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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Mar 1882, p. 2

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v 5:... "V. y l « .- . e m m- .4.» .... - ---, -. . . __ v mm 1 v _ r w m YWWMWJ‘HHW‘W- p: , “u LEGAL 850. l BRITTON, pmspect of makiuga comfortable living. Powleslg Gamers. ed voluntarily, you know, we can only ted to be due. The case may go for the condition ‘ kflio}, 1 find. , l J 0 Perhaps the labours of the Agricultural ' â€" account for his close attendance on the court on nppca|.-â€".\’ortllmteru Lm- recorded at present. 3 digging ham MARTIN & HOPKINS, ; Commission, when fully studied in their Comsportdrnce If (he Guzdte. supposition that he is there for the pur- banana. those parties. Ordinarily smki‘ngflin. I ABRISTEIS. SOLICITORS, kc. lla- neyto Loan at» 6 per cent. 033cc, Kent atreet, Linda: , Oat. P. 8. Hurts. G. [1. "arms. P. D. MOORE. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, & SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ofliec, Kent street, Lindsay. HUDSPETH & JACKSON, l. I l :alcr in lClocks, All Kinds, l3? day, 8 day and 30 hour, Alarm atrike,kc, AMERICAN WATCHES, interesting and instructive details, will stir up a spirit of improvement in the agricultural community which will give iliillllfidfi liifilllll, ,, 5,, this means retain at home many of those who would otherwise seek a wider , sphere of labour. Whatever recent let:- islation may have done to enlarge trade and manufactures, it has failed to con- fer any benefit on the farming commu- l’xnsoxauâ€"Mr. Elijah Mark has retired from farming and has rented the Tremont I louse, in the town of Lindsay, for a term of years. No doubt Mr. Mark would like to see some of his old friends call on him, as he has had considerable experience in the business. May be do well. MANITOBA FEVERâ€"A number of persons from around here purpose going pose of watching the pmcccdinzs in the hope of bearing something to find fault with. Last Monday both of them were pmnt and did good service to the cause of ecOnomy by helping to get the village printing cut down a little nearer starvation point. We are surprised that the council submits to their interference, which, if not put a stop to, will probab- ly be carried to such a length that the The Nihilist Trials. ' The trial of a large number of prom- inent Nihilists commenced at St. Peters- burg a few days ago, and too have at ready been found guilty and sentenced to death; but it is brlieved that their sentence will be computed to penal scr- vitnde. Saukauofi' gave the following in the days when my hon. friend was‘ Premier them was a very material diti‘ t‘erenan‘in favour of Toronto markets ad" against the Chicano market‘s.- [tulip the date of, the tltli‘ Septech ' 1878; and I find tbprc, ain‘that‘ fit oronto‘ wheat stoodjhl‘ghor’ thin in Chicago from 10 to 13 cents, that the market, stood higher for cats about 8‘ cents aud‘. for rye 11 cents. I turn to the dnto of â€" . . , - _ Me "in have to be instructed to reasons for becoming a terrorist: January; 1883 and I ‘d t]: t ‘ ‘ I ' . S _ {. lnlty. to Manrtoba on the first of April and 003‘“ . ~ ' , , ‘ '3‘” C dfi‘g'gfifi k" we a“, and charm“, -_ __ .__ if they can suit themselves more; will lead one or the other of them out by . “ When I was In the navy I saw cry- in “ms EMNT-Pud b" 313 cont-ft A. Hum, A. Items. Trent Valley Canal follow, the ear. At any rate, If they are allow- mg abuses and injustices on evcrv side. I‘m"- Do". 51“, I w(“lid not Slyâ€"1‘ O'LEARY & O‘LEARY, ARRISTBRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Office, Doheny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Aaraua O'Luar. llcou O‘Lnnr. MCINTYRE it STEWART, ARRIBTEBS, ATTORNEl'SvAT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, lth Lindsay. Office ovc‘r Ontario Bank, Kent street. Mo~ nepm Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate ucuritiea. D. J. Holman. WM. McDON-NELL, n., (Late Ketchum & McDonnell) ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, Notary kc. Moneg to Loan. Office on cut street, Lindsay, nt. J. B. DICKSUN, B. A., ARRISTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyonccr, kc. Office, Doheny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lend at 8 per cent. ALEX. A. MCDONALD, 'I‘TORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chun- Tnoa. Srmvaur. IN SILVER AID GOLD CASES in the newest styles and at lowest prices. Sir Charles Tupper's letter to Mr. 56‘ Persons sending watches from a dis- Cameron on the subject of the naviga- ; tance for repairs, can have the amount of tinn of the Trent waters, which we pub~ i work and price reported on for their consid- l eration, and as I do the work myself, can depend on having it dove satisfactorily. Capital - - - - - - $3,000,000. President . . . . . . . . . . . . Sir. W. P. Ilowlnnd. Vice-President . . . . . . . .C. S. Gzowski, Esq. General Manager . . . . . . . . . . D. Fisher, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain, I and general banking business transacted. ,OHTABID BARK. ' RE-UPENED. l lars and upwards. S. A. .IICMURTRY, l Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- ' the Trent Valle lishcd in a recent issue, has not been en- tirely satisfactory to many of our read- ers. Sir Charles speaks of the many ‘0 Bfimn'l 131kath OTKBBtStwLindsaY- difficulties that have had to be encount- ered, which have rendered the survey a tedious one, and consequently that the surreyor's report is not ready for the present meeting of Parliament. This state of things is contrary to what we have been led to believe by every engi- neer who has formerly been engaged on the survey; we believe the work has been gone over already four or five times with the same results. The department of Sir Charles Tupper must be full of reports on this very subjectâ€"a subject S av i u gs D e 1) art)“ 0 n t now of so Inuch importance in develop- ment of the country. The question of Canal is one which has periodically, at intervals of ten ‘ years, forced itself on the attention of Mm'mcr- the countr . Thouvhtful men have 3’ c Lindsay, Feb. lmh, 1881. 504d". been amazed that such a magnificent NOTES.â€"Mr. Joe. Brown, near here, has been offered $340 for his beautiful team of bays. Mr. Thos. Gillis has been ofi'cred $300 for his tcarn...Venuor says we are going to have more snow in March thanwc have had yet this winter. ’ Condensed News. . â€"Thc new bridge at Lakeficld is completed and open for traffic. â€"Omemec is to have a coffee-house, with the addition ofn reading room and a select library. â€"â€"'l'he people of Ennismore have de- clared by a vote of 79 against 15 that there shall be no tuvcrus in their town- ship. â€"-Petcrboro’ lads and InSSes “ scoop- ed in " the principal prizes at- the recent masquerade skating carnival at Port Hope. - â€"-Thc Bobcaygeon Methodists are a- bout to build a brick parsonage, and an advertisement asking for tenders there- for appears in last week's Independent. â€"'l‘he private bank in Millbrook has ed the privilege of crating at the coun- cil board we shall claim it too, and then there will be some fun. Tns “ Cunrrvarou's GnInx."â€"-Wc have received a copy of the Cultivator-'3 Guide for 1882, which we shall be hap- py to show to such of our friends as may wish to take a look at it. It is a handsomely illustrated catalogue of the field and garden seeds kept for sale by Mr. J. A. Simmers, seed merchant, of 147 King Street East, Tomato, and this is the twenty/seventh year it has been published. The length of time Mr. Simmch has been in the business is suf- ficient proof that he has succeeded in meeting the wants of and giving satis- faction to his customers; and as he has now in stock the choicest and rarest seeds and bulbs raised and originated in Europe, as well as this side of the Atlantic, intending purchasers can hurd- ly fail to find in his extensive catalogue exactly what they desire. DIVISION Commâ€"There were only seven or eight cases tried at the Divis- Ion Court held in this village on the [took the oath of fidelity to tile Em- peror, and I woulQhave resp$oted the oath if the commander of the vessel in which I served had notvbeen a thief. I did not expose his depredaticns, and for that I was brought before the tri- bunal. There are many others in the marine still at liberty whoâ€"" (here Snukauofi stopped suddenly). Contin- uing, he said 2â€"“ While I served with the Siberian squadron I met numbers of innocent exiles, whose undeserved sufferings had reduced them to second childhood. My sister was transported to Siberia when cncel'nte, and promo- turely delivered of a still~born child. Then at last the stifling moral atmosâ€" photo I had to breathe became unbear- able to me. Go where I would, both in the navy and society, I found falsehood, wrong and tyranny in their fonlcst and most odious forms. They drove mo at length to turn terrorist. I was a ter- rorist in the extreme sense of the word, caring little for party shlbbolcths, but. ready to serve any one, no matter whom, so long as he was a terrorist like my- ucver have saidâ€"that tho honz‘g‘cntlc- man's policy was solon responsible for that; but I do say that the onus lies on these gentleman, who promised farmers» better prices, who promised them very' much better prices, that the onus lica' on them to show how it is that the. prom- ises Were so completely and totally rc' versed, and why after three ycars’ ex-" pcrienco of the N. P. prices of cereals are absolutely lower in our own markets than in the markets of the United States." Now, the hon. gentleman has one all: vantage, and he talks of tho way which' taxes affect farmers. Very few farmera‘ â€"vcry few people in any class of lifeâ€"- keep accurate accounts of their cxpond-' iture. 