13; ..-p M. .w .gr’ .v â€"â€"â€"_..___...._._ LEGAL kc. _ 24th in Lindsay. JOHN A. BARRON, __ B .iRRlSTEwAT-Latt' Lindsay. ' cc l ' on Kent Street, next d’oorwutof Kgfh's‘ B, w. " - : Agricultural and Implement Store. 2 l t ‘ ' . “'1' . Visitors to LINDSAY are invited to call JARTL‘ & “ophthsi land inspect my large New Stochjust pur- BARRISTERS. SOLICITURQ, kn. 3f0~' chased, of gold and silver ney to Lnnn at a per cent. Dfï¬ce,l ‘WATCHES, Kent street, Lindsay, Ont. _ 6. fl. Hamâ€. -â€"andâ€" i P. S. Mums. FINE GOLD EEWELLEEY; F, D. MOORE, BARRISTBR, ATTORNEY, & SOLICIT?! and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsey. . Hi} DSl’l'lTll (c JACKSON, BARRHTERS, SOthJlTORS, kc. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. licosrmn. . O I invite particular attention to my 0, FINE 86L GHAINS and LOCKETS, newest patterns and styles. In Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings and En- gagement Rings I show the best in town. I also show a very ï¬ne new assortment of gold and silver Waltham Watches, and the new dust-proof and water-proof casesâ€"all styles. These good; are all ï¬rst class, guaranteed as good an represented, and will be disposed ot‘nt as low prices as reli- able goods can be sold anbeere. W If you are a stranger in Lindsay, inquire for my place; anybody can tell you where it is. G. W. BEALL. The Practical ll'nlchmakrr .j- Jeweller ‘ or uxnsav. FARMERS ln want of good Harvesting Implements should call at the CAMERON LAKE FOONERY,» where they will find a stock of Massey & Toronto Mowers, Massey Harvester & Toronto Reaper, Toronto Cord Binders,- llfaSSey LOW Down Binders, Sharp’s Horse Rakes, acknowledged by all who have used them to be the best in Canada.- A. J acusos. O'Ll’IARY 1k. O'l. IARY, BARRISTBIKS, ATTORNEYS-ATALAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Office, Doheny illock, Kent street, Lindsay. , Anrncn (Timur. Ilt'ou O'Leanv. )lcl NTYRE ck STEWART, PARRISTERS, ATTORNEl’Sâ€"AT-LAW, ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc., Lindsay. Office over Ontario Bank, Kent street. )loâ€" any to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate ccurities. I). J. liclsrrnz. Tuna. erwaur. A LEX. A. MCDONALD, TTOItNEY-A'I‘-I.AW, Solicitor in Chan- ; cery, Conveyance-r, kc...kc. Strict at: tention given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Land on Mortgage Security on lcrmt to suit borrowers. Office, Colbornc street, li'euelnn Fails. MEDICAL. [iv].- 3£61ifi$§17 31.3? " FORONER, l‘hysiciun, Surgeon, kc, &c. J Residence, lirick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. Wit. KEN PT. M. D., C. M., ‘lRADUATE of llcflill University, lion- I troul. and Provincial Licentiate. Physi- cian, Surgeon uml Obstetrician. Medical llcfrrt‘c to the Standard, I’htenix, Connecti: cut .\lutu:1l,und Equitable Insurance Coin- pnnies. Office and residence. in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner-othiudsay and Rus streets, Lindsay. , Du. A. WILSON, A lt.UNlVl-IRSITY of Trinity College. CASTâ€"ENGS . M.B.Univcrsily of Toronto. )lenlb. . , . . Col. Phys. and Surg., Ont. Physician, or “11 km‘ls made ‘0 order: mm I I Surgeon and Accnucher. Ofï¬ce,0ulborne Igepuil-s ].‘xecuted street, l’cnelou l’ulls. at reasonable rates. 3233" Si per huntlredweight paid for scrap csst iron.’ I ROBSON & ALLAN. Fenelon Falls, March Nth, 1883. Du. J. ll. LOWE, IIYSICIAN k SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of fluiihurton. 55)“ Office next door to tht.I McArlhur Ilouse. lesidcuce, the house lutcly occu- Glu fenclmt £1115 (5013i:le :plrtl by Dr. Bryson, on May street, Fenelon Fails. Saturday, May 19th, 1883. Removal of the Gazette. - J.\ )1 ES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Com missioncr in the Q. IL, . Conveyancer, kc. Rcsidcncc,and ad- .dress. Penelon Pulls. The next. issue of the Gazette will be printed in the front. part of the bhild- log occupied by Mr. l‘luw on Francis street east, where our friends will ï¬nd us until further notice. The space soâ€" cured is so insufï¬cient that we shall work under great. difï¬culties ; but. we hopc'it will not be for more than five or six weeks, by which time our new Of- ficc, already commenced, will probably be far enough uquucod for us to move into it. The necessity of hurrying out. this week's paper ahead of time, in or- der to move on Saturday, rendered it impossible for us to write anything but this notice aud a fair number Of local items. ' AMISGELLANEOC‘ST“ J. HEELANDS, ‘DENTIST, LINDSAY. One of the ï¬rm will be at the MoAn‘rnuu HOUSE, FENELON FALLS, on the third Monday of each month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury, or no charge will be made. 565" Oflico established in Lindsay nearly ï¬fteen years. AT ME'l‘I-IERELL’S. Bill infill Will AT METHEHELL’S. 