GEO GE W WATCHES, January a. man-en s. Elemt Goods for CHRISTMAS and; WEDDING PRESENTS. tamer Gold Watches, :25 to 8m. Gcau' do., do. 850 to arts. cots sen Rings, :2 'to 890. had a. large stock of _ Ladies’ Gold Jewellery, brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Lockets and Chains, all new. of Yb. Vary Best Ianufactu‘r'o, 'and warranted good. Ali0,&Wedding Rings. I G. W. BEALL. Uoldm‘l'fthâ€: Hall, net! doorto Dun/1m .5’ Flu- ‘Jelle Brothers. Lindsay, Dec'r 8th. lr‘!8l. A ’Cute Bird. A few days ago. says the Truro Sun, '3 little canary owued by a child in bluitland, .‘t’. 8.. gave a remarkable ex- hibition of intelligence. Thelittle thing was evidently suffering from thirst. The water in its cup was very low. too low for it to reach it. with its beak. After making several unsuccessful at- tempts ‘to reach the water, it sat on the perch a moment or twin evidently in a poutemplative mood. It then suddenly turned around, pulled a feather from rte tail, took it by the butt in its book, dipped it in the water at the bottom of ‘the cup, drew it up, placed the feather crosswise on the perch, put one foot up- 'on it, then reached to the wet end. and With its beak took the moisture from the feather. It was seen to perform this feat more than a dozen times. mâ€"- -â€"â€". - . The Dominion Parliament is further prorogned 'rill Sept. 16th. A \Vestminster farmer fell in front of his mowing machine on Thursday "and received fatal injuries. The crops in the north-west of Ire- land are reported to be in a frightful 'condition, owing to the prolonged wet weather. _ , The rum‘our that the Prince of Wales is again hard up gains ground. l'lis liabilities are set down at £600,000, of rwhich £100,000 are due to his wine merchant. ‘,A young woman of Cnmpbcllford went to the circus in Belleville, and in Exchange for a four dollar bill received some worthless advertising scrip and her ticket. She did not discover the fraud that had been perpetrated till she 'got home. The ticket was purchased from the circus agent. The Morris Ilt’l'tlftl reports that the Mennonite straw furnace is being adopt- | ed in that. vicinity, and with coal atl 819 a ton, and wood at $7 a cord, and l straw for nothing, one would suppose that every farmer would try it. The surprising an‘nouncemcnt is made that the Czar nnd Czarina of Russia are i to visit Copenhagen some time this month, but the closest scerecv is to be! observed as to the date and manner ofl their cmbarkation. l . Archbishop Lynch announced on Sun- ' day that the Pope had created it new tlio‘ccsc in Canada, that of l’etcrhorouuh, with Mgr. Jntnot, ol' Bruecbridge, for" , merlf vicxtr-(ieueral in Toronto. and 5 how Wear-Apostolic of Northern Cans~ ‘ do, as bislr p. The Il( w diocese will i ‘coniprim the counties of Victoria. Pc- terboro'. Durham and Noithuuibcrlund. \vhich are to be taken from the diocese ' Vf‘Killgslhll. Mr. J. B Abrxtnm. of Savannah. Ga: . writes under date of July 24. 1882 :â€"-’ l " I had the pleasure :1 ft-\\' days ago oi" seeing a homo mlt which I think is the smallest >‘pcriruon of the horse fumilv in the world. It Was fouled a few daysi before I saw it at the veterinary stabli‘si pf Mr. H. Y. I’m-roll. and measured lhl inches in height and 3} inches froni l tip of owe to root. of tail. This curi-‘ ml! speciuwu oi the equine genus is the produce ofu 'l'exas mare, six years old. belonging to Mr. W. Snead. the editor of the Savannah Times. who takes plca- I sure in exhibiting it to his friends." l l Now Advertisement. i ,__,._- ...