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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Aug 1881, p. 3

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,zin ‘- 'W:n::mvwm' *‘ ' an“...â€" â€"â€" WATCHES. , l lurite' the attention of all visitors to Lindsay to my new and magnificent stock I . . or GOLD Aim SILVER wardans. My ha secured the scenic; for the ' " flock ofsilver American watches, including A ‘ a line of watches especially adapted for 5 school teachers' use, selected from reliable . i niakers only, is the largest and best ever 1 . . _ g I *LINDSAY FALL SHOW. I test arenas, ., . , _ l w. J. MESH/m. Instrument of Boston, which is d 'OIDEBFUL THIUIPH shown in Lindsay, and has been purchased entirely for cash. I particularly solicit an Inspection of my stock by intending pur- 'Chuen. and I am confident that I can quote 0‘ “Nannie” “my Ind "19 130“ Mfr?” ' mechanical instrument in design. operation A lower prices than the} cal “lug!” ‘0' and efl'eet that has yet been produced. A elsewhere or from any expensive city estab- m" child, “mm,” my mm“. edumfiogj' 1 I lishmcnt, and instead of dealing with an an produce an endless variety of ' entire stranger, one who never saw you be- I ‘ fore and whom you may never see again, you will here the advantage of buying from h h“ sine“! i,flds‘ ‘ one who lives in your own neighbourhood '1‘ Ind ‘wiil have an interestâ€"such as no stranger would haveâ€"in giving you a good ariiclc and seeing that it gives perfect rat- . isfaction. The public are invited to inspect these won- derful instruments. all I have in stock the largest assortment of . , - G' W' Bi n Musical Instruments that has ever been in- "I'M'MI' ' Ilau' "m 40"“ Du" " ‘5' 0' troduced into Lindsay, comprising all: [Trot/ten. . I ‘ Lindsay, Sept. 30th, 1280. a Concertinas, Banjos, Harps, Mouth Organs, °' mm“ Richter Organs, &c. . , . ‘ As Mr. [Reekie has broken his agreement " with me, I am prepared to sell any make of ,3, ",2 "MM" 0, Piano or Organ at the lowest living profits. W. J. MARSHALL. FENELON FALLS: Lindsay,)lay20th, 1881. IN ‘Illl COL'KTY 0P VICTORIL um; 1881. THE BACK IAAES. 1881. contained in a Mortgage which Will he pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be sold â€" I t . - ' BY PUBLIC AUCTION. ..lfll.§l.lil§l393313.913..- by J. J. Powm, auctioneer, paired and reprinted througout, is now in first class condition, and At the “ McArthur House ” - in the village of Penelon Falls, at noon’on & can have all the advantages ofa trip(with Saturday, Septir 17th’ A. DI every comfort) over the well know waters , between the following valuable iro erty in the vil- ' Inge of Fcneion Falls,I inpthe county of F E N E L O N F A L L 80 Victoria! Rosedaie and I i'Ihc wcs't halfof Lot number Five cast of v Colborne Street and north of Francis Street 0 O B O O A II. ' I810“ Y’.‘ n m "'0 “m! “H'lgc "f Fe."':h.)," the pleasure of which will well repay the it Is, its aid out on a plan oi tht‘ Sflld V‘ ‘ small cost. Until further notice, the Cabo- - Inge mude by Bdw‘ml H caddy' P“ I" 3" conk will leave her whorl at the head of . and filed in the Registry other of 111:.- connty 1 Francis street Pseudo“ Fans even, , of Victoria; which snill land and premises 1 ’ ’ ' domain by lltllllt‘il’turcmetll one quarter of) Tuesday, an acre, be the same more or less ' . For particulars and conditions of sale, 5-19 Oclct‘k 11- "1., after the arrtvnl of the apply to Victoria Railway train from theoloth and Jo”); _.\_ “Annoy, the stage from Bobcaygeon. arrivingat Cob- Suncnor fur mortgagee, I ocotik at 12 o'clock, one hour before the de- r'nrture of the Torontodz Nipissing Railway . J, J, POWER, Auctioneer, train for Toronto. Returning, will leave Dated lltli of August, 1881. 