1 find it. a matter ofgrcat diffi-“ culty to obtain any reliable statements' from my farming friends as to the a; mount that they purchase of dutioblo~ articles, and us to the way the tariff uh" fccts them. Neverthelem I have suc-‘ cccdod in finding one or two, and with the permission of tho House I will call their attention to the way in which thc' present taxation affects our farmch hcrc a statement in detail from an on . v I . __ - ~ . . . v' -' _ M m" ' ' â€" peryhflonvcynnccr, kc. &c. Strictat-i __ water way should be unutlllzcd: It has entered Its second year, and, notmth- 24th ult., but. among them was one In Se”: l,“ 'ih ‘he' lleilpd‘ff a ,Sb‘lhg “0 mils; ,‘gkoliléggnggcrzlfiznslyrs 011‘ Ian?- “mm” Ewe“ ‘0 “Pl‘l‘m‘wfm r‘” Pawn” : l , - . bccn warmly dIscussed for a tune, and standilw the predictions of its failure thch we took especial interest, as the comp we prep‘n“ “name a" 9x' ” ‘l e' “‘0 of Lands from Crown Lands Department. 3 j , ,, r. , Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. Ufiice, Colbornc street, Fenclon Falls. JOHN A. BARRON, ARRIS'I‘I‘lR-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Oflicc B on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's Agricultural and Implement Store. manicâ€"II..â€" " A. W. J. DEGRASSI,1\I. 1)., ORONBR, Physician, Surgeon, t‘zc.. kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. W31. Kl‘lll P'I‘, M. D., C. M.-, RADUA'I‘E of )IcGill University, Mon trenl, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Medical Referee to the Standard, Phoenix, Connecti- cut Mutual, und Equitable Insurance Com- panies. Office and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Run streets, Lindsay. Du. A. WILSON, h ILUNIVI'IRSITY of Trinity College. . .\I. ll. University of Toronto. )lcrnb. BANIKERS, FENELON FALLS - - OITAIIIO. loved to drop- then upon the bare assertion of some wiscncrc that there was not a. sufficient. supply of water, the matter has been :11- This watcrsupply has been the sole difficulty hitherto in the General Banking- Business Done. Collec- way of the construction of the work. tions Made at Usual Bank Rates. Interest Allowed on Deposits. II. T. Dssxsox, Late of Royal Canadian Bank and Consolidut (1 Bank. F. Wssrcor-r, Lute of Court inn Bank of Commerce. E. J. L. GREASE, Late of Consolidated Bunk. elmâ€"rem...nitrogen Saturday, March 4th, 1882. The Tariff. The alterations in the tariff, as given by Sir Leonard Tillcy, are in some res- pects favourable to the consumer. The duties on ten and coffee have been re- penlcd, which will make those articles somewhat cheaper; and the state of-the revenue, owing to the heavy taxes, has All the engineers that have been engag- ed on the survey or that have examined the matter have declared the supply of water to be r5bundant. Mr. Rubidgc, the gentleman in charge of tlIc'prcsent survey, called upon‘tlle chairman of our local committee a short time after the survey was commenced, and though his object was not to commanicatc informa- tion, for that was the very thing he was in search of' himself, yet he volunteered these two statements, namely, that he had satisfied himself twenty years ago, from personal observation, that the wa- ter supply is ample, and that so far as he had gone Mr. Baird's survey had been in every particular verified. We must say, then, that in the face of the declarations of so many engineers that there are no engineering difficulties on the Trent Valley waters, we were not prepared for Sir Charles Tuppcr's state. is likely to prove a permanent institu- tion. â€"A man named ‘Anglo crossed Pi- geon Lake to Bobcaygcon, a few days ago, for medicine for his wife, broke through the ice while returning, and was drowned. Tâ€"The glass factory at Napancc is a success, large quantities of the beautiful but brittle product being turned out of. paying prices. â€"Maplc sugar was made on Mr. E. R. B. Hayward’s farm in Dummer, nearly a fortnight ago, and was said to be the first of' the seasonâ€"in that vicin- ity, at any rate. _ â€"The people of Nor-wood are talking about purchasing five acres of.land for a public park and exhibition grounds. The idea is :1 good one, but they ought to have ten acres at least. -â€"A monster steamer named the On- olcol has just been launched at Port Hope. She cost $225,000, and will carry 100,000 bushels of corn or 3,000 gross tons of iron ore, drawing 14}. feet of water when fully loaded. -â€"--On Monday last Mrs. Edward Don- plaiutilf was our particular friend H. W. Greene, qu., whom we new con- gratulate upon having been defeated and condemned to pay about five dollars costs. At a mortgage sale some months ago Mr. Grccuc bought a house occu- pied by Dr. Lowe, who had rented it at so much per month free of (axes ; but, like many other tenants