. .---... LEGAL doc. o~m~-~.~. a-.. _..--.. -....-___......_._ Irish. Affairs. destitute can be provided for. Only a , few small buildings on the outskirts of NEWTORK, March lS.â€"Tlie ll'orIJ: the town are left. The Bold Mountain London cable myEâ€"Alter Easter there l Company .‘Iiuc buildings, dumps, lum‘ . can I Dealer in all kinda of H l E! R ' ' E; houses, the broken gims cracking under! __ :- thcir feet. In the House of Commons 3 Jam; A. “Annoy, in w“, or M alarm was general, and many members ‘ BARRISTBlt-AT-LAW, Liam}; Ollie-cl ., left immediately. The lobby was emp- oil Kent Street. next door west of Keith's l ' tied, and the people rushed out of Wett. will be great gaps in the ranks of the ber house, lumber yards. and flame are 1 Agricultural and latilleuo-th‘mrc. - minster Hall. Thoustuds flicked from~ Irish party in the House of Commons, all safe. This renders it pos:ible for i S . ~---..-_.- m.-- l I all parts or the city towaan “'ctgins. . several other members beside Parnell many of the poor to go to work as soon l - , .‘lARl'IX I: HOPKINS. l ter. There is an enormous crowd at having apparently come to the conclu- as they get housed. Seventysix build- . â€"â€":â€":--â€" Jumsrmzs‘ sanicnungy gt “0.5 the scent: oftlle explosion. The .lnspcc . sion that a. change of scene to America logs were burned, with an estimated 9 9 my to Lira!) :tt 6 p:r cent. Ollice,; should eallnt the tor examined a portion ofthe building \1 old be good tor their health. his loss of 8.250.000. Insurance believed . S . KԤ,'§f§:;’,l,§lf""’“3" "m" G, U, 8mqu CAMERON LAKE FOUNDRY, "j‘m-‘fléd 5.7 the “Pm-“1:53!†Places Probable. that the lllronmr flare): \rnl l to be fixffcl‘sglénlli‘ i=3":~'_°f dU'l'l‘P‘l A large slock of John wilyte trons. xn‘3_i)‘i.\.\lo.\:o srsal; l‘LOIlGll§. guaranteed , , . ., ,. , the loss at £4000. Imptcliun shows be brou_ht \ery elm; to the -nllons of men at I» -a 0 l~° 0th a“ ‘- ‘- to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds "(G-AM. PLULL-tla. totals and bolts ol difl'eh- twr _ , “WW ‘5‘." “’“l “lid 1‘ 3â€â€œ °r ,1an the explain" (,ccmrea from the tcr :tll. : is stated that. evidence has Organized bodies of men are now sturt~ l eut makes always on band. Agent for 1" D' 31001:": Massey 8: Toronto-Mowers, outridc of the buiitliuc. The 77mm. lately been secured sufï¬cient. to convict ing to exclude or drive them front the l .XRRISTEH, ATTORNEY. I: SOLICIT“ i i and .‘t'ut: ry Public. Money to Lean. Oï¬icu, Kent street, I. slsnv. lIL'L’Sl’l-i'l'll 1.: JACKSON. BJRIlHTEIlS, SOLIul'l'flflfl, Ate. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. Halal-nu. A. 11.82303. O'L 'IAIlY ti: ()‘I. IARY, BARRK‘TEHS. .\ TTUIlNl'Il'S-AT-LA W, Solicitors ill Chancery, .kc. Ofï¬ce, Doheily Block, Lent street, l.l'.:'l$:lj-'. Aiirlit‘l: U'l.::_.~.i:v. lltc-n U'Lsunr. .llcl ’l‘l’lll‘l 6'; S'fl-IWAIl'l'. PARlilri'l'l'lt’lZN’, .t'l"l'l')ll.\'lil'5~.‘.T-LAW, ) Sohcilurs i'l Chant-cry. t't'c.. Lindsay. Office ot‘t'l’ UJlul’lU flunk. licnt strrel. Mo- ney to Loan at d pcr cent. on reul csltitc ecnritit-s. l). J. .‘llclnrrc. Of- Ttlos. Srzwm‘r. ALFX. .\.. MCDONALD, TTOI’XEYâ€"AT-LA‘. ', Solicitor in Chun- .‘ ccry. (“'utneyztnccr. .’cc.. «to. Strict al- of Iflltltltt from Elmira Lulld's Department. I General “nuns†Holland, Esq. Sloucy to Lnuu on )Iorlgtlgc Steiirily on tot-int to suit borrowers. street, lit-melon Fulli. .â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" VMEVDIGAL. " A. W. .l. 'onoxm. Dull llASSI, .\I. D., street, thnlsuy. \l'll. Is'l’iill’i'. .‘I. D., C. 3L, lI1.\I)l!.\TI'; of llcflill liziivl‘rsily, "on J lrt-nl. :lllll I't'ovint-inl Licenlinlc, I’hysi- - cinn, Slug-on nod (ill‘itfll‘illiflll, llcdicnl left-rho to the Stalldni'd. l’? (cuix, Connecti- cut. .‘Illllllll, ’tlHl l'i'1’lilllliicI:l§lll‘;lllt‘l: Coni-‘ panics (ldicv‘ nod residence. in the llOllFt‘ lntcly occupied by: Ill-v. I-‘uthcr Stafford, :il ' the corner of Illndsny till-l Illis Lindsny. streets, lm. ll. WI max. ‘1' Il.U.\'lVl-Ill$l’l‘Y of Trinity College. 1 . .\l.I}.U-:itcrsily of Toronto. .‘lcmb. Col. Phys. and Sing†(lllI. I‘lly-‘icilln, Sill-goon ltnd lecomzllct'. Olllcc,Colborllc nlrct‘l, l-‘cnelon Pulls. Dlt. J. H. LOWI'}, lll‘SICl.\.\' 5.: SURGEON. Ilit' l’rovi Coroner for 'onul County oflfnlilnil'lou. 5:)" (till _ m‘xt door to lllt.‘ Hons». lil‘flilil'llc“, the Inlitlt‘ lttlcly ot'vli- pitd by Dr. [Lyn n, on .llny stlcct, I-‘cliclon Full}. :m-.~mâ€".m.â€"_nâ€".Wâ€"â€"wâ€". SURVEYERS. a ,_J..\.\Il~l.‘i DIUKSON, L. Surveyor, Cont liissinnrr iii the Q. D., , Ctlzli-.-'.:inccl~,'&c. Reside-nee,an llll- tlreas, Fenelt-n l-‘nlls. MISCELLANEOUS. (‘ll'lL'OND mYlslllN lztilllt'l‘ IN Till". CUUKTY HF VICTORIA. ' ho next :illii‘gt of lhi't Court will lie livid on \‘.'ctl.ic:ll ly. .‘Ifll't li 'llal. 139,3, (}I~I'tl.CL7.\'.\'I.