w.-. A '1 METHERELL'S- _ The imperial luavqrce Company, of Lon , .migffffi lI'AR M E RS max A. BARRON, ' ' I).H£I:XSTER-AT«LAIV, Lindsay. . r-v- ' ' Aéggulfteu'ihlahrddligament“: Ken); 3 Ea in want of good .‘l.tli’i‘i.‘~' a normks, )ARRISTFZRS. SOLlClTlllF. kc. Mo- or; to Loan at 6 per cent. Oï¬ice, should calls: the i l Kent street, Lindsay, Ont. P. S. Slums. CAMERON LAKE FOUNDRY, where they will ï¬nd a stock of Massey at Toronto Mowers, Massey Harvester 8; Toronto 6. R. Hovxxss. l-‘, I). 31001: I. )Aarusrsa. arronxzr. a somcxra , ) and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ofï¬ce, lien: street, Lindsay, - _,_ _ * Reaper. a nascent a messes, Toronto Cord Binders. ARRISTHRS, Sl'lllltilTORS, kc. Of- Massey Low Down Binders â€" ’ lice, William street, Lindsay. , ’ A. iltesrnu. A. Jacuos. Sharp 51103?“ Bakes: ()‘L may a O'l.EARY, )ARRISTBlts, ATTt'JRSEYS-AT-LAW, ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofï¬ce, Dolleny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. All‘l’llL’lt U‘Lzmv. limit O'Lunr. acknowledged by all who have used them to be the best in Canada. CASTâ€"INGS of all kinds made to order, and Repairs Executed at reasonable rates. 36" $1 per hundredweight paid for scrap cast. iron. * ROBSON & ALLAN. Fenelon Falls, Slurch I-ltb, l883. .‘lcl X'l‘YIll‘} k STEWART. AlllllSTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, )Sulicitora in Chancery, kc, Lindsay. (mice over Ontario flunk. Kent street. Moo m-y to Lonn ul. 3 per cent. on real estate cautitit's. l). J. llclsrrns. Elieftutlmtfolls @oscttc Saturday, April 14th, 1883. Farmers and the N. P. When the National Policy was inaug- urated the farmers found that they were to have themselves mulcted by being obliged to pay 25 per cent. on imple- ments brought from outside. They have patiently submitted «to the exac- tion; nay, more, at the elections last June by a majority sanctioned that pol- icy. Seeing that they did so, a new raid is to be made on their purses by the addition of another 10 per cent. in favour oi'the homc manufacturers. Thus they are compelled to buy from them or pay 35 per cent. duty on all they buy outside the Dominion ; or, in other words, they were obliged at the outset to pay 25 per cent. more for their tools than they could have bought them for, and now they are to pay 35 per cent. Now it iso. rather serious matter for farmers to be taxed for the tools thev work with, and by the use of which they are able to make luruling pay. Specially, too, is its hard matter, as. owing to the shortness of the seasons and the scarcity of hands, it is indis- pcn~iblc that they should have a great variety oi'cxpensivo implements. ‘Thc cost. of n reaper, mower, seeder, hay rake, pluuglls, barrows. cultivators, &c., may, fora farm of 100 acres, be set down as at least $400. A tax of 35 per cent. on that sum amounts to $112.- 70; besides the annual cost of breakâ€" ages and tear and wear, which amounts to considerable, and the renewals for which are also taxed. It seems hard that the farmers here should be thus tuxud while the farmers in Britain can have all the implements they wish fret- of duty. They are also taxed in the house as in the field, for‘jf they’want a sewing machine they are obliged to pay as high a price as they can get it for iron.) the States, besides paying a hen- vy duty. How long they will submit to this remains to be seen. ".l‘is " the last straw that brooks the camel’s back " â€"the last act of oppression that rouscs up thespirit of rebellion, and this ex (In 10 per cent. is likely to rouse up the spirit of resistance to a yoke which i.~ ncavicr than the Autocrat of Russia .lnrc place on his skin-clothed serfs. Tht- prime movers in this additional tuxa lieu of farmers are the agricultural im~ plemcnt manufacturers. It was well rthllL'll known that, notwithstanding their being protected by 25 per cent. duty, u. large number of impleumntt~ were brought from the States. Deem- mg the protection they had insufï¬cient, they quite recently sent a deputation oI some of the least. known of their body to Ottawa to solicit from Sir ll. Tillcy an extra amount, in order to keep out foreign goods and enable them to make their own prices. The intelligence oi their being there and of the object they had in view excitcd a great deal of asâ€" tonishment in the agricultural commun- ity, as well it might. Still more are they astonished at the proposal to add 10 per cent. to the cost of those