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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1882, p. 4

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. - . .___._. .- . , ‘ ON THE ROAD. Beginning at Streetsville what is now the . main line of the Credit Valley I strike to- I ward St. Thomas. I A? JULIUS l I make a halt and am not more than within 2 the precinct: of the village when I hear that i all-in: t tori; the Scott Act, under, discussion. It is evident that there are 2 many people in ,lfalton who have not the; highest admiration for Mr. Scott and the: l ' tire creation which bears his name. ‘ ueh bitterness has been the result of the pract-‘cal application of the act. A flood deal of personal animosity characterimf the l nova! on both sides before the election.l After the act had been carried iti soon became evident that the opponents of the measure were not inclined to throw aside their personal feelings and endeavor to make them a succas; while it became equally endent that its advocates were bent i on draling the legal restrictions on the s t lines, leaving littl? to the moral effect of the votes. In the villam: as soon as the bars were closed and thc hotel-keep- crs had sullcnly closed their stables and bed- rooms 'ust the visitor. . the Alliance did not leave the stone long unturned before they started a joint stock temperance accom- modation house. For a few weeks it ,had a large run :bnt the reaction came when the hotel keepers relented and threw open their doors, and now the Alliance hostclry has little patronage I was, told, cxcept among the more fanatical of the Scott Acton. Then came the detective system of enforcing the act ;neceasitated,~-as the Alliance heldâ€"by the alleged violations of the act in the prin- cipal hotels; butâ€"as viewed by the other party-showing the readiness of the Alliance to emplo ' means as demoralizing and as despicsb c as any adopted is the nat- ural course of the liquor traffic. Detec- tive Maloney, who was cinploycl by the Alliance at St a day exclusive of his “treat- ing expenses,” was one of the chicfagentsm this work. Cases were brought against hotel keepers by this agent in Oakville, Nelson, St. Anus and liurlingtomand the latter case resulted in nchargc of perjury against him, which resulted in his arrest. Sucli animos- ity was’by this time raised against him that liewas compelled to leave the town by stealth. In the course of one of these cases this agent confidentially gavc the following interesting account of himself :â€"â€"“I taught school for two years and wrote for news- pa rers. Have acted as a detective of houses of ill fame in Toronto and was very success- ful in the business. I also travelled for a tea Iirin;" towh‘cli a local paper midstliat “ he i: possessed of an excellent education and at one time studied for the ministry.” Since the excitement which ended in Mulcncy’s sudden withdrawal from Milton little has been heard of the operations of the detec- tives. A Georgetown liquor case was tried and when the accused was atquit- ted a bonfire was lighted in the village and as it was impossible that strict justice could be done to the celebration of such an occa- sion without a little of thecontrabaud article its lf, some genius of the dcmijolm sur- mounted the ditlicultics of the case by pro- curing a doctor‘s order for two quarts of whiskey. This was one means of entering the paradise of incbricty through the needlo’s eye of u. legal shift ; but. there are other methods employed. Several of those who are known to be habitual drunkards, and whose conduct under the new regime was noted with special interest, suddenly left town. \\'hci'c had they 'onc‘.’ the question was asked. They had ( isappearcd where many an American patriot had gone when the civil war first demanded their armsâ€" across the lines. They had gone into the ndjoinin counties, where liquor was to be had free y, and when compelled by the necessities of n depleted purse to return to their native country they were seen to be encumbered with cans of various dimensions nbcllcd " coal oil,” “ bcnzmc" and “spirits of turpentine.” Such are somo of the fea- tures of Iboworking of tlic Scott Act, which. of course, has not yet bccn tried it sullicicnt .lcugth of timo to enable the people to judge of its ovils or its benefits. g. I- move onward through some of the s .1 I W ESTFJLV T0 W N 5 among which the first is Gnlt, nicknamed the Sheffield of Canada. It lies in u. cosy vulloy on the Grand River which is here widened artificially and has a couple of pretty islets full of green slirubbcry and giving a park like aspect to thc grccn sword on either sidc. Thu Lusy shops had ceased their labors for the time and Galtwasliaving its civic holiday. On the green ucroas the river the townspeople were holding their festivities. It needed not the bills on the bulletin boards along the strcct to explain that Galt is very Scotch, for the soft pure melody of some old Scotch uir, lmlfdrowncd in the unearthly squeal of two or three bug pipesâ€"and thc gay costume of some high- land ladies taking part in tlic Calcdouian games, roclninu-d flu: fact qi‘uroll‘tn both cyc an car. Two of the linndsomcst c iurclics 1 have yet sccu arc flu' Presbyter- ian cliurclics lu-rc, Ayn, clcvcu mil” \l‘cs‘t, is a quiet. little town, built mostly of wood: and uotol cliiclly as thc scat of Thomas Watson's agricultural works, which employ about 100 to ISO hands, und now send their reapers, mowers, ploughs, burrows etc., to every continent on the globe. Several cur loads wuro this your sent to Russia and a lnrge foreign trade could bc done if they could only fill their home orders. A new factory 400 ft. x 60 ft. is shortly to be crcct- cd, when tho number of bands will be large- ly increased. It is rather intcrcsting to note that the demand on this firm for agri- cultuml implements from tho north-nest alarm for next season has reached :1 value of $20,000. .