-LTHE Low PRICES of the last month have made things fairly ham, and if still Lower Price will make the boom continue through the summer, then look out for m. Proï¬t or no proï¬t. the ball being opened we will make it inter- esting: for friends or fees. In proof of these statements we ad: a careful examination of the pri. out below; and in case there should be any doubt in your mind cut it out and bring it with you; and if you want further evidence go to any or all the stores in turn, examine goods and prices, then come and we will knock the bottom out of them all. PARASOLS at fully ‘25 per cent. below value. BLACK CASHMERES and Dress Goods are down 30 per cent. STEAM LOOMS and FACTORY COTTONS are so low that you cannot tell when they are cheap until you have seen ours. CARPETS. Well, as for Carpets, I think they have all elven up trying to sell any until we get our stock sold out, which will be very soon. QUILTS AND LACE CURTAINS are going out so fast that we can hardly keep the stock complete. Our 75 cent Lace Curtains are all gone, but we have placed an order for 50 pairs more. MILLINERY has been a proud feather in our cap this season. Never did we do any- thing like so large a trade, many orders being sent to us by people we have never seen. OUR TAILORlblG has taken that proud position among the people that Mr. MILNE, our cutter. is recognized as the authority and antocrat on Style. Fit and Finish. SCOTCH, ENGLISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS have dropped in price to such a figure that every one seems determined to have a new suit. JAMES GRAHAM, (LATE M1an & GflAll.\M,) Opposite English phuroh, Kent St., Lindsay. Lindsay, June lSth, l883. “WEHONQEEQUNDHY. Farmers in want of ï¬nd A. griculturaï¬ Implements .__._....._. I . a. We have just succeeded in securing MASSEY HARVESTER 86 TORONTO MOWERS, SHARP’S HORSE RAKES, and numerous Implements of home manufacture. GENERAL PURPOSE PLOUGHS. The increasing demand for our general purpose Plouzlxs is proof that they can't be beat for all kinds of work and all kinds of soil. GANG PLDUGHS. Our Gang Plough is acknowledged by all to be the best in the market. WEEDEBS AND SGUFFLEHS. Steamlooms. At a discount of 20 Pm Crux, and will give all who patronize us the beneï¬t of the REDUCED PRICES. Yard wide Factory Cotton for ’1' cents, reduced from 9 cents- Yard wide Factory Cotton for 8 cents, reduced from 10 cents- Yard wide Factory Cotton for 9 cents, reduced from 11' cents. Yard wide Factory Cotton for 10 cents, reduced from 12!- cents. - 32-inch wide Factory Cotton for 5 and 6 cents, reduced from 6, 7 and 8 dis: com ï¬elds. Try them and be convinced. THE FARMER’S FRIEND. The Farmer's Friend Combined Drill S: Broadcast Seeder, the best in Canada vidc our bargains with our customers. SQOTHERAN, GATE-ERG & MARK, Harrows, Iron and Wood, as good as ever were put into a. ï¬eld. City Drapers and"Clothiers, 36" Castings of all kinds made to order, and Repairs executed. “as $1 per hundredwcight paid for scrap cast iron. ROBSON &. ALLAN. no or. “‘“~ ‘7 aunt oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€" Fcnelon Falls, May 30th, 1883. Just received, a. fine assortment of GGTS SHOES â€"A N I); GENERAL QEOCEEEES, at the “ Cash Store,†which we are determined to dispose of in a few weeks ll PillEES lilll lilll lilillilili liii Elliflisiiliilll, even Grungers. Ndlv is the time to 7 Buy your Goods for the Summer; C: C/J r‘r‘t E C‘: C“? c ,.