24-4. Cllhomnk M l P~ "1-: “Thing M renew" ' _._4____. Falls at 4:30, to connect with the Victoria w ‘7 1 .‘ 7V V 7- Railway train going north and with the lNSURANCE . [6" Parties intending to travel by this boat will please be on board at the hours mentioned, as she will leave sharp on time. Fare between Fenelon Falls & Coboconk. / or to IS STRONGER THAN EVERI AND 50 cetits;bctween either of those places and STILL INEREASING R080dulc,25ccnts. Excursion or pic-nic parties liberally dealt 3‘13“ of mm om. “Emilie, _ _ _ _ 3385.271 with, and all freight carried with care and dispatch at lowest rates. J. McFADDEN, Captain. JOHN AUSTIN, Manager. l-‘enelon Fails, May 26th, 1881. ‘ For nearly a quarter of a century it has ~â€"- been managed by farmers for the insurance NEW 'I'AILOR'S SHOR Itates on Farm Property only 80 r'ts per ‘ 8100 for a three. years risk. farm property, giving the greatest pro- tection at the smallest cost. ,Jts policies are more favourable for the A, insurance of “ contents" of iarni buildings than those of any other company. _. 153‘ Send me a post‘curtl, and see how quickly-you will be called upon. 1 I 1 respectfully informs the gentlemen of Pen- clon Falls and its vicinity that he has com- menced the tailoring business On Colborne Street, opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson. and solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- ing will be made in the latest styles and S. CORNEIL. , .lgt-nt, ZI-t. f. I.1.\'os.u'. . 'w___.. ..-c . . .. .... ..... .___. _.._......._ -m. Garments cut for persons who wish to make them tip at home, and charges reas- Qlll’OllATION OI“ 0mm“: in a” cues. TY “F "WWW-\- Fetieltin Falls. May 1711., 1830. TENDERS 111:1 Bnmgpfi‘xms, 0L D-ESTA BLISHED Tenders adtlretced to the County Clerk. , Livery Stable. A FULL A,SSOP~TMENT DRY GOODS, The sub:crilier returns his sincere thanks for lhu libt-rnl patronage bestowed on him ‘ during the past nine years. and begs to in- Wednesday. 241A August. inst, at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection Ora form the public that they can obtain \i‘oodcn Bridge terms the Burnt River FII‘SI ClllSS IIOI’SQS llllII Rigs. at the “litter of Klnmount. any hour of the day or night, at his stable Plans and specifications can be seen at‘ 011 Francis Street East. the (‘ounty Clerk's Offire, during unite ; hours. until the above 1.1.... ppm,“ "m, at very moderate charges. drrin most state «pm-MM}- nu. “mum” for} [6‘ Commerc‘ai travellers and their lug- sbeet ng and ruclo-ing the numb gage cnnviyeni safely and expeditiously to any desiri-d point. r The SillleCI'lbt'l’ never had a stablt-ful of I better horses than at present. Come and . ' try them. The lowest or any tender not necess-vrily E. R. EDWARDS. Named- Fcnelon Falls, Peb‘y 24th, 1881. 5i-t.f. Aniplt‘ uncurin will he required for the 1 due cumplrllmt of work. and the- names 0 aureties must I)!‘ furnished with the tender “'ILLIA.“ PARKINSON. -_.,- “â€" â€" “‘ n ‘ V ‘ V ‘ Lindsay, A'Igustlst,13£i. “Ti?” Till: M.“ DRUG STORL. Lovey... ....... .._.__.- ._ -.,_ JOHN NUGENT thanks his numerous customers in I and the surrounding country for their very and takes this opportunity of informing them that he has now on hand A are (ailigpcrmanentcure for Lame ! A if; ems-in: Men- Pidd mt ALL WORK WARRANTED. sank, Piles. Dice-us of the Kidneys, Bind. der and Urinary Organs, or attendant com- - ‘ plaints. 