\'Litl.\.'il. Clerk. .3. occlusions, l E: ‘11‘15'1‘, I.1N1)g§31Y, One ol'llic ï¬rm wtll be it! the .‘lc.\i:'i'ut‘:: llol'slt l’i:xi:i.o§ FALLS.E on the lllll'tl llnlilluv l‘l't'ut-ll mouth. 'l‘i‘t‘lli ('Xlrncli‘il ly Lingl in: gut without pain or Illj‘lll'. or in clutrgn it ill i)" nmdv. 11.33" Uilit-e established in Lindsay nearly fifttcn yours. or. n. coconut he has (ll‘t'l‘lCll out A PICTURE STORE iii Baker's Flock, RENEE-31"., LIEBSAY. Ot'tlc-rifcr It‘ll? £1.25! K 34’ (3â€" ¢\'.’(.'. will llltct rrtlnpt :liivnlion til the lowest S.t'.llll D_\’L' World. Goods Ili‘llllllftlll)‘ Renovated nt very r-‘nsonn‘nlc lipnrvs. or? S .\f. .\' Colour Win lo': i' knit". Artist." .‘dat rinls n'..~l (Ilzl’irlllms Cards. EOHTARI ; Capital - - - - - - $1,500,000. . . . . 1 President ....Sir. W. P. Il’owlund.l tenllun given to ttltitllt'dllt‘ll‘l for I’llll‘nlsf Vicn‘Prcsldeu‘ C S Claws“ E“, I n - lCIIOI .- l . l , . . l l umcc, L‘olborne , ’hysiclnn, Surgeon, kc . kc. J Resilience, llrlclt Collage, Wellington .\.'c.\l'!hl:r' 5 “mil is aghast at the outrage, which is ‘-llt~!, Mirr-t‘ l’lntcs, flil ‘. Massey Harvester 8: Toronto Bearer. ‘ Toronto Cord Binders. Massey Low Down Binders, Sharp’s Horse Rakes, acknowledged by till who have used them to be the best in Canada. C A 55 '1‘ l N G S of all kinds mode to order, and Repairs Executed at reasonable rates. 93' Sl'per bundrcdwcight paid for scrap 0.151 iron. llOBSON 8c ALLAN. l-‘cnclon Falls, March l-lth, lSSS. fl BANK. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. and general banking business transacted. Sav i rigs Department Interest allowed on deposits of‘ five dol- lnl-s and upwards. S. A. lchURTRY. .llanuger Lindsay, Fell. mm, 1581. 50-l.f‘. fads (Ems t ilgc l‘uclm Saturday, March 24th, 1883. “ACCIDENT ToTHBNQIiBEN. On Suturdny last, the 17th inst.. the Queen ldippcti while ascending or dc~ .ccntliug ll fi;llt of swim in \Villdsor ya lice, :illd ll] on l'llul‘ning from it ride. which she took lm'lllt dintcly afterwards, was unable to lcxlvc the carriage, ill consequence of n painful swelling ill one of her knees. She was Clll‘l‘icd to her room and soon surrounded by the royal physicians, who dill :lll ill their power to veficvn their illustrious patient; bill it is bl'lifl‘ll’ll [but she will be hiid up for some time, and us she is getting old t out. the kingdom, and expccinlly iii the metropolis, where many places were ll-nlgortll'ily dcscl-it-tl by their owners“ for the purplth of going tn the clubs and lll.‘\\‘.~[lllpl‘l' untl lC'lt‘le'tlpll Offices, :lild even large numbcl‘s of the labour- ing classes left llicir work ill tlici ' :llixi- my to kcl-p tilt-lils-lvcs informed us to Illt‘ Qilcrll‘s condition. It is not stated that there is any immediate danger; but if lllt‘l‘c “(ll'tl it. would probably in- he]! from the. knowledge of the people a< hing as [)OSlelc; tllid the fear that aim may be worse llnin they have but-ll led to believe will not be :llluycd until tlny :lzc sntiafiul that such is not. the one. LATER â€"â€"-\\'c talc go] to lt'a‘ll‘r‘, from :1 Culllcgl'nlll l‘lCL'lVULl since the above was in type. [littl the first account. “as unofficial and exaggcrtltcd. till-:l thnl lllt.‘ Que it's :ncidcm was much los sc- licus than has bUt'll sitilcil. ~It Dinbolical Plot. Jil<t too late for our lllrl week's issue came the news of n terrific ixplo ion. tit would snv tn tl c renders nl'thc Cami.- lhnt ‘ 9 l’~ "'~ 0†ll": 13‘“ ""i t '" ill“ 11"“ lluvl rnnn nt llozlrd t-fliccs at \Vcrtulins tcl', London, England. by which it grunt ‘lt‘lll ofdamugc was done to prnicrtv. though fortunately no one was injured. The report resembled the dlrcllll‘;c of tin SiLtl-il gun. and the C'chll‘riflll was so strove that it al.0ok the galleries in the lion-c of Commons. The explosion. and l:t‘l‘ llcnlill hilr‘ly has not. been very good. it is tlu:li.~ht possible that serious complicltions n.tly ttrise. Of'colirsc llll‘ tlt'cltlcltt Conscd grunt. CXCIlCllll‘llt. ï¬lm’- which was llt‘fll'll for a distance of three I ; miles, was at lll'>[ attributed to the sc- " citlcnlal ignition of'gxls, but it was soon haunt prirgs. W‘ Agent-v for the Toronto _ :iscellnincd that. ii deliberate :llicnlpi ll.tll been lnzttlc to blow tip the Govern l men'. buildings by means of a bomb, charged iiitli dyimlnitc. The civilizgd no doubt an outcome of the Irish difll unity, and the Home Office his offered tl reward of SLUUU for information that. really going to reply with dynamite to any measure they disapprove of, it is certain the day for remedial legislation is over. There are no arrests yet iii connection with the explosion. The police noziccd nothing suspicious before the explosion. Soon after the affair at Westmin- ster a canister of explosive material with (it is rumoured) a lighted lose at- tached, was found behind the London ’l'l'mu ofï¬ce, and is believed to have chn placed there by some of the cm- plllyccp, who are profoundly discontent- ed. and entertain feelings of bitter hos. tility m the proprietor. M r. Walter, and l l l says that if the Iriin extremists are his manager, .