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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Mar 1883, p. 2

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LEBAL &c. _ . . n . r ' q a, .. , , , - ‘ "‘"'°â€"'-“" " m W41 Pm res... 2: Bum Farmer Assum- r. SANDPORD, JOHX,A. .BAR RON, acumen-armaw Lindsav. l B on Kent Street. next dbor weat'of Rafts: Pmid'm ' ’ “ """" Sin w' P' 30'1"“. Agricultural and In: lenient Sta .. p r. j General Manager .... .... C. Holland, Esq. MARTINk HOPKINS, BARBISTBRS. SOLIClTURS, kc. )lo- ney to Loan at 6 per cent. 033cc, Kent street. Lindsay, Ont. P.S.N.tnrra. F. D. MOORE. ARRISTBR, srronxcr, s semen-a t lm Ind upward!- aud Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. HUDSPETH a JACKSON, l ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, kc. Of, fice, William street, Lindsay. A . Hcosnrn. A. Iacxsos. l o O'LHARY é: O'IJ‘IARY, ATTORNEYS-ALLA W, BARRISTERS, Ofilce; Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Doheny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. As-rncn O'Lnav. Ilccn O‘Lnar. .‘lclNTYRE d: STEWART. ARRISTBRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery. kc, Lindsav. Office. over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Moi my to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate scorities. D. J. Mcls-rvnc. Tues. Srrwur. A LEX. A. MCDONALD. TTORNBJ-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Conveyanccr, km. kc. Strictat- tention given to applications for Patcn'ts of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. Office, Colborue street, Penelon Falls. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., .OROXER, Physician, Surgeon, kc... kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. ’ WM. KEMI’T, M. D.. C. 91., fRADUATE of .lchill University, Man X treal, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Medical .- Rcferee to the Standard, Phoenix, Connecti- o cut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Com- panies. Odiec and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Rns streets, Lindsay. Im. A. WILSON, NI B.U.\'IVERSITY of Trinity College. 1 . M. 13. University of Toronto. tCanhdl, United States and Great Britain, g and general banking business transacted. G. H. Roman. l Capital - - - - - - $1,500,000. The Ontario Assembly at its late sit» l cries in several suitable localities bro't under its notice, Mr. S. C. .Wood being a leading man in supporting the 'qove- ment. There seemed to be but one opinion a.- to the propriety of some ini- tial step being taken by the Govern- Yice-President . .. . .. . .C. S. Gauss-ski, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Saving-as D epartment prove the quality of the butter made in the Province. There is a crying need for this, as the quality upon the whole is far beneath what it ought to be. which damages the reputation of the Previuco as to its capabilities, and moreover is the cause of an annual loss of several hundred thousand ' dollars. Those who do make a. really first class article are not able to get the fair value of their butter‘, on account of the char- acter which Ontario butter obtains in outside markets. It: is well that some means he adopted in order to redeem its reputation ; and be it by creumcrics where young women or men are taught the most approved methods, or by means of qualified instructors, if the quality is so improved as to attract merchants from a distance, the whole prurincc will be the better for it. The few thousand dollars required to set the upward move ment on foot will, we are persuaded. be repaid an hundred fold in a few years. ifit should only have the effect of raising prices one cent per pound. â€". Interest allowed on deposits of five dolo S. A. NCMURTRY, Manager Lindsay, Peb. 16th,1881. {lo-t1. Eliefenelou falls @agctte Saturday, March 3rd, 1883. «- The General Election. The election for the Legislative As- sembly of Ontario took place on Tues- day last and resulted in a reduction of Mr. Mownt’s formerly large majority, though he has still, we are happy to say, enough followers to enable him to carry on' the Government successfully. In North Victoria the contest terminat- ed udversely to the hopes of the Reform- ers, Mr. Fell having been elected by a majority, as far as is known. of 278. From some unexplained, but annoying, cause the rdturns in this riding are al- ways slow in coming in, and one of our villagers, who was in Lindsay on Thurs day, learned that they were not then in the hands of the returning officer. The figures we have been able to obtain are so few and unreliable that we