-‘ “E54-r'rtj'fv ;w v "5}(1‘5‘1’. What Truth Says. The T-llgranv thinks it hardly likely that , Canada will order the Cba 'bdis to the Mc- ‘ ditcrranean and call out t e Queen’s Own and Tenth Royals. The joke is laughable, but the very circumstance-which give it the element of humor show how ridiculous : would be our position if Lanada had that absolute and irresponsible independence at the present moment which certain journals claim that Canada is read y for. Fancy Ca- nada proceeding to enforce a demand for re- tion of any kind even from such a power as the “Sick Man" of Europe I 2. iii evident that the Americans do not think naval powers essential to the realfg glory of a nation as they have cut down; the appropriation for completing and lauucli- , ing its five monitors from a million to $400.01)} and even then the finishing of» four of them is to be contingent on the furs I tlicr order of Congress. The nation is coming eminently scientific, for in the same day in which it declined to spend further willingness to grant a smial committee on the nu pct. of the lost Jeannette. isolation from ed the traditional character 0! the Anglo- lsraclitcs of America. i Another osculatory pastor has causedI trouble in a congregation in Canton, 0., by i his promiscuous kissing of the married mom. ! bers of his flock. Tizi'rii has before now E directed attention to the fact that kissing: promiscuoust is not a part of a pastors ; duty, although itniay be a pleasant. pas- time ~whcn all parties are agreeable. It is I a pastime, however, which is apt_to create I an unchristian spirit on the part of unrcgen- I I crate husbands and fathers. There is no pastor should claim a pri- vilege that the lawyer and the dOctJr-hwho are equally with himself friends of the ‘fa. wilyâ€"arc denied. The sooner this kissing business is done with the better it will be , for the pence of the congregations them- selves and the good name of Christianity at large. reason why the The unexpected removal by dcath of those with whom we have had pleasant business relations cannot but be a matter of regret to the business man, even whenâ€" as frequently happensâ€"the parties. are per- soually unknown to one another. lint when the arty removed is of almost. \vorld-iwulc celebrity, the managing partner of a‘gigaii- tic business linii, whom: name is familiar in our mouths as household Words, and whose trademark is known the world over. his removal by death leaves a blank, as thouin a personal friend had left the family ('ll‘cle. Such a case is found in the unexpected death by typhoid fever of Mr. Charles, \'ogc- lci', of the well known firm of A; \ ogclcr k 00., the proprietors of the famous German « liciiicdy, St. Jacobs ()il. A comparatively young manâ€"lie was only tliirty-oucâ€"hc had bccn for some eight years the managing partner of the house which mainly owes its present prosperity and world-wide reputa- tion to his business tact, energy, and enter- prise. llis removal in the prime of life can- uot but be a loss to the firm of which he was so active a member. To that firm ’l'iii't'ii offers its kindly sympathy in the hour of sorrow. President Arthur's veto of the River and Harbor bill, a scheme for navigation. im- provements under which frauds more gigan- tic than any hitherto perpetrated under lic- publicau government were contemplated, has raised III!“ in the people's estimation greatly. The power of the ‘f machine†had never been so strongly applied during the session; and for some time prcvious to its cxtiuctioiicaucuscs had been held and the President fairly licscigcd with callers begging him not to veto the bill. 'l‘licsc culminated in the appeals of Mr. Page, L'llflll'lllull of the Commerce committcc, who adopted the tactics of the importuiiafc wo- man before the judge. “fleiitlcmcnflj .rc- plicd the President. to these iiiiportuiiifics, “ your coming here and your arguments to me now are nothing more nor less than lob. byiiig." And the bill was vetoed notwith- standing the caucus .vcrc preparcd to make great concessions in the amount of the ap- propriation. The subsequent passage of tlio billovcr the President’s veto has cicatcd an intense fccling of indignation. ’l‘hc discontciitâ€"aliiiost amounting to m- subordinationwwIiicIi is, apparently, rapid- ly .uakiiig licadway among the Irish Con- stabulary force, is a serious iiiiittcr for the consideration of the Government, requiring prompt action if its further spread through the ranks is to be checked. That such a luvliug cxists among so thoroughly disci- plincd and hitherto rcliablc a body of mcu presupposes that there are soun: grounds for complaint. on the part. of the men. lbc lioynl lrisli (,‘oustabulury Force has been of infinite service in troublous times in Ircv land. Nobody of men have moi-c arduous and disagreeable dutics to pcrmrm than they have; and they havc always provcd themselves thoroughly loyal to the (lovcru- iiiciit. It must fiivtlicr bc remembered that their duties bring them into contact with friends and relatives who may possibly “suspects,†or worse. 'l'hcy arc of the people tlicmsclvcu, and possibly' in many cases sympathise with the people. lliit tlic ill-adviscd charge of disloyalty brought against them by tho liispcctor-(lciicral and Mr. Clifford Lloyd has no foundation in fact. They have been too~wcll proved. and their loyalty put to too strong a test in years gone by. It may be that. tlic present iccling is not so wide spread as is thought-â€" everything relating to lrcland is apt to be exaggerated just nowâ€"dint tlicic can bciio doubgtliat the matter, if not d-‘all. with carefully and promptly,iiiay load to serious rvsults. 11“. misc of the strainer City of To in which the Iriwiuliicss, or other. of Sunday sailing was uudcr con- is one of no small import- cunimunity at largo. It she runs in connection with m Railway, by which ruiito, wise. sidemtion, ance to the was shown that the Canada‘ :‘Olllllt‘ passengers lru uud lnsaciiqcv Hut vonld have ppcar that, in aid iiy connect!“ stcaiucr arv a necessary, legal. start on Saturday I.