__ râ€" :1: m (:3 '02 0 FOR 5N5 mourn the undersigned will sell his stock bf . BEY7OOOBS. Boots and Shoes, &c., PAM 0031' FOR cam-a. Call and price them and be convinced. ï¬ne. G. Keith. Fenelon Falls, April 25th, 1883. THE PALACE Li /3 2:: r: a Celchrnted: guaranteed the best in the market. For sale by. JOHN A. ELLIS, Fcnclon Falls, April 18th, 1883; ‘J-ly. nn_ Mrs. KEELEY New Goods! New Goods! 2 â€".A.T T II Eâ€" ' MONTREAL Sigh STQRE FEN EIJON’ FA IJIJS. stock of. including , , , it“.:§2.:1:i~.:.reassures..23W"5““‘1 W8 and D G d (p 01 fl ' q H Lamas, SEES ms We are now sltoxigggilite222:2?â€isp5lztï¬ggew Goods suitable 35,. CAR SALT JUST To HAND, V S O _nnd_ w Man I. d‘ N 1r ' th 'I‘ a Ali’liiiilim & Mimi 33%- - , ALHEIYR.?WSE.Z?!S°L* 37 ea. mg ove 195 m e re. 9. ' P ' £883.. SPEOEEG. E883. LESSTW L3,,“ PRICES, A splendid rnugc of new Dress Goods from 12%. cents. New Prints from 8 cents; also a magniï¬cent range of new llordt-rcd and shaded Prints. New Crctons from 16 cents to 25 cents; also the new Oatmeal Cloth in the new colours. BLAGK AND GGLOREB SlLKS AN SATIHS, a special lot, including the new Black Silk Moire and a few dress lengths of col- ored Silk bought at at great discount. ()xl'nrd Shining, Duck. Derry, Factory MAGUIEE’S rum- CHEAP GASH Boomer-roasroas. - I The place is LITERALLY l. AMMED with The Finest Assortment of Really Good Goods THE of the Great Human Family are informed that an immense stock of FRESH NE‘V GOODS have just arrived at A nice lot oï¬' GOOD AND CHEAP TOYS, for children of nll ages, nnd'nn assortment. of Wall l’upcr comprising runny new. and! attractive designs. GRAND OPENING OF SPRING- DRESS GOODS, NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS. Mns. HEELEXL Fcuclon Pulls, April 25th, 1-833. YOU. WILL FIND; n. complctn stock ot‘.‘ EARNEES, 0 A Full Range of Gimp Trimmings, Coloured. and Black Fringes, Brdcaded and Watered and Plain Satins 35 Silks, a full stock of . . , 7 ,_. All the latest shapes in trimmed and untrimmcd Hats and Bonnets in straw, that 1135 “01' been Offered to the publlc Ill tlllS towm 01,113,â€, 7" IIII 5. 1 chip and braid, including our for famous Lace Jumbo Hat at 75 cents, the :ozâ€"zo: . CurryCOIan, BI'UShCS,’ I it \ 4 ' ‘I x no: d'L‘WL“ 1Ҡl“ the “Mk†Everything rcquisrtc for task and comfort that a. long experience in the trade could SNA1)S, sTAPLE Goons, TALE Linens. suggest has been provided, and particular attention has been given to goods that are neat and lusty in appearance, and at the same time are dlxrnblc in quality. I have no hesitation in stating that few city Stores can show such it fine and varied ' ' , f ' n l . assortment, and certainly no town of equal or much larger size than Lindsay can boast Bl‘Oan Holland, ‘VllldOlV I‘IOlldlld, into and G1 Cy COttOllh. of such it Stock of llools and Shoes. * ' ' ' ‘ ' ' . " he c unt 1. Ins motion This season I have purchased in larger quantities than usual at what is known as ‘Ve Oï¬el the b05t values “1 t .3 1 lLOCk-liol I lll(.lu7, llllll Cdll g ‘0 "ll lllClltlb lllC l'l.