"LEGAL &c.i 1 lion}: A. militias, ARRISTER-AT-l..\“’, Lindsay. 05;? 1â€"...â€" . I l on Kent Street. next doc.- westof Keith's' Agricultural and lmplcmu‘t Store. MARTIN é: IIOI’KI.'S, .\RIIISTEEL‘E, SOLICITORS. kc. Slo- ney to Lana at 6 per Cent. 081cc, Kent ure't. LlnllriAj‘, Out. 123. MANN}. G. H. Harms. I“, D. 3100?. 2, Bannisrcn. ATTORNEY, s soLICIm and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ofï¬ce, Kent street, Lindsay. III: DSI’BTII l": JACKSON, .\Rllls‘TERS. SOLICITORS, kc. ) ï¬ce. William street, Lindsay. A. Ilconrzrn. A. JACKSON. ()‘LEAIlY 5: ()‘IJ'IARY, .\IIRISTEIIS. ATTURSl-I‘i'Sâ€"AT-I.AW, ) Solicitors In Chancery, kc. ()tlice, boheay ltlock, Kent street, Lindsay. Amati: 0' Lzmv. llL‘uII U'Lmnv. Of- .‘IL’IN'I‘YH l d: STEWART, AIIIEISTERS, ATTOIZNEYS-AT-LAIV, ) Solicitors in Chan-p: .lccn Lindsay. “Ii-10vUl't'rIlfIIttl'l'Jll.lllir2.l’.':nl street. Ilr‘y tv: Lotti at 5 per cent. on full estate Bf‘:l.’lli':§. I). J. .\lr'lsrvaz. Titus. Sriiwxn'r. .\iilIX. .\. .\ICIHJ.\'.\I.D, TTOI!NI'2‘i'-.l'l‘-I..\“', S~ili4~itr.rinClInn- A‘ (wry. t‘onz-I-yIirirI-r, Jcc.,&e. Strictub tendon given to .ipplfcuioui for Patents nt‘IpuIvli t'I'onI (Iron-II Land‘s; Department. Money to [nun nu Hungary.- Sen-urin on tarnish; m5: hurt-omer Utlicc, Culbornc Blrcet, I’I‘IIclun i’ulls. ' A MEDICAL? A. W. J. DHURASSI, M. l)., URUNI'III, Physician, Surgeon, kc, .kc. / Residence, trick Cottage, Wellington etr‘cct, Lindsay. w". KEMP'I‘. .\l. n, c. 31.. ill.\l)l'.\Tl-Z of .\lcflill l'nivcrsity, Mon 1 ireul. and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- lziau. ï¬Iirgl-on and (iii-*ti-iriciziu, .\ledicnl Ilci’i-rvc to thi- Standard. I‘lnnnix. Connecti- c'it Mutual, and Equitable Insurance (.‘oni- HlliI-I- and rv-sidl-ul‘c. in the house pmin -'. l.t'i-‘,\' nrr'dtiiwl lIy Iii-v. FullIi-rSMII‘OI'd. (it lilv' I-lII-II-dwt‘ l.ind<‘uy and llus streets, Lin lat}. In. .\. \\‘Il..-'n.\‘, \ ll. l’.\'l\'I-.‘lt.~'l'l‘Y of Trinity ('oll«~gc. . .\I. IS. I."IivI-r<II_\' of Toronto. .\lenih. (.‘ul. Phys and S-Irg., (Jul. Physician, Surgch and .\i-I-michv-r. UIllce,(,‘IIlboI-Iic r-llâ€.'|‘l, I'o-iielou Falls. I)II J. II. LOWE. )lIl’SICIAN 3.: SliniEllN. the Provisional ('nIIIIty ufllnlihurtou. pf? (liliirc next door to the .\IeArthur House. lit-sillcucc. tlIc house~lutcly occu- .chd by Ilr. lli'ysou, on May street, FCHL‘lUIl :l’ulli. ' W5 sunvuyous. ’ ' .IAMESDIUKSON, Coroner for I) ll. Surveyor, Cum iiissioncr iii the Q. IL, . ()uIIi'i~_I.'IIIi.».i-r, kc. llcsidCIice,iIIid ud- ,IIrI:s=, l"(‘ll|'lUll Tails. iaiscELLAuEOUs. 7 Iii-icon» DIVISION COURT IN ' b Till". (UVNTY OF VICTORIA. The nch sitting: of tlIi~I Court will be Lhcltl on Friday. Si‘llit‘ï¬llll'l‘ lï¬th, lfid'l. (ll‘ltiJl'NNlNGllAll, Clerk. .1 .\ .\l HS J. POWER, ‘ IIIPINSI‘ID Auctioneer, Acmiiintant and J General Commission Agrnt. Collect- ;‘iug accounts II specialty. Quit-c, l-‘cuclon Hulls. Hut. 6. PERCENT. 6. DIONICX' '1‘0 LEND at 6, island 7 per ecnt , according to secu- rity, on itcal Estate mortgages. Apply to ,r. .._..... JOIIX A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay .I. NEELANDS, I) YIN 'ITISTI‘, IJINDSJX‘Y. One of the firm will be at the Mt‘AltTlll'lt llousn, Fuxsms FALLS, on tho third .\Iomhiy ofencli month. Teeth evtraefi-d by laughing gas without pain or injury. or no cliurgv will be made. ma)“ Utlicc established in ltiudsaynenrly, Bull $2 00 81 00 ï¬i‘JLr u Fears. $9! l.( )()() l"()l{l~‘l'3I'l.‘. .\Io- 1 ~..~ A :nml.,m,- _, . 3“ games.“ WATCHMAKER. Jillllllll it, llliillliil,i dealer in 3“) day, 8 day and :5") hour. Alarm strike,&c, AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, IX SILVER AND GOLD CASES in the newest styles and at lowast prices. ï¬â€˜ Persons sending watches from a dis- tance for repairs, can have the amount at work and price reported on for their consid- l Bush. Fall \vhm, wring si 00 Clocks, All Kinds; ‘1 a... 1â€"Pigs. §.Agcd Boar ............. SI 00 75 §Spring Boar............... l 00 75 ‘Aged Sow.. ........ ........ l 00 75 Spring Sow ....... ......... 1 00 7' Class J â€"Graiu and Seeds. 50 Treads-ell Wheat. 1 00 ‘ Spring Wheat... 1 00 .50 “ Peas, large....... 75 50 †I’eus, small....... 75 50 “ Oats, white .... 50 25 “ Oats, black....... 50 25 “ Barley ......... . 