91 n‘ I.th at; JOHN A. BARRON, 1 BA RBISTER-AT-LA W, Lindsay. Ofï¬ce on Kent Street. next door Ives: of Keith's Agricultural lat! Implemnt Store. '7 MARTIN .k HOPKINS, PARRISTEItï¬, SOLICITUIL‘I. kc. Mc- ) any to Loan at '2 per cent. 053cc. Kent street. Lindsay. Out. I'. MAL'TIX. r C. II. Ilorxiss. I", D. MOORE. ARRISTEII. ATTORNEY, A: SOLICITR ) and Notary Public. Money to Loan: Ofï¬ce, Kent street. Lindsay. lttfriSt’ :‘I‘tt 5; JACKSON. 1 ARItHTRRS, SULIHTORS, kc. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. ilcmrlzru. A. Jicxmx. i ,., . . , ï¬-...._.... ‘ ! 0f- O'Ll‘lAItY & O'Iil'ZAI’tY, i ARRISTERS, ATTOItNEYSâ€"AT-LAW,I ) Solicitors in Chancery, (kc. Ofï¬ce, Doheuy Block. Rent street, Lindsay. Aarut'tt u‘lnmuv. llt'oa O‘Lmnv. _.____ ____,_ W. M-“ ,-_ ___ ,- __ i MclNTYRE di'. STEWART. ’ AltlllS'l'ERS, ATTORNEYSAT-LAW,’ I Solicitors in Chancery, .kc., Lindsay. Ofï¬ce over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate eonritir-I. I). J. MCIK‘YYIIE. l . . 'l‘iios. Srzwmr. ; , ALEX. A. MCDONALD. TTUliNl‘IYsAT-LAW, Solicitorin (Than- : , cery, Conveyancer, kc.,&c. Strictat- tcn'ion given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land‘s Department. 1 Money to Loan on Mortgage Security onl terms to suit borrowers. Office, Colborne street, f‘eiielon Falls. l I l shims; WATCHMAKER. lllfllllll & fillilllllll, dealer in EClock-s, All KindS, ~ 3-) day, 8 day and 30 hour, Alarm strike,kc AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, I)" SILVER AND GOLD CASES in the newest styles and at lowest prices. fl. Persons sending watches from a dis- tance for repairs, can have the amount of work and priCe reported on for their consid- , rralion, and as I do the Work mvsclf, can depend on having it. done Satisfactoriiy. Britton's Block. foot of Kent St., Lindsay. ONTARIO BAN. . Capital - - - - - - $1,500,000. President. . . . . . . . . . . . Sir. W. P. Rowland. , Vice-President . . . . . . . .C. S. Gzowski, Esq. General Manager .. . . . . .. C. Holland, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts bought and sold on all points in ,Canada, United States and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. Saving-s ])epurtntcnt Interest allowed on deposits of ï¬ve dolâ€" lars and upwards. S. A. MCMURTRY, Manager. Lindsay, Feb. 16th,1881. I 50-t.f. __f a maniac" 7 Â¥ ~~~~-~~ - Elie felttlmt falls (some A. W. J. (YORONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kc. l J Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington‘ street, Lindsay. flllfifIASSI. M. D., _Sa.turday, Nov’r 4th, 1882. Political Capital. In our notice inst week of the formal opening of the public works in this village, we made the remark that our Conservative friends thought the affair would afford “ first-rate facilities for \VM. KEMP'I‘, \I. 1)., C. .\I., l IftAllliATE of Muflill University, Mon 1 treul. and Provincial Licentiate. I'liysi- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Medical Itefcret- to the Standard, l’hmnix, Connecti- cut Mutual. and liquituhle Insurance Coni- panies, Office and residence. in the house lately occupied by flu-v. Father Stafford, at the cornerofLiuds-uyand llu‘s streets, making a hale political capital," and Lindyâ€; we have several times been asked to ' 'r' 'â€"â€"â€" ~--» «--â€"-â€"â€"â€"-«r-»â€"â€"â€"~-»~- explain where the political capital came "It. A. WILSON, in. In reply to this query all we can fill -' Surgeon and Accouctier. stroei, h‘oiicloii Fuller. Ii.ITNIVliRSITY of Trinity College. M. I}. University of Toronto. Mcinb. lloi. Phys. and Surg, Ont. Physician, Uiiicc, Colhornc O - Dlt. J. II. howls. say is that, if that were not their idea, it is quite impossible to judge conserva- tive thoughts by conservative actions. The so-callcd public meeting was con- vened by private invitations, extended, as far as we can learn, to conservatives .‘» 'lIYSWJIAN tit SURGEON. l Falls. Coroner for only; the members of the committee of the Provisional County Ofllttllliurlon. arrangements were all conservatives; 3911’? ’iiliCc next door to the .\Ic.~\rthur l .md 50 strong was the impression that llonsc.,~â€tusidrnce, the house lately occn-l it was a conservative demonstration pit-ll by in; ltrysoii, on May street, heticlon that scarcely any reformers attended the banquet. We did not sayâ€"nor do we sayâ€"that conservatives were to be blamed for trying to make politicnlcnp- m , , . m SURVEYORS. , dress, l‘cuulot -1ilCKSON, JAI- ,» ) L'. Sunny» 2'. Com nissioncr in the Q. lt, i T . Convector ‘vr, the. Falls. Residence, and ad- ). Till-i (. If. 'NTY OF VICTORIA. The next sitting 4 of this Court will he held on Thursday. November 23rd, 1881:. : til“. 0. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk. J AMER J. POWER, [CENSED = Auctioneer, Accountant and J General Commission Agent. Collect-l ing accounts a :iprcialty. Uilicc, Fcnelcn Falls, Out. "6. PER. GENT. 6.. )[ONI‘IY‘ TITO InIQND at 6. 65 and “(per cent, according to secu. rity, on Real Estate mortgages. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay J. HEELAwns, I 1) EN “7151‘, 1.1 N1)SA..X". One oft'iic firm will be at the l l McAuriitrn Boost; FENELON FALLS, l on the third Monday ot‘cnch month. Teeth i-xtractt-d by laughing gas without pain or injury, or no charge will be made. W tittice established in Lindsay nearly tiftecn years. 81,()00 IPOIIL‘IGI'JL l Iumix Cancchurc Dt~pot,Coaticook, P. Q.,Canada. CANCER CURE!) without the use of the knife. The Only Permanent (‘iiro In the World. For particulars enclose two 3 (out stamps to S. C. Smith, (.‘oaticnok, P. Q .L‘nnudn. , â€"â€"â€"Ilighest References. pirCl'ltES SWIFT AND CERTAIN.“ [Any pant-r can publish the above for $5 a year, with this note and paper l'l'g11l;\rl\‘.] x JUST ARRIVED, l â€".-\r Tltl-Iâ€" l I l l ""‘"""- fl.†! ‘MUSIO EMPGRIUM,’§ a large stock of ALBUMS:é itupnrlnl for the full trade. Wittt‘lt we are selling at close prices. Also a very fine Sluck of VIOLIN S, CONCERTINAS and .\t‘¢0r\l.‘uui, of all qualities and prices. New goods for the fall trade arriving daily. W .I call u minute! a: M! .llam: Empi- nun, Km: Strut, Lmï¬uy. G. A. WI. Lindsay. October uh. mar. ms U’tgï¬ï¬ï¬i GEORGE cuflXIIBHAI, General Insurance and Loan Agent. mos runs. 02m, represents the (allowlag ï¬rst class compa- , ulrg with which businuu can be transacted upon the most advantageous terms . The Canada Permanent Loan .k Savings Co. The Imperial Insurance Company, et Loa- dnu. England. The Cities-n5†Insurance Company, ofCaam ' do, If" and dreams. The Lanmshire tnmuuo- Co. of England. i Tb»; (‘oafvderatiou Life Aunhuiw. ofCan- 'r [in ital out of the canal. which reformers would probably have been just as ready to do, but to deny that they did so is absurd. We doubtfhowever, whether their course was as wise a one as could have been adopted ; for if the meeting had really been a “ public †oneâ€"ifpol- itics had been thrust as far as possible out of sight, and the electors generally had been invited to glorify Mr. Camer- on simply as the advocate of the Trent. Valley Canal, it is not at all improbable that a good many reformers might have attended the banquet, and that some few of them, who place the interests of Fonclon Falls before the lllttll‘L‘SlSOf the Dominion at large, might have become his supporters. The attempt to make it a political demonstration was, there- fore, a mistake; for reformers feel that their opponents desire to monopolize the whole credit of having brought. a~ bout. the commencement of the canal; which was advocated and insisted upon by con party just as strongly as by the other. Mr. Cameron certainly deserves the thanks of all his constituents for his action in the premises, and it was a blunder not to invite all of them to thank him. Our conservative friends are not as wide awake as we thought they were. They had It splendid op- portunity to at least attempt to “ rope in " a few reformers, and they recklchly threw it away. The WorkT-rogresses. It is now only fifteen days since work commencud on the c-tnnl in this village, and although, on account of the length and width of the cut, {I frequent visitor may fancy that it is progressing rather slowly. a vast change has already bt-cn made at the scene of operations. Even where the solid rock lies within a few inches of the surface the banks of the canal are clearly defined, while at other points a considerable depth has been at mined. On Wednesday evening the first l blast (not Counting those on " inaugu- ration day ") was fired off at the west end of the cut. close to the edge of the river. and has since been followed by others at irregular intervals. East of ('olhornc street several days had to be ‘ spent in “ rcdding up " before earth was nu reached, the old piiiu-v uround having to g be cleared of the odds and ends ofluni- 'bt-r which had been accumulating for years, and many scores of loads of this material were drawn away, while a con- siderable quantity of heavyslubs and planks, too far decayed to be of any value. were consumed in it bcoï¬rc start- ed for the purpose. Mr. Smith’s black smith shop and the driving shed nearly opposite it wcro torn down Some days ago, and the long, low, roughth build- ing: which stands almost acroM the street is already mounted on jack-screws, pre- paratory to being moved to another spot on the property purchased by Guvern~ meat. when: it will be used as an omcc by the lockmaster when he is Ipp-ilntcd. Next Monday work will be commenced on Colborue street itself. which the low- - er locks will cross. and for about a year trafï¬c will have to be on and around a sidewalk which is now being built west r worm, “m. “a 'Mch “in cm our authorities 'III look around the? _ _ p , . U 0 C†I‘ . “a m mume serious prupurtmn; The l (he gravcl can naw be weâ€. [hm oh. i distant, when 0031 ï¬fth "Ill be abandon- negrocs are armed and demonstrative. utruciions to navigation having been "3- ed for :1“! "Mel. and London air will close the space to be occupied by the upper locks. The number of bands em- ployed on the canal has not been mate- rially incrvased since last week, but more men will be engaged as soon as they can be used to advantage. The the progress that has been made during the short time that has elapsed since operations were commenced. The Late Rev. William Lochead. The L'mmdu Presbyterian of October . 15th contains the following obituary no- ; tlce of the late Rev. w... Lochead. Sr., 'futher of the Rev. Wm. Lucliead, of this village :â€" “ This faithful minister of the Gosâ€" pel. and one of the fathers of our Church. died on the 25th nit... at. Elm- wood, Huntley, whilst on a visit. to his daughter, Mrs. Hugh Gout-lay, in the eighty-second year of his age. He was a native ofGlusgow, Scotland. Having completed his Arts course in the Uni- versity of that city, following the exam- ple of many of the students of the Re- , lief Church, of which he was a member, 1 he studied Divinity in the Glasgow hall of the Church of Scotland for two years, and took him last session in the Di- vinity hall of the Relief Church at Pais- ley, after which he was licensed in 1829. He was married immediately afterwards and came. to Canada in the same year. , He supplied the pulpit of St. Andrew’s church, Montreal. for about six months, during the absence of Rev. Dr. Mathie- son in Scotland. When the pastor of St. Andrew's returned, Mr. Lochcnd went to Kingston, where he preached to a body of Presbyterians until he accepted a call to be pastor to the Third l’reisby- terian Church, Albany, N. Y.. where he was ordained in December, 1830. He remained in the United States, ï¬lling very cï¬icicntly several important posi- tions, until he returned to Canada in 1845, and was inducted into the charge of Osgoode and Gloucester, which, feel- ing old age creeping upon him, he re- signed, and retired in 1873, taking up his abode at Almonte, on which occdsion his congregation presented him with an address, expressing their regard and es- teem fur him, accompanied with a ï¬ne silver service. lIis remains were bro't to his son’s residence, Almonte, on Mon- day evening, and from thence on Wed- nesday were borne to the Old Kirk Cemetery, lamsay, six Presbyterian ministers acting as pull bearers. The Rev. John Bennett. of St. Andrew’s ohurch, ofl‘iciatcd, and, at the request of the deceased, preached his funeral sermon on the following Sabbath cven- ing to a large congregation. Mr. Loc- head was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a good man and a faithful minister of the Gospel. He took an active interest in the Bible Society, the temperance cause. and all benevov lent enterprises ; and though for the last few years out of the pastorate, he still I loved to occupy a pulpit, and to pro- claim to his fellow-men the Gospel of Jesus Christ. [In was a Presbyterian of the good old Scottish type, yet no bigot, loving all God's people and dc- ligbting to co-operatc with them in the work of the common Muster. Ho madc it one of the valet of his life to give to the Lord one-tenth of his income. And this he did to the very end. leaving eight hundred dollars to the I‘rusbytc- rian College, Montreal, three hundred and ï¬fty dollars to the schemes of the Church, and fifty dollars to the Bible Society. “ Blessed are the dead which (lie in the Lord from henceforth; yea. saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.†"The righteous shall be in cv erlasting remembrance." Thcdcceawd gentleman has left. behind him a widow’ two daughters and three sons, two of whom are respected ministers of our Church, the one at Fenclon Falls and the other at Londcsboro’. Village Council Proceedings. Fcnelon Falls, Oct. 3lst, 1882. The council met at the call of the rcevc. l’rcscnt, Jos. McArtliur, Esq, recve, and councillors Sandford and Smith. The rceve in the chair. Min- utcs of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sandiord, That the following ac- counts be paid and the recvc give his orders for the mine :â€"J. J. Power. 