'â€" If You want School Books, Iluy them at llETlIERELL‘S. If YOu want Stationery, lluy it at liETliEflELL’S. If You want Christmas Cards, lluy them at lll-i'l‘liERl-ILL'S. It’ You want to Make (ilt‘ts. Iluy m METIIERELI.’S. Somervilloâ€"Council Proceedings. The Council met the 30th of April, 1883, pursuant to adjourmncut; the , members all present and the rccvc in tho chair. The minutes of last meeting l were read and passed. The account of W. fl. Robertson, proprietor of the Pe- terborough Times, for printing, and the application of Frederick Train, of Kin- mount, for the ofï¬ce Of township treas- urer, were laid before the council. Moved by Mr. Rumne ‘, seconded by Mr. l’evduc, That this council, having heard Mr. Wm. Wilson as regards ex- penditure incurred in caring for and maintaining one Georg-.2 Reid, an indi- gent person, resolves that this council grant to Mr. Wilson the sum of eight » dollars for core and maintenance of the i said George Reidâ€"Curried. , Moved by Mr. Graham, secnndcd by V .‘lr. Sudduby, That the collector be 31- l lowed the following abatemeuts from! the roll of 1882: Thomas Baker. Jr.,; l The Cheapest Stationery Store. KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Lindsay November 80th, 186'}. Misc @NCE. General Insurance and Loan Agent, FENELON FALLS’ ONT" part. of north part of south hall of lot 1 1 represents the following first'oluss compudI con. 13’ 53 H ; George Cuulmn "Om, mes. with which business. can 10 tmnsuc e i hurl com 3' s _; Daniel Fitzpal. upon the most a.‘\untageuus terms. , _ ' . t A“ i m. ‘ The (‘aunda Permanent Loan .k Savings Co, “tbs "07m lmlt 1" 00" 3. OJ) H 1 JOIN] l l l The imperial Insurance Company, of Lon ' Gardiner, south half Ill con. 12,, ‘2 14; dun. England. Robert Wallace, lot 15 con. 6. 59 ll; ; The Citizens' insurance Company, ofCana- “My McKay. “6,; Equal], 5,“, "i mu] l g l l da Fire un.l.~lrr1§lrnt. S C _ - v r, _ s, , _ ‘ obocouk oil) 08 JR. I misc) west. ‘ . ., E l of. ‘ . ‘ ’ t ' . The Lam-ashtre insurance (‘0 of 02a i F3“ 0' “served ncn,‘ “on, range 39! 1 I Tl I? led ratim Lite Association OfCuu- _ , _ ,‘ m on c t ’ l&'37 9:); Wm. lltchanison. Water ht.“ l __.._:‘... 1m 11, Colmconk, s7 1:); Richard win. ‘ drim, north half 13. con. 8. paid by: 13. II 23. ‘V, . A 0 county treasurer. 82.3 all; abntvmentsI & ou statute labour, 313: total, SIS‘J. Til.’ : - ’ Moved by Mr. Rumocy. seconded by Mr. Purdue, That Mr. Henry Purdue be authorized to have the poud on the The advertiser is prepared to execute _ . ’ all orders with which ha may be favoured, g ocouk. repaired as anon as possible, and "1"" i that Mr. Samuel Suddaby be authorized ito arrange for repairing the bridge at i ' s}. the bridges nexus-t Union creek, near to the smallest job: of carpenter work, and l 'l‘. English‘s; and that Mr. Henry Gm will spam no pain: to give “RM-mu“ i“ ham be instructed to have the bridge on DOORS & \VINDO‘V SASH ed.â€"-Unrricd. m , n“ n w “mm, r hm Moved by,..\lr. Sudduby. seconded by; “$3.23, “'“Wï¬,†Mg: Mr. Pcrduc, That the following aec ts midwa- ou Bond Strut But. it. Robertson, for printing. 87 50; g. EDWARD “AW. Frost. M. 1)., attending on Geo. Reid, , Penelon Falls, Oct'r Nib. 1833. 3.1-". ' â€"Carried. ’, FENELON FALLS. line between lots ill and 22. near Cob‘ R [lettic's mill, damaged by flood, and al- """ “5" Kiomnuut road, near Watson‘s, repair- W' Work-chop on Enact. Sung Bug; against. the municipality be paid : Wm. , 1301' Sale. l have good three-opting- DBIOCRAT WARP-O. and two BUGGIKS, nearly new, which l will all cheap for Nb or ‘00-! paper on time. Come and m them. services performed. 85.â€"-Carried. = an agency from the Fleury Co. of An- 84 ; W. Mitchell, order overpaid statute ; ing at their appointed tasks with the labour, 83; Henry Doughty, salary as , most commendable industry. Already s collector for 1382. 