tools that are nearly as essential to their op- crations us sunshine and rain. Some of them regard it as the wages for work done, on behalf of the party in ofï¬ce, at the recent elections. This cannot be wholly true, as it is well known that they arc far from being one in politics; but. the attempt to make agriculture the milch cow from which all parties are to extract. what suits their own wants, must sooner or later recoil on the heads of those who make it. Farmers hold in their own hands the power to over- throw nny party wll’osc aims are adverse to their own interests ; and when they ï¬nd that they are being called to pay 10 cents extra for a dollar's worth, they are just the men to ask the reason why. And it is almost needless to say that the telling them that it is to suppon Canadian interests will be no reason in their eyes. It is high time that this protection hutnbug was dead and buried. This last phase of it must hasten its dissolu- tion. The additional l0 per cent. dose is too much for the agricultural sto- much. and will infalliny lend to the ejection of the 25 already swallowed. The pretence upon which it was admin- istered by the political quack who it:- ventcd it to gain the spoils of «idiot! is such to be a more piece of Selï¬slltlrm. Their creed. “ Thou shalt love thyself better than thy neighbour," is too but- Tuos. Snwaar. A Mix. A. MCDONALD. TTORNI'IYnt'f-LA W, Solicitor in Chan- : ct'ry, Conveyance-r, kc..&c. Strictut- len'iou girl-n to applications for Patents of Land-i from ('ruwn Land's Department. lioncy toLoun on Mortgage Security on terms in suit borrowers. Uï¬ice, Colborne street. Ft'flt'lnn Pulls. MEDICAL. A. W. J. ill-:(lRAFSI. M. II, UilONBR, Physician, Surgeon, (to, lie. 4 losi'lcnce. Brick Cottage, Wellington strut-t, Lind-my. Wit, Kltllll’T. .\l. D.. C. 3L, ‘l!:.\l'll.'.\’l‘l-I of .‘chill University, Man X trend, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- riuu. Burg-uni uud Obstetrician. Medical Ilcfo-rl-c to thc Standard, l’hmnix. Connecti- cut llilllizll, and Equitable insurance Conl- panies. Ofï¬ce and residence, in the house lately occupied by Her. Father Stafford, nl ithe curncrof Lindsay and fins streets, Lindsuy. lla. A. WILSON. 7‘ ll. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. . . .\l.ll.l."livcrsily of Toronto. .\lcmh. {.‘ol. Phys. and Snrg., (Jul. Physician, Surgeon and Accouchcr. Oiï¬ce,Colbornc street, Fonclon Falls. Ila. J. ll. LOWE. IlYSlClAN k SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of llalihurlon. nab" ()llicc next door to the Ilchrthur Tluusc. llcsidvnce, the house lately occu- pied by Dr. liryson, on May street, Fenclon Falls. SURVEYORS. ) L. Surveyor, Comnisa'ioncr in the Q. ll, . Convcvnnt-er, kc. 'ltcsidence,nnd ud- .dross. Fenclon Falls. ' ' metastases}; mucoxn'mwsrox coUiir 1.\' D THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. The next sittings of this Court will he held on Tuesday, May 22nd. 1833. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk ,.._____â€".___ J. NEELANDS, DENTIST, IJINDSACY. One of the ï¬rm will be at the McAa'ruua llouss. FENELON FALLS on the third Monday of each month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. 359“ Ofï¬ce established in Lindsay ncnrly fifteen years. W. A. COODWIN would say to the readers of the Gazette that he has opened out A PICTURE STORE in Bake r‘s Block, KENT-ST., LINDSAY. Orders for I’ll ALRIIN (A? &c. will meet prompt attention at the lowest honest prices. 3933‘ Agency for the Toronto Stcntn Ilye Works. Goods Bcuullmlly Renovated at very reasonable ï¬gures. 5, ll. Noodles, Mirror Plates. Oil Colour Window Shades, Artists' hinterials and Christmas Cards. i3nrgulusz in l’icturos. Lindsay, Doc'r Hill, 188‘}. 43-31:). lithium Buy tlxcm at METHERELL‘S. if You want Stationery. llny it at MBTIIERHLL'S. I You want t'llrlslmas ('llrds, 1 any them at uETlIElll-ILL‘S. it You want to )1an alas, 3“! n METERRELL‘S. The Cheapestâ€"S-fationery Store. xxx-r s'rnxtr. moan. Lindsay November 30th, 18:23. insurgivcii‘. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, Guam! Insurance and Loan Agem, FENELON FALLS. ONT., represents the folio-dug ï¬rst class comps- eicr. with which business can be transacted "‘32 _ upon the most ar‘untsgeous terms. I The Canada Permanent Loan .t Savings Co try of kusvcs. enough to be deluded by the cry of a The passagr of such a tax as no - have condemned would do Canada in ' l ï¬nite harm in the way of hindering lm- * migration. A country where farmer , 'l‘ L-nmg;“:"*‘*~-x~. V , - ‘ Oleï¬n-l are taxed from a reaper tn the nails in x 1‘ “indenting: Lite Anon.