‘(X trt-al, and l'rovineial Licentiate. I'liysi- _the t'virnt't'uf Lindsay and I ‘Lindsay. . dress, l-‘cnelon Falls. LEGAL &c. MARTIN d‘ HOPKINN. ).\‘1RIPTEP.S, SFtLICIT'tl'IQ. .tc. Ha- ) my to Loan at 6 per cent. 022cc, Kent -tr~t. Lindsay, Unt. I‘. S Hurts. (i. ll. l'lorvrw. I", ll. MOO l’. l'l. ‘pARfZISTHlt. ATTHRSHY. k Sfll.lf‘l'l'f‘. ) and Notary Public. Money to Loan. 055cc, Kent street, Lindsay. iiitnseiz'ru .t .ucitsox. I ARRIFTRRF, FULlLletIlS. kc. fJf-, ï¬re. William street, Lindsay. i A. Bron-nu. A. .IM'xsox. tl'Ll'lAllY k (.)'I.I'I.\ RY. P.1inttt.<rntts, ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Drvheny Block. hentilrect, Lindmy. .\1rm.'tttt'l.mnv. .‘lcl NTYIU'I k STEWART, pantnsruns, (mice over tlntario Bank, Kent street. ncy to Loan at d per cent. on real estatei IHP'Ifitit s. l). J. Birth-rt‘ L’. \V.‘l. )tct)0.\'.\'l'2l.l., [1,, ll.atc,Kctchum d‘ McDonnell ) f ARRISTI'IR, ATTORNEY. SULICITOR. l Notary d'c. Money to Loan. Office on cut street, Lindsay, Ont. Tans Siva-set’. J. B. IJICKSUN. B. ."t , j .UlltlSTEll. ATTOlthlY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer, kc. Office, Dobeny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lend attl per ecnt. ALEX. A. )chtONALI), TTUllh'E't'-.\'l'-l..~\‘.l', Solicitor in Chan- ,‘ eery, f'uln'tfytlflï¬ï¬‚'. ke...kc. Strictat- ten-‘ion given to applications for Patent; nt' Land-i from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. street, Pent-ion Falls. .lt)ll.\' A. BARRON, I) .\ flitlS'l'I'llt-ATJ.A W, Lindsay. Office ) on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's ' Agricultural and Implement Store. ‘MEDICAL-n a A. \\'. J. DEGRASSI, )l. l)., fttltflh'fill, Physician, Surgeon. kc, .ke.‘ j Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindiny. “'ll. Knitr'r. .u. 0.. c. 31., f tlttlll'ATlI of Atctlill I'nivcrsity, )tnn rinn. Surgeon and Obstetrician, .llcdicnl lieft'P'l" to the Standard, I'lin-nix, Connecti- out Mutual, and l'Iquitnhlc Insurance Coni- punira. Ulliec and resilience, iii the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at tus streets, Du. .-\. WILSON, ‘I Il.l’.\'l\'l'lllSlTY of Trinity (‘nlli-ge. , , .\l.ll.l.'-iiversity 0f Toronto. .\lemb.. Col. Phys. and Surg., but. I'liysician,! Surgeon and .-\ceoucher. Utlicc,Colborne " street, l'enelou Falls. flu. J. II. LOWE, ")lli'SlClAN .k SURGEON. (‘ornncr for l the Provisional County of llaliburton. , 52'9" (illice next. door In the .\lc.\rtlutrZ Hons". Residence on Francis Street East, Fcnclon Falls. SURV EYORS . .l.\.\l ES DICKSON. P l.. Surveyor. Com nissioncr in the Q. ll., _ (,‘nnvcyant-er, kc. ltesidcuce,and ad- MISCELLANEOUS. 'fllt').\l.\.\‘ L()Cl\'llr\ll'l‘, ' SSl'l'th OF MARRIAGE LlCl-INSI'IS for the County of Victorir. Residence on .‘lurray St, Feuclon Falls. p.78‘ .\l. ll. Cuchranc, Deputy. Qizcoxn iiit'isiox cotnt'r ml L Tlltl COUNTY OF VICTORIA. ‘he next sittings of this (‘ourt will be held on Friday. February 'J-ltli, time. til-It). CUNNINGHAM. Clerk. J .Ull'lS J. POWER, ' ICES-QED Auctioneer, Accountant and J General Commission Agent. l'ollvct- lug accounts a specialty. Utlicv, Fcuclun ' falls, Ont. m6. Pnn cast-1'66.‘ i DI 0N1‘) \7 '1‘ O IJEN-I) at ti, til and 7 per ccat., according to secu- rity. on lleal Estate mortgages. Apply l0 JOHN A. BARRON, lltnnt ‘J'Inzutv. ' ATTfjflfil'liH-AT-LAW ' ) Solicitors in Chancery. Jive, Lindsay.‘ .‘I'D- . J BRITTUN, WATOHMAKER. 'Jlllllllli 8i llllilllllll, dealer in blocks, All Kinds,‘ ' df-rers." Lord Fred-"rick Cavendish was i 30 day, E- day and 3"' hour, Alarm strike, .‘rc, l Aumucsx Wucnns, the first and Cheapest, murderers, who are hiding in Dublin. The British Government offers a reward of $50,000 for the arrest and conviction , pose of watching the council nf the massing or $5 000 for private information of any value, and as large sums are also being offered by Land - Leagues, corporate bodies and others in England, Ireland and America, an in~ dependent fortune awaits the young man of Sonthport or any one else who can and will ‘- put hi~l hand on the mur- ' 40 vears of age and the second son of l.\' SlLi'EIl AND 00L!) (‘ASES' n the newest styles and at lowest prices. ATTflli NE Y-I"â€".\T-l. .-\ ‘Y. . UtTicc, i ï¬g!