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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Oct 1882, p. 2

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JOHN A. BARRON ARMS”: .T-L.\‘.'-', Lindsay. ) or; Kentéir.:t.::'-11 door wcs:ot Xcitu .s .oitom: and I: '22:.."3 A: Sure. A MARTIN i; IIOI’K 05-72 - l INS, ’).U'Zfli5T€lZS. SOLICITOR". .lzc. Flt», J negr t!) Loan at 'I per cent. ’XTECE, Kent urn-<2. I.Sa't.1..v_=-, Um. v.5. 114371;. (2. It. ilorxixs. r, n, 310mm.” BAIUHSTE i, ATTIIRSEY, & SOLICIT?! and Notary Public. Slum; to Loan. ()fiice, Kent «.trvct. Linda v lllflé‘l’H'l'll ti; JACKSOX, .ialtli'l'lilll‘l. SOLILITOIIS, kc. Gee, William :trccl, Lindmy. A. Hunsrnn. A. Jacsuox. O'l. IAliY'v‘c O'IJ'ZAItY, BAHRISTERS, ATTORNEYSâ€"AT-LAW, Solicitor; in Cluncwy, .kc. Office, Dohcny ltlnck, liq-oi itrvel, Lindsay. Amati: U‘lmaar. Iltun O‘touzvr. 0 f- .‘lclN'f‘Yllli .‘L‘ STEWART, ARIHS t'l'Iflf'S, ATTI) {SKISâ€".tT-LATV, ) Solicitorx‘ in Chancery, .kc., Lindsay. Office ovcr Ontario ltank. Icnt street. .‘do- 15 ~ 33 day, 3 1 inr'ros \NATCHMAKER. Kinds, day and 3-) hour, Alarm strikezkc AMERICAN TVATCHES, , the Best and Cheapest, l sum. AM) new risrsé ' in the newest styles and at lowest prices. my to Loan at 5 per cvnt. on rcatl estate ' ccutilivs. I). J. .‘llclsrviw. Titus. Srrwanr. ALEX. A. .‘la:l)l).\'AI.l). TT(III.\'E‘i'-.\ 'l'-I..-\‘.l’, Solicitor in Chan- } nary, Court-juncer, kc...kc. Strictat- tcn'ion given to app.ieutiou< for Patents nt'L'ui-ls from Crown Land's Department. Sloncyto Loan on Mortgage Security on term-s to suit borrower; Office, Culbornc street, r'enclon I“; ls. m- Harman _‘;.-..,.._,- ‘ ‘7 H ' .1... ._ A. \‘l. .I. lmGllA-r.‘l. )I. 1)., UltUNl-Ill, l’h_\'%ici:ui, Surgcon. $0, $6. J [teal-loam, Brick Colt-ago, Wellington strect, Lindsay. “'31. KEHI’T. u. n, c. 31., tllADlIA'l‘E of Mull”! l'nivt-rsity. Mon 1 Neal, and Provincial Lit-collate. Physiâ€" cian, :Sargv-on and Obstetrician. .‘dcdical Refer-a: to thi- Siaudard, l’i.o:nix, Connecti- cut .‘lntaal. and liquital-lc Insurance Coni- pauics. other and rcsidcncc. in the house lalcly occnplud by Itcv. l-‘athcr Stafford, at the corncrol‘ Lindsay and flu; streets, Lindsay. Du. A. \l'lliSU. , 1‘ l5. [TNll'IIl' ‘l'l‘Y of Trinity Ct‘pllvgc. ti ,. l‘l. ll. U ii‘: roty of Toronto. .‘dctnh. Col. I’hys. and S.lrg., (Jot. I‘hy~ician, Surgeon and Aerznuchvr. Oilicc, Jolliornc ilrvt‘t, l"cnclon T‘Illia. Du. J. ll. LOWE, 1)ll\':il(7l.\h' 3; SURGEON. Coront-r for 1!.» Provisional County of Ilaliburton, nab“ ()llice next door to the .‘Ic.\rtlxur House. ltesi-h-ncc, the lions.- lalcly occu- plrtl by Dr. ILysou, on .‘Juy street, I-‘cuelon Falls. mannaâ€"â€" SURVEY 5.3113. .IAUI‘H “HIKSON. I) L. Surveyor. (.‘om nissioncr in thc Q. ll., . Convt-yzuic-u‘. .ve. ltcsidmirc,and ud- drcss, Firzicl in Folio. ~F’Z"““- . A. ~ MISCELLANEOUS. ("ll‘lCONlI DIVISION CUI'I‘tT IN L ‘t'tIl-Z t:ot:.\'i‘\' ot‘ vu‘roma. 'l‘lzc ncxtsittings of this Court will be held on 'l'hursday. Now-nilnrr "'lrd, 181-12. til-It). CL'N.‘.'l.\'Gll.i.‘.l, Ult‘l'l-i. JAMES J. POWER, lI'I-INSIZII .‘TH‘IIOIH‘L‘I', Acrunntant and 1 Iii'l:|'t‘.tl C.'lllllll“:‘.l"ll Await. l'ollcctâ€" ingot-counts a specialt;.'. Uflict', Fcnclon Falls, Out. wwg -. .. . 6. 3’53. CENT. 6. )1 0 ’K‘() LEND at (1, iii and 7 per cent. according to secu- rity, on llcdl Estate i:n.~r:g;.ig~-.~r. Apply to ‘7 '< r -1" ‘J. -4 Mill." A. BARRON. Solicitor, Lindsay J. fiEELAl‘dS, I) It: N'i‘ls'if. L1 7“ l)>-l-\\'. (Inc of thc lirin Will be at the MC.\u'rui:n llot'sE, l’izxmnx FALLS, on the third Monday ot‘cnch month. chth cx‘ractt-d by iau thing gas without pain or jni-irt , or no rliarg- \\ ili ln‘ math», trig“ ll‘lit'c c..t.-.h!:~:he-.l Lu Lindsay nearly tittecu 3min. t-fi!,()()() 1-1.th “l'SI'l‘. lnmix Cnnrcrf‘urn‘ llcpot. l‘o.\tic;iol., 1‘. Q, Canada. Cfil‘ICER SURE!) without llm use of IL: knife. Thr Only l'rrrnnura‘. tut-c in the World. For particular v enclrw two Z! Wu. stumps In S. 1‘. Smith, (Ti-.ttic-w‘... l'. Q.,(‘:x:i:‘.d.t. â€"-â€"llé fofl‘t'l'fl" [Any p- a-r ran pal ii~ii u Mutt. Hill; this note and ptgnsi‘ rrgularly] mt! l‘l\ fete! .l ...L' J U 3 T A R R V E: D into pieces that could easily be dealt ; with. ‘FflliSld Eidhdfillllll,” ~â€"â€".\ ‘1‘ TE! Ifâ€" ."-....i.,.' ‘1‘ .it-.,_L g.u A ALQUWS turnout-.1 {or the :‘.-.t2 tralv tiling at rlwec yrlrm. .\l.~‘u a vrry tine .l ' ' :th‘vh vi VIOLINS. CONCERTINAS an}. Avrordmns. ut’all qaaiilir.‘ and prim New r: a. it far tLr [til italic arrhiztg daily. [227’ .l r *2" i. ! r-l ':’«‘I' a: ti: Nari..- I‘fiy o- naa‘ Km: SW3, I.i.r.3t;:. ;:~.:.d \\.l.I.;'ul|>', and a large and \‘al'icd ' llsnill'llllt‘llt : as more nong was cunecrnrd the explo- siuz‘r .\.\'n (‘i-;i:i‘.\t.\'.‘t3:x3 ..-'-~.