mm. LEGAL 8w. MARTIN it; HOPKINS. ARRISTZRS. SOLICITUR“. 8c. neyw Loan at 6 pzr cent. 053cc, Kent Itrert, Lindsay, Unt. 9.5. Inna. G. H. Horn“. F, D. .‘IOOI’. r2. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY. k SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. 05cc, Kent street. Lindmy. ll UDSI’ET H .5; .I ACKFUN. ARflln'Tl-ZRS. SOLILITOHS, ac. Ofâ€" 6613, William Itrret, Lindsay A. Huwrrn. A, 150.1303. ()‘LEARY 8t O'LI-IA RY, ARRIS‘I‘BHS, ATTt‘th’EYR-AT-LAW, Solicitor! in Chancery, kc. Dobeny Block, Kent street, [.induy. Alma O'Lnxy. .‘l. SHEPPARD. ARRISTER, ATTORh'EYk Conveyan- eer, McArthur': Block. Colborne street, Yenelon Plll‘. Money to lend on real eutute. MCINTYRE do STEWA R'I‘. ARHISTERS, ATT()R.\'HYS-AT-I.AW, Solicitort in Chancery. 5:12., Lindsay. Ofï¬ce over Ontario Bank. Kent street. Mo- ncy to Loon at 8 per cent. on real estate 3 neuritic-I. D. J. Mcisrvi n. Ttios Snwan‘r. WM. .‘ICDON NELL. it, (Late Ketchum & McDonnell,) ARRISTElt. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, Notary kc Money to Loan. Ofï¬ce on Kent rtrcet. Lindsay, Unt. J, B. nictrsox, o. A , ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance-r, the. Ofï¬ce, Doheny block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lend at 8 per cent. ALEX. A. ilcnoxXho, ’I‘TORNEY-AT-LA W, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Conveyance-r, &c.. to. Strict at- tention given to applications for Patcntsl of Land: from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. Uiï¬ce, Colborne Itrcet, Penelun Falls. JOHN A. BARRON, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Ofï¬ce on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's Agricultural and Implement Store. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DHGRASSI .‘I. D., ORONER. Phyaician, Surgeon, the, tire. J Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. WM. I\'E\l PT. .‘I. D., C. M., (IRADUATE of .\IcGill University, Mon '1 trcal, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi‘ ciao, Surgeon and Olutctriciau, Medical Referee to the Standard, Phoenix, Connecti- cut Muttlnl, and Equitable [martini-c Com- panies. Ofï¬ce and residence. ill the house lately occupied by Rev Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and lttis streets, Lindsay. Du. A. WILSON, NI B.UN1VERSITY of Trinity College. . M.B.U'iivcra1ty of Toronto. Memb. Col. Phys. and Sump, (Jnt. Pliyaician, Surgeon and Accoucher. 0tlice,Colbornc l treet, l-‘enelon l-‘nlls. Illt J. 11 LOW}, IIYSICIAN .lr SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of Ilaliburton. la†Olï¬cv and residence in Mr. Thomas Malrrs's house, Francis Street East, I‘enclon Fa II. L. Silrvcyon, Com nissioncr in the Q. 8., . Conveyancer, kc. Residencc,aud ad- dress, Fenclon Falls. ..._._____._ . MISCEILï¬ANEOUS. ' ucoxo'olvlsiox mini} IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. The next sittings of this Court will be held on Wednerilay. August Itlst, l881. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk. JAMES J. POWER, ICEXSEI) Auctioneer, Accountaltt and General Commission Agent. Collect- lng accounts a specialty. Oï¬icc, Feuclon Falls, Ont. S. JOHNSON. UCTIOXEER. Village Property and Farm Sales a specialty. Notes, Ac- counts, Rents the. collected. Ofï¬ce and relidencc on Bond street, Feiielou Falls. 6. 172:1: Earn. 6. ’310N131’ '1‘() IAEND at 6, 6* and 7 per cent., according to secu~ rity, on Real Estate mortgages. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay J. EELANDS, DENTIST. LINDSAY. One of the firm trill be at the McAtt'rllt'it flown. Passion Faun. on the third Monday of each month. chth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury, or no charge will he made. ï¬' Ofï¬cu established in Lindsay nearly ï¬fteen yenrt. dollâ€"(flu LEND AT 8 run czar, with the privilege of paying 00' in full or by inetalmeutr at any time Mortgages hunghL J. I). DIXON, Barrister. 3c, 3' Oï¬ce Dohcny Block. Kent street. Lindsay. MONEY T0 LOAN On Real hints at Eight per cent. Private Ponds. Interelt payable at Lindon}. .\'o Commission charged nor Depmit required. Expenses very mall. Apply to 8 D. 0RDB. U†0th.. cunt. Linda). JOB PRINTING. "you want Job Printing neatly executed, (to. fruit rrrore, and at reasonable prices, Ind It to the l'oaclon Pall. Gareth 083cc. WWW" -ww ï¬' Bamh (or Rupert, lower: t Sift: k7 Baht. the but and cheapch In the, harlotâ€"lung“ manufactureâ€"to be seen - at Robson & Robson. Cameron Lake Ponn- l dry. Tendon Fall; The leading fannenl of Snub Victoria will tulin to their tape. Mt, over all ntbeu that they have our tried â€"-l t-tt‘ . l Jâ€"Iâ€"nttrr'rox, ’10â€". Ofï¬ce, L Ilcizn O'Lunv. 2 NeDonnell'I Block, Reat' WATCHMAKER, Jlllllllll & llllilllllll, dealer in Clocks, All Kinds, l 3'! day, 8 day and 30 hour. Alarm strike,&c, : AMERICAN WATCHES, i the Best and Cheapest, {IX SILVER AND 60L†CASES in the newest styles and at lowest prim-s. fl? Persons Sending watches from a die- . Lance for repaint, can have the amount of l work and price reported on for their cons'd- : oration. and as I do the work myself, can depend on having it done satisfactorily. ‘ Britain's Block. foot of KentSt. Lindsay. NTAHIO BANK. 3 Capital - - - - - - $3,000,000. President . . . . . . . . . . . . Sir. W. P. Howland. Vice-Prctident . . . . . . . . C. S. GZ‘JWnkI, Esq General Manager .. . . . . . . . . D. Fisher, Eeq. LINDSAY BRA NCII. Canada, United States and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. Savings Departxneut RE-OPESED. Interest allowed on deposits of five dolo lars and upwards. S. A. )lcllURTRY, .lftmnger. Lindsay, Feb. 16th, 1881. 