- .. __ , vo'rEnsgLIs'r, 18 Municipality of the TOWXSIIIP OF SilllER‘l'lLLE,i l 82. g in the llounty of \‘Ir!o:iu. Notice is ht‘r-‘hy given that l have truns-" mined or delivered to the persons mention-i ml in the third dud fourth sections of thcé \‘otrra' his! A": the collit‘s rr nirt‘d hv mid section. to he transmitted or delivered. of the list. rim-lo pursuant to said .\ct. of all persons appearing by the last revised, est-semen: Roll of the said municipalitr to )c entitled to vote in the mid nzunicipnlitt . at Elections for member: of the Legislativc i Assembly and at municipal Elrctions. and 3 that said list was tirlt posted up at rnv of-i ï¬e. at Somerrtlle on the fourth day of .lulv. i A. D. “353. and remains there for inspectioii. Electors an~ called upon to examine the . who wont to and time, would do well to get one of lflOBSON 85 ALLAN’S l oneâ€"horse Hoe ti: Woodor combined. The Bee is calculated to work potatoes, corn and all root crops that re- | quire billing; the Weeder is for turnips and all that require weeding. Sold lSlPlHllE 0H EOMBINID ’ ‘â€"nt thoâ€"- 30AIER0N LAKE FOUNDRY, the proprietors of which are agents for Kinsey's Reaper and Toronto Blower and ‘ Sharp's Rake, acknowledged to be THE BEST IN THE MARKET. NEW DRUG STORE. lf]-1llE l DRUGS, JOHN EIGENT thanks his numerous customers in gFenelon Falls l and the sufrcnntling‘coun'try‘for their very l liberal them tlntt he has now on hand 'A Better Assortment than Ever. Comprising Garden, Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Dye Stuffs, PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, FANCY ARTICLES, ' Grocke Brushes, Combs, &c., kc. NOTEâ€"Physicians’ prescriptions prepared patronage during the past 4 years, and takes this opportunity of informing vvith care and despatcli. A full selection of School Books & Stationery always on hand. REMQyAL. BOOTS & SHOES. ROBERT McGALLum returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received since be commenced business, and informs his customers and the public generally that he has moved to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald Next llflfll in the Post Ofï¬ce, where he has opened out a FIRST RATE STOOK. of {hotly-made lloots and Shoes, which will be found “ï¬nal in quali‘ly lo abyin town and as [aw in price. Ordered Work a Specialty as usual. and a good ï¬t and the best of run- - teriul and workmanship guaranteed. ROBERT MCCALLUM emaFRESH ‘ , DYE STUFF-‘8. MERE Dundas (in Flare] ueus'r CLEARING. SAVE LABOR m"? 8“ A 102 We are causing over some Special forcing to clear before the arrival of the Lindsay, August list, 1882. QUITE AN EXCITEMENT ties we are jabbing. Embroideries formerly sold for 10 and 11 cents, now 6 cents per Yard. Corsets, regular prices, 75c., 90c. and 81, for 60¢. Another line, 80c., for 25¢. Also, A large lot of Linen Towels ' much under price. PARA$OLS Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Tweeds, Odd Pants and Ready-Made Suits, all of which we are New Goods. DONOAS & FLAVELLE BROS greetings. SURPRISIltt; BARGAINS M‘DO UGALL n BRANDON’S For the "Cell and Almost mcboueati. at EEAN'EON m Fenelon Falls, May 22nd, 1882. “ ARD 'OF THANKS. S. Corneil, E5q., Agent London Mutual 1n- etiidilcr 00., Lindsay. I DEAR Sm,â€"Ilave the gobdneSS 'to convey to the Directors of the “London Mutual " our thanks for their promptuess in paying our claims in full, arising from losses by the recent bush ï¬res: Alexander Clh'rlt‘e, bps, $566 James McGnhey, Emily, 900 Edward Kerr, “ 600 Joseph McConnell, “ 590 Matthew Wilson, Ops, 915 Thomas McCabe, '"_ 596 Edwin Prouse, Marip‘otm, 902 Thomas Kelly, Emily, 450 Martin Harrington, “ 795 Guy Beatty, Verulnm, 550 C. E. Tiers, . “ 873 Inanc Gostlin, Laxton‘, 2j5 Hugh Bailey, u so Margaret Kerr, '"_ 250 John Cheynouth, Fenelon, 530 .dwn‘rd Malone, Ups, 630 ' . B. )l’cllhurgey, Lindsay, 40 John Wilson, 0p9,_ 350 James Howard, Ver'ulum, 400 Rob't McFeetera, “ 70 John Kimbel, “ 359 Fencion Falls, Sept’r 14th, 1881. ZO-ly. Lindsay, ‘06:, 1511,, 1381_ The subscriber has removed to his old stand, next door to the )lechnnics’ Insli'tute, ‘FENELON FALLS and is now prepared to ATTEND TO ALL WORK with which he may be favoured 0n the Shortest Notice, and at Prices \l’ltich Cannot Be Beat in Fenclon Falls. I’ersons wishing Clothes Either Made or Out, will do w elsewhere. R. JACKSON. _ ,_ Tailor. Fenclon Falls, Febrimry 24th, lBB’z. You WILL FIND a complete stock of HARNESS, \VIIIPS, C- tu'ryeombs, Brushes, TRUNKS, VALISES,‘ SNxXPS, l Shan Straps, llarness Oil A: Axle Grease, F LY SIIEETS, and other articles. Cheap for Cash, call at Joseph Nevisnn'n Harness Shop. one door south of Newman's Grocery Store. COLLARS WARRANTED. Repairs promptly and neatly cxc‘éutld. lle begs to return his sinrere thanks for thclibernl patronage with which he has ell to give him a callbeforc going ' R E M 0 V A L l The undersigned begs to inform his customers and the public generally that he HAS NOW ON HAND a New Stock of tastefully got up, at lien“? Reasonuble Prices. A large and well assorted stock of NTLES, from 82 50 to SlO. LADIOS’ cosrnnun moms, DOORS & WINDOW SASH LARGE ASSORTMENT ’ Blankets, both white and coloured, and the Prices cannot be beat. \an. CAMPBELL. Fcnelon Falls, Nov'r 12th, 1880. Ew Goons. l Mrs. KEELEY l Hasjust received and opened up a lurg. stock ol‘ 1 N E W TOY S, . in great vaiiety. I DOLLS. VASE Toilet Sets and a good assortment of Fancy Goods,l laid list. and It My moi-sinus or other e(- so far been favored. and is determined to “mineâ€. “antics, feathers, Flowers and run are found therein. to lake inlmt‘tll'ilt‘ proceeding; to have the said errors corrrcn ed according to Ln. 9. Dated this on. m- ol'Jnly. :543. 1 w. s nowsox. ? Township t‘lcrk. , I‘uddow l‘ 0. ,7 l t )1 .ok It liE'l‘ R 1931’0 R'I‘S ._~_ vsxsmx mats MARKETS. 1 Feat-ion Falls, Fri-lay. .\u,~:'t lllb, 1552. Wheat, fallJRr bushel ‘ -$l H l 13 Wheat. spring. ‘ o ~ - i is l 17; funky, per buthtl - - - 55 Li") 1 flats. -- " ~ ~ - ~ *5 5". hue, w . . . to <- :52 Rye. “ H - ~ - t 6‘ Potatoes, um " s - ~ ‘ 6‘ -~ a. Rutter, per it. ~ - ~ - - 1.5 M a ,W um yer 100 lbs. 50 on 15"wakfln. -' . . . ‘ H l) . 3.2 M'oS‘.‘ n; W, {at 93's. meritscnntirluanre of it by turning out good work at moderate prices. Penelon Falls, February Zttb, lSS‘l. m _-._ _.-.. ._..___ NEW Lowe's snor. A. LALlBER‘lâ€"E respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen- elon Falls and its vicinity that he has com- ametered the tailoring business On (‘olhornc Street. over Mr. William Campbell's store. an attain a than: of public patronage. Cloth-i in: will be made in the latest styles and d '. 323 w A Good Fit Guaranteed; l l I Garments cut {or persons wco till: to’ enable in all cases. Poetics Falls, 3h: thh.1882. o o, mgk. then up at some, and charch “IF Ribbons. CHROMOS. MOTTOSg and llotto Frames, Plain and l‘crfomtedl Cardhouds, Canvas and Berlin “'ocls. l A nice lot of Wall Paper and “'lndmvi Blinds just received. l llss. HEELEY. fl. Millinery Store and Show Room. one door north of ti. l‘. Heming‘s hardware store. Panclon Falls. “at 16th, lBSl. l HOUSE 1:0 LET. t To let, in ï¬rst class order, the residence , l l of the late Dr. Fitzgerald. Apply to EDWARD FITZGERALD, Yenelou Falls. January 51‘s. 1132. $54 1. l l .bctter horses than at present. . l NEXT TOME-’3 WEEKS. see their ry and Glassware, at Cost. FENELO‘N FALL HARDWARE STORE». The undersigned is now selling Cross Cut Saws, Hanlan 8: Lance Tooth, B O 0 T Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds of Hardware, is low as In Ulher House in the County: A Call Solicited. Geo. H. Bertram. Fenelon Falls, December 3th, l881. ' . Iâ€"IAW, mdhmwnm FENELON'FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, lrom CONTRACTS FUR Ennnns to the smallest jobs of carpenter wellnnud will spare no pains to give satisfaction in every case. made to order at short notice, of good mn- tcriul. and at reasonable prices. Work-shop on Francis Street East; residence 0n Bond Street East. I Ebwono l‘l-AW. Fenclon Falls, Oct'r 14th, l881. 33-t. f. llll IND Elli SHflP. JUST A REMINDER that i am still taking mes. sonar Inou,’ Bones km, in trade, and paying : CASH FOR WOOL All) SKINS. JOSEPH HEARD. l-‘cnclon Falls, April 28th, lBBl; 8-5m. E D W A. R D S’ OLD :Srsumsuno Livery Stable. The Subscriber returns hi! sincere thanks for the liberal patrouadc bestowed on him during the past nine years. and begs to in- form the public that they can obtain il‘irst Class Horses and Rigs, comprising any hour of the day or night. at his stable On Francis Stréct East. .4 vary marl-rial? Chfll’f'w- 9' Commercial travellers and their lug- gage conveyed safely and expeditiously to any desired point. ‘ The subscriber never had a stab Come and try them. 2. R. EDWARDS. , Feeds: Falls. Feb'y tub. teal. 5i-t.f. 16 Brothers†AND N , TRUNKS, lefnl of ow Toma BUSINESS. Yen who work h'ard for your dollars, learn how to save them. After the middle of July has passed the merchants generally concede that the bulk of their business is over. This is not the case at the City Store. We propose to sell as many good: during July and August as we did in May and June, and to effect that result we have marked down our goods so low, and constantly renewing our stock to meet the inure-sod demand at about one. half the original cost, that. we urn now oï¬â€˜ering inducements that. will crowd our store until the Fall Scalon sets in. Ladiu’ goods of all the latest novelties now in stock. We believe in keeping well “Sorted all the season through, so that our customers can aiwaya depend on getting all their wants supplied. Children’s goods of all known makes we sell very close, in order to attract the older members of the tamlly to the City Store. FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. THE Elli lAllflHlNG HOUSE [ll UNUSAY Ru always been noted for keeping the best lines of imported and domestic Iuitings, trowserings and coatings to be found any- where, and their clothing is noted throughout the county as be- ing of the most scientiï¬c and artistic cut. elegantly titted. skil- fully made, and ï¬nished with the most exquisite taste. Just now we are giving some astonishing bargains. contemplate investing in a new suit, we would say, try the City Tailoring llousc. THEIR CUT IS PERFECTION, their ï¬nish cannot be excelled, and their prizes are the lowest consistent with skilml workmanship. Ready-made Clothin tom prices. Rats and plete range, at prices so low that you will be astonished. Gentlemen. if you Their Style is the latest, in buys‘, youths‘ and men‘s at rock bot: ups, Genu‘ Furnishings kit. a most toms Sootheran, 'Cathro a Mark, Sootheran, Cathro 8: Mark, GlTY DRAPERS ARI) CLOTHIERS, cx'rY DRAPBRS A.\'o cmrumns. Nb» 9. Dobson’s Block. 2nd Door West of the Post 0m No. 2 Dobson‘s Block. 2nd Door west of the Post Ofï¬ce; UNDOUETEE FACTS. 