 to 0,}. chance. “c cm, W). 0,, I L 0d F181] (9.1 JIHLIXLI Ci. A a00d .md (.llt)l(.t. stool. of, . . .._...$',‘.,Tl.(.).\.§._.w.-- off his stock in ordn'r to mnko mum fur hi.- hs "mm-33710 “’5‘. *‘m' h“ “my A choice assortment of .IOXVCHCI‘Y, \V atChCS, C(idlllg 1{lilgs, MM, ’ . 5W3†1:004“. which be urn-ct. 111 .1411.†be able to spare :1! any time , BUlfllS & illlilli BROS, m,“ "mug and M0,, the i,,(,,,-(..g on s.) alld Dark Brandy, Brooches, ankcts, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, ('iold Keys, Scarf Pins, l’ipcn, Purses, “anâ€,er ,mwo ., ,0 A m . -. . . . -.- ~ ’~ " . - 1' " .‘tomcution. v ' H†.1 ' ' ' . , . ,., I . , ,. , ,w LINDSAY_ much, 01 he .can rehasc in.» y ' n .1111] other mach... ton numuom (mum s 7.30 H “LI-‘1' _r _ _V _ V- V 7 , “W My,» ._ farm at any [llnt‘ without. bu- m†“'1 51"â€) “ “1°51 may“ Please give hima can before purchasing elsewhere. llljr'snlrltl †:32 " in the tiling, M is 11M.- 11. .mp1. up... , in: obliged to puy tho. (.‘Ulll- , 1 I - "It!" ' My " 4W " m- m 1-... . 1.. 1.11... mm†and 0‘1 rm“ Gm", osnru HEARD. . {1*r;"'*.",.:*'",'"’" 7. W 12 ~ ' - J â€"â€"â€"â€" u ~ - - |t' 11* '! .IL'C url ' ‘ .. .‘ i . 1'.. I: ‘ ' ' t ’1 ' ' ‘ " I . necdmi urnrh‘. 111' :s 1111“ 031,1â€: u The _,,,1,$(.,.,b,.,. he.†respectfully to in- [Hi-it: more than those of Int 1 ongg'fgthugsl ,cs“,tl::1,‘£:inl( i,".‘1‘;:0",,°_"1‘“° . ; '$â€â€.'° g u 9'10 u r - . . ‘ form lill‘ inlmbiLtnls of WHO l01llls- 0 “3 Ch T i be“ a u. 9.35 I. \\ “ml.†5 51,1†“(mm hâ€. 1,â€) L. ,3. ‘I \V I“ \ I L S 5. CORNLIL. ' 1 ,' u ’ i- I [:cnclon lrulls [Sign : -.. 1* '1 4' <4 w, .u‘ Q . , . ‘1‘" Il‘f'rg‘ bit)! lhu l l.11l to cull :1ud1-x.tm~ 1‘ J J ' J. ‘ an‘ I)" Ma" “Mb, 18‘ O. alS S A “ice assortmunt 0f- :1’"“ 5 ii atâ€: n 00 l“ ‘01" "‘l‘Hl't: purchasing via-“4111p, , ‘1 -, , ,, , ,1 , l | SC“ _ '_"‘â€"‘"'"_ ‘ N“ """"’â€"“l Illllll‘rnn )n'l- " ordcrad w k L l i‘i'it‘iigdlibuiiiiinilhiiiftiii'diiii‘i \i'budgn n‘ndccoexl- rldlll‘i SE“ DRLG STORE. o,- “I, kind. “wars 0" hm“ The cash ilunlmul Ivy-Inna†imng †V .. . . - . . .‘ s - -' 1 .0 "I or a SPe°lallr- chrulcd system will be strictly adhered to. 9, 7 , “3 T'-l"â€"‘â€"---~< â€" ~‘~â€"-- ~l- ~ ~â€" - -â€"~-- Lindauy, .\1. n. 111.111.,1 12.1.1 p. Repairing done with ttt‘ntm‘is uud duspntrh. H " soutb,l 4.10 " .... .... First class workmen employed and it rl'iifl- Isle 9t guurautrcd. &c., 3.12.. which I will scll cheap. SHEET-WEN SUGAR KETTLES FOR $1. Never yet sold iiur lc.-7.