50-t.f. i litiftulou falls ®u3cttc gSaturday, August 20th, 1881. fl Tlié Irish Land Bill.â€" Tbe long and wcarlsomc contest bc- theu the Lords and the Commons over the Illnll Land Bill has at length conic l to an end. The former, after resisting the popular wish until it storm of indig- [nation was raised against. them, have suddenly and almost cncxpcctedlygiveu way, no doubt fearing the. unpleasant looxmcqucnccs which the history of the past shown would inevitably have result- 'l'hc Bill will :it once receive the royal usscut, and immediately thereafter be enforced in Ireland. cd from further opposition. Bad News From Washington. President Garï¬eld is believed, to be dying; indeed, a few days ago he was so low that his death was actually re- ported on the other side of the Atlantic and one or two English papers publish- ed obituary notices. Although the last operation seemed to produce beneï¬cial results and the President's wound was Said to be progressing favourably, ex- haustion has lately increased with ter- rible rapidly, and it is impossible to road the latest reports of his condition without being forced to the conclusion that if he now revover his restoration to health will be little less than miraculous. 'I‘lic attendant physicians, ï¬ve in num- ber, inuc at. short intervals ambiguous bulletins. so worded as to keep hope alive in the public breast, while they do not. contain any decided statements eith- er one “'in or the other; but Dr. Hum- mond, ii hiin medical authority, boldly declares that the President has only three or four days to live, that- hc has been starved to death for want of a pro- per quantity of nourishment, and that the original wound was not sufficient. to cause death had it been properly treat- ed. We cannot help thinking that Dr. Hammond is right, and that the illus- trious patient, should he die, will have lulleu ii victim less to the injury inflict- cd by Giltcuu than to the extraordinary amount of, and perhaps not very skill'ul, doctoriug to which he has since been subjected. An Unpleasant Affair. For some time past there have been rumours damaging to the character for veracity of the Rev. Mr. Glover, pastor of the Methodist Church in this village; but. we did not know that any action with reference to them was to be taken. ‘ and were therefore surprised to learn, on Tuesday morning last, that a com- mittee of investigation was then sitting in the church, in conscquencc ofcertuin charges having been formally brought against .‘1r.Glover, in the. prescribed manner, by one of the members of his l congregation. The ministers present were Mr. Clarke, Chairman ofthe Dis I trict, and Mr. Greener, both of Lindsay, .‘Ir. Barrtiss of Omeuiec, Mr. Weldon . of Cnnniugtou, Mr. Campbell of Oak- wood.nnd )Ir. Tozlaud of Duusl'ord. The Rev. Mr. Clarke was chairman of thc coiinnittec by virtue of his oï¬ico. and the llcv. .‘Ir. Bari-ass was appoint- l oil to act a: Secretary. The investiga- l tion was conducted with closed doors. ' but. we. have learned all we care to know of the proceedings. The charges were four in number, each one setting forth that Mr. Glover had, on n speciï¬ed oc- casion, been guilty of a direct and wil- ful violation of the truth. After hear- ting the ciidencc brought forward the i committc decided that two of the char." es tvrrc not fully sustained; upon an~ other they could tint agree; and the fourth w-as prououncod fully proven. Mr. Glover having thus been declared cuilty. though only upon one out of the tour charges. it was decided that, he ' shall be " rcprovcd before the commit- tee and witnesses and removed from the :circuit, and that until such removal, l l l take place he shall cease lrom all min ’ ieterial functions in this clicuitf' l A great deal of feelingâ€"and not very l and feeling cithcr. we are sorry to say ' -â€"has been evoked by the intestigatiou. lilo: remit of which is satisfd‘ctory to ,some but is repudiated by "then, who , warmly declare that Mr. Glover hm sheen wrongfully condemned and that I they will do their best to see him right- : nutter in the Gaunt. and we have re- rrlvcd c-Jn‘idonhlc unsolicited advice. .fli Drafts bought and sold on all points in ‘ I l with reference to it; but those who are i aware of the extraordinary rumours ltbat are afloat regarding the ofl'cncesl Condensed News. eThe members of the IV. )1. church er. Glover was charged with, will :it In Marmara intend to hold a Harvest i once agree with us that it is better for l him as well as for all concerned to give ; the exact. truth the widest