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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Nov 1881, p. 2

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‘ u Jfiftfif‘, LEGAL 8:2. l ulnrtx .e HOPKINS. l Ila-l r ZJllfllllll & llllilllllll, o. n. Baum. )ARKISTEIL‘I. SULI‘I'ITHR‘, kc. ) cry to Lona at 6 per cent. Office, Kent ch"L Lindsay, (Jul. 153. Hunt). 1’. I). .‘lOUIlri. i ARRISTER, .lrronxcv. a; somerrn I and Notary Public. Money to Luau. 01hr, Kent. street, Lindsay. llIIESl'lz'rll .5.- memos. )ARIII‘TERS. SULILITHRS, he. 0!- ) flee. Wlllinm rtreet, Lindsay. A. IICIGI’LT". A. Jncnnv. tl'IJ-IAIIY .k O'I.l-Z.\I’.Y, ).\IlIIl".TI-IRS, ATTORNEYSâ€"AT-I.A\V, ) Solicitors In Chancery. kc. Oflice. Duheny lllock. heat Itreet, Li-dsay. AqulCn U'I‘ZAKY. .‘l. SHEPPARD. Paronsrnn, arronxsrk Conveyan- ‘ Fennlun Falls. estate. .‘tch'l‘Yltl-I s.- STEWART. )AItfth't‘HItS, arronvnvs-AT-LAW, II can 0' Lu BY. : fl ,4“. 1”“, (fit. . ,‘ »-«¢~p*~4‘ : M .‘Ip', J Bln'r'rox, WATCHMAKER, dealer in Clocks, All Kinds, 30 day, 8 day and 33 hour, Alarm strike. kc, AMERICAN WATCHES, the Beat and Cheapeet, IX SILVER AND 001.1) CASES in the newest styles and at lowest pncl-I. fl" Persons sending watches from a dis- tance for repairs, can have the amount oil work and price reported on for their cons d- era ion, and as I do the work myself, can depend on having it done satisfactorily. I Britton's Block. foot ofKentSL. Lindsay. . err. .\lc \rthnr's lllorlt. Colhnrne street, 1 Illonry to lend on real; ONTARI a adult. Capital - â€" - - - - $3,000,000. , Sulmm." i" Chum". kc" Lind-“v. President .... ....Slr. Ii . P. Rowland. Office over Ontario flank. Kent slr-et. Mi)- Vicv'Pnsiden" ' ""‘ "C‘ 3' Glowsm’ B‘q my to Luau at 8 per cent. on real estate Ieeurilh ll. D. J. llclsrrrz. Tuos Srlwanr. WM. .‘lcllUNNEIJr rt , (Late Ketchnm k .\lt'l)onne'l.) Pflnfth‘Tl-Ift. ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR. N-ltnry kc Money In Loan. Oflice on Kent street. LindSaly, Unt. .1 fl. I)l(‘l\'~‘tl.\'. II. A, RARNHTHR. AT'I'ORNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyuneer, kc. UfIice, Imhcny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loud at 8 per cent. .\ LEX. .-\. MCDO‘IA I. D. , T'I'OleEY-A'f-LAW, Solicitorin Chan- ; cv-ry.f'onvt‘yuncer, kc...kc. Strictat- *ten‘linn given to applications for Putt-tits ot IAIIHI‘ from Crown Land‘s Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms tollnit borrowers. Ufllce, Colborne street, 1"rnelon Falls. Jt‘)fl.\' A. BARRON, .\ lt'llSTI-I'l-A'I‘d.‘ W, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's A griCIlltural and lnlplcru \t Store. MEDICAIi. .-\. W. .I. f)t:f‘lil.\FSI )l. D.. OIIONEII. l’hy-‘ieian. Surgeon. &c. Arc. Resilience, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. WM. lif'llll’l‘. .11 n. 0 BL, tII.\I)C.\TEIIf lfcflill U'IiV'Wiil)’. .‘Inrt I trl-ll', nun I’rm'ioeilll Licentiate. Physi- Izia'l. Sllrg-nn nod 0h:tl-tricial. Medical Ill-fur-t- llblllt' Stan-lard, P tenix, Connecti- cut Mutual. and Ed'lilnble Insurance Cont- panilrs. ()flicr and residence. in the house lately occupied by Ila-v. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and flue streets, f.in lsny. Ila. :1. WILSON. \ ll l'.\'f\'l‘IRSI'l'Y of Trinity Coll-go. i . .\I ll. Ulivcralty of Toronto. Menlb. f‘ol. l‘llvs. and Surg, (Jul. Phyzician, Surgeon and let‘nllt-ller. 0.lice,C-llboruc s treet, Fem-Ion Falls. on J. fl Linn}. )IIYSICIAN ll: SURGEON’ Coroner for fit" Provisional County of IIalihurtou. W Office and residence in Mr Thomas .‘lltll't‘rl's house, Francis Street East, Fcnelon Fll ls. “commons. J.\ .‘l 135‘ DICKFON, 'l) L. Surveyor. Com nissioner in the Q. It, . Conveyanrer. .kc. Residence, and ad- dress, I-‘enel-la Falls. MISCELLANEOUS; 'f [10.“ \S LUCK ll .\ RT. ISSUER 0f“ MARRIAGE LICENSES for the County of Victoria. Residence on Murray St., Fenelon Falls. f‘fl-ICOND DIVISION COURT IN THE COUNTY or vtcrmna. The next sitting« of this Court will be b:ld on Thursday. December 22nd. 1881. GEO. CUNNINGHAM. Clerk J.\ )1 HS J I’Otl‘ l-Ill, lf‘Eb'Sl-ID Auctioneer, Accmtntant and 1 General Conlnlissi'n Agent. Collect- inl: accounts a specialty. Uffice, Fenclon l‘ullvt. Out. S JOHNSON. \lil‘Tl-WN'IEER. Village Property and 1 Farm Sill-s a Specialty. Notes, Ae- connta, Itnnu .kc. collected. 0tlic~ and residence on Bond street, l‘vuelon Falls. 6. PER CENT. 6. )1 (D N 1;} X’ ’1‘ 0 I. It} i ' D a: 6. 6:} and 7 per ernt . mending to secu- rity. on Real Estate mortgages. Apply to - JOHN A. BARRON. Sol eitor, Lindsay J. NEELANDS, 1) I-JN'I‘IS'I‘. LINDSA‘Y. One of the firm Will be at the MC \llrttt'a llocsr: l‘nxunx I-‘aus on the Ihird .‘londay ofeaeh month. Teeth ev'rlctrd by laughing gas without pain or laj lrv. or no charge will be made. 53' Mice established in Lindsay nearly General Manager . . . . . . . . . . D. Fisher, Esq. ' LISDSAY nnaxcn. Drafts bollght and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. Savings Dt-partnacut ‘ nz-orrsso. , Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- ‘i Ian and upwards. S. A. )ICMURTRY? Manager. Lindsay, Feb. lsrh,1881. 