\l;bl AT smnTLiNG muons FOR CASH 0): THE sror. Fcnelon Falls, April 10th, 1 ‘3. OUR GENTS’ FURNISHINGS embrace all new shapes in Hats. Caps, Tics, Collars, Shirts &c., and a lot of Ready-mode Clothes fur youths, boys and men at crry low pricrs. M" A special lot of ludics' llubbcr Circulars, suitable for the rainy season, at 82, usually sold at 83 75. , . . JOHN St. LAWRENCE. Fcnelon Falls, April 2-lth, 1883. n rnE'PEUPLE. TRUN KS, V ALISES‘, Shawl Straps, llurncss Oil .1: Axle Grcnsu, HORSE BLANKETS, uud other articles, Chcup for Cash, cull an Joseph Nevisnn’s Harness Shop. one door south of Newman's Grocery Store, COLLARS WARRANTED. llcpuirn‘ promptly und m-ntly executed. llc begs in return his slucorc tlmnks for llu- lilu'rnl patronage with which he hnn. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, m merit u continuance of it by turning out , good work it! mudrrutc priccs. ' Trusses and Shoulder Blaces’ Font-I9" l’nllu, February 2-llh, lH82, . ,, I a , ‘ u»râ€".â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".~. -.-._._.__.-...-... ._.....- .. . ..._ ~~ _. 1 0' clot, F ’cmog/ do Rubbe) Gooch E I, W A _, ,, D PERFUMERY 860., 88"-, OLD-ESTABLISIIED always on hand. A large and ' o a r x, ‘ . ass- COMPLETE STOCK or DYE STUFFS (2.2a LlVelljtclble- of the best quality and at low prices. Also, a ’I‘runks, ‘Valises and Satchels 2 I ~ JUST 72-11(1) .4 1.001: .471 TIIIJJI. mar .4111: (111.437). TERMS ' ' ' ' CASH' IL. MAGUIRE DEEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, Lindsay, September 28th, 1882. FACTS ri ““ ms... Cheap Enough is selling the cheapest rockcry in Where can be found an excellent assortment of I Dress &Mantle Making. Misses Robertson 8; Tolmic ‘rcspcctl'ully inform the indies of Fcnelon [ l-‘nlls and its vicinity that they have com- lmcnced business as Dress and Mantle mnk- KEIGHLEY crs in Mr. Fitzgerald's building: on the cost jsinlc of Colborue street, and will spare no ,pnins to give sullsl‘uclion to all who may i favour them with their pnlroungc. 56)†Two apprentices wanted. Fcnclun Pulls, May 2nd, 1883. ll-3m. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, Eigenl Credit Valley Railway, ONE D()I..TJJL]2,,‘ .FEHELOH FALLS_ Tickets to all points West and North- “.Fil.lltlil1\llll)(‘lll points on Credit Valley and (‘nmulu Southern Railways. Fcnclon Falls. .lluy 4th, lrirlil. l'Z-Lf. LINDSAY. LINDSAY. Ladies’ Mantles KEIGHLEY is selling the cheapest Stoneware in KEIGHLEY is selling the cheapest everything you want in his line in S The people are beginning to ï¬nd out that it pays them well to make direct for KBLGHLEY'S when they come to LINDSAY, and express themselves as fairly