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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 May 1881, p. 2

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J BRITTON, ,- usnrtxeuorkifi, g OH." , ARRISTEPS. snr.mxron<, u. )lo-l WAT MAKER’ hey no Loon It 6 per cent. 33cc. "°3.‘;."£2':..L.‘.““" ._ .llllllllll if fllllllllll, l", I). MOORE. ARRISTER. ATTURYEY. k SOLICITR ) and Rotary Public. Money to Lo:u.l Odin, Kent stunt. Lind-1y. H [IDSI’E'I‘H & JACKSON, , ARRHTERS, sonoarons, kc. or-i nee. William street, Linduy. i A. ilcusrm. A. Jscxsox. ' I dealer in I a AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, U'LEARY .k 0'1.H.\RY, l ARRISTEIts, ATTORN‘El‘EAT-LAW, Solicitors to Chancery. kc. Ofiice, . Doheny Block. ken: street, Lt':dsafl'. Auras: U'Lnsur. llcon O'Lnnr. in the newest styles and at lowest prices. depend on having it done satisfactorily. M. SHEPPARD, l ARRISTER, ATTORNEY .k Conveyan- ccr. llc \rtbur's lzlork. Collinrne :treev, Frnt-lon Fall... Money to lend on real estate. HTABIO BAN K. MClNTYlll‘: & S'l'I‘IWX li'l', ) A Rllln' HIRE. .\T l‘l')R.\'I-IYS‘AT-L.\W. 1 Sullcllul" l-‘l Clancerv. .kc., Lind-av. l Office over Ontario Bank. Kent str-et. Mn-l no! to Loon at it per cent. on real estate i Prc-id-‘nt . . . . . . .. . View-President . . . . . . . . C. S. Gzowski, Esq LINDSAY BRAXCFI. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United states and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. summit I. l'). J. .‘lclxrr. z. Tuos Srzwsnr. _____._._.____ WM MCDUSNELL. JR. (Lute Ketrhnm .k Mt‘Donne'l) I ARRISTHR. ATTORNEY. SULICITOR. , Notary .kc, lloncy tn Loan. Kent street. Lindsay. Unt. W_ J H. DICKRUN. B. A, ARRIS‘TI‘IR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancor. .kr. Office, Doheny illock. Kent street, Lindsay. Mom-y to lend at 8 per cent. Savings Department nz-ornxsn. Office on lots and upwards. S. A. MclIURTRY, Manager. Lindsay, Feb. l6th,1381. 50-t.f. JAMES DICKSOX, D L. Surveyor. Com nissioner in the Q. 13., t , Conveyancer, .‘zc. Residence, and ad- dress. Fenel-un I-‘nlls. A Mix. .\. MCDOVA L I). . TTOllNE't'-.\T-L.-UV, Solicitor in Chart- ; cery. l‘ouvt-t‘uncer, kc. kc. Strictat- teutiun given to applications for l’atents of Land. from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgug- Security on terms to suit borrowers. Ullice, Colburue street, I-‘o-nelon l-‘alls. C It feiclm falls (Bonita E:Clocks, All Kinds, 3") day, 8 day and 30 hour. Alarm strike,&c [IX SILVER AND 00L!) CASES 55‘ Persons sending watches from a dis- tance for repairs. can have the amount of work and price reported on for their cons d- oration, and as I do the work myself, can Britton’s Block. foot of Kent St. Lindsay. Capital - - - - - - $3,000,000.» . . .Sir. W. 1’. How-laud. General Manager .. .. . . . . . . D. Fisher, Esq. Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- further proceedings. Apples for Bxpoifdiion. ate the fifty dollar motion. and, second. ly, that the whole proceedings were il- ,lcgnl. are to be received with expreme killing fish wholemle during the choc t caution. and we would rather that they, 5 inctead of we should publish an assertion ' sn damaging to the worthy reeve'n con. sistency. Happily. there mean he no squabble- about when meetings shall be held, for the council, with great presence of mind. settled that dif- ficulty by the motion that will be found at the end of last Monday evening's Mr. Joseph Brown, of Bobcavgeon. was at Ingram's hotel, in this village, some months ago. them were apples, which are scarcely exceeded for general usefulness and henlthfulntss by any fruit in the world. and which ought. to be popular with th re is not only a steady home demand for them, but they have already be- come a prominent article of export. The London correspondent of the Globe t lls us that the apple crop in England is a very uncertain one, and that, how- evcr good it may be, there is always a demand for Canadian apples, especiallv good u keepers," well packed. An om once and personal qualities made him country fruit importer says: “ The demand for apples in our mar- from the States and Canada since Sel- tember, 1880. reach about 800.000 bar- rels (of these 150.000 were Canadian fruit). All this fruit has been readily sold on arrival, and good prices have bsen obtained ail along for prime Can adian growth, which for most descrip. tions is superior to States fruit. The best kind of apples to send are Cnnnda Reds, Baldwins. Ribstoncs, Golden and flux Russcts. Greeoiugs and Spitz ; prices of sound lots vary from 12s. to 14s. for ordinary quality. to 15s. to 265 for good to choice. Great. care should two or three days lately, delivering fruit trees for which he took orders The trees were of various kinds, but prominent among Canadian farmers in particular, as ket is very large, and the total arrivals. â€"The*lndepadau