‘\Cl|lll s from Montreal and points a through I‘Ulllv. It would or to make proper rail- l'i'oplciii Montreal wliu A g cannot nl\\'nya w it over Sum ‘ I itaniay be a matter of life and death ; mm the same ivmarks liuld good of masonic†from Buffalo or other American points. [he arrival of the mai cut on Sunday is no of the Sabbath. because commenced on Ntunla)‘ : managers have no . . . arm-e I . :ikif‘ihg;"fail to make the connection which the steamer enables tut-tn to make. '11... Montreal boat. it new“. is within the law when the learn hem on buiiday and pr»- «eda onher way to Hamilton: it 34:01“! lilihiplitting to prevent her Wart-n )tcp- ‘ into another g whey. Thequestion. as has bun said, is an important one, and must be looked a: in it: several luring; Fur instaucr, it An u illegal for the Spbe 'l'omnto to sail to " on Sun y at I it legal for {he w boats to run all the some day 2 And if it is legal for them whitetail at their pleasure, why should the little number ferry be debuted doing the ram thing? Againâ€"taking an. other vim: oi the me matter-u our livery stabkkecpcn are at perfect liberry to him out hm“ and rigs at their [denture onSumlay.y‘hat is ‘01)!!ng the slim! ' Cam - running: car can unug many title-razeuty‘lmr boon! Mon» lawful and right for the GM. andchHhththeircuu ton total: at seven o‘clwk Sunday rug t. g ' alqu it noun lawful form one glut, i m a... raised to um his minimum at acva o‘clock Saturday night. and gct out a Sunday super? Draw the morning hours t considered a breach the journcy was __._. .mM Imm'cucred ontbe Sabliatlithan thosccfl I the evening, and if so why. and if so, hoe ‘. much? It is hard, indeed, to sa ' just. whcr the line should be drawn in z a matter. I , , therear sonan ‘te ts'v'led;bt't beauaetheCanadianyonth ua pmngdwa e I Ym m m JV u xI I That theory i I At a Railway Station. I l , generally women who prolong bc' in Buffalo and points west,. n, thc Sunday trips of tuc; linolntcly necessary,» 'allil if‘ 1;.)- tu continue tlicirjoumey ; l but through: t finished their jourucy‘S here : and they cannot do , boat and continuing theft from , pearto Tiu‘ru that there has been r-Sme ittle inconsistency in this steamer mmmimg horrible atrocities in the wig}, business. u<-pn-â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€" victim at m crrms. â€"â€" I A singular r of [flu American cities whose popula- 17 in which the males Ulqu or CXCUCd the females. In these 100 Cities there is an ex- cess of $1,157 females, at not very large ex- own it is true, but large when compared with the general population, for when the country is included the males predominate to the extent of 355,290. This proves clear- ly that the females take to the cities. Does slie come there by iinigration, by inheritance, since life is as long in the country ponderancc of birth mayoperateasa sccuud- I ary cause, for in crowded countries such as England and most of the European coun' tries, especially the cities, the excess of , females has for long periods been marked, and would almost seem to increase rather than diminish. Immigration is probably the chief cause. \Vomen is acreature of society. Solitude is not Paradise. The Scenes of ex- citement, the opportunities for more polished and agreeable companionship, the domestic comforts and conveniences which are more accessible in the city, and last, and probably greatest, the better remuneration for labor whitli is offered to the poorer class of females, all combine to attract her to the g I I city, and to keep her when she once gets there. _..__._..â€".o What is more painful to witness than the parting of friends, who do not know how to say goodbye, at a railway station. It is this luke- warm lcavc-taking to which I refer, but occasionally a verdant youth or an uneasy old man enacts the part of the bereft one. The last I saw were women, however. After an affectionate kiss one came into the car saying : “ (live my love to all the folks; (whom slicliad just left) fell Georgie to write to me." Taking scat, tug, tug, and pound, pound. “ Oh dear, what does ail this window?†and, then with a loud voice, face close to the glass, and intense mouthing of the words to make herself ‘ understood, she says: “ Almiry, I can't gctthc window up.†Almiry says “never mind,†and then they smile at each other. Five minutes. elapse, during which our passenger arranges her belongings to llier : mind, and then says to her patient friend on the platform, who is bound to stand there uutiltlic cars leave if it takes all day: “ Tell Jim I shiiu’t forget what he said last nightâ€"yOu know.†They both nod and look wise and smile. Above all things they smile. “ It seems to me I have forgotten smoothing, but I don’t know what. it is." A long interval, during which Almiry fits the toe of her slioc into a. crack in the floor and occasionally looks despair- ingly down the long train of cars, and wonders if it. will ever start. Then a. thought strikes her, and she comes close to the window, “Say, Lizzie, did you see Mary l’licttepluce look as we came out of church? You know what she said to Jim that day 2’ I guess she thought it was so.†This remark creates ii momentary excite- mcnt, but they both gel: discouraged again as another five minutes goes by. Tlieir visit is over but tizey do not know how to ciidit. Another long minute, morc ghast- ly smiles, and both breath a sigh of relief as the warning bcll strikcs. Just as the train begins to more, “Oh my good gracious,†and our passenger starts for the door, whom we hear her shouting, " Almii‘y I left my best black dress hanging in the closet under the stairs, you send it-by cx- press!" Then back she comes to her scat, rcdiutlie face, and all in a flutter, and some horrid drummer man growls aiidibly, “ that's regular wonmn." l'ci'Iiapslf‘. is. ____._._“.'.._._.