‘ I'l-rspns sen-ling watches from a dis- tance for rt-p'tir=. can have the amount oi ‘ work and price reported on for their eons'd- . eration. and as l do the work myself. can : depend on having it done satisfactorily. ? Britten‘s Block. foot ofKentSt., Lindsay. o nan K. t Durant lcapital - - - - - - $3,000,000. the Duke of [let-onshire. )Ir. Burke, who was 53 years old and heir-presump- tivc to Sir John Lionel Burke, Bart., was an Irish Catholic, and had been finder-Secretary for many years. Hav- ing ï¬lled the oflice with ï¬delity to the Government he became unpopular with the people, and it is said that. a few days ago he received a letter threaten- . t . l - A pr party owners‘ association is being furor-d in Kingston, for the pnr _i pmceed- g ings and sucing aldermcn for all sorts of! illegal rates. l --lt. is proposed in Pctcrborcugb to l gradually ï¬ll up Spnuldiug's Bay by; dumping into it all the refuse matter of; an iuoii'ensive nature gathered up on ~ the main streets or in back yards. l â€"Tvvo respectable lads in Peterhnro', l who amused themselves breaking the t windows in an old cabinet. shop, were taken before a magistrate, and the tine and costs in each case amounted to $4. â€"-'l'he ore taken from the mine ini Wollaston township, near Bellcville, isi said t0 contain about 05 per cent. of; magnetic iron of unusual purity. and a E contract to send 300,000 tons of it to a l ï¬rm at. Pittsburg is being made. l â€")Ir. Powers, President of the Port,‘ ing him with death if he did not follow Hope Conserv'ation Association has pub- i thc example of the late Chief-Secretary‘. i licly announced his withdrawal from l .\Ir. Forster, and resign. It is believed by many that. the primary object of the l the organization. He supports the ‘S. . I’., but can't. stand the Boundary A-l as~assins was to kill Mr. Burke, and l ward business or the Gerrymauderwgl that Lord Cavendish, happening to be Bill. in his company when attacked, shared the same fate. -â€"-The Midland Land Co., which has The crime is one of the l a capital 0f $150,000, lately paid a div- l armpit. l President ...... ,. . 1..Sir. W. l’. Ilowland. j blackest that was ever perpetrated inl f Vice-President ........ U. H. tlzowski. Esq. l ’ General Manager ... . . idcud of ï¬ve per cent. Whether it was I). Fisher, Esq. l Ireland, and it is to be fervently hoped l yearly, half yearly or monthly dividend Uflice, Culborni: ' 2 l LINDSA Y BRANCH. that. all implicated in it. will be speedily is not. stated; but-judging from thcl l Drafts bought and sold on all points in t "Hm-led and hanged. 1(‘anu-la. United States and Great. Britain. l Savlngs DQpart1ncnt e an-ornsizn. a lntcrest'allowed on deposits of five dot’ . lars and upwards. s. A. murmur, Jlanuger. Lindsay, Feb. 16th, 1981. 50-t.f. l IUENISUN. WlSllllll t. a], l B‘\§'I(E1lss 3 FEXELOX FALL.‘ - - till-Hill). General Banking Business Done. Collec- tions Made at Usual Bank Bates. Interest Allowed on Deposits. and Consolidated Bank. ‘ I". Wtzsrcor'r, Late of Canadian Bank of Commerce. l-I. J. L. Canasta, Late of Consolidated Bank. l l l | II. T. Dsstsos, Late nfltoyal Canadian Bank l l l l i l, @lnfcitclbn foils Qï¬agttti sadism-MW 10th, 1882.‘- “ MURDER MOST FOUL.†The Chief-Secretary and Under-Secretary cf Ireland Stabbed to Death. On Saturday last the city of Dublin was decorated with flags and banners, and many of the inhabitants kept. holi- day, to welcome the new Lord-Lieuten- ant, l'ar‘. bpcnccr, who arrived by spe- cial train in tl-c, morning, accompanied by Lord Frederick Cavendish, the re- ecntly appointed Chitf-Sccrctary. After the ceremony of installation, which took place, amidst. general rejoicing, in the afternoon, the two noblemcu retired to their official residences in Phoenix Park, where the residence of the Under-Secre- tary is also situated. After dining, Lord Cavendish went. for a walk in the park, ; where he \vas met. or overtaken by the Fuller-Secretary, Mr. Thomas IIavilaud Burke, who was being drivcu home, and who immediately nlightcd and join- ed his superior, telling the car driver to return to the city. The time was a lit- tlc past 7 o'clock, and the two gentle drove up and four mcn, with slouchcd hats pulled low down over their forc- l heads, sprang out and rushed upon Lord Cavendish and )Ir. Burke, whom l they attacked with knives, and who must. have almost instantly fallen dead under the blows of the assassins. Their bloody deed accomplished, the perpet- rators jumped into their e'ir, the driver of which was waiting for them, and the _ horse was lashed into a furious gallop. l The bodies, covered with dreadful wounds, \vcrc soon afterwards discover- ed by two young gentlemen who were , bicycling in the park, and who at once i communicated the terrible news to the 'I'hc thrill of horror which was l police. whole civilized world, and telegrams ex- ,prcssiug exccration of the crime and l . . tlms have poured tn from all quarters. The general impressson is that. the as- l sassiuation was the work of Irish Amer- Solicitor. Lindsay MONEY Tt) 1.0;; Uri Real Fatatc at Bight per cent. Private Funds. interest tnyahle at Lindsay. No Commission charged nor Deposit required. l-prenses very small. Apply t.» l-I. l). ORDE Block. W’ tlzl'iec. Sfcllonnell's l reel. Lindsay Bl,0()() l’()l{ 1319111‘. ‘nix Cancer Cure lit-pot, (‘0:\tieook, l‘. Q, Canada. G A N C B R OURBD without the use of the knife. The Only Permanent (‘are In the World. For particular! enclose two It rent stamps to S. C. Smith. Coaticao'a'. i‘. Q ,t‘;\nada. Highest References. Wtd'lll'i? SWIFT AND Cl-llt'l'.