prefer not to publish them until they are an- thenticated and we can procure the rest. In South Victoria, where it was boast- ed thnt. no Reformer .but Mr. Wood Could possibly be elected, Mr. D. J. itlclntyrc had a majority of 35 over his Conservative opponent, Mr. Fairbairn. Mr. Blezard, the Reform candidate in East I’ctcrhorough, was elected by a majority of 360'; but in West Peter- borough Mr. Carnegie. Conservative, had a majority of about 90. The Hon. Oliver Mownt was returned by acclam- ation and all his colleagues except Mr. Wood (resigned) have been re-elcctcd. Mr. Mowut's majority in the House is not yet certain, but it will be from 12 to lSâ€"probahly 15. Village Council Proceedings. Feuclon Falls, Feb. 23rd. 1883. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members present, Messrs. Thom- son and Sandfgrd. The reevc in the chair. . Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.~ Mr. Thomson gave no- tice that at this meeting of the council he would introduce a- by-law to extend the time for the collection of taxes in this municipality. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Sandford, That By-lnw No. â€"- be now introduced and read a first time. -â€"Carried. By-law read in committee ofthe whole and without amendment, Mr. Thomson in the chair. By-law read a third time and passed. The auditors presented their reports for the municipality, the school board and the cemetery. Moved by Mr. Saudford. seconded» by Mr. Thomson, That the auditors‘ fort, and have been more independent is comfon No. 2; and as the village ap- pears to be taking a start on the road to prosperity, we hope to accumulate, more cash in the coming decade than we have in the past. Tux Wxamtt.--Jlarch, instead of similitude of a lamb, and, if the old serial Parliament during the present t° “mm” 3*“- saw (and Prof. Wiggins) be correct, i will become violent as it grows older.I 0n the ‘lst a thaw set in, and although this (Friday) morning was rather cold the can soon came out with considera- ble power and puddles of water are a- gain forming. We have heard that rob- ius have already been seen in the vil- lage and try hard to believe it; but it is certain that a crow or two flew over the village yesterday, and that some of the few sparrows that have survived the terribly severe weather are beginning to pick up straws and carry them into the houses put up for the martins, who will make a rare fuss when they return a month or so hence and fled their prem- ises occupied. Still. we may and prob- ably shall have sloighiug for awhile yet, and it.is almost to be hoped for, as there is scarcely any wood in the vil- lage, the majority of the farmers having been unable to market it: in consequence of the great depth of snow. Tun PULP MILL.-‘â€"Mr. Scott, the principal member of the pulp mill com- pany, was here on Wednesday, complet ing the negocintiou with the council, and next day the necessary papers were engrossed by Mr. A. A. McDonald, the village solicitor, and will shortly be signed, scaled and delivered. The trans. for of Mr. R. C. Smith’s slip of land has been made, and on Monday next. the by-law regarding Water street will probably be passed, and immediately thereafter preparations for building will be commenced. The pulp mill, which I will be 150 feet long, 60 feet. wide and I 24 feet high to the caves, is to be of stone, with an iron roof, and there will be three smaller but. good sized build- ings close to it. The intention of the company is first to put. up about half a . dozen houses on the market square for the accommodation of workmen, after which a large kiln will be built. and an immense quantity of lime burned. With- in u few weeks, no doubt, quite a stir will be created in the village by the A significant sign of the times is that . ting had the subject of erecting cream; than even the Premier of Canada, which the Farmers’ Alliance and the Chamber l of Agriculture in England are begin- ning to assert,- more' loudly than it has ever been asserted before. the right of English farmers to security of tenure ,land compensation for improvements. The agrarian question will certainly oc- meat. to stimulate agriculturists to im- coming in .. like a "on," as“med the copy a large part of the time of the lm» session. The bad harvest of 1882 was the last drop in the cup of the British farmers' misfortunes. Had the promise of that year been home out by its per- formance, the English farmers" demand for tenant right might have been stayed off for another decade, notwithstanding that Irish farmers have received more than English farmers dream