1 :1XDUBITABLB svwswn. AFLO‘VER SEEDS, Facts Dacron. Damn, Mutants, F‘s»; QIYQC~SXTIRB SATISFACTION. Piston, April 10th, 1081. ,â€"I find that your Pads are giv- ': "9" Perfumery, ‘ tl “deflection, and wish you lncreas~ ', 1 '51:“ ITorsovaluable a remedy lurdisusâ€" 1 d, a . fife-gym Everyman vatwnd I‘d pamphlet a, Signed. : Da. .1. B Ito-Pans. 1 snub" com“ kc" “‘ A Rlflflg-Yrea curtail“. sn sax: old ‘ ‘ld‘sP I 5". Re ular ad,: _ ‘ ' ' ‘ a d‘ p I " ""Iu‘ "n cm primâ€"Chi ad. 3 ,m Physicians piescnp one prepare , tealâ€"'5: 5 pain. ‘ “mega-Mn {5‘ Chm“ mum“ 53‘ I with can and dupatcb. A full selection of, m k h, mm um I .v sports-t. Pension rung ° 3 commie... CHAS. course. (to. = N- firmwa- sou ’Aggggists and dealers in Vedlef & of Hamilton) 38 Addaide-at, we“. use! {QJ y‘? 1‘-)vl n! FIR‘I Grand nP"* rayon" Obtain pamphlets I testimonials. 7383. and rim Porter, the. 111 not 1111111111, The Unmet begs to inform his customers and the public generally that he HAS NOW ON HAND a New Stock of tastefully got up, at Very Reasonable Axes LO 1 Prices. A lirge and well assorted stock 0 MANTLES, from 82 50 to 810. LADIES‘ costtms cw'rtt's, As low as Any Ulhfii HOUSE in the County: A Call Splicited. Geo. H. fiert’ram. Fenelon Falls, December 8th, 1880. REMOVAL. JOSEPH NEVISON has removed his Harness Shop to the west side of Colborne street, next door to the Mechanics' Institute, where he will keep on hand a good stock of Single&Double Harness for farm or road work, Valises, SHAWL STRAPS, BASE HALLS, Whips, Halters, Snaps, Currycombs, Brushes, and all'tlr’ticles in his line of business. COLLARS WARRANTED. Repairs promptly and neatly executed. lie begs to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage with which he has so far been faVor'ed, and is determined to merlta continuance of it by turning out good work at moderate prices. Removal and Change Price $14: to $16- Blankets. both white and coloured, and the Price: amnot be beat. Ivy. CA MPBELL. Fcneloo Falls, Nov'r 12th,1880. ins fittings, I am now prepared to nego- tiate straight loans on good farm property security for any term ofyea'rs at eight percent. interest, with the privilege of repaying any portion of the principal at any time, the in- terest ceasing on the sum so paid. This gives the borrower etu- ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so much, or he can release his farm at any time without be- ing obliged to pay the camx puny a heavy bonus for taking»I their money. Expenses very little tnnre than those of prl vote loans. 8. CORNEIL. Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. {fICTORIA GROCERY AND The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public generally that he has always on hand a complete stock of SIIPII GHIEIIIIIS, LIQUOR STORE. Cured Meats, Herrings, Cod Fish _& Mackerel. A choice assortment of Port and Sherry Wines, Holland and Old Tom Gins, several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ale and The attention of hotel keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlastertlSoeds of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce. JOHN CIIISHOLII. Next to the Globe Hotel, Kent st., Lindsay ESUMED BUSINESS. w A Good Fit- Guaranteed. Kennedy & Newman would inform the citizens of Fenelon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman's old stand. The stock consists of CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Confectionery and Boots & Shoes. Having purchased the stock of A. W. Lash- er, they will sell the same AT AND BELOW COST. New goods at a small advance on cott. Boots and Shoes a Specialty. ducc taken in exchange. lfi Tunas STRICTLY Casn. 1 DRUGS. SEEDS, DYE STUFFS. P UMPS- The subscriber bogs respectfully to ia- r forut the inhabitants of FENEL O N FA L L S JAMES A GiVEl’VS, S and surrounding country that he still com; tinues to manufacture his Wooden and cel- ebrated 1 liberal pitronage during the put 4 years, ‘ I for wells, cisterns 8e. 8. BROKEKSBIRB, _ Pension Falls, opposite Victoria R. ll. 8. *'***'“ m i on Stun, . April sui, isso. â€"cmts : W per vett- FENELON FALL HARDWARE STORE. Jâ€" 'i‘t'n‘ undersigned is now selling