75 50 11’. Bars Indian Corn.... 40 25 Half Bush. White Beans 40 25 “ “ Timothy Seed 75 50 Class Kâ€"Roots 8; Vegetables. Bushcl of Early Potatoes, cration, and as I do the work myself, can nameduummuuuu, 50 '25 depend on having it done satisfactorily. H Lam Pomtoes! named 50 25 Britain’s Block. footofKentSt..Lindsa . Variety of New Potatoes, -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"~ one peek of each kind... 50 25 H TA B I 0 B A H K. Busbcl TurnipS. Swede... . 30 V25 â€", Dozen Carrots, white...... . 30 25 Capital - - - - - - $1,500,000. Half Dozen Carrots, red... 40 25 â€"~â€"-' Peck ofUnions raised from President ....ssr. w. P. nowinud. seed ..... ...... 75 50 \'iI‘:I:-I’rcsident . . . . .. . .C. S. Gzowski, Esq. - Peck of Onions: raised from General )lannger .. . . . . .. C. Holland, Esqm town...†,,,,, . 75 5O LINDSAY BRANCH. l Three Heads or Cabbage... 50 25 Drafts bought and sold on all points in Tlircc.llcads of Cauliflower 50 25 " Canada. l'nitcd States and Great. Britain, l Half dole“ Bccwunnunn 40 25 and general banking business transactedl naypduzuu Mungolds _____ U 40 25 â€"., , _ , _ S uash 50 25 h“‘ 1“g8}.1:?a1 tlncut P(iiuipkin 40 25 Interest allowed on depOsits of ï¬ve dol- Three Heads of Celery... . 40 25' liars and upwards. ' Twelve Red Peppers .... .. . 40 2' 5~ A- M‘JML‘RTRYv ' Variety of Vegetables not. I, 1 r l H} r“ 3!";“3?†previously shown 75 50 .m 511V, ’0). U i, 5.. . 5.-.. . ' p , _ p m p _ Class L-â€"-Fruit-. ~ . r . 2' {Six Table Applcs, named 50 25 w it 5-4 Clltloni’ “[15 ®u3£ttc ! Six Cooking Apples, named 50 25 :m*-;__â€"-â€"â€":__.__â€"â€": Variety of Apples, three of _. .. 0.. saturda Sen ’ 1882' each Lind,namcd .... .. 00 -p .s __ y, -,:t 11â€"931“ Twelve Pears, uamcd....... 50 2:) â€" _ †7:". _ ' m ‘ - 3 Bunches Grapes, named 50 25 The war mEgYPt- Twelve Plums, namcd...... 40 25 i - ‘ " ' uart Crab A lcs, named 40 - 25 .Altliougli. thcrc have been several gix Tomamesfpunmed'm" 40 25 slight. skirmishes during the past week - - v 9' l d d I, f --,. d ' Two Citrons"................ so “ill a 50,0. We“, 0, marc‘lmg 3" Co‘ln' Two Water Melons 25 lu'marc unï¬t '0 ï¬n}; “Poetedf gum“ Two Musk Mclons......... . 25 engagement 19 en .in event 0 the fu- Six House plumsmmm. _ 40 25 l I tare, but it is expected to take place within a very few days. A skilful rc- connaisszincc on Thursday revealed the enemy’s cutirc position between Kai‘ fillâ€! and Tcl-cl-Kchir, and a long train loaded with troops was observed coming up from the rear, and it was ascertained that Ai'abi was bringing up all his troops from Cairo to 'l‘cl‘cl-chir. He has an immense force at his command, and appears conï¬dent of victory. The Sultan has at length complied with all the demands of England and has for- mally proclaimed Arabi a rebel. Fenclon Agricultural Show. The annual, fall exhibition of the Fenclnu Agricultural Society wiil be held in this village on Saturday, the 7th of October, and, should the weather be at. all favourable, we trust the farm- ers will turn out. in force, and do their best ,to make this year’s show better than any in.thc past. .-Tlic rules and __ regulations are the same as usual, but a new one has been addedâ€"and we think a good one, tooâ€"to the effect that all money takeuiu premiums must be Collected by tlidï¬rst of January next. or else it will be forfeited to the Society. Below we give the PRIZE LIST. Class Aâ€"Agi‘icultuval Horses. Span Mares or Geldings $2 00 $1 50 Brood Mare, with a foal by her side.......... 1 50 1 00 Veal 1 00 75 Two year old Geldings or 1-‘illics................ 1 50 1 00 Yearling Colt ....... 1 00 75 Class Bâ€"Cai'i'iagc Horses. Span Mares or Geldings $2 00 $1 50 Brood Marc, with a foul by her sidc.......... I 50 1 00 Foal . ..... 1 00 75' Two year old Geldings or Fillies...†1 50 1 00 Yearling Colt............. 1 00 75 Single Horse in Harness 1 50 1 00 Class Câ€"Durham Cattle. ooooJ-lol - Yearling Bull............. l 50 1 00 Cow in calf, or giving milk 1 50 1 00 Class illâ€"Agricultural Manu- factures. N‘w Waggon $1 00 75 “ Single Bugg 1 00 75 “ ‘Donblc Bugg'...... 1 00 75 “ Double Sleigli...... 1 00 50 “ Cutter 1 00 50 “ Plougli............... 1 00 75 “ Pair of Barrows. 1 00 75 “ Straw Cutter....... 1 00 75 “ Land Roller......... 1 00 75 “ Cultivator 75 50 “ Scnï¬lci'............... 75 50 ‘ Set; of Horse Shoes, not ï¬led or polished, 50 25 and without caulks, “ Other Specimen of Blacksniith’s Work 50 25 “ Set of Double Team Harness............. 1 00 75 “ Double Carriage do 1 00 75 “ Single Carriage do 1 00 75 Pair of Call Boots, made by liaud...... 75 50 Side of Leather 75 ~‘ 50 Thousand Sliinglcs...... 1 00 .A 50 Best Pump ......... 