‘Ir. McDonald. ! The Wickedcst Elia-st Yet. I I I “'e don't. know that. th‘c l.=t ï¬red off ill the Cfln’ll last Thursday afternoon was the loudest we have board since the work coninicnvcd; but judging by tho dttimlgo done tun] the surprise and consternation produced it was certainly the wickn-«lcfl. It appears tho! the two tons of miscellaneous explosives procur- t-d Inst fall was till used. and this truck some dynamite of cxtvn and unexpected powe ‘ :tri'ivcd, :lnd that one of the so rics of eight holes wus loved inor'c "slttlllingdiculurly†than it ought to have llt'L‘ll. The results of the combin- ed cusmdncsv of the explosive and cl'ook- I etlllcss of the hole \l‘cl'c mint. alarming, nod it is ti :rcnt mercy that some of’ our inoffensive vilhlgct's were not killcd. for the chunks of‘. rock flcw fur n:d fast. and the contractors will have several bill< for damages to settle. Mr. Will llulllpbl-II was the worst sufferer, for not. only did a mass weighing 571; pounds full on the roof of thc lcznl-lo addition to his store ill Cunningham's block and break a rafter, which went through the ceiling below, but a stone probably a- bout. half as heavy broke the roof of his house, :lild n smullrl' one knocked :l hole through the wall just under the cove. Mr. John Nugctlt had one of the huge sidelighls ill the window of his store broken by a stone weighing a little over a pound, and we have heard (but are not sure that, it ill corl'tcl) that :l llnlc t'its knocked throngli the roof of “1'. ll C. Smith's ilcw mill. A large piece of rock. up] nrenlly about. 50R). weight, struck and broke the telegraph wire not. far from the canal. and one piece of rut-k, which turned the scale at. 261b, flew a distance of nearly 150 yards up (I'l‘lbï¬lll'd street, just. cit-tired Manning's t't-i'ttlidtt zlnd knocked a piece about two loot. l0â€! out of one of the boards in the sidewalk. "l‘llci'e were at least two nor- vow c-cnpcs f'l'onl pcrsnnnl injury; f'olztl stone struck with great. violence against :1 telegraph post close to which Mr Wm. Robson “‘lIS standing. and :t hilgc pit cc of rock fell at the entrance of tile llnllwuy itl )chrlhur‘s blocl: :1 second or two after Mr. Bic-Arthur's son had been lifted from the spot. by a person who saw the missile approaching. To add to the excitement :1 Clllllll horse, which was struck by u static upon his llinll-tpml'tcvs, hrokc from the boy who his sltlblc on Francis strcst, llczll-ly go. int; over a person who was ill his line of flight. Mr. McDonald, thc contrac- tor, expresses gl't‘at regret: at. the conse- quences of the blast, and will do his hc~t to [re-vent. the occurrence of uuotli. er of the some kind. DIVISION COUIl'l‘.â€"â€"Oii Wednesday of this week Division Court was held ill ll‘an'lUll Falls, Assistant-Judge IIIltlS- pclh presiding. There were only two or three canes, :llld they were all disposed of before noon. CUTTING Box .\CClDE.\'T.â€"-L:lsl Sat- lll‘illty a little girl, dtiu;litcl'of'.\lr. Mnik .‘Icliivtrn, of this village, while playing with Mr. Jackct's children in their fu- thcv's burn, got two lingers very badly crushed ill the cogwhcels of a cutting- box. the dangerous nature of' which she probably did not. know. So many chil- dren are injured by the some means, thnt. every owner of a cutting-box ought to keep it locked up when not ill use. 0): rill: SICK Listâ€"Two clear best known villagers, Mr. ll. W. Green and .‘I r. Keith have for rtllllt} time past been ' under Dr. Wilson's careâ€"tho former him of the murder some years ago of a l town. The people were provided with fellow-workman. whom he threw into a l some food and sheltered last. night, bill drain and held there until he was chok- ed to death. Justin McCarthy is pre- paring. should l’arnell go to America, to take his place ill the leadership of the Irish members. A HELPLESS WOMAN ATTACKED. LOSDON, March lS.