“ ’i'iY"""~‘"-‘I _ 7 h , shoes, and even the mountings W‘s , Wm". vlomï¬m ts ntt One to suit ‘ m We luv-um .u, v 3; l and. eâ€. u l. . .~. .91.... ~-- . to pass current anywhere but in a mum 3 , Those who were simple 2 “bJNL policy of Canada for the Canadians will _ ' I have their eyes opened by this 10 per Somervrllc in consequence of Mr. Pulls cent. dose to are that they were lul as. ,7 action with reference to the township v..~..¢gm.., -. ,,__._ y-.." theirlives in ignorance of such grind- , ing cxsctinns. Very naturally they will i go anywhere but there. i The Trent Valley Canal. Owing to the unfavourable weather l during the past winter the work on the canal in this village was not prosecuted , s: vigorously as it would otherwise have 2 been; but. as many men as could be ad- ! vantageously employed were kept cou~ stantly busy. except for a few hours at n time, when it was too stormy for them to remain out of doors. Still, consider- able progress has been made, and from the west side of Colborue street to the river (between which points the opera- tions have been conï¬ned for the last three months) there is a yawning chasm from twenty-live to thin feet deep for about half its length. he stone taken out has been got rid of in various ways, a good deal having been removed by persons who intend building; but an immense quantity has been used in ï¬ll- ing up the gully behind the post-oï¬ioe, where such a change has been made that a person who had not visited the spot since the canal was commenced would hardly recognize it. The shal- low excavatiou above where the locks will belocatcd has been nearly full of wa- ter; but it is now draining oil’. and we expect that in a very short time work will be resumed “all along the line." There are new four derricks employed to lift out the masses of rock, which are drawn away by means oi wooden railways, and a good many men and horses are at work ;- but the scene is nothing to what it will be in a few weeks, when the number of workmen will be doubled, if not quadrupled, arid a powerful steam engine, or perhaps two, will be kept busy pumping water out of the out. ' ,_ How soon the Trent Valley Canal is likely to be completed we do not pre- tend to know. The late estimate con- tained the sum of $18,500 in addition to that already voted, yet there is no provision made for letting new con- tracts, and we can only hope, with the Peter-borough Review, that the supple tncntary estimates, when brought down, will contain the necessary provisions therefor. The Exumimr is very indig- nant and says : “ The action of the Government shows that there is no real intention of proceeding with the work as though they meant to have it com- pleted. * 3‘ Patching dams and slides at Buckhorn and Burleigh and Fenelon Falls won’t. constitute the Trent Valley Canal. If the Government was in earnest, would so much time be lost and fooled away ? The canal scheme is practicable. We want the canal; but it. will never be built as long as its con- struction is trusted to Government prom- iscs. Whatever expenditure there has been on the scheme is properly charge- able to capital (political) account, and this is the explanation of all the delay and all tllc trifling with this important work.†l The .Wai'der. The Lindsay Warder distorts our rc-. marks concerning Mr. Fell with its; tisu- nl ingenuity and disregard of that csti unable virtue which was once said to have been lost in a well; and there can- not bc the least doubt that our contents porary's share has been lost so effectually that it can’t. be found again. Happen- ing to take up Martin Chuzzlcwit the other evening it opened at the 44th chapter, which commences as follows : " It was a special quality, among the many admirable qualities possessed by Mr. Pccksniif. that the more he was found out, the more hypocrisy he prac- tised. Let him be discomfortcd in one quarter, and he refreshed and recom- penscd himself by carrying the war into another. If his workings and windings were detected by A. so much the great- or reason was there for practicing with- out loss of time on B, if it were only to keep his hand in." Now, by simply substituting the War- Ilcr for Mr. I’ccksniff, and mendacity for hypocrisy, we have as good a pic- ture of the Lindsay tory organ as can possibly be drawn; and, such being the case, every rational reader will share our opinion that it is simply a. waste of time and a squandering of eloquence to reply to any of its little animadvcrsrons. m Cameron. ( Correspondence of the Gazelle.) PERSONALâ€"Mr. Cook, who was se- riously ill, is recovering. OPENlel.