\e for tn, ‘ and forty :ittin; t.n\\'l| from tirst to list aim-Ii we rtrc‘: G. a. WHERE-ILL. ‘ .imlrty. “Club-Cf with. 3%“. moreover). “â€" GEORGE CUNNINGHAQ, itables at ha~t forty 59B“ Parsons St'll'ltug watches from a dis- tance for repairs, can have the amount of work and price ftpurlcd on for their t-orlsld- ermion. and as I do the work mvsclf, can depend on having it done satisfactorily. Britton's Block. foot ofKentSt., Lindsay. HTAHIO BAHK. I i l l Capital - - - - - - $1,500,000. President . . . . . . . . . . ..Sir. “11’. Rowland. Vice-President .C Gzowski, Esq. General Manager . C. Holland, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain, and general banking, business transacted. Savings I)cpurtnxent Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- lars and upwards. S. A. MCMURTRY, .ilunugcr. Lindsay, Feb. 161b, 1-381. 50»t.f. :3 :c frncloufiills fiagcttc l BLAST. A Blow-Gut and 8. Banquet. THE FIRST As noticed in last week’s Gaza-(la, I work on the Trent. Valli-y Canal com-l mcnccd in this village on the 17th iii.~:t.. and the force employed has grnduailv increased until there are now about sixty men busy at. the cut. and four, carts and three \t‘uggnlts drawing the excavated material away. The dcprhl rcttulncd varies so greatly that. it is im- I possible to say what it will averagc.| for while at the end nearest Colborncl sirect the solid rock was struck a few I inches bclow the surface. at other spots it has not. yet been reached, and about the middlc of the cut, where there is a rise in the ground, as much as five or I six fort of earth, grnvcl and thin lay-l era of rock will be removed before blast- iog will become nccossary, and a deter- mined effort is being made to get it. out of the ray before frost sets in. Mr. Archibald )lacrloualdâ€"-tlic walking boss and chicl‘cmployee of the contractorsâ€" is greatly plea~cd with the progress , made thus far, and tells us that. the mun arc, with scarcely an exception, thz‘ best lot he ever had under his cou- trul. Of coituse a work of such magnitude and importance as the Trent Valley 1 Canal could not be comIm-hccd without some sort. of inaugural ceremonies, as l pccially as our Conservative friends bought it Would allbrd first. rate facili- tlck for making a little politicalcapilal; and so, after several telegrams had puss- cd betweru Mr. Hector Cameron and the committee of arrangements, Thurs- 1 day ol'this week was advertised as the date of the proceedings, which were to consist of a big blast from the face of the. rock above the old steamboat wharf. lu-loit' the falls, and a banquet at the Simpson House in the evening. Ac- cordingly a row of holes fourteen feet : deep were drilled in the rock and chargâ€" cd with explosives, and four rows of feet lonngrc laid out. in Simpson's spacious (lining room and loaded with us tempting an array of catablcs as ever made the mouth ol'au epicure water. Mr. Cam- eron arrived by the afternoon train. whichâ€"perhaps out. of respect for .him ~â€"was for once on time. and was escort- rd from the railway station by a pro-l cession comisting of the village band, the employees of the contractors in carts of loading citiztrus. The work of conmczing the wires lcading from the perforations in the rock to- au electric battery in the hall of the .‘le.\rthur House was soon e-nnpcted. and the wife of our worthy reeve, who had kindly comentetl to send the tame lightning on IL" misdon of destruction. pt-rlhrmod that duty in the most scien- titic and satisfactory manner. As lar sion ili~~i;‘:pninted the audit-hoe, the re port living no louder and far less sharp IiitJl that «To gun ; but a mass of rock thi:ty feet long. tcu feet wide and four» L‘cn fi'ct deep was di~piaccd and broken in the evening came the banquet. which “as more minor-mst attended than wa~ anticipatedmabout a hundred at the f.-.~ti\‘c lm'ird. .\ li~t of eleven [oasis was printul on the fly it-af'of the bill of lore; but as they we.c (ll-posed ' oi'some time before midnight, several others were .hlrlt- l, which prolonged the 3' proceedings :1 wag-lo of hours lottzcr.‘ I'lver t0 many ~ .. hes \v2ro delivech. . three or fun: vi thrzo vary 2 H)! oil-A, niti mvt't-tal capital wings “on: sun; but tln' afiuir can.» MI so late in the wet-l. that, a~ m: were compelled to keep- tia- (21:.th back in orilcr to iaotie: it a: all. we cannot give particulars, ‘ ‘ nun ’ the same \‘J'J‘C. tat-cm.”in sttponel Genera! [osmium and Loan Agmtw FESELON FALLS. 0NT., represent; IL'c t';- luring tint was: c:»:::pa-' 3"”), till; a deb Lids-03:35 mu Is." in“; .cd whoa tin: 1.2m; adVL’cf‘aLxgi’o‘al tuna. Th: Vanni: 5"”:ulAflCB: Liza 3: Savings l‘u. Tl" tuna: Infinitive Coming, u! Lou- doo. L'zx :laod. , persuasion." . Tia: l‘siia-u.‘ lunnaw Company, ofCanm f do Ian .&3 Jenhar. The l...we.ulimc lusamncr t‘o. of Ilug'ucd. liar f‘i-cftdvcaaou 1. tr Aux-“Zr... oft-.3- in} until next Esme. ' North Vcrulam. 