â€"Lndy Florence Dixie was attacked at Windsor yester- day by two. men disguised as women. Her dress was cut with dnggt‘l's. but she received no injury. Lady Florence was walking in a secluded spot near the woods when two lllL'lI asked her what time it wzls. She replied that she. had no watch, and afterward noticed, tlmiich they wore women's clothes. that. their faces had been shaved. Much nlnvlllt-d she started to walk ttlvgiy, fillthCd by the men, one of' whom scich her. She struggled to escape, but seeing their daggers full in a SWtinll. This occurred at 4 p. in.. and she did not recover hcv senses until 4:45. Lady lt‘lol‘t'nce has been Pl'OSU‘dlctl ln-«ltly. The story of the affair was elicited front her only all intervals. The saving of her life is at- tributh l0 llt‘l‘ St. Bern-lrd (lo-r which it is supposed protected her while she lay ill n swoon. L'ldy Flor ~ncc had no reason to suspect. immediate danger, tll‘ though she htld been soillcwlult ft-tlrflll since the rccz-ipt of letters about the loud league. The lti~t thing she rcnlolll- burs is‘ollo nftlle llicil pushing at quan- tity of lillld into her month. On lIL‘l‘ recovery she found both pzllnls were cut :lCI‘llFS and her gloves severed. There wore two d:t-.gct' holes two inches apart ill the right br ‘llbl- of llt‘l‘ dross. :liltl lllt‘ broad stool corset rib was broken by the weapon, which pcncll'ttlcd to the inner lilting of her dressut the ï¬rst stroke and thc corset at the second. L‘ltly Florence snppo<cs that she uuctinscioli-- ly struggled with the men, assisted ly her dog. until lhe scoundl'cls were Lil:- tllrbctl by a cart passing ill the woods. She received llll‘ClltllllllL' lcttcrs while ill li'clnnd lately. One of the men win-c at gi‘ecii dress and ti large but with it veil. Th.) vcih-tl mun attempted the assassination. No arrests have been made. but the police have a slight clue. It is belleicd that the seiluudrcls were bitten by the dog ill the sli‘uzgle. LATER â€"-L:nl_v Florence Dixie says her head is confused and painful. Site supposes the miscreants stunned llcr. LONDON, Iliztl'cll Illâ€"The Lttdy Flo- rence Dixie :i llil‘ is still puzzling cvcry~ one. Tin-re is no clue to llL'l‘ assailants. A gardener who was working thirty yards front the sccnc of‘ the outrage says he heard nothing llll'l suw nothing of the occurrence. Lildy 'th‘cncu says she called to her hits-hand for help. She states that site should be sorry to lllll‘i- hole the outrage to the Land League. LONDON. Mulch 2i).â€"Ill the [loose of Commons, Sir \Vill. Ilzlrcnurt, rt-ply- ing to Capt. O'Slheu's enquiry, said the police were carefully invostigaltillg the. assault on Ltldy Dixie. The enquiry was owing to the intention of the Pur- ncllite members to press for tin investi- gation b.cnusc of the sli>picions oust upon the Land League ill connection with the case. The police seem to dis- credit. the story of Lady Dixic's. _\ct they are at ti loss for ti solution of the mystery. At the solicitation of inflncn~ tinl friends the Dixie family will drop the affair. â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~o<:> A Fraud Exposed. Some time ago, at :l Spll'illlnilï¬llc Minceâ€"dbl: genuine nl'licloâ€" ll fiery llllllll was seen wnving overhead ill the darkâ€" “055, rushing from end to end of the room with incredibhi swiflness, now high. now low, and occasionally smiliu: people on the check with the cold clam my Contact of :1 corpse. In spite of the lncdililn's stringent. injunctions that. no one should move. a gentlcnnin clnlcllcd this awful apparition as it swept. past him, and, i'cztildlcis of'protcsltltions and threats, refused to ht. it gr. until the lights were lurncd up. Then the mes- Scilgcv from the other world proved to be nothing more supernatural than ll dirty white kid glove, rubbed with plum. llillll'OUS nod stuffed with wet. tow; this. at the end of a thin line, was suspended from n [idling rod convenient for the pocket. Thus the medium could cause all manner of uppalling “ lllalnil'csta- Government has been ronfil‘lned. all the teams are gone. antL any hour may biting a snow storm prcvcnling :lll communicaiiml. There is no lumbsv to be had until teams can be brought. from the valleys. The fire originated in the kitchen of the Forvst House. The water-works were insufï¬cient, and the fire apparatus ill bud condition. .. The Streams Bill Vetoed. The report that want current a few days ago of tile tlirnllnwancc of the Oil- tnvin Streams Bill by the Dominion We have already expresst our opinion on this new insult to this Province fllltl the way iii which it should be met. We rcpt-:tt now wlztt we said then, that no nlnttcr who wins the suit now pending before the Privy Council such a bill as the one disallowed will be on absolute necessity. If Caldwell wins, then the slide owner is without protection and without any moons of either fixing or eollt-cting foes ; if McLurcn wins, then the slide owner can exercise nl-snlutc control over the stream llllll prevent timber from being floated down it ill nll. Such ti slate of lifl'uil's, no mutter how the suit goes. will be intolerable. and the Sit-cams Bill contains the host it-nlcdy ever devised for ovciComillg the difï¬culties of the czise.â€" (Hubs 21st. _..__.__.