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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Jul 1883, p. 3

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«i GAMEnnNu E Enuunnv. ..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THE Low Pnic’Es" of the lost month hove mode things iairly um, Ind if still Lower Prices will make the boom continue through ie summer, then look out {nr us. Profit or no profit, the ball being opened we will make it inter- esting for friends or fees. In prrmt‘ol these statements we vi: a corel'nl examination of the pri- ces below; and in case there should be my doubt in your mind cut it out and bring: it with you ; end if you wont further evidence 00 to any or all the stores in town, examine goods and prices, then come and we will knock the bottom ‘out of them all. l i l PARASOLS l l at fully ‘23 per cent. below value. BLACK CASHMERES and Dress Goods are down 30 per cent. STEAM LOOMS .and FACTORY 'CO'I‘TONS are so low that you conuot tell when they are cheupvuntil you have seen ours. . CARP ETS. Farmers in want of good A grienltura‘! Implements should call at the Cameron Lake Foundry shows-coin, at the corner of Colborne and Francis streets, where they will find a stock of , l MASSEY HARVESTER 8L TORONTO momma: SHARPS HORSE RAKES, and numerous Implements of home manufacture. _ l l l o-â€" GEHERAL PURPOSE PLOUGHS. The increasing demand for our general purpose Ploughs is proof that they can't he beat for all kinds ofwork and all kinds of soil. GANG PLDUGHS. Our Gang Plough is acknowledged by all to be the best in the market. OurQWLeeder and Scufllcr is an indispensable article in the turnip. potato and corn fields. Try :them and be convinced. Mt--.._ w. ’_ _,,..._s._. first: EvEsr r s AND SOMETMES ANYWAY. ._._......_.-. ¢>_.â€"â€"â€"â€"- THE CITY STORE Always in the fore for fashionable goods Ind lowest prices. is fairly groaning with all the latest novelties for summer wear. at prices that will tickle everybody. DRESSoMAKING DEPARTMENT. Under the supervision of Miss SUTTON. is giving universal sat- isfaction. Ladies" Costumes of every description made on the shortest notice in a style and finish unequalled outside the larg- est cities. OUR CLOAK‘HAKING DEPARTMENT Has been the decided hit of the semen. ' Every ludy requiring a Mantle made to order should visit this department. We gunnin- teegntisfnction. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Under the supervision of Miss Kennedy always attractive and full of the newest novelties. Summer lists and Trimmings, an elegant display. CARPET 8t HOUSE-FURNISHING DEP’T. Always replete with the choicest goods and newest designs. Never ‘bu_v n Carpet until you have visited this Depnruueut at the City Store. THE Bill MERCHli‘l llllflllS ill llllllill. The Clothing question mine.- up again. There are times in the hisvnrjt Men-v) man when he Rani! Clo ezrmtly fined clothing. scientifically uud artistically rut. skilful- l_v made, and finished with the rum! exquisile taste in the very hunt style. In the matter ofl‘.k.\‘1‘.\l.0\‘..\'.\‘ nan covering for the limbs and body. they should conform to nll the movements of the some. in nddil‘iou to the important requisites of comfort Mid proper lit, must be added the desirable features of style and fashion. De- fects must not be exposed. but concealed. and by a happy blend- ing of taste. tact and skill. the gunmuts should he cut so u not. to invite suspicion that they cover nuything but an exact classic model. THE CITY STORE GARMENTS Evcel all others in lit. style and comfort. Speeiul study and long experience in n spcviully enlighten the understanding and lead to success. READY-MADE CLOTHING. The largest stock of Men‘s nud ltuys' to select from, and the prices so low thut you will be llslmllslli'tl. Goun- uud investignto prices and quality all the City Store. .Wcll, no for Carpets, I think they hnv.