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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Jun 1881, p. 2

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'0 «v‘r .u v~~§ F. if iii’EGAL. a... MARTIN .k HOPKINS. )Afllilrj'l'iift“. SULit'i'fUIF. kc. ) my to luau a: 3-1: vent. Other, I‘D-xi and. land“). Uni. i’. 5 blurry. U G. if. llorxxxs. l", l). .‘lOflltrI. )AltltlSTElZ. ATT‘IHNE ' & SOLICITP. ) and Salary l‘s.r."--. Office Km: lung. ' lll'iii‘l’l‘l'lxll S JACKSON, )AiHlI‘iTlile. Sl'll.ILITflfl$, kc. ) lice, William atree', Lin-Loy. A. lit’osrnti, A. 13.13503. Of- n'Iil'iAllY .k ll'I.I'I.-\Il‘i’. I)Ai’.ltl~'TEi:-‘", .\'le.lI£?ifI't"‘-.\T-liAW, ) Z Eton 2n Chancery. (kc. " lllmtk. bl:h-'.;1rrl:l. I.i'.d€:\‘~'. ’z: Ii'l.r:.-.:;r. .\l, SHEPPARD. .\ltILI"‘.Tl:il, AT‘i‘l'lIlfi'EY .‘c Cl'nnvf-ynn- , cur. .ll" \rlinrrW “lock. ffriillrlrne street, Fcn~~iou t'ulli. Mum-y to lend on "till .‘ItilV'l‘Yllli .k S'I‘I'IlVAII'I'. l) .1 Hill!“ fro... AT'I‘IlilNI’Zl'S-.\T-I.A“’, !i < ll.--.'.ur« in ‘:lt(l’l(ff‘f'-. .kt‘" ' .- tvt's‘r t) ltzirio Uni-k. Kent alr'et. ...,-. u" .7. 1. .f. MCISH" t: 1) Tuna STEWART. WM. ,‘ll‘llllXNICI.I.. JR, {Lotv Ketrhurn k llt‘Ilonnell.) l.‘t.'£'ZI"TI'If{. .‘i f'I'f'HINf-I‘t'. SOLICITOR. J \'-.z my .kr .‘vl-wn-y to Loon. Office on i‘." {ll “re-r3. I.ill'l.s iy, Unt. .i' ll. I)I(,'I\'.\'().\'. ll. :l, f).\ it"l‘i'l'l'lft. .\'l"I‘UI:.\'I'I')' - AT- I..\ W. l) Sofirilor in ffhuuenry. ('onveyunrt-r, “flier. DohI-ny i’loek. Kent. street, l.i:i-l-:|_\'. ,‘dv v to lend ut 7-! per cent. L. .t. .\l.l‘l.\'. .\. MCDONALD, TTl'lllNlCY-.\'l'-I..\ W, Solicitor in rThun- ; «wry l'nnvt-ynnm-r, .kc...kc. Slric‘;ut- [u'n‘inn given to upplicutions for I’utents oHuntL from l'ruwn Illlllll'i I)t'[llil‘lIHL’llf. Mom} to Loin on Mortgngl- Security on term» to 3'1?! borrowers. UlIlCL‘, Colboruc strw-t, Fem-Inn l-‘ulls. .lt)ll.\' .\. BARRON, i '1 .\ KRISTEN-A T-It .\ \V. findsny. Ollie" ll on Ik'flll Sir-wt, next door west of Keith's Agricultural und Implement Sums. W MEDICAL. ,\ \\', .l. IllZlil'l.-\."-'.'\‘l. M. f).. flllllNICIl, l’hy‘iciuu. Surgeon. ice , tkc. Real-lent“, “rick Collage, Wellington slrt'vt. Lindiuy. \\'.\I. I\'I~2\ll"l'. M. ii. C. M., ll’.\DU;\TI‘l of llcfiill Iinlvnrsity, Mon 1 trml, :lllll I’rl-l'inviul I.irenti:tte, Physi- ri in. .‘iurgvon uud Ulnv-triciuo. Modicnl Ilt‘fvr -e to Llll' Smndurd. Pin-nix, Connecti- cut \Intu.il. uml Ii-ptitublo Inmruure Com- ponies. (lllit-c nod residn-ncv. in the house intcly "(‘l‘lllllWl by luv. Father Stufford, ut mu mrncrot’ Iiindsuy and fins streets, Lind-‘uy. Du. A. \l'lliSON. \[ ll l'NIl'l’IllFI'l‘Y of Trinity Colin-go. . . .\I ll.l"'liv.‘rslty of Toronto, (fol. Phys. nod Surg, (mt. Suxg'ou uo-l \(‘rmu'hen :treet, fem-Ion Pulls. Physician. (Jilicc, Colbornc I'm. .l. u. Lown, pll‘i'SIl'IAN' k Sl'llGliON. (‘oroner for m i .m. .. ..r mm £233" (Hill-.- und I‘I'illlt'llC’O in Mr l'lfiftiiiiiu .‘I.ll‘l's“ hunsv, Prunvis Street Bust, I’enclou Pulls. 'I'. \l'. lll'I.\l)l‘i. I2. .-\., .\I. D., 'l‘lllNl’l'Y (‘tllildiGI-Z. TORONTO. M. C. P. {v 5. (Mt . l’hvsi-‘iutl. Surgrou uucl Ac- l'xlllt'llt‘lll'. firm-fly l'hysieiuu n: the lusune .\~_\' um. London. llut. .\'. fl Spi-ciul ut- tmztinu puid to diseases of Women und "llll'll‘l‘ll. Rn)“ tlllivo f-r the- prr-scnt on street \n-st, Fl‘nt‘lllll I-‘ulls. MISCELLANEOUS. i‘ u-zt'oxn l?l\'l.~'lo.\' l‘nlflt‘l‘ l.\' D THE (‘nl'Xl'Y HP VICTORIA. The next :ittings of this (‘ourt acid on 'i'lmrsduy. Juno fl'lth, NM. (ll-IO. t‘l'NNINHElAlI, Clerk will he d \M I‘:.\‘ .I. I’ll)“ I'll}, li‘liXSl-le 1 lh-nvml (‘ommissinu Agent. Collect- ;wwnluts :t spvrfiiolfy. llt'liec, Penelon l4, Hill. H .ltlllNSllN. I"‘l‘l“.\’l§l'.fl. Villigo Property nnd .-'.irltt fill-'4 f\ specially. Notes, tki‘. C-Illvt‘h'il. UlliC-' ullll rss :ll"ll't‘ on lloutl slt‘m'f. l‘envloo Pulls. , r l mu, ii“.'ll~‘ " 6. PBRCfiNT. 6. .‘I () N I“. \' 'I‘(,) I. I‘: N I) o'. :3, vii uud .' :wr cont. rity. on llv'ul Apply to urr-mliug to Secu- .<t:\!r 2:). H; «pans. .lUIlN .\. E;.\Illlll.\‘, Solitutor, Lindsay J. MEELAuns, l) l-IN'l‘lf-i'l‘, IA .Vl)h'.-\.\’. flu" nfll‘w firm Will he at the .‘l"\7‘.i‘lll';t Horst; l’lzvrtos l-‘.\t.t.s thv‘ ti."' 0} .A. lY b9 mt ’2 A . It :I'. liflt‘t‘t) _\-‘:r~. 0,000 Tt.) LEN I) .\T PIER PENTW with the privilege of gaming off in full or by lihltIZlH‘J!‘ a: any time Mortgnge! bought. ..- i. 5-) ,. . S J. h. DIXON, flurrittcr. 3C. W 0:23” Duhnny l‘lfoek. Kent street. Lin-lay. uoxm' To l.0.\.\‘ U21 Real Estate .11 Eight per cent. Private Pumh. l.t'.'¢lv$i payable at Linduy. .\‘o Commissxm t-bnrged uor Deposit required. Expenses very vmnll. Apply to E. fl OBOE. w. Halve. lit-Donnell} block, Ken: invert. Linda)“. OTIL‘H ‘ Notice ii hereby given that the under- igned Will not 2w réspouvible for any debts outmctcd :n 123: name. unit” the pum numeric: them has by swim-:1. authority: . . , - Thc huntlrc-l- of 153'!\\l|‘ln comp mow-.2 or tint U! Hr. J. 0.532.131. it C. SMITR. E‘r“,‘i(-!| l'»:l';v HA} 3“". 2.553 364! How (Mice, l llron U'I.zu:v. r I.ind.~rl .