660, and extra for , considerable progress has been made on , 2 the market square, where the course of‘ Moved by Mr. Suddaby. reconch by i the creek has been altered, a stable 30 Mr. Perdue. That bylaw No. 236. I l by 24 feet erected and the foundations by law to relieve the township treatsnrcr , of the ’03:,- Arsflx of his duties. and deï¬ne the date for de~ .- When they will be completed cannot be his possession. be now read and ï¬nally pascalâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Rumney, That. By-law No. 235, a bylaw to appoint for the year 1883 the pathmasters, fence viewers and pound keepers in the township of Somerville be now read and ï¬nally passedâ€"Card. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Rumney, That the county treasur- er be instructedpo charge the township of Somerviile t e following sums from the nou-resideht funds: Part of north part of south half of lot 1 concession 13, 52‘14; north half of lot 12, con. 12, 83 «llâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconded by Mr. Perdue, That. the council do now adjourn, to meet on the fourth day of June ucxt as a. court of revisioniâ€"C'd. DENTISTRY.â€"Persons wishing to see Mr. Neelands, dentist, will please call at the McArthur House, Fenelon Falls, immediately on arrival of the train from Lindsay. Rowenaâ€"Lovers of flowers should go and see the assortment just received by McDougall & Brandon and for sale cheap. There is a large variety of them in full bloom, and even thrse who (12' not wish to buy are welcome to go and admire them. AcctDENT.â€"On “'edncsday last Mr. John Austin cut his right foot near the instep with an a'dze with which he was preparing a piece of scautliug to be used in a small building he is potting up on Colboruc street. Dr; Lowe dress- ed the wound, which we are glad to hear is not. a serious one. Pnnsohah.â€"â€"We regret to learn that Mr. J. W. Nesbitt, who for a year or more has had charge of Mr. ll. C. Smith's business, is about to leave Fen- clon Falls, having been appointed as sistant manager of the American Lum‘ ber Company of North Michigan. He will take with him the kindly wishes » of the many friends he has made dur- ing his brief residence here. ANOTHER HORSE KILLEDâ€"*About two months ago a horse was killed by falling from the embankment built of' stone from the canal, and on Friday of last. week (after the Gazette had gone to press) another met its death in the same manner a few yards from the same spot. It is believed that. both animals had their necks broken ; but the second one lived a minute or two longer than the other. NEW POTATOEs.â€"-Ln‘st Monday Mr. Nathan Day sent us a sample of new potatoes just: dug, but the person who brought, them could give no informa- tion as to when the seed from which they sprang was planted, and we there- fore infer that they grew from tubers left in the ground last full. Still they were new potatoes, ï¬nd the ï¬rst that have applied for notice in the Gazette this scasOn. A GOOD MOVEâ€"Captain Crandell informs us that: he is about to supply his hotel with drinking water by means of a pipe which will top creek on the east side of Colborne street. near Mr. Thomas Johnston’s residence, and convey the sparkling beverage to a tank prepared to receive it; on' the hotel premises. The captain's move is a good one and in the right. direction; but, why not all join in, stir up the slumbering intentions of the council, and have the water carried the whole length of Col- borno street at: once 7 the spring FISIIING.â€"- The close season for bass and “ lungo †expired on Tuesday last, but: we have not heard of any having yet. been caught; and if, as is stated by u villager of much piscatorial experience, "’ ï¬sh won’t. bite until mosquitoes do," rods and lines need not be branch. out from their winter quarters while the present abominany cold and windy weather continues. Some unprotected suckers and a few perch have already been caught; but the former are drug- ged for with naked hoo s and uncere- moniously yanked out. of their native element, and the latter will bite when- ever they are hungry, (which is always) without waiting for the mosquitoes to set them the example. AGRICULTURAL lum.l:)xzxrs.