___ The Cat and the Sparrows. A great friendship existed between a sparrow and a cat, to whom, when quite a kittcii, the bird had been given. The sparrow would fly into little mimic rages and peck the cat with his bill, \vliilo pussy would beat him off with only half-opened claws; and though this sport would often wax warm, there was never real anger lic- twccutlicm. ltbuppcucd, however, that the bird made the acquaintance of another sparrow, and being both of them saucy follows. thoy soon fell out and quarrcli-d in earnest. The little friend of the cat, in thesclights, generally fared the worst; and one day Iio cnuic trembling ,all over with passion and besoiiglit the cat to avenge i his wrongs for him. Pussy thereupon fpouiiccd on the offending stranger, and speedily crunched him up and swallowed liim. -“ [bad no idea before that sparrows were so nice," said the cat to herself, whose blood was now stirred ; and as quick as though her little playmate was seized and sciit to join his ciicmy. -â€"-â€"-â€"904-<'->-~-â€"â€"-~»~ JACK AND THE BEANS. TALK. By the Fat Contributor. Jack was a bad boy, who loved to blow peas and pcbblcs and things at people through a long tin tube and fetch 'eiii back of the car or in the eye, or anywhere so that it would hurt. One day, as be was about to put a bean in his pipe, propamtory to firing it in the face of ii beggar not far off, the bean said : “ Jack, if you shoot at the beggar you will only waste inc, for be is already bliiul. Take me home and plant mo in your mother's gar» den, and this talk l'm giving you now is nothing to the stalk you'll get when I grow 11 i.†I IJack llt‘t‘llell this advice, and after hitting I the blind lx‘ggar in the small of the back , with a boulder, Iic lliL‘llt‘llL‘il home and planted I the bean. Soon a given shoot appeared, Which in :i z vcry short time grciv to Wonderful propor- l lions. being as thick as a tclcgrapli pole and . reaching far above the clouds. Tlicn Jack stole a pair of polo-climbers from atelcphonc i man, and pumpcrnickcl, bologna sausage Innd mustard sufficient for a three days‘ journey from a saloon keeper, and after set- 1 mil“ 0‘ “mm†{mm m†ting fin: to his mother‘s housc he started for l heaven, whom be calculated to steal a few l pairs of = earth, where llivy wuuld do the most good. Jack was much plcnsml with his trip, bis ~ only regret being that liedidn‘t have a waggon ' load of paving stones to scudcrastiiugtbnuigli {a few houses, but he contented liimsclt by r, rating all of his provisions, and at nightfall ‘-. be crept int.) a tilt in the :talk and fell g This wu fatal to him. for in the pmccss of Jack cram led through lwatiie closed. ‘ If this ‘story trachea anything. it is that, ialtbougli as Daniel \\'cbetcr Mid. there is ; i ‘ ‘ l t u "always room at the top," it is not always I w a stn: c i o. lk‘ , . \olicy to attempt to get there, and further, ‘ that if the altcuipt be made. can: should be 3 taken not to fall aslwp on the mad. llad Jack been content to remain upon a bank cashier, and animal a fortune in a . speedy and noteworthy manner. In his Lut ’g‘ moments, how..- vr-r, he had the mutilation i of knowing that he would die with his boots i ou,'_a.ml that was unwilling. .w.. r...â€" l As .11 effective mainly for sleep-walking ’ a mmspomlent manmuds placing a tub i of cold water beside the bed, so that upon iritiug the oomsunbulixt will step into it land watt-n hinuclf. The writs-r any: that falter four espcrimcuhof this sort he has i neucr since mm in his sleep. , Horrible We Reu- Lunaâ€"ï¬ghting . Lima say that I are becoming I been ï¬eld by Chilian forces for the past three .mont s, and for some time the occupationl - . - - - ' ? proved lucrative from the wst receipts lieie that it is the long sought for Elmr f on the heavy exports of wool from Arequipa, : and afterward, not to give up such an im- v portant position, more troops 5 from Arica. Tlie Chilians took especial ; - . . . u ; pains to disclaim any intention of marchin I, a may mm w i on Arequipa, . alleged that their only object in maintaining ' ' J ' _ _ i possession of the port was to 've a new 0 - _ V. _ “1 . k 0" P) m“““}; "ï¬lm ‘10“ “f5! 0f ï¬ourf‘e' I portunify to commercial actgii'itv. Navel:- moncy on big guns Congress exprdm Its , a case of the survival of the fittest. but i thaws, the Government of gemâ€"i3 felt as in the ‘ . ' ' ‘ Truly has city it is clearly not by survival as the same $2312“ About the mo‘ emenu 0f the Chllms’ bloodthirsty neighbors alter. I muse would operate there. as. in the cities. I Carrillo, who commands the peruvian forces “"1†be ‘hsml’me‘l' A Prc' at Arequipa. Carrillo promptly replied, as- goldcii slipprrs and bring than to ; MARCEY m PERU. _._............. .e Near lunatic. and mm OroyaPua. Pass)“, Jul 7n...» m-eni census of the United States 3 got“ the whim“ The "a": of my i the most wonderful m icine in the world. gives many intenstingstatistics with regard ; to the population of the cities. é fa'ct is that in the cities, especially the large I cities. the females predominate, while in the y country districts the males are more numer- , ous. 1 tions are 10,000 and upwards, there are only The military movements aw )Iollendo interesting. That port has t were sent up distant some ninety miles, an. I peedin communicated its fears to Capt. l‘ suring the Bolivian Government that he was prepared to defend his post, but an esting the advisability of being reinforced ythrcc or four Bolivian battalions. This suggestion was unfavorany received. Hence Capt. Carrillé was thrown on his own resources, and, having as a base two regiments of the Peruvian army, which since 1880 had been ‘ stationed at Arequipa, he called out the I National Guard, and managed to assemble a force of 5,000 men, with a few batteries of field artillery. About 2,000 soldiers from this body were dcspatched to the Valley of Tambo, on the railway, eleven miles inland from Mollcndo, where they were to watch the enemy and oppose any intended advance. The remainder of the forces were retained in Arequipa. , On the 22nd ult. the Cliilians sent out a small rcconnoitering party toward Tambo. When at a point seven miles from Mollendo the Peruvian cavalry appeared, and, being within supporting distance of their main body, advanced on the Chilians, who, not deeming it prudent to offer battle at such a disadvantage, retired. The Pcruviaus pur- sued, aud were enticed some distance from their camp, when the Chilians turned and charged with great vigor. The I’cruvians were thrown back, leaving several of their number on the ï¬eld. They again rallied, and, seeing that the enemy were retiring toward Molleudo, undertook to pursuetlieiii, but at a distance that rendered a. combat impossible. The immediate re-euforccmcut of the Cliiliaii garrison at: Mollcndo followed, and if: new consists of 500 men. six pieces of l artillery and a mitraillcuse, and 100 cavalry- iiicn, and in the bay are the war vessels llagallaues and Pilcomayo, with the trans- ports Tolteii and Lantaro. On the 2nd an attack was made on the few Cliilian soldiers guarding the brid e at the Oroyu. Pass,.l‘20 miles from Lima, y a con- siderable force of Pcruvians, supposedly from Curccre’s army, and commanded by Col. Tafur. The engagement was brisk on both sides. when, ï¬nding their efforts iii- effcctual, the Peruviaiis fell back, and the Cliilians were not strong cuou h to pursue. The small Cliilian garrison at hicla, eighty- ï¬ve miles from Lima, and the terminus of the Oroya Railroad, had on the 7th a. sharp encounter with a Peruvian force of Monta- ncros or irregular troops, numbering some 300, but of whom only 100 had ï¬rearms. The Chilians held their position with slight loss, and after six hours of niusketry prac- tice the attacking forces retired, carrying with them "200 cattle found grazing in the vicinity. Strong ro-ciiforccmcnts are mov~ ; ing into the interior, and reprisals and l slaughter are sure to result from the desul- tory movements of the Moutaucros. Senor Benjamin Vienna Mmkcnna, one of the leading Senators of Chili, and hitherto an advocate of the immediate evacuation of Lima by the Cliilians, now declares that not: only must the occu ation of Lima continue, but the war must in actively urged until Peru is deprived of her little remaining strength. (Icu. Jusfo Artcnga of the Cliiliaii army is dead. He held important commands during the first year of the war, and, in fact, or unich the first Cliiliau forces in the tie d. Portrait of a Fashionable Actress. The correspondent of the Court Journal has this about a fashionable actress seated among the audience at a theatre ; “ She looked as nearly like a ï¬gure in a. fashion- plate as is possible to any mortal ; that is to say, she was phenomenally slender. every square inch of clothes exposed was precisely in the right place, and she was fragilcly, cx- i pressionlessly, a doll. It seemed to me that a good Iiug would break llCl‘ all to pieces, so manifestly was she made up and glued together. Her own hair was completely covered by an impossible orange-colored wig, lice‘ftorce, Ottawa, thus spoke a 5%†y 3L_I hm from s3: .ffempf one of Ottawa: leaning Joll‘n- . d5 0‘ Noumea» were I derful medicine St. Jacobs ou. Ikeep int i Wm m in and, an,“ m, “Ping†; i, hood . . I home and likewise here inlay oflioe; and i '05": n _°fP uni “ty- ne “cums ml though my duty should call me hence in an i Pm‘vll’? ) “mm “Pd: wwquenfli'- hour to journey athounnd miles, SLJacobs 2 ~_ the Luiliaus make but. liule effort to sup- On would surely be m . com ntinues wherever the Chiliaus do not mam- - . - ‘ tain some sort of law and order, and should I ï¬hï¬gg’ he!" I behev.‘ My en. they finally withdraw, no one can foresee the - hue may it for twenty horm†"Neil would be enacted' and found it worth half a score of doctors. My men here on the Dominion Police Force use it right along and very lastly HM and possesses the power of making the old young again. me, and although I am age. I am, thanks to that wonder ul agent, place for photograph. “ Gellert," who that. the vessel narrowly escape on July 23th, through a ï¬re in the after- pialslt watertight compartment in the main io ( . abandonment of the ship, holes were cut through the deck and the compartment flooded. damaged to the extent of $10,000. The Superintendent In Love. Supt. I". J. O'Neill, of the Dominion Poâ€" I in love with that wow I ‘on. ltis’: a cured by it. \Ye different ailments, lunk that there is nothing like it. I be- I know it often enliven: past ï¬ft years of Marine Disasters. The passeng d burning, The captain had provided for the but two large The vessel was An Aden despatcli says: All hands on the Russian steamer “Moskvn.†wrecked ofl' Ilsa Hafuu, were saved. “004-P«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The Canadian Mutual Aid Association. Mutual protection has grown to be a neces- sity, and arguments are no longer needed to convince thinking persons of its wisdom and beneficeiice. The man who provides against uncertainties ceases to that extent to be at their mercy. It: should be the pride and pleasure of every husband and father to go as far as his means le permit in providing for his family in the event of his death. “'liile you are in health and prosperity pre- pare for adversities. THECASADIAKMUTUAL AID Assocu'riox offers a means, with very little expense, of making provision for loved ones, in case you can no longer extend to them your protecting care. Representatives wanted in all sections of the country. For further particulars apply to the Secretary \Y. PEMBERTON PAGE, 63 King Street East, Toronto. Wu. Rsxxis, President. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"‘-¢ “Anjï¬onest Medicine‘s tho Noblost Work of Man." “ Twenty-four )eurs' experience," says an eminent physician, “ convinces me that the only cure for nervous exhaustion, and weak- ness of the generative organs, is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve foods." Mack’s Magnetic Medicine, advertised in another column, is a guaranteed speciï¬c for these diseases, and has met with such won- derful success that with each order for 12 packages, accompanied with ï¬ve dollars, ad- dressed to Mack’s Magnetic Medicine Com- pany, \Vindéor, 0nt., they will forward the goods ee by mail, with their “ writen guarantee" to refund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. Sold also by all druggisls in Canada at 50c. per ackaae, or six for $2.50. Pamphlets frco fir mail on application. - Liver Complaint, Is rather an indeï¬nite term, as commonly understood it consists of a torpid sluggish state of the liver, a deï¬ciency or a superav buudaiice of bile, or an alteration from its proper character. All disturbed action of the liver and biliary organs giving rise to pain in the sidc,or under the shoulder blade, headache, \veariiiess,dizziiiess, sick stomach, loss of appeï¬te,bad bowels, &C.,aro prompt- ly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. â€"â€"â€"‘N<o.