of asking for. It is felt, now, that the time has passed for further dullying with the question. The landlords themselves are beginning to recognize that the tenants cannot pay high rent unless encourage- ment to invest money is freely extended to them; and what tenant will invest his money in permanent improvements when the landlord is allowed to step in and confiscate thctn at. will? The land lords also see that the public sense of justice revolts against the raising of a farmer's rent because that former has. by the use of his own money and skill, made that farm more valuable. The programme of the Farmers' Alliance gives an unmistnkeable utterance to the sentiments of the ngriculturists on these matters. It calls for complete tenant right; not the delusivc hnmbug which Lord Beaconsficld gave, which made the tenant right a matter of contract be- tween landlord and tenant, but an in- alienable right to be compensated for unexhuusted improvements. The London Times, which may be taken to represent. the landlord view, complain that. “ the tenants want. to eat. their cake and have it too." not want to enter into long lenses, but they “want: to leave the form when they choose, to hold it as long as they please, and to be secure of their im- provements at all times.” This is stated by the Times as though it. represented the extremity landlord; whereas it simply amounts to saying that the tenants wane liberty to withdraW'from farms before they are completely ruined. Again, the Times declares that the farmers are demand- of‘ injustice toward the f . ",7, h. g w. Dealer in all kinds of FARM MPLEMENTS. â€"â€".â€"~‘â€".â€"- PLOUG HS !' ficvons ! A large stock of John Whyte & 003s No. 3 DIAMOND STEEL-PLOUGHS, guaranteed Also, two kinds of GAXG PLOUGHS. Points and Solo: of dihe- ent makes always on hand. Agent for The New Brantford‘ Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do first class work. or no sale. Also, a large stock of Repairrfor (It: Kerb; Reaper. RAKES, RAKES!â€"Ageut for the Maxwell and the “finer Rakes, which have no equals. )laxxs lurnovsn 6mm, PW, sue, “a Gm seed Sewer will be given on trial. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWiS and other kinds of “arrows. Agent for Combined seeders. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES’ on hand, all made of well scfloned first class material. Horse-Shoeing & Jobbing a. Specialty. W A good second-hand Reaper for salt Price, $20. Ila: only cut 25 acres. F. SA N DIt‘ORI), Fcnelnn Falls. L- O’CONNOR KENT STREET LINDSAY. 0 PARTIES WISHING TO OBTAIN A Light. Strong and Durable Sleigh or Cutter They do wlll find it to their advantage to call and see my work before purchasing elsewhere. I make nothing but first-class work. Remember, if others offer you work for less than 5 do, that the best are the cheapest, and that mine are the cheapest in the end. I manufan turc Buggies rind Wuggons that. for ease of running and durability can't be bent. Repairing Done on the Shortest Notice, and Cheap. 36‘ Inspection respectfully invited. Ia. O’CONNOR. Lindsay, December 5th, l882. 422-13". White Fish Let Loose. CLEVELAND, Feb. 26.â€"-â€"On Monday two million whitclish, fresh from the about twenty fish each. These pails are then placed in the water tanks. By this plan the young fish are protecth from being dashed to death by the mo- C l Ph d S yje‘my, reports be received and adopted, and preparations for the new and important ing in tenant right, something which is artificial ponds in which they were lib. tion of: the cars. In trnp‘sportiug carp . . g,?,;cony:,,,f:€60,352;-U'gificcpgfiflgmé Mr. Logan's Letter, that the clerk be instructed to get. the industry which has been secured by our 00“ “"3 landlords bl}?! 1W1” hereafter crated from the spawn, were turned the ptuls are sufficient. lino mutton of. ‘ “ ' " ‘ ' ’ ' m --â€" usual numbers 'of copies of the cdrporn- council without a doll,"- 'of cash bonus, be the tenants: and 1mm that the ‘00- loose into Lake Erie, near the break- the water duv t0 the motion of the cars. ' ‘rcct, l-‘cnclon Falls. Du. J. n. LOWE. l.-\N d: SURGEON. Coroner for .