3 days on sidewalks, $4 50; John [a- gram, 3 days on sidewalks, $4 50; Thomas Levis, 21: days on sidewalks, $3 72'); William Drake, 3 days on side- walks, $4 50; Mail Printing 00., ad- vertising, 83 (if) â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Saodford, Tlint [By-law No.â€"-â€"â€", entitled a by-law to appoint a collector of rates for the year 1882, be now intro- ducml and read a first tiinc.â€"Curricd. By~lnw read in committee of the whole and without amendment, Mr. Smith in the chair. By-law read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Smith, Seconded by Mr. Saudtord. That the reeve look iii- to the sun-tics of the tux collector for the year 1882.â€"Carried. The council then adjourned, to meet next Monday evening. PROP. Bottomsâ€"This well known vcntriloquist. illusionist, tkc., will give one of his popular entertainments in Ingram's hall on the evening of Wed- nesday next. the Stli inst" and will no doubt be well patronized, as he has al~ ready paid two or three visits to this village, and never failed to please and i satisfy his audience. l THANKSHVING Dav -â€".-\s noticed in last week's h‘uzrm. Thursday next. the 9th inst., has been appointed as a day of thanksgiving for the bountiful har- vest, and it ought. to be. observed in we may safely predict that it will not be unless the reeve issue a proclamation to that effect. Nzw CROSSINGâ€"During the past week a new cranking has been laid down on the west side of Colborne street at l Bond street. and not before it was ace-l- ed. as the old one was in a terribly dil- apidated and dangerous condition. If ,villnge they will ï¬nd several places ' where repairs are needed. Bum-x DOWN.â€"Some time during last Saturday night a high wind, which was roaming over this village on axis. lchicf bent, came in contact with the weather, so far, has been very fatcuia- é smoke-stack on .‘INH. Smith dt Fall's ble to the work, which is being pushed lsbiriglu mill and promptly buricdit to; : romud its I'l‘éfu’uu’l: as pussibéc, and n the ground. The stack, which mason-a I’ciiclon Falls as m-ll as elsewhere ; but ‘ .I the contractors are well plean with l sixty-ï¬ve feet in length, was separat:d into three pieces by the fall, but was not much injured. M. I. Coscna‘t‘.â€"The concert in In- gram's hall on Thursday evening in aid of the Feoclon Falls Mechanics‘ Insti- tute was very numeroust attended and unable to attend and the promised re- , port has not yet been handed in, any lfurtlier notice of the entertainment is i unavoidably postponed until next week. l DONATIONS To run Risaâ€"We omit- lted to mention, when noticing the T. V. C. celebration last. week, that the village band was presented with ten dollars by Mr. A. P. Macdonald, the lcontractcr, and ï¬ve dollars by Mr. ; Hector Cameron, for which they return- l ed brief but hearty thanks. Such pres- entations are so rare that we would much rather record them two or three times over than not at all. THE IRON Balboaâ€"While standing on the iron bridge one day this week, we noticed that a horse attached to a buggy was driven over it at a smart. trot, and the person to whom we were talk- ing at the time said he had lately seen horses not. only trotted but even gallop- ed along the bridge. 11‘ this is injuri- ous to the structure, of which there can be little doubt, the customary prohibi. tions ought to be put up at once. REV. P. J. Tmax's anruax.-â€"A large audience, composed by no means exclusively of Catholic, assembled in the Catholic church in this village last Wednesday evening, to listen to Father Tinan's lecture on " The Reason of Be- lief." The reverend gcnileman, who is an able and eloquent speaker, handled his subject in a masterly manner, and from ï¬rst to last secured the undivided attention of his pleased and interested hearers. I’IALLO\\'E'EN.â€"Last Tuesday even- ing was hallowc'cn, and the village boys celebrated it with more than usual mod. oration, for which they are to be com- mended. Somc fire crackers were lct off after dark and a few pranks were played. but none. we believe, that in- flicted loss or injury on any personâ€" tlie worst we have heard of beingr the abstraction of two or three of Mr. Moore's shutters, which were taken off his store windows and hidden in a neighbour’s woodshed " l’ussv 1N Tun \\’nt.i..â€â€"Last Mon- day mornng the voice of it distressed cut. was heard proceeding from the well at the Mansion House corner, and upon moving one of the planks of the plat- form pussy was observed clinging to the stones just above the water, in which, from her soaked condition, she had evidently been taking a swim. A board was let down to her in the ex- pectation that she would walk up it. but as she declined to do so, a man had to descend and fetch her up. TttRowN.