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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Dec 1882, p. 2

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,;~q:..v...vtw,-r . .. In. “(.3 u. , . v. LEGAL 8m. max a. BARRON, RABRlSTBl’wATLaW. Lindsay. 05cc on Kent Street, outdoor wes: of Keith's 5 Agricultural and implemc‘t Store. .‘lAllTlStk. HOPKINS. , BARRlSTKllS. SOLICITURI‘, kc. Moâ€"l _ neyto Loan at 6 per cent. Oflicef‘ heat street. Lindsay, Out. P. 8. Manual. G. if. Bonus. F. D. MOORE, ARRlSTER, ATTORNEY, k SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. llUL‘Sl’ETlI A; JACKSON, ARRHTHRS, SOLICITORS, kc. 0f- tice, William street, Lindsay. A. llcosnru. A. Jacuox. , U'LliARY & 0'l.EARY, { ARRISTERS, ATTORSEYSâ€"AT-LAW, Solicitors in Charleery, Arc. ' Duheny block, heat street, Lindsay. Anracu ()‘LGzr. llcca O'Lssnr. Office, Mtle'l‘Yfll'l tk STEWART, ARHISTBRS, ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW,l Solicitors in Chancery. kc, Lindsayl Offit‘c over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Bio-l trey to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate l emritiul. D. J. Mclsrrna. 'l‘uos. STEWART. ALEX. A. MCDONALD, TTOllXEY-AT-LA 'v', Solicitor in Chan- ; eery, Conveyance-r, kc.,kc. Strictat- teution given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. , )loncyto Loan on Mortgage Security on! terms to suit borrowers. (Jlfice, Colbornc I thing made by holding over grain when l I ~ - -.._ ultt incl 311 falls (Bosch: Saturday, Nov’r 25th, 1882. The Prices of Grain. The late harvest, while a bountiful, one, has as yet been backward in yield 1 This, we need not say. is owing to the low prices paid for wheat and barley! the two leading articles of agricultural ’ produce. The decline in the price oft wheat from $1 30 to little over 80 cents l in about twelve months is remarkable. ' and must of course tell hard on the farming Community, esptcially as hired help could only be had at very high rates. Coupled with these two evils is the feeling that the worst has not been reached, as it is feared that in the case of wheat there will be a further de- cline, and signs are not wanting that help will, for a time at. least, be hard l to find even at high wages. - The large I yield at wheat all over the greater part. of the world forbids the hope of any improvement. in price for a considerable period, and many are learning when too late that the early market was the best. Those who held over list year’s wheat in hope ofbettcr prices have lost 50 cents a bushel by their imprudence, and tray have learned a lesson that will be for their benefit in the future. It is only in rare instances that there is any- prices are fair, like those of last year, while in most cases heavy loss is the John street. On this strip dwellings for their employees are to be built. and on this land and the houses therwu taxes will be levied, though no ground'l i not will be charged during the first , can Ca.'s mill at French lli ten years. Provision is made as to: what is to be done at the expiration of; that period with reference to all tbel property: but until we know that, Messrs. Scott 3‘. Henry intend to locate : care to go into the details of the agree- ment they will be required to sign. Dur- ing this Week a small triangular piece of land, containing less than a quarter of an acre, that was cut off by the rail- way from the rectory property, has- beeu bought from Mr. Logan by the council for 850, and Mr. Ii. C. Smith (who came to the Falls on Wednesday evening) has been asked to put a price on a narrow strip also between the rail- way and Water street. Mr. A. A. Mc- Donald, village solicitor and secretary of the pulp committee, has been profes- sioually employed acquiring some neces- sary information, in order that, ifa fa- vorable answer be received from Messrs. Scott & Henry, there may be no obsta- cles in the way of an immediate ratifi. cation of the agreement between those gentlemen and this corporation. 'Villaéeâ€"Councdil’rcceedings. Fcnelon Falls, Nov. 27, 1882. The council met at the call of the rceve. Present, Messrs. Saudford, Fitz- geruld, Thomson and Smith. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following ac- counts were presented for payment. and referred to the finance commzttee :â€" Josepb McArthur, selecting jurors, $2 ; ll. C. Calhoun, selecting jurors, 2; Jas. Power, selecting jurors, $2 ; John 'I‘homson, 3searches in registry office respecting collector's securities. S75c. ; Juo. Thomson, work on sidewalks, 50c.; R. C. Calhoun, expenses to Lindsay to John A. Barron, Esq., in suit Fenelon Falls vs. Verulam, $1 ; Barber & Ellis, :tatioucry. $6 03; Joseph McAt-thur, for orders paid Inca walking on Col- ba'nc street, $29 25; Thomas Levis, work on streets, 81 75 ;. llub't. Jackctt, work On streets. 522. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Thomson. That the above ac- counts he paid and the move give his Orders for the SillllCrâ€"Cill'l‘ll'd. Mr. Fitzgerald gave notice that at this meeting of the council he would introducea bylaw for the regulating of municipal elections for the year18o'3 Moved by Mr. Fitderald, seconded by Mr. Smith, That. By-law No. â€"â€" be now introduced and road a first time. â€"Carricd. By-lnw read in committee of the whole and without amendment, Mr. Fitzgerald in the chair. Byâ€"law read at third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. baudl'ord, That all accounts a- gainst the corporation of Fcuelou Falls be rendered to the clerk on or before the 14th December ucxt.â€"-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the council do now adjourn, to meet. at the call of the woveâ€"Carried. street, f‘enelon Falls. iconsequcnce. As regards the benefits of last year’s crop in adding to the wealth of the agricultural community in Ontario we are beginning to have our I doubts. Many of the farmers have sold I MEDICAL: W A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ‘ORONEll, Physician, Surgeon. &c., (he. 1 Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington ‘ street, Lindsay. out and “gone west,” taking their capi- tal with them, which for the sake of the Province may be justly regretted, and, whatis as bad, a large number of the labouring classes have used their I increased pay to “go west " also. Large numbers of both classes are even now making their exit trom this the fairest l’roviucc ol the Dominion, some to Man- itoba and others to Uncle Sam's prairie patch. In either case we wish them well, but we cannot help thinking they would have done better if they had contented themselves where they had a fair share of prosperity. WM. KEMPT. M. 1)., C. M., lllADL'ATE of .\lc(llll University, lion 1 lt'vnl, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- clan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Medical Referee to the Smndard, l’lsumix, Connecti- cut .\lntual, and Equitable insurance Com- l panics. Office and residence, in the house lately occupied by llt'l'. Father Stafford, at the corucrof Lindsay and Run streets, Lindsay. lltt. A. WILHON, ,‘ ll UNlVl‘IRSlTY of Trinity College. ll . lll. ll. University of Toronto. Memb. Col. Phys. and Surg., Unt. Physician, Surgeon and .‘lccouchcr. Otlice,Culborne Mrcet, l-‘ent-lon Falls. The Canal. Though work on the canal in the vil- Iago has progressed almost uninterrupt- ed since its commencement, our last. ul- lusiou to it Was on the 4th of Novem- ber, since which date a very grcatchange has been made at the scene of opera- tions, though it has been effected so gradually that. the result of a single day's labour can scarcely be noticed. which is not. to be wondered at when the magnitude of the undertaking is considered. The uumbet‘oi moo cm- ploycd Val‘lcil slightly from different causes, but it has averaged 90 for some time past, and on W'rduesduy of this Week there were 103, exclusive of team- stcrs, on the pay roll. The majority of them are engaged in rai<ing the flat Shelly rock (which is deposited in very CUIIVt'IllClll layers) breaking it to pieces with heavy hammers and loading it. on Du. J. ll, LOWE. llYSlClAY & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of llalihurton. 321‘)” llflice next door to the McArthur llnuso. Residence, the house lately occu- [)lt'd by Dr. llryson, on May street, Feuelon Falls. ' gnomes; JAMES DICKSON, L- Surveyor, Com nissionor in the Q. PL, . Cnnveyunt‘t‘r, kc. Residence,aud ad- dress, l-‘cuelon l-‘nlls. MIscunLANEoUS. Hiccoxo mvistox uoniir is D 'l'lll‘l COUNTY OF VlC'l'UlllA. North Verulam. The next sitting; of this Court will he li-~ld on Thursday, \‘nv-ualn-r '.!'lrd, 1382'. GEO. CUNNISGZIAM. Clerk. .l .