-Fa1-- mers of this neighbourhood who require new agricultural implements, now have such an assortment to choose from in lt‘cuelon Falls, that. there will no longer be any necessity f0:- thcm to go further and perhaps fare worse. Messrs. liab- sou 1k. Allan, of the Cameron Lake foun- dry, have for some limo past. been a- gents of the Massey Manufacturing Co, and Mr. F. Saudford of the Brad- ford C0,, and another competitor for a share of the growing trade in imple- ments has just appeared in the person of Mr. John Austin, who has accepted mm, and has put up a show room at. the south side of Mr. .I. C. Fitzgerald's building on Colbarne street. A part of his stock has already arrived, and his advertisement will, he says, appear in next week's Gunlle. Tun szuxls ‘nu'runav EXCURSION. â€"'l'he excursion, under the ampin of the Mechanic‘s Institute. from It‘cnelou Falls to Lindsay on the Queen's birth- day (Thursday next. the 241th inst. has been duly announced by posters, and programmes of the day's amtle meat, printed with. red ink in the Post's most sunguinurlly striking style, may be seen in various places in the village. The steamer Em, with palace scow at- luclwtl. will leave Smith S. Fall's wharf at 8:30 and will remain in Lindsay long “Hugh to allow the excursiouists to witness all the sports, which will be something altogether out of the common style, as several professional athletes who have acquired renown for their strength or agility will compete for the very large prixes oï¬'ered. The fare from the Falls to Lindsay and back is only 25 cents; and .if that isn't cheap we don’t know what. is. Pt‘snlxo run Wome.â€"-Tho carpen- ters and othem brought here or hired in the village by the Pulp» Co. are work- prnjected houses commenced. in.“ “0,, Mun ml.~ ma, 10.4, I livering up all corporation property iul foretold to a week or two, as the plan. I: l l l in: mill is not in operation. which will cause a trifling delay; but one of the carpenters, whom we interviewed last Tuesday morning, said he thought. they would be ready for occupation by the lst of August. Seven or eight teams are constantly employed drawing stone from the canal to the site of the new ‘limekiln being built near Bic-Arthur & Thomson's mill, and in the meantime some time is being burned, for the im- mediate use of the company, in an old kiln on Mr. Jordan‘s farm. Acctnexr 0: THE CANALâ€"Last Wednesday evening the drum of one of the canal derrick-s underwent some re- pairs, and next morning, when the box in which the stone is raiSed was being lowered, for the first time that day, the wire rope from some cause slipped a~ round the drum, and the empty box descended upon Mr. John Brandon, who was drilling a hole in the rock below. The blow which he received on the bead inflicted Only a slightwouud ; but he was thrown down and doubled up so forcibly that: his back was badly injured, though no buncs \‘vere broken. He was carried into the MdArthur House and afterwards taken home as gently as pos- sible in a spring waggaii; He was then carefully examined by Dr. Lowe, who accompanied him, and who is of the opinion that the accident will not prove as bad a one as was it feared to be. Mr. Brandon would almost certainly have been killed on the spot, but for the fac1 that the descending has ï¬rst struck the long drill with, which he was working, and which projected above his head. _., ._ h... Execution of Joseph Biadyl Joseph Brady, the-first man convict- ed of the four found guilty Of participa- tion in_ the Pluhnix Purl: murder, was hanged at Dublin la'af Munduy. He made no confession nor statement of' any kind, walked courageously to the scaffold and died without a. struggle, having been allowed it fall of nine feet. He was a ï¬ne looking youiig man,- and a member of a respectable family ; but it was pr‘oi‘e’d be'youd a doiibt that he was one of the actual murderers of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burke, and he‘has now utoned for his crime with his life. A Tall Building. The high building mania rages now in Cblc’éigo, and the Pullman Cur Com- pany are about to build one on Michi- gan avenue that would seem to cap the climax. Let us see. The basement and ï¬rst three storeys are to be used for the Pullman oï¬ic‘es, the fourth sto- rey for army hcz1dqunrtcrs,-tl1e ï¬fth, sixth and seventh storeys for flats for the families Of Pullman employees, the eighth and ninth for bachelor apart- ments, the tenth storey for a restaurant- for all who inhabit the building, and Over the tenth storey is to be a’ lovely glass Covered garden, full