°>ooâ€"â€"â€"-â€"- Briggs' Black Oil has stood the test of public scrutiny for over twenty years, and now sells better than any other linimcut. \Vhy? Because if. is the best and cheapest. â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"§O‘n-~>00*â€"â€"- Never Be Without It. Tourists and all who are subjected to a change of climate, water, dict &c., should never be without Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Vild Strawberry, the infallible remedy for all Summer complaints. (5) â€"â€"â€"â€"<~.l.â€"»â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The Heart Knoweth Its Own Sorrow. This statement appears to contain much truth. In some cases, however, it is the heart of anasty little corn, which, though small, is capable of much feeling. This form of heart-ache is very common, and can be remedied. Pu'rxan's I’AlNId-JSS Coax Ex'rnxi'rou gives peace to the throbbing corn. Don’t forget that. Sold by druggists everywhere. N. C. I’OLSON d: 00., Pro- prictors, Kingston. ‘- Benutlt‘ul Women are made pallid and unattractive by fune- tiouul irregularities, which Dr. l’icrce‘s “ Favorite Prescription" will infallibly cure. Thousands of testimonials. By druggists. coming down to her eyebrows in front and to the nape of her neck behind, and held in place by a bonnet made of open meshes of lace and beads. Her waist. was a mch span, and that, as well as her entire figure, from her neck to the point of her contact with the scat, was an unwrinkled, skin- tight iiiclosurc of Jersey-woven silk. Not a scrap of trimming was on this corsagc, and a row of tiny buttons down the back revealed how she had not into it. Well down on her hips a sash covered the joining of the skirt. llcr gloves reached to her elbows. She was a hideously pretty creatureâ€"daintin pretty in form and feature, and hideous in paint. Her face was heavily covered with white, red and black paint, exactly as though pre- pared for the stage. And she was acting all the while, instead of taking a rest while out of the cast. Her poses were artful; her eyes were constantly raised above the point at which she might be supposed to be looking, in order to keep them very wide open ; licr changes of facial expression were as bright and rapid as possible, with the features partially transfich on the pigments, and .__. .-» Dr. l’icrcc’s “ I’ellcts"~â€"littlc liver pills (sugar-coutcd)â€"purify the blood, speedily- corrcct all disorders of the liver, stomach, and bowels. By druggists. In Ayer's Ague Cure we have a positive remedy for fever and aguc, and all malarial disorders, and one entirely free from quinine, arsenic, or other injurious drugs. It is the chemical and medicinal triumph of the age. “Golden Medical Discovery" is not only a sovereign remedy for consumption, but also for consumptive night~sweats, bron- chitis, coughs, influenza, spitting of blood, weak lungs, shortness of breath, and kindred affections of the throat and chest. By drug- gists. The Illuminator. .â€"â€"..~. The cxlstenco of cod fcellii on the pane ilie Frenc i ,Vathn for th ‘0- pleoftliiscountry ls: own the litzlc gestures of her hands were y the presentation orn triumphs of skill. But, dear mc, nowcharm- gamedoklï¬mgfa 3 ac"?! - v _ , . . _ ~ - , ng a o o :ngs‘hil. past) t_ and how charming she might. “arch of “Deny. “my. l mu. 14.0". with usefulness, Is com- I - (nuâ€"‘9. a-...-â€"â€"_- blood In this immense ; work of art. as the bright. i Uncle Tom a Myth. filming torch {I'lllmicfl'e ' ‘ ~ . - i c pu o a moon I'mm (Ir Indianapolis Tamra. I “gmmmc 1mmâ€, ofxe“. I Iiuiu Sin: In reply to your inquiries, l I will say that the character of Uncle Tom was The I first suggestion of it came to me while in I wrote letters for my colored cook to her husband, a slave in Ken- Slie told me that he was so faithful his master trusted him to come alone and un- watched to Cincinnati to inurked his farm , produce. Now this, according to the laws of Ohio, gave the man his freedom, since if any Inot the biography of any one man. Walnut Hills, Ohio. tacky. l master brought or scat his slave into Ohio, I lie bcxnmc frcc dc facto. 7 I notl know not. showing what slavery was, that I conceived v’ the plan of writing the history of a faithful Chmtian slave. j Boston, the autobiography of Josiah Henson, ‘ and introduced some of its most striking in- f ‘ltlt'n'd into my story. " England gave my simple, good frienddosiali earth. lit- inigut have been a train rubberur I cum - u-c “deem: u we Uncle Tom of : 1 the story, though he was alive and well, and ‘. likely long to live, and the Uncle Turn of the Iatory was buried in a martyr‘a grave. So 3 much in reply to your inquiries. I trust this ;‘ plum statement may prevent my answering any more letters on this subject. j Truly yours. a Sana, Mo. ll. ll. Smwr. j -.-. -â€"-â€"â€"‘» «0-» ooâ€"â€"â€"â€"«- 3 One New York firm alone has sold nearly two million bushels of oat: for August 11:» I livery. The stock in store does not exceed ' MILK!) bushels. But she said her I, husband had given his word as a Christian g to his master that he would not take ad- ? vantage .of the lawâ€"his iiustcr promising 2 Asleep u mummy M ix. he hall been in church- ! him his ircedom. \\ lictbcr he ever got it or I , ‘. . ‘ . . It was some four or five years after, when 3 ‘ we “41“ 5 up"! 3â€â€œ ‘1‘ u“ op‘mmg m“ ' the Fugitive Slave law made me desirous of g After I had begun then storyl got, at the Anti-slavery Rooms in The good people )f t 3 York. There Is another figure which will chal- lenge larger pulse and ad- mlrallou than even the t work above refer-rm] I to. It ls illustrated lien“ wlth, and represents the aged and worthy pr. lu‘undmldliigalofl Iiibls hand that IA‘IN‘UII \i hirh will guide might all sailing upon the sea of life, whose water: “mind with the plum and dan- i rousplnms or llckln‘sii un-l dbcnw. Tbi- llghi | toasts is designed in show that STUIACOBPE Oil. is the true and trusted nil-aim 0! kvcpiii" the body on Its pro "r course, and of casing and,“ righilng It should tbeunfortunatcly vast upon the shoal: . ofrhcumailsm orothrr painful ailments. 