-â€"Last Tuesday evening, l as Mr. Wui. Dabson, of Vcrulitm, who came into the village on horseback. was turning at the corner of Cnlhorne street and Francis street cast. his horse broke through the. crossing, and, its fovit stick- ing in the hole, Mr. Dobson was thrown a distance of many fcct. Fortunately neither man nor heart was injured ; In both had a narrow escape from n. seri- ous accident, the pecuniary consequenc- es of which, litttl it occurred, would have fallen upon the corporation. A OBSERVED 'l‘iuuir'rn.-â€"'l‘he Bob- cuygcon Imlqiemliznt, in its last week’s r-inarks with reference to the Trent Works, pays the following: well deserved tribute of praise to Mr. Thomas I). Belclicr, Superintendent Engineer, who frotn first to last has been one of the most earnest and energetic advocates of the canal :â€"-“ For some years Mr. Bcl- clier has given untirinj,r attention to this scheme, attention that has been given entirely con mnm'e, without cx- pcctation of reward either directly or indirectly. It has been to the efforts of this gentleman that the pot has been kept boiling, so to speak, and the suc- cessful issue to the present is due in a great measure to his unccusiug exer- tions." THE Suvaâ€"Mr. Win. Kennedy, of Bf)l)Cil_\'L:cOlt, who has bccn for many years in the employ of the Dominion Govurnnicnt, is iii Fenclon Falls super- inteudiug some repaint to the slide. Parts of the bottom have been replaced from time to time, and the remainder. which is in a very rottcn condition. is now being torn up, after which new sleepers will be put in and covered with maple plank, which has proved to be much the best for the purpose. The north side or wall of the slide is also to be partially rebuilt; but the other can- not be touched without stopping the sowmill, and the question as to the own- ership of the south side of the slide is not definitely scttlcd. The repairs a- bout to be commenced will cast. fully $1,500, and will keep ten or a dozen men busy for five or six weeks. Picsâ€"Mr. Richardson, of Milibrook, arrived at Fenclon Falls last. Monday. and has since been making. raids into l the surrounding country purchasing lpigs, small drives of which may be I seen, at intervals ofn few hours, march- ing gracefully and majestically along l the main leCe-t of the village on their ‘ way to the railway itation. On Thurs. day morning we heard that he had bought about a him lred. and still they come. The pricu paid is $5 50 per one hundred pounds livo weight, with a tri- fling deduction for dried mud, with which agood many of them are more or less covered. 'l‘oey are intended, we are informed, for the Montreal mar- ket; but, unless the people down there 'like lean pork. the majority of them , will have to be futieoed for a few weeks I b‘e'lore they are interviewed by the l butcher. It is estimated there are 12,611.14?) icon in the United States. Think of f the water necessary to make their milk ' suitable for consumption ! The color troubles in Alabama threa- . i l l and the white are drilling, arming and , organizing. but by those means is by clear. One child is dead and the when i are not expected to recover. l g i i l End of the A sia. Enquiry. A vxttmc-tj or MANSLAUGHTBR AGAINST rnosz nt‘sroxsrntn you THE BOAT'S SAFETY. Paunv Sousa, Oct. 2S.â€"The Coro- was a deemâ€! success; but as we were ner’s inquest into the Inns of the Asia resumed last night. No further evi- dence belu; forthcoming, the coroner recupitulated what. had been alleged and laid before the court, and then charged the jury, laying before them the fact that. the evidence before them showud an insuflicient equipment of the boats, and that had those boats been properly supplied with ours and other portions of boats' equipments they might have weathered the storm, the boats' head might have been kept to the wind, the frequent capsizing might. not have resulted, and the fatal strain on the men's powers of endurance might have been avoided. The jury in forty uiin~ utes returned the following verdict :â€" “ That. John Savage, John McDonald, John M. Calpin, and two others. names unknown, came to their death in consc- qucnce of the wreck of the steamer Asia and uuduc exposure in open boats; that the exposure was caused by an insuf~ ï¬cient. equipment of those boats, inns~ much as there were only three cars in the three boats, and nothing with which to bail out the boats; that the afore- said insuï¬icient equipment was the re- sult of gross and culpable negligence on the part of some person or pcrsous un- known to thejury, and that those per- sons are therefore guilty of man- slaughter.