†'3 ....-_...._.‘..., _ . 444â€"bp" txxnssg.+~ A p ‘ I . ‘ murmur oil Dry†Goods; carpets, Clothing 9130. is tho noticy' n thocityl Storeâ€"tho Independgnt Candidatelfor your suffrages.‘ . .. .. .-\ .. TOPICS TO, TALK OF! :0: What to Purchase? r rsrs‘NELoN"r='ALLâ€"s HARDWARE ."I‘()RE. A men ate twentyLone boiled egg: in seven minutes and thereby won 3 a betol’ 82,15†82 doesn't go fer to, ward. paying for A funeral. Sock Hendnehe. Seunlrï¬s, Dyspepsia and Constipation relieved and cured in the use ‘ of Dr. Canon‘s Stomach md (‘oustipeticn .‘ B' n . ; 5,». p, . ' rm. W here to 3113’ It? 1 . . . . r The un-lcrsrgncd :5 now selling Gross Out Saws, Hanlan 8c Lance Tooth, ‘ Axes. Logging Chains ‘ Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds of Hardware, 3 Any fllher Hrruse in the County. gent. Agent {or Fens-inn Falls. In cutting into a. hollow tree into' which he had chased a rabbit, Bilcy_ Donaldson, cl Blcrriwcthcr, 63., t'-.und two rabbits, two squirrels, a nest cf: 9 owls, and a swarm of bees, with Dch v gallons of honey. ‘ Chnngenble wenther ll trying to the sys- 1 tern, rendering it linhle to disease. .15 n preventative of sickness use Dr. Carson's Stomach nnd Constipation Hitters. They: purify the blood, cure ull lsilious Stomach and Liver Disorders, and give tone tml. strength to the system. Price 50 ccnts. For 1 As low a What to, Pay for It? “When a hug is ruleâ€"rill dune“ see to r your.“ The advantage 3 PERSUSAL SELECTIOX gives to the Retail Trader in pichlng out from the Wholesale Merchant and Manufacturer‘s Stocks just what suits his Home Cus- tom does not need much pointing out. Our 31R. JOHN FLAVELLE has bon Britain, and EVERY LINE of STAPLE GOODS whi by him with a strongpcrccption of what the people need, whether th FURTHER: ds from FIRST HANDS, we save the Wholesale Dealer‘s pioï¬t. OUR CUSTOMERS will get the beneï¬t of this saving in trading with Us. I In consequence of the popular demand for SCOTCH TWEED SCITINGS, we have , bought largely from lending Manufacturers, and are now prepared to furnish customers ‘ with a Scotch Tweed thut will go beyond anything offered to the public. Gentlemen who prefer a Fine Finished Cloth will ï¬nd Many Choice Lines to select from, and at economical prices. DUNDAS (is FLAVELLE BROS. Readjtiï¬ï¬ii‘éiit of Our matured plans for enlarging and making alterations in our premises are completed. r r pélled us to enlarge our store. trade we are doing. hence the necc t that will cnuse consternation who will Open your optics, set your brain thin ccuting right plans. We 12ml: lo sell out to Enlarge our pmrm. , We want to sell out to start again with a New Stock. We want to sell out to keep plenty of work going? We want to sell on! to do a Larger Business than ever. I i The premises, lilthough lnrgo in: commo: ssiry for closing out our stock, or-nt lust in tho ranks nun other sale ght our Stock in the Wholesale Depots of Great ch we shall offer has been “secured ey rrant them or not. Every customer will admit that'heeessity‘has com dious, are entirely too small to accommodate the large reducingin , We will commence by giving the present prices an upsc now in progress. Come and see us, examine the goods and our upset prices. cause you yo laugh with joy. Sothing stops us in ex I)0\vn Go' the Prices; . undersold. 