'nioiur 3 ends of Human ones lh rou -tiout the world have ‘ pmvedi e value and felt I is food of ith (Smut German Remedy, and are glm to ratimmcnd ii to all Iicedlng the service: iifjm} such a remedy. to this munccilon Mr. Jg-hn h. liner. a Wvl known clilu-n of Omaha. helm. told a new upper man that be was terribly afflicted with an acute attack of rheumatism in whlch had been preylng upon him for mnhad drawn him out of [III -e. He mo loci-cry ‘ remedy knï¬wn to by cl ans. but found no relief I until helm-d 5r. smut Uii..one bottle ofubicli l muted acorn late and radical cure. Another case my Soul 1 ri-i’cruirc : A I‘L'TIIRJX SEA MAN‘S 77:0 EB“: ; Elim- Jule-(Mam, (‘hi‘m . III: I send you this. {cells that the mum on mnveyul will Leoi ’ material bencritio many of ywhmden. One ,r of our oldest cilia-cm, Captain C. \\ . no fan. the (jot-eminent Li abhor“: keeper at lb poluth vdnbly one o the oldest mason in America. . avlng sailed tweniystx years on all tutor. I after this six years' service IIII eyesight failed him and c kept the Light at Cb until . the Government built the Gringo l‘ulnt Ll t here. 3 when be In inns . “till: tn in ; store tbh main; the (hpnin Yduntcfltd the , following mum statement: “This ti locality that l hat-chem: mind with Rheumatism for 111th (20) yous, tall in is! tide and limit. I f 1 coin herbs. It is very child takes it. i of the Marquis of Lorne’sterm of crime. dock Blood Bitters is an excellent preparir tion. givm d sens inc ' every ay ; it ,now on its maximâ€"Ii“ ' fula, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and hid. uey complaints, in their worst form. mer do not forge and let the ï¬rst dio of J. B. Coo , 191 and 193 Yonge-st. Aconsideration of the prices, (which are now reduced) and a view of his magniï¬cent pictures will convince you that Cook's is (hr frequently quarrelled with his young wife, saidto her finally “Will you obey me ers of the Hamburg steamer after this?" _ landed at Plymouth, report he drew nrevolver and fired two shots into her breast killing let: through his own heart. his back. Thv disease. ’I Visuals; isthe great health restorerâ€" exclnsively of barks, roots and pleasant to take; every m“ by ‘ “nu†AM!!!“ It nus-liable rates. Special terns given to Maura! In. EDWIN .I. SMITH, Ghamistbllruggist , THE CITY PHARMACY. . 27 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ont ' It is now stated that the Princaa Lousie V. Edmanson, of Bradford, writes zâ€"Bur- entire satisfaction, and salsa rdock Blood' Bitters cures Scro- “' her: you are visiting Toronto this sum- : to get your photograph, lace you visit be the stu. At Chicago, Paul Tollner, machinist, who rim Burk Tanned. Star-Riv}: LEATHER BELTING The Best in the Dominion. Send for Our Price List. I‘. EL IDIXON 4‘ (‘O.. at (‘i ll nrnr Sin-«L‘J‘ormilo Receiving an evasive reply her. He then put a bul- Among the most prevalent fatal and sud- den attacks of diseases. are those incident to the Summer and Fall, such as cholera morbus, bilious colic, dim‘t‘lluca, dysentery, &c., that often prove fatal in a few hours. That ever reliable remedy Dr. Fowler’s Ex~ tract of Wild Strawberry, should be at hand, for use in emergency. IMMENSE ‘ DEMAND FOR Vegetin‘e We are not at all surprised to learn the de- mand of the people everywhere for that famous medldlnc, \ cgetinc, is constantly becoming more and more extended. lt has long been in demand all over our own country. and had some time ago made its wa' into various foreign lands. At the resent t me the esteemed pro~ prietor. Mr. ll. t. Stevens of Bdston, is sending it to order to some of the remotcst foreign countries; and it seems now evident that )‘cgetlne is to become ii universal medicine. 1! is u. “ patent medicine.†but it has gained its fame and made its way everywhere on its own intrinsic merits. Such were the unmistable imd undeniable results of the usoof this astonisha Languages. mg and. at this dav, world-renowned medicine, address the in speedily effecting cures of the very numerous diseases or ills for which it was declared to be a remedy. that people everywhere were 0 ion and dcc fled in expressing their opinion 1 int this “ patent medicine" must notonly be ranked equal with. but altogether superior to. iill the egulur “doctors' stuff" that had ever been rivcn in sickness. g'l‘licre was and, there could be no dispute about tho astonishing cures effected b ' the medicine. The doctors could not deny t icinâ€" cs )ccially as many of such cures hurl been Norman‘s Electric Belt Institution (szt'li 157.; 4 Ql’EliX STREET EAST. TORONTO. 031‘ NERVOUS l)l£ltll.l'l‘\'. llIu-uumiism, Lame Rick. .'curalgia. Paralysis and all Liver and (“nest Complaints immediately relieved and urinaucutly cured bv uslu; those lll‘Ill'l‘a‘, {ANDS .~\.\ D INSOLES.‘ Circu‘urs and Consultanon FREE. h" W ES ILEYANW LADIES’ COLLEGE, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Will Ito-open September lsf. 1352. The First Ludics‘ (3011020 in the Dominion. Thoroughly equipped in Literature “once, Music and Art. For lc. ‘. clc., l'rmcipiil. A. Ill‘llh'S. I).l§.. I.I..l|. We Arc Mnuul‘acturinur AMBER SUGAR BANE MILLS AND EVA 1’0 ll .lTO IIS of the most approved American pattern, which have given the best satisfaction in Minursofii cl coma m we most respectable. wealthy and and. Kansas. where they lmvc been uscd for wcâ€.kn0wn fun‘ilics' when, we sniperng in. several years in competition with olhcm. \\ c valids had obtained and taken the chctlne us “180 make the a last resort. after the regular physicians Iiiid utterly failed to do tlicm any good. Moreover' msnmam’“ lone"; from pert-eel†The best in use. Forilluslrulcd circulars and prices write to I ll. IHIJTTI' A SONS, well-known persons in lilin standing and of c \\'clluiid. (Inf. 'lllldOllblL‘Ll C aructer and veracity gun to I u I , pour in u on Mr. II. It. Stephens, the proprietor. ltciil [Luau-luckch .t' liivcsfurn' Agents, in ubuii iincc, declaring. and often with the 31.4 MAIN ST. deepest gratitude. the surprising cures wrought WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. by t in great medicine. . Such testimonials have continued to flow in All classes of real ironerty in the Province of Manitoba and Nor! i-\\'cst 'l‘crrilorics bought upon Mr. Stovcns, from first to last, until he and sold on commission. Money invested in has enough to make volumes )vcrc he to print them all. But he don't. publish. oven in the land or Morlgugc. and vuluutious nmdc at moderate charges. newspapers. only asmnll fraction of them. Is Farm Lands 3 Specialty it any wonder, then, that the sale of chctine ls .tu‘l‘liists soul on application. REFERENCES BY PERMISSION Providence (It. I.) Gan! c. Slr. W. l'. Rowland. (7. It. Toronto. "on. G. W. .tlliin. Si-iiulur. 