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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Jun 1881, p. 2

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LEGAL. are MAR YIN k llOl'KlSS. ARRISTEIL“. S’lIJP-ITUR“, kc. ) neyto Loan ll 6 per cent Kent urn-t, Linduy, Unt. l’. S. Inns. 6 3h. 11. "onus. F, 13.31001”). PARRIS‘I‘ER. ATTIHZKFZY k Fnl.l"l‘1’ll ! and Salary Put-'ir Money to LOAD. 'L‘Iit", Kent ureet. Lin-tn}. llI. liSl’l-l'l'll o: J ACKFON. cAitl'll ‘TERS. SOLI'JYI'IES. te. tier. Willi-tn Itreet, Linda-y i, lle:u..u. A. J acrsox. 0 f. ULEAIIY Jr O'l.l-l.\RY, 'tte‘TEltS, ATTORSEY"-.\T<L.\W. Lu, rir-zrc m Chancery. kc. Ollicn .- flloci. bent ctreet, Ll (luv. : ‘1'" Ulnar. lIL’tHl (Theme. \1 SHEPPARD. .ltlquElL ATTORXEY A: Conveyan- '. ‘Jc.\rt|tur'l ltlork (‘olhorne strcI-t. 5 in t’ulls. r. Fri \' l'l'lll'l & STl‘le'Al'l'l‘. 15 “fills, ~ttcitor» in Chuncr-ry. to" Lind-3}". '.' ,- over t)..tnriu Hank, Kent str'et. , v to Load at 8 per cent. on real estate --~:ritio1. I). J. McInrr l. \\'.\I. .\le|)().\‘.\'ELL. Jn., (Late Ketchnm k McDonnell.) :t.\lt!tls‘TI-ZR. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR. ‘ Notary .kc Money to Loan. Office on Kent street, Lindluy, Ont. Tao: SIBWART. .l B. DICKSUN. B. A, iAllltIiTEH. ATTORNEY-AT~LAW. Other. ? Money to lend on real: .ii'rottxurs-AN..iw. 1 MI)- I l J. munâ€"03", l WATCHMAKER, dealer in Clocks, All Kinds, the Best and Cheapest, in the newest «til-n; and at lowest prices. a? 1'-~r-' m; : ‘n-ii'lg watches from a (ll!- tnnc~.~ for repairs, can have the amount ol work and priw reported on for their cons d- ent'io't. and us' 1 do the Work mveelf. can depend on having it d rue satisfactorily. Britton's Bub. foot of Kant St.. Lindsay. ONTARIO BAH K. lCapi’al - - - - - - $3,000,000. l Presid-nt . . . . . . . . Sir. W l’ lluwland. General Managr-r . D Fisher, Esq LINDSAY BILLV'II. Drafts bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United >tutes and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. Savings 1) 1'I)lll‘tlll.(:llt m; oi-zszn. Interest allowed on deposits of fire dol- lar: and upwards. S. A..\1c.\1L'RTRY. . Manager. I Solicitor in Chancery Convevnnccr . q - ‘ . ' ‘ ' .81. 5tt-t.f'. .et-. Office. Doltrny Block, Kent street: L'Udfll’reb' 16ml Lind-ny. Money to lend at 8 per cent. __ , -.... .\ LEX. Titcnoxihu, TTl)lt.\'EY-.\T-LAW, Solicitor in Chun- [ eery, t‘ouveyuucer, kc..&c. Strictat- ten'iml given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Murlgng: Security on terms to suit borrowers. Uflice, Colboruc atreet, Ft-nelon Falls. max A. BARRON, I) .\ RRISTEll-AT-L KW, Lindsay. Ofiicc I on Kent Street, next door west of' Keith's Agricultural and Implement Store. MEDICAL. :\ W. J. DEGRASSI. M. D., outman, Physician. Surgeon, kc , kc. llesidettce, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. _~ \\'.\I. KElll’T. 3|. a, c. .\l., lllADUATE of McGill University, Mon 1 treal, itan Provincial Licentiate, Physi- r-inn, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Medical llefr-rl-r to the Standard, l’i-(tznix, Connectis eat Mutual, untl Etpiitahle Insurance Cum- pnnieit. Office and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Sluildl'tl, at the corner of Lindsay and ltus streets. Lindsay. Do. A. WILSON. \ ll UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. ; . M 8. University of Toronto. Memb. Col. Pins and Sat-g. Unt. Physician, Surgeon and *‘Cttiillt'llt‘l‘. U.ticc,Cnlbornc s trv-et, renelnu Falls. let fr tcl Jll ftl‘s 'l‘wzrltt I Saturday, June 11th, 1881. Afi‘tirs in Iceland. Affairs have ban getting l'rom bill to wore in Irv-laud by slow but sure de- greos. and at length t'tc hm; expected crisis is imminent and the nutbretk of' civil war is feared. All sorts of tllll- rages hnvc later increased in f'requcn- ey, and although just at present there is a lull in the displays of turbulence on the pm of the p'flirltll‘)’. it. is only the calm before tlte storm. which \i‘ill soon break out again with Unprecedented violence. The Country is being filled with troops and conslabulary. who are so enraged at b ing compelled tosuhmit passively to thc repeat-d assaults com~ muted on them b.‘ the people, that it is believed they will retaliate revengef'itlly in the C\'t'|ll ol' their being called tlpnti to use their arms. The London 77mm, in a strong article on the >llll xtion. say: " We have onlv tn Consider the con- dition of' Ireland aul the temper ol' the [I'I\l| peasantry on the the hand. and ~uch spcet-l cs as those of Archbishop Ct’oku at ll dycross and Mr. I’urtwll yes- terday on the other. to said} ourselves of the complicity of' the Land Lcagut- and its l'u'lcl'a‘ and abuttors with what is now nothing time nor less that: a cult- spiracy to defy law.‘ The. cry of' the l éllit'llllll 8t lilllllllill, g ._.... d t l 3/ day. 8 day and 3') hour. Alarm strike,&c AMERICAN WATCHES, l Vice-President . . . . . . . . C (IZ‘IWHkI. E-q , Du J. ll LOWE. )IH'SIITIAN' k SURGEON Coroner fir lll' Provisional County of Ilnliliurton. ll":t.'tlu is no longer " protc-t. against arbitrarv convictions" It is now the W l'lllit'e and l'I'tl‘tIt‘lIt‘C it) Mr Thomas Marrs's house, Francis Street East, Fenclon Fulln. 