publicity possible. i l Lindsay. â€":ia we can afford to do in even the very lardest times, having a pass on the Victoria Railway and three or four free boarding houses to stop at,â€"aud. al'ter'calllng on the persons with whom we had buainess, spent. the rest of the (1.15 chatting with old friends and inci- dentally expatiutiug ou the beneï¬ts of hotnever. unavaiiing in August. which is one of l l l l l advertising. I lthe dullest months in the year, when l l l l i l Bhutan-nee is, the enterprise of even the most ener- getic merchants temporarily stagnates. As was to be expected, business men were not so cheerful as when things are , " booming," but they all admitted that lthe deprcrsion was nothing to be sur- prised at and that there would inevi- l tably be u change for the better before l lï¬g. It is a well known fact that. the great majority of men think any other l occupation is better than their own, and it also appears to be a settled conviction with a great many people that any vil- lage, town or city is better than the one in which they live; but the probability is that. different trades and locations are more upon an equality, if all things be taken into consideration, than is gen- ; orally imagined. Certainly Lindsay. l with its litany handsome public and l private buildings and the slendid coun- ltry around it, must. impress strangers very favourably ; and although business in all lines has occasionally been over- , done and there have been a good many failures. the same cause has led to the some results in almost every place that can be mentioned. and we believe that in our county town at. the present mo ment. there is a very fair general average of prosperity. At any rate ii new store is opened occasionally. and manages to stay open ; and the improvements that are in progress and the number of huge posters, announcing excursions. concerts and other luxuries, with which every board fence and dead wall is covered. do not look like the “ ruin and decay " which some few individuals of dcspond- ent temperaments may still be heard predicting. The population is said to have decreased somewhat of late, but if more persons than the town could support. crowded into it, those who thought they could do better elsewhere were wise to lcave, and the fact that they did so crowd in is a proof that they were starved out. of other plucns or that. Lindsay bore an enviable reputti’ tion abroad. Taxes and rents are both high, and are no doubt sometimes difï¬- cult to meet; but the former are the. price ofimprovenients, which are prob- ably worth all they cost, and the latter show that the supply of shops. houses and other buildings cannot be greatly in excess of the demand. or routs would be, lowered at Once. G0 where you will the great. bulk of the people lll\\'.llll they can do to make a decent. lit-inc, and that such is the case in Lindsay. as well as elsewhere, ought not. to occasion either surprise or complaint. It is one of the ï¬nest towns of its age in the Pro- vince, and probably in the whole Do- minion ; and those who lived in it. as we did, twenty-five years ago, and think of what it. was then compared to what it is now, cannot fail to be mtonishcd at its wonderful growth. 5:: Village Council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. and the rceve in the chair. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and approved. The following accounts were laid on the table and re- fcrred to the ï¬nanco committee :â€"-\Vm. Warren, work on streets, 64 90 ; Robt. Jackett, work on streets and bridges S77 60; G. 11. $28 68. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Robson, That the foregoing ac- counts be paid and the were give his orders for thc Ramaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Robson, that. the manager of Mr. R. C Smith's mill be notiï¬ed that unless he removes the blocks of wood scattered on the streets by his tenmstcrs this council will be obliged to put. in force By-law No. 3 for the removal of nuisances.-â€"C.~irricd. Moved by .‘Ir. Robmn, seconded by Mr. Deyinan. That. Win. Routley be emplode to act as special constable for this village during the pleasure of this council.-â€"-Carricd. Bertrum's account, .‘_.‘_ _ _ _ _ ..___ Powles’s Corners. (From our Correspondent.) l l l A Loss â€"â€".\lr. John Braidcn has lost l a valuabl: young mare. one ofa match- l od team, by imflamnintion. l THE HARVEST â€"-Smue of the farm- Jrs in this section have done harvc~ting :nnd arc ovcrjnyod with the results of their labours. Mr. S. .‘Iche has bur. ' vcvted 22 acres of fall wheat, which be thiuki will yield from 35 w 40 bushels per acre. ‘- I’aixccss Locisr."â€"The Murphy brothers have arrived from the township of )Iainvors with their threshing mach- inc the Princess Louise. These gentle- men do good work and should be well patronized. SCR.\P$.