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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Sep 1883, p. 2

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E. Hall - Jamaal. Visitor! to LINDSAY are invited to call and inspect my I-rg- New Stock, just pur- . chased, of gold and silver WATCHES, â€"-andâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERY I invite particular attention to my FINE GOLD GRAINS and LOCR‘BTS, newest patterns and styles. In Diamond Rings. Wedding Rings and En- gngemcnt Rings I show the best in town. I also show a very fine new assortment of gold and silver Waltham Watches, and the new dust-proof and water-proof cuesâ€"all styles. These goods are ail first class, yurlmnlud on 70/11! (1: rrprumlr I, and will be disposed of at as low prion-s as rell- * «The Practical ll'ulclmmlrer 4’ Jennifer "he ..w .- GII A NI)- ,Giearing Sale! â€"-â€"at ‘VE ES *a’S BAééA R. @325909fiw i WORTH 0F éDRY GOODS. as. $88801". ;why is it that so few of our farmers I i avail himsrif of some of the sources, a . Q . n n . of profit within his reach. For tnstauce. keep Ives ? Those who do, make mon- l ey out of them, and thy are admitted l to be about the InnSt profitable “ stcck " any ptL-rson can raise. A friend ofours in Lindsay, who commenced keeping ' them some years ago. told us at the end of a rather favourable season that his sales of bees and honey had amounted to $400, and he could unlidcvote a small portion of his time to his apiary, raving other buSincss to attend to. It does not require much capital to com‘ mence bee keeping, and the little crea- tures increase' so rapidly that it is not at all uncommon for a man to begin with one swarm in the spring and have a dozen in the fall. The best improved hives are rather expensive, but they last for many years, and any person handy with tools can make them, in which case the cost is very materially reduced. Bee pasture abounds every- the village treasury all moneys and fines received by them and give statements of the same forthwith.â€"Carricd. .North Verulam. (Correspondence offl: Gazelle.) Laraâ€"Owing to the late harvest several farmers in this locality have been having binding bees, by which means large fields of grain are bound up in a short time. Of course these in turn are followed by the ‘- liaht fantas- tic " which is enjoyed very much. PERsos.\Ls.â€"Mrs. Isaac Walker has for the last two months been under the doctor's care. Faint hopes are entcr- taincd of her recovery...Mr. K. Davies left here last week to fill the position of book keeper in a large wholesale firm of Toronto. Mr. Davies is a graduate of the Ontario Business College. Pnnsnv'rsntax Ptcxtc â€"The annu- al picnic of the Fenclon Falls Presbyte- ‘Ihe House of Lords. SIB. BRIGHTIS SARCASTIC REMARKS VP. . 0N ITS MEDDLESOMESESS. In his Birmingham speech on the temperance qustiou, Mr. Bright said : i â€".\'e.1rly fifty years ago, in the year 1835. Parliament passed one of the most admirable bills ever enacted by the English Legislatureâ€"~that is, a Bill I for the reformation of municipal corpor~ ations. That Bill proceededâ€"and I rather like the kind of procedureâ€"on the old lines of our constitution, and in that Bill as it passed the House of Commons there were clauses which transferred the power of licensing from the magistrates to the new corporations, wherever corporations were established in those boroughs, where they then cx- istcd, or where under this Act. they had been created. I regret to Styâ€"mot that the thing need startle anybodyâ€"that the House of Lords rejected those claus- and cowardly itct. On Monday MI:~ ...-. ..-.._~....a Marshall, on behalf of the army, laid information against P. Connors and others for disturbing the meeting. The case came up morning. people had seen the acts of Connors and his comradcs no one could be flutnd to testify against them but Special Consta- ble Bob Brown and his evidence simply amounted to nothing. Mr. Brown not being sufficiently clear on any one mint. The magistrate therefore dismissed the case, the costs having to be paid by Mr. Marshall.â€"Lfmlmy Post. Lord Dufi‘eriu’s Recall. The announcement of Lord Dnfi‘crin’s recall, first made. on this side of the At- lantic by the Globe, has been explained by later despatchos. It appcamthat he has been summoned to England for per- soual consultation with members of the Government upon matters too import- ty was to be made the bone of conten- fot trial on Thursdayi While a large number of l-‘cnclon “11,, The Greatest eating Compound is a preparation of carholic acid. vast-line and err-ate called MrGrvgor and Parkc‘s Parbolic Ccratc. It will cure any sore. cut, burn or hruisc when all other preparations fail. Call at Wm. R. Ellis’s Drug Store, llcfimgot’s Speedy Cure.- Prom the many remarkable cur-cs wrought by using McGrt-gor‘s Speedy Cure for Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Afl‘cb tions of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the market, so that those who sum-r may have a perfect cure. Go to \\'m. R. Ellie's Drug Store, t-‘cnclon Falls. Knun‘s Fluid Iagh' filing is the only instantaneous relief for Neural- gia, Headache, Toothache, ctc. Rubbing a fcw.drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all point and will prove the great value of Kram’a Fluid Lightning. 