1 00 50 Class N----Domcstic Manufacâ€" tures. .. . New Patchwork Quiltâ€: SI 00 7." †Woollen Quilt...... 1 00 75 “ Pair ofIIomc-madc Blankets... ..... 1 00 50 “ Coverlid....,..,..,.. 1 00 75 “ Five y’ds Full-cloth 1 00 50 “ Five yards Flannel In 50 “ Pair Woollen Socks “ Pair Woollen Mitts 50 25 “ 'l'wo pounds Yarn 40 25 “ Home-made Straw 25 †Colored Sheep-skin mat.......... ..... 25 “ llag Door Mat...... 25 Class Oâ€"-Dairy Produce. 50 lbs. Tub Butter...... $2 00 $1 50 5 lbs. Butter in 11005.... 75 50 51b:. Checse............... 75 50 Loafhomc-made Bread not less than 24 hours 75 50 baked. Loaf Baker's Bread, do. 75 50 5le. Maple Sugar...... 40 25 5 lbs. Maple Syrupâ€... 40 25 4 lbs. Honey in comb... . 7:) 50 4 lbs. Honey, strained... 75 50 Council. l slightly. l , ,-.. _ ___..._.__.._. ... ‘1 .â€" A‘Wâ€I“ 7‘" -.. . I. HTMEXEAI..â€"The matrimonial knot May sueceg | Council met Pursuml l0 fliljoum- is, we. are inlormcd. to be tied around merit. Members all present. the recvc ‘, two of our fellow citizens. l in the chair. Minutes of last meeting 2 be with them. l read and conï¬rmed. . Moved by Mr. Thurston. seconded by Mr. Bredin, That a by-law levying 50 i the taxes for the year 1882 be read and mixedâ€"Carried. _ By-law read and posed. Moved by Mr. Brediu, seconded by the village council of Fcnelou Falls that the amount vied and collected in 1881, $83 86, or school purposes 03' S. S. No. 3, Fenclon Falls and Ycru- lam, lies in the hands of our treasurer, available at any time.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Junkin, That. the following ac- counts be passed, and orders drawn on the treasurer for the same tâ€"Frederick Stcclc, work on roads,‘$15;-Jno. Lamb, work on roads, $5; John A. Moore, re~ pairs to road scraper, $5 25; C. E. Stewart, printing and binding voters’ list, and advertising, 333 40; John Junkiu, commission, and. distributing road lists, 810 50.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Juukiu, seconded by Mr. Bredin,.That. William Morrow be appointed collector at . a. salary of $85. -â€"â€"Carricd. ‘ On motion -of Mr. ,Kclly the council adjourned, terrace: ,at. the call of the rccve. '4' ' ‘ Pension Council Proceedings. Roscdale, Aug. 30, 1882. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. All the members present and the rccvc in the chair. Minutes of last. meeting read and approved. The clerk read the following communications from J. D. Nziylor in regard to overwork per. formed as pathmastct‘,‘ from Mr. Cur rin asking the council to remove cer- tain encumbrances placed on his land by pathmastcr; from Mr. Eyrcs notify- ing the council of his intention to re- move his fence on the south side of lot 7 con. 6, and that said removal would interfere with the present travelled road, also a petition from E. llaygartli and others asking a grant to meet the gratis labor promised by petitioners. MOI'cd by Mr. Moll'ut, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That. the petition of Mr. Haygiirth and others be complied with and that a grant. of thirty~ï¬ve dollars be given to meet the rvvatis labor prom- ised by petitioners, said money to be expended in gravclling on side liuc bc- tween lots 30 and 3l, con. 1, said av mount. to be payable on the Ist. of De- ccmbei‘ next, and that Mr. Edward I'laygavth be appointed commissioner to expend the same, and that he be iii- structcd to remove cull stone from the pit.â€"-Carricd. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Smithson, That John E. Fittal be appointed collector for 1882, at a salary of seventy-ï¬ve dollars, and that a by- :law be introduced conï¬rming the same. â€"Carricd. , ;_ By-la‘w received audvpassed in the usual manner. MovedIbyIMr. Pillnicr, seconded by Mv. Moyucs, Thtit Mr.‘ Smithson be appointed to have certain incumbrauccs removed off of lot 16 1, as per i10â€" ticc of John Cui'riu.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Smithson,- seconded by Mr. Moyncs, That a‘by-law be re- ceived and read a ï¬rst time to provide for the levying of the annual rates.â€" Curried. By-lziw received and passad in the usual manner, Mr. Smithson in the chair. Moved by Mr. Smithson, scc- coded by Mr. Palmer, That. the recvc is hereby authorized by this council to inspect. the road at: lot. 9 in the 4th concession, and report at. next meeting of council.â€"â€"C:Irricd. Moved by Mr. Moli'at, seconded by by Mr. Smithson, That: a. re grant of ï¬fteen dollars be given on the 11th concession from Ops boundary north to lot 4.