5Uâ€"t.f. Saturday, Nov’r 12th, 1851. lPresentation and Complimentary Supper. When, a little more than a month ago, it b-cavuc known that Mr. and )1,- _ Jullll D. Smith's expected depart.- ure was near at hand, a number of our \iilnzers immediately resolved to pre- sent. M rs. Smith with u pit-cc of plate of more de>eriptiou us a token of their Friendship and esteem and to entertain: her husband at a farewell supper. The funds required for the purpose, about a hundred dollars, were raised without the least difficulty; but before the ne- ccnutry arrangements could be made Mr. and M rs. Smith left for Port. III-pa. promising, however. to return as soon a~ possible. ill rdcr to afford an oppor- tunity fir the kindly intentions above n.cnlinncd to be carried into (fft'ct. \\'t-llnesdaly, the 9th inst., was finally dl ci h-d upon, and on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrived by train and put up at the Mamion House, and spent the next day ill paying or receiv- ing visits. The supper was to be h.-ld! ut the McArthur House, and the n xtnral nupposnion was that the presen- tation would take place there also; but the managing Cllllllllilledt'cl’dt’d on Well- ncslhly morning that it. should take pace at lngram's, and us this change was not generally known the attendance ..t the pleasing ceremony was much smaller than it would otherwise have been. The piece of plate purchased was a very handsome swinung water cooler and goblet. of clcgant design, and made of hard white metal Very llcuvilv plated with silvl~r alld lined with gold It. was procured in Toronto by Mr Slater. of this village. who ussurcd us than it is the very lJUSl quality of pluti-d gntllls and that it is worth about $45. The presvntation was made in one of the parlours of the Mansion House at 8 o'clock by II. W. Greene. Edp. reovc of the village. in the presence of a large number of ladies and gelltlvtllcn, and below will be found the address that accompanied the gift, and Mrs. Smith's l reply. ADDRESS. To .llrr.»Julm D. Smith. Dean 51.4mm : We. the undersigned cit- izens of Fenclon Falls and vicinity, learn with regret of your removal from among I us. For a period ofover twelve years 3 you have, by your many acts of private 5 and public benevolence, endeared your- i self to us all. You have on many occa siulls freely given your time and talents at the musical and histriouic entertain- ments in our village, being at. all times ; most desirous to encourage and promote i wlutcver tended to please. instruct and I t lcxnto our people. In your departure 3 Wu feel we have lost. a lady who is lno~t d -.-ervedly esteemed by one and all, and name higll musical and intellectual nbll- l itics were the admiration ol'tllc citizens. I finally permit us, then. to show nurap ; p lciatiou of your generous and nmiaba: % t‘llutlllcs. by offering for your ucccpulnc: I tau accompanying pin-cc of silver plate, which may in the future recall to your remembrance the atfcctionutc esteem in which you were held during your resi- dence in Peneloo Falls. We cannot coll- made without depiuring the public Ins“ our village wid suffer by the departure ul yourllonoured llu~band, Mr John I). ; Smith. Trusting that. you and he and l your children may ever have the pleas- l amen. meditations of your residlnce here. and wishing you all every happi- own were identical. if r 1-": lclmfulls Qimrttc _.. a» mum/3;; m “(Qty .,.., - ,..,--.,., r --- (Inf: 1 er-joyld a very great share of peNlnnl pleasure. as they bmu:ht me huh-cl of intercourse with so many res- ilent» of the villlge whose aim and my I do regret in very many respects tilatI have to take my departure from your midst. as I know in m doing I part with many true and sin- cere friends and well-wishers. Although we are returning to a former home. Fen- elou Falls will always seem home to me. for after a residence of fourteen years in the village. and having always met with uovzlrying kindnexsfrom the people here. the place and they will always find a warm corner in my heart. So now “ I do not say good-bye. but tarry a little and I will come again "â€"for I certainly promise myself the pleasure of coming to you again. Once more tbankin." you for your handmmc present. and your kind expression of good will to me aud mine, I am, as erer. yours, Emu J. Smrn. Fenclon Falls, Nov. 9. 1881. The supper at the Mc.