Gross Out Se. . Hanian 8: Lance Tooth, 881118: Chaim Cow Ties. Cutlery; Skates, and all kinds offiardware, at the loitest living Penelou Falls, July 24th, 1881.. in Business. Marat o'Mâ€"crmmd Return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them since they commenced business in Fenelon Falls, and beg to inform the public that they have premises lately occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshuii, Where they will he happy to recech a call from his custo- mers as well as their own. the bakery and secured the services of Mr. David Barrett, they are prepared to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, Buns, tltc., &., at reasonable prices and no effort will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the Fenclon Falls bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of FAM in G120 CERIES Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps ac. Dress Goods a full stock. Black and Colored liustrcs, Black and Colored Cashmeres, just moved into the Having leased will be found, as usual,- fresh, good and well assorted; Hum, Feed, Eggs, Butler, 810.. «ill be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of Crockery & Glassw is on the shelves and will he sold as as any in town. 8-5m. Farm pro- Are you afraid of the same sad fate? If you are, you had better call at Fenelon Falls, May 27th, 1880. New Store in Sadly/’3 Block. where you will get , BOOTS 9: SHOES surprisingly Cheap for Cash, as he is to 1 is filling up his shelves with new arrivals of SPRING GO'O’DS, among which I nd‘ his stock in order to make room for his ‘ Spring goods, which he expects in a short time. Having ‘I’IIB LIRGES’I‘ ASSOIHIINT in the village, be Is able to supply every customer with what he may want. thus sav- ; ing those who may patronise him the trou- ble of running all over the village for the Be is now oflerlag Women’s Split Boots for 90 Cl“; ’A sermon: A-ly needed article. fl' new foil to call codenam- ine his Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Midterm» tell. I Repairing done with acumen and dupe 1 First elsu workmen employed and a relis- JAXES AGNEW. fearless Pails. February lfith, int. upon first seeing his wife after he was shot, and Crockery of McDOUGALL t; BRANDON, and we advise all to be guided by his words and patronize the house at which they can get THE BEST BARGAINS, mes. We have lately been running or 031- old stock at greatly reduced figures, and are now prepared to sell entirely haw Goods at A Liberal Discount for Cash. Those calling on us cannot fail to lenve satisfied that Mc‘Uongall & Brandon's is the place to purchase Teas. Sugars, Canned Fruits. Vegetables. Flour & Feed, 63:. Our stool: offers-06m has never been surpassed in Fenelon Falls. I GALI- AT ONCE AND BE MADE WP!- se‘ Rnthburn’s “ Crown Jewel" Flour, the best in the market, constantly on hand. Cash paid for Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce. leDOUGALâ€"L It IRHOOI. Dundas til Fiavelle Bros. ' :02 N” NE BELIEV We are showing the largest and fullest range of TWEEDS and C‘LOTHS to be found anywhere in this locality. WE BELIEVE We are not excelled by anyone for FIT, STYLE or FINISH. IE BELIEVE We cannot be under'soltlia‘s‘ many of our goods are bought from first hands in' the old country. WE BELIEVE In giving a good artlcle, mnkin‘g’ it well, trimming it well, and then stamping it with our recommendation. WE BELIEVE That this policy will always succeed, and our increased, and we are glad to say increasing, trade in this branch is the‘ strongest evidence ofit. DUNDAS 8t PLAVBLIIII BROS. Kent Street, Lindsay, May 12th, 1881. 1331. 31350139. 