â€"Curricd. - Moved by Mr. Mofl‘at, seconded by Mr. Moyncs, That Moses Mchil’s tax- es, amounting to $3 91, be refunded. â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Smithson, That the following per- sons receive the following sums as char- ity zâ€"S. Nicholl, 85, R. Mclnnis, 85, J. Evcrson, 35, A. Mitchell, 85, Widow West, S5, J. Fountain, for Widow Lit- tle, SIO. Widow Ilaiskill, S5, Widow l‘Ichcvan, to assist in support of an l I ,mer, apples tempt the latter. Others are reported to take place at. Xmas.~ ‘ V’orzus’ Listâ€"The voter-5’ list: for the municipality of Verulam for 1882 has been distributed, and shows an in. crease in the number of votes in this division (No. 4). Most of the new lvm- 'llbe ht ‘ht :‘ ._ I... Mr. Thurston, That. the clerk notilyl Ls m 0“ L “9 dd“ Bu," and prosperity. ACCIDENT.â€"Mr. Albert Pogue last week saved the life of a horse belonging to T. New-house. The animal had by some means got entangled in the halter strap and would have smothered in a very short time had it not been for the arrival of Albert, who rescued it. WARXING,â€"Bears and boys ought to take Warning. Sheep tempt. the for- ! We are informed that a spring gun trap is set not far from here. The “ bâ€"s " had better be on the alert, as we cannot iii- Iorm you which it was set for this year. Friend Somerville‘s dog was captured last year after he had a gorgeous rcpast. Dealer in i to cleuu, or no sale. .__..__.s__._,.___.:___.._._‘ ~33 it“ SANDI‘ORD, all kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS. PI All] G HS ' PLOUGHS' I o ' o A large stock of John “'hyte & (‘03 No. 3 DIAMOXD STEEL PLOUGHS. guanutccd Also, two kinds of GANG I’LOI'GIIS. out makes always on hand. Points and Soles 0t ditfcr» Agent for lThe New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and stock of Repair-afar (A: Krrby Real-rt. the Wisncr Rakes, which have no equals. guaranteed to do ï¬rst class work, or no sale. RAKES. WIâ€"Agcnt for the Maxwell nod Also, a large .\hsss lxrnovvn Grain, Plantar, Salt, and Grass Seed Sower will be given on trial. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS T and other kinds of “arrows. Agent for Combined Seeders. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. WAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES . i A large stock of on hand, all made of well seasoned tirst class material. STOCKâ€"Mr. Schcll, when around I : threshing, had with him a most. beiiuti- I H .Sh & J lulsprlu‘é 90“, g0t by " Mosstroopcr."l . g Mr. Humphrics will no doubt. I‘ch as : proud of this colt as Mr. Schell....l\lr. W A good secondebnnd Reaper fur snl William Dobson, while spending his 1? holidays in the eastern townships purâ€" . chased a “ Young Silverdnst†horse, which he brought home this week. . Judging from looks it is a very fail. floor, and Thomas Austin held the rope specimem while his brother knocked the animal Nousâ€"Tho recent showers have dolm' B“ the blow gm“ “as n.“ delayed the harvest some dawn-A few quite hard enough; and the eow, in- ï¬clds of fan who,“ hwc been sown stead of dropping III lici' tracks, turned Farmers are commencing Iiillplouwliin". a complete Spmcrfauu “"4 min" “"1 ___An cirrhtcen pound arm in; “:5 end ï¬rst against. I‘lionitis Austin, who killed at “Bamboo,†last Evcekp ‘ full with his right leg under her, and ' had to wrigglo and struggle for some “‘ time before he could get loose. Estray Animals. s_s____.,,.,,-_ _ _. -_...._ -s In a month or so lrom now, when The Toronto mebltlon' astu ' r' ’ . . . . a†bgisingslslIOP%LI;tit:"‘f:ll’ 13;: 2:33; The Toronto Industrial Exlllbllmll, and ï¬ndin" owners 1‘0: 533 v.†which opened on the 5th inst. and Will have to beapwformcd’ b _ many close on the 15th, bids fair to be by far Evcrbod , ouflht ,0 Elm“, aid ., °' the most successful one yet hold. A pocedym inow‘Mnt a ï¬rmer “1:: novel and no doubt extraordinarily nt- “ ‘ ‘ b I ' v 1 ~. I‘ u - _ on his premises an animal that: does not “1‘me flaw“ Nuke the bombind below to him i: bound to advertise it mcnt ofa maII-of-wai, thepreparations ,‘s 50:“ as possibic_ but by a hto em“ for which are thus described by the ‘ y t r I - .â€" mcnt, with which very few are yet. Iic- Glzbc' . Q quiantcd, such animal must not only be . Mt' H'll‘ lllo "qcremry has 1’90" advertised but aminute description of In communication with Col. llcwitt. it must also be left. with the township Commanflnnt 0f “1.0 ROW] “mmâ€, 091‘ Clerk, who is required to keep a “St of logo at. kiugston, in regard to what will such animals, and persons who fall to “0.1)â€ny be “'0 grlmdcst’ and "Him lnl' comply with this provision of the law Rosmg Epccmclo 01, “he “'1'910 Limb“ are not only liable to a pecuniary pcu- “00‘ loiterdw berg t'll‘uol lifmcs’ ally, butcannot. collect. expenses ot'kcep- 0H1": R: M' college’ mulled In low."