-\rthur House was the first. that we have attended at that IIOILI since Mr. I’auwcls became the l:lm.lnrd, and we must say that the “ spread " fully sustained the eulogiuuls we have heard on his skill as a caterer We have no space for particulars, but we may any in a word that the banquet â€"for it deserved the termâ€"was re- cherche. Which, being interpreted. means that it was A 1. Our worthy reeve of. ficiated as chairman and A. A. McDon- ald. E-q. as vice-chairman. and the guest of' the evening eat. at. the chair- man's right hand. About seventy-five perilous hill. down to the well-spread tables, and we were glad to observe that among them were many of Mr Smith‘s former employees, as their presence was a pleasing proof that. ho was popular with these who were ill a position to form a correct, estimate of his character. The evening was spent ill the usual manner. Loyal and local most: were drunk and responded to. Soul's were sung. jokes (as well as nuLs) were cracked, and conVersation indulg- ed in, and it was past. midnight. when the guest and his entertainers prtlp'll‘t‘d to departâ€"all, we venture to say, will- ing to make tllsir llfii-lnvit that. the sup- per had been a signal success. We should like to give a synopsis. at least, of Mr. Smith's rpcech, which mm as good a one as we ever heard him deliv- er, and of' which we took notes. espccia - ly us the contra'st he drew between the village of Fellelou Falls as it was when he came to reside in it fourteen years ago and as it is now would convince the most sceptical that its growth, if' not as rapid as that of many villages, has still been somewhat remarkable. Want of time and space. however, pl‘e- vents us from following our inclination. and we conclude by assuring Mr. and Mrs. Smithâ€"the former of whom we have known for upwards of a quarter of a ccnturvâ€"that no one in the Falls re grcts their departure more sincerely than we do, and that no one will be more pleased by a sight. of their (music faces whenever they cm fi ld leisure to pay a visit to the little village of which they have been for so many years both popular and useful residents. A angel. 0;; In list Saturday's issue of the (7:1- zelle We briefly noticed that George Slicehcy. a farmer residing ill the town~ ship of Sonlcrville. had on the previous Thursday been heavily IIIClI for us- sauting his wife and daughter, and we naturally thought that he had received a lcssml that would cause him to refrain from acts of violence for Some time “to colne. But, people differ a good dcéll in their dispositions; for while slime- Would rathcr strangle with suppressed wrath than give way to it if they thought it Would cost them anything. others will give vent to their angry pus» sionu no matter what. the conSvr notices. pecuniary or otherwise. may c. and Sheehcy is one of the last mentioned kind. After his experience ou'1‘hur5~ day he stayed in the village all. night. and next morning left for home, invit- ing his wife, his daughter and son (a terribly fume boy about 14 years old) to ride with hiul, saying that they would all live in peace together, and that he would not. assault them again Shortly after leaving the Falls hc re- marked that. he was “ again at liberty. and the devil wouldn‘t be up to hint." He then asked the women whether they had any liquor for him, and upon their replying in the negative he wished them to turn back to tllc village. which they refused to do. He then began abusing tllcln. calling them the most, filthy names, and finally orderel his daugh- ter to leave the Wagon, which sf..- s:lid she would do if he would stop it. Taking the whip and lines from the boy, who was driving. and strikin; him at the same time, Sllccllcy c-llmncnccd to beat, his d lugllter over the head with too whip~tock. and would problbly have inflicted serious injury but. for the op- portune appearance of a man, who caught the horses by their bridlcs, stop- pcd the Waggon and helped the young woman out ; after which the brute turn- ed on his wife. struck her several times and then put her out of the waggml also. The fracas took place- on the boundary line between Soulcrvillu and Vcrulluu. near the residence of John Fell, J. l’., betnrc whom the daughter (who is a widow named Morgan) im- Powles’s Corners. (f'orrnpvmdence of the Gazette.) PERSONALâ€"Mr. E Wagar and wife are visiting their friends in Camden East. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe return. llrxcsz.tr..â€"Mr Andrew Hall and Miss Mary J. English were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev. J. Greener on the 27th of October. We wish them many a happy year. Goutâ€"Mr. Joseph I’errin. of the township of Mari , died recently of dropsy. lie was one of the oldest set~ tlcrs of that township, and the father of Josiah. John and Joseph Pcrriu living near here. MINOR NOTES.â€"A temperance lodge is talked of here...0ur Sunday school has been discontinued. Mr. II. C. Web- star, who has been superintendent for >even years. having rented the farm of his inther-iu-law, Mr. John 'I‘llornc, m to which he will shortly more....