1331. ouuutuuufipOAIWs. New Goods ! , .New Goods !! â€"--â€"O:O JARVIS & MODâ€"OUGALL have just opened a Large Stock of Spring Tweeds, New Patterns! New Styles! The Largest and Choiccst Stock in Town. BLAGK 8t MILDRED WORSTED SUITIIIGS. Do not get'your Spring Suit until you see our stock. Extra Values given anda Good Fit gwaranleed. - Prints, a large stock in new patternsâ€"a splendid assortment. Cotton Goods in G‘rreat VTariety. Ask to see the Coaticoak Cottous at 9,10 and 11 cents per yard, the very best value in the trade. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL SHIRTIN GS, from 12} cents per yard up. Ducks and Cottonndcs, good value ; also,a full stock of are Sills Handkerchiefs, Gents’ Ties, Collars and Cuffs. I 1 cheap A visit of inspection from all needing anything‘in their‘linn of busi- ness is respectfully solicited. IIOFFAT tit MCFARLAND. Fenelon Falls, May 261b, 1880. 1111 11131113111. JUST A REMINDER that I uni still taking! BAGS, St’IIIAP IIIIIII, Bones the” in trade, and paying CASH Filll W001. AND SIIINS. JOSEPH HEARD. Fenelon Falls, April 28th, 1881. OLD ONY C RUSSED Over the Alps, a Surprising I-‘cat! but most of HIS MEN PEIIISIIED on their return by not being properly shod. [6" Do not fail to see our stock. ‘9‘ REMEMBER, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Agent. for Hsnrsau’ BAZAAR PATTERNS. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, MoArthur’s Block. Fenelon Falls. MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, Where can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy (l0 Rubber Goods PERE'UMERY 8z0-, $230., always on hand. A large and @- COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS £22317 of the best quality and at low prices. Also, a WELL SELECTED STOCK 0F STATIONERY, comprising a fall assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. N’ONA HORSE AND CATTLE MEDIGTNBS, Physiciana' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. @- Pur‘e Wines and Liquors: for Medicinal Purposes. A full assortment of Patent. and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A- gent for H. R. Stevens' 'Purely Vegetable Vaoz'rtnz. n. rrrzenmtrin, G. G. KEITH will be foundE o! the Latest Patterns and the'V’ery Host Quality, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Cretons, Prints, Cartons 8:43., do. HIS STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES will Beltinnd‘ fresh and at bottom prim: Special inducements in sugars. In 30m ‘1 “CE: he is ofering e splendid assortment of I fight. and in sale lgent for Fog-rry's celebrated “ Gordian Scam," winch is: , warranted not to rip... Any pair in which this scam fails to comes? the boots 1‘“ "Quinn will be replaced. . . . . . .r *- All the above goods will be sold at the very lowest ling priest for cash I or farm produce. A call solicited. Pcaelon Falls. .‘lsrch 4th, 1881. ThePresichtt of the U. 8. said, Manager LOT OF TWEEDS", New GOODS. Mm ‘ 333153! Kn just received and opened up a in“ stock of ALWAYS BUY YOUR GROCEIES N E W TOY S, lament variety} DOLLS, VASE S, Toilet Sets and a good assortment of F'ancy Goods,- limuevy, Int)" Feathers, {lovers and flibbous. CI-ROMOS. MOTTOS and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated Cavdboards, Canvas and Berlin Wools. A nice .Qf Wall Pawnee Window Blinds pt received. . g “is. KEELEY; 38" Miami” Store and Show Room, one doornortb uni. P. Heming‘s hardware store. Faction rant, tiny 201b, 1850. THOMAS LOCKHART. SSUER OF} *rlRRlAGE LICENSES In! the County of Victoria. Residence on Murray St, reunion hits.- VICTORIA RAILWAY. TIME TABLE?) â€":0!â€" Summer Arrangements. ~20}â€" Taking rill-ct on Thursday, August 4th, 1881.- LINDSAY TIME: GOING NOIITI‘I. ~â€" S'IATIOIS'. hired St. 1. llsil No.1. Toronto, G. '1‘ R" , leave, -' - - 7.35 Lindsay, W.& L.,itrriv'c, -' -‘ - 11.40’ Port Hope, If. R, leave, a - -* 10.20‘ M.â€"?