says that around 'Caygeoo unprinciplod pot hunters are Like St. Paul. she could trium season, for a rigorous enforce- me‘ut of the ngainst them. _ , â€"‘lr. James “Ross. chief. engineer and manager of the Victoria Railway. has resigned his position for a similar one on the Credit Valley line; and Mr. T. B. Tate, superintendent of the Vic~ tori: Railway, has been appointed nct- ing general manager. â€"A. little girl three years old, daugh- ter of Mr. Bartholomew Crowley, of Otouabee, was burned to death last week. Her mother having left the house, two of the children followed her. and it is supposed that the youngest commcnced playing with the firc in the stove as soon as she was alone. â€"Mr. Wilmot, of the Newcvtle fish breeding establishment, put 15,000 sal~ moo fry into Lake Simcoc of? Oak Or- chard point and 5.000 into Lake Cou- chiching at Pumpkin Island, about a fortnight. ago, and at. the same time several hundred fry of the California salmon, the first of the kind ever intro- duced into those waters, were put. into lake Simeoc. â€"Mr. John Rosevenr. M. P. P. for Etst Durham, died on the 5th inst.. af- ter a somewhat. lingering illness, in the 65th year of his age. He was :1 Con- scrvative in politics, but his independ- Jcsus Christ." No sins nor fern disturbed her soul, No terrors from below; No worldly glory stopped her flight, Or made her loath to go. Christ. At 11% saint entered into rest. tcry on Thursday a. m., May 5th. fol- nnd neighbours. of their friend. anrtsrnv.â€"Mr. J. Net-lands. den thur House. Fenolon Falls, on Monday next, May 16th, and will remain but one day. Tuesday Week will be the Queen's birth- popular even among his opponents, and the large attendance at his funeral showed the respect and esteem in which he was held. the intention to celebrate it in a bcfit ting manner in Fcnelon Fallsâ€"if the necessary funds can be obtained. COURTS or REVISION.â€"The Court of Revision for the township of Fcuelon will be held at Cameron on Thursdav. M -y 26th. and tho. Court of Revision for the village of Fcnelon Falls will be held in Scully's Hall on Monday, June the 6th. Hortsn TRAINING.â€"-profcssor W. A. Brush, horse educator, will give a free exhibition and lecture in this village on Monday evening next, after which he will open :1 school for the instruction of tbo<c who wish to learn his system of Memoir. MRS. ELIZA JANE MOORE. (C’ommuuicttled.) “I heard a. voice from heaven saying un- to me, write. blessed are the dead which die in the'Lord from henceforth : yen, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their lu- bours, and their works do follow them.” It hen the youtltlul mind is brought under the control of piety, the forma- tion of an amiable character is frequent- A few moments before the spirit took its flight. she gave testimony that Jesus was preciousâ€"that she was ready and had a desire to deport ond be with p. m. on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1881, the strife ended and the aged ller remains were taken to the Fenelon Falls ceme- lowed bv a large number of her fliends May her surviving friends be found copying her virtues and following her footsteps, is the prayer tist. of Lindsay. will be at the McAr' THE QUEEN'S Btnrnn.n'..â€"~\*evt dny. nnd we are glad to heir that it is Saturday, May 14th, 1881. be taken to avoid exposing the barrels to the frost, which ruins the fruit, and nothing but sound keeping stock will pay to ship. A good many apples are now coming in wasty, and in conse- quence prices are often low. Such lots as arrive sound are obtaining 14s. to 23s. per barrel.” % Village Council Proceedings. Feuelou Falls, May 9th, 1881. Council met at call of the Reeve. The members all present and the Reeve in the chair. ly the happy result, enabling its possess- ors so to grow in grace and virtue, that death is not only the portal to eternity but to the skies. Eliza Moore, whose maiden name was Skuse, was born in the parish of Don- rous. county of Cork. Ireland, February 1st, 1813, and died in the township of Fcuclou iu the 68th year of her age. Her parents were devoted christiaus, and much respected in their native land When young the deceased was the sub- ject of deep religious feelings \vhilc sit- ting under the faithful ministry of tie early Methodist ministers in Ireland. Moved by ‘Mr. Robson, seconded by The seed of divine grace was sown, Mr. Deymno, That the minutes of last which afterwards yielded much precious meeting be expuuged from the minute fruit. In her youth she was never ad- bOOk-â€"Cnrl‘icd- dictcd to those follies which so general- Movcd by Mr. Robson, seconded by ly blight and wither all the good quali- Mr. Campbell, That the school audits ties and dispositions of young people; Of J01!" Jordan be accepted. and the on the contrary, from her earliest. days clerk forward a. copy of same to school she was unusuallv predispo ed to love board, and the auditors J. C. Fitzger- God and cultivntd her bettcrztnd higher old and T. Lockhart be paid the sum nature. About the your 1831 the good of four dollars for auditing the some. seed oftbc kingdom began to germinate, and that the f. llowing accounts he paid or rather to burst forth into life and ac- nud the llecvc give his orders for the tion. She was then brought. into the same zâ€"Jttmcs (lanterou, salary as sub enjoyment of suvinggracc, cngrafted i... treasurer of school moneys for the years to Christ the " living vine," made a par- 1879 and 1880. 