\lri. L Wagar is lying very ill. under the cure of Dr. Dl-Grassi, of Lindsay-“Some of the "beautiful" has come and gone... The “ pm erly stick " can be heard every day except Sundays. IP_-_â€"â€"_._ . ._. Somerville Uouncil Proceedings. llettic's Station. Oct’r 3lst, 1881. The council met pursuant to a call of the rccve. the members all present and the recve ill the chair. The min- utcs of last. meeting were read and ap- proved. Thc reeve read to the council a communion ion from Colonel Dullle for the Victoria 13 lilwuy; also from Mr.- Intyre &. Stewart. barristers. abort. the station house at Ill-trio's. that the con- pally have agreed to build the station. .\lr. II. Graham reported Mrs. A Coul- ter. 812's, thanks for charity r c -ivcd. The following pzltlunustcr's lists were examined and passed: N‘ts. I, 5. 6 ti: 13, l2. 16.17. 21, 26, 28, 29, 31, 39, 40, 46. 47. 49 55. M r. II. Graham presented his report of the repairing and rebuilding of the Burnt. Rotor brich known as Mittmcll's bridge. , Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Runnley, That the report. of Mr. Graham, inspector of said bridge, be aâ€" doptcd.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Robson. seconded by Mr. Graham. That By-Llw No. . n by law to levy and collect the different rates to be collected in the towns-hip for the year 1881. be now read and finally passedâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. R lbson, Seconded by Mr. Graham. That the following acv Counts against the municipality be. paid, and that. the clerk and reeve give 9rdch on the trcantror for the some: Wi lianl Perkins, for 700 feet of planks for the bridge on the Monok road. 33 60; Jo- scph Dlvis. for repairing road to Cubaâ€" co-lk, $4 50; E D. Hand. bunk rc- turm and voters’ lists. 827; Jame-s But- lcr, refund of statute labour pol-formed, $8; F. Train. repairing plough broken 0n road. Slâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Rulnney. seconded by Mr. Smith. That the sun of $10 bt‘ spent on the line between the 4th and 5th concessions. and that. Thomas Ruh- -nn. Jr.. b: comtuiSsioucr to expend the .Sllfll'l.â€"-Ci|l'l‘lt d. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Robson. That the council do now adjourn, to meet again at the same place on the scennd Monday in December. the 12th.â€"â€"Cnrricd. Cruidonsed News. â€"The new Methodist church at Beth- el, Canton circuit. is to be dedicated on Sunday the 20th inst. â€"A large hotel is about to be built at Midland. and some residents of Port Hope. intend to take stock in it. â€"Mr. Wm. Flavelle, of Lindsay. while in Winnipeg list. snrumcr lll\'t!!~ll- ed a little money in real estate. and sold it again lately at a profit ol'SI.200. -â€"'l‘ho machinery of tho pn'tlully burned Vanderbilt has been taken out. and the reumins of the hull. now under water. are to be broken up and removed. â€"-\Vitllin the space of one week at least. twenty persons from Pcterbornugh and its \icinity left. for Winnipeg and the North-West, where they intend to remain. â€"-.-\ farmer in Brant County who “didn't take no paper " lately Hold hi~~ crop of beans to a sharper at half the market price. and lostu hundred dollars by the transaction -â€"Grcllt us is the capacity of the Midland elevator. it has b.20u found so inadequate to tllc demands made upon it that a lane tt'l-lltltlll iv to he built at the end of the. Season. â€"-'l‘lle nflicer appointed to enforce the law against aninlllu running at large in Bellcville has impounded “HI' hundred and eighty six cows, one liars:- and fifty-one geese since the 0th of .\u_-u"t. â€"-.\t a threshing at Mr. Robert Btird's. in the township of Itclcll. la~t we ‘k. the Illaehinc was timed by some parties present. and found to tllresh out two bushels and .1 quarter every minute while at fttll work. â€"When barley was 90 cents a bush. cl the Port Hope Tl'mrs mid the high price was owing to the N. 1’. Nov hir Icy has fallen to 75 cents, and the New wants to know whv the N. l’. didn't keep it. up to 9 I; but we don't. think the Time: will tcll., (ll-‘3' cannot prosper here their chances would be slim elsewhere. â€"â€"Some calves which were Iater found dead in the township of Caron are supp-5rd to have been killed by wild eats. Perhaps dune by tame dogs. whichâ€"judging by the magistmte's decision in a case tried lately at Mount Pleasantâ€"«appear to be protected by law in that Sl‘clitm of country. and at liberty to destroy as many calves and sheep as they please. T00 LATEâ€"“'9 have received some com-spondeuce from North Vcrulatn. but it came too late for this we ‘k's issue. SOCIALâ€"A social in aid of the Trust Fund of the Methodist- c‘lurch will be held on the evening of Tuesday orxt. the 1511i ins-L. at the Parsonage, Fcue- Ion Falls. All are invited. Wav'rox )Itscnlunâ€"Last Sunday night Mr. R. McCall-Ito's wooden b mt, which hung as a sign over his shop win» dow. wai taken down and broken all to pieces, and other mi chit-volts acts were perpetrated. Pcrllap- the buys repent- ed of having done so little harm on Ilal- low Earl, and so went on a second raid through the village. limoâ€"An isolated house near the ca~tcrn boundary of the village was de- nroyed by fire during the night of the 3rd inst. It. had been occupied for scr- eral months by some women of loose character, who left a d «y or turn before the fire, and the supposition is that the house was burnt. to prevent their return. It was owned bv Mr. Brldborn, of Pr- tcrhor-lu-zh. and mo not. worth much. ACCIDES'P â€"Mr. B.