'l‘ W. lll‘IAlll‘l. I! A, M. D.. ' lltlh'l'l‘Y COLLEGE. TORONTO. .\l. C. P. .k S , not , Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ronehcnr, firn rrlv Physician at the Insane \-_v urn. London, Ont. .\'. ll Special alv ' 'in-u paid to diseases of Women and ‘:-l ler. :3)" tllllce for the present on Francis i'l -~t west. Feneluu Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. t\'l) Dl\'lS‘l().\' "TIP. coux'rv ot‘ t‘.t)l.'ll'l‘ l.\' \‘lC'l‘UttlA. n-xt sitting-t of this Court will be . on Thursday. June Ztttth, INS]. GEO. L‘UNNINthAM, Clerk. .1 .\ M l‘lh‘ J. 1’0“ 1'} ll. ll‘I-INSI'ID Auctioneer, Accountant and 1 General Commission Agent. Collect- lag account: it specialty. Ulllcc, I’enclun '. .ills. Ont. S. JOHNSON. llthlthEER. Village Property and ; r‘artu Sales It specialty. Notes, Ae- t-ouuls. ll-‘uts kc. collected. Ollie» and residence on Bond street, l-‘enclun Falls. 6. PERENT. 6. .‘l O N 12" '1‘0 13191 '1) at G. t3! and 7 per cent. according to secu- rity. on Real Estate mortgages. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay J. IEELAHDS, I) E N 'FIS'I‘. L1 ND 51‘ Y. One of the firm will be at the Moiurucu llousz. Francs Fans. on the third Monday of each month. Teeth extracted by laughing go: without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. 36‘ Office established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. $50,000 TO LEND M- 8 not case, with the privilege of paying ol in full nrl Mort '-i re: . b l" l the Canada Pacific. by laitalmentr ct any time bought. J. 5. DlXtih’. Burrister. kt, fl' Ofieo Dobeny Block, Kent street. Lindsay. MUSEY Tl) I.t).\.\' u. nut stut- at Eight per cm! Private Panda. loin-"i unable or Lindsay. No catnu'iutun charged nor Drtuuit required. Expense: very ru-ll. Apply to E. I). ORDS. Ofllec. \leDoutioll‘c Block, Kent “not. Lindsay. NOTICE ..L Notice is hereby given ttnu the coders lgned will not be rcsponaible for any drhu coir-cred in Mt tram. unless the party o1lnetiagtbciu has his written uthority Ir thot 8! Mr. J. D. Smith. li'.~~ ti-I immoral d Ictriuc that the tenant may ' rcl'ust- to pay what he considers unjust rent. C\'|'Il though he. is purl'ectly abie to pay. Thus is the agitation revealed in all its n iki-ilttess. ol' which Atchhlsliup (.‘r-dtc. the appointed minister of' reli_. lull. prnll-ssiu: peace and charity to all m ‘11, says. “ It is not a revolutionary, II ‘I llll Il‘l'l'lIJ'ul~ lll|)\l'lll(‘"b Illll‘ll "HITC- tumt ctleu atcd to iuj'tro anybody " lt is -l.llieult to rqu such words with cnum -n pa ia-occ. It is not landlords alo .c w‘tn sail-r null-r this cruel. law- 'ri m. but hundreds and thou- sands \vn-v .t-‘- depend all on them, such as Ill‘ll'l 'tl -t:-.s nl' rent charges. holders oi jointurt-s ete , all nl' whom are abso- llllt'ly :Ilillltl~§. No word ol' sympathy for these helpless victims has escaped the sacred lips of the minister of. the llospcl. Yet Mr. I’arxn-ll v-au coolly exâ€" hort the Government to follow Archbish- op Urokc's advice. The Government is exhorted to leave thi- ltndlurds to the mercy of the pea :tntry. inflamed by reckless agitation. in order to prove what. is perfectly ct-ar a-readyâ€"that they would get no nn-rcv at all. to say nothing ul'ju‘tice. F-re-- may be no , remedy. but when law is openly llcfii'll and the dt-liatc.- np-nlv justilic'l as :i umvetneut cdculare-l to i vjurc nohndv. it, is) lti‘Ct-rstri. lt litre id to \illliCilt' dected ! t. tuc authority nl~ the 1m." Th3 Victhit R tilw.ty. For the l'ollowing i-tlivrtnitiou c-n. ' (turning the change in tho mvnursltip “l l the Victoria Railway. we are indebted l to the PM! 01‘ the 3rd lush: “ For some time pu‘t t n-re l avo b--cn rumours of n eh mg" i I I‘m pr -pii -t;tr_v ut the Victoria llailuui‘. and we are nowable to state that u ~yndicatc in Wllll‘ll lion 1) .\. .‘lclonis and Mr. Johtt l’t'ocmr of lla tIIlltIII are the lead ,Iers, has purehusn-d a omu't-lJng inturv i eat. .-\ new l)':||'-l nl dir-cn-rs will be some of the present alirv-ctors. M r George, Laidlaw will retire from the cotter-m. It is intended to pttt lresh eipital and eon-rgi into the run l. to in eru~n~c its at] tiput ~nt, to [my oil its lia billties, itnhruie its way win-re necessa r_\'. and exp-ml it in ad pr. bahl ity to Il‘lhi‘ is done. at an early day it will be a very inipor tnnt mlIlt‘l' for this town. and will cu- able the. town to reap the full measure of benefit erp‘cted from its heavy bn. lltufi. The price paid for the inter st ' pn‘cbascd was. we understand. 3300..l , i and beer license, and that the clerk no- , 000 ; the new syndicate to ns-uluc all ti ial notice of‘ the change has been reâ€" l eeived at the oficcs ol' the railway in ; this town." mdsidtu in this rillnm In.