- inn. The enactment is ., "00d one for to, and in the afternoon met. Mr. llill :I' ‘ a , , . ‘ . a . . . it will save many farmers agrcat deal and minim Gmy at the Lxlubmo" lost cattle, more especially young ones, which, if they have no distinctive marks sometimes change so much during a summer from home that is exceedingly dillicult to identify them. In this con- ncction we publish the following, which we ï¬nd in one of our exchanges :â€" A “’OED 0F “'AIlNING.â€"A swindle which people should be on their gnarl against is worked in this way: “ Two rogues watch the papers for estvay iio- ticcs. When one is published one of them goes to look at. the animal. Of course, op application the unsuspecting farmer shows the beast, and the fellow decides that. it. is not his, and then he returns to his partner and describes the animal to him minutely. Number two goes to the farmer, and after proving by his thorough description that. he is the owner of the animal, says he can- not. take it away, and offers to sell it at a bargain. The farmer buys. and in a few days the rightful owner comes along and claims the animal, and of course the farmer is outjust as much.†Busv.â€"â€"-A sudden and violent dc- maud for job printing has this week caused a temporary neglect. of the Ga- zcltc, which is consequently a few hours late and almost destitute of original matter. CORRECTION.â€"~'I'hc amount realized by the Mcchanics’ Institute was 317 instead of $12, as stated last week. We thought the 85 returned by Captain Bottum was included in the $12, but have since learned that, we were mis- taken. TIIE BRIDGEâ€"For several days past. of trouble and loss of time in recovering (‘ound when plans were considered for the successful carrying out of this part of tlicvpvograuimc. A large schoon- cr has been purchased and will be c- quippcd with guns and manned with sailors after the fashion of a modern gunboat. On Monday, Scptciiibev llth, it. will be seen anchored in the lake op- posite the main Exhibition building, about. 1,000 yards from the shore, and at. 3 o‘clock in tlthIiCl‘noOt) Major Gray's Toronto ï¬cld‘Bpttgrxof-artillc- i}; will occupy ii position odor-Fort Rou- illc. about. 100 yards south of the main building. and commence the boiiibnvd- Incut. Tu‘cuty rounds will be lived, the object being, not. to injure the vessel, but merely to sweep the deck and leave the body of the vessel for an illustra- tion of the effect of the torpedo, by which the vessel will be blown to atoms. In the meantime Sergeant-Major Bir- tlcs and Major GI‘IIy will be busily cn~ gagcd in making the necessary arrange- ments. It is very probable that. Scrâ€" gcunl. liivtlcs will also arrange an illus- tration of the working of submarine. mines for defensive purposes. A raft will be prepared and manned with soil- ors, who it will be prrsnnicd ai'c mak-v ing an approach for hostile purposes. When they reach a certain point the submarine mine will be exploded, blow- ing the raft, sailors, and all to frag- ments. Probably other subsidiary fczit- lives may be arranged. Thcrn is no doubt that. this part of the exhibition will be a grand success, and will be witnessed with iIItcrcst by thousands who may be fortunate enough never in their lives to witness a more realistic or i destructive display of the arts of war.’ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__,. -9_._._ ..__ 0 0. obbiug a. Specialty. 6. Price, $20. Ilas only cut 25 acres. SA N 1)1301{.I), Fenolon Falls Extraordinary Suicide. VICTORIA, B. 0.. Sept. l.â€"â€"Captnin Campbell, of the British barquo Bib- any, lately arrived from New York with Canadian Iiicrcliaudisc, and loading ' salmon for London, shot. himself twico iii the head last night, and then tried. to cut his throat with a rusty sword. Afterwards he smoked a cigar and ate a heavy supper with friends, who were unaware he was wounded. In the morn- ing ho was found inscusiblc in his cab- in, and will die. Ilis ship sailed you: terday with 20,000 cases of salmon for London. *- Guiteau’s Remains. WASIIINIITON, Sept. lst.