-l-j lluiu Smith, of the I~t co lccs~ion of Sothcrville. m t with a severe accident lust 'I‘Ilc~tlu_\'. While assisting to put up the frame of .1 small building on his own form. out- .I' tin-joists fell on his head. inflicting a scalp Wound about live i clll-s long. Fortunately his skull was uninjured. and under the cure of Dr YVII‘I’II. who was promptly s-ut for, he i< doing well. A CELEBRATION â€"-l.tlst Satnr-lnv was the 5th of Nnvnlnb--r. and It is said that a few of our grown-up vilingt-rs ccl- chratcd it. by forcing an entrance into Scullv's half, when: they urravvd them- s:ivcs in the regalill of the d fnnct tem- p-rance lodge. and then took out the hand in~trunleots, with which they all marched down the main slroct and up again. bl--wing and [Ill-till! away ill fine style. We did not see the perfnrunrncc. butgnnc one who did told us all about it-«morc th m we shall put into print. BlG l’lt}S.â€"-Mr. J. D. Naylor's pigs. llmlour..biy mentioned in last \veck's Gnu/tr, are beaten by others of which we have since heard. Mr Jas. Parnell. of the township of Fenclon. told us the other day that he had lately killed two pi;s. just turned a ye-lr old. that weigh- ed considerably over 600 pounds dress- cd and sold for more than $52. nodlu~t Mon-lay Mr. I} G Smith. of tllistvil- llgc. slaughtered a pig SI'\'Cn.n)0l|t1|~ old that weig'lcd dressed 258 lbs. It was part Chester White, and was bought of Mr. Wm. Routlcy. Confidence Men at Wor . A couple of instances have occurred during the past week showing how that wretched class of setvuindl'clu known as "confidence" men succeed in duping thc unwary traveller. The tricks of these people have boon exposed llfll' and run", but the lesson which those. exposures should teach ton lrvrprntly remain unleurnt. old the dope pllysâ€" ‘ often dearlyâ€"the penalty of his ignn rolcc. 0-": day last week a city cler- gyman wasn passenger from Toronto east on be Gould Trunk» At‘ll-r leav- ing tllc Union Station a young man mt dnu'n beside him and represented that he had some extra b lggazc on the train lllr which he had to pay. and required 840 to do so. Ills stitcd to the clergy- man he had a $1 00” United State bond and a note for 31 HI, but "Ht-ling Slander. an-I a~kcd him to l and him $40 till they got. to the noxt Slflilllll, where he mm d fix the matter. While the young man was speaking to the clergy- ul in another man approached. repre- senting himself nsnn official. and dc munded tho 8111. The och-gylnau lct hint, on behalf of his newly-found you lg friend. have SL5. When the Dirt Wm reached the two men were uowneru to bc found. Another instance occurred |a~t week which shows to a grunt r ex rent the intricacies of’ the plots laid by these scoops for the unsuspvcting. 0n tlll ea‘lWHl‘vl-blllnltl night train on the Grand Trunk two w-ll-drcsscd strang- crs, who had boarded the train at To ronto. chewed a number of the occu- plots of tho smoking car ill cunvcrsa lion. They represented tllclnsclvm to be potato merchants who were billing for in .rkets in the U litcd St ltes. They acre of that :tNIII-tluturt-tl. your/t old/ll kind. who laughed an i j.bed. :nol llpok in a rarelcss ma lncr of ppl-cunninnu in. voltin: Vast sums of unmcy. 'l‘ne pull songch were delighted, and the stran- .-cr~ were ruled the bust fellows in the thl‘ld. The night was spent convivial- iy. alflthc morniu.’ hr-nuht the train to Klngstou. tozethvr with the gentle- ulauly potato merchulh and their tr.lv offing complniolm. While w itiog here another "gentleman " arrived in the ar and required from one of the " mer- chants" me till!" of 8120 on ncc~lunt. Tnc plot wan being ul-rollcd ! The " merchant " instantly produced a co- pa inc: wallet; but a as l ' he could not the mischief was Hoods in Honduras. gm urns ms-r as» A vasr‘auonx'r‘ or Facts“! nmnovu. ._..x ‘ Pnlunxirnla. Nov. 0.--Advi:.:~ from Spanish Iloudurav state that lieu-5 ry rains previous to October 20th Cause ed immense floods, which swept away bridges and the greater portion of the only railroad in the country. and sub merged or partially swept away towns. and vidages ill the fruit. districts. It is reported that 500 lives were lost. but nothing definite is known regarding this. The low of live stock is very heavy. The total damage is estimated at 820000.000. Of this amount the d:tum.'8 to the railroad was estimated at $10,000,000. An Unnatural Son. ontonauzrxo EFl-‘t-zcr or GRAVEYARD txsuaasca. Scaaxrox. PA, Nov. 5.