\l.‘l.‘TGa {Any paper can publish the above ‘for $3. a gar, with this note and paper regumrlt'.) m.\'o.v .t- Nl-Zl'llJJ-I, ).\RRl$TF.R$. S'olieitors. Notaries Public. . ) (‘onveynnrflm .ke . Kent St , Lindsay. w Mr. Dickson may he consulted at K amount on Tuesdays and Fridays. J. ll. DIXOS. R. A. R. S..\'r1\'ll.l.l§. $50,000 TO LEXD at S run cnxr, with the privilege of paying 08‘ in full ml by instalments at any time. Mortgages bought. J.h.l1lXO.Y, ltarriuer. kc, .8‘ OtSca Dobeuy Block. Kent street. Lindy-1y. JOB PRINTIIG? lfyen want Job Printing neatly exec-sit .f. fro: from errors. and at reasonable prices, ‘(Jrl' it at the fcnvlou Folio Death other Kent ' .icau Fenians, who are exasperated at the conciliatory policy adopted by the i Government; and the Laud Lengucrs, both individually and collectively. front the highest to the lowest, are loud in their denunciations of the act, which cannot fail to be injurious t0 their cause. The only near witness of the murder j appears t0 have been a boy named Ja- i cob. who was birdsncsting in the park l about three hundred yards from the l scene of the tragedy; but he thought it l l l I t l l l l l {was a scuflle between a number of‘ f roughs, and paid no particular attention Zto what was going on. Two tncn in :the employ of the Railway Company claim t0 have been present. and one 0f ‘them says the murderers ran at hitn l with their bloody knives when he at-I Z tempted to interfere; but their story is . not believed and they L l l l l i l l l l . l l l l . l l l l l ‘i l ‘ The manifesto issued by the Land ' W0 l and general banking business transacted. t League will be found in another column. Tthrent Valley-1000221. The Trent Valley Canal, which late- ly had to give precedence to political matters, has once more become the chief topic of conversation in this village. On Friday of last week the Ilev. Mr. Lo- gan, who is one 0f the warmest support- ers of the project, received a telegram from Sir Charles Topper announcingr that. $290,000 had been voted for locks at. Fenelou Falls, Buckhorn and But‘- lcigli; but a great many found some difficulty’ in believing that the good news could be true, as the Toronto dailies gave the amount as only $25,000, and . the Pctcrborough Evening Review pub- lished the same ï¬gures, with an 0min- our absence of remark. But the people of Pctcrborough, thinking there must be a mistake, dcputcd their mayor to tele- graph to Sir Charles for information, and the reply was that $290,000 had been granted, which statement is cou- lirmcd by the supplementary estimates, now before us. This sum is to be ex- pended for “construction of locks and improvement of navigation between Lakcficld and Balsam Luke.†Mr. Bel- cher, of Peter-borough, arrived here on Friday, and on Monday morning com- tncnced work with his assistants laying out. the route of the canal, which will run along Water street. between the grove :iud the river. It. is generally un- derstood that ground will be broken as soon as Mr. Belchcrb preliminaries arc completed, and, if so, we may expect t0 sec a strong force 0f navvics diligently wielding p'cks and shovels within a pe- riod that. may now be counted by days. The Coming Election. An impression prevails that. the clcc- tion for the House of Commons is near at hand, and \vc have cvcu sceu it as- - set-ted that. the writs are already print- cd and ready to be issued at a moment/s notice. l-Iowevcr this may be, it. is cer- tain that Mr. Mackenzie Bowcll inad- vertently spoke of the “pending clcc- lion,†and the slip of the tongue, for which he n0 doubt greatly blamed him- mcu had only been walking together for l “If, “'35 instantly noted and f'JPld "Oi a fcw minutes when suddenly a comb‘3 recalled. It behooves 1~°l°l'm°l‘si therefore, to be on the alert. and to make as complete preparations for it as if the date for it were announced, as it will no doubt be very shortly. In this riding some extra work has been caused by the addition of the seven new town- ships, and a meeting is to bc held at Kinmount 0n Monday next. to afford the Reform inhabitants of the newly acquired territory an opportunity of ex- pressing their opinion on political mat- ters. M llorth Verulam. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Ili11-‘nr.stttxn.~â€"'l‘lic ï¬rst refreshing l'clt in Dublin when the double murder shower this season fell during-the night. became known has passed over the , 0f Monday, May Sill. fllld 51000 then the grain has conic on rapidly. ILLSESS.-â€".