0. ' N SEASONABLE Goons at JARVIS & MCDOUGALL’S, General Dry Goods Merchants, Fenelon Falls. The Dress Goods department is full of" all the New Goods for the season. Black Lace BUNTINGS, &c., &C. the Prices all right. vinccd that they are the best value in town. ASKS. TABLELIN'EN GOODS mm 25 cents p TOWELS and BRO‘VN DRESSED IIOLIAANDS. Stock in‘town of those goods. STAIR csnrnrs. We have a nice ran . on test, as we have no room to keep them in stock. Gent’s Furnishiflg‘s. Our Stock the: richer so Complete its at present. Huts of all descriptions. Grey and White COTTO or yard upwards. Pelt Hat, hilrd or soft, for 75 cents. Readyâ€"Blade Clbthili‘r‘r‘. We defy any one to show the Stock we do in ME}? liable stock. We have gone extensively into Ready anship. We guarantee a good ï¬t or no sale. Jarvis 8t McDongall. P. S. To THE LADIESâ€"We keep a full range of the celebrat- ed Crompton Corsets on hand. Fenelon Falls, May 22nd, 1882. â€"‘ 'o ' '0: I will sell my stock of S AND SHOES warren noooiir ALL KINDS at Cost for 30 days, for Cash only. nuns: â€"â€" Also for Sale, or to Rent, A 100 ACRE FARIVI, 0 Within three miles of the village of Fenelon Falls. A SINGLE BUGGY AND CUTTER FOR SALE CHEAP. :8“ Come and secure Bargains at the Cash Stare in Scullyl's Block. GEORGE G. KEITH. Fe'nel'on Falls, February lst, 1882. ‘ :0:â€"â€":0: I’cople going to speculate in Manitoba lands req'tlile gbn‘d substantial IRON OR ZINO BOUND TBUNKS to safely carry back their money, and are advised to Select from the which has arrived, and which contains ALO’L of the Nices’t Bags and Satchels, nch and small parcels in. L. MAGUIRE’S just the contest things for Ladies to carry lu Cheap Cash Boot & Shoe Store, Lindsay} EDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, Where can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces; V. Toilet, Fancy (is Rubber Goods EERFUMERY sect, 8cm, always on hand. A large and ‘ or? COMPLETE STOCK or DYE srurrs 4.523 of the best quality and at low prices. nice, a- WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY. a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, 5 Physicians' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. 1st Pure Wines and LiQudrs for Medicinal Purposes. ‘ A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. ; gent for II. IL Stevens Purely Vegetable sz‘rtsn. ' I _ E. FITZGERALD, ' Feuelou runs. 31.; 27th,1892. Matâ€".3». EW GOODS in erery Department. SPECIAL Bsaosms ix NUN‘S VEILINGS, full range of colours. Black and Coloured CASHMERES,o largo Stock and We would ask intending purtihnters to see our Goods, and be con- N TABLE DAM- TOWELLINGB. “Te show the Largest and Freshest FELT CARPET, HEMP CARPET, TAPESTRY and go of patterns and will sell at a slight advance Men's and Boys' FELT HATS and STRAW HATS, an enormous stock. We can ï¬lm“! you a good 3 and BOYS" CLOTHING, goo‘d, re- -.\lude Clothing this season, and we can assure the public that we can ‘give Better Value than any petty dealer in the trade. 36‘ Come and see for yourselves, and he convinced‘thut we publish undoubted fucts_ In ORDERED CLOTHING t‘ve e'xéel, both in New Designs in Need: and in work- liemnval and Change in Business. Moï¬â€˜at {McFarland Return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on tin-in since they commenced business in Fenelon Falls, and beg to inform the public that thcyhavo just moved into the premises lutuly Lit-en‘- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, whcte they will be happy to receive u call from his \‘usttt: rueer as well as their own. Having leased the bakery and sot-tired the services of Mr. David Barrett, they are prepared to furui:h FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, lluns, .kc.. .k., at rensonnhlu prices and no cil'ort will he spared to sustain the high reputation which the I’enelon liulln bakery has deservedly borne. Their Sltll‘k of FAMILY GROCERIES willbc found, as usual. flesh, good and well assorted. Hum, Feed, Eggs, Butter, 820., :vill be lccpt on hand, and furut product) genernlly dealt in. .