< Mo- . . a . Loin n! - per cent. on renl estate ; .llemh. ' I-‘runcis ' Auctioneer, .\(‘(‘Hllllf:\nl und . .\r-. Hominy i-t'mrh month. Teeth, hm: gis withwdt pain or ’ ~ . :1 .;.\y nearly " J BRIT'I'ON, WATCHMAKER. f: lllllllllll, dealer in EJlllilllll éClocks, All Kinds, '. 30 day, a day and 30 hour, Alarm strike,kc AMERICAN WATCHES, ‘ the Best and Cheapest, in 51mm no com CASES i in the tin-west 5!} hi and at lowest prices. W Persons sending watches from a dis- ;tnoee for repairs, can han the amount of wor'x' and prim- rvpnrted on for their cons'd- rm ion. and as I do the work mvself, can . depend on having it done satisfactorily. l Britton’s Block. foot of Kent St., Lindsay. NTABIO BANK. Capi'al - - - - - - $3,000,000. l l l __ .Pl’f’ild“nf. . . .. .... . . ..Sir. W. P. Rowland. ‘ View-President .. . . .. . .C. S. Gzowski, E~q. General llunnger . . . . . . D. Fisher, Esq. l.l.\'DS.\Y BRANCH. Drnfts bought and sold on all points in Canada, Coin-d Notes and Great Britain, and generul banking business transacted. tSuvings 1) c-pul-txncnt [til-OPENED. Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- lars and upwards. S. A. MCMURTRY, Manager. 50-t.f. Lindsuy, Feb. thh, l'iSl. lie (Emails v its l’e mint 1;. Saturday, June 25th, 1881. Better N ews from Ireland. Instrad of the duin expected news of n partial or general rising of the people of Ireland again~t tho authorities. we have the wolconn- intelligenc.‘ thnt u b -t- ter fooling has lll‘CII brought. about and that. a compromise is likely to be effect- , ell. Mr. Forster. the Chief Sl-crctnry. I being intensely unpopular. it has been :trrmgcd that he bhull retire from that position at the end of the session. and upon this umlerstmnling Mr. Parnell and his usSHCiutcs have not only ceased their opposition to the Land Bill but are doing their host to advance it in cmnmiltce. If Mr. Fowler's presence in Ir~ lund Were the principal grievance I of which the pimple complained. it is to be regretted that he has been allowed to remain tin re so long to net as no irri- l mot. and the certainty of his rc-novul gives so much satisfaction to the come- whnt impulsive Irish that they uppeur disposed to evince it by concessions that a few days ago it Would have been eon- sidered hopeless to expect. from them. Then. too, the \\'l‘:lll|CI‘ is so favourable and. the crops so pr-nnisiog that the Iurnmrs soy " I’rovldt-imo is killing the League," and. on the whole. the present condition of the Czllllltl'y is pronounced " Very snti~luctory." l Jt (11nd Pvnmnlo. It is beyond dispute that deeds of \iI-h'nc- nro :i'nrmingly on the increase in Cuundn, at which we are not. at all surpris-d, us in thc vn~t majority of elves tho [u'tpell'nlurs escape with im- punity in (must-quencn of the faint of- l'nrt mode to disc o‘er and punish them. i .\ grout proportion of these crimes are committed in the rural districts. and with :1 view to their suppression some ol'our commuporurics are in favour of l tho orgnnizzuion of a large body of countly police, which Would be enor- mously expensive and of very little effi- cacy. for it Would be quite impossible to huvo the highways of the Dominion -â€"-[o say nothing of the bywuvsâ€"pu- trvled as tho slrocts of our Cities are. What is wanted is :1 firm determination i to not promptly in PVCI'V case " on in- l fol‘mution received " nod to spare nei- ther limo nor expense in ferretng out = and urn-sling every person guilty of no i ussuult upon mm. woman or child. l-Tln-ro is. we are glnd to see. a growing tendency to tho perlormuucc of this im p"l:lli\'t' duty; but it is still too often lulu-u for granted that the criminal will : not be discovered unless evidence as to l his identity presents it~olf without. seek- ing to tinm‘ whoâ€"C duty it. is to put the In'Ichiucry of tho luv in motion, The officers and moo of the Mounted Police of the North-West have set :1 prulscwor thv example which the authorities will do well to imitatc. Co the 16th of No- vemlmr, 1879, the first. death in the cho 0.'t‘llrl‘\"l and that death was not from n In ul muses. In tho lurcnwu of [but duv Mirmidukc (iruburn. a young in Ill Ill yoursv l use, and it great erHlll‘lft‘ \xith his C»‘ll)l‘.tlIu'§. t'mlc out from c imp to _'1"[t| rope. and an MC thut IlHI ln-cu iclt bt-hiod in .l but about two mih-s diâ€"lnur. .Xs lo did not return n smut!!! for him was iosiimtt-d, and next day be u; tuuml d ulvl u'ld fr- z-n stiff , in a pool of bowl. and his horse was sulm-qucutiy discover-MI ti:htly \vedgv-d between [Wu Inn's :\ ‘Il slit-1 ( irnugli tin- hmd. As .1" exn'ninzvion of Grnburn's body .~ltm\‘t‘d Illa! he l-u i been kidcd by a bullvt which h.id lm-n tired at him from behind and hul cntvn‘d below the right. shoulder biz: lo. it was cvidcnt th it he l ail been b :rlurnnsly murdcre l . and the Hmt‘ch and man of the force at once form --l a strong d wormintion to hunt down tln‘ criminal nn-l bring him ("justic‘u Tut-y 'lltl out sit down with folded hands and Wait. for criilcuce to pro cot its'lf. but went resolutuly though cautiously in work. and at lust-though sever-I timca put upon :1 {also scrutâ€" wvrc rcwar-lc-l by te-timuny which point- ed conclusively to : e-rtiin l-dinn is l; the murderer. Fmrful of capture, this : man spent most of his time on the A- uncrian side ol'tbc lines, occasionally 1 paying short vi-iu to hi.