\Ir. )lcdcalfc has been ill i sympathy with the families of the vic- fol‘ $0810 time. We hope the Old man will be long spared to live among us, as t he is one of our leading farmers. A Goon IDE.\.-~We have heard that the teacher of S. S. X0. 7 intends ask- ing the ratepayers to assist in planting the school yard with shade trees. This is a good step, and if done will add largely to the comfort and pleasure of the pupils. Fixtsuso Si:i:|n.\'n.â€"Although the seeding season did tint open as early as in some past years, still some rapid work has been done by .‘lr. S. Poguo and )Ir. 5'. Xuvhnusc, who have each ï¬nished = seeding 200 acres. CBLEIlltATlï¬N.-â€"-Tll0. 2-tth of May will be celebrated here by a quilting, followed by a dance at night, at the residence of well. they threatened to shoot me ifI told ; but then I'll sec . that you shall know in time. This, we were told. is to be a great. aï¬'air, and we ‘ ‘ believed it. have been dctain- ‘ ed by the police. The car in which the > . " son is recovermg...llo pcorilc go to St. assassins rode and which had a red back. has been traced to a point near § _ . sermon or to converse about agricultural . Neat, but where it thcn Went is involv- . ed in mystcrv. 'l'here was a rumour, on .‘Iondzty that the driver had bccnf 1 murdered by his associates and thrown I The Manitoba letters in lit-“d week's Gt!‘ )1 ~11’th loan in large or small amounts. , _ , _ , ° ' into the Ltd's-y: but there was no toun-l Q datinn for it, and a nun named (‘loom i an, whose description tallies with that ' given by the park gate keeper of the a ' driver, was arrested in Tuam, where he .was a stranger. Several persons were taken into custody on suspicion, but all i t but oolv one death IS reported so far. of them were speedily liberated. as they 21v’: s:ti~factory accountscftbemsclvcs. _ . grant: to the number ol 80 arrived at ‘the latest accounts say'that two per- sons have been arrested in England, one at Preston, ‘time clothes were l bloody and who admits having been in _ l'lrcnlx Park on Saturday evening}? and the other a young man at Scutli- , tort, who says he was offered $500 toi help in tle as~as~ination_, but refused, sod that lac can ynt his band on the. Novas-Mr. John Newhouse is laid . up with a sore hand....\lr. ll. \\'ilkin-; Peter's church to attend to the excellent ‘, matters Z’....\ quarrel has arisen between , um residents here abnut. a law case... :rlh' were studied very closely by an in‘ dividual who has that fever. ,,.._.- __-_-_ q - . ........ ‘.- Condensed News. -â€"$m:t':lpox has broken out in Wind- sor. Ont., and several persons have it, --l'lnglish, Irish and Scotch immi- Kingston last week. They are all eith- er mechanics or farm bands. â€"-$'inee the construction of the Ont» rio k Quebec Railway has become a certainty, lots in the village of Norwood , have risen greatly i'v va'ut‘. and parties from Petcrhcr-mrb are buying them on ‘petulltliitn. l t l l f i prices the company get for their lotsâ€"- are inclined to think it. was the last. _ -â€"Prcpa'rati'0ns are being made in . Peterborough for a grand celebration of the 12th of July, favourable answers having been received to the invitations t sent £0 the lodges at Bellevillc, Sterling, Madoc, Cumpbell'ford, Hastings, Port. i Hope, Cobourg, Millbrook and other places. â€"-A Lindsay by-law to comptl mer- chants to remove their projecting signs has received its second reading and will probably pass without opposition. Sim- ' ilar signs were all pulled down in Pieter- borough last winter, and the Review l says it has made a great improvement. l in the appearance 0f the streets. â€"Mr. John W.Johnston, 0fSeymout' township, has a. young alligator, 25 inches long, which u friend brought all the way from Florida. The little pct resides iu a box at. present; but. if he lives until he is full grown his proprie- tor will have to knock two rooms into one or ruu up a bowling alley for his accommodation. -â€"-One day last: week a good sized bull calf, with horns long enough to be dangerous, was taken into Port IIopc on a Midland Railway car. Soon after being discmbarkcd he ran at :t switch- man, who, after a lively race of about. ï¬fty yards, climbed upon an old pair of engine driving wheels, where the youth- ful bovine could not- get at him. :â€")Ir. Wm. Adams’ stone cottage in the village of Lakeï¬eld is ï¬nished in- ternally with wood from various quar- ters of the globe, Canadian varieties of course predominating. Mr. Adams has spent several years ut. the work, which is said to be both chaste and unique. His feelings may be more easily imag- incd than described when an old lady, after examining and admiring the par- lor walls, coolly asked him whether he was going to paper them l â€"Thc Nor-wood Register says that an attempt. is being made by some of the leading men of the village to have the route of the Ontario k Quebec Railway changed so as t0 run through the village. Several ‘have subscribed handsomely, Messrs. Mullins and McCarthy offering the right. of way through their farms, and Mr. Buck the right. of way through his property, M r. Finlay $300, Mr. Pearce 82,00, and so on. Sufficient mon- ey has been subscribed to purchase the cutirc right of way through the village. DENTISTttY.