1 "n1.‘v'.L>~,,"Ȥ"M" oft-fir Nani?) ISt'ttL\a£.-â€"~Une, um. lhrec. four. 3 five. six. seven. Yes, there has been an inert-:1»: I'l' saw in the population, hem this prawn: mouthâ€"all of " mole l I luxuxrâ€"Dx. Wilson is again 3 Via' . iwr in this heigitlnut’lnmi. .‘ll’. John ; » Newhouw is sick with c-ngefliwn of the ’ r u, ~‘t .oo- T‘.....-. " iu.=_:‘, 3L; algkn tbi. :Ju . napkins, dlziucnluj his arm at the el- : bow. s to relate incidents which occurred at so totalitarian; , to visit a wealthy friend who had six of fa family, but no boys. *cnu-rtaiued we cannot say. but he is . Brandon's :i:mounc-:nient ol' the opening v of hi~ now More in Cunningham's blot-k. - . . _ - ,. 'l . z ,- . UH: few commuts it (‘Illii for arc. from - "1‘" ‘\ “0 "b" ‘ sold two sucking colts to Mr. M. Boyd. V I4)! Both, we hear, are doing well. ' NotTL'RSAL.â€"‘-Ve never a: yet had late an hour as 12 o'clock at midnight; but last Saturday night's incident is an exception. The person who acted the princile part of the proceedings was " Joe." Joe is a man holding several ofliccs: at one time a concierge, at an- other timc a colporteur. He had gone How he was considered as a young than of high abil- ities at "' Cedar Dale Cottage." On his homcward journey he met a Mr. Bruin i who contested the right. of way by ris ing on his hind legs, but. was contented with this and offered no violence. Joe did one thingâ€"shuntedâ€"boc-(Hih, ge-e- ough, Loy, llflllU'O, hie, hurrah, ou-a gb. mur-r-dcr-r ! This last shout made my | blood boil, and up ljumpcd. and while I loaded my double barre-led rifle Betty lit the lantern. Thcu away we both startcd. after having noted the time to b: ready for the law case which we exâ€" pected. thu we reached the place Joe was fifty feet. up a beech tree, but them was no bear. Joe told us he had run away, but. we did not believe it until next morning, when Bruin'sl lbotmarks were seen. Joe says posi- tivcly he will never take a nocturnal ramble again, but we don't mind what he says. ” Condensed News. â€"\lr. Charles Shaw, of the township of Emily, raised this year a crop of fall wheat that: averaged fortydivc bushels to the acre. Thursday, November 9th. has been appointed by the Dominion Government , as a day of thanksgiving for the bounti- ful harvest. â€"â€".\Ir. \Vm. Devitt, of North Vcru- lam, exhibited at the township agricul- 1 rural show a two-year-old that Weighed 1,250 pounds. â€"Wolvcs are so numerous and bold in the Parry Sound district that. the North .S'tur advises Government to res- tore the bounty for their destruction. â€"The Port Hope council have offered a reward of 8500 for the apprehension and conviction of the incendiarics who have lately been so busy in that. town. â€"\\'ild ducks are so plentiful in the neighbourhood of Bobcaygcon that. the Indians take considerable numbers into the village to exchange t'or‘goods at. the stores. â€"A man in Pcnctanguisheuc wants to have a. baby Show, feeling confident that a youngster of which be is the proud proprietor would take the first prize and diploma. ‘ -â€"The machinery for the Lindsay pn- pcr mill arrived last. week, and is being 50!. up with all possible dispatch. It. is of the very best make and has all the latest. improvements. â€"A few days; go an eagle swooped l down and seized a little child that was playing in one of the streets of Belle- villc, but was driven away by an elder sister of its intended victim. â€"Thc [minnow/cut says that. about a hundred men will be employod at. the Bobcaygmu quarries during the winter. getting out stone for the Ontario and Qucbnc Railway and the licks at Fenc- luu Falls. â€"Thc people of Port Hop: complain of the nocturnal shunting of' trains. ringing of bells and bl0\\'lll;{ of whistles on the Midland railway, by which per- mas who live near the railway are pre- vented f‘rom sleeping. â€"-llalf' a dozen rowtlics who misbe~ havcd themselves in l’etcrborough, one day last week, were all marched oil to the lcck-up, and next. morning each of them had to pay a fine of a dollar and costs. That's the way to " fix " 'cm. â€"A Port Perry paper has published the names of all the marriagcablc young ladies in the placa, and itought also to have mentioned which of them are reso- lutely opposed to matrimony, in order to save the bachelors from wasting their attentions. -â€"The Port Hope Times says that Mr. J. F. Wilkinson, of Uobourg, who is commissioned to purchase the right of way of the Trent \"allcy Canal, was in l’ort Hope on Saturday evening last, negotiating with 311'. ll. C. Smith for land near Buckliorn, where work is a- bout to begin. â€"â€"Thc I’ost says that the Midland tailway will soon ixsue its winter time table and schedule of train arrange- ments. It is expected that the linc of roadway between Wick and Mnuilla will be finished in about three Weeks. and that the new arrangements will in- clude the running of Toronto trains over till: route. â€"â€" A school teacher in Belleville re. ccmly thresth a child so unincrcil'ully across the loins with a leather strap Lhatl he is probably injured forlil'e. and some ' of the trustees think the teacher will be sufficiently punished if compelled to make a public apolon to the child's [in- mm. lie ought to get a tasteâ€"and a severe one, tooâ€"of the cut u'-niuc tails. â€" New Acvnurismaxr.