-â€"George l’l'citfcr and Adolph llciser have been arrc~tcd on a charge of forging the the conspirators, to an application for a policy on her life in a graveyard insur uuce company. M rs. Pfeiffcr. who was 75 years old. was dying at the tithe The knowledge of her son’s act hasten- ed her death. Her son (lllrislian'l’leif- for is the prosecutor ill this case. in ac cnrllance with his mother's last. request. TlllN is the first. "graveyard " prosecu- lion in this country. and is the begin- ning of a harvest. of lawsuits. It i~ tllougllr worst: crimes than forgery will be expo.~cd. Impen ling Anarchy. FEARB OI" TUE PEASANTS UI‘RISING. BERLIN. Nov. 7.â€".-\ diplomat. just from St Pctersburg gives a very gloomy description of the situation of Russia Affain are growing more criticil daily. Riots um fi-arcd ill consequence of the increasing llcllrness of provisions. The Nihilists arc distributing circulars charging the Czar With being the cause of' all the trouble. and declaring that he is sending all the gold of Russia to Don- mark. Tue troth isa small part. oftllc (3 000,000 roubles (34.560000) t'ou'll’ll iu the Imp-rial treasury after the assas- sination of Alexander 11. was forward- cd to DL-nnmrlt at the time of the re- c'nt royal marriage. Iligh Russian officials are advising landlords to leave the country for the city if they do not wish to be assassinated. Great anxiety prevails at. Gabcllina. - The American Fenians. DETAILS OI" THE SCHEME OF ARMY Oll- GANIZA'I’I'JN. The London, Eng, Evening News ins lltl'l forwarded to it for publication the fillhlwillg. scheme of army organiza- tion. drawn tip ill council by the New York h‘l-nialls. The News claims that - It is biscd on a cmnmunic..tioo froth a ~ecrct service official for mzmy years en- gage-I at \llr-llington lrndi cbcwllere ill connection with the Fenian organization. . lie was one" of the agents of the C:l~lll~ dim Government Who were first instru- -mcnt.ll in discovering the Deco-ion of the Fenian cunnmndcrs to invade the Diminiou of Canada; and in cousc- lplcocc of his accurate information the Government Was p rli-mly enabled to make the extensive tnililor, prepara- tions which resulted in thc proj.~elcd Invasion b.-illg rcpcdcd. li'is statement is as f'ollo-rllzâ€"A series of military councils was held the first. week in Sep- tcmber, at which Fenian officers from n.-nrly every Elstcrn. Western. and Northern Snch were present. It was resolved. after lcozthy debates, to take an important. «top in view of pomiblc disturbolccs ill Irelandâ€"it having been represented that the British Govern mcut were pursuing a policy of exaspcrl aiml, whic'l was expected to result in lollsszcrcs of the people and retaliatory measures. This step was a secret in all‘UCllflIl to al Fellini commanders to have the number taken of able-bodied men of the first line ready and willing for immediate active service. The first lino active service tncn arc "It'lltbcl‘n' who have taken the oath to go anywhorc and to do anything ordered by their superior nflicl-ral. They consist. exclus- ivcly of'rfiicicnts who have passed the drill instructors, told me in every rc‘ sp-‘CI capable of bearing arms. The mm-cnlnmis-ioned officers and officers, almost. without exception, served in the our “1‘ the Iltllclllotl. They are all armed with Government rifles and ac. coutrclucnt-l. and well equipped in ev crytllillz excl-pt Uniformsâ€"tot: latter bli' in; el-rvcd out to about one [flirt] of the total number enrolled. Ill some ofthe .ar4c cities, It. Was eluted, whole regr- meals of It‘lill had been raise-t; but to- these were or-anlz.:d undvr the pr :lt'UCL' of' serving the Slate as milltia. It. would be Ill'ot-asary to treat the rank and life ls member». of newly designated Fenian cmnpanlcs. Thu: returns under this reso- lution are now cumin; in, but there are still many of the large Centres of the population to hear from. Tue li-t. so far gives 50.500 men. and it. in deviated not to execed one-half of' the number .hut wnll be found uVuilablu by tllctilm: the returns are ail in. Measuring there [hares by the aggregate number ul the name of Era l’l‘eilfcr. mother of one of The Land Gourtaud Bur Rail-tn New Your. Nov. 6 â€"-'I‘hc Tn‘bro‘lé'v' " London cable says:~â€"Thc IrishjL'and'T Court has given during the past-week .