“ given pp trying to sell any until we get our stock sold out, which will e very soon. QUILTS AND LACE CURTAINS are going out so fast that we can hardly keep the stock complete. Our L75 cent Lace Curtains are all gone, but we have placed an order for 50 pairs more. MILLINERY has been .1 proud feather in our cap this season. Never did we do anyâ€" 1thiug like so large a trade, many orders being sent to us by people we have never seen. OUR TAILORING 'has t-chn that proud position .among the people that )l r. MILNE, our cutter, is recognized as the authority and nutncrnt on Style. Fit and Finish. SCOTCH, ENGLISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS have dropped in price to such a figure that every one‘scems determined to have a new suit. JAM ES GRAHAM, (lmrr. Misz &: GRAll.\.\I,) THE FARHER’S FRIEND. The Farmer’s Friend Combined Drill A: Broadcast Seeder, the best in ‘Cnna is Harrows, Iron and Wood, as good as ever were put into a. field. 38' Castings of all ‘ltinds made to order, and Repairs executed. "as $1 per bundrcdweight paid for scrap castiron. ROBSON 8L lALLAN. AFULLY CONE-EED FACT. 202â€"101â€"â€" T-lmt in buying SHOES and BOOTS it is desirable to get them Cheap, Neat Fitting and Substantial. That in wearing such Shoes and Boots it is imperative that they should prove Durable, Well-looking and Shapely. That in choosing Shoesand Boots, as aforesaid, it is impera- tiveâ€"to get best choiceâ€"to pick from our stock at once, the largest and most WEEDERS AND SCUFFLEHS. Fcnelon Falls, May 30th, 1883. Opposite English Church, Kent 811., Lindsay. complete‘in all lines. Lindsay. June118th. 1833. Tflew Goods! New Goods !! ~â€"}1T 'JTIâ€"I Eâ€" QWETREEL EASE-l STORE, ITENEIJOINT FA IJIQS. - “70 are now showing a Glidicc Stock of NewGoods suitable ‘for the scasonfincluding Many Leading Novelties'in the Trade. A splendid range of new Dress Goods from 121; cents. New‘I’rintS' from 8 cents; also a magnificent rnugu of new llorilcred 'uud Shaded Prints. New Cretous .l'rum l6 cents to 25 cents; also the new' Oatmeal Cloth in the newcolours. _ BLANK All! GOLEREB SILKS ANDSATIHS, .a special lot, including the new Black Silk Moire and n few dress lengths Of col-V -nrc«l Silk bought at it great discount. ()xl'nrd Shining, Duck. Derry, Factory Coltnus, Stcuni Loom, White Quilts, Towels &c, at bottom prices. Frillings, Laces, Gloves, Tics, Collars, Corsets &c., till now goods. MILLINERY. All the latest shapes in trimmed .nnd .uutrimmed Hats and Bonnets in straw, -clup.nnd braid, including our l'ur famous Lace Jumbo Hat at 75 cents, the cheapest hut in the trade. OUR GENTS’ FURNISHINGS ‘ . .. , . , embrace all our shapes in flats. Cups, 'lies, (,ollnrs, Shirts &c., and a lot of ‘wbich were bought on “dmnmgcous terms, ’I‘u-iuly-mmlc Clothes for youths. buys and men nt. very low prices. 