of tropical plants, etc, the same to be used as a promenade on summer nights. This will be getting up in the world with a mu- gcauce. - Fish Pr pagation. The Port. Hope Times says that Col. Williams having made application to the department of Marine and Fisher- ies for a deposit ofyoung ï¬sh from the Newcastle hatchery near Port; Hope, Mr. C. Wilmot, jr. formerly well known here in connection with the Ontario bank, arrived in town on Tuesday with the ï¬rst instalment. The supply con~ sisted of salmon trout fry scarcely one month old. but. healthy and kicking lively. The tug Albert Wright. \vns secured, and steamed up about a mile west, where the fry were deposited. They immediately sink to the bottom and hide under stones, remaining there for several months, or until the sac sur- rounding their bodies is completely ab sorbed. Another instalment, an equal supply of Whitefish, has yet to come. * A Peterborough Inventor. It. will be seen by the following ex- tract that Mr. Romaine is still exercis- ing his well-known abilities as an inven- tor of machinery. and his many friends here will wish him success 2.â€" “ A meeting of the humigration and Colonization Committee was held on May 10th, Mr, White (Reufrew), in the chair. Mr. Romaine, of the Sta- tionary Department, was examined be- fOre the conuni’ttce relative to his new steam machine for agricultural purposes. The machine is adapted for breaking the soil, seeds and barrows it, and with a change in the machinery at harvest time reaps and threshes. It has been patented in Canada, and Mr. Romaine has now taken out the papers for get- ting it patented, in the United States. He also referred to the tramway scheme he proposes for the beneï¬t of settlers in the Northwest. bringing the produce of the soil to the nearest shippinu stations on the Canadian Pacific Railway."â€" Iv‘evlcw. . - Digging for Hidden Treasure. OTTAWA. May “LILâ€"The peaceful hamlet. of North (lower, in Carleton County, has a sensation. Years ago a close-listed resident named Grifï¬th died and it was generally supposed left a large amount of money after him. He was of such a miscvly diaposit'mn that it was though: be buried his treasure, and its whereabouts Were entirely un- known. Mrs. Grifï¬th died a short time since and willed her property and all the money she had to her daughter. Nothing was mentioned of the alleged hidden wealth. A few evenings ago two men entered the house, unawarca to the occupant. and worked all night digging for the gold. The daughter, who was the only occupant of the house, strange to say. was not awakened by their noise. Next morning she noticed the result of their labours. The holes dug in the cellar were very deep. She now think: that they succeeded in un- earthing her father's gold. When the circumstances of the afl'air were report- ed around the place great excitement was caused. The two unknown " gold digger: " were noticed on the previous evening, and they appeared to those who saw them to be strangers. 1 l 'Ihe Midland ï¬dvator. From the close to the opening of nav- igation the work of impmvemeat was carried on at this, the best equipped elevator in the Province of Ontario. Those who were familiar with the in- terior ofthe building last summer would be astonished to see the alterations and improvements that have been effected. In loading cars a great deal of labour will be ravedby the self-loading spouts which have been introduced into both ends oftbe building. It is, estimated that 125 cars can be loaded in a day, but they calculate to load, with ease._ 100 cars in ten hohrs. Last fall with the spouts in one eudmonly they loaded 78 cars in one day. By the use of the revolving spouts which have been intro- duced, as soon as one bin is full the grain can be turned into another with- out loss of time. If they are ï¬lling a bin in the west end they can change to one in the east end luau instant, as the grain can be conveyed from one bin to another at will. Four of these revolv- ing spouts cOutrol upwards of ï¬fty bins. The blower, which was placed in the elevator during the past season is the only one in Canada, and its real value can sourcer be estimated. In the un- lo‘cdln‘g process the grain is conducted from the vessels to the blower, and while passing through nuih'er'mia sieves all dust and dirt is separated from" it by a powerful fa'u which revolms ï¬ve hundred times to the minute. Nothing but pure clean grain Can pass into the bins from the blchf. Shippers attach a great deal of importance to the blow- ing pr'ocesl, for it increases the value, and the grain classes a grade higher when it. reaches the eastern morket.