38; James Cameron. taker of his lovely likeness and an heir registering births, deaths and nmrring- of eternal life. Her conversion was go... cs. 86 20; R. Dcwart, telegrujhiog uc- uiuo, as her steady and noble deport count. 600.; Joseph Post, for 6115 days nicut. at all times testified. In the year work on drain, $6 50; Alex- Berâ€"'33- l'OI' 1835 she was married to Mr. Richard 6 days work on drain, $6; Wm. DJ)“ Moore, with whom she lived in grout man, to pay men for work on drain, affection for about 46 years. In the $8 50; J00" Stilflbl‘d. for 8 daj'S' work your 1847 she emigrated with her hu~- A Serious Matter. The Port [1an News says 2*“ There is a young Biddulph community grow- ing up in the township of Cavnn. Mr. Wm. Might. a quiet, iuoffcmivc former, has been the recipient of several threat. ouing letters, warning him that if he did not. leave the farm lately purchased by him from the Midland Loan Com- pany, his barns would be burned, and that a bullet had been prepared for his heart. He entertains strong suspicions as to where the letters have come from." The above statement shows a state of affairs that. requires the instant and dc- tcrmined iotcrpo>ition of the arm of the law to prevent. the serious consequences that may cnsuc if the unruly passions of the few extant “ Cuvnn Blazers ” arc to be thus manifested with impunity. Mr. Night's suspicions should be nsccr- tuiucd and acted upon, and if the nu- tlmrs of the threatening letters can bc di>covered they should receive the ut- most punishment that can bc meted out to them. Though there is for less lntv- lessncss in Canada than there was twen- ty or thirty years ago, a great deal too much still exists, and it is the boundcn duty of every person in authority, from the humblcst. constable to the Minister annstlcc himself, to stamp it out; but the duty, we are sorry to say, is not. on- frcquently shirde with u shamelcssncss that ought to cause the instant removal of the shirkers from the oliiccs they dis- .mu.\' 4.. n.\ lilON, ARllISTER-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's Agricultural and Implement Store. >\. M. D., ("OROXER, Physician, Surgeon. kc, Arc. . llcsidrucv, llrick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. WM, Kl'Illl’T. M. D.. C. M., 1RADUATE of Mcfiill University, Man I trt-al, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- cian, Surgeon and Olntv-triciun, Medical Ito-form to the Standard, I’l mnix, Connecti- cut Mutual. and Equitable Insurance Cutu- panies. ttllice and residence. in the house lately ocuupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Rus streets, Lindsay. . _M Du. A. WILSON, ‘1‘ R. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. 3 . .\1. ll. University of Toronto. Memb. (fol. l’hys. and Surg., (Jul. Physician, Surgeon nod Act-ouchor. Otlice,Colboruc a li‘t't'i, tenolou Falls. mm lltt J. H LOW 1, lhlli'SlClAN' k SURGEON. Coroner for th~ Provisional County of Halibttrton. 323” Or tee and residence in Mr Thomas Marrs's house, Francis Street East, Fcnelou Pulls. ' bundling unbroken or vicious horses. For particulars sec bills and adver- tiscment. Tun CROPs.-â€"On Monday last a splendid ruin, just the right size, fell in this section of country. and as it was followed by piping hot. weather the dross and wheat have grown Wonderful- ly and the hearts of the husbandmon arc pulpitatiug with joy. Many feared that this year's hay crop would be short. but we think without cause; for, though the spring was late. the ground was not parched up as it sometimes is. and the grass grew steadily from the word “ go." INL.\noEn.â€"Wc are informed on good authority that Mr. Keith's pro. ceedings in clinocery against. the school board have been, or must inevitably be, enlarged from the 16th inst. until [110 next sitting of the court, which will Like place in October. The culnrge moot has. we understand, been render- ed necessary by the delay of the trus- tees in preparing for trial. The argu- mom with reference to the mun/omits was fixed for to-«lny (Friduy) but- pcrâ€" hups that has been enlarged also. 1‘. .1.\.