-Pcrsons requiring, the services of Mr. Nee-lands, dentist, will please call on Monday, the 15th lush, at. the McArthnr House. ENLARGED.â€"Thc Lindsay Fist was ‘enlarged and otherwise improved last week. The Post has long been one of the best. local papers in the Dominion, and now it would be diï¬'te'ult. to ï¬nd its equal outside the cities. THAT Sil)i:W.tt.i<.--For the third and 'to the village and was m drunk and l last time we direct. attention to the dau- gcrous and disgraceful state of the side- walk on Francis-street cast. The casi- cst. way in the world to make money would be, by “ contributory negligence," l to tumble over tlic loose boards and get onc's leg broken, only it would hurt so. S'rnsnntt Sumo-As the steamer Uoboconk was approaching the llosedalc i locks, on her way to the Falls, she ran against a snag, which knocked so large , a hole in her bottom that. she ï¬lled and {sank as soon as she entered the locks, where she now lies. It is too late to ,gct further particulars for this week's l anctlr. . Esau’ Ct.ost.\'n.â€"-By an advertise l ment in this issue it. will be seen that . our merchants have signed an agree- - mcut to close their places of business at 8 o'clock in the evening during the sum- tucr months. 1 was made last year and pretty well ad- hered t0., and it is to be hoped that no . one will attempt to break it this season. Goon Wmonr.â€".\lr. John Cullis, of Fenclou, was in this village on Wednes- day with a couple of fat cattle for the butcher. and while hcrc he told some- body, who told us, that he had that morning weighed a heifer calf, three months old, and that. it turned the scale ' at 350 lbs. l'nfortunatcly our inform- antcould not. give us any particulars concerning the animal ; but. we are tol- erably safe in asserting that it. is either ' a pure Durham or a good grade. as .‘lr. Cullis is far too enlightened and pro~ grea-ive a farmer to waste time and money in raising “ native " cattle. i SENT ro J.\It..â€"-l)n the evening nl the 4th inst. Constable llontly arrested a veteran tramp who had just. come- in- Tlic same arrangementi l l i l l l l l blasphcnioun that be was turned out of both of the taverns. The lprisoner mid his name was Gilbert )Ic ntosh; that 76 years of age and a dyer by trade. i and that he In roaming about in search of a job. The constable took him to; the residence of William Jordan J. P., and, as that functionary refusedJ to try him, he had to be conveyed next morn- ‘ ing to Lindsay, where the police magis . trate, Mr. Dnnsfcrd, vent him to jail for fourteen d~_ts at hard labour. ‘55. the square mile, and advises a All , ' he came from the States; that. he was 1 years past. ‘once becomes a shepherd-king. with ai the money he bad in his pass-‘33bit! when arrested was tbirty cents. Ifour vagrants and crimiuih‘ have to be sent all the way to the county town to be tried, it is time a local magistrate nci~ ther a'raid nor too lazy to act were ap- pointed. Tut: Wet-rust: â€".\ splendid rain fell last )lnnday night, and as Tuesday was almost opprcs~ivcly warm the grass shot up wonderfully. The next day was cold and windy, with a heavy show i er after dark, and this (Thursday) , morning there are appearances of more ’ rain, and the temperature is still low. The majority of the farmers in this vi- cinity say that. their fall wheat is turn- ing out better than they expected ; and i although a good many ï¬elds of it have been somewhat thinned out. but few of them are badly injured. The general, opinion is that the harvest this year l will be late. A Cutu) Sc.\t.m:o.â€"Last Wed-ms day evening Mr. John Loudenk only child, a little girl about. 18 months’ old. was badly scolded on the left check, shoulder and arm, and also under the Mrs. Louden had boiled some I potatoes, and just tt'j the poured the \vc- : tcr from them into a tin pan on the stove hearth, the child slipped out of a rocking-chair in which her mother had placed her, and caught at the pan to sa've herself from falling. Mrs. London seized it the strain moment, but not quite quickly enough to prevent. some oftlic hot water being spilt over the little one. Fortunately there was n quantity of paint oil in the house, and with this the scaldcd parts were bathed while )Ir. Louden ran up town‘ and re- turned with Dr. Wilson, who :‘Ipplicd other remedies. We are sorry to bear this (Friday) morning that the poor lit- tle patient is in a critical condition. A Mt'srnttv.