â€"â€"Guitcau'o skeleton is now at. the National Army Medical Museum in this city, but. will ,iiot be exhibited to the public until the ï¬nal disposition of the bones of the as- sassin, which cannot. be determined un- til Judge Ilaguo decides as to the valid- ity of Guitcnu's will, in which he be- queaths his body to Hicks. The ex- perts engaged in the microscopical cir- aminntion of Guitcnu'n brain have com- lplctcd their work. It is understood that they disagree respecting his sanity, and there will probably be two reports i'cndci'cd. .4». All kinds of crops are reported in ï¬nd condition in Ncwiouudland. Sixty-live thousand immigrants arriv- cd in the United States during July, against 50,000 in July of last. year. Hog cholera is causing alarm among the farmers of Perry Township, Road- iIig Co., Pa. LiTllC Hungarian harvest is an abun- dant one. There will be a large sur- plus of wheat and rye for exportation. The boom in oil in the new Pennsyl- vania fields is likely to weaken. Salt.t watcv has succeeded the oil in several \vells. Farmers in Cornwallis, N. S.. have [been conipcllml by the wecvil to cut their green whcat and store it for win- tcr fodder. A Tuscavntus (Ohio) farmer has not. sheared his sheep in ï¬ve years, claim- ‘iug that (ind intended that they should .\vcar tlicir wool. A \Vcst Virginia farmer recently sold a black walnut true for $000, which was but a little less than he paid for the tract on which it grew. [hiring a recent storm clcvcn tele- graph poles in succession, ou the road from Windsor to Euro! Centre, were shattered by lightning. The report. of the microscopic experts upon (Juneau's brain will not, it is thought, change. the opinion of Guit- cau's iiisuuity to any great. extent. l A French authority reports a general abundance of crops throughout. Europe .and America. The French harvont will be slightly above the average. - nâ€" - we have been unable to s are time to "0 ll ld ‘ ‘ _ y ,. . 1 . _ ., 40 25 0,. hm, chm] b,,__(},,rr,ed, P- I _ n I - a nttcmpts were made to start. a lumix I‘ttnvcrl'urc llcpolfloalicookyP~Q~v TԠ."9‘" “m. 11°11‘07"“ 1 “0 7" ycufgginflzf J“ 40 95 [lumen by, Mr. Smithson, seconded {‘“d 59°, ho“: “'0 York 0r 1'“'-'"'"8 the 0031: Of the Bombardment or Alex conflzigratiou at llcllovillo on the 7th Canada. i Yearling Ileifcr ........ .. 1 00 75 resczjl "" 1 “ by “r Momâ€, That ,his council au, Iron bridge Is getting on, but we hear andlm' linst, li‘nur buildin'vs were ï¬red by tho Il‘ull Cali I'issz .... 1 50 1 00 .ass --- ‘lllc ' ori. ‘- Q ' v. thntit is rourcssin: ra idlv a r' “'7 . l- u - T. . ' . ~ ' G A N O E R (3 U R B D i ii if“. a“; do 1 50 1 00 o . ‘ . 3 r m thOTlZL Mr. Thomas Smith to select. a rob‘b, ' bl; cgm lac-d gogl‘wlh’“"c(ifl‘iln Few persons, excnptiug those behind i-‘floundr. ls, who h'lltfllcctlul III escapin". with-mt tlm use of the knife. L L T """ " Embrmdcry ‘f‘ )IPSlmn-m 00 m road to lot. 30 In the 9th conecsston, and ï¬nn‘wgs 1L ï¬rlpe'x I L ‘ ' U the scenes, are likely to know from of- :U‘V'"? I†“f0 "'lâ€"f'lnlflic OI ll": rlrhldcuw Tm, “Iâ€, pvrmamm pun. h, u“. Worm. 3 Clay,- I)_.I)Qvou Cattle, luuihrmdgry 1“ Silk-"m"- 50 report to the next meeting of this coun- ‘ V ‘ ' C “ ' I)cc 0‘ ‘ ï¬cm mum,“ the-Mm“ on}, of “,0 . and IMO brigade the damage was not. For particuiurseticluse mar. m-nI slumps ! B 11 Q0 )0 30' Braid Workay..." ...... 40 -~'_) cIl.â€"-Carricd. To {Mpg-'0‘" mmntcem 1"“ bombardment of Alexandria; but infor- . heal)" ins. I...\.lllllll. I'.I:\Ii(‘nuk. l‘. Q_,(‘I\uudu. l fl ; ------- ---- H t~ ‘_ 51 if l Bcrliu \\ ool \\ ork, flat.... 40 22-) Moved by Mn Mom“, seconded by on Iuesdziy for LobOIiI-g, there to un- "mum, has been obmhwd “Myâ€. ppm“! St. lochc's, Que, was on the 7th ....~ll2_;l;r,â€"'t llvl'crI-uccs.â€"- l \"-‘“"1‘_"{-3 lll'll-"7".-';:;" 1 0“ l (U do: (30- raised-n 40 3: .\Ir. Moyncs, That‘thc following bills deli!†the†annual allâ€: “3'1 “"0 have ing the cost of each round as tired from inst. the male of an extensive ï¬re, A 3",qu S“.“_..,. H.“ ,.E,,TM_\._.® , LOW 1') 03", 0". 8"“‘3 r Tutting...... ......... 40 2;) be paid, viz; J, I), Nuylnr7 extra work no doubt that thcywvill, as usual, com- the various Shim mummy when ,N, ; number of bub-inc†house" were burned oi My NW: N“ yum-MI 1m MID†for $5 , T iuilk .... .. l l Crochctdltork ..... 40 l as (“magma 2; “A. Marshaâ€, mo pare flu-Oprah? with any company on min†Sir “muchfï¬nl, Swmour “rimâ€; uâ€, (0,,†In.†will be in the neigh: a you, with this note and puper regularly.) l Y‘j'o F] a“ m U. I 00 l 1'3'lcl'_l‘mfung -- -------- 40 bridges South of Cumbray on 20d cou- 1!