~A rainbow in the west. on I Tuesday morning. Threshing commeuc- the contractors should lurnl~h tempurury flit-d it. n“,- war or the “Joniâ€... The l . Frost made hia appearance on the 14th l of Augu‘t 1880. but there were no signs lof him on that day in 1881. The ap- iple crop will not be up to last year's. l owing to the recent drought. The par- lties who delivered telegraph poles at Hall's crossing think it is time they 4 were shipped. i . . . w.» .. __ --.__ ; Esrmnisucvr.~l’mfessor Barker. : lllusionist and vi-triluq'iist, gave an en. ' tertuinincut in qurnm'a hall lavtt “fed- uesday evening. lwho witnessed them were apparently 5 well satisï¬ed l l :nisl.enc. t i l l , l I l l l l l t l We were not present. f ed. Then: is almadilfcrtuca ofo iuiou but have. been informed that the pen, . .. . .P l . . in to the ldflrlbllll)’ of noticing the; forms-lees were very good and that all . ' years old cam» into the office illl‘l, whilc unobserved. took liberties with the small pre<s, w-iicn lll‘. managed to break. l Home Festival on the Ist of September â€":\ new Catholic ccmctrry. compris- ing fnur acre.a of land. will shortly be dedicated in the village of Punchin- -â€"I-'onr bar-ca owned bv Mr. Wm. . Sullivan, or Emily, were killed by light- We visited Lind-ny on Monday last, ‘ "m2 dun“: a recent sw'm' The IIIII~ mal< were valued at something over $500. ~â€".\Ir. Toker, one of the proprietors l of the PetcrboroUgh Recfrw, returnedl - from England lavt week, and u few day l later his partner, )Ir. Carnegie, left for Scotland. â€"Work on the new eletlutor at )Iid- land is progressing rapidly. The main walls are up to their full height. 87 feet, the upper framework is raised 40 feet, and the roof will soon be com- menced. â€"The Georgian Biy Lumber Com- pany's mill wax destroyed by fire last Sunday afternoon. The origin of the ï¬re is unknown. The loss is very hea- vy. but we hear that the property was well insured. â€"A little boy named .‘IcCarmll wav found suffocated in an Out. ï¬eld near I’lckcriugu few days ago. Foul play is suspected. but, as W) evidence Could be obtained. the coroner'sjury returned an open verdict. â€".-\ rare specimen of the ï¬nny tribe, about two feet long and four pounds in Weight. wax~ caught. ii fow days ago in the Norwood mill pond. No one in the village has rvn-r seen a ï¬ll like it, and the editor of the Register would very much like to know what it is. -â€"A light- of plate glass intended for one of the windows in Mr. CiUXIOll'> new block in Putcrborough. fell while being placed in position and was: siii'isll ed to pieces. It. was Worth 875. but the whole of that. sum was not. lost by the accident. as the largest. piece; ol'tln- glass will be used for Vill‘IOU.‘ purpuses. DIVINE Salmonâ€"We have. bet-n re.- questcd to announce that the Rev. Mr. Clarke. of Lindsay. will preach in the Methodist church. Fonelou Falls, next Sunday evening at. the usual hour. AGRICULTURAL .‘1EET1NG.â€"At the meeting of the Feuclon Agricultural Society noticed in last. week's (x'uzeflc the only business: done was to (ll'lll‘l‘ the treasurer to pay Mr. Samuel Broken shire the second premium for pumps ex- hibited in- 1880. Another meeting i.~ to be held on the last Saturday in {Ills month. Man IMPROVEMENTSâ€"Lust week we noticed Messrs. Jarvis LI: McDougnll's new awninu, and now their next door neighbours, Messrs. McDouuiill & Brun- don,'are providing the windows of their grocery store with a pair of handsome blinds, on which are inscribed in mam- moth letters the names of various lead- ing articles to be found within. We are pleased to observe such indications of pro<pcrity and lame. and hope till!" OIIII‘I' merchants it‘ll all follow tho ex nnples set them by tho above named llrmi. leVttKlXtt â€"â€"I)Iiring our abscuco on Monday but a litll: boy nine or ten Fortunately the damage was tlot very serious, as the broken part is small and will not cost. much to rep‘a-‘c. but it might hof'c bout a great deal worse. The rule that no boys urn lu be allowed in the. printing ollico ext-opt on buklness is like all other l'ulns, sometimes dine- gurdcil ; but we. shall now enforce it more strictly than ever. as jttvcuilc vis- itors SOl‘lll to be positively incapable of keeping their haudsuff the types and presses. ,’ MAKING THEM SillVE‘t.â€"Soltnol re- 0 ened on Thursday lust. and kite-fly- ing and stilk-wulklug, the two mnsf pop- uliirjuvcuilc amu<cuieuts in this village. will have to be. indulged in chiefly on Saturdays during the remainder of the season for out-ofidnnr sports. The close of the holidays “as viewed with the most. opposite feelings by dllfercut chil- dren; for while some were willing or even eager to go to school again, others thought of it. with the mo~t direful forc- budings; in was no doubt the case with a little fellow who was overheard on Wednesday evening remarking to a coin. pnniou, “ I my, Joe, don't it make you shiver to think of to-morrow ? " A C.iI:Tto.\:.â€".