§ An Exemplary Penalty. The Springfield [flyinfllfcnn says :â€" Tlic law has made an llllllllrtlllt'ublc ex- ample of Henry Fleming, the Brooklyn rich man who broke his promise of lll:ll'- vitlge with Mary Alice Livingston, and tried to escape the penalty by blllckcll- ing the woman's character. There were suspicious circumstances enough to llil\'0 pcrlnlps seriously injured Miss Living- ston's case had it not been for Fleming's offensive bravado ill court of treating seduction as :l trivial and custoninxy proceeding on the port of rich follows like liiillsulf. This brought. tllc czlsc home to the jury closer than the tcsti molly :lZilllle hint, and they imposed it fine almost if not quite unprecedcntcdly heavy. The supreme court: has nmv ronlivmt-d the verdict, and judgment wtls entered for the full amount. of $75,- 000; and the judge in addition gvnllttd bliss Livingstnn‘s counsel $2.000 extra allowance, the hit-gust l'ttmouut. the law permits. I ' The Irish Difï¬culty. New York Post .'â€"â€"'l‘hc policy of the oiztl'cuiti Il'isli party \l'tls'll'flllkly l'cvctll- ed by Patrick Egon here :i day or two ago ton vcpovlcr, when he said that the m we coercion England was driven into the better. They do not want hczilili: legislation at llcl‘ hunch. They do "(i want.reconciliation. They want septi- rnlioll â€" either complete or partial. They know they cannot. got it by force The); hope to get. it by wearing nit English patience. The more alarm. dngiist and fury they cxcilc ill Enin ll breasts, therefore, the butter they ll"I' pleased and they are able to_ l'ccolltile the more tnodt‘lntc of their own cull. - trymcu to their policy by pointing '0 the undeniable fact. that the redress if ll'isll gl'lcvnncl's has always bccn pt'o- cured, not by appeals to the rtn<oll or humanity of I'lllglishmcn, but to their fears. There is little use in trying l0 predict the more remote outcome of this Ill'pl‘ll"ll)ll3 situation. It presents such :1 problem as English stzltesnniuship has never before been called on to Folvt', and no matter what wu ' it is solved, Englishmen must. pay the penalty of lung and now deeply d--plol'ed pl-l'~i-tt.'ll~ cy ill \vron_r doing. [for it is now well established that. political sins, even of past gent-rations,cannot betttoilcd for by tiny l'cpcllluncc. however deep or sin- cere. on the part of their descendants. They have to be cxpinlcd by the lo~s and suffering and inorlilicution of tie children. history of the last century ill llcnl'ly cv- t-ry Country has brought out with sizil't- l ling forceâ€"our own among the number. i l l a l .._. -â€".o¢-â€".-_.._ Wigglns’s Storm. .‘Ir John Webster. a former colllrac This is the lesson which the ' The New Brantford Reaper 3t Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do ï¬rst class work. or no sale. Also, a lnr slack oi‘ Repairifor the Kerby Reaper. RABIES, RAKL‘VIâ€"Agenl fur the llnxwell and the \Yisncr Rttkcs, which have no tqnnls. llaxxs lurnovvn Grain, Grass 353d bower will be given on trial. Emir, and SPRING-TOOTH HARROle and other kinds of llarrows. Agent for Combined Seeders. WHBTEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGONS, CARRIAGES A’ND BUG GIES on hand, all made of well seasoned first class ninterinl. Ebrse~$hoeillg liaising a. Specialty. I": W A good second-hand Reaper for sale. Price, 1*“. 820. Hits only cut 25 acres. S13. l)l“()Rl). Fcnelon Fails. L... OgCaNNQR KEi‘éT STREET LBflDSAV. o PARTIES “‘ISlllNG TO OBTAIN A Light. Strong and Durable Sleigh or Cutter will find it to their ndvilillngc to cull iiild see my work before purchzlsillpr elsewhere. I make nothing bllt fii'si-t-luss work. lelt:tn:lit~l-, :folllt‘l‘.‘ t ï¬lm you woik for less limit I do. llnit the best (“1' (lie r/lcaltth and limit mine are the cheapest iii the end. 1 illllililf‘.tn- tule Buggies and Walggolis that for 'llSt‘ of running and durubility can't be bent. Repairing Done on the Shortest Notice, and Cheap. W Inspection respectfully invited. Lindsay, December 5th, 1882. El. O’CONNOR. -l‘.'-l_v. Central Australia. Uncxplorcd Ausl‘tllia still contains prizes for enterprising travellers. 'l‘ho grout Cullil'ill desert. theory, and many other lllyths, have long been exploded. but an immense lll‘t‘fl. of country rclnnins practically untrndden. In two colonies aloneâ€"South Alhll‘tllltt and Western Australiaâ€"there tire upwards of Sill),- Uflf) equal-c miles of which little or no- thing is known, and ill the llm‘lllt‘l'll peninsqu of Queensland :lnotht-r 10.060 square miles rcmuin unexplored. .lll'. Christin l’ulnlcl'stmi, :1 Government >lll'- vcyor, has just opened up the table binds between the Queensland coast nod Ilcl-bcvtou. He reports that this highly favoured region pGSSCrSCS u flora of in- crt-dible luxul'itlnce, hvontl sheets of wu- tor falling over high bnsnltio prccipiccs, and tho richest. soil ill Austrnlin, mill is inhabited by tribes exhibiting chnrtltg tcvislics which distingllikli them from the other natives of Queensland. Sonic scrub so of lht-m nrc snid to reside in dense that they have never sot-ll Opt'll country. They nl'o ni'illcd, not with spears, but with wooden swords Ire- sclllbliog ill shape the weapons which the Dyulu of Borneo curry ill Lllcll' bend-hunting expeditions. Playing Witll Leprosy. PHILADELPHIA. March 24l.