-: than $1 :15. GREAT REDUCTION lN MILK-FANS â€"-0uc Dullltr pcr hall'dwlr-n. Il'yuu have u't tl'c money, BRING ALONG RAGS. OLD METAL &C-. but 3&3“ Don't ask for Credit “can as i am not. able to give it. Cal-l1 for Skins, lli-lvs &e. , JUSEl’il HEARD. DRUGS! ' SEEDSv‘Cash for Farm Produce. DYE STUFFS. ‘ .mnx ClllSlIUl..\l. INext to the Globe Hotel, Kent st., Lindsay JOHN IN UGENT ‘ Removal andlhangein Business. Fenelon Falls Moï¬â€˜até’a-l/lâ€"cii'arland and thf‘ Elll'l'mmding F""“".“ (“r limit "“l’l' I Return their slncr-rc thanks for thc lihernl lihcrnl purmmze (WWW: "I" W“ 4 3"?“va patronage bestowed on thcm since lhcv and takes this "Pi’m’l‘mill‘ 0‘ inmm‘ingl commenced busing-is in ' them that he hua now on hand ‘ ’ ‘ American Iron Cap Pumps, for wells, cisterns kc. Repairing a Specialty, and .~‘ LL WORK WARRANTED. BROKENSIHRE. Penelon i-‘Itlls, opposite Victoria it. R. S. \pril 8th. 133-). 5-ly fluids-.5, .11.;w.1». P. 1. l1. lt'y lcnve 2.30 " ........' JAMES AGNEW. [melon Foils, February l-Zth. Nil. WFENELON FALLs ' HARDWARE S '1‘ () 12 1'3. 'l‘orunto Vin (l. ‘1‘. it. or. 7.52 t‘ ., 13631;}? E sandal-1. i’cnclun l’nlla,withstage for ilabeny‘rol ‘ Kinmonnt, with stage {or linden. urns 11058, J. w.1.nownm, 11-111.... ’ Gnnernl Tunic Aguil- Lindsay, Slay 3rd, IMO. :1) lawman 11mm :58. Th. undersigned is now irlliu; 11 CFOSS 01113 SQWS. ' Kennedy &- Newman & would inform the citizens of l’i‘ur-lnn l'ullr. lirbrunry lfith. lSFl. A Better lssmimenl than EveniF 91191011 F3113: , r 1111:1115 ‘ V _ ‘ n , :nnd beg: to inform the public that thv-y have i 1, ompriszng (mrdon. held 1nd :Just moved into the prunisvs lutely m'cu- / ,' . , , . ? tin w r. 'm. . nrs 1.1 w .vre wv wi 5‘0 k . ( ‘ , I? L 0 \‘v E E D S, be lin‘ppjlto\dcccili- n {rim iii: 'custll: i 1,0 l . Dye 5mm, - the bakery 11nd Secured the services of Mr. -. . i int-rs us wcll us thctr own. iinving l,.,,;,.d . .Cow Ties. ‘ p i and vicinity that they lure resumed husi‘ l lhu'nl llnrrctt, they Arlcprl:111;,r(-.i :0 {lb-rm}, l l l l 1 l iomnlu and lighting Hallway. TIME EBLE. Taking cfl'u-rt on Monday, l.'1 Murcia, 3M0. 1’18iï¬iï¬'111iï¬ii“tun. LoJIT 11111.1. ...~.,-_.. . ...-._ ,. .1 .. " , ,, . .. .. H v In or1l.r to nu: 1 thv. cumix i' .rmnnm, mm", 7“ “n, “m rim, l'xhridgr “ l0.30 “ 6.60 “ 12.00 é \' ' ' " \W " l :t l ' ‘tu"‘ ‘ i Skate», ness In Mr. . ewr1‘1,,i:‘is.;§1lus|l’, s 1 . T a y i Eng ! cunnian “ “In H 737 u L“ p l A F U L L ASSORTMENT 1 ol A dull kinds of lltrdwur, l" l t \' s c u um r- ‘ .(‘nkcs. llnns, Arr . .l'.. at reasonable prices , “""td'lu' †"-5" l 7-5" " 1'†,..‘ :and no eff...†will be spurt-d to susmin the ‘, W. i f, ,1 '11; 1! gr aha, “we [0 c- H u .