â€"Our village and neigh- bourhood want a shoemaker, as the one who was here has- gone. There is a good opening for an industrious man. ESTERPRISING.â€";‘lr. Nathan Day is on a trip to the States to purchase a Percheron stallion. .‘lr. Day is a good horseman, and he will no doubt bring home a good horse. Norrisâ€"Roads very bad. Measles are making inroads amongst the young- sters, but no fatal cases yet. m .DENTAL.â€"Pcrsons wishing to see Mr. Neclands, dentist. will please call at the .‘chrthur House on Monday. the l6th inst., immediately after the arrival of the train lrom Lindsay. Tut: PULP MILLâ€"We are glad to hear that all difï¬culties with regard to the pulp mill have at length been over- come, and that work on the building will be commenced almost immediately. Cor Two or Tunaâ€"We have al~ ready got two of the three new subscri- bers we salted for to compensate us for the loss of Mr. Fell. and the other will soon come along. Oi course if it be the " opiniup of the public that we have un- dervalued .‘Ir. Fall. and ought to have a dozen in place of him, we shall not A Rnnrns IN Scrum-ler -â€"We - hear that there is a regular rumpus in treasurer. So for. we have been una- ble to gut the particulsrs; but it is ru~ moored that lawsuits (and pmsibly black gyro) will be the result. It was only {fortnight ego that I. said Mr Fell he‘ ad and» a great mistake. and to fancy lie is of the same opinion by this detox, l ‘t l A Nice 'l'nltltx- “r. W. H. Simp recourse to cold water and sticking plas- son, of the Simpson House, in this vil~ . tor before he could go back to work. i l l l loge, has purchased a team of pretty little cream colored homes from some person near Bobcsygeon. Rumour has it that they are intended to draw a ’bus; but Mr. Simp' n tells us that he has not yet made up his mind whether to run one or not. Vasrar Maurizioâ€"At the sdjonrn‘ ed vestry meeting ofSt. James's Church, held on the evening of the 9th inst, Dr. Lowe, of this village, and John Catto, Esq, of Toronto, were elected lay delegates to attend the Synod, which meets in June. The report. of the churchwsrdens, Messrs. Austin and Nie, who were reâ€"elected, was very satisfac- tory. Snow R0031..â€"-Me35rs. Robson at. Al- len, of the Cameron Lake foundry. have just. put up a wooden building 16 by 40 feet at the corner of Colbornc and From cis streets, and will ï¬ll it with samples of the’ various agricultural implements which they manufacture or in which they deal. The idea is a good one, as they have long felt the need of a show- room nearer thc business centre than the foundry is. Gn'frmu Baumâ€"k week ago Mr. Greene was so low-that it was generally believed he could not possibly recover; but on Sunday 01-, Monday he took a turn for the bettewaud has continued to, improve so steadilyLl‘hac there are now strong hopes oi his’getting well again. Mr. Keith, \Vllqie illness was much less dangerousjtha ‘ Ir._.Greeuc's, is getting along very nicely, si‘ud he will probably soon beam. of therghouse again. We hope yet to have litany a social chat with the one and many a good humored spat with the other. A FATAL Jopasmgzâ€"One day last ' wechga red squirrel climbed to the top ofa box car in the train about to leave Hali‘burton and rode all the‘ way to Fell‘sstation in Somerville, a. distance of needy forty miles, where some of thc train hands tried to catch it while the engine took in water. The little ani- mal was too nimble for them, however, and after a lively chase dodged under the ear and hid amongst the gearing ; butjust as the train started it sprang down upon one of the rails and was in- stantly crushed to death by the wheels. Busrvsss UHANGES.