- rribc; but the l lvmgcrs of blood were on the latch for l bimfan-l on the Is! inst he was boldly ; “rated on Cantu-lino territory by a l l psrty of mm deuiled for the purpose. l l ed a di ‘HNltld'I to interfere. a -utishin,.: flu-if knives and tounhmki and mu' raising the war-whoop, but finally per: * mined the Poll“: who displayed the most admirable and Courlge. to depart. with their prisoner. Tb‘eiac- cmmt toxhich we 'arfiiudebtod for the 'ibovc pnrtlculars 53y; that “ the moral (:fl'tcl at this arm: upon the Indims «ill be excellent." which is perfectly true; and if it have al~o the eficct of exciting a spirit. of emulation in :hooe to whom the supprr5~l00 of crime in oth- er parts of the Dominion is entrusted. ,ttle violent death of poor young Gra- l burn, though much to be deplored and lsternly to be avenged, will not. have ‘ been in vain. â€"â€"-$ The Trent Valley Canal. In publishing the following letter from Mr. George Laidlaw in the matter I {of the Trent Valley Canal, it. is no! right to give some exploration of the circumstances under which it. was writ- ten. An opinion has prevailed for some time in this riding that. Mr. Cameron was about to be elevated to the Bench. or \vould in some way, by :t ministerial appointment. be wiLhdruwn from the strife of politics; and it being known to Mr. Smith, who. like every other man and woman in the County, takes a live- ly interest in the Trent Valley Canal scheme. that Mr. Lnidluw had in a great measure severed his connection with railroads. the “happy thought" occurred to Mr. Smith that. if we Could get Mr. Luidlaw with his pnferuirlum ingenium Scnlnrttm to take an interest in the Trent Volley sclwme, and b.c0tnc our member, our success would be as- sured. Unfortunately. however, Mr. Smith was rcckoping without his host, for parliamentary honours have no wres- cnt charms for Mr. Imidlznv, an be- sides he declares himself to be an (me. my to the “ scheme as financially im~ practicable." Mr. Son-k. who is cer- tuiuly a competent authori'y, at. a rough cstimato, in his report: to Parliament on the subject. places the Cost at 83,000.- 000 or under. But should the cost be. double that amount. the scheme would not certainly be " financially impructiCu- blc." It may be an engineering impos- sibility, and that is the very thing we want determined by an actual survey; and until ruch survey is Hindu and it. is clearly demonstrated that the scheme is not feusible we will not be satisfied or cease agitation on the subject. Mr. Laidlaw says thut he considers " the money already voted by Parliament wasted, except that if it proper survey is made it. will prove the futility of ex- pecting the canal to be built in our day." We suppose [but Mr. L'zidlaw refers to the money that, has already been spent on the Trent waters, for the money vob ed for the survey has not been used, as the survey is not. yet made. If this is the money to which Mr. lmitlluu‘ refers us “wasted,” we perfectly agree with him. We formcd exactly the some 0 pinion with regard to the mme em- ployed in grading the Credit Valli-y Railway, when the work was brought to a stunt], with little hope of being able to raise money to finish it. This seething impossibility the determined perseverance of Mr. Luidlaw overtime, and we want the Trent Vullcy Canal finished so that the money already spent upon it; may not. be “waded.” and we know of no mun who would be more likely to bring the inatttr to :I lea-"r than Mr lmidlnw. it’ he were liivouruble to the scheme. Mr. Llidlaw thinks that " a prnpcr survey " ~ the only thing we wont at. presentâ€"- “will prove tho futility of expecting the canal to be built in our day." If it is possible to build the canal of all, why not. "in our day," (now that the necessities of the Dominion call for its construction) as well as in some other person’s day? The utility of the Trent Valley watersâ€"nature’s great water wayâ€"is for more apparent than the ne- cessity of the Credit Volley Railway, one of Mr. Laidlaw's pot. schemes, for the traffic of the country. The least observant cannot help seeing that these waters could be utilized to a. much greater extent. than they are, and that nature intended them to be so used This scheme, from its own merits, has at intervals oftt few years forced itself upon the notice of the Country during the past. forty yours. It has always been dropped on the bore assertion of some wiseuCrc that the water supply was not sufficient. for the purposes of u canal. it is now surely time, when we have got the grant, to determine the whole question by actual survey. And may we presume to usk whether the. survey is going on. and if not. why not ? Would our friends in l’cterborougli give the bull u kick ? The following is the letter received