‘rovisional County of Halihurton. Ollie-c next door to the McArthur Residence, the house lately occu- Iay Dr. llryson, on May street, Feuelon as. *"m "attentions. ‘ JAMES DICKSON, ' L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. R, . . Conveyanccr, the. Residence, and ad- ‘drcss. Fenslon Falls. THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. The nextvsittings of this Court will he ‘hcld on Wednesday, March (list. 1883. GEO. CUNNINGHAM. Chrk- gnuâ€"who, to his credit, has nrdeotly J. MEELANDS, DENTIST, LINDS:LY. One of the firm will he at the McAurnt-‘tt llousn, annmx FALLS, -on the third Monday ofench month. Teeth pr, . _ f ,l b extracted by laughing gas without-pain-or P“ 3'0“: “‘3 mu“ "spam u y “t P in Baker‘s Block, KENT-ST., LINDSAY. Orders for FIiAi‘II N C} &c. will meet prompt attention at the lowest honest prices. W Agency for the Toronto Steam Dye Works. Goods Beautifully llenovatetll at very reasonable figures. :8. S. M. Needles, )lirror Plates, Oil ‘Colour Window Shades, Artists“ Matzrials and Christmas Cards. Btu-guinea in Pictures. Lindsay.Dec'r Nth, 1881!. 43-3m. l AT M ETHERELL'S. Blll Williâ€"fill] an Rev. Mr. Logan’s letter, in last week's Gazelle, with reference to the Trent Valley Canal, attracted considerable at~ tcntion and was much commented onâ€" favourably, we suppose, by the Conserv- atives and unfavourably, we know, by the Reformcrs; for Mr. Logan is an exceedingly warmâ€"we might. say hot --Couservativc, and the general impres- Slou was that. the communication was not: so much the result of a fear that 0‘1" few words might (how we cannot conceive) do the canal project some llnl‘tu than of a hope that. his much more numerous words might. do the Colluervativc candidate in the then ap- tion and cemetery audits printed and deliver a copy of the school report to the' secretary of the School Board.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Sandford, That the auditors be each paid the sum of $8 for auditing the accounts of the nLunicipality and School Board, and that’the rceve give them his order for the sum of $2 each on the treasurer of the cemetery.â€"C'd. Mr. Thomson gave notice that at this meeting of the council he would introduce a by-lnw regulating hotel li- census in this municipality. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded: might lead to a discussion which we wish toftiVOid andâ€"which would be far \vorscâ€"imight injure the canal project, which appears to be too tender a topic to be talked about. Besides, Mr. Lo- By-lnw read in committee of the whole and without amendment, Mr. Thomson in the chair. Bydaw read a third time and passed. The council then adjourned, to meet at the call of the reevc. advocated the undertakingâ€"may be cor- rect literally; but if he asks us to be- lieve that the Ottawa Government took, in furtherance of the project, any steps with the cheerful alncrity he apparently credits them with, instead of under assure that. almost amounted to com- ost- Somerville Council Proceedings. The Somervillc council met this 19th day of February, 1883. pursuant to ad- journu.cnt. Present, Messrs. Rumney, Pcrduc, Graham and Suddaby; absent. John Fell, Esq . rceve. and after threats had been freely made that no supporter of the Ontario Gov- b ernmcntnccd look for election in the constituencies interested in the canal unless an appropriation towards its con- struction were madeâ€"an appropriation of $200,000 was made in the supple- mentary estiutalcs. Possibly the threats may have had no effect, and the appro- priation and the election happening close together may have been a mere coincidence; but we have certainly as good grounds for assuming that the $290,000 was intended ‘as a bribe to the electors as the Lindsay Warder has for assuming that the 8300 given to Feuclon directly it. was asked, and ask- ed for the first time, was granted for the purpose of influencing the vote of that township. And what. does the ll'nrder say with regard to the 8290.: 000 7 In its last issue, after catching us up for speaking of the appropriation of the money as avote, it says :â€"“ The Moved by Mr. Suddnby, seconded y Mr. Perduc. That the auditors' re- port for 1882 as now read he passed.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Rumncy. seconded by Mr. Purdue, That the clerk he required to get 250 copies of the auditors’ report printed in sheet formâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Perduc, That S. S. Peck’s com- munication with reference to the unpat- ented lots in the township of Somcrville be received, and that the clerk is here- by required to get a list of all the un- patented lots in the townshipâ€"Carried. Moved by M r. Romney, seconded by Mr. Perduc, That By-law No. 234, u by-law to define the number of tavern and shop licences for the years 1883 and 1884 be now read and finally pass- aidâ€"Carried. By-luw read and passed accordingly. Moved by Mr. Suddaby. seconded by Mr. Rumncy. That tho' following ne- WIGGINs's STORM HEMLD.