3213‘- A special lot of ladies' Rubber Circulars, suitable for the rainy season, at .32, usually sold at $3 75. JOHN St. LAWRENCE. Fcnelnn Falls, April 24th, 1883. Ems EOE THE PEOPLE. . KEIGHLEY l ' LINDSAY. .is selling the cheapest Groceries in .KEIGHLEY ' is selling thocheapest Crockery .in LINDSAY. . KEIGHLEY .is selling the cheapest Stoneware in _ LINDSAY. . KEIGHLEY is selling the cheapest everything you want in his line in LINDSAY. W The people are beginning to find out that it pays them well to make direct for KELGHLEY'S when. they come to LINDSAY, and express themselves as fairly n5- tnnisheul at the LOW PRICES the goods are being sold at. The secret is. he imports . din-ct, and sells only for Cash. 12‘ you mint to umkc tire dollars go where it has {or- nu-rly taken len,_iu.~t try â€"â€"-â€"â€"I{ 114' I G II L 1'3 '17 ’ Sâ€"â€"-â€"-â€" Notod Chonp Ciush Store. Lindsay. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. O. S. S. Johnson and Wm. Fielder 20: â€" That even the poorest people have more 01' less money and can’t do without Shoes and Boots; and that said money, let itbelong-to rich or poor, farmer or mechanic, cannot-be “ swapped "rfor foot-gear more satisfactorily than at MAGUIRE'S. , . That MAGUIRE has been in .the Shoe and Boot- business for some yearsâ€" at leastâ€" and is the pioneer in furnishing much value in Leath- er for little money of Lindsay town. The dbovevclnuses form one solid, iii-vulnerable and general- ly CONCEDED FACT which buyers of Shoes und Boots will .clear cash by s. MAGUIRE, . _ . Shoes; Boot. Maker. Lindsay, June 14th, 1883. NEW!" STORE Dress 8. Mantle Making. I Misses Robertson & Tolmie â€"â€"'â€"‘ " .respectfully inform the ladies of Fenclon .- 1. Falls and its vicinity that they have com- menced. business no Dress and Illnntlc mult- ers in Mr. Fitzgerald’s building on the east side of»Cnlborne street, undzwill spare no puins to give satisfaction to all who may favour them with their patronnge. W ’l‘tvo apprentices wanted. J. MCFARL AND returns his sincere thanks to the residents of 'Fenelon Falls, May 2nd, 1883. ll-3m. Fenclon Falls und its vicinity for their lib ernl patronage during the past seven yours Illnd infofms‘piferm thndt (ltbe ppfrtlnership be GEO' CVNNINGHAM’ i'ee . . . t ‘ s v‘ - .ms .5 Agent Eredil Valley Hallway, doors north of the post-oilicc, where he has -' FENELOH FALLS. opened a. carefully selected stock of G RG C E R E 3 Tickets to all points West and North- , West, and all local points on Credit Valley and Cnnndu Southern Railways. .Fcnelon Fnlls, Muy 4th, 1883. 12-t.f. Auction Sale livery Evening and will be sold 3 â€"nt theâ€" llll‘l Bill? Hill lilSH. .Bllllll llllliil "Hill, The old stock will be disposed of at greatly commencing at 7 O‘clock. reduced prices, in order to make room for . - new gm... Come And Get Bargains- THOMAS FORBER, Cash Paid For Butler and Eggs 1...... and other farm produce. Fcnclon Fnlls, May 17th, 1883. 13. Gilli ill} the .LTOW StOl‘O, E. IIA‘V, and you~will soon be convinced that you cannot buy chenper or better groceries uny- wherc in the-village. ’ JOSEPH )lcFARLAND FENELON "FALLS. The Old Stand, ..f::.:ivsztr::.2;.n§§scientist: BAKEâ€"HEY lUNlHAETS Hill BUILDINGS to the smnllestjobs ol carpenter work, and -â€"â€"A.ND-â€" will spare no pnins togive snlisfuction in ‘l overyscnse. GROCERY. DOORS & WINDOW SASH T made to order at short notice, of good mn- J OH) MOFFAT leriul, and at reasonable prices. 39' Work-shop on Francis Street East; begs to inform his customers and the pub- resxdcnce on Bond Street lie that. while carrying on the linking busi- East. ncss as usual, and turning out dnily For sale on easy terms, price $4,000, Lot EDWARD HAW. ChO'CG B 6 (l l8 in the 2nd concession of the township Fenelon.Fnlls, Oct'r 14th.188'.'. 33.