\ nice lot of Crockery &- Glassware is on the shelves and will he sold as cheap as any in town. A visit of inspection front all needing unytliim,r in their line of busi- ness is respectfully solicited. Morrar .c ucrAnLAL‘m. Fcnelon Fulls, May 26th, issl. iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬nâ€m C L u r u L'I l'at'd Spiral Ell over Canada. '1‘ RU S 2). Reputation cllnhlltllrd _ 15 yearn material experiemé. vary man ruptured should read m pamphlet on Rupture-Free on application l’coo e 90 years old gureld by its uise. A newi App:rMUn for run: of Club at â€"no cutt n -â€"no pit n. .‘ \innl instruments. (tic. ‘M'E‘DVALLIST Centennl llnnd Paris, France, Exhthmon die. for SPIR L TRUSS “ Cnllor address, CHAS. CldiTlll'l, (luto of lldnlilto'r'.) 38 Adelaide-st, west, urur Grand Opera, Toronto. ~ in Weekly Agricultural Paper PRlN‘I‘ED AND Puansnnn IN THE DOMINION- .',_-â€" .. 5 Unï¬afo/le/ed Success/ New and Improved Form. 16 Pages Only One nouar Per Year FOR 51 NUMBERS. 4 Numbers :1. Month; 832 Pages nchr', 3.328 Columns for One Dollar. Devoted strictly to Agriculture. Horticulture. Stock. Dairy, Poultry. the Apairy. Household _nutl everything pertaining to a Farm, both our. of doors and in doors. Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices are Invaluable. The extraordinary success this paper has met Willl at the hands 0! ll". yeomanry of (found. during zh-r ycnr stands unrivaled in the annals ot juurml~ Sm of Canada or the United Slums. A huge ï¬n" 0. nine and practical writers are on- gaged, an currmpundcncc of a valuable nalun: appearswcckly from its many submitter-t In Nut-d Scott: in the Last and “flush Columbia in the West. SAMPLE COPXEB FREE. . Printed and Publiuhrrl at the Welland Steam l‘nnt- In“ House. CilJbllb‘llCd 186;, by N. B. COLCOCK. l’ t r. w. r. PAGE. Editor. Mm†" Address, CAFADIAN FARMER, "' ' Vt'rlland. 0n}. Regarding N ewsp‘upersi Lawa latâ€"Any pt-rzun who lulu-s tt pnpl-r reg- ulurly from the post-(Alice, “‘lll'lllt'l' 'lift‘t'l- 4-4] to his uumu or (mother‘s, or “lll'llll'r lm lms sulist-rth-d or not, is h spritlrihlt' fill" the payment. 2nd.â€"lf A permit (.rlers his paper to ho dir‘cnntinurd. lll: Intuit pay all urn-ntugtva, or tlw llllllllrllt'r “my I‘tiliiintu- In -I"|Il il wt til payment is made. null lluvn t-ollm-t tho I‘VIIUI" numnut, \'. ll' lhrr thi- pupvr it taken from the (Iillf't: or not. Indâ€"If Filll:f'l'ilir‘fl nt-glm-t nr urn-w it. take the lll‘l‘ihllll'ul,<‘ or IiM'-'--p:iprr- from Il 1-. other: to \vliich they 1!!“ 'lll‘t"'t"l. Ihv-y nine held rrq-unéihl': un'il lht-y huh: with-d Il,l'l" hills, Sending numht-ri bark. or lruring them in the other. is not sun-h Itottm- m the l law requires. MILâ€"The “(ill'li have Iluidrll that [1-- furing to take t.t~w¢pup'-rn ur Ill'rl'iilll‘fll'i A 1j from the pmhollite. or ("lvtln’ingunll lt-nviug ‘ them uncalled {or1 is puma/mu H 5.1â€â€... q; ‘ intentional fraud. The “ l‘enclou Falls; Gazette “ is piintcul overf- Saturday 'tl. l Fallon“..- Hurt mg!) ilubscriplinnll ayearinadvance ,or without.- N-ul wr wwl: Inidi‘iuh’ul at ' long at it K'iIl-‘Ulls unpaid. ili': Ulluw‘ v ,ADVERTISING RATES. [tn/{enigma tr lmain-wx râ€"ml‘. .’.’t urn†’pt‘rlim: pruumutzi (In-'ml :itlvo {tin-thrm ‘ 4 rl-nll pr: line for the in»! inwzium and 1 cents p-r lim- tor rrt-n' thq‘ivm instr- :~,t.n, Connor's by the ,'.rur, l-al! )rnr l'r ‘I,llfl('l’, far it (“Jilith hr l-‘t‘., uiwzt {rug/,1]. all!- (cum. JOB PIEâ€"$11732: Ni} .0! all ordimr'. kinda cs7 Nitr'l mall-I, car‘- I , ' , ' ,reltiy and at YIN/llfii'c pn't s H, II, NANâ€. I'mg-tiltch