‘ Peterhorough. M. R., leav'e‘, I - - 7.00 W. M. R. Junction, arrive, - -‘ 12.50 p.1n. WA“ AJI. I'JI. Lindsay . . .~.-.; . . . . Depart 6.00 4.00 M. R. Junction . . . . . . " 6.08 4.08 Camcron........... “ 6.28 4.27 Hall's . . . . . . . . . “ 8.38 4.40 FeneIon Falls .‘r..‘ " 1.15 5.00” gell’s:..........4.l “ 7.30 5.17 etties...~......... “ . ' 5.34' Kiot’nount..-.~; " 6.1.5 Myles' R'y Junction “ 6.20 liindcn . . . . . . . . - “ 6.50‘ Ingoldsby...r ..'.~.-.-.- “ 7.05' Dysart . . . . . ~ .~ " 7.13; Gould’s . . . . . . " 7.25' Holiburton. . .. . . . . . Arrive‘ 7.35‘ GOING SOUTII. -â€"_ STATIONS. Iiiil No.12. Ilirecl No.1.- *‘mw LN. Haliburton. . . . . . ... Depart 6.00} H Gould's 6.1.7 Dysart .‘ . . . . . . . . . " 0.17 Ingoldsby . . . . “ 8.23 liindeti‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 8.40 llyles' R'y Junction H 7.00‘ hi! Kinmount . . . . . . . . ~. " 7.20 8.15 Rettie's. . ........ v n 7.50‘ 6.40‘ Fall's .- - .- " 8210 7.00' Fenelon' Falls. . . n" 8240' 7.35- Hall’s. . N 8.50 7 47 Cameron . . . . . . . “ 5.03 7.50‘ M. It. Junction . . . . . " 9.20 8.17 Lindsay Arrive 03 8.25 M- _. ._ . . 1'. M1 Lindsay, M. R.,- North', leave 12.35 Lindsay, 11.1%, Souihflâ€"t-Ivo Lindsay, w. it c.1832" ‘5.1t"'““"““‘“ ._..__.. ._..__~_.._’~ Petcrborough, M. RC, arrive 6.15 I’ort Hope, he. a.,-mi§e” 5m THERE-’6'. m. arrivorq-l "' CONNE‘t‘VFrETfis'. “w lilNI)RA\’.-â€"Witll Midland Railway for all points on the Grand Trunk, '1‘. & N. Railway and Midland Railway. \I'itli‘ W. l'. I’. lit L. Railway for Port Perry,- “VIIIIIIYfITOI'OIIIO and all points on the Grand Trunk Railwity. Fzsamsl Factsâ€"With Sir. ” Cohoctink " for" CoboCOtiltLRoaL-dnle and all points on‘ Balsam Lake. With mail stage {or iioh- eaygcon. Mailmanâ€"With mail stage for Minden‘ village. V '1'. Il. TATE, _ , General Manager. Lindsay, July 28th, 1881. Toronto tulipiaitg. Railway. TIME aunts. Taking cfl'cet on Monday, 15 March, 1880'. ooiso annuity." itnst.‘ man; Min-d.- Toronto, deplsrt, 4.00‘ p.111. Uxhridgo “ 10.30 H 6.10 H 12.00 Cannington “ 11.27 “ 7.717 ” 1.4!: p' Wootlville " 11.40 ” 7.50 " 2.1!» Midland Jet ar. 11.45 “ 8.01) “ 2.25 Lindsay Mid II. 4.10 p. m. 12.15 ()ril lia‘ " 1.40 Midland Jc. dp. 1150 a. in. 2.451 Coboconk, or. 1.05 p. m. .'i on“ GOING 3011711. inn-1. Local. anal. Coboconk, depart 5.00 am. 1520 p m' Mid. Junction ar. 7.2!; “ 2.11.5 “ Lindsay Mid It It 9.30 “ 11445:!" Orillia “ 4.5.3!” to. 1.00 1' Mid. Junction dp. 7.47- ‘- 7 30 " 215 -‘ Woodville depart 8 '15 “ 7.111 " 2.5.“. “ (.‘atiningion arrive" I!) " 71-3 “ 3.08 “ Uxhridge 10.30 " H 55 '- 4 in H Toronto arrive 11.1'1 ” :1 10 ~' Passengers leave Lindsay at 12 4.7 p m, and reset: Toronto at 0.30 p. tn. Luv»: To- ronto at 7 45 a. tn, and reach Lind-any at‘ 4.10 p. m. w. noonrznna M’. Jr. Managing Director. Toronto, March 15th, lean. "MEX-Began" “Jilig'itaowrpawfiéni " ist -â€"Ari_v'person who takes a paper reg; ulnrly from the pon-ntiim, W‘it‘ihct‘ direct- ed to his name or antither’s, or it‘d! diff!!! has subscribed or not, is responsible tor the‘ payment. indâ€"1f a‘ person orlers his paper to be discontinued. he must pay all arrearsges. or the publirber may Continue to send it un til payment is made, And then collect II“. whole amount”, whether the paper is taken from the other or not. 3rd ~11 subscribers neglect or refuse to‘ take the periodicals or newspapers from the once in which they are dAerIed, they are held responsible until they have settled their them in the o , biiir Bending number: back, or luring ,i‘s not such solid: as tho “ILâ€"The (Iod'fls llave decided: that ro-‘ rating to! tstte newspapers or periodicals” foam the MHQW, or removing and leaving! them uncalled 1hr, is yum/am evidence!» intentional fraud.

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