- swarming luau raism a land against them, al- though the law itnp-tuivcly command: ; that they a-hsll be cut drum on private ’ p op rry by the owners thereof, and on i the old eoiupriy‘a liabilities. The ot- i Titts‘Tuts. die â€"-The vacant lots and Sunday and Monday lust Jack Frost ' _ _ , crept into the fields and gardens in this | with thistle: and other weeds. yet uol vicinity and did 3 ‘good deal of injury l Village Council Proceedings. Fenclt-n Fnlfs. June 2nd. 1881. Council met. at call of the Reeve. Munb.-rs mount. H. W. Greene, E q . retve. and (WUIICIIIOFI Campbell, Fit:- Minutcs of previ- ous meeting read and approved. The tl-lowing accounts were laid on the table and referred to the finanmrl committee: E. I). "and. :tdverti~irrg~ Court of Ilciisino. 82; Joseph Post, re. pairing sidewalks, $4 25; Peter Tyler. l repairing sidewalks. 53; Dr. Bryson.l operating on James Fox. Jr. 810. I Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by, Mr. Campbell, That the foregoing :ic- counts be paid. and the new give his orders for tne saunaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the Clerk be in structed to put up notices that there will be curtain cot-tracts of building sidewalks lot by auction on Wednesday. June 8th. at I0 o'clock a. m.â€"Currlcd. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. seconded by Mr. Robson. That the chairman of the street and bridge committee advcr tise for tenders tor the Completion of the dain south of' the river; tenders to b: opened on Monday, June l3rlt. lSSl. â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Campbell. That the following accounts he paid, and the recve give his orders for the same: John Stafford. four days' work on drain. 84; Joseph Post, t-nrec and three quarters days' work on drain. S3 75; Jolm T. Thompson. flair and a hall days' work on drain, 8-]: 50; do. Work on Bond street, 81 50; do., work on Francis st.eet. Sl.â€"C.trried. Moved by Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mr. Robson, That the communica- tion of Mrs. F. etch respecting the nuisance caused by the slaughter llOllSt' ol' Austin Bros. be laid over for one truck. as Austin Bros. have promised to keep the name in proper condition.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Robson. seconded by Mr liitz-u-rald. That the petition of llobert ’tutherflird asking this council to grant him a wine and beer license be laid over for future consideration.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson. second-3d by Mr. Fitzgerald. That. all ptrties are Cautioacd against allowing horses to run loose in this municipality. as it i~ strictly prohibited by Bv-law No. 8 01' this municipality â€"Carried. Council adjourned. to meet. in Court or llevisiou on Monday, the 6th inst... at. 10 o'clock a. m. Penelouâ€"Falls Court oTRevisiou. Fem-loo Falls. June 6th. 1881. The Council ttict iti Court. of' Ilcrision. Members present. [1. W. Greene. rcevc. attd councillors Campbell, Fitzgerald and Robson. After taking the necessa- ry oath of office. it was Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. lampbcll. That Mr. Greene be appointed cltairtnau.â€"-Carricd. Councillor Dcyman entered and took his seat and the necessary oath of oflicc. Moved by Mr. FIIchritld, scentideil by Mr. Robson, That 'l'hntthts Archer's asscsslllcllh be let stand as prescnt.-â€" l Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. seconded by Mr. Robson. That lot No. 21'.) south of the river, now assessed to Francis Jacques. be asseSscd to William Mar- gach, Jr. to the amount of $100, and Francis Jacques be changed to part of Block U. south of the l'li'tll'.â€"U.Il‘l‘lt'tl. Moved by Mr Campbell. sec mdcd by Mr. Dcymau, That S. Newman's assess- mcnt. 01' personal property be reduced $250.â€"(.‘:trtied. Moved by Mr. Deymnn. seconded by Mr. liubson. That lots Nos. 11 and 12 south of" Queen and West of Colborne streets. and lot No 12 north of' Louisa and west. of Colbornc streets, now as- sessed to A Lalibcrtic. be put. on the non-resident, roll. and that A. thlibcrtic be assessed as tenant for lot No. 8 sout't of Francis and west of' (lolboruc streets. â€"C~arried. Moved by Mr. Robson. seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald. That no change be made in M. H. Cocliranc's assessment, and that the dog tax be struck 0iI.â€"Ctli't‘lt!d. Moved by Mr. Robson, secondcd by Mr. Fitzgerald, That no change be made in John \V. Kennedy’s assessment. of real estate. and that. the personal property. 5400. be struck offâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mr. Dnyutan, That William Davis be assessed for the north hall‘ of cast half ol’ lot No. 5 west. ol'Culboruc and north of liond streets, as tcnant.-C.u'ricd. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, secotnlcd by Mr. Robson. That. Smith dc Fell‘s personal property be struck off the roll. â€"Carried. i Moved by Mr Fitzgerald. seconded hy in. note”... Tnat John cant. be} assessed for lot No. 2 east. of Uolbornc and north of' Bond streets, in plaCe of N. C. Smitli.â€"Carried Moved by Mr. Fitmerald, seconded by Mr. lli-bsou, That lnt~ Nos. 25 & :39 s-uttlt ol' the river be assessed to 11 -ur_v I Mellcrmid to the amount ul‘ SUUU.