\ 3| us .I' POW IaII‘. { lCENSEll Auoliunt‘t‘r, Accountant and 1 General Commission Agent. Collect- ‘ing accounts a. specialty. Ollicc, i’cuclon l-‘nlls, Ont. 6. Plan CENT. o. )[ONIEX’ TO LICL'D at 6, 6.} and 7 per cent, according to secti- rity, on Real Estate mortgages. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Solicitor, Lindsay d. HEELANDS, DICN’I‘IC‘I‘, LINDSAY. One of the firm will lie at the )lc.\nrut'n llouss. llama.th FALLS, on the third Monday oft-och month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. 2515‘ Olllcc established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. FARM EOR SALE. For sale by lads-ate contract, on reasonn- , blc terms. but .‘lo. IS in the 2nd concession of Smuerville. containing 2m) acres. about I‘ll) of which are cleared and fenced. On the form there are a ll: story cedar logl house. 33 x '25 feet. with kitclwn, two frame l barns, each 5:! x 30 feet. a stable for eight horses, a roomy driving shed and a very ; large poultry house; also. a never-tailing spring creek and three wells, and a two-l acre orchard containing two hundred apple ‘ trees. about half of which arc bearing. Apply on the premises to CHRISTOPHER FELL. , JUST ARRIVEDl â€".\T THEâ€"- ‘l‘tlllSlll ElllPllllllllll," a large stock of ALBUMS imported for the fall trade. winch we are selling at clpsc prices. Also a very fine stock of VIOLINS. CONCERTINAS and Act-ordain. of all qualities and prices. New grinds for the fall trade arriving daily. ‘3‘ J call in wildest»! at the .llcmc Kapo- n‘us, Kn: Sm“, litany. G. A. W Lindsay, Oclobcr uh, lath. ENSU gluon. GEORGE GUINKNGMI, I General [mama and Loan “out” man mm. mm, represents the following first class compa- nies, with which business can be Innuetcd . upon the roost advantageous Irma: . The (fan-ids Pemhent Loan t Savings Co. The imperial Insurance Company, at Lon- don. England. The (‘itlum‘ lawman. Company, off-na- nta. Pm- aa .' Jackal. . The La lentil" lawnmo- Co, of England . "or {Krafa-icnum Lift Aunviatiun,ufl.‘an- ma l “n-wm-,.~m .........n - m... m...» ...-. -._... 0...“..- was“- a... . asp..." tn the numerous \vnggolts and carts em- ployed to haul it away; but about. thir- ty men are busy from morning till night drilling huh-s, which are charged with dunliu or blasting powder. and soon-times with both, and fired off eith- c. by a fuse or by an electric battery. The grand explmious. which fairly shake Wooden buildings in the vicinity. take place at. noon and night, when Stilllcllllles nearly a dozen charges are fired simultaneously, but smaller blasts are occasionally heard during Working hours. Two and a quarter tom of pow- der and three quarters ofa ton of dual- in were brought to the villnge some weeks ago and st red in a building built expressly for its reception in the grove, and it is believed that nearly all ofthis immense quantity will he used in blasting out the channel of the canal. Although gangs of men are working at both extremities of the cut and also near the middle. the chief force is con- ccntratcd at and near the. east. end. wht-rc the lot-ks are to he built, and at that. point. the greatest prOL'l'CSS is be- ing made. The perpendicular rock some twelve or fifteen feet high, over- hanging thc old wharf. made a cupital rtnrtlng point. and huge lll’lrSCSâ€"SOIIIW times live hundred cubic yards at noon â€"arc blown oil'us often as the work- men below require it. Mr. A. P. Mac- donnld, the contractor. is at. the Falls the greater part of the time. and makes frequent vi<its to Bobcnygeou. where stone for the locks is being prepared. His son. Mr. R. )lacdonnld, is always to be found, during working hours. somewhere along the line of the canal. l superintendng the work. which IS bt‘ mg pushed forward with all possible speed and vigour. We are sorry to have to add that, since the above was written, trouble has arisen between the contractors and their men. On Thursday night, the end ol the month. a reduction of wages from fifteen to twelve cents per hour was an- ununced. and the employees thereupon struck work, which up to noon toâ€"day (Saturday) they have not resumed, but we hour that Some of them intend to do go on .