â€"In another eilumn will lie louml Mr Johnston llc ha: been kept so busy that he could only spare time to write a very ow » a future issue. LECTURE â€".-\s will be sceu by post- ; around the village. a lecture on " The lira-on of lie-lief" will be deiiv- l t‘l.‘ : orml in the Catholic Church. I’cneinn v.21... by the 1m. r. J. Tlmn. .u cm. I eago, on the evening of Wednesday I lst. commencing at 3 7:30 o'clock. As the price of admis' sioo I» only 23 c nts, and lectures here are of very rare cmurrcuce, there ought l to be a good attend meg. l l . Goon Pincusâ€"ch day this weckl our Ilviglbbflllr, Mr. Walter Stevenson, Jr., of [lousy-econ, for the handsome sum of 5100. But. I'l‘l’c sired by Simp son's horse. and (Inc of them, from I “ part blool " mum, is full brother to a. cult that Mr. Stevenson sold last you: lift; donate lu Cay-ton “Alum, f and which i..- tarnlu: out so \l’cli tint.E .‘lr. Ill-yd onuully “filled to can one; I , . L'I 14L 5.....- :‘L’: . v day last Frcdcrick Defurge, an employ- ee of Greene 6'. Ellis‘s, was loading lum- ber on a scow at their dock. \us engaged in shoving a loaded scow off one that was partially loaded, hisl pikcpolc slipped and he fell into thel water. Being alone at. the time and unable to swim he certainly would have perished, as he was sinking for the third time, when Thomas Mitchell. the shipping master. came just. in the nick of lime to his re~cue and landed him safely on farm firnm. Fred was none the worse for his cold dip. Duorrcn Dunnâ€"Our old friend Mr. James Junkiu, of Verulum. has for years driven a team almost. as well known as himself. and seeing the other day that the place of one of them was filled by a colt. we asked what had become of the old gray, to which Mr. Junkin rcâ€" plied that he was dead. On Thursday of last week the venerable animal, which had reached its twentieth year. was ploughing with his mate, apparent; ly in good health, when he suddenly stopped, threw up his head, and the next. instant dropped dead. A post moi-(em examination was not held. and, consequently, the cause of his unexpect. ed and lamented death can only be con- jccturcd. Tin: annnox MAILâ€"One of the greatest obstacles to the extension of the circulation of the Gazette in some directions is the extraordinary routes by which the mails reach their destina- tions. \Ve have given illustrations of this on more than one occasion, but we did not know until Tuesday last, when a subscriber complained of it, that. the mail from this village to Cameron is ac- tually carried to Lindsay and brought back again next day or the day after- wards. This sort of thing is not only injurious to us but exceedingly annoy- ing to the public. and “a bug pull, a strong pull, astrong pull, and a pull altogether” ought to be made with a view to obtaining more direct. postal communication. NORTHERN SPIES.â€"A few days ago Mr. Julius Fisk brought. us a. large basket full of splendid apples of the Northern Spy variety, which he said were good for cooking as they \vcrc, and would be delicious for eating if. kept for a time. We told him that. we would do our best, but feared it. would be impossible to keep them on our prem- ises, as there were too many children around. Our fear is being verified, and the applesâ€"of which there were over fiftyâ€"are disappearing so fast that. the only way to ‘savc the remainder is to put. them into pies. Mr. Fisk will please accept our thanks for his present, and it he can manage to save a few of the Spies until they arrive at perfection, we shall be happy to express an opiuiou on their merits. , Accummrs.â€"--On Sunday last two accidents occurred to children in the township of Vcrulain. Mr. Thomas Archer's youngest daughter, a little girl about fivc or six years of age, was amusing herself with that very danger"- r..us plnything, a cutting box, and by some means got her first. and second fin- gers caught. in the cogsof one of the wheels, which crushed them so badly that Dr. Wilson was compsllcd to am- putate the firstuud has some doubts about bcing able to save the other, though he is of course trying his best to do so. The other accident happcnel to a little boy about 8 years old, third son of' Mr. Thomas Hopkins. He had been with an elder brother to drive the cows, and on their way back they srop- pad to have a tumor on a cedar log across a pile about five feet high. While they were enjoying the fun the younger b y slipped o9 thc‘log, and, falling to the ground, put. his right cl- bow out ()fjoiut. Dr. Wilson, who was sent for, reduced the dislocation, and the little fellow will, it. is hoped, soon be out at play again. Church and State in England. LONDOX, Oct. 2.