'I‘nruluo. Ilon. Mex. Morris. I'.I'.. Turunlo. Mr. Mayor Me] ll' cli,’l‘orintu. W. ILScurfli If 1.. l‘oronio. I). ll. “'llkle. l iislilcr, Impi-riu Canada. Toronto. .I. \V. 1:. “'liltucy. Estate. .lzi-iil. ‘I‘uroiilu Allowny a‘: (fliuiiuilon. Bunkers. Winnipeg. Vegetme sums AILDITuggilti; FRUITS, PROVISIONS, ETC. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. lliglicst Prices Realized. Throat-{fourths Value Remitted in Banker's D arts soon as Goods are Landed. y muâ€, 0 ' . THOMAS IRVINE K: (10., LIVERPOOL, ENG. EstablishcdlSI'i'. Canadian references. \Veokly market reports posted on application. ’I‘clc- graphic addressâ€"Irvine. legrpool. “ u I T ' """W ' ..i:i: AYERSâ€"HAIR IIGOR, 9,0ASTED, For Restoring Gray Hair And the B. LION will doit. To its Natural Vitality and Color. A. B.FLIN'I‘ Id SI‘LIJNH {law‘fll‘c'ï¬g‘gogï¬i Philadelphia Ciirpcfs‘ut 2.3 cents ii ,vuvd (Iiulf ion. nu mm the m,“- nricc). ust think of it. All kinds of "l‘upoulry my' and cm," of and Brussels Carpets at wholesale prices. nuy ' “em incline it, to length cut. 1,500 pairs of Lucc (,urmins. from shed pcrmuturclv, 81.00 a iiiir up. \ on can suvc om: dollar ii pnir Arm“; [11,". via. an goo curtains. pk. by long audicx- ens vo use ias - - . - ' u- ' . -' Our ltliick nllk at 9.. 1 t‘lllM Is \i orlli all"... 3"" ï¬nï¬l'm "(maps Our ltliu'k Sllli iil SINK: Is “'OI‘III $2.00._ I l “L ‘3‘ ""{df’ t 1,“? Our Itliick mum iii in) con!» In woi-lli lit - "mm" a cd ' Our “lllf'k ('nsliiiicrcul rifle. l-i worth '27- , ‘ ., , V , ‘ ro‘cm F‘ï¬fdvglw I: Our llliirk h’llk Velvet nt 750. In \Hirlli dilly". “foxy restores its color. Wylie“ mch or ,myflln our ltlui-li Spiiiilsli Luci-iii 300. Is wurlli 40c. stimulates the iiutritlvo organs to ienlfliy 0“? K00“ We‘ll“ 90]“ m “"3, "m ""31' “mm†actlvlty, and reserves both the hair and sale price. nn)’ WW“ 0'". I “We†‘h‘llwmd itsi blpuuty. 'l;lius bi‘flsglly, \ylcak or ,sick] I0 un)‘ IN!“ 0‘ “ulm‘m- ' is. r ecomes g ossy. in e an strengt icnci ; lost hulr r rows wltfflivclycxprcssion. falling Am- 3- FLINT-l liuir ls‘cliec ed and Established: thin hair thick- t T enS'nnd faded or gray hairs resume their orig- reel: oronto- lnal color. Its operation is sure and harmless. “ 'â€""“ It cures dundrul . heals all humors, and keeps thcscalp cool, clean and softâ€"under which con- dltlons, diseases of the scalp are impossible. g Asadrcselng for ladies' hair. the Viomt is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone It Imports. ' _ Advancing years. Sickness, cure,disap- 35 PREPARED BY 3 DR. J. I}. AYEB. & 00., Lowell, Mass. l'racllral'und .kiialytlcul Clicuilxlu. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL: ERS IN MEDICINE. . /- . ___~>_â€___.m____v~_____._______.‘__>_ "in- ‘ I 7 Va; .-‘,..'¢; ‘ . :."- ‘- Jflv ' W HAT IS CATARBH ? w: L CURE CR nauevs Catarrli Is a muco-punilcnt discharge caused BILIUUSNESS', E 1' Adl'f/E'SC. tilie DI‘OM‘I‘IICO and :lcvploppieip tof tlilclycgc- Dyspgpsml {MAT Y, e par-us c aims: is. n in n crnu. min ~ v . membrane of the nose. This rasltc is only (IiiE INDIGESTIONI I “If :1 ’r'w' r) velopcd under favorable circuiiisuinccs. and JMINDIC’E. Ur THE IIE‘AR', {’llipsï¬lgdre: morllild plats ofl tin]: blood, asilhc ERYSIPELAS ACID/7y 01:: . g corpusc c o til on: e. t it: germ p0 son ' . , of syphilis. mercury. toxremca. from rclcniion SALT RHEU/«l, TIM £701.?AC/Ll of tlip cgctcdbmpltfer ofnthtgéiklln, siuppresircg HEARIBURNI DRY/{[- 3,", pers ra on. venin soc BK spa - . . . meals, and other pbisons that are gci'Jmiuatcd in HEADACHE! OF T"’ l- 4Kâ€- tlic blood. These poisons keep the intcmul llii- And every speclrs of (fl-onto arising“ from far; membrane of the nose in augustant slate of disordered LIVER, ".IDNEVS. 310 ACH, lmmlppï¬ ever read l{pr the cpoipt Otlllllo Bowsw -i. ULOOD, socdso csegermsnv cis rcaduptienos ris , and down the faucca or bac ' part of the mouth ' ‘ I p'OP'WlO". causing ulceration,“ the throat; up the cu- T‘ & 60" TORONIU. atachlan tubes. causing deafness; burrowan in WW" " ‘ " ' the vocal cords. causing hoarsencss. usurping Repmwn‘lfl 4 the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending In pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the mite inth removed or destroyed hence nhulanta and snuer are worthless. Some time since a ivcll known physician of to years standing. after much cxpcrinicntlnu. nuc< coedod in discovering the necessary combina- No. 5 20-Horcc Powtr Flufflfilii' CHAMPION HAWKILL Itionloi fonts, wplch tacich fa l‘smln lulnar utc v on iernianent y era cat n3 5 iorr - blo dismal whether ltandl for one year or E N c I N E forty years. Sufferers shoul . without delay, eouiniunlcato with the buslneaii manager. Mr. , O VI?“ A. ll. Dixon. M? King St. West. Toronto. and .. . . | by enclosan slam p. lliilt your moxAL 1 (CHARTERED ~ - IS‘H.) s A p a 1- y BOILER. THIS slum 31115. (IE0. i I IFIRE lNSURAMCL‘ ONLY.) I , IAthorlz «impliaz,$500,ooooa \ l FULL OOVEflHMENT DEPOSIT MADE- ‘ Surplus to Polity Holden - - Outï¬tâ€. : ~t' a“ [1m reliable Stink Fire Insurance Com m mwulmn M “ammoâ€. I pay denim tintâ€"clan experienced agents at . ilesof Sr. was OIL. lam manly free from 9 g“ umprmnml Win“. I wm‘bal‘h mm" “‘2? mtkï¬k’; I W' "W 7" "ital; Whale! m1 £1...“qu m maintain, a. ratio. cnxwronn. I ml... buts:1 iron! tame the ts'geumdcni." m, I Manny†and Scrutiny, nlmtlon and ltancho comparing, ; Jul! (3011111., hm, Ill I "Ann/pox ASSAYING & AN ALYSING-m I: . a. uncirâ€" luiixim: uulxu‘fli alt-uni week! ' :l 6 much; lulu: iricc. sum; ionvcnlcnf teatime navmnos 1& Pin i-;i.s. 'loruiio. ‘ It larip county :gciul pmrlicnl man. with some capital. t an vicar $2M“ pcrurnniu $21!“: terms. brill rash. l’hl'l‘lZRS. 'I‘omiitu. unequalch \vatcnpuwcr machiuorv iii-devil: bull 'i‘usu & l'ivi‘izns. Tumult). sides : hark. $3: hides. $5 in $6. pleat ï¬ll an prlcc._$‘_’:nm : favourable lcrilis. M.\CKI.