38" Our inducements unequalled. _ N, CATHRO 8: MARK, N5. 2 Dnbson‘a Block. and noo'r West of on mm...- ulo by all Drug'vists. John Nngent. Agent {or Pcnelun Fall}. 4 Bug, an RV buying our Goo MARIKIC’P REI’ORTS FENELON FALLS MARKETS. When {flaking your purchases remember the ï¬rm that will not be SOOTHERA en's owns CLOTIQERS. - l Us Call solicited. ‘ Geo. H. Bertram. Penelon Fells, Friday, June and), 1851:. Wheat, Inâ€, per bushel â€" - Sl 2') :2 When, "ï¬ring. h ‘ - _ l 22 1 241 FenelouFoils,Decernbcr8t11,1881. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Ilarley, pevrbushel - - - 6‘) 7n - ‘ ff} ' I "r", Lrndsny,Scptcmber20th, 1881. > _ I . I , ‘ | ‘ I: if' : : : : :2 2;: v Tâ€h W" 1â€â€œ “0†WES†GROCERIES UNDOUBTED FACTS. ilemrrral and Bhangern Busrness: ye, “ H _ _ _ . “5 70 ' . _.... - g g ’ - ~ £3331; “,1â€- I I I _' DRUGS! SEEDS' I NEW GOODS in every Depilrtur‘eut; SPECIAL BARGAXNSIS Moï¬at & McFarland ggxegeilgï¬bg’" £00.11?" .50 0 , ï¬zâ€"o“:" SEASOXABLF GOODS at. ’ N - _ ' I ‘ Return their sincere thanks for the liberal [inrrWr-ton. - - ‘ - $3 on to $10 00f JOHN EIGENT & trrltrortugcé:;:;:t;:gdtyisylhglgislnco they ‘ 7 The exemplion 0f 50"“31 lfl'lll'ld‘mls. thanks his numerous customers in from Typhoid l‘cvcr. which rcccutly prl-l vnilcd very largely in n Western town. was , ' directly traced to the fact that they muiuw I tnined an excellent stntc of health by tho , use or Dr. Carson's Stumnch und linustipn- '1 d t, a I. u t f m . ‘ . . . . . . r , _ r ' '1 ' tron Bitters. Tbrs mcdrcrnc rs purer chv .n m "rmun mg 5'0 n r’ "r c" (U ' lrlwrul prtroungc dunng the post 4313an, SURPRISING BARGAINS JA â€"â€"ATâ€" Fenclon FEMS 9, und beg to inform tho public thnt they lmvo, just moved into the prvlnist‘s lntcly .occuw picd by Mr. Wm. Mirrslinll, whore thcy will be huppy to rcccivc u call from his custm~ urcrs us wvll us IllL‘ll‘ owu. llnviug leased the bultcry nud svcurvrl tho scrvicr-s of Mr. General Dry Goods Merchants, Fenclon Falls. 0:0, The Dress Goods Department is full of all the N NUN‘S \'E11.1.\'GS, full range of colours Black Lace HUNTINGS, &c., .‘zc. ES. n lnrgc Stock und cw Goods for the scnson. Block uud Coloured CASIIIII’JI etnblc, non-alcoholic, uud may be haul of _ . . ‘ . . . It†Druggists l’rir-u 5m mull. John Sm flllll Inhcs this npportunrty of informing ’ ' ' . them that he has now on hand :1 Better Assnrlmenl than Ever. 1 New Advertisements. Comprising Garden, Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Dyc Stuffs, PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, FANCY ARTICLES, Brushcs, Combs, &c., kc. GEORGE non“, Wit-nosing. Jewellery & Diamonds. 