- .â€"T|ic growing ag- itation for abolition of union between Church and State by the complctc dis- establishmcnt of the English Church is receiving an unusual impetus at. pres- ent. The frequent recurrence of sales by auction of farm tools, implenn:nt~‘ and utensils uodcr dl>trallltb to rcCovcr the extraordinary tithes claimed by the Established Church under a law long ago supposed to bc obsolete causes the utmost. indignation among English lar- mers. At several recent sales of this clmractcr auctioneers and their assist- ants and also intending purchasers have been boycotted by the indignant farm- ers. Public lnectiogshave been held in several counties, at. which resolutions protesting against the continuance of' this unju~t impost were adopted. Many of the more liberal members of the cler- g'.’ would gladly see these tithes abo|~ . ishcd, and not. a. few have boldiycx presst themselves as bcing in harumny with the farmers on this question. At a mcetina' of the furor-rs of K-nt and " Sussex one sp:akcr called attention to the fact that all asveablages thus far- had been- held during the agitation peaceful our-s, and said that if this . gI'OS“ injustice was allowed to continue he should not like to be answerable for its being always so. Another speaker said it appeared to him shameful that f l .. . ._ . 'moncy should have been drawn from : words, but “ill go more into details in t I the pockets of unwilling parishioners to support. a creed in which they did not bclicve, simply to add to the already l large incame of army of thc clcrgy. Sir = I”. J. Reed, 3!. l’., sent a letter to the same meeting giving expression to his entire sympathy with the movement. and advi~ing continuous agitation and persistence in a policy of resistance as [he means w compel we anvmion 0f: gum whim clout-Uri Stt‘pcrtnttmrlelit in 3 awn)“ hm” a" “maniu idlily. 184.3. to divide Lie prohta of hr... . ' . . ,,. . . - and In the only negro in his tnmtla ill-- . the British public to their just demand. , , , é office with tour lacmlicra «.t the Board , The oneroua nature of this tax may be . illu~trated by reference to 3 recent cm: s at. Swanlcy. Kent, where the tithe a- mounted to £9 on a holding ofa yearly value of but £70. In this instance a salt: was ordered by the Deacon and chapter of Rochester, whose Bishop re- ceives £l0,000 annually. while the rev- Guild: of the Sec are astixuntcd at. £30,- 000. This is. perhaps an exceptional mac, as the average rate is probably not more than 5 to a percent. of the yearly value of the farm boldiucst, but owing to the arbiuuy manner in which these a Nautww IiscartLâ€"Ou Wednes- While he i tithes are levied, tnstancrs of almost. Sequal hardship 'undoabtcdly exist. lThero is a general feeling that the I Gladstone Goverpment. will be compell- led. now that the settlement of the E- gyptian question relieves 'them from foreign embarrassment, to pay speedy intention to needed reforms at. home. l and it is likely that. this question will become in the near futuren burning issue. -.__._._. t 0 l A Florida Alligator fitory. Jim Russell, a son of Major Russell, famous during the Florida \var. now makes a precarious living in South Flor- ida as a guide to visiting sportsmcu. For a bonus of two dolla.s Jim will dive into the current. of the muddy St. John's and bring up an alligator. He actually brings them out of" their holes. Strange as this may seem, it. is the only safe way to approach an alligator. They dig holes in river banks. just below the surface of the water, and crawl into them. Jim dives down, crawls in Hip idly, and seizes the tail of the saurian, who, startled, immediately backs out. Jim holds on, keeping his legs stiff till clear of the book, when he darts away. and the ’gator, rising to the surface for a. moment to see what is the matter, is slain by waiting gunners in the boat. This has become common sport on the upper St. John's rivetâ€"Jildcsmwille Times. I Fight With a Bear. Dealer in all kinds of .FARM IMELEMENTS. PLorJG ET§13EOUGHS z A large stock ofJohn Wher & Co.'s .