\t â€"â€"-'l‘hcrc is it big jam of logs in Burnt River between Johnston'- Rapids and High Falls, a distance of over three miles. and a number of men were sent. up early in the week to try and break it. The logs. fully 20,000 in number, belong principally to Mr. Ullyutt and Mr. Boyd. and a large drive owned by Mr. R. C. Smith is do- tuiued at Kiomount. waiting for the .‘lo.\ll'l'llUR HOUSE. IDENI‘ZLOX FALLS. Robert Rutherford, grace. If the roughs of Cnvnn succeed in their obvious design, which evident- ly is to prevent. the sale of mortgaged properties, their “example will soon be followed elsewhere, and in course of limo the attempt. to enforce payment of a debtâ€"no matter how just n oneâ€" will become so dangerous that timid persons will shrink from it in dismay. and n premiqu will be offered on idlc uc-s, improvidencc and dishonesty. We repeat that. no pains nor expense ought to be spared iu the effort to discover and punish the parties who sent. the threatening letters to Mr. Might; but, judging from our long experience of the indifference with which similar offe"crs have been regarded. nothing will be done until the offenders furnish the lo- cal papers with n for more sensational item. proprietor. This well known first class hotel has every appliance necessary for the acrmum-nlation and comfort of guests, and l-l largely patronized by the. travelling pub- lic. rid)“ (Iowans Ri:.tsos.\nt.v.“%§a A free omnibus to and frotu the railway station. "MISCELLANEOUS: Sitcom) nt‘vtsuix” onun't‘mix THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. The nextsittingi of this Court will be kid on t‘riday, June fl’ltli. lflRl, GEO.CU.\'.\'l.\'Gi1A.\I. Clerk .1 .\ M 1'15‘ .1 1’0“ Ell. ICEXSEI) Auctioneer, Accountant and 1 lit‘llt‘l'fll Commission Ag~~nt. Collect- log nt't‘otlnts a specialty. Utlicc, Fcuclon Falls. Out. S JOHNSON. Dishearteuing. UCTXHNEEH. Village Property and . 1 u ‘ . I ; run-m 5,]... ,, ,ppcmuy NH,“ Ah It is strnncc. but true. that, Mr. countu, lleuu kc. collected. Ollie" and Gru-cncs election to the oliicc (which he so sensutiounlly fills) of more of this village, has had a dnnmging effect on our ability to understand plain Eug- iish or on other persons’ ability to tell the truth; for. notwithstanding the pains we took to have every assertion in last week's article in strict accord- JOHN A BARRON‘ mice with lnct and veracity. we have 501mm,, “my,” ; slttcu been told, to our confusion and dismay. that every statement was a mis- ’st.iteuieut and that it was all wrong lroin beginning to end; which is very disheartening comitlcring the trouble we went to, but this life is full of dis. residence on Bond street, l-‘t-nelon Falls. 6. PERCENT. 6. )1 () N 1‘} ‘1’ 'l‘ O I. ‘E N D at 6, t2} and 7 per cent , according to secu. rity, on llral Estate mortgages. Apply to l I l J. NEELANDS, 1))CNTIS'1‘. L1 NDS:&.Y’. or. drain, $8.â€"Uurried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Deymuu. That the treasurer be ordered to get. his surcty's bond, viz. Geo. Martin, drawn up and have it signed and given to the Rcevc to have it registered, and also advertise the court of revision for Monday, June 6th, 1881.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded Church. by Mr. Robson, That. our solicitor be instructed to write Mr. Bradburn and procure a reconvcyance of Mr. Man- ning's propertyâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Deymun, That the sum of fifty dollars be paid to our solicitor for trans- mission to B.-thuoc 6:. Co., mmqumumâ€"Curried. Dr. \V. G. Bryson's account 131d Mrs, Moore and her husbun over till next meeting. Moved by by Mr. Deymnn, That this council meet every Monday evening at eight o'clock p. m. for the purpose of trans- acting business, and that fifteen minutes after the appointed hour for said mcct~ ings, if a quorum of the council be pres out, they may appoiutn chairman in nb~encc of the Reeve and proceed to constant, I, bu~ine~s. Any former resolution pass- ed and in the minute book is hereby rcpenled.’ Yeas, Campbell, Dcymuu and Fitzzcrald. Nays, Greene and difl‘er bothin Robsou.â€"Curricd. m Caidensed News. â€"Seven carloads of fat cattle left Port. Perry for the old country a few Toronto, T6 not only ministers, but all with whom Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded month ago ob~tructiou below to be removed. The logs in the jam are fol-tuna:er not. pil- ed on each other, and a “ flat jum,’ as it is called, is generally neither very difficult. uor dangerous to start. bond to Canada, and settled in the townâ€" ship of Cavan, Uut., where they resided 18 years. On her arrival in at new coun- try she did not, as many do, lay aside religion and the cause they had espous- ed iu their native land; but. she con- tinued a steady and devout follower of Christ, curly identifying herself (with her kind husband) with the Methodist. Her denominational attach uncut was not. to be questioned, and but fcw were more alive to the interests of the Church than she. Mrs. Moore was exceedingly and unchangenbly kind to ministers. It was her highest ambition to make the servants of Christ. at home while under her hospitobie roof; and BLASTINO.