by Mr. Smith: DEAR SIR:â€" Your kind favour of the 4th received. in which you propose to . have me go to purliumont with the Trent Valley Canal as my stock in trade, ' to support any party that will give you , the cmul and oppose any that will not, 5 You further say that all shades of pull- l tics in North Victoria have that us their llirst and last plunk to their political ' plufivrm! You also suggest that I be of liberty to press the canal in its on tircty no the Government or else get municipal aid. and till this is what you call u " happy thought l ‘l I From the frank and sincere tenonr of l l l l uncoumf‘nl your whole letter. you are evidently se- rious. and I have to acknowledge the compliment you intend. when you sup« poic I might. be able in whole or in put to carry out. your programme! Unfur- tunnh ly for your “ happy thought " my views and yours are irreconcilable! I have no present di-virc to be a candidate for parliunent. and :5 a general nup- porter of the Government of Sir John A. McDonald would not. agree to up i pose it for the Trent Vallcy scheme! 1 rogud the Trent. Valley Canal wheme as financially impracricuble. not] whether in my municipality or parlia moot would vote against it. I considei the money already voted by parlilmcnl. wasted, except that if a proper survey is made it will prove the futility of ex- pecting the canal to be built. in our thy. It'any of that money is “ to the lore " p-rt of it may be well spent to neeruin ,‘ when: the water is to be got for raising ‘ your ships from the Gunnian Bay our -; the lwi;ht of Lind between Lake Simone 1nd lhlsam Ink». .‘Ir. (.‘apn‘ol pro y ticed that a telegram from 01mm: had been received at Peter-borough, annminc- ing that. Thomas Rubiclge, C. 15.. of the u do it on elm. proposed Gem-glut: 'Bny Canal with In]! ! I It is hnneceaanfog. the to say to [wove that. I on uot‘éligible as in cans dldute to stood on the “ first and lust pluck " of North Victoria politics. How- ever, promising vandidntes to meet your views may turn up! There are instan- ' ces of men being returned to parliament to build canola, but although the seats wore won the canals were not built, and such may be your disappointment. Again acknowledging the kind and {complimentary character of your com- , mummtlon, I am Yours faithfully. G. LAIDLAW. The Fort, Victoria Road, June 6th. 1831. After the above was in type we no- Depnrtment. of Railways and Canals, had left Ottawa to commence the survey ofth Trent navigation route, for which an appropriation was made last. session of Parliament. A Terrible Sight. On the evening of the 15th inst. a little girl four and a. half years old, daughter of Mr. John Fountain, a for mer who resides near Cameron. met with a frightful accident from which she is now lying in :1 critical condition, with but faint hopes of her recovery. The child and n brother. about six years of age, followed their father when he went for the cows, but either did not catch up to him or lingered behind in a part. of the field where there were some strange horses which Mr. Foun- tain had tztkcu in to pusmre, and when he got back. to the spot he was horrified to find his little girl lying rolling about with her head liternlly snmshcd above and a little behind her right car, and a large muss ofthc brain protruding. The unfortunate child was Curried home and 0. Lindsay doctor sent for. but the patient was ul'tervmrds placed in charge of Dr. Bryson. of this village, who. in order to be able to give the constant at- tuntiou site requires, brought her here last: 'l'uesdny in u out slung in one of the railway cars, and she is now lying at the residence of her aunt. Mrs. Alex- ander McArthur. The child suffers little or no pain, is quite cheerful, and sometimes even wishes to get up, but, her head is terrible to look at, as the protruding brain, in which the pulsa- tions are distinctly to be seen, is as large as a goose's egg. and it is covered with fragments of'the fractuer skull. Dr. Brysuu says that. he intends to to move the protruding portion of the brain as soon as he thinks his patient is in a lhvouratblc condition for the opera.- tiou,'uud that thch is a bare possibility of her recovering. The little boy who witnessed the accident says that. one of the horses kicked at his sister as it, gala loped post her, and Mr. Fountain tells us that. the two children were so “CCU:- tomcd to playing with and bundling n puriculurly quiet tenth of his own rui<- t ing that, they were inclined to be too venturesmnc with othe‘ animals of the some species, which was probably the cause of the. accident. Condcuuufl News. â€"chcral new buildings are being put up in I’cnctuuguishene, which is doing its best not to» be eclipsed by its rival, Midland. â€"The first cheese made at the Mun- chestcr factory was out. at. Bennett‘s ho- tcl on the evening of the 17th inst- , and met. the approval of all who tasted it. â€"-'l'hc Midland elevator now in course of construction will. it, is cstimu- ted. cost $100.0th by the time in is completed. its capacity will be 250,- 000 bushels. â€"-'I‘hrce car loads of deaf and dumb people passed through Port; Ilopc a fcw days ago. on their way from the Bulk: ville Institute to their homes in differ- ent. pins of the Province. â€"-The Rev. Mr. Tupscolt, of UK- bridge, has uccopted u call to the Pur- liumunt Street B uptist Church, Toronto The Guardian expresses regret. at. his departure from Uxbridgc. â€"Fires and burglaries have blcn very frequent, in Lindsay of late. The former are speedily suppressed by the wutcmvorks. and the constables are do- ing the best. they can about the latter. â€".