-â€"We have received from the Grip Publishing Company a copy of the “ Storm Herald and Almanac for 1883,” by E. Stone Wiggins, M. A.. L. L. D. The title page is embellished with a portrait of the autlmr, and the somewhat dry but interesting contents are enlivened by poetry of a storuxy‘chnractcr. Professor Wiggins claims that he is the best, if not the only, storm prophet in existence, and points with pride to the fulfilment of his past. predictions. But the storms of the past were gentle breezes compared to the one which- is to strike this planet on the 9th day of March (Friday next) March -11th, and play havoc on the North American continent generally. The last storm predicted by Prof. Wig- gins was not so violent as he anticipated, and it is to be hoped that the coming one will not: be either; still it behooves the owners of “ trill chimneys " to don- ble reef them on the evening of the 8th and take such other precautions as they think- will enable them to laugh at the fury ofa first-class hurricane. If the professor fully establish his ability to foretell approaching'etorms he will boa great acquisition to the world, but the individual we. are particularly anxious sons to the polling place at Brown’s to vote, and upon returning he took a late dinner and then told his wife that. he would go and get some wood and let his two young girls draw it up on a! hand-sleigh, with which they were play- ] ing at. the time. He accordingly took his use and went across the road on to Mr. Philip Puley's farm, where he had liberty to out. small cedar and other wood of little value. Having chopped up a sufiicicnt quantity he piled it upon' the sleigh, and budc his daughters, as they were leaving with it, to make haste, as he would soon have another loud. The distance from his house to where he was working being only about twenty rods, the girls could not. havp been absent many minutes; but when they returned they found their father lying across a log on his back. With- out touching him they ran home and told their mother, who hurried to the spot. and. upon lifting, her husband's ant; should pay for what he wants. Briefly, the tenant is asking for what is and always has been morally his own, only the landlords have for generations appropriated it. The landlord class will be wise if it. approaches the subject in a more accommodating spirit than this. The fact may as well be reeoanizcd at once that the conditions of British agri-‘ culture must be modernized in order that the Englishman may be put on a level with his prairie competitor. What the British Farmers’ Alliance asks for is simply that the Government may stop in and save their members from ruin. The landlords can have no object. in ru upon the consumers of breadstuffs. The sooner they addr'css themselves to refor- mation of the Land Laws, the less bit- ter will be the feeling evoked and the less sweeping the changes that. will be made.â€"â€"Globc. ,Irish Affairs. DUBLIX, Feb. 27th.â€"Accounts from the district. of Gwccdore, county Done- gal, north-western Ireland, indicate that the condition of the people is most dis- tressing. A medical officer of the dis- but. says that the British Government. is not able to charge him with any et‘t- traditablc offence. If it wants him it need not, apply to the American Gov- crnmcnt. Another of Lord Ardclnun's bailiffs. named Flynn, has been attacked brutal- ly and left. for dead near Cloutbur. Three members of the Joyce family, who were witnesses in the Muauitrnsna trial, while protected by five policemen, were attacked in a public house at Churchficld. The police were deprived of their firearms, which were freely used on the Joyccs, one of whom was badly wounded. ” Red-Tape l’ in Russia. The ghastliest example of red-tape thus far recorded is reported from the Russian town of Samara. A local Gov- ernment clerk, named Tichcnow, who had been drinking heavily for some helps to keep thevwatcr well aerated. Ctlru is taken, however. to renew the water every eight hours, and to remove promptly any fish that may die.‘ The loss by this method of carriage is very small. water. The young fish were brought here to Cleveland yesterday on a Lake Shore train in one of the cars of the United States Fish Commission from hatchery of F. M. Clark, of Northvillc, Mich., who is intrusted with the task of placing them in the Lake here. The fish were contained in some forty cases, somewhat resembling, ice-boxes, which are ranged along either side of" the car. each case holding two four-gallon cans, all of which were constantly supplied with running water from a cistern by means of indin-rubbcr tubes, the water being kept from becoming stnlo by a process of aeration. The water was ._â€"a n-» Smallpox is raging at Leadvillo, Ky.. The schools are closed, and a new post house is being built. Lord Wolscloy was loudly cheered on taking his seat for the first. titno in. the House of Lords. An attempt to assassinate Earl Sperr- ccr, Lord Lieutenant. of Ireland, by. means of a parcel of dynamite sent ‘_ " ' ;-'"" . n . fl _ r, __ V I . _ ining their tenants. The run as well I v f' . tl:t 4v .