-tf. CukCS, Buns kc. he h“ "1'“ opened out n of Snmerville. containing 200 acres, nhout FARM FOR SALE. nice stock of 100 of which are cleared and fenced. On Crockery nnd Stoneware nnd PROVISIONS, SOOTHERAN, GATHRO tic ilIARK, City Draper's and Clothiers, . . . . . . NO. 2 Dohsou’s lilock. Kent St. Lindsay. .ChOap Enough , l I Lsdies’ Mantles â€"-1‘“ O 132â€"â€" has removed to Mr. J. C. Fitzgerald's store, on the East Side Of Colborne SO, where he is selling goods‘mt CLOSER PRICES THAN EVER. if; E "A \ j ,. Y‘ .@E . Just received, a fine assortment of sue euoss'illEliillllllilll’ __ ! N I)”. 532)” ”'17! no! gum or t'lny mutt/tinny. GENERAL GROCEREES, at the “ Cash Store," which we are determined to dispose of in a few weeks i u Pius nu lilli isuiiu lili Eiliiiililil,‘ i l EYE-l ii Elli. uses. KEELEY Ilus just received nud opened up n lurge stock of OK}? I) ()IJIJAR With SAMPBELL’S. 3‘ E y. m . ' mourns, THRESHERS. E’Efi; Edggb)% E g Lil-ND .illldbOWNERS, 0... ‘USE MEEULL BROS. M038 Celt-brutal 0 For Suite by JOHN A. ELLIS, (v'rnccr. Fem-ion l-‘ulls, April lRth, lRRIl. 9-ly. even Grungers. Now is the time to Buy your Goods for the Summer. You will save a. large percentage. Give us u call and examine our Goods and NIB‘V GOODS, our 'Priccs'bcl‘orc purchasing elsewhere. £63“ CAR SALT JUST TO HAND. . u’loudsu. & no... lies. FEEE‘J'BRV MUS. Fenclon Falls, April 5th, 1883. l‘umsulu, ._.___._____._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Lnuias’ onass cAPs, STOVES AND TENWASE. O The subscriber has received full lines of . Pensions: and; Cook Stoves for the fall trade. The usual supply of Tiuwnre, Stovepipcs, Elbows and Hot ' Air Drums. A good assortment of including | -â€"nu(l-â€" IALL. KlNDS OF WOOL, all of which will he sold at LESS THAN l.l.‘illS.ll’ PRICES. A nim- Iul (if GOOD AND CHEAP TOYS, 1 LAMPS AND LAMP TRIMMIN‘GS’frcs:.‘.';l".t::,::.'.i‘:.".:::13:.2“:"..::::.;.'":‘.::::"::.::: ullruvlirc drr’ig'ls. Mus. HEELEY. l’l-uvluu l"ull~',1\pril'.’.'nth, I883. ‘{ ' J 1 ». 7, . __.._---, ”“H'”“”‘ ““""" The Silvcl Stat Goal 011,, EDWARDS, equal to the best American, all of which I am I UM) lCS'l‘AlllJSlll-ll) SELLING AT BARE LlVli‘dC PRICEs’lLiVOI'V Stable. to enable me to do a square legitimntc business. of various kinds and prices. 'l'lu- Fuh-erilwr N-lanH his sincere thanks for Ilu- lilll'rill pu‘rmmge llfrlllwt'll on him during llu- pm! uim- _\‘I'lll’.-. ulul lu-ut to in- form lln' puliliv' that they run ()lilfllll ,l’irst (floss Horses and Rigs. ' uuyl.rmrt1l'tlw dny or night, nt his aluhln ()n .i-‘ruuolu Hit-vol. Ernst. M v4 Ty lllt,Al-'.'I|lt' chnrgt-r. Fenclon Falls, September 20th, 1892. $7.?“ i‘uuemvu-‘ul inn-rill n uud their lug- {:uflw runvq’wl Hul'o l_v nml etpt-«lilioully in THE PALACE 1...,- 1u-1r---1 WEI“ Dry Goods & Clothing HOUSE. ., iil'll'r iUlrt‘a ”ill I” Pithilll. (.r‘lfllt and Bags. Bones and Scrap Iron taken in trade as non. l. N. B.-â€"â€"To farmers and the public generally in want of Stoves, tkc. Try my prices first,.aod if you cannot do better I solicit your patronage. JOSEPH HEARD. 030 SPRENG. ,1ry1lwm. i2. ll. HDWA EDS. i'II‘lll'inl litilli, l't li'y’ 311'), ”192. (II‘I.!. 1883. v -., _,._.__.....â€"..â€". rm...â€" ‘ I ‘44.,- W ' m ”Minâ€".weW-Awm . -â€"â€":o=-â€"- 5(uuu or THANKS. GRAND OPENING OF I / fl . . .