\lr. “'ntson, who has quite a family, is about to admit its principal inciii~ bcrs iutou rtuvrsliip in the business when, in tlic “‘Ol'l s of Charles Rondo, " the firm will be firmer than over." Near the village is a sprung of wutcr strongly impregnated with iron and which if its merits \vcrc r0 - erly brought before the public \voul: be largely patronized by invalids. us tlw situa- t'on is very healthy. \\'I.N'l.‘ ‘ldl h is too well known as an intellect- ual centre to nor-l much description, for intellectual centres are generally very 00d at doing their own descriptions. Liki- ugvrsoll. \\ oodstock is built largely of white brick. and has some very pretty avenues. The writer is somewhat startled. as be approaches the town, at beholding one graveyard without any protection whatever to the tombstoncs ; and u littlc further on Another in which a brindle row or tuo arc' quietly extractng from tlu- \crdurc the, purely personal riches lclt lv ancestry of \Voodstovk. lngerwll is next reached. A large busi- ness in cheese is donc here, and the trado it is ex I“), u about 10 cts. will be rcalircd by the shipper: wherv only 5 cu. was obtained last year. The town has a 3‘0qu park of about l5 acres which will soon developiufo a fine resort. Between lngsmll and 5:. Thomas the traveller passes over a level and “try futile country. stations being_placci that seem likely rim to some ini y the tlt.‘(l‘3â€"‘L'll not is mll.ths farmers have session (I commerce. e dairy business: and specialists have pronounced a Alon here. mzluwly info from the train on may frequentlym farm- erson their way to mouths-cu factory with ten or Iiiteen can: of ml]: each holding from mwmgdlom. Ronni to the ups-rt of the country manner. in lit-ins struck bv the fact thau'while the talk is all of the North. vacuum yet been brought under culti ration. la the districts lyiagofl‘of the main roads nearlyi try is either woods orttumpl halfultbecoas My“ unbroken by the plough: so that I ty ; it is not only needless, but impares what ted will amount this year to $1,500,w ODDS m ms. I lie that would govern mhemnmshould The Tull“ The master of himglf. - Hanfm. The man that dares trmluee beam he can It ith safety to himself is not a nun, Cow per. Better to be despised for too anxious ap- prehensions than ruined by too wnfident a securityâ€"Rude. Deforequ is the most complicate, the most indirect and the most elegant of all compli- men ts. â€"Slierulone. A good word isoa can obligation; but not to speak ill requires on y our silence. which cans us nothingâ€"Tillolsm. Conceit is to nature what paint is tobeauo it would improve. â€"Pope. To smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another’s breast, is to become a principal in the rniscbief.--.37uridun. Trust him little who praises all, him less who censurea all, and him least who is indif- ferent about all. â€"Lamler. Iamentation is the only musician that always, like a acreech-owl, alights and sits on the roof of an angry man.â€" I’fulurcli. The covetous person lives as if the world were made altogether for him and not for the world ; to take in everything and part with nothing. â€"Soufli. A Philadelphia youth begged a \Vest-cnd belle to give him some-thins! he could wear next his heart. She sent him a. red flannel chest-protector. It takes eight hundred full-blown roses to make a tablespoouful of perfume, whilst a shilling’s worth of cooked onions will scent a neighborhood. The man who stood for hours in front of his glass trying to get the right shade on his moustache said he was “ just dyeing to see his sweetheart." There is a great deal of latent commonsense iu the world if we could only find its hiding- place Thedifliculty is we don’t know enough to know where it is. The old proverb says “ Riches are but the baggage of virtue." We are ourselves vir- tuous, but somehow when we travel we can always get our “baggage” into a small hand- ag. A good joke is going the rounds of the London clubs. It is that the Savage Club having under consideration a proposal to make Cctewayo an honorary member dur- ing his stay in this country. .Eathctic wife (sobbing)â€"“ Dearest, I'll see that your grave is kept green, but none of those horrid bright greens. A nice olive grey green, with an old bronzed tomb- stone, will look too awfully lovely for any- thing." LaucbicL” Fut sort 0' minister his she gotten, Georgie?" Gcorgieâ€"“ Weel, he’s no’, mucklo worth ; we seldom see him. Sax days 0' the week he’s invisible, an’ on the seventh hc’s incomprehensible." “'lioevcr looks for a friend,witliout im- perfections will never find what he seeks. We love ourselves with all our faults, be they few or many, small or great, and we ought to love our friends in like manner. The following is an excellent specimen of ollicinl English, and, as such, worthy of noteâ€"“Sir, I am directed by the Public Health Committee to inform you that they have decided not to issue for the future licence for the slaughtering of animals in itiny private premises intended for human 00d.” Quicksilver is carried and shipped in wrought-iron flasks of 25 lbs., containing 75 lbs. or the metal. The consumption of quick- silver in the world was estimated in 1876 to amount to about 80,000 flasks per your ; in 1877 it reached 1000,000, flasks ; since then it has averaged 133,000 flasks a. year. The hunting of humming birds is.n. fuv- oritc sport in Brazil and the “'est. Indies. The natives use reed blow-guns, fourteen or fifteen inches long, and pelletts of cotton wool, with which the little creatures are stunned and captured, while travellers shoot them with common table salt. In neither case is the plumage injured. ~ «"10.