â€"â€"l\ wr‘nl- tlly piniltcr from llle Sandwich l~hlilds who llzld been a leper for eight. years llll< lntcly found lllSWll',’ to l’nilztdt'l- plifa and placed himself nil-luv tll - cure of :t physician llcrc. Tl.†phy I . it nppc:li'.~, has embed a theory of hl‘ t)'t\ll :lbout lt-pl'my which (llllrrs from that of the medic ll fi'lllci'nily gcntrnlly. He holds that the disease is not contzl git-us and can be communicated only by inoculation. In order to prove tho coin rumours of this opinion, it is st'ttml that he started his pzltitrnt. but work on it tour through the United Slalles to kut-p up his gcncrzll llcullll illlil >piril9. I the patient rows the sends of this mm terrible and lllllll'l‘l", if! most ll‘ClllillC , 'lll. It lknown disease wllcl‘cvcr in: only go†the ct nwrplcnccs will not be limited In the disappointment of the Philadelphia doctor ill his theory. .__......â€"_.9 ..._._ _..._-4_ A ondel'ful Woman. .‘Il'l‘. Cntlnlrinc l.)-I.mig «lit-ll sudden-I lv tit llci' hnmc ill Fulton, N. Y . Thur.» dav morning. need 110 years '4' "insults and 3 (bays. .‘lrd. Dollong was born here in 1773. blit left for ()swcgu, N. Y,whcn thl'cc year-i of age, l‘L'Hilllll; ll ll l ll'lnsn-r. White l:ll.)lllll‘ in silpol'st-ding Clliilcso on the Bl‘lll3~ll (lolulnbiat suction of the Canada l’ncilic llnillvny. The whistling cram is spreading n- lllong the women of Texas so rapidly tllzll. the State seems to he one vast cligo of birds. In it county in chudn is a hill of moving sand four miles long, :1 mill) with: llllll from 10!.) to 400 feet high. Within :l fcw yours the bill has ti'ttvt-l- lcnl ll mile. The use of instrumental music ill church sci-vice is. increasing to tllilt ex- tent ill l‘luglnnd tlnit. a few of the lid- vauccd congl ttioils think of introduc- i.lg the hiss cvuln llntl cynlhuls. A lillln scvcn-ycnr-ohl lull, the son of :i ill-wick lilrincv, ilntllcd VJtlllIl Dune, low his life it l'cw filly! ngo through lllo full of n stvnw stnult, bcllcnth which lie \vnn null’ocntcll bul‘nro llnlp could~‘QI‘I‘L‘60‘K"7V"""â€"‘M‘" Al. :i christening in New York OH Sililduy a fight occurred in which knives and i'nzol's \vci'o list-d. .l."l‘llllk Alberto was killed, his limit] hanging to the body by a more shred offlcsh. Antonio um] I". illoo wm'c ‘tll‘rCstotl for the crime. Onc Lilll lt-ll knife thrusts on him, and the other had two. They say that Al- berto attacked them, but. dolly killing him. â€"â€" . -â€"â€"â€"<--vâ€"-o - o»â€"â€"--â€"-~â€"-r~â€"â€"â€"- We have n speedy and positive euro for Cnlnrrh, lliplllln-zitt, Cooker .‘lllllllli lllld ll('1lll Aclln,iu Sllll.llll'h‘ t?.\'I‘.\lllllI Ill'lll- EDY. A Hand Illjl‘(‘ll)l‘.fl‘l:(‘ with (‘llcll hol- l|.c. Iiic it it' you do. no lll'ltllll and Sweet llrt‘lllll. dullll litigant, Wholv-snle nild Ile- lttil Agent. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. l< it not \vnrlli lllf' Slllllll price of 75 em in lime yourself ul‘t-vl-r)‘ ls'l'nllllulll of lht-Io dislln-ssing L‘Ollllilltlllla' '.' ll _\‘lill think to call :it our emu-t- nn-l gut n bottle of Slliloll'a ‘ l'ilullzrr. lit-wry lmllll‘ hurt it printed guilt-- lllllt‘c on it. use nt'cvlrdiiigly llllll if it does you no 1,; mt] it will cost you until ilg. Julln Nugcnl, \l’llolt‘s‘nlc and Item“ Agent. Oh, What u Cough ! ‘.'ill you lll‘("l tile warning. The tignnl perlmp; if the Slllt.‘ llppront'li of lltnl. mler ll'l‘l‘illll.‘ llisluh‘l' (Inniuolptlon. Ark your. selves il' von (:llll nfl'ord for the mike oft-av- ing flu L'f'lli‘ll to run the risk utid do nothing for it. Wt: know from rxpci‘lcilcc tlinl Shl- loh'l. Cure will cure your Cough. It. never f-lilï¬. This t-xplnin'i why more llniii it wil- llnll hhtlhui wt-rc cold the put year. It rc- licvt-s (lroup ltnd Whooping Cough ntollce. llotltl:r-', do not be. without it. For Intmo lwl:,h‘.de or (21ml. its" Shiloh'li l’ornlls Julilt Nllgunt, \‘l'llolccillc Itiid llt- uil Agent. 2.1 A. i r K tell: i: topon'rs I: I5.\' liLl).\' I’A LLS .\I .\ illt' HTS. It’r]»0;f.~l [Ill] .lIt-Ilrmy/ill .j' Ilmmlon. I’cnclml Falls, l-‘ridny, llnrcil 23rd, IBHII If You tract :‘it'llllol nooks. City tllvtit ill METliEnEltb'S. ' t ' ,, . 9 “fly pry [0-], - . â€" - s“) 00 ll) 00 l s \' vi 'r r ,I 0 ‘Cf . I. l! 3'0 I ~ ' - - ' ' t'l‘ I‘L'lllzlllls Will be bl()ll"llb belt: fur; .1 irt lll thou. and» or \‘Ill'llitt'. . Tiltll ale 1‘ muâ€. l)“ ‘ “l “’0 pref '"t' ""lulll L d I. u": I'vth of mu" ï¬lmâ€) I “1"â€. 5 Il'you were ten foot. from your l , _ . . . . ’ " c: t. . .