â€"A stranger visiting this village might be ext-used for suspecting that it was Undergoing a siege by hos- tile forest-r, or was infested with Nihil- ists who were looking hulfhourly nt- t'e‘m‘pts to blow up our public institu- tions or our public men. Every little while a terrific “ hing " salutes the. ear, but nobody faiuts or is even frightened. for all know that the. reports are caused by the blasting powder used in the cot:- tructiou of " Dcyman's canal " or in getting out. stone for the addition to the grist mill. both of which works are being prosecuted with the utmost vig- our nnd will shortly be completed. Tun COBOCONK.-â€"Thc Htcatncr (.‘o- bocmtk made her first. trip of the season on 'l‘uesday lust. and ran to Coboeouk and back without. the slightest mishap of any kind. which the captain consid- ers an auspicious nogury for the future. The boat is now in first class condition. having been repaired and repainted throughout and her engine thoroughly overhauled. For the present she will make three regular trips per week. leaving Fcnelou Falls every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at. about 10 n. m.. reaching Cobocouk in time to was meet. with the Nipissing railway for To- routo, and returning to the Falls as early as possible in the afternoon. The rest of the week she will run “ promis- she came in contact. In the year 1873 d moved to About ten the Writer became acquaint- cd with the deceased; during these months he has frequently bad the pleas- ure of conversing with her on those high and important. questions which concern our immortal spirits-that she was truly pious and conscientious, and that. her love to Jesus was supremo and c has no doubt. Variety is the beauty of nature and characterizes all the works of God. Flowers are not. alike either in beauty or perfume; fruits appearance and taste; the lovely landscape consists of variety. So in the Church of Christ. Some in the ministry arc Bnancrgcs, while others, like Barnabas. are the sons of consola- tion. So also with members. Some by their zeal and energy are like the dash- thc township of Fenelon. One of the firm Will be at the ‘ ‘ appointments and probably always will Motorocu Horse. hnxutox bums be. It is of Course not to be expected un the third Monday of each month. Teeth , _ b that we nltzlll point out the alleged or ",‘r‘cu'd by “ugh”; 5” mum” PM" “- i rors in our neonunt of Mr. Greene's L!‘ e I lny‘tf)‘. or no charge Will he made. W U lice established in Liudsnv nearlv “UT”! ‘ but n he or a") one 0" MB “‘ 5m”, "an. ' ' lmll wt~h to do M1, the nece-snry space days ago. lug cataract, impatient. of delay, con- â€"-Mr. Boyd's steamer Bennbomge qucring opposition and bearing nwuy took a snow load of lath, shingles 51c. to everything before them. while others re- I’ort Perry on the 4th inst. scmhlc the quiet stream. flowing silent- â€" Mr. Thomas Fullis, one of the old ly and unobtrusively down the valley, est residents of the township of can"), spreading fertility along its banks. So ~_.â€".~_â€".â€"â€"~â€"-â€"~â€"â€". â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- iu the (inn/re can he had tree ofcbnrge. died I'm ly at the age of 102 years. it Was "it: Mn. MOON“! "if; [deli W35 ‘7' 3 V and we shall defend ourselves Is bcrl â€"-A Bellcville lumbcrmau has been more ot't e pa sivc an on tiring type bOO’OOO D lwc can against the serious accusation. offered by an American buyer, for his than of the obtrusive and aggressive. At“ S PER emu, ittur ill sneer-s5 last week has rendered whole season's cut. one dollar per thnu- She was strong nod steady in her at- with the privilege of pining ott‘ in full or us so motions of putting faith in the sand feet more than he rcccivcd this catchment to Christ- nml his 04059, and by instlluu'nls at any 'time Mortgages mun-rations of councillors. il‘not ofall - time last year. in her attendance to the means 0! grace Mug“ , mankind, that we do not like to say a â€"Mr. Wm. Ssdler, of Lindsay, is regular and attentive. We do not. claim J. B. Baggy", M. i word orwll‘fl occurred atahc meeting expected home fmuuthc old coputryin absolute perfection ‘for {he dypngleid. a" Odice Dohcny Block, Kent “net, ,- on Monday night; C$P¢C|8liy as the :s in days, and will bring with him She had her tnfirmtttcs,wnch sic cep- Lindsay. l fact. that. though the proceedings ofthc two stallionsâ€"n Sudulk Punch and an ly deplored. But we do clann that {the " ““““ "" plcvitats meeting were expunced from English coach horse. was un_cxcellent christian woman. which MONEY To LOAN, the minute book, all the motions were â€"A Maltese cat owned by Mr. Hen- bcr neighbours tire ready to sfirm. lu Uh R“! Sufi“ fl 3‘3“ P" "at Prim“ passed orer again without I dissenting r1: Sherwood, of Peterborough, lstcly the duties of private llle as a. wife and fund!» INN!