‘ unequivml indications of the spirit in- which It intends to administer the Land Aft. Justice'O‘lIagan's defiuitiou of fair rent is such a Not as‘will eunblo‘ the tenant to live and thrive: This was laid down at the opening of tho“ Court. a fortnight. ngo. and has sine! been applied bv the uwiiltant Colmuis-v winners at B‘lfavt with startling results to rents on the Crawford estatd. and on the corn money tenant. estate at Dune donald. both of which miy be called rack-rented. In both the root was re; lIlICt‘d an average of one-third all round. The Commissioners explicme said that neither estate had been managed with the liberality expected or usual with Irish landlords. hence the reduction ill greater than the probable average. But these cases afford an example of what will happen to rick-rented estates gcnv orally. In both cases the Comluimiuu- ers personally examined minutely the properties. There is no reason to sup- pose that. their decisionwill be reversed tfuppeuled from. nor is an apnea! cx~ pccted. Tnc decision of the some Cour ‘ mission respecting improvements is rm~ garded as still more formidable to land- lords. It substitutially declares that improvements shall bo‘prcshmed to have been made by tllc'itctllrnu untebs the landlord can prove the contrary. This reverses completely the presumption supposed to have been created by the Act. and shifts the burden of proof to' the landlord regarding even express cou- II‘llCL‘l between lundlorl and tenant un- der which improvements became lllt!’ landlord's property. The result is that ill fixing judicial rent t-uch improch meats. which in many cues cover a urge portion of the value of the proper» ty. will be con~idered as forming no part of the c-pilnl on which the land-r lord ,is entitled to receive root. The d.-cision has produced something like cnmteroation among certain classes of landlords. and will certainly be appeal-- ed from, though every act and word yet proceeding from the Load Court indiâ€" clues that it is disposed to hold to thin sweeping principle. The effect is an enormous increase in the business of the Court, which before these decisions had showed signs of get. ting unmanageable. Applications pour ill thousands. The League organs are beginning to claim this as a result. of their new policy. Being unable to' prevent tenants from resorting to the Court, they now encourage litigation- with the view of creating a complete block. The truth is that farmers nrd acting for themselves. having under; stood from dusticc O'flllgun'a opening nddrcsv that. the Court who to: bc a t-cu~ ants Court At present appearances- tllc Court will be called on to readjust"- thc wholc rental of" Ireland. The Show llrml remarks that if the pacificznioo . of Ireland is attained even at this ex- 'pcn-e. it is dtcvoutly to be desired. This week’s evidence indicatcsthat the suppnwsiou of the League was cf- Menu”. The withdrawal oftht: III'IIL'UO' solicitor from all cam in- the Land Court has ollmlcrcd the tenants' confi‘» dcnvc. 'f'llc outrages now occurring are regarded as the naturll Fulfil” of ir» t‘lltt’flml and viodictivcncss rendition evidence of an oflilrt on the pit‘rjtjlifilllc‘, .‘, lwaguc to prolong its powur by. cumin-l . 2 uing intilnidllltioo, ' Some mivcrennt last week cut the tongue out: ol'lv horse belonging to Jun. 'I‘hmnpsnn, cheese-«tinker, of Vyncr. On the morning of the 571i inst. Al. Sit-in, a‘ resident of Iowa city. finally cut his wife's throat, chopped up hilt mother-inan, and killed himself by pone-n. The mother in law may recovh cr. Jl-aloltuy, insanity and liquor are: the causes of- the crime. During the trial of" James Howard} the burglar, at St. Thomas, an aged woman, dressed in black, occupied a prominent seat in the court. She wow the pri~oncr's mother. When the Hall" team of ten years was pronounced by the judge she gave way to a violent fit of weeping and Inlncntution, crying out: In the agony of her mnl, " My God! that I should have raised a chi-Id vo- comc to this." A son of Mr. Amos Dean, of Gilmon, went out shooting ll few days ago with an old muzzle-loader. On the second a'lnt tllc weapon exploded, and the breech and a Hercw which attached it to the stock wurc buried ill his brain. After lying all night in a drenching rain, the wounded boy succeeded in walking or crawling to a neighbouring farm, where he was taken in and mud for. The Furgcotl. to remove the iron, which Weighed about. two ounces. wall compelled to cut away a portion of the -koll. During the operation the patient 1 st about a oupful of brain nubntanoe, but retained cumciousncsu, and ill now in a fair way to recover. _.-_..__.._..,. . I People are heginnlng to find out the true vlrlucl or In. Canon'n Stomach and Con- stipation Hitters, and they are becoming the favorite fumin nletlfcinu of the Canndlv an puhllc for all duringl-mentl ofthe 8m. mach, Howell, Liver and Kidneys. In large hotlch Ill 50 cents John Nu at 1 ca' . ml agent for Fenclon Falll. we ' p sumac} ivircflboni'ru revues nuns MARKETS. 6mm lir"“;__ ______ l "'35 "'_u'° “nun” _ mediatcly laid an information. and on â€"-Thc Midland Railway 'Company make the change! He. had a cheque (“"‘idfuzrnxrufhi indumi‘mgl for T” Penelnn Falls, PEI, Nur'r nth, [33L _ ' ‘ v “c are very faithfully you”. Saturday Shechey was brought before offers 13 -bc.lygenu railway connection for $1,000. and bun-ls for an unlimited 5:13“: W; *DII, i’c'wu "spur: Sm" h") p" Mm“ ‘ '3' ’5 ‘ 7° $00,000 I. O D U. W. GREENE. (.