â€" Messrs. Mofl'at &BIcFarlsnd’s six ycars’ partnership, as grocers and bakers, will expire on the Isl: of May, and on that day Mr. McFarland will commence business in the shop owned by Mr. Cunningham two’doors north of the poslroflicc. Mr. J. J._Powcr has. rented the premises. next door to the (lose/{c ofï¬ce. at pres. ent occupied by the ï¬rm. and will have a stock of groceries ready to open out as soon as they leave. Mr. Mofl'ut will possibly continue the baking business; but has not. yet decided whether to do so or not. THE Parmesanâ€"It will be. seen by the petition against the election of Mr. John Full, published in another column, that charges of corrupt prac- tices are brought against the member elect himself, and if he is convicted he .will out. unly.bc.uusc_lited but rendered ineligible'for reelection for scvcra years. Whether he . will be able to clear himself or not we do not venturt to predict; but if all we have heard, 0| only part ofit. be two. there will be-m difï¬culty in proving that not a few ol his most prominent supporters havu been guilty of direct bribery, whicl. will of course be suï¬icicnt to void lllt election. ' A Boncn‘usox ITEM.â€"Wc are al- ways glad to see any of our old Bobcay- goon friends, and as Mr. Wm. Bick i.- ouc of them. we were pleased when In walked into the ofï¬ce it few days ago especially as he renewed his eubSOI’lp tion to the Gazette. Happening to ask him how business was he became our thusiastio, and said that. he expected to out three and a half millions of shingles this season, and had sold all he could turn out. to American purchasers, at $3 50 per thousand lor ï¬rst claSs and $2 50 for second. These prices. which may almOSt be termed "fancy," lll‘Ol’t' that the reputation borne by the Bob- caygcou shingle mill is not undeserved. PERSONAhâ€"lllr. R. C. Calhoun, who has been for the past eleven years in the employ of Messrs. Greene 3: Ellis as bookkeeper, left It‘cnelou Falls on Tuesday last, having accepted “ better terms †from H. R. Rathhun & Son, of Doseronto, than he could obtain here. Mr. Calhoun expects to be sent to Gan. unoquc, where his new employers have large mills, but his family will remain here for the present. His engagement was entered into previous to Mr. Green's illness, or he would not have lclt at the present crisis. M r.~.VY; L. Robson, who is a good book-keeper and has had some experience in thc'lumbering business. ï¬lls the vacancy created by the depart- ure of Mr. Calhoun. ' ' A SMALL EGG.â€"-_For years past there has been a rivalry amongst the most. am- bitious hens in Ontario with regard to eggs, each one trying to lay the largest on record ; but a banlom hen three years old. owned by Mr. ll. Dcyman of this vilagc, being desirous of distin guishing herscli, and knowing her ina- bility to produce a big egg. has endos- vored to acquire lame by laying a sur- prisingly small one. It is perfectly lormed and has a strong shell, but weighs only 68 grains, or less than one- seveuth ol'an ounce amthecary's weight. .‘lr. Dcyman should try whether it will hatch; for it might produce a Lillipu- tisn chicken that would take ï¬rst prize wherever exhibited. Cur Br A Smart-JIM work of breakin: Ftone on Colbnrne street, which had to be discontinued when winter set in. was resumed on Monday last. stone, which sll came out ol the canal, is of excellent quality and so hard that when. after repeated blows. it yields to the pert-nations ol the hammer. the fragments sometime: fly with great force ’ and fury in all directions, occasionally breaking a store window. or giving mmc one s stinging blow on the lace. It is not often that an actual wound is in- flicted. but on Monday morning Mr. Wm. Drake, one of the men employed l l I seem: In insinuation or their not being sl- Thc a Government to withdraw it at once, and, u l n ‘~ the last day of the month preceding the one l i s .‘ on the mod, was rtruck with such fin. . lcnce near the inner earner of his left eye that “tn-Hood ~“Lio.-n . feet stream, and be was fated to here i l Mt 'edi' She said she found more pain or _.boilcr m_n_st_bc,-put in before othei bod- .ics can be recovered. ; together trustworhy. it would. l humbly I mat to by private bankers. An Hotel Horror. Gasasvltne, Tex.. April 7th.â€"The Ende hotel. a three-storey brick. fell with a. terrible crash at midnight. Thir- teen persons were crushed and burned in the ruins. The piteous wails of/the imprisoned and burning victims. to whom bands could render no assistance, were hemtrcnding. The following bus- iness ï¬rms were burned out :â€"J. Arm- sted, hardware, K. Lcipstein. agricultu- ral implements, and J. J. Casper, ms~ chincry. Up to 4 p. m. the charred remains of four victims had been recov- rr-d ; they were simply chunks of burn- e-l fle<ll and bones, totally unrecOgniza- ble. The business houses are all closed. Dealer in Al A large stock ofJohn Whyu: & Co.