- A Valuable Fruit. Dr. James Moore discovered by ersonnl experience that lemons rightly use were a valuable remedy for small pox. He says: “ llook upon lemon juice as a. specific of as much certainty and power in small-pox as quinine is in intermittent fever." He com- incnccd taking the juice of one lemon with two tablespoousful of water. at regular in- tervals, also eating the pulp (this was done after the eruptions became painful), and kept his pulse at from sixty to sixty-seven for thirty-six hours, when all elevation dis- appeared from the skin. A free use of lemons in sickness or health is highly bene- ficial, especially in the summer or during the heated term. Lemonade _is n. safe drink in sickness and health. It corrects biliousnesa. It isnspccilic against worms and skin com- pluiuts. Lemon juice is the best unti- scorbutic remedy known. It not only cures tliodiscasc but prevents it. Sailors make a daily use of it for this purpose. \Vhou one feels poorly, if they would eutnlcmon before breakfast every day for u weekâ€"with or without sugarâ€"they would find it better than medicine. A free use of lemon juice and sugar will always relieve a cough. A piccc of lemon bound upon a corn Will cure it. in a few days ; it also prevents cliilblains. Rubbing the ums daily with lemon juice keeps them in enlth. The hands and nails are also kept white and soft by the daily use of lemons. It is also claimed by some to euro neuralgia and rheumatismâ€"outward np- licutions for the former, internal for the utter. It cures warts and destroys dan- drufl' on the bond by rubbing the scalp well with the juice diluted with a little water. Lemonade is also a pleasant and health- ful beverage for supper n warm wratlicr. ._._..... a”- .â€"‘ ‘u .- Gold In Africa. Capt. Burton, the celebrated traveller, has reported that almost illimitablc 'old can be obtained at the Gold Coast, A rica, a dis- trict which has bccnauriforoualy prolific for centuries. He says the regionsaro equal to half dozen Culifomias. 'lhis testimony is sup rtcd by Commander Cameron, who visitu and investigated thc Gold Coast along with Capt. Burton. Gold is found in the sea sand. in the dust of the roads, and in the mud walls of native huts. Several mining companies are cn~ gnged in gold finding in tho district, and they testify to the great possibilities it af- fords. A subject of such importance has, of course, been widely discussed by experts in England, and by this time larva numbers of prospectors arc doubtless verifying mat- ltcrs on the spot. f There are many dillicultics in Africa that I that did not confront the gold digch of lCalifornia and Australia. The climate has its dangers: the inhabitants are savages; the rulers suspicious and hrstilo ton gent. But whom abundant gold is to be ' with ease white men will go. and the of l of civilisation will flow thither, baring 10.000 ' energies tomnfmut those of nature and bar- barism. The want of g dd it so great that the l I 1 Belmont and one or two other world must have it atany risk: and were it to guarded by all the images of Africa united tame in local Indie. into a single host it would become the \\'hen g listaand avorsbIc opinion. and di gen have proof positive thata great god deposit remains to be . worked, the difficulties with natives w.ll lawn be solved. \ . . OISI. Maine" I will? in myl uwmman an" intended foamy over the L‘ Southern. 9 . . :01 great gold discovery the art of mining and lwuhinglorthe inst-l has nudemorspm- ; great than in all antecedent time. i . with fuming. so much 3 land be. about us in Distant; that has never l 4 we the evils of the worst climate. During the thirty years Er - thing favors the speedy translation of can gold info the channels of international trade, should it be found in the quantities alleged by Capt. Burton. -.c The Atlanta Cassia-(ion thinks that eight km-.. our best uttlefifipmvinoe mu still pmti. Nurses at dinner are enouzh, i vcn ii four of ally nadevelo . t them are water. ‘whose tribe is committing mums Km to com romise the frontier difficulgwoflering t: cede three disputed place to Greece if the latter cede Turkey the remaining two. Greece refuses to make the connectors. and will mobilize her army. If negotatious fail a force of 4,01) men will be held in residues to join the troops concentrated on the frontier. The Persian Minister, in Constantinople has sent: fmh noteto the Forte, demanding the arrest of the Kurdish chief Obeidullah hostih' ‘ties on the Turko-Persian frontier. The Russian Am bassador supporta the note. Chief Obeidullah has submitted to the Sultan, and been ordered to reside at Me. dina, in Arabia, where a pension will be al- lowed him. ‘ A wild man has been discovered in the woods ten mi‘es cut of Phillips, Wis. The discove ' was reported by a land hunter, named red McDonald, who says that the creature utters bitter cries and flies when he catches sight of another human being. He is also supposed to have been seen at several lumber camps on Elk River, travelling east- ward, away from the settlements. He is supposed to be a Swede. As there is noth- ing but bark and roots'upon which he can live he must soon succumb. The Sherifi' and pass: started out to attempt his cap- ture. Earl Spencer, is reinstating the dismissed policemen, granted them 9. free pardon, but expressed regret and surprise that they ahguld be induced to take the step they I . - Ten persons arrested for complicity in the murder of the Joyce family, ucarC ng, have been committed for trial. A number of persons belonging League of Patriots, recently assaulted the manager of the Lanlenie news- paper, in Paris. The affair is connected with recent an ti-German demonstrations by the League. An armistice has been concluded between the Greeks and Turks on the Thessalian frontier. based on the satus qua ante. N ego- tiations for a definite settlement regard- ipg the frontier are progressing satisfactor- i y. Nothing has been decided with regard to the Turco-Greek frontier question. It is said that M. Condouriotis, Greek Minister at Constantinople, would have a further conference with Said Pasha, Turk~ ish Miniateuof Foreign affairs. If: is believed, if no settlement is tuen reached, that hos- tilities will be resumed. It is understood that M. Condouriotis has been instructed no: to yield on any of the five points in dis- pu e. A‘box received from Barcelona by the Minister of Finance on Sunday last was found to contain four bottles of nitrogly- cerine. ' The subscription for the Panama Canal Company of 250,000 bonds of 500 francs each is considered a. success in Paris. During August British imports increased, compared with the same montli'last year, $424,000. The exports increased $378,000. A fire occurred in the Philharmonic Thea- tre, at lalington, recently. The roof of the building has fallen in, and the interior of the house is completely burned out. If: is reported in St. Petersburg that the mobilization of a large portion of the Rus- sian army is in progress so as to be in readi- ness in the event of Oriental complications. to the .