â€"Ou Friday of l: st. week the body of .\Ir. Francis Pilk'tc, a French Canadian who died in this vil- lage, was taken to Lindsay fc'r inter- ment. in the Catholic burying-ground, and Mr. A. Lulibcrtc, his father, and l two other countrymen of the deceased accompanied it. While returning home in a light. spring wnggou, Mr. .Lalibcrte took out his pocket-book forthe purpose of returning 5') cents which he had bor- rowed from his father earlier in the day, and, having done so, closed the, pocket book, which contained seven 0r eight. dollars, and put it into the out- side pocket of his overcoat, on the side next. to the person who occupied tho some scat. lle thought. it was safe, but. when he reached the Falls it was gone, and what became of it is a mys- tery; for it could hardly have been jerk- ed out of the waggon, which had a deep box, and the road was smooth and level. 1/‘tlic pocket. book was lost, the finder must know who it. belonged to, as it had Mr. Lalibcrtc's name, business and address written at. full length on the in- side of the flap. lla'rs vs. Gosthns.-It has lately been settled iu the Old Country that no kind of poultry is so profitable as geese, and this would no doubt. be true were it not for the tendency of the goslings during their infancy to tumble into holes too deep for theta to get cutoff, and their liability‘ to be devoured by rats and weasels, of which Mr. ll. Day- mau, of this village, has had a sad cs- pericueo. On the night. of the 5th inst. his two old geese retired to rest. each with a dozen nice little ones under her maternal wings, but. next morning eigh- teen out. of the twenty-four gosliugs had mysteriously disappeared. Of course a search was atonco instituted, and, upon raising the floor of the goose house, thc dead bodies of eleven of the murdered innocents were found in a little heap, but: the other seven had been carried to parts unknown. What. sort, 0f animal had committed the bloody dccd could only bc conjectured; but as two huge rats have since been caught in the trap that, was promptly set, it is inferred that they \vere the perpetrators. The moral of this story is that if you want to raise gccsc you must. keep thcm at night. in some place into which vermin cannot possibly gain admittance. Newspaper Thieves Beware. A new postal law or decision in tlic U. S. authorizes the publishers of news- papers to arrest any man as a thief who takes their papers and refuses to pay for them. This is a fair and judicious law, and should have been enacted years ago, as a means of protection to publish- ers, for there are lots of persons who will take a paper for a time, and when asked to pay for it will laugh at the publisher and tunntingly defy him to get it ifhc can. In this manner pub- lishers lose hundreds of dollars. The law is intended to mcctjust. such ras- cals, and publishers generally should unite iti having it. enforced. A little of the same kind 0f law in Canada would not be out 0f place, and would ' move a boon to publishers who lose n large sum annually rather than sue dc‘ linquent subscribers by the present IJi- vision Court process, which is slow, doubtful and expensive, for it. is an easy matter to get judgment, but quite nn~ other to enforce collection of it.-- Ex- c/i'mye. ___..._~_ . O ,.__ . Australian Estates. The London Time: publishes a list. of Australian properties for sale, which must make the mouths of many English landed proprietors water. Mr. Fitzwil- lialu Wentworth bought, on February l 10th, for £147,000, an estate in New l South Wales known as the Ilurrabogie, l covering 335000 acres, every acre of, which is "available" for pasturagc. it ; has a river frontage ot twenty-two miles ', on the Murrumbidgee, which is naviga- g ble part of the year, is divided into? eighty-ï¬ve sections, all wire fenced, isi supplied with stations and all ncccrsary j plant, and is stocked with 138,880 sheep. bred with great care for twenty l The purchaser, in fact, ati l l l property which, no the colony ï¬lls, may l sustain a great house. The Time: note! also that in South Australia nu estate .i of 21,300 acres was sold, with 8,000 sheep, for £8,000; while others. no i doubt far in the interior. fetched only j l squirts excl.‘ of the 1:nnui of English , l the Wisncr Rakes, which have no equals. Muss luritovrn Grain, Plaster, . s‘. saï¬ï¬r'onn, _ FARMIMPLEMENTS. PLoUons! PLOUGHS! A large stock of John Whyte k Co.‘s .\'n 3 DIAMOND STEEL PLOU to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG PLUtT. cut makes always on hand. ~ GliS, guarante Ha, Points and Sole: 0t and: A gent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do ï¬rst class work, or no sale. Also, a l" stock 01" quirejvr "it A'ï¬'h'l RMI'PF- BAKES. RAKBS!