â€"« Free Press. went...“ -9}, = _ . COMMUNICATIONS. . Reply to Mr. Silddab)"s Letter, which appeared in the Gazette, éopiEtl from the Warden S To the Editor qfllte Fenelon Full: Gazelle. IR,â€" I have taken very little interest in this controversy, and did not intend to; but see- ing Mr. Sudduby’s letter I determined to not let it go unanswered. He states that. I was dismissed as treasurer for tellinglies and that temptation might induc'c me to steal. 'This is contrary to the warning‘l received, and from what] have seen and heard in council myself something more will evidently lime to be done if things are to go‘ harmoniously. If I mistake not, Mi. Fell said one room would not hold us both and I feel satisï¬ed from what I ste that ht.z Was correct. ,It appears lllr. Suddaby is taking grettt interest in the welfare of Mr. ken, allowing no man to say a word about that gentleman; but both Mr. Fell and Mr. Suddaby seem to enjoy the privilege of pro- nouncing other people thieves and liars, and some that are pretty near related, be it said to their credit. I will inform those two gentlemen that it is no griel once to me to be dismissed as their treasurer, as l and Mr. Fell have not been on neighbourlv terms, and I suppose never will be in this world ; and. from Mr. Fe'l's prediction in Fenelon Falls on the 28th of February bv those who declare they heard it, I bopd we will not be in‘ the neit. Mr. Suddnby says in his letter that it is well known thl’t'tllr. Smith went. about tel- ling a. lot. of stuffubout. the move that. had not a particle of truth in it; that. he bud appropriated the township money to his own use ; that be had not paid his taxes; that he had taken money from poor men in the township which was entrusted to him to pay their taxes and kept it, and so on. End not Mr. Fell resigned, charges very similar to those would have been preï¬-rrcd against him at that. time, as his collcugucs were aware of these things, and one went so fur as to any if Mr. Fell did not resign he would lay the charges, as he would not countenance occurrences of this kind any longer. Now, sir, I must either substanti- ate those charges, which I admit I did make, or stand an accused liar, «lac, which Mr. Suddnby has no hesitation in pronouncing me to be. I stated that. Mr. Fell sat as rceve in the year 1880 until about Novem- ber with over two hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket or in some other place unac- counted for to the collector. Take the book, take the auditors' report for that year, and what do you ï¬nd? A receipt from the col- lcctor, dated November 3rd, 1880, for the sum of $288 25. This sum was Mr Fell‘s own taxes, and other people’s, which he became responsible for to the collector, and were the taxes on the roll of 1879. That will cover Mr. Sudduby's charge of lying ; but through due respect to myself Iwill not retaliate or use his own language, but for further information to him Iwill just say,tl1ut when the roll wnsrcturned on on- Otber occasion and funds being short, Mr. Fell would hand in a. due bill and pay when be pleased. Poor people were compelled to pay their taxes promptly, but. the were paid at imsurc. Mr. Sudduby was auditor for the yea: 1880, when that payment was made, and he was made aware of how it came in so lute. lie says in his letter that when be heard those stories he eoutrudict- ed them. lwonder Mr. Sudduby was not as shrewd in this item us he was in some others after signing four unnuul audits in succession and then asking, in the columns of the War/fer, (I was informed he was the- writer ofthc article) where the municipal portion ofthe tavern license fund was be- longing to the township of Somerville, a sum. which appeared separately in each on- dit. Now, Sum, come right out of your shell, and tell us what the required qualiï¬- cation by law for u councilman is, and your exact position when you took your declara- tion of ofï¬ce. Mr. Sudduby, being brimful of knowledge, has never thouth to en- quire into the negligence of some of the of- ficers of this township as to why the Onta- rio Government was not honoured with as much as acknowledging the receipt of the surplus fund to this township in the audi- tors' report to be circulated amongst the ratepayers, and what was really the amount F. ._n .. ..._._._.._..._â€". ‘.