- - .wsllfltfiatmfl’im 53°?Sltl'l‘ani'13317.11" :t:“:..tÂ¥.:3:.::: 2:31;- iiifiii'hil‘liftlill Eg°sg.§}j;k'Ҥ'rggg;'; aghootp‘g; .. .1. .. in:1.31.1335.f:.::‘:::.:.°.:&:.:°..r. “'51111:“plight;:2::.:’.:°‘;."§:tztt;§ . ECOND DIVISION COURT IN of anything Mr. Lam has said, for it. â€"â€"Carried. ‘ “ u" “y' “'“h “‘"°“ *0 “dd” “"3” °“’" 109‘“ lake 5‘10"” “0“”“1' “mm- i""“5“fâ€""“°d "'0 "W" """i"""'““"°‘ burn, when Thomas Brown laid V m.‘.â€". x. s , . Austria’s Military Reorganization. the costs. . - Seventy-seven years ago, Mr. . oscpls Frazer and Miss llcbecca Daniel, botlu of Pleasant Valley, New Brunswick, were married, have ever since lived tow gather, and are now, says the Wood- stock Tina's. living in the township of Burfortl. 'l‘he‘nltl gentleman is in his 08th year, and his wife is only two years younger. Miss Holly. of Orangehurg county, LONDON, Fcb'y 22.â€"-â€"A Vienna dcs~ patch nnnouncesthat the work of reor- ganizing the Austrian army is being rapidly carried out. The plans include. firstly, the construction of a strategical railway connecting the (lalician with the Hungarian lines; secondly, the in. crease of the artialcry ; thirdly. a more intimate connection between the Nation- al Ilonved Army of Hungary and the Lnndwchr ofAustria on the one side , _ . . . . " r if. ' . - v ‘ . ‘ ' ' - F him-‘3 °r “” Chm?" “"H be mi'de' “veil, decline to d” 50' Possibly me On motion of Mr. Rumncy, seconded to interview just at present is the one 2,3532,tintzjnsg’filfiidZcfnjm,muff With the comm‘m film‘dlmr! """5' 0' (inllmnbtg' %' :J" “lislm has“ hgcn m," I, 'W Office established in Ltndsnyneal‘ly Government may not have been much by Mr Pcrduc Mr._Gm,mn took the who can predict, with some degree 0,. ' “I I r ! qd I t] . 0 c .piaplt- Austrimflaungury on the (uh-er, “(1' Nut on killlul‘i ay ptgnt.‘ )n Murray I ‘ It fine” 5””; to blame for requiring so much urging, chair - ’ “certainty, when our delinquent subscri. 2955 fl] l?” {90‘ :0 ltllnat all _ It: finally. ,1“, connecfiou of ,1", various mminmg a w'wotfit inlto t to fields to rule . ‘ ‘ “"’*â€""â€"“‘"'â€"â€"â€"‘ as the opponents of the canal Inststed - - n b - d V renew he 0 .5“ ‘Fc “3 1°}mm3‘lm railway mum", at Vienna one “.3”, am up cams. S 19 Iml 0d a fire, and while , - ~ . The mIOUtCS or last mealan were 01‘5 "lie" ‘0 Pay uP- food There is a stck person In almost - - W‘ll‘ll Ill" her feet her dress cauuht fire ‘V A that n was only 0‘ locul' “Pd-mt Ohm- read and passed- A communlCMlO“ S .D ‘1 10] .k ,, ' j u “s ,,, t, t H. d other, by means ofa metropolitan line, I‘ ’, b d‘, ‘b-‘d ' “.0 _l I “0",”. imbormncc; but ,t ,5 certain f S P k \I P P , , m CDDE) EAT|{,â€"-1 LSmpue a. eI c cry )0 SC,O_ll),., O 10‘ wan-o no . was awrch ,0 princimlny on milk“), llccplllllg urnc rom let“ u ham] ‘ “ ' u ' ‘ " mm 8' ' cc ' ‘ ' ' " m repy an old and well known rcstdcnt: of the Brennan mentioned by Carey In a let- " \ . ' she died at the ver hour fixed for her ‘v to the readers nfihc Genetic that that [is advocates all along the hue , ~ - ,- ,1. c" abou, the - . l ' _ _ mounds. I, ,s assumed um, me new . . y he has opened outa had w work most cncrneficany to net “‘3 pent‘o“ 0, "9 con“ , k. township of Feuclon, dlcd very sudden. tcr dated London, Fcby 23rd, neither “"0 when com ,emd w”, enable the marrmgo, h - - h d d " b D “WNW lands "1 “‘0 ‘OWDSh‘Pu “5 [nil 1‘ [5, last Tuesday, A lime before noon admits nor denies that he once belonged . . . .p . A" ltlnivlish invent“, hm, devised . a t err “'15 ea accc c to step .YOStePy list of,“ lands Wished to be seen mm, he was taken b ' one 0,. Mr N1 _,m_.s ,0 the high Republican Brotherhéod mobilization of the Austrian army to be “we “stoma” "um ct b w, ich n I, m ,, D and finally °“ the "0 Of “‘1 elecuou“ was laid before the council, 5 ‘ ' “l ‘ accelerated by one whole day, owing to n r- l’ v .l' ' n the greater facilities it. will prOvide for the conveyance of troops from one part of the Empire to another. _o- A Married Lady Burned to Death. 'Pott'r HOPE, Feb. 24.