‘I uday morning. The Pulp Mill. On Friday of last week Messrs Scott k llcury, puip manufzvtutcrs, oi Nap ant-c, visited Fu'nrl-lll Fall-Land atuigbt had a four hmth' interview with the members of the committee appointed by the ratepayeh' to negotiate with them.‘ Whether they will or will not acceptl the terms adored by the village is asl yet unknown. as they axktd tcu days to deliberate upon the proposal; but the: inducements held out arc, we think. so liberal. that it is a g at deal morc' likely to be accepted than rejected. The site oflthe pulp mill. if erected, will be; at the and of Fnuc's street lust, tie-3 tor-cu the railroad and the lake. where; suficicnt land will be granted free oil rent and taxr‘ for ten years. and lth prn‘fiictt‘xnl of the mill are ulm to have a strip one hundred feet with on the‘; side of the platth square bounded by 5 (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Ixcuaasnâ€"Thc population is stead- ily on the increase. Vtst'rs.-â€"-Mr. Lamb, of Simcoe, and Mr. Martin, of Michigan, are visiting their friends here. CHANGEâ€"Slelglts have now taken the place of waggous, as snow is at pres out several inches in depth on the level, while in some places drifts are four feet deep. CllltlS'I‘M.-\S.â€"Tlle members of St. Peter's Church are making every effort to have a Christmas tree. The collect- ors appointed are Misses Nellie and Liza Lamb, who have collected a hand some sum. Condensed News. â€".‘lrs. Moore, of Asphodcl. realized 8300 since last spring by the sale of eggs. ‘ Lâ€"St. Andrew's Church, Lindsay, is being rcshiuglcd and repaired ready for the winter. â€"â€"Forty~ninc buildings have been 0. rcctcd in Pctcrboro' during the season. at a cost of SllSfiflfl. â€"Mr David Walker, recvc of Ops, will again be a candidate for that office. which he fi|l< very creditably. -â€"â€"Thc Lindsay street lamps are be. iug erected and made ready for the gas. which will soon be ready for them. â€"-l’ort Perry is: going in for cattle fairs in earnest. The first. of a series takes place on the 122th of December. â€".\lr. Cnarlcs Noursc, town council- lor. has been appointed postmaster at Whitby in place of Mr. R. Ll. Lauder, resigned. -â€"D. W. Dumblc, Esq, of Pctcrbo- rouge, has been appointed l’olicc Mug- istratc in place of D. G. llatton, Esq, deceased. â€"In lIaliburton the supply ofhouscs is no longer equal to the demand. every place it is possible to live in being full of occupants. â€" 0a the lSth ult. W. J. Trnunce d; Co.'s mills at Port Perry shut down for the season, which has been an unusual- lv successful one. L -â€"-.\l r. Paxton. with a staff of carpen- ters and millwrights, has commenced turning the timbers for Cook Bros'. mill at. Algtuna. “A man tminml Edward Sutton W33 't'tblk-d by a drunken nany at Cavau- villc. and was on 5 saved from death by the knife striking one of his ribs. --Five persons were later fined by a Port Perry magistrate for contraven- tion ofthc fi~hcry laws, but the illegal sport is still indulged in. . â€"Xtâ€"w buildingsI are going up rapid- lly in Peuctauguishenc, one contractor havin3 no less than thirty-five men eo~ l l u u o I who desire to emigrate. or by their pos- laeasing friends or relatives in Canada; 'or the United States. Butl am told , that than-e who have no particular pref- gagcd in various parts of the town. â€"A hunter from .‘li'lland went out to shoot bears last week. and followed the track of one four mile; in the wrong direction before he discovered his mis- lake. applied fora patent for a fire escape. ‘ltlcll cousins of an extension ladder that can be run up to a great and is provided with an endless chain carrying buckets in which persons can be safely lowered to the ground. The Government}; Duplicit . . -â€" The impremion is gaining ground a- â€"â€"A lot. of machinery for the Ameri- mm; the European residents that. the Midland a few days ago. The engine weighs tcu tons and is about 270 horse power. â€"Good hardwood being 34 50 per cord in Lindsay and coal $7 20 per li"'-' ""3 d””"‘"-' m“ “HWY e‘l’cc‘e‘l' themselves in this village, we do uotlton, the latter is believed to be the more economical, and a great. deal of it i will be used this winter. â€"Notwithstauding the duty of 60 cents a ton on American coal no NOva Seotiau coal can be obtained in Whitby, the people preferring to pay 50 cents a ton extra for anthracite. â€"â€"The closing of Mr. Boyd's saw mills on Little Bob was celebrated this year with the usual festivities. About 250 persons sat. down to the luxurious supper that was served at midnight. â€"Portraits of the late Father Staf- ford are to be struck off and offered for sale at. a reasonable price, either framed or unframed as the purchasers may de- sire. No doubt a very large number will be disposed of. â€"-TI e season’s business of the Vern- lam cheese factory was wound up on Wtdneéday ofla<t week. The factory cnunucucel operations on the first of May. and since then has produced 47.