\lr. Wm. Rntttloy ha; been appointed special Constab‘c in this village, and as ho is an able bodied aml resolute man, he will no doubt. perfnrnl the duties of his ofï¬ce in a manner cred- itable to himself and ~'atixfnctorv to the public; and as the lockup, which has not. been used of Into, is in a somewhat dilapidated condition. Mr. John '1'. Thompson has been directed to ï¬x it up and make it ï¬t for the reception of such occupants at the constable may ï¬nd for it. The facts ought to. and no doubt will, serve as it warning to rouglis' and dishonest. persons to keep their viciom propensities in :ib -v:inco as long as they are in Fem-loo Fails. Tm: IltnN Ramonâ€"As we have. been sct'crul times applied to for iul'or- lnation as to when the new bridge acrms the river in this village is: to be built, we have made enquiries concerning it. and ascertained that by the terms of the contrvict with the Iron Bridge (Iain. pany of Toronto it is to be. ï¬nished by the lst of October next. In the when tiscment, publi-‘bed in February last, asking for tenders, it was provided that i new bridge was being put in place; but ’ we under-tand that this proviso wau, omitted when the contract was drawn up. and that it was of no consequence, l :3 the iron bridge is built. in arctioni. l much one of which can ht.’ extended from plot to pier in a. few hours; and as the work will be done in three or four con- secutive evenings. when traffic is gener- ally over. a brief delay to a few persons is the wont. inconvenience that cut posâ€" sibly occur. l’nunvuniax l-Ixcoasiox.-. The Presbyterian S. S picnic Lam I’ ~m-lou ? Falls to B‘ibciywon came off on Tucv day 13".! according to advertimemeui and - wins ouo of the most pleasant and “tio- , snapped off. pctory of the seasm. Captain Bottuin's new steamer, the EmTlclt at the time appointed with acovered soon in tow, and the whole party. including children in arms, dumbcred lbout a hundred. Captain Bottom is opptlsed to 25 cent excursions, as the low fare is only an inducement to roughs to go and make themselves nuisance. and leads to such overcrowding of the boat a to be on- safe as well as unpleasant. The fare on Tuesday was. tlierefl-re. ï¬xed at hall'a dollar. and the result was so satisfacto- ry in every respect that all who went exprenscd tlieiiN-li'rs delighted. The picnic was held in the pine grove near the old bcllolll-Itttus‘e Ill Bobcaygeou. and the Era started on her return early enough to reach the Falls about 60'- ciock. The sum realized. clear of all cxpcnscs, was a little less than 89. A Scasoszn TIMERâ€"0n Tuesday but. Fizuelon Falls was visited by a trump in a long coat. who soon became. the “ observed of all observers" and the subject of much Uncompliinentary comment Rumour said that he came from Minden, where he had been in jail. and where, also, he tried to commit auicidc by hanging himself with a wire rope to a stump machine; but Rumour says a great many things that are nor true, and possibly the above mentioned statemeutv are among the number. In this \lllnge he went from house to house, and when confronted by a man mad.- enquiries as to the residence of Some imaginary acquaintance ; but ifa wmniiu or child answered his knock he asked for relief and in some casos of course cut. it. In the middle of the al'ti‘rtioovi he called at )Ir. W. I]. Wclch's, and. the family being all out, spent nearly half an hour trying to force open the kitchen door. but was billed by the strength of the fastening. Having been seen in the act, inlbrmatiou was con- veyed to countable Ruutlcy, who went in search of the trump, but failed to find him. Next morning, however, the queer looking stranger :ippvurcd on the main street, loLowcd by a crowd of boys, who uselirtcd him to the bend of the village, and saw him start on hi~ tray to llohcaygeon. jun. in time to es- Clpt‘. the constable, who had been sent for to capture him. From all we can learn the trziuip is probably of somewhat dimrdered intellect; and as this would make him more than ordinarily danger- nu~‘ it is an additional reason why he should not be allowed to go at laruc. A Trap for Sheep-Killing Dogs. The Lynchburg Virql'ni'un. describes an ingenious trap dcvimd by a Virginiâ€" an larmer to capture sheep killing dogs. Having suffered severely from the dup- rcdations of dogs upon his sheep-'bid, he built around a number of sheep that do.~s had killed an inclosurc of rails twolvc feet high and about ten foot square at. the ground. the sides of the trap sloping inward until an opening was left. about five fuct square. Any dog could ea~ily climb such a sloping fence and enter the pen, but not. even a greyhound c.iuli1julup out of it. In thrco lll:l|l.~ tho l'irnii-r captured forty- ~ix ilus. including fifteen or twenty that hull never been: seen before in that III'I:lII)'ll1I'Il"ll'I. This. after there llld been a public slaughter of all dog-Eu»- pr‘ttttrd ol' sheep-killing. i-avc tlltt', \vllusi- niastor could NHL 1); CItIlVIllCl'll of hi .