he pitid the amount of taxes, $13 30, to the collect- or. took his receipt therefor, and offered it as part payment of rent. Mr. Greene refused to accept it, and, being both cantankerous and fond of money, threat- ened to sue for the amount, probably forgetting that professional men regard legal proceedings with much less fear and trembling than mill hands do. Of course the case was decided in favor of the defendant, as everybody with any sense predicted it would be; but the judge, though he had no trouble in ar- riving uta decision, had a very great deal of trouble indeed in convincing the plaintiff that it was a correct one, which shows how easily the best natures may be perverted and the loftiest iutcllccts bcclouded by the workings of anger and plosive engines. I have voluntarily risked my life for the cause, knowing that sooner or later I should be hanged.” Soukanofi'was brutally interrupted by the President saying, “ You should have all these fine phrases of yours printed.” The ill-timed coarseness of the sneer disgusted tho audience. Manitoba. and this North-West. Prof. Macou'n delivered a lecture on the above subject in the school house of the Northern Congregational Church in Toronto on the evening of the 24th. After referring to his extensive travels through the country he spoke of the richness of the soil in the North-West, which he said consisted principally in its ulkalilic matter. thcu he was in Winnipeg some time ago he‘ know of six cities advertised there for sale which had no existence. Ho made a passing allusion to the Assiuiboiuo River, which he said was navigable. Speaking of Brandon, the Professor said it was 11' lively little village, but would never be- come the great city that was expected. tremcly respectable former of my own" acquaintance, having n family of nine, in which he'slatcs that he has expended in the lost. your for clothing, dry goods and milliner of ull kinds about 8180 ;~ for hardware, $58; for u variety of ag: riculturul articles, 8180 ; harness, 840 ,4 for tea and sugar, $53; and for miscel-' luncous dutiane goods about 860; mak-" ing in all about $571. I don't mean to“ say that this man is an ordinary sam- ple; that ho is a farmer of more thnn‘ ordinary intelligence and of more than ordinnr’y income; but. I say this. thsti is quite clear, applying the tariff to thc‘ various classes of articles I have enum. crntcd, that this man is contributing for more than his fuir proportion of dulics‘ to the revenue. I should estimntc tho“ tuxcs which that man has to pay at cor: ta‘inly not less than 8150 at year. I mn‘ quite well aware that there are a great runny farmers, at any rate in that part of the world where he resides, who arc' obliged to pay quite as much, and some“ contribute even a. larger sum to our' revenue.” â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»â€"-â€"o -. . . . . . . . ’ b licvc still that there are c of Oton'lbn was talking with her avarice. \VinniptW he said would be a grant . COL PII'S- “ml S'll'g- Unt- P0531010" c otquIn‘ belnr'alnlttcl free, and maul “9 c Y: ' “.3 ' ‘ a _ . , . N p), , The uc e ._ Surgeon’nmlAcconchef. Office,Colbornc’ the; taming“: “Hamil gouqéqncmly be no drfficulucs of any consequence on the husband mgummg a proposed mp ,0 mm clty, but he thought It. would be eclrps- Q b 0 Gavemmem °°nl°m ,.__ . - Itrcct, l‘cnclon Falls. DIt. J. H. LOWE, IIYSICIAN 8t SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of lluliburtou. 3%“ Office next door to the .\lc.\rthur Ilousc. Residence on Francis Street East, Penelon Falls. “tumors. ' " ' JAMES DICKSON, ' L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 0., . Conveyanccr, kc. llcsidcucc,nnd ad- dress. Fenclon Falls. lower. On the other hand, the duty on glass has been increased from 20 to 30 per cent, which will be felt as a burden by many, and from u sanitary point of view is to be regarded as impolitic. There are probably some private inter- but it. seems wrong that daylight should be taxed at all, no matter who may be bencfitted. Perhaps Sir Leon- ard expects to be able to tell next Par- liament, as he has in effect told the present one, that. increased protection lowers prices rather than enhances them. The raising of the duty on knitted cot- watcr way ilsclf, and that it can be con- structed to the capacity required, name- ly, that of being capable of locking through a barge with 12,000 bushels of wheat, from Lake Huron to the St. Law- rence, at the estimated cost of three or four millions. We think, however, that the difficulties occur in trying to divert the waters from their natural channel, so as to have the mouth of the canal at Bellcville instead of at Trenton. By thus diverting the waters unnaturnlly from their channel any amount of diffi- culties may be looked for, and twenty or even fifty millions of dollars might town, and in the Iniddlc of the conver- sation she fell from her chair to the floorâ€"dead. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause. â€"A paper mill company is about to commence operations in Lindsay, the Maine Tannin Co's property and ma- chinery just suiting them. Straw, wood and rice grass will be the materials used, and the factory will start with twenty- fivc hands, but a rapid increase in the number is confidently expected. â€"â€"â€"The Canada Gazette says that Let- ters Patent have been issued» to Messrs. D. Ullyott, Geo. A. Cox, A. P. Pous- Rents in Mayo. There is, says a correspondent of the Dublin Express, no hope of rccovering rents in the county of Mayo. There are some thousands of civil bills and ejcctmcnt dccrccs in hands, but, says the writer, they are so much waste pa- per. He addsâ€"“ From Swinford to Bulloghudcrrccn on one side, to Bully- lmunis and Cluremorris on the other, there is no prospect of recovering roots. The “ No Rent ” manifesto is constant Iy posted, and £30 reward is offered for information of any one who pays rent." cd by other places in tho North-West. The lecturer said that money obtained . as it was at present by speculators was not legitimate gain, and the people of Ontario were largely responsible for the speculative spirit in the North-West. If the people who went to‘ Manitoba to livc.by their‘brnins were to remain away the country would be much better off. In 1870, when the speaker was crossing the prairies, nearly chry person was go- ing to Rapid City on account ol' the “ boom ” there, for which Sir Charles Topper was responsible by changing the course of the railway line in 1880. The plates the erection ofn new Parliament building: . The latest rumour is that unless the" condition of Russia improves the Czar; will nbdicutc nflcr coronation. By an explosion in a coal mine at” Lcobcn, Styria, 150 persons have bccu‘ killed as for as nscertuinablo. It is reported that both Austria and: Germany have given orders for strougtlrf cuing their custom fortresses. ’ A reward of $1,400 is offered for in-’ fbrmutiou respecting Maggie llIchy, who disappeared from Yurmouth town-‘ .ship in 1878. ' """"' ~ I . . _ be expended in completin" the under- settc of Pctcrbcrougb, R. C. Smith of In conclusion the local observer says: Professor confidently “firmed that we me' Juakmn’ proprietor of “'0 ex" MISCELLANEOUS. gaupotgtiguqipcctpzprlsnlggudfqufirzuipcfl taking. We fly without hazimtiou that Port Hope and John A Barron of Limp ,, Mortgage“: anuuimnts and landlords next boom would be at Fort. Qu'Appclle, plodcd pyt'otcclmic works at Chester,‘ ~â€"--â€"-â€"-“' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' such is not the enterprise that we ndvo- say, under the name of “ The Midland ‘ “'5 the land for mu” “round W" the a" and 1”" “55mm”! V“ H07": “"0. TIIOII-AS LOCKIIAR'I‘, SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES for the County of Victoria. Residence on Murray St., Fenclon Falls. [63‘ M. II. Cochrcnc, Deputy. which it will certainly do, as many will now limit their own stockings instead of buying them at the stores. The public can in this way evade the tax on those goods; but they cannot do it in the case cute. At no time in the history of this country has the necessity for the con- struction of the canal been felt so much as now. The-great. North-West is being rapidly settled, and will soon be pour- uud North Shore Lumbcring Company,” with a capital stock of one million dol- lars, divided into ten thousand shares of one hundred dollars each, for the pur- pose of carrying on a general lumber- nrc reduced to dreadful privations. 'Al- though there are more than 50,000 bayoucts at the service of the landlords the latter cannot collect their rents. The case would probably be just the Garden of the West. On the 10th of June he hud found ripe strawberries in that. vicinity in great. profusion. The barley crop was in stocks on the 27th of July, while the crops on the Sus- bccn arrested . Miss Milligan, whose brother was‘ bodcd to death In the soup tank of tho' Messrs. Hand, of Montreal, is now suc- ' ' ' ' ' ' r' the firm for 8.”) 000 dflmnvves ‘ of plus, Upon the whole, the changes , . , _ n _ _ . sarncrrf' halfn mIllIon soldlcrs occupled k , , H ; Inc, , a _ w“â€" - - to the sea-board her mIllIons of Inrr nunquandmanufacturuw busmcss. t] t, ” “IC'C‘Vnn ripened 50‘”) WCCI‘S llltcr- 1) r. ~ In . i ‘ . In the land do not amount to so much mg . =7 o a 1‘3 “Gun ry- , , r0 Laser 1 0y says that the heat SELO-Eg alga??? IN as will tell either one way or the other “Shes? 0f gs?“ “""lmny’ “lid thef'mal' â€"â€"___.__ ~-~â€" :gefifiadogrifllriliisdugi.2:5" azhfhcgggsg and drought of the past summer lmvo‘ - ‘ - . . - - - nnma mu 0 to various rat ways Is cer- , , V. , , .' - . to the public benefit. ’J.hc crItIcIsm of filmy no, a move for the ,owering of THE Pomonaâ€"A's “Ill be seen by English Cattle Traffic. speak confidently about its richness. b‘llcd 03"“0 “058"”! fly, and that ml The next sittings of this Court will be held on Friday, February 24th, 1882. (IEO. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk. JAMES J. POWER, ICENSED Auctioneer, Accountant and J General Commission Agent. Collect- ing accounts a specialty. Office, Fcuclon Falls,()nt. 6. rangers. E." DIONEX' TO LENI) at 6, 65 and 7 per cent, according to secu- rlty, on Real Estate morIgugcs. Apply to w JOHN A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate'nt Eight per cent. Privntc Funds. Interest payable at Lindsay. No ‘10") istion charged nor Deposit required. the Opposition has not been very effec- tual in securing modifications, so the whole thing will go on until a new elec- tion takes place, when we hope to see it. receive its guictus. Sir Leonard 'l‘illcy’s comforting assurances that the one hun- dred million acres of land held by the Government in the north-west may pay off as many dollars’ worth of the Do- minion debt will not be credited by mn- uy, for the present prospects of the one third of that quantity being sold in tlus century are more than doubtful. Let. others speculate as they choose ; we are for the present to get cheap tea and see through dear glass. ests to bc subscrved by this movement, The Census. The census returns which have come lto hand, while giving much desirable , information, show some points that In- tho tariff in the interest of those who granted bonuses for their construction. As our back country is practically shut up, except as a means of revenue to the Victoria Railway, we call upon the Do- minion Government to open the naviga- tion between Balsam and Rice Lakes as speedily as possible, which will in a great measure control the excessive freights now charged by the railway. We were promised everything. by the promoters of the railway in order to get bonuses; but now that they are granted we are left in a state of helplessness in the hands of the amalgntcd company, and must either sell our valuable timber to them at their own price or burn it. This is certainly not a desirable state of things, and nothing can deliver us from it. but the speedy opening of the section of the canal between Balsam and Rice Lakes. We will return to this an advertisement in another column, a change has taken place in the proprie- torship of the Cameron Luke Foundry, Lil‘. Wm. L. Robson having sold out his share of the business to Mr. R. C. Allen. The members of the new firm, Messrs. Robson A: Allan, being both practical men, will be able to run the foundry in the most economical manner possible, and are resolved to spare no pains to give satisfaction to all who may favour them with their patronage. N0 Lossâ€"Last Tuesday we got a new subscriber in place of Mr. Greene, and we understand that a syndicate is to be formed to pay for Mr. Jordan's discarded copy. We felt quite sure that we should suffer no loss by criticising the tantrums of those august pcreonnges, and we were right. The villager who offered himself as an agreeable substi- tute for the cx-rccvc was so pleased with Mr. Knowles, M. 1)., presided at a meeting held at Crewe, on Thursday, to consider the desirability of establish- ing a large cattle market with abuttoirs, on land adjoining Crcwc station. The London and North Western Railway Company have had under consideration for some time past a scheme for the di- version of the American cattle traffic from Liverpool to their new docks at llolyhcnd, which would practically give them It monopoly of the inland carrying trade. The situation of the docks zit. Holyhead, which offers peculiar advan- tages to the project, and the delay usu- ally experienccd by vessels coming in at Liverpool would be altogether obviated and much time saved. It is proposed to bring the cattle to Crewc, where the abattoirs would be formed, and the meat would then be distributed over the There might be a temporary lull in the real estate excitement, but he boom would continue along the Canada Pu- cific as long as the stream of capital flowed in to keep the bubble from burst- ing. Grand Forks, the Professor said, would be one of the booms next summer, and it was his opinion that it would be the ideal city of tho Nortll~\\’est. He spoke with confidence of the coal fields, and affirmed that the question of fuel for the vast. interior was Settled in their extent. The houses of the future on the prairies, in the opinion of the lectur- cr, would be composed of clay, strnw, pebbles and sods. Ilc pronounced the Hudson Bay railway route impractica- ble, if not impossible. He thought in the course of time Fort n In Corn would be a great. city, and he expressed his bc- licf that before long trains would be running from San Francisco to Hudson Inunity from its attacks may be capectâ€"' ed