__.__.:u 4o.~»«â€"___. The nghthouse Keeper's Wife. Boon Isliind lies about sixteen miles from the Isle of Shoals, and is a dangerous rock not high above the son. It is said to be one of the most desolate of spots, and is seldom visited except by the government bout that carries supplies every three months. Many years ago the keeper and his wife were left alone on the island, the assistant having gone ashore to be away some days. During the time the husband was taken ill. The brave woman cared for him day and night, and every evening Boon Island light shone bright ; but her nursing and watchfuluess could not save the life so dear to her, and she was soon alone on the island with the dead. \Vell knowing that: it would be almost impossible to signal assistance from land or passing boats, she bethought herself to of- tend to the light as was customary, and then put it out. At the Portsmouth naval station in Kittery they noticed Boon Island ligkt was not shining, and sent a boat to the ra- lief of the woman who had been so afflicted. but bore the aflliction so bravely. .â€"_<...._ An Odd Use for Beer. A few days ago was celebrated, in the town of Bernuu, in Prussia, the anniversary of a. famous victory won by the townsmen of that festive place in 1432. At that time the Hussitcs, under a certain general named Kosku, were besiegmg the town in force, and there was little hopes of holding out against the detemiined fanatics. The siege was raised by means of a very curious strutagem devised by the burgomnster, who may be commended as having turned the appetites of the enemy into a more powerful weapon against them than any number of more deadly-looking arms that could have been manufactured. It seem that the liking for beer was then as strongly developed among the (peeple of the Fatherland as now, and tho iffereuce of creed between the attack- ing and defending armies (lid not imply any dissimilarity in their taste for the national book. But there was this essential differ- ence between the one and the otherâ€"that the besigcrs bud brought with them no brew- houses nor even any suitable cauldrons for the making of their favorite drink, whereas the besieged were in full possesion of everything that was required for the pur- pose. The burgomuster, accordinvly, either gtvo orders, or at least made a suggestion, that every brewer in Bernau should at once set and brew as much as he cculd of his best ale. Into the vats was then intro duccd a sufficient quantity of well-disguised narcotic. The casks Wcrc packed for ex- portation and dcsputchcd inn long train at night from the gates. They were naturally sailed by tho thirsty Hussith outside, and their contents immediately distributed amongst the soldicry. The following day saw the latter all stretched. and in a more or less insensib'c condition. on the ground. and an opportune sortie by the besieged cud- cd in the death or capieurc of some of them and the flight of the rest. Koskn was amongst the fugitives who escaped : but his saddle, which was left behind, was taken as a trophy, and still adorns the town hall of lleruau as one of its principal curiosities. -â€"â€"-â€"_â€"--__.0 -we».__, .. Something to do for the Children. Give the children something pleasant to do, or to think about, a block house to build, a puzzle to put together. paper to cut, bub- bles to blow, a. stick to Whittle, a picture to paint or to look'st, s top to spin. dtugh to make into cakes to bake for themselves, a little broom to sweep the (loontcps, swheel- barrow and a little shovel to dig sand. any- thing to keep them buy and happy, for a busy child is a-lisppy child, and if you have rightly managed is employments. a good- cbild. It is not a waste of time for parents to ttop their work long anon h M 1; child, to tell him a story. or p a rodick- ingguue. “'hen uts take time runs world- ly thoughts an plans to cultivate a sym- pathie friendship with their children and each other, they are doing a work, and sewing seed that will by by 5 ring u and bring forth abundant fruit ' t wi l amply repay all the effort, time, patience or selfmrifice involved. Women are never so color-blind that they nsn't see the make-ups! anew bonnet pass- ing along fifty feet away. Mr. E. Dryer Gray. the impnson' ed Irish «liter, will relate to enter into r i- sanens. a required by the court. The re- sult of such refusal will be another term of imprisonment It is to be hoped. however, that after theltmug opinions expressed as to his sentence by the English press. the Government will are: their way to his release unconditimlly. L! I NEWS IN LNUTSHBLL. nu mm‘ mm READING. I Summary 9! Foreign. Domestic and War .1 Itemsâ€"emote, my and Pointed. I . MEET“: ‘ )Ir. Herbert Spencer is at Niagara Falls. 