†An Enterprising Advertiser. A Chicago ready-made clothing deal- er ncarly caused a riot the other day by announcing that. he would throw 100 fall style overcoats from the top of his warehouse for anybody to pick up. As the appointed hour approached the street became densely packed in the vi- cinity of the dealer's store, and when ï¬nally the police tried to do what they should have done earlierâ€"keep the tho. rcughfure openâ€"they found themselves unable to do so without resorting to a degree of physical force that the model Mayor Harrison, who was on the ground, would not authorize. When the work of disposing of the overcoats began there was a shrieking, and yelling such as the Chicago Board of Trude even is said to have never equalled. Very few of the garments were secured cntirc by the lucky ones, and the num~ ber of good suits that were ruined in the melee is likely to enable the enter- prism}:r fellow to realize a thousand per cent. on his investment. By the time one-third of the number had been flung to the ground the uproar was so great that. the Mayor forced his way into the store and told the man that he must stop the distribution. This was readi- ly enough agreed to. as he could very well afford to do. It takes a Chicago man to make trade lively when trade is dull. -~4>._~_._ .___ Political Influence Abused. QUEBEC, Oct. 30,â€"Tlic Chronicle in- din has an excellent. article scv»..~rely COlltlflllllllllg the attempts of political influence to interfere with the course of justice. It has been provoked by the proceedings in the case of 'l‘nrgcoii, who was tried lately for rape at Levis. and on conviction of criminal us<ault sentenced to two years in the Penitenti- ary. Ever since the sentence no effort has been spared, it seems, to secure. a mitigation froin the Minister of Justice. Not only have the convict’s lawyers gone to Ottawa for the purpose, but Mr. Ainyot, M. P., the Crown prosecu- tor on the Occasion, and Dr. Blnncliet. M. 1)., of Levis, have left no stone un- turned to attain the same end. As the Chronicle puts it :â€" Mcinbors of Parliament have been racing all over the country, and getting names appended to lengthy petitions praying for the mitigation of the sen. tenor: of the condemned man, who it may be mentioned is still in guol here. The Local Government. seconded the views of the politicians moving in his favor by consenting to not send him on with the other convicts to St. Vincent dc Paul until Ottawa has decided. It was not contcndcd that the trial was not fair and impartial, and we must protest against. making our Courts of law a roaring farce, and turning the princi- ples ofjusticc into ridicule. There has been too much of this interference hitc- ly, and its continuance cannot but have a most fatal effect on our whole judicial system. The way of the transgrcsisor should be made hard, and he should know that there are no avenues open to him thro' which he can escape. lrinie should be punished as it deserves, and every man or woman who commits it should know at the very outset that the sentences of the Court will always be carried out to the letter. No criminal should be allowed to entertain the no- tion fora single instant that political influence is nil-powerful, and thatjudg- es and the Courts may be swayed and clicckiuuted by the exercise of it. Once that idea got among the dangerous classes this country would soon become uninhabitabie by honest men. The poll- ticians have their duties to perform, so have thejudges. and so has the Minis- ter of Justice. M r. Turgoon should not be liberated because he has political iii- flnciice, and if there are no higher grounds for the exercise of Executive clemency than that. he should remain and ï¬nish out his sentence in the prison selected for him. That is the only prop- er way to luck at. the question. 9 - .â€".__._. _.__ Tue Drag at Work. The I’cterboro' Review sayszâ€"The Government drug has been at work 14 days in the harbor, and it has accom- plished a great. deal in that time. On the bottom of the river, where there was a large accumulation of slabs. &c., moved. The large drag, which is a simple contrivanec and works on the An entire family named Roger, orisame principle as a common rake, Buffalo. has been poisoned by arsenicd; no meaan weighs two was and a half, and each trip it carries away with it wagon loads of slabs, sticks and all kinds of material, which Ia depOsited near the I soon, Dealer in all kinds of 'FARM IMPLEMENTS. PLOUG H§‘_ï¬.otioits z A large stock of John Whyte & Co.