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Deyman. seconded by Mr. Campbell, That this Court of lie . . _ ; 3" . . ' . ‘ . -) . ,4 "my. “mm “L. mum” o, \Llotl he .nljournul until tho -Utli do) ul Junc inst.-â€"Carricd. l Fettelnn Falls. June 6th. 1881 The couuetl adj -urned l'iout Court at l llcvision to general business. i Mnch by Mr. Carol-boll. x‘cntlilcd by l l l Mr. Dcymiu. That- l’etrr Tyler and .Io~ scpli I'ust be paid the sum of' $6 each. on account of' work on sidewalks. and that. the rcevc give his order: tor the sainc.â€"-l.‘arricd. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. seconded by Mr llnbson, Tnat this council do not think it advisable to grant a wine tit‘y Mr. Rutherford ol‘ the same.â€" Carried. The council then adjourned. JUNE Faustâ€"During the nights of to such young and tender plants as were unable to resist the malign influence of his icy breath. Ilia visits are so c-uu- , moo at this time of year tlmt they ex- ' School Report. The standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7. Verulam, W. In}. l’ayue. teacher. for the month ot‘ May. is as follows :â€" Ftrru CLASfiâ€"Joseph Paul. 1st; trim Paul, 2nd. FOURTH CLASS.â€"-J8m95 Paul. 15!; Jessie Lamb. 2nd. THIRD Ct..i5s -â€".\ggic Dunseath. 1st; Martha Billet. 2nd; Fannie l’otb‘, 3rd; , Elizabeth Flclt. 4th. Secoxn Cuiss, Secâ€"Katie Moore. lst; Maggie Lamb. 2nd; Mary J. l’ugue. 3rd; L'bbie Dunscath. 4th. Snooxn CLASS. JR.â€"â€".‘Iaggie Flett. 1st; Bella Sinckler. 2nd : Katie Thompâ€" l son. 3rd; Mary E Flctt. 4th. Ftasr CLASSâ€"Nettie Pogue. 1st; Willie Ellis, 2nd; Grace Lamb, 3rd; Minnie Moore. 4th. Monthlyâ€"School Report. The following is the standing of' the pupils of' the senior department of the Fettelon Falls public school for the month of May 1â€"- FIRST CLASS IIONOURS. Ellen 'l‘womey '78; Kate Twomcy 74; Annie Keith 7'2; Noble Watson 71; Isaac Puller 70; Maggie Jordan 66 ; Annie Lochead GI. SECOND CLASS IIONOURS. Johanna Sullivan 59; Lottie Glover 55. PASSED. Fred C ichrane 48; Ada Glover 47; Aggie Ellis 46; Bella Cullon 42; Jett- nie Swanton 40; Curl Smith 40; Eliza Ellis 40. FAILED. Annie Ellis. Annie Dewart, Edward Powers. Annie Robson. James Naylor, Mary l’rercult. Joseph Littlcton, Geo. Barr, Thomas Belch. Bella (‘amerou, Willie Cameron, James Davis, Fannie Wilson. Bury’s Green. (From our Correspmitleut.) the supcriutcndence of Mr. Jars. Lamb. who has enniuetcd it for a number 01' years, ulltl we hope he will receive as- sistanco from members to carry it on as successfully the present season. NOTESâ€"Sickness is on the increase. ...Icu brokenâ€"three. weddings already. ...Miss Libbic Dobson is recovering sloivly.....-1 local reporter went fishing and caught a ducking....Crops looking well....l’ntatoe bugs on tile war-path; lay in it stack of Paris green. Burnt River. (Fruit our (I'm-rt-spmnh'nt.) CttAGltIx â€".-X business man of‘ this neighbourhood l'ccls grout chagrin ot'er an article he saw in a local paper; but lie no doubt now knows thtt. he who made the gun/(cs! more is now the slow- est in moving. At any rate, the build- ing must go up. 'l'hink llVl'I' it. FISHING â€"-\\'c b 'iicve a Fishery la- speetur is now Watching the waters of Four Mile L tke, as a report was in cir- culation that fishing had been going on SUNDAY SCHOOL â€"-Thc Sunday school 4‘“ lt‘fl' . has been opened for thc summer under â€"I ll“ "allsrcl‘ “l lllc Gl'il'ld J'lllc' 25 in his own yard. in: over the dashboard. and it is thought ithat he felilt'orward in a fit and was choked to death. The Port Hope Notes says it is ru- moured that it is the Midland Krilway. and not the Grand Trunk. that has got control of the Grand Junction. , â€"Rcv.v Mr. Gibbs. Crm'grrwgational l minister of Whitby, was struck by par- alysis while officiating in the Bllti'ltldlh l ville pulpit. and at last accounts was in 5 a dangerous Condition. -â€".\Ir. Knifliu is about to ship across , the lake from Port Hope 2.500 tons of 2 bay, which he bought in Oshawa. Whit- by. Newcastle and the township of Hope at from $7 to $8 per ton. : â€"L‘-urculios are at work on Port Perry plum trees; but the Standard thinks that by a eouplc of weeks' \‘igil- ‘ nut warl'are with the little pests a good ' crop of fruit may be Secured. â€"Tbe 3rd concession line in Eldon is the worst. road in that township. and yet the authorities won't. fix it up. til- though the Advocate has asked them ever so many times to do so. â€"-Thcre are rumours. apparently well grounded. that the boat. race in Orilliu on the Queen’s birthday was the ‘ dittiest sell " ever perpetrated in that town, which. the Times admits, is say- ing a good deal. â€"Thc people near Rice Lake and the streams tributary to it are busy catching l’rogs, the hind legs of'whiclt sell in the States, where f‘rng meat is in great. demand. at 60 and sometimes 70 cents per pound. â€" Interested parties having circulat- ed disparaging reports concerning Mr. S xdlcr's imported horses, the Past Comes to the rescue and produces evidence which proves that the