__, ANDFORï¬: , Dealer in all kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS. _____-. ,, PLOUGHS i OUGHS ! A large stock of John “‘hytc & 0035 .\'o 3 DIAMOND STEEL PLOUGHS, guaranteed to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG l’Loucns, p03,,“ I,“ so," 0, dim": ent makes always on hand. Agent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower; the best in the market, and guaranteed to do iirSt buss work. or nosale. Also, a in ‘ stock of RepaiNfor Ilse Kcrby Rnrper. the \Yisuer Rakes, which have no equals. RAKES. RAKES l-‘trlgent for the Maxwell :53 .‘lasx's Iurnovxn (31-pin, Plaster, Salt, and Grass Seed Sower will be given on tria SPRING-TOOTH "HARROWS and other kinds of llurrows. Agent for Combined Seeders. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGON S, CARRIAG-ES AND BUGGIES On hand, all made of‘ well Seasoned tirit class materldl; Horse-Shoeing & Jbbbing a Specialty. 3%“ A good second-hand Reaper for soil 1“. L. O’Connor, Cams. or. Price, $20. line 0.21;. an it was. SA N DISOTJEI); i-‘aiiéleu Falls. MaiZér, Kent Street, Lindsay, has now prepared, ready for Spring Trade, a splendid new stock of BUGGIES; PHJETONS; DEMOCRATS 850.. In every variety, adapted fl) l be forthcoming season. Also WAGGONS WITH ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Every artielo leaving his shop is iiiirruuted examined Baby Carriages, Pcrambula of the best materials and workmanship am} by Iu'nlrrlji tors, Express \Vaggons, &c., just. to hand in dl'lfl’sllious. Sole agent for the celebrated Montreal Buggy Top, the bcst,. cheapest and most durable in the Dominion. W,Rt§fiairing~ (lone quic L. O'C.,~ having bud 34 yems’ experience lily, neatly and cheaply. in his trade, reliance may be placed’ain him.. W5 have a speedy and positive cure for Cutarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Head Acl1c,in SlilLOll'S CATARRH REH- EDY. A nasal Injector free with each but- the. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. John Nugcnt, Wholesale and lie- tail Agent. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 ets to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints ? If you think so call at. our store and get a bottle of‘Shiloh's Vitalizer. Every bottle has a printed guar- antee on it, use accordingly and ifit does- you no good it will cost you nothing. John Nugenl, Wholesale and Retail Agent. Oh, What a Cough l Will you heed the warning: The signal? perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of sav- ing 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing- for it. We know from experience that Shi- loh'a Cure will cure your Cough. It. never fails. This explains why more than u mil- lion bottles were sold the past. your. It. ru- licves Group and Whooping Cough at once. Mothers, do not. be without it. For Lumc Bnck,Sidc or Chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. John Nugcut, “'holcsule and Re- uil Agent. .4‘ 1123- Use Lardino Muchin Oil for your machinery. W New Advertisements. W glam. J. MCFARLAND returns his sincere thanks to the residean of Fenclou Falls and its vicinity for their hh- ernl patronage during the past seven years, tween.- llr. bloil‘ul and himself having ex- pired) he has commenced business two (100's north of the [109l~ufl‘lcc, win-r0 he has opened a carefully selected stock of _ GROCERES, Crockery and Stoneware uud PROVISIONS, which were bought on advantageous terms, and will be sold lllll lHilP illH fill. The old stock will be. disposed of at greatly reduced. prices, in order to make room for now goods. Cash Paid For Bullet and Eggs and other farm produce. Call at the New Store, and you will soon. be convinced that you cannot buy cheaper or better groceries any- where in the village. JOSEPH llcFARliAND l-‘cnclon Falls, May 15th, 115w. lit-1y. paid for the lOWDSlllp of Verulam deben._ .â€"â€"__â€".~_--_.__-_.