‘lllll. The trap \v:i~‘ built for his ex pveiul beneï¬t, and oiiught him the Ill':l night. â€"_~-_._._-- a.» o-â€"â€"»~â€"~â€" .. A Fight With Wolves. A farmer of Dayton, 0, the other day went out to drive home his sliccp. .lllll in pm‘sin; he heard snarling and barking. Ht: llll'l only an old musket with him loaded for :sde gimc. S-iou he saw two old wolves and ï¬ve three- qunrtcr grown whulps wrangling and lighting over the dead bully of a sliecif, He got to within two rods of tht-m he- tore they heard him. when he fired into their midst. I-nulediatcly thu' whole seven came bounding towards him. and before he had time to climb a tree they were full upon him. lln reversed the gun and used it' for it club. The ï¬ght lasted an hour, and so savage and furn- cious were the wolves that as one alter another of their number received a death stroke from the old musket they pounc- ed upon their fallen comrade and pro- ccedcd to devour him; at tllln' juncture the farmer \vould ru II in with his gun and kill another. hauling one or both of the dead bodlus' back to the tree near which the licht took place. He did this, he afterwards said. to save their cut-ciscs. as there is a bounty ofSll ou CitCII \voll killed in Waupaca county. After thu linlf'huur's bkll'llllrlt the bth'Il wolves lay dead at the farmer's feet. He was unable to carry their carcascs home. So he took out a large knife he had in his pocket. rkllltttztl the whole seven. saved their seven skulls. and It. - applied to the county clurk for his 877 l)titltll_)'. bosl lcs obtaining a lair price for their skins, During the licht. be but] every bit of cl lilting torn from his body, his hands and legs badly bitten. and the lower part of one of lilo car: The Uhictgo Conclave. .\'0 SYMPATIIY \VITII CREW. 'I‘IIP. DYNAMITE Clltculo. Aug. 14,â€"Alexandur Sol. livau. who attended tllc roccnt lrisli c-iucl we. says the Cuttt'cratltlt‘tl was not. dIQIlF‘Illlll. av reported. but harmonious Fudy a third til [1“: m..-mltt'.rslllp were prufuwiounl men, and a third were on- . ed in thiv section 0n the 9th inst. Jack l accommodation for local trafï¬c while the l Convention had no post-iible sytnpathv with Roma. and abhorri-d the idea of dynamite being usnl against nonâ€"outn- bitunts. E<peciilly woull they refuse to avail Amerian pas-cinch: on E lg- ‘ . s I r.‘ ‘ and the result will be fabmching. The CORRESPONDENCE. 1's lime for extreme measures has not came, r L. V- ‘ and.thene is no sympathyfith dynnm‘lte 1):. 002mm- vs. Foam among Irish reformers Ju>t yet. '1th _ "pans published M. the pmï¬nn- “ To (A: Editor offlie Penelo- Falh Gazette. the Convention were um “"d‘ne‘ i Smâ€" P ‘ b ' Cmse‘was me sub. (of “mum nous cruiit me a 3 on space to offer e. . . I d '1“ __ wonder two by way or encouragement and ridicule among: l'lslmtefl. 0" '9 ‘33 warning to Charles L Coulter M D sure Crowc had nothing I to do with the Lindsay, as the Pou (after giving him #2.! infernal machinesshi to Liver ml. ry fucility and od‘rrin to p pi , g In every encour- agement in the false course he assumes) do~ clared itsrcollprns closed to any (tn-the: du- . cussion o_ t case as soon as a little hell- The Bay Of Fundy Tldes‘ thy "1,261.10" was setting in, and the truth ' . _ ‘ was ginning to ooze ibrou h ' LOSSES To run Amour or $30,000 3-“ thicken; d epidermis. g on c" TMLED, ' 30w. doctor, I do assure you it is only since your confession. rt".- thnt you gave an Sacxvuam, N. 8., Aug. ILLâ€"The gfltrï¬gklggshflrl I ‘?"°“‘°d 3““ “0 W†m ; Smro ic east interest it. you. I; dam.i_e to the lily crop will I‘“_ always Nady to encourage a man when uinrslt by the late high tides is cstltlint- Nurflses he ,5 WM“: and "in ,0 d be ° ed b? some at $20,000. and by 0th?“ tor; but yon. doctor. claim too much‘f‘rcdi‘f at $60.00“ Probably s3il,000.\vlll cov- Sniff! ‘lll. the gird“) for said opinion, you er all the ham Several TCPMWd Plac‘ f, n-' 7mg ‘ l 'h'" ‘1'†h'" “ d°‘°" eg in “w dvkes on [he mmpnmw pl ladies at the same Dorcas Society meet- . , ‘ . l ,‘ lug hold at your auntie‘s who gave n im‘ marsh were wax-lied out. bv last utg it: 1,“, opinion and . . . . ’ l' . . . . - Quite a. intelligently u tide. It Is ll'IIpOSHItlL‘ to keep the \ru- youmclf. Why not share a portion or the ter out. and the farmers are very "H‘Cl' “mm “‘l‘l‘ 3‘0"? Nut-“KW! on that orniâ€" ,.xcited in consequence. All the hay SIP“? E‘m'“ ""v I?“ c - bl" FM" aili- dmm will be ruimd' and the res, is LlSfllS oflho “ Queen 5 English " remind run , I . d. ...d Gnin on the Very much of traitora forecasts of the "It re or (:53 Jilin?! . - weather, which are very unreliable. For ,unrihes w," be spoiled. In >Olllt' p110 instance, when you construe the words - x l .' b'eu washed on t to †calumnintor" -‘ m d‘ lilaf'rll, r223 (III;- Eiass holds so much ""“l'ï¬n†(“"lr‘ls ‘l‘f‘llsll-l Qrit that it will he almost Illtpttinlble to :lllmcrvbll“ ‘5’: :ie‘ffr'llllun Oglbe chanteer . ' . g ‘ , v _ _ _‘\ lt‘ e 'I u on y assume ) as savorin cut. 'I he. dc tructlnn l0 -W§l‘_“lll'â€? of Billitigsgate,l must sayauch a purely“: iv something'tmmcnfc. Ever) piecc_0 imaginary construction could only be put board that ,5 flmmuu 1, black wttll iipuu them byyoii,doctor,assumiugtho role these insccts. and cirry will fence sinitd- 2 fligï¬mggl‘? 'Sn‘l ‘f‘llu “'Wld Ihlltk of log is covered. To-dav's tide is not so ° ° “ '"g' . I." 5"“ 3"“ “ “mp†°r hi-Uh am, it h “0 )ed {he “.0â€, is "V0,. language that is trndemnt. in my humble a 1 ~ 1 opinion, and taken from Burrows & Coulâ€" -. ,_.