- Midlnnd Jet nr. ll 4* " 8.00 " 2.25 ‘ D, ,1 high reputation which the Fenclnn Pulls “up ’3 r ‘ “I H l ’ H l i J I, m ~ Lindâ€). M“, [L 4 m P, m, n,“ ‘ ) T ' , ~ _ ,hnkery has deservedly borne. Their-stock of, , m ' 1 ‘. - T: T i “Hum †1'“ A County. l ‘ Brushes. Coniln, kn, tic. _ ‘ .‘ E I I t ’ ,L y : , 3 “Hum, J“ dp' “arm a, m. 1,454 ‘()li(' ite (1 , NOTEâ€"Physician! prescriptions prepsred' I‘ A I L Y (T 0 C E R I E i i. J i ') l 5'90“ Geo . V . l CLOTHING. i with rare and despatch. A full selectionof g i (:iIlVi' “(ll-T" "31¢" ’9“. u“: ï¬nder, p“, er tra l, _‘ 2 .will be found. in usual. fresh, good and i “hm†‘lm'k “r l .~- It â€"~'-«~~ . v-~â€" -' ._ ‘ -q ;. ' , .. i M, ._.,, ,. ,, m‘ Gr]? OCLRILS. , School Books & Stationery “e†2 ; 1:..1.........1.,....m m. 1.10,... F ENEE‘NMMS‘ I. as." Confectionch and 5 nit-ans on hand S C E S A D P o % Hid Jnnrtiun 111-. 7.25 “ 2.36 " an ..._..........-__ . . . ; , . . . ; 141.111., um nu 9.30 11 12.111» 1. 1. .____.â€"__ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~~â€".â€".~_ l t * , ' . . ,_ .. a. “u, . . . _..... . . Egg . , i 1 s . . .m- "1- W ‘ A!!! 9‘50 in opus?“ 7' : C‘C’mz _, f H _ _ r ' , I j , \lnl..ln,r1ctmn tip. 14.: - 7 30 " 2 45 " an a ‘ 5 L a has: nl1be kept on hand. and farm pro-lure I? I ( ) ‘ ' 1 {I & ‘,, l ) 11‘ 113 1-: ‘Y (1 . Wmulnllr 'it'plrt it of. t‘ 7.40 " 2.55 " “g V, - I I .g‘aï¬â€˜gis. gvntrztllf dealt in. .\ nice lot of l J " ’ J - . l , I. I J . V] r a , A. E I‘qqningtun Illif‘tj"; [‘2 U ’1'" " I ' ’ .y i u '. . 1‘ "‘ unrelated the stock of .\. W. Lash-i, I . ’1 k f is our full in ('WI'S 'I’l’l’l"""‘z- “Vâ€: l "'m a "’3 3'" J'“ .'-'" “' "m" n h" j rum“ e - ’ "‘ u "m u m ".pctrnllgflmxmie walk 5'" :Mï¬snyéllmhb' “m : uLm-mc-nsssmu 1.... man-m "rim; l‘OL‘hCl'\ SI (Jlasswarc. TM Ilium“, Fri“. Wm fnl‘ harm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs,i r“""""""‘" “"5 “ 5-30 “ . . , . s; v' . ‘» - ‘~~~‘-' ~ ' ’ .- ‘ ' ' . - - V ’ i “u “mu†" “W7 †' Fiï¬") «. i ’ ‘w‘un ’35)} “if? ‘\‘ . ‘ ‘lalrcs and will he sold as rhea;- ‘ 53.1" PH?" 3"" “"Jc‘l' ‘1 Funny". '9‘" mudâ€, “ n ‘5 P' 3‘â€" 69? I, 1, _ . . \ Vivi! (“inspection (mix. 1 .H 1 saw... ,.,,,,~i_1111u»ntul Salt .md (.‘ual Oil. 1 :zirzixzegih‘iontntz’u 6:0 9- lbs ngesn To. - . . . ‘.. ..~. '- . ~. '3“ . 1-1 r-rrr - b - * . . . ‘ J - 4Ԡ. atâ€, , m , .mm/ “M M 1"" , 1, 4, _ ‘._ “4,4,â€. .lwr :mrtb «.i'J. )uga-nt 5 Drug More. , “0 p. m. “u u u, u . . r“ to)“ «.w. 5 \1 .1 r 1‘“ a 1 1 . u 1 v v W. GOODBRIMM J /' _, / , , , r , ‘ p . .11»... . .9. Ll..\.\I)0.\, : . coe.on I1 IL. ).. ' _ 11-, ;;- Mung“: ,7 _ (a, . . ‘h y («LIUDLY -1).il, In .‘L Toronto, “nth Lluh‘ 1.50" x l v