1 The two London gas oompania are about I amalgmating. j The first sod of the Selkirk Branch of the Canada Pacific Railway was turned 3 Fridaylast. g The new line of steamers between Mon- treal and Newcastle-on-Tyne consists of; nine vessels. It is now re ed that theentire amount stolen from the exprees office at London is $11,000. The first train of cordwood Over the Canada Atlantic Railway arrived in Ottawa Friday last. A grand volunteer review has been arranged to come off at Montreal during the exhibition week. Mrs. J .H. Brown Was accidentally drown- ed recently in a small lake near che, Que. As was predicted, the prisoners who broke jail at Montreal a few nights since have escaped detection. The riparian rights teatacase has been decided against the Government at the Circuit Court, Gloucester, N. B. C. E. Leclcrc claims $10,000 from the Montreal and Sorel Railway Company for land expropriuted for the line. T he Belgian eiubezzler Deschuine has left Montreal for Belgium in charge of build? Mercier, to be tried there. At Newcastle, N. 13., recently D.McEvoy, liquor dealer, assaulted IV. C. Ouslow, seni- or publisher of the Advocate. A large black male bear, weighing 350 pounds, was shot Friday night last by Mr. George Robertson, Carmunnock, near him ohell. o A man named John Fraser fell from the spire of St. Andrew’s R. C Church, Corn- wall, a distance of sixty-five feet, sustaining serious internal injuries. Mr. Seuecal’a latest project is to induce the Dominion Government to purchase arid incorporate the North Shore ailwuy With the Intercolonial Railway. ' Mr. Peter Hurguoit, of Three Rivers, has entered suit to upset his late wife‘s \vill. She left all her estate, valued at $10,000,to Rev. N.‘;l‘asse, the priest of the parish. Farmers in south-west Manitoba. bitterly complain of lhe delay of the Dominion Gov- ernment in. permitting the. construction of the Manitoba South-Western Railway. Two men entered the \Vinnipeg Mer- chants' Bank recently and abstracted from the counter a parcel containing 810,000 in bills of other bunks than the Mcrchants’. At the session of the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada. at; Ham- ilton the Superannuation Board’s report was read, showing a. deficiency and $80,000 un- paid legitimate claims. " At Inwood,'Georgc Holiday was killed in Holmes, Moore ll: Courtwright’a mill. Part of the machine struck him on the head, throwing him on the saw and maugling hill) to pieces. The conduct of Major-General Luurd in grossly insulting and placing Major Scott, 8th Quebec Rifles, under arrest at the Fur ode upon the Dominion Rifle Associatio range is causing much camment. UNITED STATKS. th orta from Pittsylvunin County state that iplitheriu is raging to an alarming ex- tent. Chinamcu have been discharged fronLtbc railway service suffering from aguc. Four have died from malarial fever. Justice “"illis, of Putmun, Conu., arrest- ed at Providence on u. charge of incendiar- ism, has been Deputy United States Mur- shnl. John Beatty, a gnuger for the United Lines, was shot b atrnmpat Bradford, Pm, for refusing him ood. Patrick Coulon, who was thrown across the street by Barnum’s elephant, has com- meuccd a. suit ngninst _Ihe proprietor for $5,000. Mrs. Burns, one of the women injurul by Barnum's elephant, Emperor, which run away in the street; at Troy on August 2nd, has died from her injuries. Friday morning nGrand Trunk train com- ing into Buffalo, when near the waterworks, struck a young man aged nineteen, in- stantly killing him. - A boy of fourteen, who has bscn dumb from his birth, suddenly received the power of s cech at a. Methodist camp-meeting ut Gra inm, N.C., recently. A young man ruined Fox, enplnyed in the pharmacy of C. M. Lyman, at Buffalo, has mysteriously disappeared. HQ in a na- tive of Belleville, Ont. At Newmuilget, Mu, Jolm Hu'at, n fisher- man, quorrellcd With his son, ng: d tight, and became so enraged that he teok the boy by the heels, and dashed his head against the ground, killing him instantly. GENERAL. Cholgrn is raging in Cochin China. Hyncs was hanged at Lime; ick on Monday last. A hundred and seventy imtchs died of cholera. at Manil a recently. The applications for stock in the Panama. Canal Company amounted to over six thous- and shares. Tcn contributors of the Cifoz/m ncwrpaper have challenged ten members of the stall of Le Radical to a duel at Paris. The German Temperance Society League is» resolved to make common cause with the English National Leagues. The Lord Lieutenant has announced that seventeen of the dismissed Dublin consta- bles. being of bad character, will not be rein- stated. ‘ l‘hc Dublin police appear to be grateful for the consideration Lord Spencer extended towards them. They are full of zeli and resolution to do their duty. d-oooâ€"fiâ€"____ I l l l 1 Dangerous Explosive. Dust mixed with air is found to be, under certain conditions, a dangerous explosive. Thus, if a large lo of wood were ignited, it might be a week fore it would be entirely consumed ; split up into cord wood, and ~ iled closely, it would, perhaps, burn in ess than an hour ; cut into shavings and al- low u strong wind to blow them into the air â€"or in any way lzecp the chips comparative- ly well separated from each otherâ€"and the log would perhaps consume in via or three minutes ; but if ground up into dust or powder, and blown on in such a manner that each ~cle is surrounded by air, it would burn in less than a second. â€"-â€"-»4-.-»o-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" It is the easiest thin in the world to dis- tinguish between an ' glisli lord and his American copy, commonly called a snob. The Englishman always speaks well of his own country. A large private garden in the suburb of Sun 1" rancisoo is to be made a labyrinth, by means of thick foliage and winding paths, so that a person ini ht wander in it to: an hour without finding is way out. Cardinal Newman was -a skilful violin playerin his earlier years. and even now, when he is' more than 80 he sometimes draws the bow. The itsaian convicts in tin risen at Khokan revolted recently, and t e guard was called out tosupprem them. .'. struggle ensued and forty convicts were killed. The New York Graphic uys’ that it is the their shoulders as high and square as pos- sible. Gothic style. Turreta on such A Niacin-i book agent piled Iiea across the railroad track, nn ahead and "saved": Myer train and took Imaders from the grateful passengers without a change of countcnsme. present aim of fashionable women to make , , A Well “_Onrod Editor: At No. SO King Street, East Toronto. Ont, are the editorial mo'rs of the Sunday nusn‘vass ensue IIUG LUSIXBSS IN A \VBTSRX PORT m. 