‘s No. 3 to clean, or no sale. Grass Seed Sewer w A Wedding Ring Wound. A somewhat singular accident oc‘cur- red this morning. As a middlemged widow lady from the country was slight- ing from a sleigh on Notre Dame street, her footslipped on the ice, and falling. her go‘d wedding ring out her ï¬nger to the bone. The ring was old, and had worn rather sharp on the edge. The subject of the unusual mishap went to the Notre Dame hospital, where the ring was ï¬led oil and the wound dross- WAGGONS, CARRIA on hand, all made of well so Horse-Shoeing 'fl 1?. heart than pain of ï¬nger. believing it to be an omen that she would not suc- ceed in getting another husband, on which she was naturally more or loss in- techâ€"Montreal Witness. A Drummer I Fenced; A smart travelling man from Chicago tried to paralyze a dining room girl at a leading hotel here, during the snow blockade. At dinner one day he order ed “sponge soup," and †quail on fence." She went to the kitchen and got a quail and built a fence on the plate, out of kindling wood. Then she got a piece of sponge from the bath-room and put it in the soup, and served his order in the presence of several other travelling mun, who gave him the grand laugh. The wise landlord charged him a dollar extra for serving articles not on the bill of fare, and it cost him six dollars for cigars and drinks, to keep the matter quiet.-â€" ll’uI/certmt Tcleswpc. In every variety, adapted to th Baby Carriages, Porambulut W Repairing done quicl L. 0’0., having had 34 ycuis' experience Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough Mcdiniue we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Group and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of consump- tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its ï¬rst discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can‘ stand. if you have a Conin we carn‘es‘tly unit you to try it. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and :51. If your Lungs a’rc sore, Chest or Back lame, use Shilon’s Po- rous Plaster. John Nngcnt, Wholesale and Retail Agent. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion} constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cls. We sell them . Shiloh’s Vilnliï¬er, guaranteed to cure them. John Nngent, Wholesale and Retail Agent: sulLon'B ca'r‘mmï¬ REMEDY. Amar- velous cure for Cutnr'rb, Diphtheria, Cuukcr Mouth and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nusu‘l Injector, for the more successful treatment of these com- pluinls, without extra charge. John Nu- gcnt, Wholesale and Retail Agent. Terrible Mining Accident. Noawsv‘, Mich, April ll.â€"~At Kee- leridge Mine, Menomcnee‘lf-ungc. Mich- igan iron district,’ycsterday, ninety feet of ground between the m'a'ini'enginc- house and No. 1 shalt caved in. The engine-house, in which there were nim- men and all the mine machinery and four large boilers, Went down'one to two thousand feet. All the men were killed outright or buried alive, except Edward. Wicks, who went down a hundred fcet. and then remained onthc top of tilt' debris, with a leg broken at the thigh and one of his ribs fractured; His l‘l- covcry is doubtful. The pump and It will take a week or more. - A salnnn lio' tise‘ in the cities of Ne brasku costs $1,000. The proprietors of the London Daily Telegraph forward a copy of their pa- per every day to the Queen, printed on ~:llln. It is said that political police have be -n added to the London detective l‘IIAJtlIKET RJCI’OIE'ES FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by lilo/lougall Brandon. Fenclou Fulls, Friday, April 13th, 1883. . . . . . - v - _ _ - 3 area. sunllar to the or-vaulzatlons in “bent, full. Per bu=hCl 5" 9° 0 Berlin and Paris 5 MIN“. SPI‘IHK. “ ‘ ’ ' 0 9†-'~‘ ' , , llnrley, per bushel - - - 40 (15 The new Srcct Railway Station at Outs, u u - - - - 40 ‘ 42 . . . . ' 1 Birmingham. lungland, Is to be mad: Pause, “ “ - - - - (’50 6" . . . ' . ' ' . ltye “ “ - - - ' "0 5G ‘ the largest railway station in lllt P l:mfl “ 1,) 4., - u - - - - ‘ v world." it Will coycr 11 acres. 1., Cgbbngo’s) per doz. _ - _ 4,, 7;, The cost of clearing the track of the 0mmâ€, p0,. m,le . . - 30 4o [ntcrcolonlul Railway of snow last win. poets, n - . - - 30 . - - l6 Ilultcr, per 1b., - - Dressed Ilogs, per 100 lbs, 87 50 $3 50 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - l'.’. 