\'o. 3 DIAMOND STEEL I‘LOUGHS, guaranteed to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG I'LOI‘GHS. Points and Soles oi difib On Tuesday evening la<t when Mr.. George Ti'cvors, who had been working in the steamship Cuban. then lying at Mr. Sargent's mill wharf, Nelson, was done his day’s work, he had occasion to go up to the store of Mr. Daniel Bald- win to purchase a few articles. It was then dark, and when he started for his home in the I)ou;lasslield he took the lshort. cut across the woods. lie had gone about a mile and a half when he was attacked by a very large boar. Be ‘ iug unarmed, and having no other wea- lpou than a bottle of paraffin oil, he l struck the bearaud broke the bottle of , oil over him. The bear then sprang on him and commenced hugging him, when George had the presence of mind to light. a. match and set fire to him. In an instant old bruin was all in a blaze and let go of him. and in less than live minutes he was all Consumed but the head and shoulders. George thou com- menced to carry water in his but. to quench the fire to save the snout, so as to get the b0uuty.â€"-Clmt/uun (.V. B.) ll’orltl. o Gunpowder Explosion. lONDEAU, Oct. {Iiâ€"Early this morn- ing a serious gunpowde: explosion took place in a shooting tent occupied by live mop from Colchcstcr, E~scx County, on the Ilondcau Point. These inside tho tent were John Thresher, Ell. Currio and Robert l’oolc. The other two were outside. Poole was putting a cartridge in his gun, standing by a keg of powder containing twenty-four pounds. As the chamber of the gun closed the load unâ€" accountany di charged. ahl at the Samc time the keg, said to be securely plug- gcd, exploded, though the muzzle of the gun was outside. The tent with its con- tcnts and the inmates were thrown in every direction. Poole was thrown ma- ny feet. into the air, and came to the ground with severe woumls and badly burned. The others found themselves at some distance on tho ground, their [bees and hands bully burned, and all were quite unrecognizable. They were brought. across the buy without. delay and medical aid summoned, and were soon made comfortable enough to un- dertake the journey home on the emo- inn train. It seems marvellous that they escaped with their lives. Fragments of boots and piccos of shattered pots were found two hundred yards from the tent. o--â€"â€"â€"~_.._ Russian Affairs. ST. PETERSBL‘HG, Oct. 20th.â€"â€"\\'icl:- ham Hoffman. Secretary of the United States Legalion, says that as far as his observation cxn-mlcd he Was inclined succeeded in stamping out Nihilism, as the principal leaders and movch of tho orgzinizuioa have been captured and cxccuu-d or exiled. Hoffman dc<cribcs the Czar as a kind hcarLcd, indulgent man, whose sole aim is for the welfare of his country and his Mllijucts. Of late whenever he appeared in puhiie he was alone or accompanied only by an aide-dc-camp. and displayed no four of l violence. .8 obi-loll'k‘ dcalh was a grout blow to the Young lu<~ian party. The prejudice. agaith the Isiaoiitcs is still very great in many parts of tho Empire, and has been a source of much annoy- ance to the Government, but the mom. ‘ urcs to supprew the outrages will prob» l ably prevent a recurrence of the popu- llar uprising. The LllSASYI'ULH competi- I I I l I . l tioo of Alncrica in the grain trade at- tracts general attention throughout lids sin, and many llu-fit’lt's arc ndvaucrd to countcraet it. Hoffman my; tip; llus- ~ino Government opp med I‘l-iglmd m- curin': a controlling inmrust in the Suez Canal. as it would interfere with lion sia's commercial interests in the Pacific and the East. _.,_ ., ,, -.-. --... W... An Interesting Exposure. l’niunnxmuu. 02:. publishes all exposurunf thc theft-s C’JIH- Inittcd by l’hipp“, ex superintcndcnt of , the Alma House. who fled to Canada, Land now contunds pinch-dings for Ills. l rxlmdition. l tho-I‘m rcich % period of nine years. $559,000, t'xtccdi'ig over a ll; madc u bor- 'oi' Guardians of the Poor, and under to believe the Government had at la-t. 2f).â€"â€"-Tbc In”"‘/H“‘I ‘ . over lum'c : drcn and said there Were till-ch whom flu! “l', 1 this agrccmcnt 575,000 was simian crc- . ry year. During the pro-cut year, from . January to July. by rim-ms of duplicate , bids. and, it is alft‘;_"1d. by forgery and T CfluuiVance with contractors, l’hipps !' managed to obtain $10000. Thi~ oc- . cl iii-pending lid-inc.” LO won. ~.lll.mv' gcurrcd after the City Council had in: : latitutcd an investigation into the aile- gations of fraud. Ehmilics going, among them being the } houses of four your guirdiunr, live wu‘ V union. two drainrscl unpluyuw, and Pulpit: kw!!! fillet!) . ,‘Satutday evening. I eat makes always on hand. The New rantford Reaper 8c Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do first class work, or no sale. RLKES, BAKES!â€";\gont fur the Maxwell and Salt. and - stock of Repuirsfor (In: Ktrby Rmprr. the “'isucr Rakes, which have no equals. Agent for Alto, It largo Muss Int-nova" Gmin, Plaster. Grass Seed Sower will be given on trial. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS and other kinds of Burrows. A gent for Combined Seeders. WHITEFELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES on hand, all made of well seasoned first class material. Horse-Shoeing‘ gig 36" A good second-hand 30395: for sal l“ . iib‘bing a. Specialty. 0. Price, $2 . llns only cut 25 acres. N D1<‘()B.I), Fcnelon Falls. four other permits, Official and other- wise. who obtained a hold upon his fears or inductions. A pass book has been made public in which appears eu- rries for marketing supplies of various persons at the Major‘s expense, aggre- gating $29000. In 1376 Phipps ox- pended 310.000 in cigars. this being his favourable method of clcetiouecring. o -Hâ€"â€"‘-â€" A Curato’s Work. An intercsting disaussion is in pro- gress in the English press ovt-r this knotty que~tinr zâ€"Docs the work of an English curate require more or less a- bility than that ol a skilled artisan 1’ The Poll dirt” Uuzclfc maintains the former; Dr. Littlcdalu champions the latter view. According to Dr. Little- dalc, a curate must. be school inspector, sick visitor, almoncr, financial manager of various societies, choir-master, medi- ator in quarrels and between dilfcront classes of society, coach to Sunday school teachers, conductor of nightl classes for young men, Nlllllill'y inspect. or, popular h'cturer, upholder of crickct and foot-ball clubs, and touch more. Besides which he must, " at least once a week, attempt to give an fltltll'Cn‘S' which shall interest a languid audience; in a subject bccomelor most of them tritc through centuries of l'cpctilionâ€"- and further, so to do it that the dullest rustic may take away part, at least, of his teaching, without the educated hear- ers becoming angry at. being talked down to.” And Dr. Littledalc proudly asks, " Is not that intellectually as hard work as glazing a. window or making a cupboard ‘3 ” Irish Ilcv. Father Nugcut, of Livurpotd, l‘lngland, :n'rivcd in Ottawa on the night of the 2(Ith. 11c liarl just rcturucd from an extended visit to Minnesota and the Canadian North-‘d'ost, and will intro» vicw the Minister of Agriculture in ref- crencc to the arrangements being made for next year's immigration. which it. is expected will b4: unu~ually large. Fath- or Nugcnt will urgi- upon the Dominion Government. the desirability of cuppin- mcoting in Stllllt‘ tangible way tln- l ll'orts ol' the Imperial Govcrnmcnt towards as. sisting Irish emigration to Canada. Illa visit to Manitoba was for tho purpose of Soliciting the assistance of Arehbidmp Tache in vacuiting and caring for Cathâ€" olic immigrants. Father Nngvnt also visited Val'iolu SCCIIUIIJ of" Unlul'iu. and succeeded in forming local committch of'gcntlcmcn who will assist iuunigranis in obtaining cmploymcnt, etc. At Win- Iiipcg a commiticc has been fruit-«I un- der the auspices of .-\rchbi.~hop 'l'aclw, -~ ¢¢Aâ€"â€" â€"-r.«â€"- Immigr. 111:3. who has promised to acttlc and carc linrf at least 2U!) families next hcason. No large numbcr of cmigraais will b: as. signcd to any one licnlity. but to much local Ont:.rlo cominitlcn will be :iusignml the duty of caring for five or Inn fami- lies. Father Nugcnt lcavcs New Turk for England on Saturday nch on thc‘ ntcnmcr Brill/unfit. ____...._. o...“â€" A Man With Fifty Children. Mr. Basin/gaunt, a promiucnt Invrfi chant from Social Circlc, U.‘Ur_i‘.|. to- ports n~ remarkable conc of Vital-t}. which hc says in “‘cIl known to tho pun ‘ plc of his country. Near Social (list. l‘c.~ltlc.-a coloured lnau naunzd ll.tt'l'_'.‘ l.ackv\, who has probably more dr-. M'l:lttl.’|dltl.s‘ tlmu any other living man. llc has b:cn in thi~ Country m long that his own tintimony on this qu. Mimi i~ corrolmmtod by hi.» m~igl;l.v.ur.~. ll ir- ry is ill! years old. huh: and hourly, and on..- of the mint lllllurll'inlls and highly respected nvgrocs in the county. The other day fl! tuok unto himwii' a ihirl wife, Suzan l'hiliips. aged Ill. Ill: al- rt'Jll ‘ has fifty children. whom lac {let-1 i . uowlcdgcs, and who call him by various tcrms of lili..l all ction. Sacral ol' bi~ children have died. In thi- pr: Hence of some girntlctncu lllv.‘ hthu’r day, lic Ham d llnm ill!” of. Lia lit: (3 mid not tht-n rcincmlur. his sons has thirty living children. ch. . . - ~ ~ on 'f' his cram count u 1 more than a I'hczimclo pays l’hipps ' '1 ’ l drila‘fl Clili-Iiuh cacli. Th4: old man in proud of his word. and talk-i far-cry a- bout it whenever queetibocd. Hi: has i Democrat. trict. who votes in the llcinucratic pri- mary elections. lie says he don‘t think Ili‘ work i- finished yet. and bus no idea (it Coillll‘l'tth-OR. __.-._ ._.-......'