â€"Lnst night. Mrs. Wm. Ilay was sitting by a table whon one of the children took the lamp. a rather large one. into another room. Upon bringing it back the child, when reaching to place it on the table, struck the globe containing the oil against. the table. The oil spilled on Mrs. Ray's dress, saturating it thornughly, and the burning wick which fall with the oil so! her dress on fire. Shc screamed, and her husband, who was in bed in an ad- joining room. rushed out and endea- vored tn smother the flames with the bed clothes. The unfortunate woman. however, became excited. and rushed from his grasp to the outside and tried to bury herself in the snow. When out- audihle to an officer on shipboard. Such an apparatus has been erected on the North Snmlcrland pier, and it has been found that ifa ship is hailed from this pier the person hailing can hear quite distinctly through the opening in the vibrating funnel the reply sent. Ex- pct-intents are yet wanting to test the alliancy of this simple apparatus in fogs at aca. Passengers on the Peninsula and 0- riental Milwa were placed in a strange predicament recently. An Indian knife cleaner not drunk, tit-l all the table knives (upwarda of 600) around his waist, and jumped overboard. The ship was stopped and turned round, but all efforts to rescue the unfortunate man with the much needed table kuivcu were unaVuiling, and the passengers were compelled to cut with penkuivu and other subatitutca until the vessel reach- ed Alexandria. an at. sea la caught up and rendered i t - - v ,’ d'd ' t t _ . head found that he was quite dead. days, utterly collapsed on the night be- _ _._.._..._.'- AT "ETHERELL’S' meTfiie buidtizyldiflil dftcgotlt‘boclct: counts be Pa'd' and lh"t.°rde" be given Deceitscd, who was about 65 years of fore New Year's, and to all appearance {mic 3.00"?” "f Per-“M5 ""0 “ere, P““‘ Shuohv, commpuon cm "‘â€" f‘“ ‘hc “we “"1"!” w‘lmnt far guards age, has for the last three years been v died. It is not the Russian custom to "‘74 Wed '0 Pl“ “'9 “WW3 m" “‘1‘ ""3 It You want School Books. Buy them at METHERBLL‘S. If You wont Stationery, Buy it at METHSRBLL‘S. It You want Christmas Cards. Buy them at METHERBLL‘S. It You want to Make Gifts, Buy at METHERBLL‘S. The thpestâ€"Sâ€"thtionery Store. K881“ STREET. LINDSAY. Liam November 30m, 1831. j lieves' that the 5290.000 was put in the l estimates as a bait to the electors. and , speeches. The_l’eterborough Raine is tion was over and done. and had Mr. Keith been returned instead of Mr. H. Cameron, there would never have been a cent granted to this day." Of course we do not hold the Dominion Govern- ment responsible for the utterances of the Word"; but our contemporary be- on Shiers'a hill, 81 50 ; John T. Beech, auditor, $6 00; F. Train, do.,'86.â€" Carried. - Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Suddaby, That this council now adjourn, to meet on Monday, the 26th day of Marchâ€"Carried. [loans KtLLED.-â€"This (Friday) at' smooch, as the horse employed to draw stone from the canal was returning, af- ter delivering a load, along the elevated wooden railway. the empty truck ran off that it Mr. Cameron had been defeated the public works at Penelon Falls would not have been commenced; indeed Mr. Cameron said as much in one of his . . t suffering from. heart disease and has} had more than one slight. attack of apo- plexy. and Dr. Wilson. who was his, medical attendant, had several times warned him against doing any kind of 1 work, as even a slight exertion might prove fatal. the cause of his death. keep a body long above ground. and as a burial can't take place during the holidays, the relatives of the dead man decided to have the funeral forthwith. When the body arrived at the church the priest noticed that there was main Nu inquest was held, but ; ture on the forehead and suggested that there is no doubt that heart disease was t it might be perspiration ; but Nix-cla- tives quickly explained that it wa- welt- WWâ€"«â€"â€"~â€"m~â€"~ lerl snow which had fallen there while States Fish Commission was recently A report comes from )Ianistec. Mich-i they were on their way to the church. g despstched from \Vuahington for Call“ igan, that the cook in a camp fifty milesvl This simple explanation satisfied the g foroia with a cargo of live fishâ€"some from Saginaw used strychniue for soda l priest and the body was buried. A few ; 18,000 to numberâ€"for su-c tug weat- snow, but the wind being strong. bcforcl TM! is beyond question the most success- . iful Cough lledininc we have ever sold a the fl'm’c‘ mum be “flowered “'0 P00" few doses invariably cure the worst rain woman received injuries which resulted l of conch, Cm”, ",d mom-hm" while I“ ‘ in a most painful death a few hours af- wondert‘nl success in the cure of consump- wtwardso