'Vegefi‘... srsool Hanna! edited by Mr. \\‘ithrow of . (“hustle Headache. 'fllnxe fol-sale: stock sud auxin-s about . ‘ _ _ ' ', snow: terms to suit. NACRIN'I‘OSII & 2:3;an mmgglkgfhtggvemm, ° age-mg“- cnxnnsi. DEBILITY crush. Pumas. m... _ ' . â€" ' ":17" d " Dâ€"BVITS'WK T VT *W‘EI- one of them the nepraentatne of the lamest Toms!“ 0x“ x0“ 35, “:1 1° xdsn‘él‘i 136mm“ fogglgfilefimlmgiggmo advertisers in the wr-rl l,â€"â€".\Ir. Withmw remarked :-â€"" As to advertising, I considcr St. Jacobs Oil the best advertised article by far. It isa splendid remedy too. Besides the many cases of rheumatism it has cured II. It. Sutvxxs £50.. Boston: virtue of your \' ' sumn-ed exceedin general debility, min which I obtained. no DI?" manent relief until I was induced. about smooth or about 3.1.000 per snmnn: slack and plant about $8.0“). MAI)le rosa & PETERS. 'I‘oâ€" Sirâ€"I have much pleasure In tutil‘ylngllo the “mm. tine. I-‘ur year-splat have 3' from chronic harlot-Maud 1‘10“ SALE. BAKING AND COSFRCI‘IOS- ERY bushes in Chadian): established so years: best stand: largest trade In cit : busi- r' ht amz-ngst us. it has rendered me most since‘ m ,MY um, I u“ no“. bum in ‘ _ , , e cient service in curing a. severe sovcness hum, mm“ 1 hu-e 1;,er 1.5. mm. 3-0.”; g3;&;$ll" 36:? W finnum- Address U.\ "E. of the chest and an obstinate headache. It enioy my food belle!“ an! 1110011 suonser- 8* ' ..-.'._._‘ ___.-- .._..W..-.---. does its work satisfactorily." A hotel piano which is tuned once in three years is considered good enoughfor the place it occupies. "â€"40.4-W Edison‘s Electric Absorbent Belts do more for humanity than drugs can do anaarenot dangerous. Their stimulating recuperating qualities are truly wonderful. Woman and Ear Diseases is the title of n lug; illustrated treatise, by Dr. R. V. Pierce; nfl‘nlo, N.Y., sent to any address fur three stamps. It teaches suc- cessful aelf~treatmcnt. Harassing Dreams. An unnatural excitement of‘the brain and nervous system is the direct cause of sleep- lessuess, as also of harassin nocturnal dreams. VEGKTIXE has a peculiarly sooth- ing effect in all such cases. when taken just. before going to bed. #OQ<-Wâ€"â€"â€"_‘ Major-General Luard was hissed as he drove through the streets of Ottawa. “ Throw Away Her Supporter." DR. PIERCE :â€"A neighbour of ours was suffering from “female weakness ” which the doctors told her could not be cured with- out a supporter. After considerable per- sussion my wife induced her to try your “Favorite Prescription." After using one bottle she threw away the supporter and did alarge washing, which she had not done in two years before. JAMES MILLER, 4246 Jacob Street, \Vheeling, W. Va. Ayer’s Aguc Cure is an iiileliblc cure for Fever and Anna in all its forms. The pro- prietors warrant it, and their word is as good as n U.S. bond. Trial proves it. w An Honest Medicine's tho NoblcatEWox-Ir of Man." “ Twenty-four years’ experience," says an eminent physician, “ convinces me that the only cure for‘nervous exhaustion and weak- ‘ncss of the generative organs is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve foods.” Mack’s Magnetic Medicine, advertised in another column, is a guaranteed specific for these diseases, and has met with such won- derful success that with each order for 12 packages, accompanied with five dollars, ad- rcsscd to Mack‘s Magnetic Medicine Com- pany, \Vindsor, Ont., they will forward the goods free by mail, with their “ written guarantee" to refund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. Sold also by all druggists in Canada at 50c. per package, or six for $2.50. Pamphlet free by mail on ap- plication. _â€"__._‘~.-.->____â€"_. \Varnlng. ' “"e regret that it is necessary to wo. u the publicagninst so-called respectablcdruggists, who fora few cents additional profit, are palmiug off a. dangerous and flesh-eating aub- stitute for that great remedy, Putnam’s Painless,Corn Extractor. As Putnam’s is a simple, purcly vegetable compound, and non-poisonous in composition, no surprise need be felt, that serious results have at- tended the use of caustic applicrtious sub- stituted as above for the genuine “ Corn Extractor.” N. C. Poison d: 00., proprie- tors, Kingston, Ont. .«-â€".-._ A Word of Caution. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the pain and check Diurrliucu. etc., but are liable to produce inllnnmnition, Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, oven for Iii- fauts. and is a. specilice for Cliolcru Morbus, Dyscutery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diur- huiu and Summer Complaints generally. â€"â€"â€"â€"d¢0<0>04pâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ A Clergymun‘s Testimony. \V. E. GifI'ord, Pastor M. E. Church Ilothwcll, was for two years a. sufferer with Dyspepsia in its worst form, until 'us he states “lifc became an actual burden." Three bottles of Burdock Bloom Bitters cured him, and he tells us in a recent letter that he considers it the best family inedi- cine now before the country for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ____â€"...4...po.‘_â€"_ \Vc ought in humanity no more to despise a man for the misfortunes of the mind than for those of the body, when they urc such as he cannot help. Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brockville, says, under date of J une [db/82, “l have not the slighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler’s Extract of \Vild Straw- berry hus given my customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my stars for the cure of Summer Complaints, Dian-hum, Dyscntery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness’, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc. ' If your lungs are almost wasted by con- sumptiou Dr. l’icrcc’s "Golden Medical Dis. covcry " will not cure you. yet as n remedy for severe coughs, and all curable bronch- ial,thront. and lung nffcctious,it is unsur ass- cd. Send two stamps for Dr. l’iercc’s urge pamphlet treatise on Consum tion and Kin- dred AIIcctions Address VonLu's DIS- rzgxssuv )ll-lell'dl. Asscru'rrov, Buffalo, N. '. " A. l’.” 