â€"â€"-\gvlll for t'nc Maxwell tin. Gm Seed Sower will begiveu on trial. Salt, 8nd SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS and other kinds of Barrows. Agent for Combined swam WHlTEFlELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of \liAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES" on hand, all made of well seasoned ï¬rst class material. Horse+Shoeing 530an a. ‘Specialty, na- A good second-hand Reaper fur'salc. Price, F. SANDFORD, Fanolon Falls.‘ $20. llas only cut 2.’; acres. county life to sell, emigrate, and make have fallen to the lot. of unhappy Ire- cstatcs for themselves. The advice may l land during the present generation. We not. be bad, but suppose the Times helps l fc'el no nct that has cvcr been perpetm. to make it practical by supporting the i ted in the country during tho exciting lovernmcnt which offers to make l'lag- struggles of the past lilty years has so lish ‘land saleable. The average l'lng- , stained the name of hospitable Ireland‘ fish squire may httvc till thc energy iu ‘as this cowardly, unprovoked assassina'i the world, but he cat not get. rid of his , tion of a. friendly stranger, and that. land, unless he puts it. into consuls. lle l until the murderers of Lord Cavqml'wl) is as much tied to the soil by the sys-iaud Mr. Burke are brought t0’ j'ttat'id'o~ tent of settlement as tho old paupcrs i that stain will sully our country's name, were by their right to maintenance in l (Signed) CHARLES S. Pausnu. their own parish alone. J0"), DlLt.0.\', ‘ .0. M. DAVITT. All the Irish members beard from concur in this declaration. Orders for, the immediate printing and posting 0t‘ the manifesto throughout Ireland bave' been given. The Ge rymander. A VlthROUS DENUNCIATION FROM A CONSERVATH'F. JOURNAL. (Rt'ifyrlairn Standard.) With all the llcform and many of the Conservative journals, we must eon- fcss our surprise at the scope and range of the Redistribution Bill. We looked for the creation of new ridings iu coun- tics where the census showed the popu- lation to have increased to the proper extent, or the rc-arranging of electoral 5 divisions where this could not. be enn- vcuiently done, but we find instead a complete transformation of the political map of Ontario. That to ptve this Prov~ incc the four members to which it was entitled the Government found it ucccs~ sat-y to change the complexion of :md tamper with fifty-two constituencies without any apparent regard t0 theirl municipal boundaries, and this in di- The Cost In a recent speech on temperance‘ ‘Earl Cairns said at Bournemouth that. he had just seen a calculation made rc- spectiug the taxes which tho working classes were compelled to pay, and it. showed that n man with a‘ wife and family of four children, providing no‘ strong drinks were used-providcdionly' tea, cotl'cc or cocoa were drunk, ‘need only pay as compulsory taxes to the: revenue the ttiagniliccnt sum of 21M. a" week. Tlnt represented the entire tax- ation that in England the workingmnn need pay if hc chose to abstain from tn- bacco and strong drinks. Now if a mam rcct. defiance of the principle laid down bought. IR‘"(l)‘~"“'.l"“"""ll of “Pmâ€. what. by its lender in introducing the um orl“'"°‘".“ "l "'Wl'm did 1w my out of 137')- when he declared that. so far asllhm' bd' l0 the Clmllcelltlr of tho Ex- " chequer? Well, just 5d. The. work- . s n l ss' the munici :il boundaries should . _ p0 ible P ingmcn were very good friends of the not be interfered with. A iretcncc is ‘ made that. it is attempted f0 equalize Chauqellq; pf the Iaxchcqner, but he: the representation, and with this \vc ‘\"“,""“_', tle)’ lwcre "0t 800d “wild! could find n0 fault if it had been done tot 'umc ""â€- 1° recommended them in anything like a fair spirit, but in ‘dummy l0 “le the "IMHO" ltlto their ‘ own hands, and leave the Chancellor 0t‘ every case the exigencies of party are ‘ , ‘ considered paramount to the convene m.“ Lxchcqncr to ï¬nd some other ‘"3 of providing his money. cnoc of the. electors. lonstitucucics are run in all directions and at every angle, and the new map will resemble about the worst possible specimen of a patch-~ work quilt. To show that thc excuse’ for timngling the constituencies in this manner is false is the easiest matter possible, and numerous instances could. be cited. Townships are taken off here, and added there, in opposition to the- principle of representation by pop-uh», tion, and none but the blindcst partnau' can deny it. Take, for instance, the. case of the l'llgins, the East Riding of which had a population of 23,147, and the West Riding HEN. All that was, needed was t0 take St. Thomas from l We Q o_._.