†grout“ -] "amend ‘0 “'0 533‘ words, as tloubtlch’ he eventually will bourhood of $50,000. No water was. r, _ A, _ y , ,__ vâ€... l “gril‘nn U - - - - ~ - -‘ ‘9‘ Artiï¬cial I‘lOWCI’S-nu - - . - 40 uil ccssion, SSO; Isnathilford, extra WOI'li “on “‘_ 5100‘ St) L 3" presel'm‘l (lune do to the Admin“; 1],.) dutailml re. 5 availaqu to fight the flames until half 'J U S T R E C E | V E D i Bull L0†or 1351- ------- ~ - 1 on » {’0 ‘l Bead Work ............ 40 25 l as overseer, 86; gl‘.‘ Cunningham, for 3 mama] “Pll‘l‘f'm‘ccz but _“'°“ld "Me pairs of the captains of the different i an hour after the fire broke out. ' x H )r i , lléiller Illa . (a .... .. IVOO. no, Farmcfl wrcmlhmmmu 50 2' wave, for Ema" b-Ouudflry’ 32; and looked better if their uniforms were “NSan um,†their cmnnmml. of the; A" 1mm" W‘ho mm] mm, For, Edi: “‘“SM-‘Wt’m‘ ‘ - -I.<s 2â€"â€" mt cs or = Iitives “01 Work . 40 25‘"! I 1‘ k ' b-' ‘t‘ td Io ncwcr- “ . ‘. . 'I . ‘ g i I e - i 3‘ . ------ ‘ _ “at l ‘0 ‘3 LT 5;?!†l "‘3 'uc ‘3 , number ol rounds tired :I Sill) lo calcu- rm II“ n traded his ii otlcr 0°“ in “mi 0" KM“; ! 9mm dgllmm} $1 orfaiwmim from tile in“. FOR THE Lxmmnox'i‘o? Friday I lation will sulliccto slidw the ibom-taryl Itiilinii for a liorisc.’ Altci’rï¬tliii‘mmliï¬l q, I milk 81 50 SI 00 l ‘3'?" ral- 40 muralllj' 0r l3l<igfli_llnft 5:3 (29.. PO- last. 3112.11,. Dcymall. OI this, filial-(e, cost: (if bombarding tlIc Alexandria:dclivcry of the goat]: tho Indian who ttI union; nut mm. “‘llii‘ll I will seIIf Two year old Heifer.... l 00 751 1‘" ‘1 . or e L Iii) r _ mmo' .blu‘ms’ "‘ 0.‘ i '1‘“ wells?“ Smplmd “x mops 0f rim!“ ‘0 “mm†l form 0" the “11"†July “0"? “Mitt-"e “'0 horse up Nine and took him - , . a ‘. x -- ,.. . c , â€" - . - survc‘ma as an; I n .-. om w me we 0 c Ic m c as success- ' . n I . - . . . .- ' . v \LJI‘llll- IILIILF ........ .. m .lill hm 5h": home an}: “n 9- .l l 5’†0 B u 1 _ l I h l’ H .V H b l ï¬red from the tour 80 ton -una of the away, whereupon the other Ind infarm- At the Livy-psi; Pryce _ ; “fife, (m, 75 5â€; starcllcd and WITHIN 40 30 road, 87; Messrs. .\ewtou Bros, print- I ful as they were at the Central Exhibi. l luflcxiblc mm the nation £25 105, [,er‘num, “m, Cupmi" Cannon and hm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I - .- . .. - ~ - . , . , - . ' . "‘ r n .v - ,. .. l Yoke of Ochi............. I 50 1 00 i Mm,le""3".""TIT???"’b-4g] {-0 "’g' 81;) Sitâ€"camâ€: Hm“ “ELmdS‘U '3“ 1f?“- M’v De)†l gun. The :Zn-ton :tumi, of which tlichim arrested for stealing. An exami- M! hurt! Od- FM Bus, .......... .3 00 1 5"; l.‘|5\.fi.tlonnl') Hus Int IS €155 01†Moved by Mr. Smithson, sccn‘nfled mBD W'llï¬'n ‘0 we ,0"? 0" 310mlâ€: ! Alexandra carries two, the Monarch :nation was held, which resulted in tho N 'g ‘ i ’ ‘ ' I’M :Al‘llClCS 00¢ Cllum‘lmlt‘d- b' ‘Ir. Movacs That II. J. L m: be and on his return Will irobabl brill" I ' - "5 I' q '- ' . ' 311 5“, .\l. l.\. '1 hi .\I l‘..\rl.$ t , . a . 3 o . i 5. _ _ _ l 3' a four, and tho Tunarairc four, cost £v .casc bung dlhIIHFSUl, as the Magistrate V , g, ‘ _, my“, ,‘L \ W 1%,â€, Fm,†l Cl:ts.~z-1<-â€"I.Clcest(‘l‘ Sheep. E Class Q,_P0uhrv. ‘ re-cugagcd as clerkfat. a salary at $120 ! home With him some at the bust poultry Per mum} per gun, The 18.109 guns, ‘2 pop] um, um “unidenuion given for *‘~~""*~““ ‘ " ': _ , ., ' 'u .lnrncincreascin hccauobtaiu. - ' 1 i ' .‘ ii: ' , Aged Ilam ..... ..... .. . 81 2.) pl 00 I - q - .- n- 2 p“ “"".“““ 0m?" to l - : l of which the A exam r: carries tcn, tic I the horse WM not valuable. 8t ; Yarn,†RM" ,,,,,,,,,, __ 1 25 1 (in PM: Of FOWIQ "" " I, {he ‘3“‘3‘7‘5 0:] ll'i‘dOmL‘Ot; “fl ml“ 3 bY‘ ' BAND EXCIZRSIOS.â€"The members of' Sultan eight, the Superb sixteen, and - lirauches E . ‘7 ~- 3 , . , 2'; l 3“ 3'3 "1â€" "cc ‘30“ “‘91ng i “3 53m°~ . the Fcnclon Falls Brass Band have for l the ’l'cmcrairc four, cost £5 53. KT; ' ' ‘i’ " I I i in“. Lamb; ....... i on 1.3 u Locliius .......... do 2.. . 43mm, - , a , . z b“, ,k. n f . ,, I, , " Th, ,2 ,m , l ,. COMMUNICATIONS. .u the “Usical Emporiunl - I'vro Accd LwI-s ........ .. 1 00 ml :1 H. b .1 '0 0' l . ,~0-ne IIch pit-l ~Ln ta Inn 0 gettin, , roun. pir gun. . i guns, 0 . _' ‘ _ . - - r 'I ,. 3‘ . , ..-¢ 4‘" "(H‘s-"um- ? ~i’a Moved by Mr. Smithson. sccondcdi .' .1 Th, 5.] I ' t l ]; vincibl curricc ten the """"“‘“"""' "M‘L:â€""“"“;:':":= tipposte the English t,'hnreh. bent Street. 1‘70 >hca’lmfu' L‘WSHH 1 ('0 hl- N Brahmas _, 30 23' ‘ ) ' T a . I up an excln‘mn‘ an "- 3y next' l wl'lc‘ l 'c ’ c ' ; A C) u ‘ Linn". I Two Ewe Lam!