13 iluy, per ton. - $10 00 to $12 00 tor was $38,000, exclusive of $14,000 0 ml; of repairs to snow-ploughs, making the total $52,000. Suow-ploughs were run 832.600 miles. The London Standard says that the â€â€˜ petitions presented to Parliament in fa vor of the Manchester ship canal meas- ure ten and a, half miles long, and weigh seven hundrorlweight. It also says they contain 200,000 signatures. BIRTIâ€"IS. In Fenclon Falls, on Sunday, April lat, the wife of Mr. Henry Junkin ol‘n eon. In Bohcuygcon. on Thursday, April 51h. the wife of Mr. William Bick ofa daughter. In Fcnelon Falls, on Sunday, April 8th, the wife of Mr. J. W. Graham ofa son. lnthe Elurlnl Appeal inrflniaiiu. THE CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS ACT OF ONTARIO. 'lcction for the Electoral District of the North Riding of the County of Victoria, holden on the Twenty- ecvcnth day of February. one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty three. commoNrcarioNs. To the Editor of the Frnelon Fth Gascm. Sin,â€" I beg leave to call your attention to the following clause in the Postal Savings Bank notice to depositors: “ The post-mus- ter‘s receipt given in the dcpositor’s pass book is not of itself sufï¬cient without the Post-Master Gencrul's receipt from Otta- wa." I understand this to be an intimation that Government does not hold itselflin- bio for the sums paid by depositors to postâ€" masters until the Post-Master General sends the depositor a. receipt. If I am correct in my view, then it follows that any sums paid by depositors tq a post-master are at their own risk as to his honesty, but not at the risk of the Government, whose servant he is. Should he pocket the money and clear 06', the depositor would be the loser, not the Government. l apprehend this point requires only to be brought to the no- tice of the public, and were that done. some distinct understanding as to the position of _ , . . um Gonnmmmon u,“ mu," "in be hid lure Assembly of the [rumour of Ontario. before it in good time [desire here to ex- 3. And your petitioner any: that the can! plain that i am under no apprehension as John Fell. before. during. at. and after lbtri to the general integrity and honesty ofsny I laid election. by himself. his agents, and; The petition ofJntns lllcxsox, of the r‘il- loge of Fcnolou Falls, in the county of Vic- lorin. Provincial Land Surveyor, whose name is subscribed, showeth as follows :â€" 1. That your petitioner is n pcrrnn who voted and had a right to vote at the above election. 2. Your priiï¬oncr states that the said election was holden in the above Electoral District as follows: Thr nomination on tho l twentieth day of Fcbnlsry. A. l). lRfl.’l.’an-ll the election on the twcnly-r-«rrnlh day of February, 18.83, at which election Ssnlnel Stanley Peck and John Fell \n-rc the can-. didntcs, and thr- returning officer has re- turned John Fell, the respondent hereto. as being duly elected a member to rI-prenent the said Electoral District in the Legisla- postomaster, and therefore do not intend ) by other pcan on his behalf and in his, interest. and with his knowledge and con- sent, was and were guilty of corrupt prac- tices as deï¬ned by the Election Act of Oil-l Isrio and by the Connor-cried Election Act think, be more respectful on the part of , of Ontario: and the Mid parties were and, each of them was guilty or other illegal, other bankers do, accept the responsibility l acts and practices at mid election, contrary} of the acts of their salaried olï¬cinll. An- .‘ to the Smlutu in that behalf. _ 3 other point may be have taken notice on; L 1m.“ ,uch corrupt practices and other ‘nd w“ 9 lb“ "’9 P°“‘l 8"“? B""lk- l illegal sets and practiun alrelcd the I'C-I. l t to hint a suspicion of them. But as the clause to which I have made reference by 0'â€! PMâ€: “nu?†rw‘, ll“ 5'“ on“? roll of the Mid election ; and the said ell“? next month after the din-post! it made until ‘30,, ï¬nd ramâ€, 35 in f,“ “"1 in 1“ ‘ mm, when it is withdrawn, is Ictuslly playing into the hands of other bunkers. This, in the interests of the public, is to be regret- I ted. lot it would be both to the advantage I of Government and the security of depos;l- I oas that the spare fonds of the community . were u liberally dealt with by the Govern- ? ing elected or returned at tsid'elecxion. Wherefore your petitioner prays that it may be determined that. the said John Fell, lh- rrspon lâ€" ent, was not tilll)’ elected or In. turned. and that his said election , was and is void. unites DICKBON. Petltloucr. Yours in , 'Verulsm, l’llb, lyï¬ï¬‚li’mmgk‘lmwmaim“) 38‘ A‘ good second-hand Reaper for sole: ._ ,mwfllc 7,“ r. SANDPORD, _ 1 kinds of ' FARM IMPLEMENTS. â€"â€"_-_.