- 9IS§ lbs. of cheese, which sold for $5,188 62. The total expenses, includ- ing drawing of milk, were $1,343 65. A SUCCEss.â€"The ten cent social at the mouse came “off on Thursday even- ing according to announcement, and. notwithstanding the unfavourable wea- ther. was so well attended that. the sum of $12 35 was realized. TEA lllEETING.â€"A Bible Christian tea meeting is to be held in Ingram's hall next Monday evening. and a large attendance is hoped for. Admission,â€" adults 25 cents; children under twelve years 15 cents. For further particulas see bills. Commaâ€"Barrie it: O‘Brien’s mam- moth miustrel party is coming to Fenc- lon Falls, and yill give one ofits popu- lar entertainments in Scully's hall on the evening of Friday next, the 8th inst. l’mgrammes containing full pur- ticulars have been freely distributed throughout the village. RISKY WonK.â€"â€"Thc horses employed in drawing the dumping- curls on the cmal have a more rirky job than they can aware of. A couple of weeks agoâ€" as recorded in last Saturday's Gazelle-â€" a horse owucd by Mr. J, A. Ellis was drawn backwards by its load into the river, and last. Thursday Mr. William Routly's gray mare met with a similar mishap. Both animals were saved from drowning and were soon all right again. PERSONALs.â€"-Z\lr. John D. Smith was in Fcnelon Falls on Thursday lust. His many friends will be glad to learn that- ltc and his family are all in good health. Mr Robert Rutherford return- cd hoinc last Wednesday from a long sojourn in Manitoba. He looks hearty. but we have not yet had more than a couple of minutes' conversation with him. Mr. James Dickson, who has been engaged for the past five months on a government survey, got. home on Thurs- day evening. SLEtutIlNG.â€"-Lnst Sunday so much snow fall that next morning the Bob- cuygeon stage came in on runners in stead of wheels, and fully as many sit-ighs as wage-nus Were to be seen in the village. During Thursday night there was another snowstorm. and bug'- gics and wagguus have entirely disap peared; but us the swamps are quite dry and many wells in the same predic- ulncut, u thaw is hoped for, and at course predicted, by the lucllcss ones who are destitute of water. DOMINION OltGANs.â€"Wc see by a paragraph in the Post that Mr. Wm Logan. ol' Lindsay, recently sold no less than five organs to persons living near Balsam La 0, and within a radius of five miles. We learn from Mr. Logan, who passed our office last Thursday with an organ in his sleigh, that the instru- ments above mentioned were all manu- factured by the Dominion Organ Com- pany, of Bowmanvillc, who in the course of a few years have built up a very large business, and now enjoy a. reputa- tion in their own particular line sec- ond to none in Canada or the States. W Irish Emigration. The decision of Mr Tukc's Commit- tee, which I cabled you yc~tcrday, is one of considerable importance both to Canada and to Ireland. The Commit- tee met on Tuesday, and as the rc~ult of careful deliberation they resolved that they WUultl take the responsibility of'at once promoting emigration from the poorest districts of Ireland to a very large extent. They decided to ac- cept the rules under which the G0vern~ Incut has consented to aid the work. and upon them consequently will dc-. valve the duty of selecting the emi- grants and of, in part, obtaining the services ofeilicient agents to supervise the working of the scheme. Probably some seven or eight thousand persons will. by these means. be sent from the most. povertystrickcn districts in fre- land, where long and bitter experience has shown them the impos-ibility ol'l earning a livelihood, to countries where