1 r r l r l l I Elcgnnt Goods for i C H R I s I M ' NOTEâ€"Plrysiciuns‘ prescriptions prepared 1 with core and dcspntch. A full selection of i .School Books & Stationery ‘ always on hand. â€"nnd-â€" WEDDING PRESENTS. Lndlcs' Gold “'rrtclrcs, :15 to $100. Gents’ (10., (10., $50 to $115.. Gold Gem Rings, 32 to $90, and n large stock of nEMQVAL. 300133 89 SHOES. Ladies’ Gold J ewellery,.; Brooches, Eur-rings, llrrrcclcts, Lockets and ’ (71mins. nll now, of ROBERT I'flcCALLUM returns tlrnuks for thc libcrnl patronage he hns received since be commenced business, The Very BBS! Manufacture, nud informs his customers and the public gcncrrtlly thut he bus moved to the shop lutr-ly occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald Next Door in lire P031 Ofï¬ce, where be has opened out n. rrrrsr rn'r's STBGK. l of Randy-nutth lloots rind Shoes, which will : bc found equal in 94111117th any in town and A lll‘llll Loom. rill cnmplclc. with llr-cds. I i as low in price. Ilrtrncss. Shuttles, Rubbing. Spools \\'ht-cls Ordered Work a Specialty and Warping liilrs. For further particulars : “p m, ,1, “w “mm†“mm, 5 as usual, and it good fit and the best of mu- L: ‘1 I, H_' J p q 1' “a ; tur-iul and workmanship gunrnntccd. “‘° “" “ “"° "" 1‘“ " ROBERT MCCALLUM l Fcuclon Frills, Scpt‘r 14111.1881. 29-ly. l REMOVAL! an] lL'tlI‘I‘tIIllI‘ lguu’l. A1~(),â€"-\V(rddin;: R lug-H. G. W. BEALL. (r'nIJsmr'th‘J "all, m7! :Ioor'lo lhrrzvlr‘rs d“ Flrr- ,' cell: Brothers. ‘ Lindsuy, llcc’r Stir, 1981. | r l l l r l r l 1 16-5. i r r I . The subscribcrhus removed to his old stnud, l next door to the .llechuuics' Institutc, . ‘ ‘FENELON FALLS . . ' 0 - '~ : .53 3: ’ and is now prepared to, b . «.E 303:5: ' a ‘ -ggs s z=E§§.:§8 . , ATTEND TO ALL WORK 1 cums ::~~- a? u: . _. , _ 3939353 9.; 1-, 5% Egidacé - , “till which he muy be fuvourcd 934E; 2:73,??2337‘2 . ‘ - iii-as among 0..- On the Shortest Not1ce 23 mt: r 7 £256.; $2,535,358 a Mn .1 a“ 5 E 1:“ 3:22 i - ' - v agi‘gg‘g §Sg§33>g EE . Prlccs 11 111011 tannot Bc Beat gagggg ngggï¬gg 9. g in Fcuelon Frills. Persons wishing ; gag? $55335; ‘ . Clothes Eithcr Made or Out, a 3 ii: ‘253 i will do wcll to give him n Cttllln-fnrt‘ going .. as ézahg 5’- ‘ clscwhcrc. g 93’ sgï¬gda j n. JACKSON. p u n~§35 “F3 : Tuilor. lug 3.373.; I: Fonclon I-‘ulls. February 24th,1882. gm r: gs-Eegsg; r v Mâ€"u-nmmâ€"Mww q§§§§§ 1 YOU WILL FIND : E j n complete stock of ~ #3 o ' 322:2: x x HARNESS gmi'ï¬ig .- sated ‘ a gig 5’2; 51533;?“ , “1111’s. I a†51%: g Eli? ‘t ..- t B. .1 -. ,5 ,5 < 5.33, {11111500111 )3. ins res, ' ‘ ' " ""’ SN.\PS, | -vfl-W- v“ ' - " " p T v 7 fl 7 r“. muss, r ALISES,, l Sbva Strnps. llurncss Uil & Axle Grcnsc, ('hcup for Cnsb. call at 1 Joseph Nerisrrn’s Harness Shop: I one door :touth or‘ Newman‘s Grocery Store. p) the Yea]. +9- QéhJDHNSTON S'ARSAPARILLA urn Cllli’ltlll‘l. norm Aadtor I’m-flying the Blood. lthubecotnnnotorflyun nndhu prordtonothobux precaution tn the . mm for 81â€: “Elton ‘Hï¬. PAIN Ix 111$ sum 0!! RACE. \‘EB (‘03!- PLMST. 