for some years to some: The latest craze among' tlic‘youhg' masculine idiots in Massachusetts is for' the collection of hair-pins from young: ladies. Those nre,stilchcd into albums and marked with the names of the for mer owners. William Donohuc was arrested on a' charge of taking a gold ring from n Bcllcvillc girl to whom he WM making love, and giving it to another with whom' he had similar relations. The case was compromised and the young man roi ' leased. A serious shooting afi’ray occurred in' the township of Blanchard on Saturday morning, when a farmer named Mout- ray, who has been dispossessed of his farm, shot at and seriously wounded a man named Moasip, who had purchased.: the form at sherifli's sale. 110 after-' Expo cs vol-yams“. Apply to dicate .o falling off in the older settled subject 0,, every favourable opportunity the course of the Gazette that he paid mililuudmcounticsu The subject was ful- Bay, swaying of Hudson Bay, q", “3rd,, nucnwmd suicide. 1;. 0, 0mm. l townships, thch ls hardly what might for a copy and ordered It to be sent to 1y 1 lfCllmCtl, adeIt “as dccrdcd toform profcsfior mm] It, would my the noun". ~ The rep”, “mt mechanics cannotob w 0mm, lchonucll'a Block, Kent 3 have been expected. As an instance of a friend, (as he already had one of hrs I! hunted Inability LOIIlPfln)’. With ’1 ion Government to employ (.‘ounnnndcr min “uploymcnun Winnipeg bnbsurd, street, Lindsay} 8 1,000 l‘()12 1713117. '11: Cancer (lure Depot, Cculicook, P. Q., i this, the four townships of which the west riding of the county of l’ctcrboro' l is compost have decreased in populno tion during the last decade as follows: Village Council Proceedings..- Fcnclon Falls, Feb. 27, 1882. The council met at the call of the own), declaring that be was bound to do all in his power to protect the free- dom of the Press. ' Tun \l’s.tTIII:I:.~â€"i\’inter and spring capital of £100,000 in 10,000 shares, such company to be called “ 'I‘hc Crclvc Cattle Market, and Abattoir Company Limited.” An architect, solicitor and Chcync to make an Investigation and ascertain if the bay was navigable. Ilia five ycnra' practical experience in the Arctic sens qualified him for the work ly false. About $4,000,000 is project- ed to be npcnt in Winnipeg in buildings and other public works this year, and that amount of capital will require more , 194.1 1871 TCCVC- The “79W in the Cllalr- Mcm' are havin" a touuh battle sometimes sechme were aI’I‘C’illl-Cd ‘0 make the better than any man in America. He . . ‘ ' , ' N c gaging U R E D 3mm, ...................... 3301 343$ { bcrs present, Messrs. .Fitzgcrald, Thom- me gen“; the “5pm- hmd’ and some- ‘ preliminary arrangements. (the Professor) believed the bay was 3:3?“ mm n w roared m“ "M" the c A .‘Ionanlmn North ......... 912 1470 50“ “ml Samlfi’rd' “mm-93 “135‘, "we" times the other. From present appear- ’ "aflgnblc- and he Clmmfll'rlmd l5 '01 For n], “(y-“non. of me C] u, L "a film“ we "3' or we knife‘ .‘Ionatvhnu South . . . . . . . . 1143 1145) g in: read and aI’l)."°"L“]- M"- Sml‘ll 00' anccs Spring is likely soon to prove the An 1m ortant Lumber guit “WWW!” that “’0 America!” “1001‘! be Throat, use Dr. Canon's I‘ulmoimi’yngbugh the Only Permanent Care In the World. Bungalow .1137 1104 } torcd and took his seat. victor, and am, the village sparrows P ' ' allowed to step in and take annually Drops. They Ipccdily cure Coughs, Coldl, For particulars enclosi- two :1 cont slumps ' __ __ I Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded think so is evident from we fact that A suit of much importance ,0 pcnm $700,000 worth of whale oil out of the Influenza, lloursncu, llronchltlr, to. As to S. C. Smith. Conticook, l’. Q.,L‘nnndn. 6493 7,5,; by Mr, Saudford, That, Mr, Cameron they are beginning to build new be. syhunia ,umbcrmon was rccemly dcckL bay. on cxpcctornnt the Cough Drops are one. llighcet Itcfvrcnccs. mTlYIlBS SWIFT AND CEIl'I‘Alea [Any paper can publish the above {or $3 a year, with this note and paper regularly.) 6493 be granted one week’s time R examine l the state of his accounts with auditors' Showing a decrease of ..... . ..... .658 “PM” [0" {09 FONS he has been treasâ€" ‘ ' ureaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded : South Victoria, adjoining, stands as bind the sign-boards and in other places suitable for the purpose. We have not yet seen the first robin, though he is said to have arrived ; but there are plen- cd by arbitration. by which 1’. M. Bar- ber, of Philadelphia, was awarded 822,- 500, as plaintiff against John Irvin lo Brothers, of Curwinsvillc, Pa. The . - ._..._... _. __ The Farmers Deoeived. The following is an extract from Sir gunned, loosening phlegm very readily. ‘ qbt) Nugent, Agent. MARIdrI.