ns- tonlshed It the LOW PRICES the goods are bring sold at. The secret is. he imports direct, and sell: only for Cash. if you want to make live dollars go where it has lorâ€" xurrly taken too, jllsl try â€"â€"â€"â€"-KEIGII 1:4 113 17’sâ€" The sulncrihcr ru-lurux his sincere lhankn for the libr-rul patronage lit-slowed on him. WELL SELECTED STOCK or STATIONERY, ""“"m- on and w w form the public that they CH." obtain First Class Horses and Rigs. any hour of the day or night, at hie slnhlo On 1‘1-nnciH Hts-rust. ICut-Jt. at very rut-dunno charges. â€"â€"F O 11-â€" comprising a. full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. N’o~»’HORSE AND CATTLE DIEDICIIHTES, Physicians' prescriptions and Domestic llccipcs carefully cmnpmmdcd. -â€"A Tâ€" WM. DAMPBELL’S. M3" Cominerc’nl trurcllrn nml their lug- Notcd Cheap Crush Store. Lindsay. . I N ' ' D . - 1 Pur OSEQ. , ungr- (‘unvryt'll Mill'ly and exprdiliululy to. Auclmn Sale Every Evening ‘3‘: Pure W ms and “Wm M .Ilvdlcm P ~ A full assortment 0r Patent “ml Pmprlcti‘ry “Wilma†always 0" 1mm" A’ The subscriber never had a ambit-fol o! â€""‘ “'0‘ gent for II. ll. Stcrcus' l’urcly Vegetable V tzutleNH. both-r horses than at present. Come and try them. N EW BUSINESS FIRM. 0. 02 s. s. Johnson and Wm. Fielder beg to inform the residents of Fcnclon Falls and its“ vicinity that they have enter. ed into partnership and commenced business in KENNEDY ’S BRICK STORE, on the west side of Colbomc street, Frnelon Falls, where they have opened out a ï¬rst class stock of FARM FOP. SALE. 5 _ l Billlil llilllll Hill, 13 in the 1nd concession of tho townslrpi of Somerville. containing 1"") nrrrs. about, lWl of Which are cleared and tcnccd. “of the form there are :I ll duty cedar log; boost-.125 x '35 fret. with kitchi-n. two t'rnmv- , . a , barns. each .‘m x flu fuel. :1 stable [or right; FHOMAS icith " hurlcs. n rnomv driving FltI‘tl and n wry; I’rlqart'rlor. large punltry hone"; :tL-o. n nrrrrunilingr rent-pm Fans, 315‘:- 17m,h;33_ 1;). i r": :hrr: .t:,*3';;.::;'...r, m“ l half of will-ï¬ll M0 “lifting- †jg. ‘1‘“ “r’ , .-\l‘.|ll)' en the prx'niift" l") I cumsrorum: FELL. I gr _. . ,~â€"â€"â€"~~â€". . ~---- ’ i Fasmonable Tailoring. i j I l I}. FITZGERALD, H. u. rznwmws. Fenclon Falls, May 27th. 1882. Mm'wâ€, i‘t-nolon Pulls, l’cb'y 21th, 18%. Ill-Ll. , .â€" -. _.. . .. _.A.___._....._._. ‘s‘foves mo Trams. (I ' ' , y I . ' is, comm], Esq" .lyrn! Lanlon .llulua! [M The subscriber has reccncd full lines of “mm†Lmhuyl t i Dun Sunâ€"lime the gomlncn to convey to the llirrctnra of the “ London Mutual ' ,mnr thanks for tlwir promptnrts in paying ' for the fall trade. The usual supply of Tinwarc, Stow-pipes, Elbows and llot‘ our claims in full, arising from lone: by ' ' . . 1-4 («l assortm -nt of ’ tin- recrnl bmb pm; A" Drums k .. H I l Aynxflndpr (nude. or,†gym {LAMPS AND LAMP TRIMMINGSE i;“d’i‘.i.‘..l't'i¢i’,â€â€˜ 3'11"" 23:1. commencing at 7 o'clock. D ‘ - > Joseph McConnell, I “ 69"). i ‘ ‘ l I†' 1 of various kinds and prices. , Matthew “ilum, Ups, m4, 1 7:8 unlit-IrvlgMdrwiturnsâ€sincere1 trout-g TM mknmu I.