__ trr‘s hcodlc of medical ethics. (See Part.) . . . n In) l'Cl e intellect " N self landation " Temble Railway Acetdent. losing his prestigc'and practice," “ lurk- . _ int: «bi-lion," kc, &c., all of which were in- No. 4 EASTERN Expagss mTcngn x35" tended to apply to Dr. Ili'rriman, of Lind- PRESmwT. say. (1 any nothing about those. donated (tin myself) [how lhl; language is neither . _ -‘- ' t.\‘e it nor an ill a- bl‘ l I) ‘ ' I, _' J. ' iacrtp ,1 LI t o r. llerrl- PRESCOTT. .\l1_. 13' .\n .t .IruitttL ln:lll,1lt‘lll't‘ you can will it what you like. acculent. occurred to Bu. 4 eastern i‘X- \\‘lu-n vou do not know the meaning of p,.?55 11".. THmnm “hm†rm"- ..‘clm-k words or phrases, doctor. you should either um, mnr,,,,,,_,_ A f,.“. miuuws “ftâ€. u... get a dictionary or take them to the gentleâ€" when about one mile and a hall on this side, the engine struck a «lurk uri~.~ which was l_\'tn-_' on the truck. and II“- iiiediately tho whqu train, with the ex- rcptinn of two first-class curs and St'\'t‘l'~ :il Pullman coaches, was liurlcd into the deep ditch. After the fearful shock was over and thc pa-senuers had collected their scat tcred wits, a search was lllilllt‘ :HDUHL' the debris. The lltutlglntl body of I‘lti- gincer I-Iownrth. who is a native ol Montreal, was dragged out. .>\|thou-.-li only a couple of iiilnutos had elapsed the unfortunate innit was quite (load. 'I‘wo exprc>s messengers, uami-il Kin: and Mackenzie, were found to be aeri- ously injured. The ï¬reman saved him self by jumping from the engine when he felt it capsiziug. 'l'lie p:i.~.~ongois none of whom have yet been I'i‘ltttl'll'll u~ injured, bud a lllll':lClll-t|]~' cmupc. '1‘u-~ dark mass on the truck which animal the train to run off proved on examina- tion to be a Cow, although when found it was so dbligurcd as to b: almost u::- l rscoguiZublc. train hall lanai-d Pre>ctitt Station. and -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"». <:,. .. . . v“- l l l The instalment plan of pititig {itXl‘bt is being di~ctts~ed in (lanai-ville. 1 The 1rl<li American It'ivolaua claim; to have 6.40†l-nlgt's ~uittcrcd over the l United Staten a n1 ('itiml i. The rot-order of St. Louis the otlu-rl day refused a iiiarriigo l.f:t'll>'-‘ to u too“;- | man because he IlillI :i..~ll;lit admixture , of negro b and in his veins. Acm‘diug to the. If hit-ll Glob.“ the pJIIIiltIIIE is gradually Mlpors’e-llog tho pistol among the lu’tdlltg ltllll‘tlcl'um in tho Illlllud States. . Several pit llS \I'lllllt'll lati-lv lllllll'll in a week of prayer for rain at Eaton Ilap- ids, not. bvcausc there was :i (Il'nttglit but that it, might. spoil a [lack for lltlltit‘ racing. A sheep dairy for the nrmuficturn ol cheese has been started near Cl: ittauoo go. The stock cottslslr‘. to begin with. of 1.000 sheep, and is under the. mati- agciiicut of an Austrian. Sqnaws have. been caught carrylucl ammunition to Sittln: Bull‘s camp. Ifttl‘t. Yates. and It is II‘:|l'l‘-I that lit! menus mischief. Then: is :i cry from the fort for more troops. The London Rt-liglmli Tract Society States “ that ever since 1868 the Span- ish people have bought it larger uumbur of the Scriptures in proportion to their population. than France or Italy." For calling blï¬ neighbour a “ lantern jawed cockroach," a Illio'lc I~land man was ï¬ned as n libolli-r. 'l‘hujurv found him " Not guilty on lautvrojawcd. but way off on cvlckl'llttltll. and we liud llillll' 1 ages in the sum of “WW? cents." Dyspepsia can readily be cured by taking according to dlrcotioni Dr. (,‘nrtou'd Storin- ach and Constipation Bitten They greatly aid the digestive powers and tout- the whole syrtcm. In large 8 oz botth iii 50 (‘t'nl‘L For sale by John Nngent, special agent for Pauclou Falls. Poisoning food, intended for animals, with Paris L'rt‘llll,,1\l I‘ilni. bl'CIHIIIII‘.’ u popular method of displaying malice. A few days ago the feeding trough-i of the FIIIL‘RI clltllfH: factory were charged with the poi-mt, and a number of lloga have since died. For all Liver and Kidney complnlntt and am-otions of the Stomach and llomls u<e the great Dyspepsia remedy, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Hitter-l. In large 8 01. bottles containing 7') tcn=poonful do. see at :30 oents a bottle. John Nugcut, spe- cial agent for Fem-ion Falls. 'I‘wn Roman Catholic uilsulotiaritm from Dahomey, Africa. who gave nd- tlrus~es in Springfield on Sunday, said the maximum “four a tllln-slullury Ill Dahomey was four yeari. Uf lteven who accompanied one of the iipodten four years ago. he mm the solo i-urvivor. ~ There is no better family medicine than Dr Carson's Stomach and Comitipatiou Bit- ten. They are taken alike by both old and young. Thcr inViuorate the nystem. They should invariably be ulcd imtead of those little well known nauaeonv purgntivn call- ed pills. In large 8 oz. bottle; at 50 cents. lish shipi when the memorv of Amerl- Jâ€" 5'08"â€: WNW '8‘"! for Ft-‘m'lon I’llll. can kindness to the Irish uull'crcrii it so fresh. They believe the time will be 7.200 t‘lllltl’tl, gunners. and mariner ripe to strike for independence. as A- , but when it mum» to ofï¬cer-, the merino did, when E iglnml becomes in- volved in fort-ign difï¬culties, and they will have full right to wage war. anvzuso. Aux. l l l l l , and (in: sixth: men. H.