“ Double ll» Lind"! 30‘ gave birth to three kittens inseparably mother she excelled. Her natural dis 0 . . a that d m" be nil N “ind ( voice, naturally leads us to infer that . _ _ ' I d i I l h, ,"m‘“‘“‘° ' ‘5, ‘ ,P‘ 9 ' , the rccve's alleged cfl'urts to thwart the connecth \I'llll each other by ligaments, posutou was kind an cicerln, an: s I. blow“! "f! "I ~ - PP I ‘0 like the Siamese twins. was highly respected by her neighbours. 8 D on“, wishes of his colleagues could have pro- Th I ‘t d l dld D _ h l n ‘i ' . ‘ ' . ' "do! f0 nitlio" but u d‘ ivrstlc â€" e ightuingon . on s sst l urIn-rt epasttour years. rs. . cores 'u ("ML mound“ Bio‘k' km cu ‘ r m i ’ F ‘p‘ ’ healthphns been fluctusting. Her but , Lind“ coca-dues which we should be exceed- , so much damage to the telegraph wires , . ' "M ' " ‘ luglr loath to believe a man in his cx- '; between Peterborouzh Ind Port Hop: Ilium '13 81'99- "0'- IMNHK 100:" "fl" UTICE [ noted pmitiou could be inflicted with. that all communication was stopped for five days. I visited the deceased during N "â€"- i So for, circumstancisl evidence is in fo- , more than twentyfnur hours. her smkneu. She was completely pr‘ns. NW“ 1' 5"“! Ki"! "W "3' "40" vour of Mr. Greene and again“ the! -â€"Nsponec boasts of at young lady. tratod. though suffering intensely. bltc t it‘“ "'u 9‘" l." "'“Wfibk f‘” ‘“-' "b" i councillors; thereforc the staterooms of, Miss Aurelio Spencer, in her rlxlecnlh patiently bore up and could rejoice in Wimikd The: 5:“; Tswlréi‘; those gentlemen that, at the meeting on year, who is three nod a hnlf feet high the Lord. She was perfectly-resigned «Mimi-lift“. llama. ' iMuudsy night. the new: said. firstly. and weighs only 42 pounds. Sheiis to her Heavenly Fathers will. Her: astound lit-t he would sign the minutes of the well formed, lolly developed and luv thoughts were centred in Cbnstâ€"thro rouloo Pstls its: ms, title u-u. . previous meeting if they would obliterâ€" twigcm. cuously," towing logs or doing anything chic at which she can be profitably cm- ploycd. A ltouuu PETs-Ou Tuesday crew in: a man came into the village with a young bear which be had led all the way from Kiutnouut. a distance of a- bout twenty miles. by the collar and chain attached to it. The animal was well." “ Christ is precious." “ Fur me his back was turned some one stole a to live is Christ. but to die is gain." Pl"de Say, “0 death. where is thy ding? U grave. where, is thy‘ victory ? The sting of death in sin; nod the strength of sin is thc’law. But thanks be to God. which git-9th, us the victory through our Lord Darwin‘s new bpok on . worms is nearly rowdy for the press: Fannie Blanchard. aged 24, died in New York of immodentc use of con. tactics. A telephone hm boon melted down in New York city bv having tho current from an electric light turned into it through the accidental contact of the wires. An Indiana “professor” has been telling his bearers in St. Louis that the world will come to no end on her 12th, of this year. a collision with a comet. butter knife and pickle fork, and Mr. Smith informed the lsndlord. Mr. lu- grnm. of his Irma; but. there was no clue to the thief up to the. time Mr. Smith left. Soon after his departure, Mr; In- gram‘s suspicions :fellnpon a man who said his name was Mcrryficld und that he was from Port. Hope ; and. upon his being searched, the knife and fork wen- found in his possession. He was there~ fore arrested and put in tho lock-up, and a telegram was sent to Lindssv to Smith, who returned next. day. The p isoncr (who is believed to have given Novcm. t midnight, by a feigned-name) was taken before Jan. Tho. Land Leaguors of Illinois pro. Dickson, E~q., and, having admitted misc $250,000 to aid their brethren in the theft and expressed contrition. was Ireland, and not only that, but they sent in charge of Constable Kelly to the jail at Lindsay, there to await his trial. m pledge their energies, fortunes. null even their lives, if necessary. to further the cause. Patent medicines in England now amps - yield a Government revenue of over AnInv â€"_Mlsery' 31.000.0“0. Tln‘y‘m‘rc first taxed in A WOMAN SWALLOWS A suaxxâ€"sr- 1‘83 “m1” “" a“ "will"? fill vendors of secret remedies to take out. a lice and pay a stamp duty. Cerebro spinal meningitis is ing at Carrollton. lud., in an epidemic form. Within two weeks them have be‘cvli twl‘icntydivc deaths from this cause. w ii ct ere. are still large 1 cases requiring attention: mmme or Whitclnw Ilcid. editor of the New York Tribune. was married on Wednes- day to Miss Mills. daughter of 1). Mills tho bunker and capitalist. Among thd wedding presents was a cheque for half a million from the bride's father. Fresh evidence or the existence «f man in Europe as a contemporary of tho mammoth has been discovered in on ancient cave in the Crimea, whore the tooth of n umtumnth was found among the calcined remains of animals. and close by two stouo hu cc heads of fine workmanship. A large Cabinet. shop in “'nrkworth, erected on piles over a mill pond. sod- dculy dropped in the water the other day, and save the workmen a terrible scare. One of them working in tho top storey jumped out of tho window TEMPI‘ T0 srsnvs‘. 