90 HOUSEHllLD ACCDENTS."'~ flow are not design- . cd IoInducc the public to attempt the du- ,’* ' flea of the rum- , ' lsr surgeon. but, “‘ merely'fo plsco rho p: . )1 ~ l‘ HI" {0' mucrspftgacm m (‘8 of Triathlon wemlnor a ccldcnfs occurringdslly In the household. and which. while nymmm In ihemsom-s, nro i-xmmmw honing. Burns. bruises. sands. sprains. r.. are prln- clpal among them Imuhlcsom and mnoying occurs-noes. arm gem and Imprzgdlaibfirmtmcm with motion in s of hen ., ln‘ghc kitchen. the dining-hall. _ nu can r the sitting- room they any "swim and. Inflow! of fear and alarm at the six 'of me our frl‘ mashed finger. or bruisch or burnqllnrrn. or unload surface. a cord and quiet manner should he =5. winemaan after washing away the blow. {If fiflull’M). the Injured mm should be litmus with that most valuable remedyâ€"M. Jacona On. .lts surprisingly qul ck relief. Its cleans] Ins. Its money to quickly remove a nftaurnstion. snd‘fts wonderful efficacy In the above aswcll uln all m usCularuid other pups, such as rheumatism. ncumlirla. toothache. headache. stiffness of the joints. etchâ€"«mac render Jsmns (m. preocmlnenuy the but external rmncdy now lioforv' the people: which claim In fully subsist: tlalnd by the “mum kind of tutlmony than all classes of people, The value of human lva I: m supremely Impor- tant that an him: that fonds to m yrvzlringp. flout is out: a! In the higbr-wt quince-rum. marl“ Nelson. Help. proprietor holy n Home. Port Huron. men. an: “ I cull-Mel m with rheumatism that in arm withered. 8'14 Physr clans oonld ht- 9 mt». I was In despair of myllfe. I me one MW. - me ‘01? 3?. Jason 0". him so. and. as If by magic. we: Instantly rebound. and by the continued use of the 011 entirely cured. I thank heaven for hurl-Ir used this wonderful remedy. for il «7qu It W6. II also cured my wife." quits free from my old enemy. the Mortar-hr. Hoping that my testimony may induce others to try the same remedy, I am " ounnnv FOR sun; on naiveâ€"Buick buildings. excellent locality; pro clnr w ll continue to manufacture his eels rated Res mill, yours. “ , mannersthng A (0 WILLIAM RS. D. A. J'Ollha'lob. ELLIOT, Chcsloy. Ont. pm If!) Inpplnoott Street. .-...- ._- FOR SALE IN OXFORD-50 ACRES GOOD land: Io cleared: good fraqu house and stable: good waters and ham: thriving amig- orchard; sup 3' an! I frulia‘ conven enuy altuatertllep ysmvi. suunonm Elli-ple- wood e - Tunas mm oTi'Ierxc suiiriomuuo I have very great pleasure in endorsing the above statement of the benefit. to my wiles health. since she commenced the use of tho \‘cgetlnc. I). A. JOHNSTON. Lalo Minister of tho C. M. Church. SHEERFULLI REUDMENDS 1T. gufglllfilafiiofifl‘iSE‘IES‘l“lfififg ALOON BUSINESS-FIRST CLASSâ€"FOR sale-in western cits: most prominent stand In place and mch In elegant style; doing handsome business: prlco $2.100; owner going abroad. MACKIN'I‘USlI as PETERS. Toronto. DlloCKVILIJI, 0st. Mar. 2|. 188). MR. If. If. vavxxs : ‘ Dear Sirâ€"I have taken several bottles of your \‘exetlne. I consider it an excellent medicine. and most cheerfully recommend it to those suf- fering from Gem-ml chi‘li'fu. I remain yours truly, MRS. M. A. SMITH. Onsws. ONT" Mar. 8. 1880. Dear Sirâ€"I have much pleasure in uddin my quota to the already immense volumo o certificates so deservedly oulowlzmg chctmc. Iilsns stated a purely vegetable compound. and as an Invl orator. purifier of thoblood. and regulator of 0 action of the liver, has no equal. As yet I have never known it to fall In curing any of the many (“senses for which It is .rccommcndcd. It Is rapidly becoming a popu- lar medicine. Those who uso it once, when necessit y requires. call for it again. IV. A. JAMIESON. Vac E’I‘IXF. thoroughly crndicutcs every kind of humor. and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Vegetina is Salliâ€"Ii} all Druggists. rkYER’S CHERRY PEGTORAL, l-‘or Illsciiscs of‘llie Throat rind Lungs. such as Coughs. Colds, “'liooplng ('ougli. Bronchitis. Asthma, find Consumption. 0U It RUN STEAM GRIS'I‘ AND FLOUR Mill. with patent rollers and all modern Improvements: rlstl \vlllnvcrageelmw bush. per annum. and u ocal trade. l’rlvo. sum, AIACKIN'I‘USH &. BTBRS. Toronto. ‘ RM FOR $2.I00, HALF CASH BMIIJis from Boston Station. 'I‘ooumsoth :3) ucrvs created: 30 more half cleared: excellent grusu land: cedar. ash. plus: excellent wxucr. llr. WIIITESIDE. Bccwli, Sliucoo Co. '0 ACRES Folk 88.000. 'rminn MILES from Trenton. and eight from llcllcvlllc; on front of Sidney. bordoriug on Buy Quliuc; terms easy. Am) 3'. F. M. \'.-\N llhaltlt‘uh‘l. Box nu. Trenton. 01! SALE OR TO RENTâ€"THAT YALL" MILE hotol property known as the l’uisly nous: .lntho county lown of Oran cvlllu. nil in first-class order. newly furnisicd. bull.- rooms. hot air furnace. and all modern con- venience; lurge. oxfcnslvo brlck stable mul sheds. and the best position for business In tho town; two rullwnya contra hero; inuuodlum sscsslon. For full pnrticulurs. npply to OHN l’AlSlA'. Urnngevlllc. 'I'hefew compositions which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words. umong'not only one but many nations, must have extraordin- nrylvirfucs. Perhaps no one over sccurod so wide u re motion. or maintainer itso long as AYEB'S CHERRY Pncrouar. Ithus bcqn known to the public about fortv yours, by u long continued aerlos of marvelous cures, that have won for it a. con- lldonco in its virtues, novcr equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the most of cctunl cures of Coughs. Colds Consumption. that can be made by medical skill. Indeed. the Cnnnnv Pacroimi. has really 'robbcd these dangerous diseases of the terrors to n grout extent, and given it feeling of immunity from tliclr painful effects that is well foundedhif the remedy be mkciifnscnson. Every family should have it In their closet for the ready and prompt rellef of Its members. Sickness, suffering, and oven life is saved by this timely protection. 