-\ proposed new industry in “'hll' by is n beet. sugar factory with u cupi- Lnl of lmlfu million dollum, and Mr. I'Ioldcu. Managing Director of the W., P. P. :3} L. Iiuilwuy, is doing his best to further the project. â€"-Thc Rugby und Dtlston mail bag. which contained. mnong other things, numerous copies of the Orillia Times. was Iutcly stolen from the sulky in which it was carried, and nothing hos bcen heard of it since. â€"â€"-Tnc Port Perry Stamford says that through the instrumentality of Mr. J. B. Campbell. of that village, Mr Mills, of Chicago. has been induced to purchase a diamond drill, which is now at work at Snowdon. â€"-An attempt WM made it. few nights ago to set. fire to Mr. J. Kerr's stable in Port Hope. Some Iniscrcant. put live coals on the manure heap, which was soon in flames ; but they were for- tuuutoly noticed and extinguished be- fore any harm was done. -â€"-.\‘c.arly all the cows in Port Hope have lately been sold in consequence of the cow by-lww Cumin-3 into operation on the l~t ofJuly. and the Timur wants some one to start a dairy, or milk will i Imvc to be brought in from the country, which will make it dear. ; The Part fI-Ipc Guide s-tys that. the nodes of yoqu menâ€"aye. and old lone-5 tooâ€"~from that town since the o- lpt‘nlug of navigation has been gone. l thing :dmning. and attributes it to the N. l’ . which has rniscd the cost ofliv- ling but. has not raised wages in pro- portion. â€"f'lr. George Burnlum. no old and well known physician of Pelcrbumogh, dicd on the evcoiu: 0f the ch inst. while peacefully smoking his pipe in lhin own hon-e. flc I'M in his 671’: year and had been failing in health for some time, but his sudden death In; quite unexpecxed. ----.\ young woman mmwl "iary .l1nc cud bud both figficufigofif‘befih the I“ has. Medical ribs-runway. Perrytown and Fordâ€"Ho were quickly in uttcndauce. but sho- ied ibout four hours after the accident. â€"Oo the evening of the 15th inst. i an old suit of clothes stufi'cd Wltll straw and got up to look like 1 man was laid on the track of the Midland railway u l short distance B‘Juth of Lindsay; and the engineer of the train that ran over it probably said something very unlike his prayers when he went back and found how badly he had been sold. Agricultural Meeting. Feueloo Falls, June 18th, 1881. The directors of the Penelon Agri- cultural Society met pursuant to a call from the President. Present. Messrs. Isaac. Copp. Junkin, Graha‘tn, Ellis and Hunter. Minutes of previous meet. ing read and confirmed. Moer by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Ellis. That the next meeting be held on the 30m of July. and that sub. scribers be respectfully requested to bond in their subscriptions to any of the directors previous to that date.â€" Curried. Village Council Proceedings. Fem-Ion Falls, June 20th. 1881. Council met for transaction of bus-i- ucss. Mcnib'cr's all present, the Reeve in the Chair. Moved by Mr. Campbell. secondrd by Mr. Dcvmau. Tlrut Mr. John Aus- tin be a‘c‘ceptcd a‘s su‘rety for construct- ing drain on south side of river, and that. the clerk is hereby instilleth to have his signature uttuehed to contract, as also the corporate scul.'â€"“â€"Curricd. Moved by Mr. Deyum‘c, seconded by Mr. Campbell, That the following ac- counts be paid and the reeve give his orders for the sume:â€"I’cter 'l‘yler, 8 duys’. work on sidewalks, 88; Joseph Post. 7 duys’ work on sidewalks, S7.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, socondod by Mr. Robson. That Mr. Whytull's application for transfer of butcllcrs’ li- cense be laid over lill next meeting. and that. the village solicitor bc instruct- ed to look into the moltenâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. St-Cuudcd by Mr. Robson, That the council do now udjouro.â€"Curried. Dommox DAYâ€"Friday of next week will be Dominion Day; but there is no tqu yet of any celebration in this hum-drum village, and we don’t sup pose there will be one. A REASONABLE REQUEST â€"A week or two ago we cwllcd attention to the millions of weeks of all kinds running to seed in Fetielon Falls, and t1 villager wishes us to inquest: the council to em- ploy some person to cut down the burrs (if nothing else) that. grow along to- edges of the sidew‘ulks and close it grout deal of annoyance by sticking to tho. clothing of possum-by. The request is u rolsounblc one and ought to bc 0')!"- plied with at once. ’l‘uouoconnucu BULLâ€"-â€".