distinguished att- im-ds are “all that they are cracked up to be.” â€":\bout. four miles from I’ctcrboro'. at Cherry Grove (so called from the abundance of wild cherries) Mr. James. Elliott has a model stock and dairy l'arm. an interesting account of which may be found in the Examiner of‘ the tion Railway to the tlrund Trunk Rail- way took place on the 4th inst. The total amount to be paid by the latter for bonds, rolling ‘stnck and cvcrithing will probably not. fall far short of one million dollars. â€"At a meeting of the East Durham Conservative Association held Ill Mill- brook on the lst. inst. an unanimous vote was passed in favour of‘ Dr. Brcrc- ton. of Bethany. as the candidate ol'tln- party at the approaching election for the Local Legislature. â€"â€"Tlie Midland Argosy. now in its second year, has hitherto been printed ’11 the oflicn ol' the Oriliia 'I't'nu-s: bu' .“lr‘. McFarland. editor of' the (ft-9mg. is Forming a jiint stock companv i- Midland, by w to n the local paper wil in future be published. -â€"\Ir. 5. Irwin of Lindsay. has pat. outed :i new our. on lClllll'Elll, which en- ab'cs the narsman to face the D'Ht' of his boat and-sec win-re he is rowing. The (’05! says it is :t great, impruvc-nn-u' any si-u lzir cit-ttt'ii'iunc and will , doubtless come into pretty general use â€"â€"'l'hc proprietors of' the Pot" Ill-p:- contrary l” lil“'- my. “WW POW" cheese f'actoly deducted Sill l'otu (it m l'” c'llmv if” H the lllw 1"”; ""l amount due to Mr. John Il-xd. of' flat I- bct-n broken. it has bccu pretty trclt I m”. "I, ,IN flan”, “m, he ,,.I,,,.,.,.,j “gs ,es in each blockâ€"in all. cracked at times. 'vludiuu (From our all'l'IJ-i'IIlIIliltjllf.) l’iCSiC.-â€".\ large party consisting of' residents of Cnbnconk assembled on Laidlaw’s Island to have a pleasant pic- uic and fun in general. The island be- ing b -uu:il'ully laid out with shade trees. the sun‘s rays had very little effect on their movements. At two o'clock the band From Indian Point. under the lead- ctship of' Mr. Joseph Fair. (formerly of' the Bethany eoraet batth came in sight with sheets spread, which gave them more the appearanCe of a fleet. As they catne in. slowly and majestically. they wore greeted with hearty cheers ol' wel- Collie. formed and all marched up to the tents, where they partook of" almost everything that. was good. The band remained two hours and tltcu wcndcd their way back. having added largely to the pleasures of' the day. Rosedale. (From our (,orrrxpmtrlcnt.) CttltPLETt-ZD.â€"Mt‘s. William l’orte. cos, of' this village, has jusc completed a most beautiful quilt containing five hunâ€" dred and four blocks, with thirteen piec- 6 552 pieces. It is a beauty, as no two pieces are set in alike. Mrs. l’orteous has consented to exhibit. it. at. the Fcnclon Falls show, and it is worth going ten miles to >00. RATHER 'l‘oeott.â€".\lr. Joseph Fair 1nd another gentleman started in a snail] skill to row from [tam-dale to Indian Paint. a distance of' about three miles, . lr. Fair steering and the other rowing Mr. h'alr being fond of music. and havâ€" ing a B Cornet along with hitn, oom- menccd to pl ty. llaving played a num- ber of' tunes he. thought it advisable to attend to the boat. During the play- ing his eyes had been getting enlarged. and on entnnn-ncing to steer he steered t'or Gulllvl‘l l’oint. about five miles out ot'thc way. A f‘og sprang up meantime, and both gents had the pleasure of stay- ingon the lake all night. Our advice is. the next. time go to the point, and then play. w..- o. oâ€"~~â€"â€"_.__â€" Condensed News. â€"--Mr. W. ll. Russell. of‘ Millbrook. is to be the llcform candidate at the coming election in But D-irnam â€"â€"-Tltc Uraugcmcn 01' Emily district intend to hold this year's 12th ol July celebmtinn in the villa;c ol‘ OJlt‘nr‘e. â€".\ (cw days ago the prupcilor L-r at .IIIIThllg‘IM brought 3”” tons of steel mil‘ to Port llopc lor the Midland Railway Company. â€"â€"-:\u experimental well, 630 deep. lately sunk on a farm near Strain has just commenced to yield oil at the rate of' from four to eight. barrels per day. After landing a procession was . ICC! . milk, "<1"! two occasions the-y found :1 small lish in it. Mr. Boyd sit-«l the company. protestcd that. the milk had never been watt-red to his knowledge, and gave it as his opinion that the fish must have been caught in the creek near his house by swne mischievous , boys for the purpose of playing a. trick 1o" him. Jilllgtttv'lit lor plaintilffbr 835 and costs. Mr. Biyd now intends to proceed against. the president. of the company for slander. â€".-\ lirc which broke out. about two o'clock on the morning of' the 2nd inst. in Mr Frederirk Green's bakery at. the rear of' Luudy's hluck. William street, Lindsay, destroyed about an acre of' wooden buildings. and did more or less injury to several built of' brick. There was a slight delay in starting the water Works in conSt-quencc oi tltc hydrants being opened before the pipes were full , but the fire was soon completclv drown- ed out. The damage done to thc Lilit- dy block is estimated at 82,500. but it was fully covered by insurance. as vvere also nearly all the other losses, some of' , which were very small. ..