______. lures. You find the reeve's expenses to Toronto paid on this business; why was there not a statement produced showing this transaction. This was a charge Mr. Suddaby is mute on :and, lastly. where is there another instance on record where a man resigned in flavour of another person and received a testimonial. as Mr. Fell did do. and in two years come out in oppos tion. to the same man, admitting from his own lips um he had no fault to find with )lr.l Howie as reeve, that he would be obliged to anyone who would not vote for him (Mr. Fell), or words to that effect, and that he would not ask a man to vote for him ? ' Were those words kent or broken ? Now, sir, I supported Mr. llowie {or these reasons: We had that gentleman’s services an reeve for two years, and had all this, world is supposed to 11mm! or. We had 1' pence, prosperity, and a lucid. account at; all his transactions a! reeve. I ask, in ‘ lice to both parties, that the Wad†will copy this letter. Yours, eta, YEOHAR SMITH. Somerville, May 15th, 1883. I mâ€".I- -_'_â€"â€"-‘=.w.._â€" _, _ i DIED. la Penelon Falls, on Saturday, Hay l2tb. Frances Percival, lixth daughter of llr l John Cullen, aged is years and 1 months. AUCTION $ALE 0,â€"â€" Hlllliilllllll illillllllllli As I am going West. I. will sell my Fur- niture and household eflecu by public auc- tion at my residence, the Stone Home south of the bridge, On Saturday, May 26th, 1883. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. 16" 'rcrrns Cash. W This Sale will ndord an unusual opportu- nity to secure some good furniture. For Lint o2 articles. see posters. W. J. NESSITT. reunion Pullt, May lilb, “183. 111;... a Lot for Sale. For Min on reasonable terms, a good I} story Frame Home. 30 x 22 feet, and halfnn acre of land on Murray street, near the nil- way station. Apply on the premises to WM. ROCTLY. Yeuelou Pulls, May 8th, 2883. 12.4. and inform: them that (the partnership bc W THE NEW “(as Watch. Maker- I would respectfully inform you that. I. have opened out one of the fil1cstJow-- cllery Stores in tho-County of Victorian. My Stock is now complete, and com.- prises a full line of Swiss and American.‘ Gold‘aud Silver Watches, Englluh and? American Gold Sets, Ludics' and Gents" ï¬ne Gem Rings. Diamond Rings, Wedu ding Rings, Gold Chains and Neoklotl, a large stock of Bracelets, &o., &o. All kinds of Clocks, and a beautiful}. collection of SILVERWAllE in Butter-- Cholera, Cake Baskets, Cnatcrs,.Silvor- Tea Sets, Napkin Rings, Card. Renoir-- ersâ€"â€"iu fuel. a. full assortmentof'everyu thing mually kept. in u iii-aeolian numb.- liubment. of this kind. n6†chniiing done to allvliindb of." Watches. Clocks and Jewellery. Hoping I shall have the pleasure of) seeing you and showing you my im--- mouse stock, I am, yours faithfully, J. CAMERON, \l’umh-n1nker.~.. Fcnelon Falls, May 16th, 1883. 13. OOUFTT O_F-â€"‘»f’.-EVISION. The Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Somerville will he held in Mr. John liodgin'n llouseo AT RETTIE’S STATION, on Monday, The Fourth day of June, 1883, at 10 o'clock n. m. All parties interested are rt-qucstctl to take notice and govern. themselves nt'corllilltzly. Copies of the au- scssmcnt roll can be. seen at Mr. l-‘ell'a, at Mr. H. Grabnm's, h’inmouut, at Mr. A. ll. Carl’s, Coboconk, and at the Clerk's ofï¬ce. W. S. DOWSON, l Tuwuhip Clerk. Somerville, llioy 161h,|883. Ill-3. T0 OWNERS 0F HORSES. The undersigned, who has been in luc- cessf’ul veterinary practice for 22 years,. (during which period he has operated on. over two thousand aniumla), will be IN FENELON FALLS: and its vicinity during the Week Commencing May the let. for the purpose of cnstrntinu Horses and' Colts. Charge, only SI, and satisfaction: guaranteed. 6.1.. (JULIA-9.. Victoria Road, May 18th, l8“. lw. Auction Sale Every Evening ’ â€"-nt theâ€" ' Blilifl llllill Hlll, commencing at 7 o'clock. Come And Get Bargains. THOMAS FORBER, Proprietor†I’cnelou Pulls, May 17th, lasts. 13. GEO. CUNIENGHAm. llgent Credit Valley Railway, FENELOI FALLS. â€"â€"-â€"~ Ticket! to all point. West and North, West, and all local points on Credit Valley, and Canada Southern Railway. ‘ chlon Polls, Nay 41b, isâ€. lkhl'g' Dress & M3316 Making.- . Misses Robertson a 'l‘olmio respectfully inform the ladies of Peneloo, Falls and its vicinity that they have com. 2 menced busineu u Dress and Mantle nub. {en in Mr. Fitzgerald's building on the cut hide o! Colborue street, and will open no, ipnins to give utisfnction to all who my, favour them with their yatroange. :6" Four apprentices wanted. Fearlou Polls, May 2nd, l8“. “duh.