- ‘. .. .. . . . . ‘ .the form there are n 1! story cedar log bet, to tnl-irm tho reudents nl' lunelon Falls and its vicinity that they have cuter- FRESH GnucERIES, house, 35 ,, 25 fee" wm, kitchen, mo (mm, ed into nrtucrshi and com: enccd twins in . P P n a all of which will be sold at the very lowest llving profit. ihurns, each 50 x 30 feet. A stable for eight horses, a roomy driving shed and a very large poultry house; disc. A neveroluiling " , T. T '7 i i 1 ‘ _ . REAEEDl S BRICK STORE: :l'he Finest Flour :22:"§.°.f::§;".‘1.?2{:;.2?‘£:.:3:‘..".‘.‘;:’; kept constantly on hand ; also OATS, BRAN & SHORTS. -PARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods, and l l *Cnsh Paid for Butter 5'. Eggs. .Bllll'l‘S ANll SlillliS, illllllllllllE _A.Nl) 1)R()‘V'ISI().\.'S. l power to merit a continuance of the patron- to which additions will «instantly be made, Ill of which they will dispose of: ":1.- “ “bum; bestowed on him during AT 'i‘lllt LOWE? uvuto PRICES mu C353. the past five years. , , ,_ _ . , JOHN IOFF’AT. ;® Their assortment. of Boots and Shoes :5, they believed Fenelon hut June nth, 1883. lI-ly. the largest nnd most varied in the village. @Q g l l l .on the west side of Colbornc street.'Frnelnn Falls. where they have opened out It first class stock of Si.‘ BSCR! BE FOR THE lililllll llllS Bllilli, only S] n year in advance. fl Job Printing neatly executed They respectfully solicit n coll from all who need anything in their lines, sod "will do their best to give entire suisfntion to their unionists. ‘3‘ A lhkcry ll“ be muted u soon as the oven, now beingbuilt. is finished. , JOHNSON a. rumored fenolon Falls, April 4th. lSSll. trees. about half of‘which are bearing. Apply on the premises to CHRISTOPHER FELL. .- FashionahlLTailoring. , l The undersigned returns sincere thanks i to the gentlemen of the village and its .vi- .cinity for their liberal putronnge since he i commenced business in iFENELON FALLS, mud “sum them that no rfl'urt will bcl {spared to give as good satisfaction in the , l l future u be but succeeded in giving during 3 3 the put lie is still located : «Over Mr. W. Campbell‘s Store,l l l inn 1 rupectlully solicits n all from oil who lucst styles and best possible mutter. Teneion Fella. Ely 5th. 1853. 7 wish to hue their clothing mode up in the i A. LALIBERTE. i . S, Coy-nail, 1:54., .lgrn! Lend/1n .llulual In SPRIN G D EEE SS GO 0 BS 1 “M” S”; M ”m" Ilw cumin”; ll) "’7"?! ,, m ilJ' lilrn Mun Hi the “ Lllmlml llutunl‘ NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS. Minna-.1... for thrir prmuptneu in paying “”4“" (‘.1,. Invilwyl. a-ur Plum“ in lull. mining from lune: by _iln- n w-hl lmâ€"h hm: â€"â€"-â€":n:â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" ‘, A!I"-til‘li'fl.l1|fh(', (Ipl, $560 . . . E J.t mu! .‘vll'linhl- ‘, E nib, 9 A Full Range Of Gimp Tnmmmgsflolourcd and l“;““"‘.."Â¥"" " '3. ' .22 . . Hr" -h 1- '«r l l" , “ .7, Black Frmges. Brocaded and Watered and mi. u .13.... 1..., .‘f‘.’ o o . v - ’l'l-ri um» .‘ll'i'uln', “ , . Plain Satms 8t Sflks. a full stock Of ' - 5.... 1...... mm... 332 Mantle Ornaments. {it'll}?‘iillliiil'... ””13’“ ‘72‘.’ ,6, ; :2”;- i'A-uur. ’ l'trulum, 5.60 g r. ; 12m,” 312 STAPLE GOODS, TABLE LINEMS, 1.3.1:; 2:12:33" “3m" 7;: Brown Holland, Window Holland, White and Grey (.‘ottons. 3',‘,‘,::'}'.;:,§,‘j,’u';h' “"2”", 2:; ‘ lltlurnrd lluiime, Up}, 630 ' ' a a '- e: ‘ - - - - ' . W5? \\ e ofler 1b.. bet value- in the county . Inspection ,, ”V Sirlihnrgry, “Mn" ,0 lied. < John ‘.'- 11m", (lpq, 33.0 '~ lDV ’ . Juror-Ellnvnvd, Verulnm, 4M JARVIS 85 M DOUGML' "<1“me '- m John Kzlnbvl, " 3.59 Fenelon Falls, April lilth, 1883. I..nrl|ny,flr.v 1.51th“, ’ t

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