__.__ the \Voodvillc Alla-acute says ltc is bad ly off for money. By a singular coinci- dence. so are we, and if. after obtaining a a supply of the suppr of' the necdf‘ul, our fellow sufferer will tells us how he did it. we will thank him for the infor- mation and give his plan a trial. M cmoms'r Excuastox.â€"'l‘hc \lctlt- odists of this village purpose having an excursion to Toronto, per steamer Co- l boron/c and the Toronto & Nipissiug i Railway on the 22ml and 23rd inst. of which further notice bv pos‘ers will b- l L'lt'cn us soon as possible. The fare is expected to b-: only $1 2;") from Fenelrm Falls to Toronto and return. and the tickcts will be goo-l for a week. The International Sabbath School Conven- tion. which will no doubt prove an 'tl- traction to manv. is to beheld in To. jronto on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of' this month. l I.\' Doverâ€"A total ecllp~e ol‘ the ’ moon is to commcnct: at fifteen minutes l past midnight. on the llth in~r., but a- i we don't know whether it will be visible l in Fem-loo Falls or not. we are in doubt ab vut advising our readers to sit up tor it, However. as it. trill be on Satur lav l night, and thev can sleep a little later 1 than usual on Sundav morning and Hill 3 be up in time for church. tin-v mav :i- g wnll tikc their chance of Wlt'I"‘$i-t: I‘m l l t, i l ecliwc. which will. it is poi-l, if the night prove ch-ar. be one of the III: I beau iful .u-u-n fury-114‘. Loosâ€"The In: running sci-on. which comm need about Ilw l-r of .‘IJL is now at its height. and the river lw low the falls i~ cc tera‘ly full of tli an. to the inc-me disgust ot' p-rsons who i wish to go hunting or fishing. Toolav l (“'edm-s'lav) Ullyutt 5’. Seller's second ldrivcol 4110"” went down Illt: y-iitle, and Mr. Hazlitt has 30.000 at. or near l l l llis chin was rest~ l long to dtlI'crcut parties and will have to be Sorted in Cameron Lake before they can be brought any farther, they will not make their appearance here for snare little time. Notwithstanding the talk about the lumbering in this dis- trict being about played out. there seems to be plenty at raw material to be had yet ; thougi it. must be confess- ed that the logs. as a whole. are not bv any means as large. or as choice as those that were taken out a few years ago. Ullyott & Smllcr's are as nice a lot as have Come down this season. and they were cut only a few miles back in the township ol‘ Galwny. Excensrox.â€"A grand excursion un- der the auspices of the Regular Baptist Church, Fcuelnn Falls. came off last Tuesday per Captain Bottutn's steamer Eva. The excursiunists. who numbered about. 150, were gathered between the Falls and Bobcaygeon. and arrived at Indian Village about 12:30 p. on. They wure. met by the missionary and his staff. and also received a hearty welcome b'llld furnished the music of the day. The party reached home a little brl‘oru 8 o’clock, rill feeling well satisfied with their trip. In these do s of carelessness on the part 01 mpg?! and consequent, accidents, too m i praise cannot be awarded to Captain Bottum for leaving nothing undone which would insure the safety and comfort of the. party. The excursion was a success every way.â€" Cuntmuufcufrtl. House Burmaâ€"Mr. Qilintal, the well known French tlcztlt'l‘ in horses. was at, the Mansion House in this vil- lage on Friday of last week with a string often animals which he purchas- meuts as the “Stll‘l‘OlltttLtl; country." and for which he paid an average of about. Sill”. :t very good price indeed when the age and iufirtnities of some o." them are considered. Mr Quintal is‘ said to he the roost easily plcnwd horse buyer that (ver \‘i itt-d this section ol' Country. as he set-ins to b: ol‘the opi't , ion that fat in horses, like charity in cltristi us. covers a tuzilitudc of sins. attd eagerly >naps up such iaimals us have been brought to a satisfacton state 01' :tdipositv; indeed. he attaches so "rich llnpm’taticu to this point as to give rise to a Sl|<,IICI-\:I that his par chases. instoal ol‘ being intend-d for the Montreal market. as he slat-N. an" cd in the district. de~crib-d in advertisc- 1 to be shipped to Paris, the. inhabit tnts nl' which city w ro cotnp'llcd to eat liM‘wlI ‘Sli Iltlri tg the siege by the ll -r- mans. and are nor supp used to cvi .c- so strozt: a likin_r For It that the. supp ~says he is doing splendidly. A (‘otxctnnxca â€"Thc proprietor uf'l l l l i l l l l l i . l l is scii'ex'l)‘ tpltl to the demon 1. lll departure from the Fa Is in [HP even ing was the signal for one rs :l u I laugh- tt-r litr the horses Lu ltzt l II; it \\'-‘I‘v tit-d lmutln-t' in old eon-try Ia-hiwli, lltc t‘il u out: llcld: lastt-Iu-l to the head of'another by a short topc. while the hait ‘rs of the two loath-rs were held by Mr. Quinta] and his assisttnt. who sotizi Ill magi-d to gel lllt' \i’llldt: proct‘s» si-m i.tto:t pretty good imitatioa of .r trot. MILL .