‘ll‘. Win Jordon, of Fonolon, has shown his en- terprise by purchasing u thorough-her Durham bull, raised by Mr. Win. lino zin. of Pickering. The. animal, which is said to be a very fine one for its age is not, quite eighteen months old. and in colour is nearly a clear red. Mr. Jor dun talks of bringing it. to the Vlllugu‘ to have it weighed on the hav ~cnl'-. and we hope he will do so. as we and a good many otln-rs woule like to see it. 'l'ur: \\'r..-\'rut:uâ€"-l“ur Some tinn- pust. the wrather has been so nnf-ivour- able to vegetation that the farmers :II'C beginning to complain. some. of them alleging that the crops will not excocd. cvcn ifthey are up to. the average. No doubt. the night. frosts huvc douc 0on- sidcvul-lc harm and the Cold days have checked the growth of almost. every- thingi; but. it will take a good deal to counteract the effects of the splendid ruins in the curly port of the senSon. and it is too soon yet to give up hopes ofun abundant. harvest. llt:t.tr.vnn.â€"'I‘he 19th of June has come and gone, to the great. relief if those who didn't. feel quite sure that there might not. be some truth in the prediction that the world wnnld Come to no end on that day. There have been so umny lnlsc prophecies c-ncernâ€" ing that stupendous event that, now ones 11"} paid but. litth attention to nown- days: but the end of the World will as- surcdly come to even the youngest. of us all in a few fleeting yours, and it is well to bear it in mind and strive so to live as to be prepared for it. BIG STIt.\\VBEumES.â€"â€"Ilaving occa- sion to cull at the Rectory on Monday lust. we of Course could not leave with- out u look at the garden. and while there Mr. Logan presented us with three strawbsrriog of the S prohiss vn rict-y which we think were as fine ones .is we ever saw, and the flavour of them was delicious. Placed in \l r. Nun'nt I drugr scde, the three weighed a shod.- over an ounce and a half, and they looked so tempting that every person who saw them wanted to cut them on the spot. Who can beat them ‘I l Bcsr BEES â€"Mr. Samuel Broken- shirc. of this \'| angc. has tvm hive: of bees. run: of which threw off a swarm on the Is: of Jum' and the other on flll' ‘2 Id. and by the. 16: h of the month mr/i hive ther of? Ihrec more SWHI’III‘L Inuk- ing no less than eight swarms in wry pcr with its leading principles. little more than a fortnight. not [mi-ted in bees, never having kup. any. though we sometimes think of 26h ling a pair and mlkin: a star: ; but “'9' agrue with Mr Brukcnshirc that the above record is uxlraordismry, if or: nluvgctlon unprecedented If any pet- ion Ins bcen that have been mun.- bu~y he can send us in punt cud to tivafchl. , A [flail-TUNED (.‘mv â€"-Thcrc are at E lout half a d-rzcu best. cows in this vilâ€" , logo. if the statements of the fnriuzruc owners are to be relied upon. We: have . got one of them; so has Mr. Manning, l Sn; so ’lds Mr. Wallace; and so have . three or four other “Brynn. All of the is a cogfi’ofi madden“, and to be "55:53 with nine respect a l l l l l l i l o l l l much priced animnlv uppcur ignorant of i ltheir claims to distinction or are ton? ‘ modest to assert them except Mr. Wal- l him“... who Irish»- everybodyâ€"small t f I l landformsiderutiou that lljcr,c:.-tlted S0- ciul position demands. V'Tbfiat she cou- sidcrs half the road or all the sidewalk her inalienable right she has long shown by the peculiar expression of her eyes, and has lately o-mnmeneed to intimate by more cusin understood menus. Now boys. as even-body knows, are naturally inclined to disregard any rights but their own,- aud consequenuy when Mr. Wallace's c‘ow exhibits the whites of her vi.~u.d orguns, or lmvcrs her head, or snorts, or thwa dust on her back with her fore feet. instead of complying vitith her well understood wishes and passing her at a respirotful distance. I. ey derisively request. her to " Shoo! " and flourish sticks in hen face. and IL Gibson was run over by 3 Midland‘ boys especiallyâ€"to under-pinup twin near the Summit. on the 14m iust., bglfilgkshel bag she carries?” a Sign peg " stones at her, and otherwise con- duct themselves in a manner that is not ' to be patiently borne by a cow who had distinguished ancestors and con hersef give nine pounds of butter 11 week in fair pasture. We have not. heard that she ever attempted actual personal vic- lcnce towards any of her tortucntors until a. few days ago. when in boy named Mcldrum sto p-d right before her latte to pick up something to throw at Ivor. This was too much. With a quick rush she was upon him, and. just. us he rose she took him carefully do her forc- hend b‘ctwc‘cu' her' horns 'und gave him it hoist. tlmt. sent him twice her own height. 'into the air and funded him on a stone about thirty feet distant. We are glad to hea‘r that he was not much hurt; but we. hope he was thoroughly frightened. and that his narrow escape will be a wur’ning to him find his follows to Cease their persecutions of Bossy Wallace. who evidently is not. to bo tri- flcd with and may do some of thqu a serious injury. idâ€"NIZAWSnake Story. A Coloured mun and his little boy of ten you‘re. we're booing cotton nt Ameri- cus, G:\., u few days ugo. when the fumbâ€" cr becnuc separated from his boy. Al- ter a while lre‘heu’i‘il his boy shouting for help, but Could not see him. Slur!