\"I till .v I'El'hlls. Toronto. i ins: $7.990 annual] ' : in live western town :slock pliant 3.1.000; can in reduced insult :convculciit crius : PE l‘lil‘ts. Toronto. on wiiirhcnu be largely increased: slot-k about $1000. 'in first-class shape. (I If. 1'. 121]. l‘. 10]]. 1’. £011.11 'l'holt‘ry holler auf1rvxl '4 I I} ' fl ' u I v y {or the - d ‘ Satin u at true. this bollia' in no arranged that it In readily taken apart in section! l-nahllng purchaser: to altar: thoroughly every part of it and prevent burnlnl 0“" . , Li... \M'?.wu.~ BtSlNl-ISS cm. cus. ’ ‘ DICAL IRACTM R Fl 1‘ SA] ‘ >3 \\ oilb $24))“ per in i1 in: lol:\lt\"ll i} I 0 light or lensul. MAI‘RINI‘ sit a i m Flu“. Toronto. " i i: Axu ix iii if I: lll.h\‘ i».iii“i"oiis;\is. win. or rachuugt‘ ll r (min. or would lake ut'xniiv rmx'rxxn furs;va For. mlc in good ion in of 2.011) population; 0n~ - dank .\l.-\I‘Rl ‘his‘i'imif Mllll‘tfllflx'l‘ lib-(IL: and oatmeal mill lureulv: brick Ii‘ulllfllnxï¬l‘ goodiu iii-roach t 5 wins. MM?le- pov ixnl'x a ‘ oiiivvi.'rrn.u. mvxnufl'iucnisus and plant for solo. In the rich county of ï¬brin"; : vslublisbvil iiiuc \ciimnu Idol ' - ’ pn‘ulia‘hlc. business : capable of lei-xii cxlgisis‘lgfi): price. 32.0“): favourable lei-ins. MACKIXTOSII .\ l’l. runs. Toronto. vixxizuv l-‘Qlt SALEâ€"0X .\‘ou'riii~:ii§ Railway. Simone. county-cu clt)‘. if“) lv; x mm "i£§i?1.iiï¬i§iii;ii†.ii-EiviE-ijfiiiiv uud \viilclimiikfui: business for salty-do. owucr reliving. MACKINTOSII & N Ell A l. lll‘sl X l-ESS F0 Fultl) county-doing safe payan trade, MM‘RIN WS l‘l- HRS. Toronto. u u & mews-us nvimv couxrv'or Tiff: Dominionâ€"fur llio “ Crown" sewing ma- clime. ii superior iuiicliiiicut a reasonable price: constructed vcrv much like tho " White! particulars address i‘i.oiu~:xci: iiAt‘iiilkuii: 30.. Florence. Muss. ; u.- “HA. NASH. Agent, Morrisburg. Out. “oneâ€! r 10 Ill..\(‘l{S.\llTllS AN 1) WAGGOS-MAK Pillsâ€"best opening In Uiiturlo for a general blacksmith iuid carriage shop. in tho tlourlslilu town of Listowcl: very little opposition : stun ï¬rst-class: premises commodious: pm my wlll be sold clicnp,uud upon cusy tcrms. li‘br pal-ll culurs apply to J. E. CA ltb’UN. Liston-cl. A STEAM TllllliSllIb‘l) MACHINE-~00,“- A l’lill'l‘llâ€"uicurly now and Ill imol order, ior SIlICL'llt‘up. Apply lollllullfll'} llUl'l-ls‘. Olen Huron Station. ‘IIXSMI'I‘II‘S SllOl' 'l‘0 LEASEâ€"GOOD llllslllt‘ss. Machines. fools and stock can be bought. or part. on easy lci‘ms. lmmollalu iosscssion. Address. “'l‘lNSM l'l‘ll." .Ilui‘l oillcc, ‘orouto. IillAt‘I{SMl'l‘llâ€"â€"\\'l'l‘ll SOME CAI’I FALâ€" wuuu d as partner in ciirrlugo shop: estab- lished flvc years; doing rood busliiczni: lust- cliiss locality. Apply to fOlll'llt l‘ GIBSON, “'hcally. ()ul. ‘ __ V _ _ H ï¬bfllllt AND (MUST Mllil. FOR SALE or to rent.._â€"'l‘lio Pikfl‘ltl Mills. situulo at Struthburndl iiiilessoutli of Glencou. in Middle. sex, are for sale or to rant. The Hill! In brlck, on stone foundutlou. iicnrly now. There In good water power. steam engine, flircc run of stones mid cvcry convenience for llrsl~uliiss work, all ncurly now. The mill is in good running order, is slfuuto In the heart 01‘ ii splendid wliciif counlry, is surrounded wltli good gravel roads. and has been doing u irolltiiblo business for over ~10 years past. ’l‘ioru Is no other iiilll ncurcr than from 6 to lo miles. except at Glen- coc. Easy forms for purchase. l‘or further uirtlculurs apply to itcliEdN & Mlbbl-Jll. lurristcrs. ctc.. St. Thomas, Out. ° 7. mini 5, ‘lamiE.£"’riifiii‘m. MIR- IIOII PLATES, (‘IIIHHI05, .vc. l’rlco ’J‘IIEWS 8'. mus. 93 Yongo St, Toronto. FU R 00., in Yongu Street, . Toronto. Ont. COItSE’l‘S uucqimllcdfor health. comfort and dmlulliv. Munufiiclu rod by tho UllUMI‘TUN bistfo tho trade on application. II. J. MAT- (lSllAWA CAlilNlc'l‘ ‘ "0' ""3' ' """'] :"‘i"> * 1w - . CORSETCO.. Toronto. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. 'l‘i-mpcrimco St, Toronto, tho most successful \'(alci'iiiiii')' Institution Iii Aiiicrlcu. Session Iii-gins (let. 2m“, uiul continues uiilll end or March. lfccsli‘lflyDollars. Applvtol’rIiiclpiil. l'ilol. Smilli, V. 5.. Edinburgh. ’l‘oronlo. (.iiu- l n. Allll'ls ltlllllll‘llt IIOllSI‘I SHOE lillAffli.‘ LETS. The Newest uud liiiiidsoiiii-st ulylu l'\'(‘l‘ mudo just mil. Si-nt post paid lo llll)’ address, {AIL-ls. u puli'. ~ .I. LIA) Y1), Qucciisvlllc. (Inf. Mack's M :igncllc Medicine, 1’ a .',\ ‘1‘ Z : {gar . 9' “5 " 1.. < i: (D '8 , 5 3i " :‘m. = i, o [I] :ucromz) 1mg: MARâ€, (AI-um.) Q 'Is a sure. prompt and cll‘ocluul ltemcd for Acrrousiims in 1 LI. ifs slaum, chnk lem- oril. Loss of Brain Power. I’roulralfou. Night Spirals. Il’mkiicss and Gciu‘rul Loss 0 Power. It re iairuNr-rrous ll’usfc,"alum-"alts Ira/ruled Mile (cf. Sh'en [liens the Eufceblcd lffllfll, mid lfrnlorra surprising Tom: and I'i'gor lo the Exliaiuilcil Organs. rs‘wuh each order for ’rwsm'i: inckiigcs. accompanied wllli flvc dollars. We \vll iiciul our Ul'AltAN'l'Klt to refund tliciimncy If the trail- iiicnt docs not effect a cure. lt hi the l'lii-iuu-ul l|_l|ll “Mil Mcdlclno in Hip market. Full pur- liculiirs In iiimplilct. which we mull frcu in llll)’ nildrirsu. old by all driigulsw. one package (013.; ll for $2.50, or sent by mail on ri-cclpl of price, by addressing III .u'lt'il MAGNETIC M Enfl'n'l’. 00.. Windsor. 0iit.. "llllllllt‘. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS- Cures Cholera, Cholera Marbua, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic. Sea Bio/i- ness and Summer Complaint; also Clio/era Infantum, and all 00m- p/m’nts peculiar to children teeth- ing, and (11/71 be found equally beneï¬cial for adults or children. ma on: in ALL DRUGGISTS. 'r. MELBURN a. co., 7m: " 'el ora. Toronto. Sizes Fire-Proof Champion Engliiss I WITH I’M/II 0R SECTIONlL Ell/LEI? I I! an ordered. We are fauna an Engine "V‘r'J day. Intending purchasers an lnrllal in call at our Work: and morâ€" "lllzhly examine the Champion. We use KRUPP'B catamaran 3011.23 PLATE. Every plafo testis}. . Every bun" mind :0 mo pounds, cold wull'r ' pvt-unto. OVER 800 801.1) In 5 Will. The favorlto WC'YYWMM It has no mm. (ha alkaline We 0» mt Wan-nu mil-la. largely and by tho Paciï¬c Railway Company and all this W 00“" Aoonsss wsrzaous moms ‘woaits co., snamroso, swans.