-â€"-- Patrick to be pretty Well gov-'rned and cared In the American navy there are only I . y have a magnificent rupply, the total number being 1,898, or one «(floor to every three The men ought man \\ ho cuts Jon-n the articles for the “ ethâ€" ical node." as I understand you have one for that purpose, before you sit lit judgment on them. Now. (1.|(‘1t|l', do not be bvncr- criticalâ€"do not he so severe on me .for I am naturally wry a-usiï¬i‘c; and 1 am ’pli‘as- ed to see, even at this late period, doctor, that you admit the truth of the accusation. and that you had and gave an opinion, for I can useure you 1 Would never have given you credit for In ldiug a medical opinion; but you any you did and gave it, and 1 am bound to believe you. ltl conclusion, niv advice to you doctorâ€"you gilded moth «If fashion â€"is. not oil any account to allow your honimpatliic soul to become unnatu- rnlly iltllatid with the vain itniiginlnga that. your have annihilated or are likclv to an- nihiluti- llll‘, because it will beget Ill run an unbecoming spirit of prt-silmptiou.which will be fatal to your success. Itnitutc Gringo Washington. Never tell nuriic‘. a Inc. Be careful of your language to and your Crlllclrlll of others. lly pursuing this course, doctor, and after you got out of your parasitic or (‘l'yr‘tllli state, you will, I think, with care, some day tlevclopc into it very nice butterfly. Yoler respectfully, Wit. G BRYSON, .\l I). l’ellelou 1"it11i-t, August l'i'th, 1881. W. . - . ISIIT'I‘IIS'. lo the township of I“t‘ll(‘ltll|, on Tuesday, ‘ the Mill inst , the wife of Mr. ltoberl Weh~ sler of it Still. I)£‘.‘.;\ 'l‘l 1*. Ill I“t‘llt'II)'l I’alh. on \l'i-«llii'sdity, the ITâ€! lust . Eliza l’urnell. third durghlvr of Mr. John Culloli, “ng '.'.’i yearn and 3 months. â€"â€".â€"__â€"_____ Pd A I“. lil‘l'l‘ 'l R lu‘l’() ld'l‘S. 1" IiNl'IIAJN l-‘ A LLS MA liK I'i'l‘S. 1"i'tlelon Full-l, Friday, August Will, 1881. Wheat, fall, per bushel - - $1 00 0 (It) Wheat. spring, " - - 0 I!) I It? llnrlu-y, per bushel - - - (It) fit (lain, “ “ - - - - 31! Iii: I‘i-nsc, “ “ - - - - :35 “ (it) ltye, “ ‘- â€" - - . on (it) Potatoes, “ - - - - 45 5') Butler, per lh., - - - - - 2:: l5 Dream-d llom, pi-r lull lint, no (N) Eggi, per dozen, o - - - on 10 Hay, pm- to-i, - - - - - t) on to 'l' (to Onions, largo, pi-r htuihel, - 0 00 l 00 Apples. per barrel, - - - 0 till 2 'i.’- Calibugi-s, per dozen, - - - 40 to 50 (lurrots, per bushel, - - - ()0 23 Iicets, H u - - - oo 2:. _â€"â€"‘. wâ€"w .. W . ...- .’ VOTERS LIST, 1881. Municipality of the Village of lenelun Falls. in the County of ’ictoria. Notice is hurt-by given that 1 have trans- millrd or delivered to the persona mention- ed in the third and fourth ht'CIltma oftno Volvn' List Act, the copies required bv flllltl ueotiuns to bi: Il'ttllhllllllt’d or delivered. of the list, made pursuant to mid Act, ofnll pt-rsulls appearing by the lust revineil Ali- SItSaluL‘llI Itoll of III" said municipality to la: t-ntltlvd to Vote in the mid municipality iil Elections for nit-mlr‘rs of the, Legislutivc Ana-mth and at municipal Elections, and that said li-t wait first [tnslll‘tl up at my Hf- fiee iit Fi-nelon Falls on the 3rd of Atthi-tl, A. b.1881, and remains there forlnapectiutt. Electors nrl' (:itllwl upon to examine the said list, and if any otnlauona or other t'f'~ roru arc {mud therein, to take itntncillatu proceeding“ to have the said errors correct- cd according to law“, Dated this full day of Au'zmit, IRRI. JAMES CAMERON, Village Clerk. VOTERS LIST, 1881. Municipality of the ,lllllllllllP lll llllllllll, in the County of Victoria. 'Notice in hero-by given that l have ""0!- mitted or delivrriâ€"d to the per-onetnention- 3 ed to the third and fourth notion. of the , Yott‘rt' Dist Act, the copies required by tho . mud Italian! to be transmitted or delivered. I of the list, made pumuaot to mid Act. of iall permits appearing by the but "Vital , Aneuinent flail of the raid municipalitv to t be entitled to Vote lit the unit! tniluiclpnllly at Elections tor member» “T the Legitlutive Auctnbly and at Municipal Etectionr, and that aid fill our ï¬rst p06th up at my 0!- ï¬ce at Camhray on the lltb autumn-t. A. D will. and remain: tti re for lith‘CllUfl. Electors are called upon to examine the 3 said list, and it any omissions or other er- Walxb. a member of the Irish Conclave. (for, as there are 951 nï¬wrs to command i "m "" I’m"! ll‘"'lâ€' u’ m“ mm"th l them. 166 doctor! to give them mull. g cine. 121 piymnters to distribute thl-ir says there in not a grain of truth in the rep urt of :i np7it lo the Convention. The met-ting ins a unit in purpose as re- gard“ name-at and intelligent rliscnuaion, l pay, 368 engineers. and 292 other foot; ttonartea of vnrlnua mm proceeding: to have the laid error: correct- ed according to law Dated this llth day of Auguu, lEBI. H J. LY'I'LE. Clerk of Penelnn as.» v.‘ afar".