tion is without a parallel to the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a gusrsutce,s.lul which on United States Cars. other medicine can stand. I! you have a l Cough we earnestly aslt you to try lt. Price f‘ .1, fi 1 u [t 'Ld {' to cm. 5’) ct|.and $t. If your Lungs an one o c H can or m m 0 Hone, Chest or Back lame, use Shllon’a Poo l was Plaster. John Nngent, Wholesale and Retell Agent. Answer'l'hlsflucsflou. Why do so many people we are around .......J ._. complaint ngalnsc tmvtnnnr'pevmnn;wrnu- -- were fined $5 each with a division of , .. tug, . | ' _ ‘ ' ' v . h, I V ' th n either the Wm] 3"" "“ck “"6 f5" ‘0 the Emu“ belt)". by mistake, and that seventy lumbcrmen 1 hours afterwards some mcn ‘who were crn watt-yrs. As described by the Way: 4 1h CEO ‘ dichlrdCfgtion aand yet it could not ‘ disunce 0r “’0‘” "'0'"! re9L “king have been fatally poisoned. - i digging another grave near 'Ilchenow s , tugton .Stltr. these cars resemble to ex- 3 :; ffig‘;£‘3,;gfe'c;filmm‘ $333: -â€"-- mail"; from caéfionsjy observing in 1 With it the ham. Whlcl‘ '38 killed 0" Caroline Beroheimer, while taking in i heard Cries of agony which seemed to ; ternal appearance. and to a large extent L0” or Appetite, Coming up «if the Food: latc issue : " We are convinced thatlast “‘0 “POL The “lull ‘15 “'0”! by clothes on the roofol' Blair's, box factory 2 proceed from the ground. They ran off; in internal arrangements. a modern .’ you“, sun, when I,” 15 a... n u" um. GEORGE CUNNINGHAI, h m1 Imam {an Agen [June the favourable manner in whic WN- F £3218 ONT t, i the Conservative leaders had dealt with . , ,, the Trent Valley Navigation had con- . represents the following first class eon-apn- . _ sidcrablc weight with the electors, and “'b '“h "m bw"“mh;'m“‘d we invite them to allow it the same I in New York, on the evening of Febru- 5, in terror to the priest, but he said that l sleeping car. There are compartments! ing an exceptionally good one. ary 26th, fell through the skylight and . disintcrmeut could be ordered only by , at each end. one for the superintendent, Tm: Euvxsm voLnn.--Lut week landed on a circular saw, which cut her', the police. The police in tarp declared l the other for a kitchen. Through the the Gazelle commenced its eleventh vol‘ . in two, the teeth passing through her 1 that permission must be obtained from E middle portion of the car an state was “me. but ‘1, we", ,0 bus, a,“ .5 for. E bun, l a superior functionary, who happened between wide ledges, on each side. fonwe" u n ,a “,0” “u, “new” (a, w. Slillul"! Vitalizcr, nannteed to cure them. John Regent, Who cute and Retail Agent. sniLon's‘cau nan aznsur. a muâ€" velous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker . Month and Head Ache. With each bottle n. the contractors and was worth 8l20, bo- ‘ UP“ '5‘ no“ “maul” ~ I, ~ ' n ' ' ‘ ‘ In a rdan with the ra er of al not to be within reach. The police 5- ; supporting the tin tanks in which the? ; . _ t t th occasion. We think t to notice it. If the rwere I CO0 66 P 5' _ - . . . . more success at treatment of the» eoaa- , a iffih‘aiirm"'&mkm&y'fi”igi :z‘lnfcozaiduenough to show that al. ntilindred years old inmost}; ten "l numerously signed petition, the City ; uolly yielded. to ‘pnpullt’ clamor, and fish are carried. There are 'two Ice-‘pmgu, without extra charge. John lla- ‘l‘ H a... salad, ' along}. 31:. Logan may be right in should probably be able to boast that? (bond! of Brantlord has passed a by- g with many mtngmnca allowed the grave, boxes next the superintendents room. goat, Wholesale and Retail Agent. “' 75' Cl'lfiu’luw‘fl‘ CMPI'J'. “Cun- uhu be “ya we were not. far wrong, we had made ten thousand dollars; for f 1357*} a vote of 12 to 2, compelling; to be opened ; but by that tune the l for cooling the air of the compartment .1: do, nu N Jeri“ The [Leas-acute launcher Co, of England. wretched Ticheoow was actually dead, and clothes showing plainly shop licenses for retailing li- I DIED. it would take just” about a century to : holders l in which the fish are carried. Delic to “d “a “"3th mm“ m m a” fish are transported in pails holding a ~01, . - - nestu l he wis‘ea wooetinua accumulate a modest fortune than none to nfine. their business to that3 body d the , _ At Pension Pslls.oa Sunday. February 5 .. Tumflm Uh Wmfi‘ou- 3:3.” .0; a n a” inummenuliq of: wing, “has; 3f liq“, ting, fearful struggle he had vainly made. , gallon of vapor, and accommodat pg, 251s. Mr. Benson Wbytsll, aged u years. .m- tin-r . . , r " “Newmmev _, W, . g .‘_. ‘ . \ ' ‘l

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