- Charles-slice: is linfrtrplclned at night the mulls between this village and Lind- "ill-H“ ‘ it tell trail! otntlcncr)‘. . “ ' v - " :-: '. it: lxlel - - ’l 90 0 9’.’ lint-gain»; in Pictures-I. 5h,†km} N mu durum, 0f the pupa. , since the Hall lust. and the latter a few ti'nlls " without. rising from his chair.â€" mr of 0mm“, 3",] no“. ",- 9100,64,,“ l.lll:l‘::vl'llll opal)Luinppjllgpï¬thlf 2:20:21? :;,l,i,',,l,,'r h i. x _ _ _$0 93 9;, Lindsar, lltc'r lttlz. l533. J-Sni. ‘ lmtnrs, but» so llll' without. anv lt‘rult (“35 10â€}10'} M"; Grew†‘5 SUfl-Cl‘l"! Lll’mllmԠJ“"""('" | forty-three miles from Regina, writing mine 3‘ †l‘ :l_'.',m'â€l’m "up, dur. , Hurley, I.†tunnel . . . :40 0!. . â€"â€"~â€"â€"-«-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€" 'l'hc hull-luring account will give Suluu l ï¬lm“ :1 WNW-‘3 dliul'mll'le'lllmffll' “‘0 9 -- to Mr. Fi'clerick Climnpncï¬l. ol'Ottti ,'$:‘(,“:';fléldslng":’:‘cri l,|’{;r;'~hc “it. , (yum, ' ‘ ' : "f: u '1‘ him of the li rcc of the explosion :â€"- l duesum 0'11"“5» fwd. Mr- I‘l‘lu' has POOl‘ Bu Honest. city: under (late oftllt: 123th inst , speaks i†“and “(I'vnn‘cvmum' , 1:21,â€. u H : '_ 2 . M 56 L3 . . . l ,mxvnx “Md, 1,; mph“). p“, 0,, had two attacks of quillscy followed by . . ' ._’__ . M. “mm†0' me “orâ€, madman] by Dr, “I. . . _ “I .r t r 07 CHMHM 0“ whoâ€, u _ - _ - m w ‘L """ ; \ycsunimur‘ [he Abbwl Home Mv par. i lllillllllllfll0l‘y‘rllellllilltlslll. They have A Loumvlllc family contributed some \\'iggins :â€"â€"'l'hc storm C(lflllllClle‘.~l on for†E"? “'1†ill. .1 “'1' ' ,mr ,"’1,:_v,,:ubl,l,gv,l ,,,.,. do,“ _ _ . 40 75 l ‘- .' liaml'nt. the. great sllllcllll‘t’! nf‘thc pub- l bum bee? “W'u‘lf ill- b‘“ ““3 fll'ï¬ ,L'lilll Cl')llll'l.'-' “'1' “*0 ll'mll SUll'L'TCfï¬- ll “'3‘ i the 8th iil~t. at noon, and continued "I Thom, TI, “5:?†“whim, rung“; i "NW-Iâ€- l'†“"5†' ' ' 3" “l y 83' . l “c “may uh, dub, ,ml Gwen,†him“ | to hear from the doctortllait they have afterward? rclllcmbcred that in the pot‘k- l with terrible force until 2 u. in. on. the , 3‘?" Lyl‘d", "r"Lil's‘uraudcl‘E‘Lwn a": l Ill-eta. H" v - : '- i ' 6,, “on. “"19"â€,- ghukpu by ,1“, mpg," implored somewhat dating the pttsttwo ‘ ct of a child s garment wac a silk llutld- l 9tt._ win-n it [euclch it. grmmn uni)â€, If n MI "1' â€" {mp ‘1 . bit H Wâ€, l'.)ltl.:I::,lpl"t.' n... I-M-Whm 37 m 89 m V AT METHERELL’S. ; 4",, LN high," TLC duzmflhm “M i or dine tllys. kct-clucl mu, I†pup, mum†name, The Wind blew a, ,1“, mm M 75 my†, sod to llnuwr o . l . rs. I it. “not; per 3,1,1". _ - .I U m w ftlluucd' by the curb of gins.- fulï¬ls; Tlâ€: VICTORIA li.\ll.Y.\i’.â€"-.Durin._. woven upon it. About the same time l m, pmâ€. and the “if was one mm, M , memorycut-lluncdgum up to n: t ..t l.. .4, , . , l l l i v llll'lif explains the extraordinary fuel say have been carried on a sleigh, there. Pâ€sell to have been stolen front tllc you could lll'illlvr stand nor hrt-tltllc in --_..--_-.-..._.. iliiEW ADVERTISEMENT. Buy it (it llI‘iTIIEREl.L'S.: . -.. .. .... .. . . ,lltltl no lives were lost. house. If It?“ wont l‘llrzslmns (ants. It is stated g.-- __ ,.-...-,-._..--..._ . ....‘......_..’..W ulis<ell a diamond ring. which was sup‘ door you could not. find it again, and i ' - - . . ‘ . or having blen no trafï¬c worth mentioning A “2" do!" him" 3" admrlh‘e‘! it without shelter. This IQ the greatest luxtranrdinnry enomtorms and drum. l was holding him and run furiously to l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l v ' , _, illlzll the dinllilitc was placed on the On the Victoria railway. From the 6th "Wit-“as notica'wl giving the "Mlle. storm in n ccntlli-yI believe. In the l in Sclltltpnldtnvc done much thumping C , N." "M" “‘ nhrlmngu‘i Z “hula-sold,-insitlc thc bdustnnlc, whom ; until the 17th inst. the track wasâ€""r the little owner of the silk llal‘lzllitflClllUl- 1 middle of the storm the gun began to; The lug-l Wlllds drove fishing bush nl , lf,fmt tract to Matte bills. ii “A, in,“ “3,â€, bumpâ€, “on†b“. mml “~35 “paged to baseman")- blpckm] and saying that, smoothing of internal ï¬re, announcing that a permit was lost 3 Fillllfln llnrbonr upon. the rocks, nlntlEBy-Lgv’ to close a part of the , My nt METIIERELL‘S. “a,†{rum [he ‘icw n}, Wham passing. 1 “m, wow M p03,,“ 50â€â€œ, of ",3 [raps . could he learned by CJlilllgflflb ti deer;- l in the centre of the ton n. None. how- the Abel-deep . cont ls sin-Inn burp!†2 d c n sion Line - .q. â€"..- ,. n f g The gn-:.t stone bllmlra-lc was obtilt‘r- i but on the hut named day a tlain arriv. . "alc'l 5â€?“ and nulllbcr-_ “10 C3†“:35 ' ever. would venture to the rC-‘C'lc. mi “NOR-"20- ltl‘d‘“! "3m" †3' ‘3 l n cubs ' -h° all?