†...... u 1 On 75; h “mums .. 50 05 3y .Ir.‘l almcrn lint ilr. Jusliu; the 14th Inst, has been fixed upon. Monarch two, and the Sultan four, cast: in ongc. ' G .\. unmannt , g l ‘ , " """"" ii ‘- 3- f f “so†’°,°‘"nm’§5’0“°' ‘0 “Pen “’l The trip is to be to (.‘oboconk, and the ‘ £3 12!. per round pcr gun. The Pen-3 T“ M, m," I, I}. p. I I, I f," ‘.7‘_7w_______~_, ,_7_,___.,_~_ i (lass Gâ€"Cotswold Sheep. I f: “mum 3'5? Ir‘i cravcllmg on the new rfmd ï¬outh of me will be :25 cents for adults and 15 iglope, .whivh alone curries fi-tnn cans, 5;,,,,_ H j M W 0â€" ‘ gum" Y T V , Aged Ram ............. H . $1 2:, $1 005 .r B a ta 5 i 50 35 3 Cameron "plms‘tc 10" 6' ""d “mum ‘0! cents for children under twelve years of. has eight of them. which were di-ehnrg- i do “web, chum†hm" Adm†N ‘ RI E. ' 4, - , or l a“, m '- ’ be NH“? "he" the “‘35 “"3 comm“! nflc. Bills containing full articularsl ed at, a cost, of £2 155. .i-r round ycrtut Priicluii Pnllr.0nt. to nddlc run a no; “‘ ' huh"? Ram """"" 1 "" l 00’ " n“°“-----------""- 5° 2') l for this year Carried " - k] y,‘ ' pd ‘ dl Th \f l d tl Il'iiI "in bound but hadn't p { :usn. Lamb ............. i on 75: u a so 05' ‘ a" : were prm ‘1 I Is morning an We mom a - “"3"†a" ’c ' C'" ' ‘ "¥“°‘“°°""°' °" , E guilt" “a†. H . 1 _ ccsc.. . -_ l The comm†the" ad onâ€,on u, meet ,.H: '9. w, b A __ k , . r , (.- t I n n. "c "M beingvonc and n halfto tum mil" ntnlghtouo GEORG G ’ T70 ‘5‘“! l‘““"" "" " 1 0†‘5i “ Turkcï¬-"u-m- - - 50 2° 5 at L‘ meron on Decca tier 4th 188" “mud.†{he-- “ .‘5 . v “If? rmi mph iii“! a is I†Pi} . 1 L' '- . . fr" A"! sum lie-tuna Nomi-Ii" ""1 an; General Insurance Ind Luau Agent. Two Sheath“: Ewes... I 00 75 5 ~ » - ‘ a ' ’ m the b0)“ “1min†pammnxc’ "N “my t 5†l-tn. per round per gun. _1H‘- l5†idollura. [remit or ten dollars each to be ; ‘ . i i - i b ecml Pnzes- l ..__ .M- ...-.._...__, need some new Instruments, and can Leon and the Cygnet have two 04-poiind-.,g,,n m w, A, 1",“, 0 FALLS ONT , Two Lu; Lamb ........ .. l 00 :5, I I. . - - I 8W" or Lindâ€!- FENEL N t ‘l ' c . ., A special prize given bv the Society Norm verulm i hardly be expected to pay tor them out ‘ on each, the can of dischargmg which 3 The balance to be given to him boron tho "Noun" tbt‘ fattening ï¬rst elm womb" (JRSS Hâ€"DOWD 5 Sheep. l for we be“ geneâ€; purpoge sumo“. to __ ' i of their own pockets. l is 182;. per round per gun. The: Pen-frlï¬tvloglw "if?!" Perl†'b0 my 50 IP- “Kg::wj‘iiy‘zfgéi:iin:i:\::;‘22:.‘5f’l‘Psziitll‘d Am“, Ram .............. fl 5] 25 5x 0,) 5 pe competed for by horses owned with- (Carrelporideuce q‘riu Gauze.) l “car BY A Cowâ€"Mr. Thos. Ans-i clope carriesfthrcc 40.pout:]delrs, ï¬lm , Wafuzzlzge'ni anglgzgaz on," The ‘Cu‘a‘h ,,emm;m,_uu * Sarimrm “umâ€: um, ,,,,,,,,,, u 1 3:, 1 no; in the township 01in .... .. $3 00 $2 00. Bmuiim;._._\lr_ S. l’oguc's house, f tin, of this village, Is rpiitc laiucdrom i “I’M-‘93 W" 4 "P‘mfd'irf- 3†“"r if" 7 before the 21min; ofSeplcmhcr, IBM. The lerisl Insurance Company. ct Lcn- liJuI I..imb................ -1 CH1 755 [All “llamas or '3075‘9 mmWUW-l i which has bccu in the course of ercc- the effects of a rather strange Retl'lcfll- “'m Elm lll'i"’u.nue"“" uâ€: CH“ O ' "7f , WI- WALTERS. don. Elm-thud , Tm» .\zed Ewes ........ .. l 00 75* I“ this P'i“ mu“ Wain“ Pedigrees i Iiou.£~ince spring. i.-' ncariy mun-loud. , Last Monday morniaz he and his bruth- charslw “mfl' "‘1 1Z“; P†“Cmâ€! pt" I’â€â€œ"“-'I “3"†23â€â€ "532' Le t‘aiiign'injsu‘uu? bung-any. atCus- T“... 53mm,“ mm“. 1 m 75: to the satisfaction ofihe Society] FAm'Yan_â€"Mr, John Scholi has 3 er Henry went to their slaughter-house : sum Infd‘l‘m?‘ “’ “"5 ‘23“ "" “rm,†- - v -â€"< ~â€" r~ -~â€"~~-~w----~ TH (.0 of Ray“, Two Rue Lamln ....... .. l (in) 75, A prize by the President of the 80-? been in this vicinity with his threshing - for the purpcsc of killing a com-which 3 to be cmculntml for {the (ping 0 ct I0; 1)EAT}IS. It} ,§,,,(,d.,,,,o,, L‘s. Awfgï¬mfl'ic‘m; Pair l-‘ai Sheep. of my iciity for the but herd of cattle, any machine, and reports the yield of grain .5 was hauled into the proper position by smaller armament: o the yon-3t, oa- , ‘ 1,. suntan Falls, on Pridly. September ‘ ,g. { breed . ............ . . l 50 I 00 3, breed, one male and {our females... 85. i on fair. Barley is reported coloured, l a rape pasw-l through 3 ring in the 3 401'. 304 1’5’305- -, 4‘: “r- “311"†"m": 3f.» '1“ 93 It"! ‘M