‘ Ribonrs rzsston Imus mnxsrs. i and". , _ ty of crows flying around; a few squir- chim was for violation of a contract Richard Cartwright‘s 'rcply, in the DIXON A: NEVILLE, i 0 ,‘ 335d 3350 by “7- Thoma“: Tb” “"3 “Palm's rels have made their appearance; and made by the plaimm‘ with Irvin 13mg, House of Commons, to SIr .eonard 'I‘rl. ~â€" ARRISTRRS,SollciIora. Notaries Public. i up ' ...................... 5363 l “pom 0f the schoolpoani be “m o'er aliboufih were is "0" yet Sufi-Elem grass about a year ago, by which they agreed Icy.“ bu‘lge‘ l'I’C’Wh 3â€" . Penal” y'm' hm,“ lurch "d' “‘2' c°“""“°‘"‘ h" R's“ 3'" “mm” 1:16:20 0700 l for one week'â€"U""°‘.l' I0? came ‘0 g“ 3 bile, were is enough to deliver to him 2,200,000 feet of lnm- “ Now, the hon. gentleman was ex- £733!” burial .. :si (ii) i .Honoy to lgan in large or small (erosion. femlgm, .. Bomygeon 3224 v 2692 l “Signif‘byd )I'Ir‘hastmétbb 53:33.13 {athletic geese, pong they arttla1 consequent; her of dififircnt grppgaogor w‘lllich lip: :9 tremcltiv 3111;103:150 have ('1‘! show wlgat can”, I." 55h,“ . . . 55 l"- lclmm m M “‘3‘” “5 â€"-â€" ‘ ' ' ' ' . . ‘ ginning “"1 "P e" “0593 ‘ to a t cm ~ 1., . . r. at r groan we a or our a reunion t at. Oat: 1- u - . . a 40 4 mguu on Tm' ‘id rfid‘fl' 15733 15105 ’ lowed we “3'” of 830 for prmlwg “0 1:39 P'tl-“vl‘l’Xe “tides 0‘ dlfl- claiiilejd that he had paid Irvin Bros. he was unjust to the farmersbof Canada. Pull-H “ “ - - r - 60 " 65- 'l' u‘ DISO‘V' 3‘ 3' K 5' “El-"Ta 15105 hundred 99‘)!” or wefpdiwni “pom OUR COUNCIL.â€"'l'be Fcuclon Falls over 823,000. and had received but lit- Sir, I might remind him of the promisâ€" gym,“ “ Z ' ' ‘ ‘ g z: , _ of all); vnpghc an‘d glvtng and NP?“ council has not only the five members tlc over $6,000 worth of lumber. Be- cs made. if not made by him, at any 33,," 3"", . I j u "y Increase only ...... .. 6'38 .‘n bl 3“: l e cémel‘efiy one "memo" prescribed by law but it also has two sides this be claimed that he was pnti- rate by Ina followers and friends, that Drunk “03.x”, 100 lb," 35 w 9 do. ’ Thu am out, scum] ("whips "c I“: '3 ed in"; '94,? ' honorary members, Messrs. J. D. Nay- tled to recover damages for their {allure these farmers should most undoubtedly Eggs, per dozen, - - - - H 15 u 8 P“. cnrh l I ll ‘ in “"33 cases deco?ng in population 3 by. {S}: piiggid {Kioiifimggzg lor and [1. W. Greene, who attend when- to deliver the lumber, [to having been obtain better prices than would be paid “‘7. P" '0". - - - - 8 50 to 9 00 with the privilege of paying 0 n u or -‘ t a . g , ever they feel disposed to, which is r l compelled to buy other lumber at great- in the United States. The hon. gentle Mortgages a “file i" “he” “1° Infra” ‘5 50‘ mm" 1 adjourn, to meet at call of the move.â€" . . . The new treatment {or ra dl condltlon-' Mp1”, « as to indicate that the hIghest point has ended. Pi ’ iaz hams, Zoclt'l Tonic Compound and by h'mm'" “ “’ mm" pretty often, sit a few fact from the oth- l ly advanced prices. Irvin Brothers on , man himself must know that thatlia not I! y, 5, 01x05: '3 by“, ‘n bu, “kind, The “mm. “a 3 __ , ers, and give advice gratis to an nulim- :: the other band claimed that Barber had y the case, because he devoted a long and ! mood "mum nub "Chg, mum," . Barrister. kc, l we more “and; “med mwushgps in Thmugh we mom,” of mud, “d Am.“ ; Ited extent. Mr. Nnylor was so long In , not fully coroplled with his contract. and , laboured argument to show why It was good I’urgmg Hall, which la given to tbv’ I 06“ Dob"! Bloch 8”“ “rim” ' ‘ " ~‘ « u v , c u not to uh: Put lives containian l office which he lost through " ways 1 that by reason of this they were justi- that today prions are lower in Torontnl animal "nib," u, mm, ",0 mo" ,0” o. “nus”. ' - '; 202:1;ggil??:°:t;°;‘glnrém;s:hIf“:l ¥“l:":‘rl ‘1" “l” lulu'lf’gwhinPC“ Th; tbut ’wcrc dark and tricks that fete . tied in {chaining the mqney overpaid, than they are in Chicago. Welhtir, I ‘ Wm!” din?“ i' u" Form” in”. u“): “T i state of matters furnishes a clew to the 5 I‘m?" "a" "r‘.r“"“"‘," “"9",” l '2" ‘ vain " that we can understand the ore : and In tucIr rufo dcln‘cl’ more lum- g thunk the farmers of Canada will re- , "3%,?" “€01”? '; 831,0" $011; W36 .5 (at-‘0 mm m ,0 leavinl' for "m I uncle {input-anon. Dr. Larson 3 Stem-c: Sign)“: Bunnie“ a council chambcrl hen The “ward ,3 regarded ” ,. com. I qmm some better exphn‘uou than the : ;:ani‘il:noyo;fi;:mvznmp£liu :enpouh. “Immu'uuw him" an“! "undid ? ncrir-wesi tcruthrtm-pI-hcy dn Foot find :2, ‘“§,§§'§‘,§-:§; l must have for him; but as Mr. Greene I promise, it being less than Barber clrlim- I'hon. gentleman has given to satisfy 9 A“ you, "mail, “on, R. John Nu ' m “I "s"ixi°iflh?é§il manta settle dolb where there is any l 83:“. I H ' ° ’3' was recvc for one year only and resign- ! cd and more than Irvin Brothers admit-l thczu that.t';.cr¢ can be any jut-t cause Agent.’ and" it at a cat on a " I - . . I...

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