911mm UN rm: PACK DYSPEPSIA. “th and In Dunno: Mmtm n tlmrdrrMWorul I bloat. Thwart: at our been use it nod :1" it tom (Ml- m t'nyuannn prucnbaudntly. Thou whom-noun «commutith I“ O In. who Chan-1 (a I . kWh-s. WIMIIEYNL and can: well [nor-n vdunbh end lune Ills:th mutton-t enn- uost debt-toman moat-lace u nacho: w i N l-IW T.\11.UR'S .L . On Colljror'rrc COLLARS WARRANTED. chninf promptly nan nr-nrly cxcrutcd. llo begs to rrturn his slnccrc thuuks for tlrelibeml pntrnuagt‘ with Which he has so rnrbcen favors-11.:irrrl is dctcrmim‘d to mcritncontinunncc of it by turning out good work At modcmtc prices. Fenclou Frills. I-‘elirunry ï¬tth. l. A. LALIBERTE respectfully infarcts the gentlemen o!~ Feti- l r i don Falls and its irriuity that he hits corn- mence-l the culturing business Street. V' over Mr. William Campbell’s storc. and sclrcits a share of public patronage. Cloth- ln; will be nix-1c in the lateyt styles and 3:? A Good Fit Gunrnutecd. ‘ Garments cut {or muons who with to“ ' make them up at 2.01:9.in charges reu.’ uncle in. All use: “a†. 0 II. E‘Q‘JIfl: T117) ‘lzl... M‘DOUGALL (it BRANDONS 1901- the 0 Call and see their Crockery and Glassware, Almost at Cost. McDOUG-ALL 8t. BRANDON Fcnclon Falls, May 22nd, 1882. S. Cornei], Esq., Agrnt London Mulqu In-l eurunre 00., Lindsay. I Dram Simâ€"Have the goodncss to convey to the Directors of the “London Mutual†our thanks for their promptncss in paying our clnims in full, arising from losses by the recent bush ï¬rcs: ARD OF THANKS. let all the ploughs G0 to Manitoba Ale-“Ml†Cllll'lie, 91“; $556 Farmers in Want ofn ï¬rst clnss Jumrs McGuire-y, laurrly, 900 Edwurd Kerr “ 600 mm, ,,,C,;.,.,,, . ,9, GANG PLOUGH, Matthew Wilson Ops 915 o 1 Thomas llchbc: “ ’ 596 r a gum Edwin l’rousc, Muriposn, 902 Thomas Kelly, Emily, 4150 ’ Martin Ilnrrington, “ 795 Guy Bcntly, Verulum, 550 and good iron or wood C. E. ’l‘icrs, “ 872 ' lrlrtuc Gustlin, Lnxton, 215 R O S, Ilugh llnilcy, ‘-‘ :‘rO . Murgurct Kerr, “ 254) “"u do We†to can John (Ihcynouth. Fenclon 530 . T Edward llailonc, Ups, ’ (:30 l I’, ll. )lclllrnrgcy, Lindsay, 40 . John Wilson. ans, 3;.) ‘nnd inspect our stack. Jnmcs llownrd, Vcrulnm, 400 , Rob't .‘lcl’cctcrs, u 70 \l c are agents for the )lnsscy Manufactur- John Kimbcl, u 359 ms Company's Lindsay, Oct. 15th, 1881. The; Undersigned begs to inform his customers and the public generally that he HAS NOW ON HAND a New Stock of REAPERS, MilWEllS & RAKES, the best in the market. 393“ One centpcr pound paid for scrnp cnst iron. ROBSON & ALLAN, Cameron Lake Foundry, Fenclou Frills, March 301b, 1882. 5-1y. E. Ii AW, . Ellll’lllllli 3r Billllllll, 1E FENEL_O_|_\J FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute n11 orders with which he may be fnvourcd, from EUNTHAETS Hill BUILDINGS to the smallest jobs of carpenter work, and will Spare no pains to give sutisfnction in every cnse. DOORS d: WINDOW SASH mode to order at short notice, of good mn- tcrinl. nnd nt rcnsonublc pricrs. no? Work-shop on Francis Street East; residence on Bond Strch Exist. EDWARD HAW. Fcnclon Fuller, ()ct'r 141b, 1851. 