~ PLOUG us i. ï¬ctions ! nunoko‘ S’l‘ESL rtonuus. guaranteed- Also, two kinds of GANG PLOUGHS. Points and Soles ol difltlh‘ ent makes always on hand. A gent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do ï¬rst class work. or no sale. Also, a lsr “Wk 0’ R‘Pal"f°' “V 1*be limp"- RAKES, RAKES!-â€"Agent for the Maxwell :3 the Wisuer Rakes, which have no equals. Muss luraovnn Gram, PMâ€, gut, ma ill It given on‘ trial. SPRING=TOOTH HARROVVS ‘ and other kinds of ilarrows. Agent for Combined seedâ€. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE. {be best in the market. X large stock of CBS AND BUGGIES uson‘cd ï¬rst class material. & J iibbing a. Specialty. Price, $20. ' line only cut 25‘ acres. SA N 1)]3‘ORJ), Fenalon Falls: L. O’Connor, Carriage Maker, Kent Street, Lindsay, has now prt‘pnred, ready for Spring Trsd‘c, n‘splcndid new stock of BUGGIES. PHJETONS. DEMOCRATS 850.; c forthcoming scuson'. Also~ ‘WAGGONS WITH; ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; Every artlclc leaving his shop is warranted or the best materials and. workmanship and‘ examined by Iu'nistlf. ors, Express quggons, &c., just to bond in all/rshi‘onr. Solo agent for the celebrated Montreal Buggy Top, the be,†cheapest and mos! durable in the Dominion. (13', neatly and cheaply. in his trade. reliance may be placed in bitil‘.‘ AUCTION SALE _o|.-_..‘ VALUABLE PROPERTY FENELOI‘lFAL-LS: I haie received instructions from Mr. Wil-‘ lium Marshall to sell hy public auction at tho “ lch'rthur Ilouse," Fcnclon Fnlis, IN 2 o’clock p. tit. i" On Wednesday, April 25th, 1883,- thc undormcnlioncd vnlnuhle properly: A two-acre Lot, Well fenced, at. the fool of Jordan's hill. A half-acre corner Lot on Fldlcr’s hill. A half-acre Lot and w Frame House on‘ Murray street. " A quarter-uch Lot and a Frnmo Iloul‘o" on King street. 'J.‘ernns.â€"Tcn‘ per cent. ol‘â€tlie,.ï¬\lt‘? chase money tlqun, and the rc'inliliidcr it! two equal nn‘uunl instalments, with six per“ cent. interest. , JAMES J'. POWER, Auctioned-z ‘ Fenclon Falls, April 4th, l8_83'. 7-2. 7munSiiiiWFrsamar. By-rLuW to close a. part; of the 2nd ConceSSiou Line. Notice is hcrr-hy given that the municipal council of the 'l‘ wnship of Fcnclun will at its next meeting, to be held in the village' of Cameron, on FRIDAY. THE 25th or MAY. 1883} proceed to pass it hy-lnw to close that part of the line running between the ï¬rst and second concessions opposite lot thirty, and to open a road in lieu thereof to run from the present forced road between lots twen- ly-niue and thirty in the second concession to tho quarlcr line between lots thirty and thirty-one in the said second concession; said proposed road to run parallel with the concession line and West of Mr. Robert Slu- plos’s buildings on said lot thirty in the sec- ond concession. All parties interested will please tnlto dnc notice. II. J. LYTLE, Clerk. Cnmhrny, March lGlh, 1883. 5-4 16. II A ‘V, llill’llllill ll Blllllllll, FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute nll orders with which he may be favoured, lrom CONTRACTS Hill BUILDINGS lo the sinnllrst john nl carpenter work, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction in every case. DOORS & WINDOW SASII IanII' to order at short notice, of good DI. lctinl. and at rrnsonnhlc prions. W “'Ul'k-xllup on Francis Street Rut; rcsidt-nce on lloml Street East. EDWARD HAW. Ft-nclon Falls, Ocl'v Nth. lllilZ. ill-if. 13. 1) \VA. 12.1)8’ OLD-ES’I‘ABIJSHED Livery Stable. The subscriber rt'tnrna his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him durng the you aim- yearn. and beta to in- form the public that they can obtain First Class Horses and Jllgs. any hour of the day or night, at his stable On F‘rnnclu Street Ernst. at very moderate charges. W Connnrrc'al travellers and their lug- gage coon-yell utfely and expeditiously to lacy desired point. The tuba-crib" never had a stohlelul of better horses than at present. Come and election; and the Mid Joan Fell has hyilry them. reason of the nine become incaptbll: of lie-i E. It. EDWARDS. Feuelon Falls, Yeb'y 24th, l882. (oi-t1. l A We have a speedy and positive cure for l Cat-r11, Diphtheria. Canker flood: and ; lien-1 Admin SillLIJll'S CAT/limit REH- :rznr. A nusl Injector free with each but- 3 the. Use it if you dealt: health sad one†breath. Job}: N at. \i’hol-ulo and ï¬n-u [lull Agent. I,‘ ,‘i