- ing in the direction in which he had last seen him, he found the bid on the ground in the coils of three block snakes. On his appearance the snakes prepured to fight: him, and seeing that they would soon choke his little boy to dumb, he took his pocket. knife and cut the one that hard mode the little fellow u very uncomfortable cruvat into hqu u dozen pieces by inserting the knifc next the kid's neck and cutting upward. flu then caught the others by the head. and with his knife cut them in two or three pieces. Ilo was bitten several times. - The Chinese in San Francisco. The Chinese quarter of the city is one that. (Ill eastern truvellers should visit. They have now got complete p usscssiou. having driven the I‘Iuropnuns into other purts. A most if -sol Ito filthy locality it is; for uuy whim pi't'son t... livo untangl- tin-m Would be impossible. They uuznhcr about 45010 out of :I population of 250.000. l'hoy urc said to be imlustrious but thoroughly dis- ho lest, making excellent domcistics. iter- vunts un-I factory hunvlsâ€"if properly \\'utchud ; Crafty and determined to no oumulutc xvi-alth. Few of them are married. and the fumulc portion ofthem are the viiCst of all the low. ubmdouod creatures to be found in the city. They .ivc by the dnz-n where it white person would scarcely find elbow room. 'I'ln-ir subsistence is of thcmeuucst kind, fully a general rule they get but :1 sum” pur- centalgc of their earnings. and when they die the flesh is taken offtheir bones and those are sent. back to Chitin for interment. White labour cannot. oom- pote with them. Yet without their old niuny of the ruilwuys and other public works on this most would not. have been built. Ax domestics they hare supplanted fennth lubour Clrtimly. Tneyurc in hotels as waiters, lu pri. vatc houses as servants. 0n the streets as luhou ers; they also supply the poo- plc with vogn-tnb‘cs, and do all the loun- dr \Vurk. Dennis Kearney nod such “ sund lot. " politician"! am: as powerluss against him Chinese cncrouclnncnts us Would be their efforts to turn back the cataract at Niagara. They are sup- planting the India . as Well us the. Eur- opean. and it in predicted that unless legislated inguiufil they will overrun th: whole Coast. ..._. _. - ..______.__ The Lani Bill. London, June lS.-â€"â€"Thu Ministers are in good spirits over the improved condition of affairs regarding the litmd Bill. and now confilontly expect it to reach the Lords by the middle of July. The necessity of adopting new measures to fucilituto: the of the Bill through the Cunnuons is Ill-(pmth with for the present. The prcvniliug im- pres/aim: f3 that the Upper House will until:an to r.j--trt it. I'heir rejection lit-t. year of the Uompcnsttirm for Dis- turbuncc Bill was followtrd by tlu: pren- ent manure. and if th -y should throw it out. they mny rtlll‘l)‘ couutnu being Outllrnntml m-xt session with at much moro mdicd .schrm-a. The lli'l will hr amended in the Home of Lords, al- though uo all: top! will be not lo to turn '1..." tango We art: most important amendment will prohib- ly be um- in the spirit of that moved in the “Muse of Common-s bv Mr. Ilene- a-o, luf'luh‘l' for (Brent. Glitll‘b)’. on four ally. to' exempt landlord-t who II We ma lo their own improvuni-nts, :ic- c-rdio; to the usual Hull-m H.3Kt'lll. It no to-- up mum of die clntw: phn‘l’l- in: fir the frw ~til-: of burnt right by I .\n amcmlm wt 3 tbs on go: l.‘ uocupi -r. n! tlra Lind, thief: would not nutrrinh .y AI.“ i...- soup: of (m: Cpl, i- 'illuu‘l run: in b: curricrl in LA: agent for tlw Scumnrkct Marble wum. Any pet-um in want of: headstone or non-l amen: Will do well to enmino bis deuigna boron purnhuin: cunt-vb"!- -â€"lG-l I one-half less [bun that on which :1 \\‘llllC mun can live. Being but curves to those who unpmt them from Clllll't, n5 lI-uusc- ofj Mr. Bradlaugh 3. Popular Hero. Sm the Pull Mull G:urtl¢:â€"Mr: Bradlnugb's professions of confidence in the support which he can Command id the country may perhaps have to be‘ largely discounted, but the deduction which bus to be made is by no means scenes: as some people would like to bulievc. To Purliutnent, and to society, Mr. Brndldugh may be merely I nuia~ once and a bone; but. to Englishmen outside tho‘st: very limited circles the Bradlaugh question excites much great- er interest than is generally believed in London. A shrewd and dispmwionuto observer. who has good opportunities of seeing what is going on in the Nortbcrd towns. remarked the other day that. the feeling in favour of Mr. Brudlaugh was steadily growing among the working men in the great industrial centres. Hi9 willlngn‘ch to take the oath docs uof- impress them so unfuvourubly as it does those who have followed the question more closely. “He tried to nfiirm," they say. “ and he was told the law pre- scribed the oath; he offers to take the outh. and he is ejecth from the pre: clucts of the House." Tho English sense of fair play is roused in his fa- vour; he has become the representativo‘ of the principle. of religious liberty and of the rights of constituencies, andâ€"â€" strange though it. may seem to tho‘ short-sighted bigots who are placing the odium theologian» at the service of facâ€" tinus purtlzuushlpâ€"thc notion of thc' Housovof Commons has succeeded in making Mr. Bradluugh 11 popular hero in the eyes of millions who, although they may be mistaken, nevertheless have votes. w.