33-t..’. rrr" rrrr illil srrr. * ' JUST A REMINDER that 1 run still taking NEW TOYSRAF‘S’ s in great variety. DOLLS. VASES, Toilet Sets and a. good assortment of ,. r 11th l Lil tastefully got up, a! Very Reasonable! Prices. A large and well assorted stock of MANTLES, r I from $2 50 to $10. LADIES’ COSTUIIE CLliTIIS, Blankets, both white and coloured, and the Prices cannot be bent. WM. CA MPBELL. Fcnclon Frills, Nov’r 12th, 1880. ï¬n“! GOODS. L ._â€"â€" Mrs. KEELEY Ilns just received and opcned up n larg stock of CRAP "1011.1 l r l luncs kc. in trade, and paying CASH FUR WOOL AND SKIXS. JOSEPH HEARD. I‘cnclon Falls, April 2811), 1881. 8-5ur. E I) VV A. R I) S†OLD-ESTABHSIIED Livery Stable. , The subscriber returns his sincere thanks ‘ for thc libcrnl patronage bestowed on him A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window during the past nine year‘. and begs to in- Blinds just received. - form the public that they can Oblnin Iran cy Millinrry, Blantlcs. Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. ( CHROMOS. MOTTOS and Motto Frames, l’luin and I'erfomted, Cnrdhouds, Counts and Berlin Wools. t v r r r. , Mrs. “381.3111 . 3,," m, S," R,,,,,,,_lr‘lr'st Class llorscs and Rigs. 9- ll*mlҤ""""1"‘; any hour of the day or night, at his lllblc iOn i m illilllncry one door north omit store. l‘enelon Falls. 1133‘ :gagc conveyed lAfelf and ex HOUSE TO LET. . any desired point. 0 19'. in ï¬rst cum later the residence _ T l k ' ~ The subscrrbt-r never had A Hub .3 3 Francis Street East. .1'. very mobs-te- charges. ommercinl tmrcllcrs and their Ing- peditioutly lo 6th,15.=l. WC leful of? : . " l. . “11:93: tom hugeflh ’b-ettcr horses tlun at present. Come and ' ‘ scrum) rrrzosmtn. AW! them. ' Fezelnn Foils E. F. El)“ ARDS. : -'. " i'cnr'czx l‘nii. l't'nf' .‘t'h Fit. Int-t1; Sauna." Mb. 2552 ‘ Boys’ FELT IIATS and STR the [’riccs all right. We would risk intending nurchnsurs to soc our Goods. nnd be con- \‘inccd tlrnt thcv are the best value in town. Grey and White COTTON 'l‘AllLE DAM- ASKS. TABL'E LINE.v GOODS from ours per yard upwards. ’1‘0\\'EL|.1.\'GS. TOWELS und BROWN DRESSED HOLLANDS. “'0 show the Lurgcu rind I’rc'shcsl Stock in town of those goods. FELT CARPET, 1115311) CARPET, '1‘;\I’l'.STIt\ nud STAIR CARPETS. We have a. nice range of pnttcrns nnd will sell at a shy/rt (lIlL‘llMCr‘ on coal, us we hnve no room to keep them in stock. Gent’s B‘urnishing's. _ Ilnts of n11 descriptions. Men‘s and We can show you it good 0’» (2 Our Stock wns ncvérlso Complete ns nt prcscnt. AW HATS, an enormous stock. Fclt llnt, hard or soft, for 75 cents. Readyâ€"1\.'[ac1e Clothing. e do in MEN'S nud BOYS†CLOTHING, good, rc- Wc defy any one to show the Stock \v _ ' chdy-Ilmlc Ulothrng thrs scusou, nud \vc linble stock. We huvc gone cxtcnsivcly into . can assure the public that we can give llcttcr Yuluc than any petty dcnlcr 111 the lxudc. 