they out make a fresh start, and where honest hard work is marully certain to win a compvtcnce. The expenses of the work the Countlittcc has undertak- en nre sure to be large, but at present no very definite estimate has been made i believe, however. I am within the uurlt in putting them at something like 25,H00 As I cabled you, Canada will undoubtedly receive a large share of this cmigratinu, owing to the fact that the cost of transit to the Dominion , is less than to other countries. Of course, the operations of the committee 3 in this respect will, in a great measure, be guided by the wishes of the people ercnce in the matter will be sent to “Canada, and of these alone there is‘ â€".\lr. lrwin. of Sen-:0: Inland. hasl likely to be a considerable number. I ‘ demand along ,hc “u o, me new,“ will keep you fully inbound of the steps taken to carry out this projow-. height, * Globe eorr. ver reached l Egyptian Government has no sincere intention of pushing Arabi’s trial to a conclusion. notwithstanding the emphat- ic statements to the contrary. It. is an open secret that negotiations are pend- ing between the palace here and Yildiz, having for their object a discontinuance of all proceedings against Atabi. It is believed that the whole scheme of the trial is merely a blind to gain time until a plot which is said to have been concerted between the Sultan, Khedive, and Arabi can be perfected. Colour to this belief is given by the recent. de- mand of the troops being organized for service in the Soudan that Arabi should be placed at their head. The Sultan is credited with having instigated the troops to ask this, and it pretty gener- ally believed that the request of the troops will be complied with if possible. Arabi and El-Medhi, the so coded False Prophet, are said to have a perfect un- derstanding, and should Arabi be re- leased and placed in command of the Sondau expedition. the result would be the unity of the Egyptians against all foreigners. While the story appears improbable it has gained considerable. credence. A Story of The St. Catharines Journal narrates the following remarkable story :-â€".» young lady residing in the village of Beauisvillc was holding an iron pin in her mouth, while engaged in dressing herself, about seven months ago. The pin was black, one inch and three-quar- ters long, and was surmounted by a smooth round head the size ofa No. 1 shot. She accidentally swallowed the pin, and was a good deal alarmed in consequence, but as she felt. no after ef- fects at. first she began to think that it might have passed away without. leav- ing :luy legacy behind it. Unfortunate- ly this was not the case. Alter a week or two she began to experience a pain a Pin. in the upper part of her chest, just be- 7 low the collar bone. The physical) who examined the lungs found that there was a good deal of cuturrhal inflamma- tion of the bronchial mucous membrane. and commencing consolidation of a por- tion of the lung substance. The ordi nary treatment was resorted to, and the patient sustained by the most nourish- ing and invigorating dict. She com- plained of ushnrp pain of a pricking nature in the lung, and whenever she coughed ofa taste of iron in her mouth. She said she was sure the pin was there, and was the whole cause of the trouble. She was right. On Sunday last, the 12th instant, after a severe attack of coughing, she felt; a. strangling scusnv tion in her throat, and then something pricking the back of her month. On introducing her finger into her month she felt. and drew out the pin, 5! 1' when and corroded, but the self-same pin that she had swallowed seven months before. Although a good deal of irritation still remains in the lung, resulting from the long continued presence. of the pin, it alicndy shows signs of abatiug; and il' tubercular disease is not induced, the physician in attendance expects a favor- able result. The pin has been compar- ed with a Companion pin which was of the.