‘s No. 3 DIAMOND STEEL I‘LOUGIIS, guanmud ! to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG I‘LOIIGIIS. Points and Soles of difl‘erâ€" ent makes always on hand. Agent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do ï¬rst class work, or no sale. Also, a large stock of It’quinjbr (It: Ktrby Reaper. RAXES, RAKESLâ€"Agent for the Maxwell and the \Visuer Rakes, which have no equals. Mtxxs Inrnovxn Gram, Plaster, salt, and Gm Seed sewer will be given on trial. SPRING-TOOTH HARRO‘VS and other kinds of “arrows. Agent for Combined Seeders. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUCGIES on hand, all made of well seasâ€":JEdâ€"ï¬rst class material. . Horse-Shoeing 8:. Jobbing a. Specialty. 39' A good second-hand Reaper for sale. Price, $20. Ilas only cut 25 acres. 14“. SA N ])1T()11l), Fenelon Falls. Government boom in the lake, where the water is twenty-ï¬ve or thirty feet deep. The work in the harbour is al- 'l‘hcre are 120 railway engineers in the C. 1’. ll. employ. Dnvitt. is urging tho Scotch farmers most completed. and similar work will ‘be done at the Ashburnham wharf and the Cemetery point. "It is a simple machine," said Mr. Stundcn, who has charge of the work, " but there is no- thng that would do the work better or even as well, and judging from what it has done there seems to be truth in the remark. There will be four or five feet of water in the harbour up the channel post. the Golden Eye wharf, and she can now, even while the water is low, go where before she would have stuck fast. .4 . .â€"â€"_ _ _.. .â€" How Many Toes has a. Out? This was one of the questions asked ito agitate for reduction of rent and oth- er concessions. , The four heavy guns recently obtain- C(l from the Imperial Government. arc to be distributed among 'l‘orouto, Mou- trcul. Kingston and Quebec. L'Union ilfcdicolc says that. all nt- tciupts to acclimate rats in tho Islands of the Pacific Ocean have failed. A rat ranks in native. estimation there its la canvas buck duck on this continent. The trial of tho boy Smith for the murder of his uncle, at Shelburiic. has resulted in a verdict of “not guilty." The prisoner \vus congratulated by cv- erybodyâ€"judgu, counsel and spectators, his relatives quite breaking' down in Court with emotion. The grout horse farm at. Trnficl, in: a certain class in school No. 3 during, examination week, and as simple as thcl 0 , l I ' question appears to be none could an- twirl,†"‘l’l‘m- “llâ€: ‘51 ‘80! “lta'mlï¬f "3 swcr it. In the cmcrtrcncy the )riuei-l '“l‘ m f “’_“""' f- L ‘3 “'13-‘55 In “W17 pal M, Brands, was Tippï¬cd wig-0r ., dc lloihscluldfwho has pastures and , . . . .. . ' . l i ‘ a N ‘ 501mm", and he ul,‘l Wm, ,, good stablcd tlu It. .is many as l...lll) heiid oh the southern purt of Noriiiriudy, covers: natured smile, gave it up, when one of the teachers, determined not to be beat- en on so simple a question, hit on the idea of sending out a delegation of boys to scour the neighbourhood for a cut. When this idea was announced the whole class wanted to join in the hunt. Several boys went out, and having been successful soon returned with :1 Thomas. thoroughbred horses at. one time. The tlt'fltlt is announced of the. chief" wife of Sidi Mulcy llcissnn, Sultan of Morocco. She was the daughter of an- ltulian blacksmith, and finally clung: to the Christian faith all her life, notwith- standing which slio was honoured by the illoluttninvdun prince with the rank of legitimate Sultana. A returning board was zit. onco appoint- ed atid the toes Counted, when to the relief of all it was learned that :i cut possesses cightccu toes, ton on the front {Ill-“v lll“ “if†M Mr. ‘Vllll'ml feet and eight on the hind feet. The ' l'umcr' d“ d‘mgmcr‘ board of education should feel proud at having in their employ so. determined A, “m “We “Mum†“unï¬lan PM"- and practical it teacher. After the quest-11,," pun,“ ,,,, \ymuosduy. 5;,,,.,.,,,,,,,, M, tion was solved Thomas was allowed to I by the llcv. M. Mt-tl‘l-rcll, Mr. Henry Ulmniâ€" depart, much to his Nuisflwï¬ou__ Pug. hers to Miss liniin llughcs, lmlll of Lindsay. ersou Press. - '- IÂ¥Il{.'.l‘l [#4. ' In l-‘cuclon Falls, on ’l‘uosday, October Davis, eur- hotlt‘iefiii't'iliii.’ I)!G;\’l‘l 1. At l’ctci-horougli, on Monday, Oct’r it'ltli, illrs. Dalton llllyot, aged ("I years. _ ‘ In Lindsay, on Wednesday, November Mr W. J. Chamberlain. of (I‘llum‘,lsl. Joint-s Wicks Dunsforil,Esq-., l’iilict' bus, Ohio, has communicated to the Magistrate, aged Ito yi-nrs. Country Gent/mum his impression of n visit to Canada. llo candidly admits that he did not find the people of this country so slow as he was led to expect. I At the exhibitions he found stock, grain, fruit and vegetables that Oliio could _. v.â€"â€" ~a¢-Wâ€"â€" A ..-< Canadian Courtesy. 