5%“ Come and see for yourselves, and be convinced thnt we publish undoubted fncts- In ORDERED CLOTHING we cxccl, both in New Designs in Twccds tllld in work- Jarvrs 8t McDougall. . S. TO THE LADIEs.â€"â€"\Ve keep rt full 'nngc oi the celcbrnt~ Fcnclon Falls, May 22nd, 1882. I will sell my stock of at Cost. for 30 days, for Cash only. manship. We guarantee it good (it or no sulc. P ed Crompton Corsets on hand. ‘ oâ€"-â€"â€":o: 0â€" ' Also for Sulc, or to Rent, A G001) 100 ACRID l?.A12.3H', Within three miles of the village of Fencluu Frills. _â€"_-â€" A SINGLE BUGGY AND CUTTER FOR SALE CHEAP. to. in Scully's Block. GEORGE ,l. KEITH. 11%“ Come and secure Bargains at the Cash Sto Fcnclon Falls, February lsl, 1882 TRUliliS. MUSES, â€"-.k N 1)â€" SATCHELS- ....__._ :o;_.:()-_ no in Manitoba lauds require good snbstnutinl I‘coplc going to spccul rum crr zrnc nun nl'ely carry brick their money, and nro advised to sch-ct from tho tOS LARGE ASSORTMENT which has arrived, and which contains A. Lot of the Nicest Bags and Satchels, st things for Ladies to curry lunch and small pnrcols in. L. MACUIRE’S Cheap Gash Boot & Shoe Store, just the neute EDICAL 1~IA.LI.:FENEI.0N FALLS, WI 1. When: («HI LC loulld III] L’XLCllL‘llt 3"».‘Olilllclli OI Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy Rubber Goods PERFUMERY 850., awn, always on hand. A lnrgr: and KEPCO of the best quality and at low prices. Also, a LL SELECTED STOCK OF S'l‘A'l‘lOXERY. ssortmcnt of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. rs) AGNA “"13 comprising a full a Hons}: AND CATTLE morn l’lrt'sicinns' prr-«criprions and Domestic lie-cipcs carefully compounded. TWINS mums, lluvid llurrctt, tin-y urc prcpnrcd to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD; I 1 l l r Crrkcs, lluus, kc... An, ut rcusnnnblo prices and no cll‘ort will br spun‘d to sustain the high rcputution which tlrt‘_Ft'll(§10lt Full 1 bnkcry has donor-verily borne. ’l‘hcrr stock cl [MM 1 L Y G1; 0 c n M E 3 ~ .r will be found, us .usunl._ t‘rcsh. good rind well nssortcd: Hour, lead, Eggs, Butler, rill be kept on bond, and frmu produce gcncrully dcult in. A nice lot of Crockery & Glussi'nro,‘ is on tho slu-lvcs nud will be sold us chcnp. n5 nuy in town. A visit of inspection from~ ull needing uuytbiug in their line of bush ness is respectfully solicited. r\ltll"l<‘A'l‘ & Ilch‘AlterN Fcnclon I’nlls,l\1n_v L’titlr, lHHI. DI » - . ‘ .-â€" CltAm 'C’i. u -r m'n' I’Lt'd Spiral T R U S 5.x l‘leputnllnrr . tltablirlrrd all over Canada. 15 years material “peril-rue.» Every man ruptured should rend m pnmplrlnt on! Ruptureâ€":Frcc on application l‘enrr c 90 yen†nhl, cured by Its use. A new Appnrntua nor-cure 0|" Club Fc‘ctfno cuttingâ€"no pain. Spinal lrmmmenu. kc- fat-lullALLIST Centennlll and 1 I’lfll. Prince, Lxlnhrtron Etc. for SPIRAL TRUSS- "‘ Call or uddrcss, CHAS. ()l.ll'l‘lll'l, (into: of Hamilton) 38 Adrhridwsl, tvr-st, hour (1 rnud (lpcru, 'l‘ornuto. y Weekly Agricultural Paper I N 1" it: DopgrnilivaIDo N-.' n, . r/npam/rg/éd 3.25.31 New and Improvcdl’orm. 16 Pages Only One Dollar Per Year FOR. 52 xtmnn-tns.’ , .1 Numbers :1 Month: 812 Pages :1 Yuri , 3.328 Colunrns'tor One Dollar. Devoted strict‘. y to Agriculture. Horticulture. Srnrk, Dairy, Poultry. the Apniry, liounchold ,nnd everything pcrtninrng to n I’arnn, both out of doors and in doors. _ Its \‘Vcckl IHVHlUJlllC. . The extraordinary success tlunpnpcr lma rnrt with m 111.: null-3 oftlrc ycuurnnry of (furtndn. during {bu print) tr htnndsunnvnlrd in [Dr nnrula or jounulâ€" rsxn “(Lam-tin or the United States. A lzrrgc btzrfl 0. nine and practical Willt‘f! arr err~ {Zr-rut. nurl correspmdcnr’c of n valuable mum,- nppcrrr‘t wrrkl ' from its many ntrl’w nlwm In Nuv \_ Storm in tile 12:151. nnd Linus!) Columbia In llrt: \‘r'rsr. SADII'LI'E C(JPIIZH FREE. 7 I'rinrml and l‘uhliehcd m the Welland Stcnzn I’nnt- ln': llousc. cotablrhllt‘d 1361. by n. n. COLCOCK. hwncrur.‘ y Commercml Regions and Prices are w. r. I’AGI"..1’.<lnnr. Addrcm, CANA DIAS NARI-415R. \t’c'rland. (ml- Luws Regarding No ISLâ€"Any rrcremr wlm lulu-ll n pnpw rcp- ulurly from llrl- pranl-ollirc. w'rctlwr dirt-I'l- vr (pawl. roll to his numv nr :rrrulln-r‘h', or 'A lu-tbl-r 1-". r r l i has sulusr-rilp-rl Ur but. is n-..pnusihlr tor llu: , pnj’lm'trl. Burlâ€"1f n pr-z-‘nr' orb-rt hrs pupI-r In hr. Ill-l'urrlllmwl. lit: mu t [er} nll nrrcnmgm, Lindsay. I n: llr': publblrrr in“ I'mrtmlrh run-ml H m, trl ,r;r_'.'â€ll':11 i. rural“. :rlrll limnr-ullrr'l 11:1, avlmlu- :rrnwrvrt, uh-‘tlwr 1hr puru'r i‘. 1n'm'u in In tin: Irllrrr- ur nut. Ilrdrâ€"lf Sub-virbcr-z Irr‘glet't I-r rr-{n-r- In ‘tnkr- tbr- prrimt I' r1,- ur rrru spupvrn lrnm '1':- rbe: m which 1h") :trr rlrru'rtcrl, Hwy {111‘ A lrt'lllx15|rrr;|;wllll"|llllll llrt't' lidt'c grub-:1 tlrrlt', r MPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS felt! lsuhsmp has Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. 4 r A full nsmrttncnt of Porch: and l’rnpricmry Medic-inc; always 9;, Lgan A ‘ gent for II. It. Stet‘cns' l’urcly Vegetable Yanz'rrsu. ‘ H. FITZGERALD, Fencion Fails, Flay 27th, 1332. Maury“ hills. Sch-lint: nurulu-rn I-.ul., or lt'nvitrg tin-m in lbr- (1th in but .sm'lr null-T :1, ll»: lnw rl-rpr‘rcs. 4q:.,_'|‘];r- l‘uuH‘ lmw- rlurivlrd llrut l':-_ (n.3,): m tn'u- rrl-'.\'~prttu-Ht n: pn-riudlr'nln, fr:an llrl- pintâ€"'allim- ur r1nmviugumllrrrviu: llrt'tn rm: ‘zllv ll In. . it [nil/rul’hlflt gym...†a .h' intrutinnnl frzr'l'l. Tho 4‘ l‘cnrl'on l’nllll'tluzcllc is prirrzml Hwy F'rtnrdny M tlrcullir.-, l‘u“ bur trv' 'rll"'.'l Wt“, or urth one rrrrl prr u'rI-k Midltlonnl u ‘lmrt: n: it tom-ulna unpaid. ADVERTlSlNG RATES.- Professional or ins-inert fordu,‘ 50 cent. pvrr line: per nnrrum, (.‘ruunl ndrertiwmrnu, lion $1 aye‘arin'adr'a'nce" l. cent! per but for the {lle interllnn and ‘.', rentn 1N liur. for crrry subsequent burr. lion. (brunch. by thu- ycnr. half your at quarter, for n culrrtrJ) onlyâ€, upon tin-un- ‘ nhle ryrfm. " JOB PRIN‘I’IN‘G of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor. rcctly and at :oo'lczntl: prices. , . II. D. HAND. l'myhetor',’