‘ some sizv, and the swallowed pin was found to be one fourth of an inch shorter than the unswullowed one, and of much smaller calibre from oxidation and erosion while in the air passages Buth'pins are now in the possession of the physician who has charge of the case. «4». Samuel Dorlaud, of Tl‘tlllOll, took forty bushels- ol'apples off one tree this season. Nine persons escaped on Monday from “the Fayettcville. Ark., prison, while the sheriff was playingr “seven up" with some friends. Wolverines have killed four hundred dollars worth of sheep in the northern districts of Queen's county, Nova Sco- tia, this season. “bIARKET REPORTS Dealer in all kinds of 'FARM- IMPLEMENTS. . _. ,__._ PLOUG us 2' PLoUGust A large stock of John “‘hyle k Co.‘s .\'o. 3 DlAMOXD STEEL PLOUGllS, guaranteed to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG PLOlTGllS. Points and Solos oi can» eat makes always on hand. Agent for t The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do first class work. or no sale. Also, '. large stock of Repairsfor (It: Kerby Reap". RAKES, RAKES2â€"Agcnt for the Maxwell and the Wlsuer Rakes, which have no equals. Maxss luvuovcn Grain, Plaster, salt, “d Grass seed sower will be given on tria . SPRING-TOOTH HAIRROWS and other kinds of llnrrows. A gent for Combined Geed‘a. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, 1F. ET us go to J. .SLRTEB the best in the market. WAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES on hand, all made of well seasoned first class material. Horse4Shoe'ing filming a. Specialty. W A good second-hand Reaper for sale. Price, $20. llas only cut 25 acres. A large stock of SA N D1“()R,I), Fenalon Falls- thSlhm d llElll YEAR . ARE COMENG. and see his immense stock of Xmas & New Yearfs Gifts, the largest assortment. of EAPANESE A WOODS and Japanese Dolls, China, \Vux and Unbreakable Dolls, Shell Goods, Photo Frames, Monkey Acrobats, Puzzles, Work Boxes, Fancy Gilt China. Cups and Saucers from 13 cents 111“ hide, and Lots of Onions Foamy floods too'numerous to mention, ever offered for sale in Fcncloii Falls. cow E® Thanking his numerous friends for past favours, he in- forms tltcm that he will sell all goods . Llll‘lEh Tilhll LAST YEAR’S PRlll‘ES, and having bought this year again for cash, he can and will compete in price with any of the large Cities 111 Ontario. Tenders nddrcsscd'to the uulcrslgncd at this Department (marked “ Tenders for Timber”) will be received until noon on Saturday. l6lh of December, for the supply delivered win-redirected on the BANK or rut: UTONAUEE Riven, Nana TIIH DAM AT Yorxo’s Polar, not later than the lat or June next: WHITE PINE. 2232 linen! feet of 12 x12 inches square, as follows: 9 pieces in 32 feet lengths. . 36 “ 29 “ ll 21] N 288 lineal feet of l'lxl-I inches square in 36 feet lengths. 1'144 lineal feet of 9x12 inches square, as follows: 12 pieces in 3!) feet lengths. 4 N 41 ll 4 " 48 “ 4 H H 236 lineal feet of 6x9 inches square, as follows : 10 pieces in 18 feet lengths. 2 H ll 80 lineal feet offixlfl inches square in 12 feel lengths. 12 lineal feet of Ux‘ll inches square in 12 feet lengths. 236 planks le'.’ of the following quantities of Timber, to he ESTRAY STEER. Game. on to the premises of thc subscri- ber, Lot 28 in the 7th concession ol‘Vcru- lam, about two months ago. a two year old slccr. The owner can have it upon prov- ing property and paying expenses. JOHN MOFFATT. Vcrulam, Nov. 30, 1882. 41-3tv.‘ ESTRAY HEIFER. Came on to the premises of the subscri- ber, Lot No. 48 north of l’ortagc Road, El- don, about the middle of October, a dark red yearling lleifvr. The owner can have it by proving property and paying charges, OllAlllAll llOUTLY . Eldon, Nov. Ill), .1882. til-3" ‘(llll’llllA'l‘lON 01" 'l‘lll'l , cona'rr or VlC’l‘U’ltlA. Notice is hereby given that. the Municipal Council ofthc Corporation of the County of Victo- ria will meet in the Council Chumbcr AT THE COURT HOUSE FEXELON FALLS MARKETS inches in 12 feet lengths. PINE 0R CEDAR. 5694 liucnl feet of 12x12 inches square, in the TOWN OF LINDSAY qurch by MrDot/gall Brandon. Fenclon Falls, Fridny,Dcc’r lst, 1882. ' . a; fudows: it pent, full. per bushel - - $3 3 85 l 6;; Pieces in 3') reel, lengths, on Tuesday, ' lent, spring, ” - - - :1.) >3 u 2;, .. ’ ,,,,,,,,_,.' ,.,, Wm, - - _ 4., c. 1,, ,. ,3 .. The 12th Day of llec'r, 1882, Oats, “ “ - - - - 35 37 1’10 “ l'l “ at '3 o'clock p. m for the transaction of PCP“: ” “ ‘ ' ‘ ' G." ” G? 432 lllll'nl feet of 10x 12 inches square in “we”, Mame” " RFD: “ “ ' ' ' ‘ 5° 5" 12 feet lengths. T M 'nqu-TT Potatoes, “ - - - - 30 35 MLOuK ‘ A f 4 '1 Cabbage-s, per doz. - - - 40 (30 HE J ' . , ‘ , ' calmly (Jerk. Camus ,,,,,. bush. _ _ _ m 25 3 00 lineal feet of 12 x 12 inches square, Cmm‘." («INKS (“New Bee‘s l n - - - - 40 45 as mum‘s: . Lindsay, .