‘qu'rman, Joules Dickson. J. P.. in Scully's hall. on these terms zâ€"Tlle company to pm- muouut, but he Int-l only Sill-l in C-wb- w,’ I U , u be; Lp I {In-"M? mi} -l is ""19. H ' ' ' I H I 20 I g _ ‘ Tttouas llousox, b'cnclOzl Falls. and sentenced to thirty ride the rails, lay them down and work It was too bad. Would not the lltlllt't-K . i" e i m u b,' n m “a "we Um," p5! if,“ ' ' ' a) 'n ‘ P“ CF?" ' _ [ (33mm: chvlsouax, days at hard labor in the county j.lil. the line. and the interested nlunicipafi looking ollt farmer. will whom he had Ema" ‘f‘ 2mm" 4“ It?” 9”!” rumba" Pane, I‘ n .' : : : :2 u if) if;iielitiiliiiiiifiii£35.35 “film‘s? Jonx Stunt. without tho option of payitlg a line. ties to buy the ri.'llt .of way and grade spent. so [lira-ant a IIIIIII,.awlllllll|ltlak 3:3ill2'2avgszzzfiiuy.63: gtgfr““‘:1" up, u u _ , _ _ so u Mum. ‘ Sanvzh Swaxrox. The magistrate reworked. tn passing the road rmdy for rail layln.'. him for undo-or or twn'wlth the neces em a,“ mum. w “W'uum or tarswum: gmflmfli “ - u - - 45 50 J. b. DIXOV, l and others. sentence. that If the prisoner l'cru ever --.\Ir. Thomas \Vllcuok. cunnmith. any 860. till he had tune to have the ddi a y “I u as” u . . 1’ ' 0:52:31“. - ~ - - - 15 m Burriner. tag Penelon Falls, Nov. 9, 18:51. brought before him on a similar Chane of Port Hoyle. narrowly escape-l severe clnqllc oa‘lledf Of course. the honed. cm '32” .. ‘8‘} ' ml "mm “"9” g“. m, grep" "‘0 ""w ‘ 75 5 75 18' 015:. Dabeay mock, Kent “not; â€"_ he would not try him at all. but would ‘ injury a few days ago by the accidental old farmer mold not po-Mbly refuse. so mum" 5' "'0 u' "'l‘ 5 ."umMry 0’ .me "I" bier ton 0-, : . a - a 010‘ to (I): Hang“ i REPLY. read him to a court clothed with sufi- discharge of a pistol. the had from In: counted out. the owner and gave it swim"? "r "‘“ Wald”: “50"”. If"!!! "n'io'm l" g b 'I i’ ' ‘° N . . . . . . , . . v _, whch It would seem tlutthe preuurc I ' K 'p" ""° ' ‘ . 3" l "a “0st To LOAN E . clcnt 'Iutllorlt" to condemn hunto inch which entered Ion hand in I dlrlct hm to tbcgentlemanlv. :nohnnpred . no r. 0,. madam“. whficrib‘m to me “if. rdefies. P" li-rrtl. ~ - - l 75 2 oo 0! R“, 3"”. “ mg,“ P" "M "in" 3 Mr. Greene and Frleadf. . ‘ I a punishment as his offence merited lav l wlth the wrist. whtch It traversed, and chant, and that perm-u excused Lowell “damn” mudmmr mam!“ a. dbuuc 625.1%“! ’ ' '~ 1° 10 It" "N, "new" Name \, Lin‘dnt sol It Is wlth a feeling . the marlmum a common magistrate l came out near the e bow. A very sore up street for a f'elv lnmneuu. fold. the film rain“ Brimh Gunmen” and E a 8”", ’ pf, ,, ' ' I I 23‘ “' clmmlujou rhnl‘ed a... a [mu minim; ‘ of nnfeigned gratification: that I accept could lnfl ct wu two months at hard um was the result. but fortunately no- honest old l'arml-r Inho't new hon «or, “w film w "my: . div 1 i ,5'71' __ ‘ ' ‘ Expect“ very mall. Apply tn . your kind addrns and the very lullvi- thin-.- worse. and .ikcly won't any morc foreter.â€" .dbb. I k . d I i; ' on r "f i P, D “Tmâ€"7".“ . ’ K D. 0RDB. mule present you were pleved to make , same time tth the evidence in this â€".\1r. Crawford Moore. who has re- G’ub‘. ’ °i‘"“ . f f '1" “I 17"?“ o "If" “’3” cnngip‘mfifgfimfii “mfmml' "“le‘l‘d I w 01". MeDonnell‘s Block, [anti “’6' Al» "I" “me “We Paul“ “"3 m “I 3 “rev “ “’0 l“ the 3'0 C3” 0“ Tim”- Si'le‘l duff“! "'9 P4“ l-femj' ""_l'“” irifiitugarmt 1;??? 'f‘f‘fm'g: nttuetinnu, tlie retell:er :wabymlf “Nth UM“: " that I feel unworthy of the Very high i day. should be land before the “id in Kama, iw visiting his friends to the. ‘Dr. Canon's ‘tomtch and Constiputonl - u ' v, t ‘4 my-» _ 9,, Cum,“ sumac}, "d Cafl“;w‘i“'~ . 3‘ i terms in which peak of Int: and of,3 court in order that it. midi: m the vicinity of Port Perry. and rays that. 3M"! "9 "Pit"! “hint! "’9 Pl"! 0‘ I" l wml’c'lcd w Ne“ w “ h‘lme’ w "W" l ’"n I F Bitten, the great family medicine. 7hr} l any little nuisance and help I may have , other purgttivu, including P.lll. Pw'drm :juugmeut, time and opportunity served. can with pun-ct ulter be given to the. .mmugh "u “N’s” mm "in h Id "r no Their action is mfld yet rfl':ctnal.nnd c era-arr it had to dell with. Sheehey JOB PRINTING. l labour). and would take care at the; lfvou wont Job Punting Matte executed i 3”" in r'r‘d'n“: u": hunk" "' .mi, ! t“ “m lo Limb?)- Tcx' 51W Ind i" hi3 T’opd‘ n: he ‘5 'imi'g m 'd‘i'i‘fh" they are a certain run- fur all bi ions can» . . . ' m. {M an,“ “,1 _, Nb“. M. Hm”: \ilua‘. In taking part in the various . be flop-.1 that Ins imprisonment. wdl plrtlel owning farms to Ontario naveI pmnm 1,, hm ham“ “ so an“. 10,“, ‘ The track 9f the L. P. R. is now laid i sold in large pan“ b'ntlcu It so a... ., ' entertainment: alluded to in your ad- ,’ have the desired effect. no cause to envy anybody. and that if. Nngent. agent {or Peneloc Falls. 1 twenty-Eva allch West 0f Brandon. 2 r order it at the Fen-lea Falls aqua: 0M. . 1"“ “"9”. agent (or Penelon hilt. I

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