...... . . ._... An Indian Marriage. An intcrctting ccrcmony tool; place on Merchant yquaic. in this city, on L'ilttllli:t.ii-. their purpose to postpone marriage for some months, until sufficiently instruct- cd by the missionary to have the cere- ‘Inony pcrllirmcd in civilized, Christian fashion. On Saturday, however, they determined to avail themselves of tho presence of their "grunt white lunth~ lcr's" daughter, and so the interesting lailitir was arranged for Saturday ovcu- ing. The friends of the two contract- in: parties were ranged in two long rows. facing each other, the chiefs, tho lbl‘ltll} and groom and mom immediate irelatives occupying a cross seat at. the head of the two rows. Tho'futhcr of the bride made an address, in the course of which he said that ho was igiviug away his daughter to the young ilnao, and that she would be all the isamc as dead to him. A large dish \vus lplaccd on \thc ground in front. of' the old .man, into which the friends of the bridegroom cast money to compcltsato ‘him for the loss of his daughter. This occupied somo time, and when count. was made the dish was found to con- liain S-llh'). The ceremony over, the bri- dal party and their near friends held a least. it. is understood that, by-und- bye, when brttcr instructed, they will be re-mzu'ricd by the pviust.â€"Bri(irh Uulumbiun. ._c , v .‘ ... ¢....._.-__~ Resisting the Sheriff. (From (In: I’zetcrbarouyh Review.) ’ There was quite a sensation in the turn on Friday evening, owing to ru- mours which were circulated that Shor- ifi‘ llall had been injured, but happily, as isol'tcn the case, the reports were grcnly cxaggcrat-d. The facts of the case which gave rise to thesu rumours, as we learned them from Sheriff “all, are that on Friday In: went. out. to En- nismorom execute a writ. of possesninn, which was issued at the suit of a To t'outo loan company, and that. Mr. 1’. Collins, who was in possesaion of the place, refund to lcavc. In order to resist the olliccrs he took up a position in the upper part of the house, and pro- vided I:im~cll' with stones and clubs, and so as to be proparod for a hinge, be : had with him a basket nf'provisious and la pail of \vatrl‘. The incn'who accom- lpnnioil the Sheriff did not care to attack 1 .\Ir. (joilins in his lbrmidablc position, land the Sin-rill ntlcniplcd to ascend the l l stairs, which were narrow, but he rc- ('i‘lVl'll a blow on the bond from a pitch- ,l'urk, and descended. lie was not struck {with the end of thc prongs, and tho lblow only lcf't a slight. mark near the ‘z'yc, as he was protected by a htiff hut. Cunrtnlill: Adams was rent for. and gwcnl In tho Shcrifl‘B‘ ni-sihtauce, but his ,‘aucmpts to mound the narrow stairs lwcrc unavaiiiug, and darkncsn having .wt in nothing could be done to dislodge tlu- than. Finally. at about tcn : 'clock a eouipromisu: was hilt-coal and Mr. Col- iiins hilt tln: house, than 'putting an end it.) a littlc (-xcilcnicnt which had drawn Eluil'llIOI' quite a crowd, who watched itln: proceedings with intercnt. I ..-.--.-._.g.-_._- A! llouchcrvillc villagc a bridegroom fol' eight days arm-c carly in the morn ,ing, \fflllx'ttl into the river and hold his lli‘fil’l undcr until In» was drowned. 'l'hc 'l'ici-hm‘nc claimcnt hm written a loin-r from l’ortnnnuth uont'ict prison to his wifo, who is now in Southampton wmldmnso, announcing his intention of win: for a divorce. Prince Edward Island will this ycnr produce at Ivafl thrcc million bunlmfu of Wilton“, two-think of which will b0 ex- .pmzml. This is the largan and bust. ;r:mp siniw lit-TU. (Inc larn.cr, rays the Berlin Nun, Jibtaim'd 224 gallons of Hyrup from one new of CHIC. This! syrup its worth 81 n. gallon, and from (but. farmrrn can judge «.t' lla.‘ podiiabhnuzss of the indmtry. .‘lmiiobn raised last year by amu- »|nvnt for school purposes 861,692, and i-rapv-ndwl, including Legislative grant, 5 2 10,706. The averagc calories of touch- t'l'n ranar'l from 8572 in Winnipeg ID 51253 in l’rovcncln-r. lo tbl' lMllnm of'n chain. of Japan tea ri-contly l-pctnr'l in Montreal was found a leather pocket-book, about. eight incli- vs lung, and four wide, with three com- pitt'llncnln, curiunnly marka with anr . him: characters and containing two Jup- :numc l-rucrx, a quantity of opium and .311 opium pipc. 'l'lu: chan of my bu Tbcca in the wore-house in Montreal '07 two 33.1113. ; 5.55 the Brandon Sun :-â€"Somo id“ ~:.f the enormous quantity of grain rain- cd in this country may be obtliucd from tla: following reliable inform-lion. UI his ycur four brotherlyâ€"the Elliotw- .io thc Elliott. wuleuicut, have gram: us much grain that to team it. I0 fill“ :city it will rr-quitc four teams drawing cwry day for u twclvcmonth to clean Pout. thcir grannies. «Although these, A Sqauml-ah maldâ€" ’pbhubly, arc the largest growcrs w the co and .‘qu-tim youth, and 17 and south, the“: are other: who” crop. In: '2‘! rv p mirth, w ru. bctiutlad. l: n more cum/ac than 1.1 readin realized. ,/

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