â€mat amtim-ery S'ore' l stormed; the tila~sivc masonry was rent 2 ed here and illailugml to reach IIalihnr- "ladefllltl “llâ€"'d'l‘wuicl’cllltl rt‘u'jd “'llll l they were pfraid of cctttng lost thcul- lofrli'ftl- . . , o†.l , [f 5-0,,“ 3, “up, gm." ,1,“ we municipl ,, xxx: r our. l.l.\â€!1~‘.n'. g in f,,,,_,,,,,.,,,,. ,1", WWW", dummy ', u... that night orvn Sunday. On Mon- ll“: fllum-Wl "Its: “NPPt-‘d UP I" "- 1}"? selves. Alter two hours luml ï¬ghting ,' T‘hc vitality of Justice. J11; ll.}o I“)me 0m", T mum, 0, “mm, ,,,m u ‘ UNI“! XU‘W‘l’" 3"“: ’5‘“- ? and ground to powder. and the wooden i day morning it attempted to return, and l family “'lm had been. all 80 mile!) WINS? with the storm the party got safely in], Deltuyter. Im- 1., Inyblcllllu~1y is lot ,iu nu, mummy†m mm in m. "it." i? 5. maï¬a†ommite blown into splintt'rs. i got. along ltllcl’nbly well until within l“ "W?" “N "M “if!!!†‘0 “'0†"WO- . A large store 50 by 100 feet and two ; while in bed. is regarded as p uranium, of (mmâ€""m, on l ‘i I D ‘1 Inside the Gt‘VL‘I’lllllLlll ofï¬ces there re-l nine or ten miles of Lindsay. when: it i 9’3 I‘ll“ '0'“ c'°"""""~' by “"3 n00d"‘ l “07°59 l'léih ‘35 bim‘" ""97 by “"3 "c'i "“l' “‘3 wasfhn.‘ “inâ€. '19:“ “20' and FRIDAY. THE 25th 0? my: 1583' . S E} ED l imincd nothing but splintered wood. l nail stopped by the fresh snow that bed i Louf‘amc COWIU'JWNWL , mentions gale. .‘Inny 1 small bilallllCK the ball remains in his bum: I’ll: taken 3 “(mad m P“, n km,“ ‘0 do†"a, P", 13' W i l brnkl-n pia‘hl" and “all: bunt thunder. l fallen, and line..- tltczi no train has rcaclt- ' M‘mmâ€" l and “(m-‘05 m“31â€â€! “"h lll° rm“ 0f? ""y “"1" "Owl'h'mm‘ and '5 "inmm' of the line mania},- between the tint and ,, / 559355 cunxluaHAat The doors of the King-«root pollen sta. 1 ed I-‘cnclm Falls. A number of cattle , Sway-get] By Fire, i the storm." til most of thc‘timc. ‘llccords silliwii'o I; "tum, mm“,,0,,lio,,,,om,, 1," mmy,;ud ,1 a 1 My; 33;] W A t 5 lion were burst in by the blast of air,§ and hots-("s belonging no In emigrant? . I . ' > ~---- ' . ,eaï¬e whch Kltll Mic-i a noun cot l ,,,,,,,,,.,, ‘ mm] ’m lieu llltfl'of'lo moat»: m gen H l r J - ~ ~ » f II I ll ‘ “ bu l' l - l P C ' C-l \I l 17 â€"I" . qt Pl le3 IL was celebrated a has broil so low-postponed. _tl.l: preterit {orted mu! betwcwl ‘ ,r__ , .1 Q i a .d the d. tatntntnt pursuit mm: plow; mitt .l l vutttzn lo . :ntto lavc let." , onnsr 11'}, .t .. . are} . . ire, t. . a r I . , . .- . l m 13““.in “ml “any in We “cum, wannhn Isaac}; :ALL'" ONT-l ; llJlul. Kuhn timbers and masses of; detained all this week. to the great an- i on Friday destroyed the entire bus-lilac: throughout the Dominion on batuldny , “ Ill: LOW“, coloured. Inf-‘1 3‘ _†,lb “W , my," “M Mum†In“ "A", w, “‘W""“ 'l“ """V‘ll’; 5‘“ “‘3‘ “wkâ€! stone itch: sci-t dlill: into King street. 2 tivlynitce of the owner, who of Course; [onion of the town. Hundreds tire,é in the CU‘IOHJII’)‘ wilnflf'f. adclphlu 0" 51107435 '0 l’ml‘ “l‘ ",“l' Mural“; in me up; “cum; (uncouth/p): ti". “rim “with hum“ “‘1 1* “m‘m‘fl‘d l The pt-ttplcvmsdn: at l’arliutucnt street i look! to the ruillray company for com- i homeless in the streets. Scott-cl} any- i In a Nevada mining until, now dc. his bare hands and arms and piece Ito it “an ,Wpawd mud ,,, ,,,,, Nun“ '5". l“, C" my... glitch»! .2â€... and a [unicorn and pollution. 3 thing “1" saved, many barely escaping , Exotic-l, which once had several thousand lI btvrrcl one hundred ’lirgfrpts lilo} tori!!! crinmrp'itfsll'isï¬ TLc lluwr'aul tutor...“- cougar, o: l“... , bur-e were flung norms the stilt-lull: a- ' l With their liver. '1 here are no prons lnhubltanin, I'ndians are living ill aban- , minulct for al_wa',:cr0 3-! . I H- . 3,3“? taming?" I duo. Suzi-ind. ' “ gains: the front of the \i'hitehall C.ub, l Russizt’lt proymal to form an interim. lam! in the town except what were cnn. , doucd rows at good brickdtonscv, which , Werethrown into a {mall enclosure, alill 3" Wm" -mcumd Wm Pkm,“h Tl" Cilh*""‘fl1“"0"c\lwl““!l O'C‘M‘ .n which the great plate glass windows? tinnal detective lilicc to operate againstl lained in lleinlzcu's fireproof cellar, { they have adapted to their tastet as for l Items picked up eighty 73â€. bl“ 11" duo Mum d‘“ ’LTT"J""""‘"' ,, , a..." driven in a shutter low the room. l l-‘cnians, Sociali-u ' and Nihilists haul whica is safe. One thousand pounds g as pluniblc hy knocking out the doors 3 not try to plclt up the remain-fer for it. .t. LYTL’II, N E Baguio-re the grtatest mnslcrnztiur‘i been accepted by France, Switzerland l ct'flonr an: {aid to be. all that is cared. and winch we and punching hole-«i in tho i hick of' time. He was bztteu {birth-cit v ' ' 3! L m, ,3 ,., if“; ,'v ., i...“ .- ' jpttfltiiid. Peepl: poured out of the;and Austria. l .‘lncli mfl’crtog must ensue before the ; profs. slim“. once on the hp. «simm- M'ï¬Â» M. p - p ' ,,