‘sov. 271b, ISM. Ill-2. Rune}, P“, H," _ _ _ _ _ l4 ,3 63 pieces in' 3" feet lengths. ’*'"‘*"‘"â€"w-'"â€"-â€"~w~~--~~~-‘â€" Dressed Hogs. per mo lbs. 87 "0 ~7 5" 4? 21 .fi’ :7 MORTGAGE: SAL}: Beef - - - - - - -’00 "0 ’ n7 ' ' I Turkeys I," n, _ _ _ _ J 7 J 09 3680 lineal feet of ll x l'.‘ inches equate, “' “HAM” GVMC: ' do. i , _ _ _ 5 6 as follows: . Chickens, per pair, - - - 2') 30 Bl Wee“ "' i” feel longms' F A R M P R n P E R T Y Ducks, do. . . - 40 so 12’ " ‘35 “ ,,, m, , w, , . Eggs, per dozen, - - - 5- 18 a 20 HEMLocx FLATTED. V ul . . U .a ma or “W- F'” 10"» ‘ ' ' ' lo 00 ‘0 ~10 50 l 5307 lineal feet of U) x l? inches.” follow: 1 . .---_. 114 pieces in 40 fret lengths. 6' New Advertisement“. 18 ‘f 3|: 1“ 1 Under and by virtue of the powers of sale 9 " 2.. conlalm-d in certain mortgages to the nu- ---" MAPLE. ldnrn, which Will be produced at the time of ESTRAY' LAMBS. 7975 “a”, fee, 0,- G x ,2 inch” 9,1,,flre’altlc,ltli'llll payment of the nmueyl secured as ,«OHHWS, ghy which dvlault has bren made, there will Game on to the premises of the snhscrl- 350 pieces in 20 feet lengths. l i" "ll. “’4 1‘” “l” l')’ l'U'lllL' WCllUfl her, Lot No. 29‘) in the 7th conceit-dun of 75 H In H 'AT THE "MARION HOUSE," Penelon about three weeka a to 7 lambs. 25 ” 9 “ , , t l: t ‘ m llu' Village of Penelun Falls, all white. The owner can have themhnon OAK. l inches square in 1 On Thursday, llcc‘r 2lst. 1882, proving property and paying charges. ' 336 “mm, It” 0,. ,2 x ,2 ED“ Alli) JOllbbTO). H n.5,, “my.” renew"! Rm” zigr'lv 1882' “"3. 84' lineal feet of I“! x l0} inches square in l 7 feet lengths ESTRAY CALVES. , The Timber furnished must be of good quality, free from unsound knots and de- Came on to the" premises of the subscri- : her. Lot No. 29 in the Eli: concession of! at l2: o‘clock noon, By James J. Power, Auctioneer, the following parcels of land, m): 1. Thu: north-cast quarter of Lot number twenty-th in the fourth Concession o! the laid ’l‘uwmhip of Vanuatu and the north- out quarter of Lot number twenty-two in the filth Convention or the said Towalhlp, 'Unttaiuiug together um: hundred acres of ; land, more or Inn, ol which thirty-five are lurid to be cleared. On the Premises are feels and subject to culling. . All Timber six inches in thickness and Penelou, about the let oftlctober, 3 Spring under in be "m'n‘ and "‘0 "whirl m mm" - l ' ‘ - . ' ‘ ' r w o , C‘l‘.”_unc Md. one whqm and one '6', tion whether-the remnmdtrwxll b ho- n r. uwn,und give a separate pure per “tour and white. The own-Ar can have them upon s . . 43mm feet It. M for the different kinds of Prawn; prof"? Ind P‘yizgo:::rf):'ylsh l Timber delivered as stated. Where l’ise or Cedar is called for, tenders l-‘euclon, Nov'r 22nd, lSS‘l. 40.3' ,0 9,.” “,0”, we propumm, 0, “ch Tm. A :3?“ng be a small log house and a log l ‘_‘_"_".“â€"'â€"'“"â€"‘â€"“"'â€" berit is intended to wpply. g ,, 1:, l ,, I M “r or L0, numb" " W N'F IUD. Tenders will be reel-Hui for the supply; "I ." "0"."eu q. r l A r‘ on,” “we or my PM, 0, we “mm {Thrtc in the Second boncculan ofthc raid x'l‘ownshlp of {Sumervilla containing Flay - , ’ Each tender must bare the Lamifi-Ie Iig- - ‘ uh.“ mug and The unden‘gn'd u pnpnnd m p” the l nature of lwo persons as aunties for the 32:13.2;‘brozih: ’ ‘ Highest Price in Cash {or any quantity of, . _ I 9 «an. "M hrdmmod duc fulfilment of the contrath , 'l‘er’n” :_Tw P" “at. u um 09, The lowast or any tender will not neon-l P" an“ “mm "macaw “w”. 4 l sole; lb l m”, be ‘capgg'sgm. “onALLC” 'atter and the balance to be secured by a. than“ Pu“, Warhmmngnp oi the premises. payable to live Dewnmem of Pub“: won”, OOL } ‘equal annual uutalmcnu with lulu.” It . unto per cent. yearly. 7" mo' 2"" xf'm‘" '833' i For further particulars apply to mine. In. falaelol' gt i 12:: l’em’en' l9 ‘ 1". Toronto. For. 35-, 1382. than. tflallroad Ties, Godar- Posts, Shingle Bolts, Hard-wood Logs and first class * Gordaood, GIRL ‘Vl‘N’PED. Apply to 1338. J. SKELAXDS, , Lindzrf. Railway. SAMUEL SWAXTOS. l Feceion Falls. Nov'r list, 1862. 60-3' l l

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