3143.] {Jil‘l'l‘ In! lCl’O R '1‘55' I’liNi‘IlllN FA 1.1.8 MARK FITS. [Reported by .lIt‘I)oIIg/u/[ J' [hum/on. I'cnclon Falls, I'riday, Nov'r 3rd, 1802‘ " ' 'u‘ H ‘ I. ' > . not ‘cqual much less siiip.i..s. .Illf. city “ hmâ€, mâ€, P“. bushel _ _ 3,, 8,, 0 Ha of Ioronto cspccnilly impressed into as 3 wiwui, spring, H - - . 0 on 0 9;; a lively business centre and no cxnccd-‘ thirli-y, pt-r Inis‘nt-t - - - 45 or. ingly well built place. llc thinks Lllt' i “Itâ€: " “ - - - - 35 40 ‘ - - - v i l’cnsc “ “ - - - - 5.3 “ (to only City In Ohio that equals I‘oroilto i my I h H r,†If . . . . . - . - . __. iii the volume of trade done is Cinctu- pgnfumm’ .. ~ _ _ _ 1.5 3,, niiti. In conclusion Mr. Chanibcrluiu Cubluung’ “3rd,,†_ - _ 5;, 75 says 'â€"It diminishes our conceit, too, to Citirots, pt-r lHlnIl. - â€" - rm 35 find the Canadians more courteous, pm, 30"â€. H“ - - - - ' A ; v e '3 [5,] ._ ' ‘his a ,, .uttcr, per L, - - - - - ‘ , Iliad-hf" “0 “r I‘ll}! l I l‘ ilri-ssml Hogs, per 100 "15., 37 (It) $7 50 penis in many ways, or Ih.llllpt., in ,kmdmrmmmy _ _ _ ,5 m forms of expression. - â€" - So no to Sta Bo WCOLT†LOST. " Ifa Yankee docs , "fly, W, m", , not understand your question, he royal “What?†or "llcnow '1" or (at thc‘, West) “ Which '2" or " ll'in ?" or (if he can spare time) “ What d'yc soy '.’ " Bl" the Canadian ï¬ayfl. “1 be?! llilr' nignt-tl, Lot No. 5 in the 0th Contention of (ion ?" And the courtesy of (he cx-iSunusrvilli-, on Sunday, October 22nd, no music" lies in the ellipsis. and its :0“. tall black Horse Colt, two years old. and of t l Striiycd from tho premises of the under- cums assunlmiou of a†“mm, for ,mtltiit-iliiiin size. Information as to where It. (I "t’ d' r ilc tu-stiou on its fii'stf""‘-v h†“'"l‘d “"1 "“ 'l',’â€'kf“â€.\' N‘M‘H’vd. u" câ€â€™ ‘m “'f: l I k ‘ :Any person coininuiiimting by letter will utterance. i please address it to Samuel Satlduhy, Ilurnl -__,.._..-. â€"â€"-~~»~ «- ltiver post-office - - THOMAS l-I.\'t'l.l8li. Incendiary Circular. ; Hommmo’ KO†my 1m- . -.. M .-,~’. .. . . 37-3.‘ PITTSBURGH, October 28ih.â€"â€"â€"cheml 5’ prominent sympathizers with the Irish l FARM FOR SALE. people here received a circular cent to} ~â€" ull the Irish Societies in this county by l h†5")“ h! l'“'“"’ """lm'fly 0" "MOM- . . = hle terms Lot \‘o In in the "ad concession v , r . . ' - -- i . ‘ ', ‘ ‘ . . ‘ ‘ 30" lorl‘ Palm's “3â€â€: mom'le†; of bomervnllv. containing 200 acres, about " United Irish {evolutionary Coltnc“ , too of which are clcaicd and fenced. (in of the Fenian Brotherhood, Irish ’tcvrulthu {arm tin-re are a 1!, story cedar log 4’? lutionary Brumcrlmud' Uâ€in 1,14,. ' honiso, IL': in .o feet, with kitchen, two frame Inâ€, ’_ barns, cat-Ii I"! x no foot, it stable for eight. Rhona-r, a roomy driving BthI and a very . urge poultry house; also, a never-failing p ;npring creek and three well», and it two- inen and advanced Nationalists." circular states: " For the destructioi of Irish cabins we mean to give I“ gland destruction of factories and cas- dcs, If Iiuglish guiding protect me" tit-u. about half of which are bearing. demolishing Irish hearthw-nes and tin-5 Al’l’ll’ 0" “1“ l‘rcmihԠl0 roofing Irish liomehteads, Irixhinco will? Clilll-‘iTOl’llEll FELL. have to wrap hcr supports in flames and ' sink her ships to the pcrditicn that n- . 4 waits her as a nation. We recognize; the fact that this is a war of extermina- tion that. England has inaugurated, and & if so we are free to the: every means within our grwp. To our Aincricani , friends we would say, we have the au- ROBERT mec‘Li-u. thorin of John Quincy Adams for the nturn: thanks for the liberal patronage he political utterance, " All tncatturcs are 3‘ b“ "-"-"-‘â€'â€" ""CL‘ he commented Milne". , . . . . ‘ j-nnd inform» his eultonien and the public J0†“he†“u†'Ilfbcfll' ‘1'“ aka!†"I" ? generally that he has moved to the chop deadly lilo". I“? “3’9"â€? refines“ l lately occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald ,thme willing to arm". in tho work to, trutzzrzzzrzlext 00m to the Post Ultra. ’ deuce. l l a non: orchard containing two hundred apple where he has opened out a Dr. bit-menu says that the day iii not; of Ready-made Boots and Shoes, which will b' “mm†W" i a!" t an int wn'lud’ be pure as a sea breeze. , 7 ‘" '1" '9 H I u I b r R 41 low in price. t n every to aoco actory at. ey _. i West. Florida, there is a “ realism"; ordered “(Wk 3 SDCCIIIIU' j Cubans cannot talk without gesticulat- f u moat, and a good fit and the but of Inn- in;_:, 39,] iv order to keep them from ; teriui and workup-intuit guaranteed. talking a person is hired to read aloud;- ltOhBR‘l‘ )lcCALLUM to the hands during working hours. Feoelon Fall-,Sept'rch,1882. 20-13., h . v I