-\cetnt:x"r.~iâ€"â€"0: lloudty last .t young mat nam-~-l T iontai Silver- \\‘tt:ll m -t with a verv serious accident in .\II'. ll. 0. Smith’s lll'\V saw-mill in He was employed to drive not! of' the teams which dt.i.v eztrs laden 1 With lumb.r :ilott.’ a railway from llcl mill to the piling-g‘rou‘td; and \\'lllil' in- was so engaged :1 tier ol boards fell from one ol' the ctrs and knocked him down. breaking b-nth bolt 3 of the right leg below the knee. the larger bone in two plat-es and the smaller in one The accident occurred. we are told. in enu- st-tlucnce of his having disregardml it etutiott never to start his horses tIntil the lumber was properly b-iuud. as So much is piled upon each car that some of it, is very apt to be jolted oil it ill-ss it is properly secured. lie is now lying at Smith's boarding hour-‘0. and Dr Brysou. who is his medical attendant. About 11 o‘clock on the following night another casualty ocuurrcd in the same. mill, the victim being a youth of‘ 19, named George lit-.atnish, who by some means got his right leg caught. b.-twccn nuc of'i the chains of' the trimmer and a bar of", Wood under which the chain passed. No bone was broken, but a deep and jagJCd flesh wound was inflicted justt below the knee. Dr. Brysun, who has t this case also, says that his patient null I f-rs :i great deal of pain from the hurt. l which is a very bad one. and that cx-, trcme care will have to be taken to pre- vuut inflamumtion from setting it. mish was a new band in the mill and had only been at work a few hours when he was thus di~ablrd. this vill-tge. l l EuoNotttC.it..-â€"'I‘hc close economy, of'thc village council ought to please the must parsimonious ratepayer. thongh we can't my that it pleases us. They not only have their notices for tenders for public works written instead of‘ printed. but they add insult to injury from the “ unblc red men." whose brass ‘ l Scottish Landlords; Landlord! in Scotland have found it a wiser course to reduce their roots than keep them up at the risk ofa pos- sible land agitation. Farms. the lenses , of which recently expired or are soon to l expire. have. been told. at rents vary- ing from ‘30 to 50 per cent. lower than before. On the estate of Lord Lumine- ton. in East Lnlblatt. where somc‘hf the best lands in the country are found, a firm: on I former mat of about £1.-‘ 000 wt: relet a short. time agti at a r6 duction‘ of over 40 per cent. The ten- nut is said ro'beon'e of the must enter- prising and skilftrl a'gricultitrists in 1 Scotland, but be has met. with heavy losses of late. and was obliged to .~tipu-‘ late for this‘ reduction belorc he could- L-ikc another lcasc‘. Advertising that Paid. Johnny Manning. t‘ltc sltcrifl‘ol‘ [Ii-ad: wood. D. T.. was in St. Louis on burl: tiess, and he remembered that the vcar before a St. Louis man had been tip to' Deadwood and left owing it man several hundred dollars, which was to be paid as soon as he got. ltutnc. Manning met the man it: St. Louis. and be said he wont! hand him the money the next day. but three days passed and the money did not come, though the man was amply able to pay. So one morn- ing Manning inserted a personal in :t newspaper to the effect that if the man who left Deadwood between two days, did not pay tltc money he forgot to pay, before. night, the whole circumstance would be published the next. day. The notice was signed “ Joint Manning. Sheriff of Deadwood." Before 9 o‘- clock a young man called at. Manning's hotel and said he had seen a notice and had come to ply 32” he had borroived to get otit ol‘ Deadwood. Manning limttd out who the money was borrowed of‘. and took it to carry to the Dead- w-md citizen. remarking that ho was not tltc man the sheriff rcli-rred to, but, it was a mighty mean slit-rill that would not carry nn'incy to a friend. The next. man to call was the one ho wanted, and he paid too money. and apologized, and begged the sherilf to say nothing about it. During the day seven citizens of St. Louis called on Mztnuiug and paid him nnmoy for citizens ol Deudii'ood. h-li.,-\'ittg the slterilf had reference to them in his notice, and alter Itc lltl‘l grim! away another citizen called and asked tlo- clerk lur Manning, but the elcrk said the other f'cllows had all been there and paid up. and this man had better keep his money. The slierill' said he always thought advertising paid but. he had never had it demon- strated to his satisfaction belilrc.-I’crk's .llilm ulcee Sun. -‘ __..Q..