‘ prepared m even“ i ‘ . i “mm†“chubâ€, u I,“ ~ ' ' ' W " ‘ " l “3‘ " 3"“: “m†" l†'i “w a†“3 ""H '. i - i ‘ ,. . ' ,. i lI-l 'n l'r «w. Mari on 902 4A.} a. i ciuil}~ {or their liberal palmiinzc since heft“ “Aâ€? wnh “high: may be “laund’i Thzlm Ktib.‘ gm“; ' ‘5" i commenced bruins“; in i ' e M . n . n y, ' ' ' ' - - . : r _ 1 Mint nrrmgton, I t .to which additions Illl constantly be made. all of I’lllcl’l they will dlSpOEt.‘ oft - - ' a." mum chlgm 51." Ar rm; Luwm “yum mucu- nm CASE. F E L. O N F A L. L S, a v equal the best American. all of which l am 0. Th“: “ t “2 â€". f «v v . r 1 . ‘ - ‘ 2'5 . . _ l "‘1 “mr’f ul“"‘ ‘2'“ ""_ “Iâ€? “’3†k" to thc smallest Jul-i nl carpenter work. and; \ laaac (jostlin. Luton, I Their assortment of Boots and Shoes IS, thcv belteve,5 pm“! Wig," “" WW", ’3‘" “"â€â€œ j" “0 ' «in spm no pains to rive wisfncuon in ‘ nzfzglapï¬." 1" 232 - - . ’ 1 4: ms surrrr‘l t-v‘. 131 Mm ::_ H . . . . . ‘ . 7' . . . J ‘ the largest and most varied in the Village. am" pm Hg is «1.11 brainy; ‘ g “{‘3‘ “30“7 S Y H I to enable me to do a square lcilllmfllé business. John (,mymum rend". 53,, ' '1 v ~- v w ’ .' S -= ' 1 ' ' 4 a]. Edward Malone Opt, 030 “Fey respectfully mlicit : call from Ill who need anything in their lines, and 3 Over Mr. \\ . (:tu‘lplrcll s Store; Y ' ‘y I ‘ c ‘hm M: I f m mm, Rags. Bones and Scrap Iron taken 1n trade as usu “ P B, “Wham,†mam. :0 25‘ d ‘ ‘r be“ m "i", cud" “takenâ€, m u :- ,‘0 i ‘ j; in I . ‘ _ mm. .0 m. or a .5. ' H ‘F ‘ 0 S l N, B.â€"To farmers and the public generally In want of Stoves, «kc. lry my John wnwm 0m, 3a“ in o h.“ ." itâ€. cu ‘ m"? . _ , anlrctpertturly so..c...~ a r.\.l than ml who lcr: :l. and at reasonable prices. ; , , d b _ I 1. _, v n J n "on", Yewhm’ “a U‘ A Bakery Itll be started as soon as the even, now hung built, is ï¬nished. 9 wish to have rm: clotLing made up in the; w Work-shop on Francis Street East; line“ 5'51. and II 5011 83000!- 0 cllcr =0 It†)0"! P-Ill'mmpo- “Tina “tn-"(4‘ u 1,, & mm‘ latest styles end best possllplelmlaxzcghlrs residence on Bond Street Eaveuu) "Aw Jolt!“ Khan-I’- n . u a“ yum“ Fm†AN“ “1" “33' V i moon Falls, 3:.“- szhfisséi 'i meta: mu Oct'r l‘lb. min. 3141/ 3 Penelou Falls, September 20th, 1852, ginsuy, Oct. mu. 1m. ( a ' ‘ t ,’ . , 1.». v ' . ' \H “w ..I.,,. . ,.t ,4. ‘ ’d. . . ' A ,. .41.;1 r . t. I. t. 1 ‘ . , g. .1 , ‘ ‘ I ‘ y “f .l w i . 'Soothoran, Cathrollark‘s Codiâ€"76513331 5W†m†3‘ $50,133,123jsggfmigsfgtymfg 33°C?" M More! 50 bales of Factory Cottons and 10 cases of Q i _ ' . . ‘ STEAMLOOMS (White Cottous) and SIIEETINGS you will have to come and see before. 0!" Wï¬cder and new“ ‘5 3" ""h‘Pens-‘l’lc 3'“ch '0 the umP. POWO and you can believe the difl'ercncc. We have the inside track on Cotton Goods, and as usual dip. Co. 2 Dobson’s Block, Lindsay; {g ' [mm/mas; THRESIiERS. 1 A ‘ _ ‘ 9 m ' AND-MILL owxnus; ._ ._’$ llllllliii MlEHllll' flll, 3&3“ Will not gum or clog machinery}. (frown. NERY. Ilns just received und opened up a large: NEW GOODS, FANG? DRY GOODS,