-______. of Intemperttnco. m_ ___.._ Hansard. ____ The problem how to popularize tho llnnnm-il reports of the Senate contin- ues to occupy the attention of thought- ful minds. It is obviously a waste of time, talent and public money to have these weighty deliberations accurately reported and a largo number of copies issued if the public continue to display the culpable indifference towards these. storehouscs 0f garnered wisdom which has m far characterized theta. Among additional suggcdions made with a view t0 securing an extensive circulation are thc east and add it to the west. to cqual~ izc the representation .1 great. deal bet- tcr than the Bill provides for, and u ith- out interfering with county lines. lint in this, as in 'thc other, party would suffer, so cutting and haggling had t0 bc resorted to. A reply is made that Mowat did as bad. Yes ; and for do- ing so was condemned by the whole Conservative party, which now attempts to justify its deeds by those of a tnan it found guilty, although powerless to punish. The .S'Mntluwl is in accord with the general policy of the Govern- ment; but. it. cannot endorse such a measure as tho one uudcr discussiond and which wus rightly pronounced by the Opposition an “infamous Bill." - F-.___ ..__. Land League Manifesto. Loxnow, .‘lay 7.--'I'hc following man ifesto of the Land League was adopted this afternoon at. a hurriedly summoned meeting z To (he People of Irrlunrl .'-â€" On the eve of what. seemed a bright future for our country, that. evil destiny which apparently pursued us for cen- turies has struck at our hopes another blow which cannot be exaggerated in, its disastrous consequences. In this hour of sorrowful gloom we venture to give expression to our prnl'oundest sympathyl with the people of Ireland in the calam- ity that has bel'allcn our IHII'L' through this horrible deed, and with those who determined at the last hour that a poli- cy of conciliation should supplant. that of terrorism uud national dlclftltlf. We earnestly hope the attitude and action of the Irish people will show to the world that the assassination such as the following :~â€"1lun a continued scara- tinn novel through them. Offer n prim to whoever can commit. to memory the lurcatcst number of pages. Have thetu distributed among the inmates of the gaols, pcuitcutittrics, lunatic nsyluwfl, desert islands, cto., who can get. no nth~ lcr reading. Ilnvc the leading speeches - put. into verse by lllr. Plumb and set to ,pnpular airs, so that they can b0 sung int concerts and Tory campaign meet- , lugs. Instruct the reporters tugivo the ,specchcs just tut delivered, with all the (repetitions, grammatical errors, and; slips of the tongue, so as to make. them1 amusing. Surely some of these meth- ;i.ds might. be adopted in order to utilize l the wasted brain power of the Senator'n al craters, to my nothing of the Ilan- .turtl appropriation. So long as we have u Senate the national reproach that, . their proceedings excite no interest must.- , not be suffered to continue.-â€"Globc. 1 -_-_-_... . . The English public are subscribing. ‘liberally to the fund for sending a, team, of volunteers to New Y'orlt for the In- ternational Rifle Match. , The law creating the whipping port g for the pun'uthmcnt. of petty larceny in l llichmoud, Va., expired on April 30th. ,Thc next day every whipping port in, l Virginia was torn down. A dastardly attempt was made to a!» lsassinatc Vanderbilt and Cyrus W-. f Field by means of explosives sent . through the mail. The Socialintic move- t inicut it in supposed is connected with ,tln: attempt. l Canon Farrar culogizcd the lllO g Charles Robert. Darwin in a sermon dc- !ltvcrod at Westminster Abbey on Sun- lday night, and asserted that thorn In startled us almost to the nbandoumcnti "aw" l0 b13158" that. the attacks made 'rcviving hoprs it of hope for our country's future is deep- ly and religiously abhorrent to every feeling and in~tiuct. We appeal to you to show by every manner the exprittaion that amidst the universal feeling of hor- ror which the assassination hall excited, no people feel so deep detonation in its atrocity. or deep sympathy with those’ whose hearts must beseared by it, u the nation upon whose pvt-‘purity and may entail conno- 'l'lTCtZL‘; rune ruinous tlzau tho-e that 1 upon religion in his name were contrary g to his solemn convictions. § The anti-Chinese Convention lt'Bnn Francisco on Thursday divided Califor- nia into districts. Bach of them dlvl» inns will be notiï¬ed to remove the Chi- ,nese within a speciï¬ed time. failing which the district will be proclaimed» dangerous, Ind peaceably dinpoud alti- 'zcn| warned to abandon it. If tbll dour not succeed force will be tiled to expel the (.‘vlcitllll. . 1