__ __. _..._ Prohibition in Kansas. In a letter dated May 17th, (luv. St. John. of Kansas. writes: " Unr (prohibitory) law has been in three since the first day ol‘ May, and it. i~ alre nly proving to be a grand success. Take 1hr illusttatiun the city of" Topeka, which has a population of' 20.000; then: is not a Million in the city. where l.st month thctc were at least 2;"). This is too seventeenth day since the law tool; tilt-ct, and there has not been bub o .c raw ot druukcnness in the t‘oltetr -Court, and that was of a poor lclluar who gutdt‘ttuk nu llztstcttu-r's llittcrs. The trio: who Sultl him the llitters wn+ prompdy arrested and lined Sltlll. There has been on like psriod under the old license system during the part. l2 years, even when the city did not' contain more than hairline population it does now, in which there llltn not ex- ist- d at least ten titties the amount or drunkenness that. we have had since prohibition, has been in have. I re- spectluliy call upon the advocates of' licensed dram shops to point to a single town in the United States of' even half the population 01' the city of' Topeka that can present. such a grand record for nubl'itzly as Topeka presents since the law took clIect. .Thcrc is not. an open saloon iti Kansas outside ol' the cities 01' Lcavcuwurth and Atchinsuu, l and in those towns It} prosecutions un- dcr the statute are in progress. Tito people of‘ liausus arc in earnest about, this matter; prohibition in not an ex- periment. here, it. its already a settled lltct." .. . 0...-..Aâ€" In Jenn-y City the other day the pt). 1;,.,,_ l lice in less than two hours arrested l'orty young lllt'll, the clamt called rcatu‘ctuble, lor insulting young women in the streets and loaling at the corners. The bush tl' Australia is no overl'ctl by the multiplying ol'wild horses that. Llwv have to be. shut down in cun- mnn with rahbim and kangaroos. One man has shot El 000 hunters in two yearn. ()oningsby Diurucli. the late l‘lurl'u heir. is a youth of fourteen, and possess. by ingeniously inserting advertisements in their proceediofi and Hi get them published for nothing. This is lentil)- Vintl‘ly unfair that we think we hive :- pt-rl'vet light to leave out such to itions l'rout their tninutw. and .-ll«lll p'llltlp do so in Iutnro. Soon: utttIlIt‘lt- no: only put t't‘t'l‘t' tl-d.tr tlwy eat in Int: auv ol their W: l Ill'lvllv't‘ but even v it- Iéllh :I ~III-ll I’ ' Illi ill (ll ' l‘ “I "I. ll“. war for [riliiwiug tn.- procmltngs; but they didn't do that sort «it thin: in this t'e‘iIt-nttv “rick -n village. II I“ it‘t. Il- Il"l-'~'l lltt.‘ ~lil'.fil'll lutlltt'i'; but. it i~ attpnwl so pet-istunllt manual-'11s (it .t \lt' ~u rpm: tit: Wall in Illt‘. t-Itl be l‘vrowl tu ilopt it it nor innings wit: u-tlntra. \v itzli w- hat" never iv-t dune. a» it 3- l-m i;n to our :1.|ll|r' t- lilJltua‘.‘ r-I II “1' inccttlll- II Ill-ll'i'tl- up“: lllftrll'cals It: lul-Ir‘ d' tin pulpit: tn v w_. v2r'.’- has: wt ll t .l- _ LN -r whim! L." vI it~ Ctl~lltfl- .i .s. «it u- it. zipprr 'mly. cosll «_' tlh-m 1 tptalat oft; m-ei uc-; but it Would I): drew Illli l tin; to let us make a trifl outnl work that cm be lid-slid tl.c villi:-- clerk (without extra on“. l||.~t'l‘ ll“ ' WIN“ “‘1 input ' “ I:tt i; HI ;| (t' pl'llsatl'm) in addition to the wultif'art- l ' a” Hurrah for I'll-apart, Mower! k Eel. Ky Rake». the but and cheapest in the my duties liar which llt.‘ la n- ptmri, piid. although they wi-I scarcely go so far as to daily that. printed uo‘tlcw are in more c . npieu an and therelore for more mecluun than written (ma. _._ ...._..._..4 4â€"- llplul ; w a health and intelligent expression. , Ilia litce has the distinct Jewish cast. it , lino Itsoturt: being the large hlrtck eve-t i which more than unvthiug chic remind ' otlt' of his departed uncle. N‘nrly a hundred and fifty cattlo lfrum tho lincut llt'r'lN in England and Rootland are on their way to the United “rot-s. At this rate (says the New York [In-IIIJ) the angular. oath ~- [mtg horn." peculiar to America, will srrttll b:- me hard to find as tltc buffalo. A .\I.|ltlf' paper priuta n laconic cor- rmpmdt-oc- br-twoon two permmil Triton“, 0m wrote to the other: " [)0 !"l' the favour to lead me. a doll" to 1.7“! mt! cow out of the pound." Tb" other wrote back: “I would, but. I p-itl mv l-tnt dollar to the buys w also t' o coir to the mood." Il'lllltt-lit qtlmlrtlpt'tli, ridm about (It!) ‘I't't‘ll of London b'ltiml a horm- tbu Wear» urn-clueh-c The union] , li'tllld to be ueur-ighti-d mum.- time ago, i but its owm-r has rmncdic'l thin defect t t as rut'c--~-rullv as if'it had been hinqu 3 eyes; which were at fault. -. .. ._..... .-....-.. ,<.__... , Inrltetâ€"llau-y'l manufactureâ€"tn be net: g dry. Fenelun Pull: Lord D'nm'm. an ardent friend of I“ ll noluon & Itobwn'c Cameron Luke Poun- Tl-e leading femur Roscdale, which will prrvbibiy pm here E of North Victoria will tutlfy to thelr supe- : this week. In Burnt River then: are 2 Poverty may excunc a shabby oust, _ riority over all other. that they have ever l u 1H,, 100000 more, but. In they be. ' but is no exctuc for shabby morals. -' matâ€"41.” â€"Mr. “’11: Lockingtun. of the 10th l concession of Hope. was found dead on IL C. SMITH. V llr:|\" liml brill-by river-oer. ttfhia-hwgy..i ‘ the evening ut‘tbc 2nd iuet. in bi: bué- cite no surprise. but they are no less an J‘uelol 7.11: May 26th, I389. lt-tf‘ \\ .._v is not the law obeyed '.‘ r welcome on that account. m .t....,,,....,,«,."_, v, “I” "rwicwiwtmmmmmu w..w..~.-.-.

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