11*. “3° Mrs. J. B. Elliott, of Mt. Vernon, has been ill for six months with a mys terious ailment. which the local physi- cians are unable to diagnose. The lady believes that a snake. which she swallowed while drinking from n spring last full, has remained in her stomach and grown to at great size. She says she,cau‘ feel it moving about and biting her. Her physicians advised her to fast for ten days, and when the snake should get. real hungry to coax it out by holding a pan of fresh milk before her open mouth. The abstinence was begun, and to-dny being the fifth day Mrs. llliott, feeling ravenous and sup- posing her lodger equally hungry, had a pan of the best milk obtainable brought up, fixed herself in an inclined position, her heels higher than her head. with her open mouth closo over the milk, but. the snake refused to be be- guilctl, and the. aroma of the milk over- powered tlic hungry woman, threw be! into convulsions, and induced such dangerous sinking spells that her physi- prevail. cians brought the fast to a conclusion and compelled the patient to cut. The failure of the experiment made Mrs. Elliott sicker than before, and she des- pairs of being over able to outfttst. tlzc snake. Her inability to starve out the snake has produced a Hate of mental anguish which the doctors say will lead to insanity. o - o-â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" Co-opsrative Dairy Farming. A HUGE DAIRY AND STOCK FARMING SCHEME FOR THE NORTH-WEST. Ottawa, May li.â€"â€"'I'he extensin cheese exporter, Mr. Gnome Morton, of Kingston, is at; prisent in the city. He has had several interviewa with tlic Govern r-cheral and omnibers of the labiuet pertaining totmttcrs in con- ncctiou with his Nortthcst. coloul'ttt- tion scheme. His llttuntltms are to form a Company with a paidâ€"up capital ufSltltlfitll}; toleucc in 2:34 farms of 160 acres ouch ; to break up 40 ucri s on each latrtn ; build a good house and stock each lot. with 30 iui.ch cows. All these forms arc to be nt'l'b’t‘tl by it nar- row gauge railroad (two feet Willl'), with n statibu at. every farmer's dolr The railway is to be miles in length, with 58 stations. [t is. intended to collect the milk twice daily tor .‘imonths or longer, and to raise all ti o c‘ulvcs illnlcutl of deaconiu’g thorn, us practised in dairy districts in Amtricn. nod to build an immense choose nod and was lishe-l out of the pond very lit- tle tho worse for the docking. The New York .llu'l still urges that the whipping-post should be set. up for the men who whip their wives. Ils privileges should be extended to the untnbhenils who snap pistols and guns, thinking they are not loaded. and thom simplt-tous who go through the forms of marriage for " fun." q-” n63” Farmers in want. ot‘n good set of Iron or Wood Harrows will do well to end on Robson k Robson, at the Cameron Lakc Foundry, and inspect. the stock, as they have a large variety and sell at prices to suit the times. The wood is good white oak, three years seasoned. NI:LIRI{IICI). At the Roman Catholic church, li‘cuelon Falls, by the Rev. I-‘utlter Fitzpatrick, on Monday, April lRth. Mr. John Duggnn, of the township of Vcrnlnnx, to Miss Cecilio Teresa (,‘hristy, of the township of Hastings. At the Roman Catholic church, Font-ion ‘-'alls, by the Rev, l‘htlltel‘ Fitzpatrick, on 'l‘hursdny, May :‘vtlt, Mr. Thomas Cooke, of. the township a t‘ Vet-alum, to Miss Catharine Sullivan, ot' the township of (ialwuy'. l).l4J.-\'L‘l'[!%. In Lindsay, on Sunday, May fill), of con- Pumptiun, John .t. l’, eldest son of tho lltm. S. C. Wood, Provincial Treasurer, aged ‘23 years. AI A. I: If IQ’I.‘ l {- It} .lr‘OlE'l‘S l-‘I'ZNI'ILON FALLS MARI”) 'S. Fem-Ion Falls, Friday, May lilth,.lrllRl . butter factory for mauulhcturiug ehcd “I'm”; lit”; l'el‘ bujlwl - "5' ll" 0 "l: dar, stiltnu, and gruycrc cheese from “1"”‘l'hl'm'g' ‘ ' ' ' I I" n l" , . ' . .. ,, ._ Barley, per bushel - - - 00 50 the produce of 0.100 cows. Inn on”, H ,, _ _ _ _ m, 30 scheme Will be of great advantage to pm“, is t. _ - _ - on u or. poor men having families, who can milk Rye, N u . - - . on no stock. thus saving the otherwise ucces- gmfllm‘iv H “ - - - - ill" ‘ ' ’ utter wr I. - - .. - - v; s r on u for in o r. wt do - 'l v {I y h‘jy . - - 1),“. I u, d -l".bt' Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs , 7 50 8‘00 less cause a our to t IL 0 lecsc pm ut.tu;_ Fug, ,m mm,” _ _ ,J H, .. . . . ., .. - - communities of Amcrtca and Great. “fly, perm", _' _ . - - s on m a 53). Britain. Connected with this scheme ()nious lar re, er bushel - no t 00' I. . . . I ‘5 p 7 70.000 acres of a macho for feeding AWN“. l't‘r bfln'i‘l, - - - 5 0) 2 30’ . ‘ . . . r . steers are required, and are expected to (il‘mmgu‘! P” d""‘ "t ' " ' "0 '° ,6” b, ,_ , d f t, ‘ G V N 1 , (.urmts, per bushel, - - - ‘25 .10- c also runs it. 0 women . me”, u u - .. - 35 4o» .