'llic prudent. should not neglect it. and the wise will not. Keep it by you for the promotion itall‘ords by its early use in sudden attacks. spray-.0 . a». » Aw » ‘ f. . _ .._ (lures cholera, (Rho/em M orbus, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic. Sea Sick- ness and Stimmer'complaint ; also cholera lnfantum, and all 00m- p/aints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equal/y beneficial for adults or children. FOR sue BY ALL nnuccisrs. T. MI‘LBURN .3. 00., Proprietors. Toronto. PREPARED BY 1 1:slurick’s Magnetic Medicine. DR” Jr & Mass” g: ' g l’rncucnl mid Annlyflcnl Chemists. m A 2 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL c: ’ (b ' ERS IN MEDICINE. m ' v 3‘ _r__‘ 7' w My _7 A, _ ,.._ -.. 1- w j "x ‘, 0 AS m in: one) TRADE MARK: IN'""‘-’ 0. Is a sure. prom t and efl'cctunl ltcmcd for . Nervaumzess in LL its stages. ll’wk Irni< ~1Nâ€" oru, Loss of Brain Power. Prosfmtfou, A'I'fl/II Silicate. chakm'ss and General Loss of l’owrr. r Itrc alrchrcous ll’asfr,RduvcnalestlicJuilul mic lrct. Strengthens the Eli/cabled limin, ’ and Restores Surprising Tone and Vigor lo the Exhausted Organs. mwnn ouch order for 'i'wsm'u nckugcs. GO TO accompanied with Ilve dollars, We wll send our I 1 r , IG‘ichgs'rxn to trictltmd llic iuptnicyllf tho lrcul- V - I n ocsno c ’00 ncuro. stiot'l - l A , 13. B j”; 'F S and Best Medican In the market. li‘iiliuiiiib - tlculurs In mmplilct. which we mull frco lo nn_v A.\l) address. old by all drugglsis, oiio [lllckllul‘ 50c.: 0 for 82.50, or sent by mull on receipt or prlco. by nddrcsslng aunt's MAGNETIC lll EDIIEIXI’. 00.. Windsor. 0iil.. (lulimlr. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Buy All Your Dry Goods. I'I‘ WfLâ€"L PAY. A. B. I'll-INT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. .._.._ _s_. SHIRTS ORDERED A’T :09 YONGE ST Coo er 8, Tom... V B . .-- ’attcrns sent, orders by post promptly filled. A vsum'nnss FIT. fibn Rilil’éiander. PHOTOGRA‘PEIO GOODS 1 JUST 7'!) HAND: 8: M. ALBUM EN PAPER. _ MARIUN'S ALIIL'MEN I’Al’lalf. “ DItY I’LATIaS. SWA‘N'S DRY I’LA’I‘ES. FERIIO'I‘YI’E PLATES ut rcdnccd ‘ nsliort tlmc only). ' . I SCOVILgfiJ’IIOT DIIY I’LA'I'I'.‘ OL'Tl' ITS fora cm . K5? Scnd for quotations. r NEW Hummus: I: luv street. Toronto. ()nIann Wfiai IS CATARRH :2 Coughing: muco-pniulcnt dlschargn caused by tho preacncc and dcvclopmcnt of tho Vc 0- table parasite aniuzbn In tho Infernal lln ng maximum: of the nosc.‘ This parasite In only dc~ volopcd under favorable Circumstances, and “'IIITE DI! , FRESNO" CA)! IIIIICS, Ill-le ATTA . FLASNHL M A N ITOBA LPN-Hal l'iirc IIm-k Tnniicd, Blur ltlvct LEATHER BELTING The Best. In the llomliilon. S l f Price List. I’. ll. DIXON £00.,em or our 8! Collmrnc Mtrccl, ’I‘orimfu riccs WIL these are: morbid suite of the blood. us (he BIL/903N583, Cliff/1555', "l‘“'~“l’.‘ixfi.°ll’.2f'€lfr?' Slfn'filfl‘l‘ll‘fl’l'hlfifilfi: “WEN”, MOPS" gt Bt’lii: cll‘dtcd inulw'r of the dkln. suppressed IND/UESNONI ill/77.53"“) H _ iwrsplrulign.lbmllrivcntgnlfd ulceirln 1:03p JIIUNDICE. 01‘ 7/16 I/I‘An. , incnumm I)! Mfrij sum! III Ill"! Kenn no I, n ( : U c bl I. These iolsons kccp tliclntcmnllln- ' F "I H M iii ingiiibrnno of flu: nose Innconstant sinus of SALT [if/EU”, Till; S7 Oil/n.1,, Irrillnlipiil. cvcr rcwlyifplr tho (‘lcmfilénoftgilg [[EAnfBun/yl mow/[5b s sotmwcnnsm'iciirwu .1 us .. ,‘ (Sill downI tlicgfaucca or bac part0 the mouth "LADAOHEI 0F I.‘.l: 5/.l.' causing ulccruflon of the thront; up tho cu- And every spec!" of dim" mlu’n from sincliizui tubes. cuuslngdwfnces: burrowlug In disordered LIVER, K'DNEYS. 5T0‘lflAIâ€"H. the vocal conis. causing hosmncss. usurplng Bowgu, 9,, BLOOD. the proper structure of Ihc bronchial tubes cndlnx In pulmonary consninpflon and death. To effect a cure the mrualic must be rcinovod nlmlnnts and snuflh are “(L ‘1‘. EILBURI‘I & (30., mm}... , .91. AMIIAI.I.. "VA'fl‘llllAulifl AND Jeweler, an \onuo 1-51.. Toronto. Ims enlarged his premises. and greatly lncrcunwl his stock of gold and silver anol , pluml warcmutlcry, clocks. watches. etc. I' inc stuck ungl‘ [carat-lljipyclr)". Gomlsmpumrml . .".-r)‘ m o cwer't- lid. 1", neatly, and cheaply. ) l m” pm I I izviznkumxi; to null tho lu'at Fanny Knitting Mullins eror Invented. “in km” hair of stockings with llltm. and To}: complete In 3’) minutes. It will llso km: a great rudely of fancy-work for which lln-n: ll “Weiss read market. Sand for circular and forms to the womb) Knitting Incl-lac ordostroyul, henco worthless. Some [line since a well known physician of 40 ycnrn standing, nfior much cxpcriinentlnir. sue- needed in discovering the nectassar comlilnaa lion ofliurrodienta. which never fa la In abno- luwly and permanently eradicating this horri- blcdisciw: whether sumdln for one year or forty years. Sulrcrcrs‘slmul . without dcln , communicate with Iho business manager. 5 r. A. II. Dixon.” King St. “'cut, Toronto. and cf lrmillso free by enclosing slam p. nigirini for” Ask your to" 103 'I‘reinout Street, own, Mass. 4 J. W. G.- WHITNEY .. s ’- nan-n: aau‘r. Norman's L'erric IIellflnuilulion (35171 187.6 4 0177.53! STREET EAST. 70130310. 031' NERVOUS IJEIIIIJTY. Rheumatism. Ime Back. Neuralinn. Paralysis and all Live-rand Chest Complaints Ininicdlately relieved and remsncntly cured by using these BELTS. nuns sanissonw. ' _ Circulars and Consultation l‘ Ill-J3. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. WOODSTOCK. ONT. i A most thorough. complete. and practical - course. been very masble. Valuator. Arbitrator, &c., Money Loaned on city or Paris property. Properties bought and sold on eommlsslou. " III-Special alth given to farmers. l j 26 TORONTO 81"., TORONTO. -WNv... l . . ' “"‘”"”"“““’“’ 00W x ‘ v. wonvsirros' us- . ' ' . £01182" nueqnallodfor health. comfort and ' l'nndi'l- smug” Manufactured mun anome \t'oomad: ('olltze. “'oudsuxrk,27tli1uly, tau.- cons LO..'I'oruto.

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