-. The Very Latest. SUDDEN APPEARANCE ff!“ ANOTIIEN TIClIllOllNI-l CLAIMANT. Sun Frmtcisco, June 20.â€"Tho Tiohâ€" borne cluimnnt Inns uguiu turned up in San Diego. Tho “ Cluininnt " culled on General But-nos for infbrmutiou as to how he could obtuiu documentary evi. deuce to Show flmt. he never Win: in Rio dc .luneiro. never left. thch in tho ves- scl Bl'lfll, nnd was novor wrcekcd and pickth up by tho Os/u'ry, us stuth by Arthur Orton. Burnos subivcted thc' visitor to u rigid examination, in which he told so straight u story, including many points in which ()rtou fuiled nnd othcrs which did not come out. in thc‘ trial. and exhibited physically such i-‘ dcutity with the lost. hcir that Dunes reluctantly arrived at tho conclusion that. he is either ’l‘ichboruc or on udrolt‘. suindlcr. The Duke of Sutherland and‘ Dr. Russo“ had no interview with thu' mun. and it full statement has been mailed to England. 'I'ichbnrnu lins‘ been a great portion of the time in the United States, served through thew-ni- nnd married in Brooklyn; N. 1'. file says his silence is the result of u dctcr- urination to remain incognito for to number of years which has now clupvcdlv and this determination was brought u-’ boot by chagrin at opposition to his' Ill.ll'l'ltt.'0 with his Cousin. Tho ques-' Lion of his bring able to establish hit-9‘ identity does not seem to give him thud slightest concern. ......,... Rainy River. (/3 ti Purl.ng I’rngrrux ) All who lmvo ever made it trip uplou' down the ll-tiuy llivorurc loud in their” praises of its bountiful sonnory, mt m-ll as its :idupmbility for settlement. If forum the boundary line buwccn the United States and Cmudu. and the Canadian side has bccu surveyed into farm lots, at number of which have been settled on and cultivated for u few year» post. The settlers all spunk highly of the richness of the soil. and its capabil- ity for growing all kinds of farm proâ€" duce. Mr. E. \IcCoskriC. n gentlcnmn resident in the vicinity of Fort Francis , during thc past. four years, my; that the situation and peoulinr nature of the soil um vcry fuvournblc for tho growth of all kinds of fruit. He has grown: zipplc trues from the need, and unyx that the frosts of'our nurthoru winter how not had tho allglm-zu effect upon the young trees. It. is his intention to ox- periment furthor in that direction, uttd import, it mainly of fruit trout, us he ht cvmlinlcut. that! the growth of all kinda of fruit will yield n hundxomo profit, M there will always be :1 good market. on the prairies of Manitoba. which are not. so well adapted for fruit growing, ox. cept. in certain localitiur. The quality of the potuuw grown along tho Rainy lliver is also highly xpokuu of us being very firm and dry. and not apt to wilt when kept over winter and into in tho spring. In fact. the cultivation of all kinds of produce: will pay well, us there will always bcn market. at Rut lhurta ago, on th: Conndluu Pacific lt-nlIWIy, to which place bouts are run from all panw of the river. literally bringing the market to the var-y doors of the soulon. The land is well timbcrcd with poplnr, oak, spruce, cedar, tmnnruck. and pine. 'l‘ne best of the land is chiefly covered with poplar, and is, therefore, cull cleared, while other portions afford II the timber that in required for fuel, fencing and building purposes. _...â€".......o._...w-â€". John Iudrunk in the name of 2 Chi- cago saloon-keeper. For natural days the rninn have been very heavy‘in l'euvmylvunin and the neighbouring States, and great dam-go lo prnpmy from the floodi; is reported. A portion 0f Allegliany City is threat- ened with inundation. lInmmh Daley, of Montreal, brought. null mains! Prnnoin Somerville to rcoov. rr frmn him the mm of‘ 25 cent: damn- goo for breaking down her clothen line. After one hour‘s hearing the case In all-missed. The Monetnn, N. If, “ma ways:â€" .\ ewu b-lrmging to Mr. Wm. Aoorn. of lot 49. P. ll. 1., recently gave birth to l lamb which had four eyes in the eco- f tre of it~ threhmd and two tails. Oth- ; crwiw it in on well formed no any lamb w-ml in: .\ swarm of angry bccv‘lo the Sweet- wziter ‘VJHEY' Cd. aetilcd on n rattles make that won hi! feet in length. twelve p inchus in girth nnd had twentytwo rota ties They stung him so violently that he was blinded. and he was catnin killed ; Wlifl ft wpfidn

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