- A Hungarian Murder. I5 PL E E i E X 4H is I‘T'i'o' Ni Dolly Vurtlcn and Nelly Buy. PROFESSOR BRUSH dz SON, the renowned HORSE EDUGATDRS, will give a FREE EXHIHlllDN 8: llEElUllE. on the main «street in PENELON FALLS, -â€"()ll-â€"- AN ENGLISH COACHMAN BUTCHERED AND DL‘lMEMBERED BY ms FELLOW SERVANTS. John Hayward, an English conch- mun in the service of Count Victor Karolyi, had been missing from li- mzister'n house, in l’esth, since the 7.11 of April. On that. day he had bfltn paid two moutbs' wages, and was last seen in tho comp-luv of two groom} with whom he spentfirc evening in con- vivnlity. A fortnight afterwards the mutilated remains of the unfortunate man were du: out of a dung heap. The dist-t-Very ofthc murder is due to the sugncity of a provincial policeman. who. having read of Hayword'a mysterious disappearance, and learning that two grooms who had been in Count Karol- yi's service had nrrivml in his nciglv- bourhoml, made it. his business to watch them, and being confirmed in his so.» MONDAY, MAY lBlh, 1881, commencing at 7 o‘clock, p. m., (to the Character and Education of the Horde; will also exhibit their highly edu- cated DULLY VARDEN MARI-I, which won out: of the wont kickers ever known, and now demotmtratca the wonderful intelli- picions that they wore concerned in the disappearance of the Engliduuun, pro- ceeded to nrn-ut’thI-in. The prisoners Were sent. back to l’csth. where, on be- iug interrogated. they made a lull con- fession of the crime. It appears that after drinking with tho two grooum. Hayward slept that. night in the some room with them. In the middle of the ash coloured all but its legs. which night the prisoners got up and strun- wcre black. as the body will be when the bear is full grown. The ovmer said it would be a year old in July and was pretty lame. tbotuh occasionally it was a little cantankerous. and had shown 5.1M once or twice on the road. It. wniked quietly by his side, lay down by his chair when he took a seat in the Mansion Home bar-room, and got. up ofirc nwn ncmrd the moment he nrrw.‘ to take. it to the stable. It did not ap- pear tired by its long tramp. but was quite pcaccabl-atsud allowed itsc fm be inspxtod closely and even pitted by the men and boys who of course gathered around it. Szxr 1'0 JAILâ€"01 Thursdsy of laat week a commercial traveller named Smith. from Montreal. put up It the Man~ion House, in this village, and o- pened out his samples of silver were in one of the rooms on the ground floor. faith in Him she could say, " All is During his motor, absence Orwhils I l : gled their rompnuion. 'I'hvytnok all his tummy, amounting to witty-live flor- inn (about. six [moods ten shillings), and pnswsocd themselves of his other valuables. including a gold watch and chain In order to hide the murder, the perpetrators proceeded to cut up the body into stunll pieces. the instrtt meot they used being: pocket knife, They then carried the remains into the nhltle yard, and threw them into the gencc l f the Horse when rightly managed. 1’1’01‘. ‘Vns. A. lit-lush will then Open a Horse Training School, and will remain two days in each place, for the purper of teaching his entirely new system of handling wild and vicious horns and trolH in the school, free of charge. the only practical and reliable nyntem of Horse Educ-allot! now' known; the worst boullty, kicking or runaway homes broken in the shortest pomihle time our known. my- l’rim ot tuition, $2 .60 per scholar, for book and lessons; two to three lessons given. For further portitulnrs and certificate» see posters. The Pratt-scar will be at Cameron to-dny, (Suturdny, May ch,) at 7:30 p. m. â€". l COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the refuse pit. cave-ring them deeply in stn- blc litter. Researches confirm the truth of the coolest-ion of the prisoners. From the dung pit there were dug out first the lclt arui, then the right leg, sod the rest of the body, which was shock- ingly hacked and mutilated, though the inurdcren did not find time to sever it Ono of the pris- Thc oth- er. who is awaiting his trial, adheres to into further portions. oners shot himself in pri-on. his confession. will be bold Al the Grange Hall, Camellia, THURSDAY, HAY 23m, $81. All pnties interested will take colic. nod govern themselves accordingly. 1!. J. LYTLE, Township Clerk. Csmbrsy. Slay 9th, 1381.

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