'l‘wenty-fivc cents per holtlc at Wm. H. Ellts's Drug Store, Fenc- lon Falls. 38‘ Use Lardino Machine Oil for there is an ingenious nasal Injector, for the able goods can be will anywhere. : CLOTI-IING, where, and there is no fear of its failing rian Sunday school will be held I'll the es. (Laughter.) In fact, you will find, not to be left for settlement ,0 ,1“, ordi- your machinery. fi- 1! you Me a “mug“. in Lindsay, ' as long as Canada thisties are plentiful, grove near the Rev. Mr. Lochead s res- In leoktng over the course of the House nary channels. The situation in Bill .... inquirefor my place; anybody can tell you : BOOTS & SHOES they being Lil-(tat producers of honey of ideuce on the afternoon of Friday, the of Lords for the last fifty years. that gnria has suddenly become serious. It SIIII.OIl‘S CATARRII REMEDY. A mar. "1"" ” "- superior quality. Bee keeping of course 28th inst., commencing at 2 o‘clock. It where they had not been able and had looks as if the throne (,f m,“ principali- "101‘s “”0 fur Cflmrrh. Diphtheria. Coulis”? G. W. BEALL. â€"TO BEâ€" ltusitS drawbacks like all other pursuits, will be free to all who take their own not the courage to reject a good measure “0““ “I“ “end ACM- ‘Vilh “WI! bum“ i f l or LINDSAY. ’ ” W‘LEcAL ...: JOHN A. nannox, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street, next door wast of Keith's Agricultural and Impicmsu Store. MARTINEIIOPKINS, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kcntstreet, Lindsay, Ont. P.S. Manny. . Mo- Office, G. ll. Ilorxtxs. F, D. MOORE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, 3r SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. IIUDSI’ )Tll & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, arc. flee, William street, Lindsay. A. Ilunarz-ru. 0f- O'LI’ARY & O'Li-IARY, BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-ALLAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Office, Dohcny lllock, Kentntrect, Lindsay. An‘ruvtt O'Lzanv. Iluon O'LcAnv. MCINTYRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, AT’I‘ORNEYSâ€"AT~LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, are, Lindsay. Ofllcc over Ontario flunk, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan nt 8 per cent. on real estate focuritics. D. J. .llclx'rvnz. Tuos. Srawanr. A LEX. A. i‘IC DONJ‘II I), A. JACKSON. g iSold at less than cost. {Glad Tidings fur the People. As I have fully decided on . RETIRING FROM BUSINESS, the public will find this a rare chance to secure goods at less than wholesale vices,- and as by my system of buying I have secured many lines below regu- lar prices, and intend giving the public the benefit of the same, buyers can ‘Siii ROM 30 in 50 PER CENT. l on goods bought at this sale. A single ; visit will convince Casu BUYERS that I mean business, and intend getting out of the business at any sacrifice. Don’t neglect. this ~ RARE OPPORTUNITY, take time by the foreiock and come at once, as no lines sold out can be re- placad, and [he first comers will have their choice of the bargains. Remember, The Slaughter has Begun, and will continue while the stock lasts. Keep your eye on the place,â€" but they are few and small compared to its advantages, and it. is gradually be- coming an important and highly profit- able industry. The above remarks are the result of our having read the pro- ceedings at the “ North American Bee Keepers' Convention.” held this week in Toronto, with which'wc were so im- pressed that we felt like instantly nego- eiating with somebody for a hive of bees; but were deterred by the reflection that we are thin-skinned and the insects are excessively prickly, and that if we had them they would be sure to make a point of swarming on publication day. Our Canal System. The Pcterborough Review, comment- ing on an article in the New York Bul- letin with reference to Canadian canals, concludes as follows : " The lesson that we really have to learn is that it is not these big ship canals that we want, but the less costly and more efficient barge canals. If, traf- fic on the Eric canal has increased so largely, though it. is a more ditch con- fined betwcen narrow banks and with an insufficient supply of heated water, what may we not expect from the open- ing of the Trent Valley navigation, with its magnificent expanses of deep, cool lakes and rivers with their rocky shores, allowing of great speed and affording ample room ? This would open a barge navigation from the Georgian Bay to our seaports, and it is now well known provisions, and a general invitation is extended to the public at large. PLATFORM Scamsâ€"Mr Jos. Heard has just received several platform scales the right size for store or farm use. as their capacity is from 600 to 1,000 lbs., and larger ones can be obtained, if re- quired, at short notice. They are from the factory of Messrs Gurney & Ware, of Hamilton, said to be the best scale makers in Canada, and have all been tested and pronounced correct by a Gov- ernmeut inspector. Call and examine them and see how cheap they are. THE Tonox'ro EXIIIBITION.â€"cher- a] of our villagers have visited the In- dustrlal Exhibition at Toronto (which opened on the 11th lust. and will close on the 22nd), and were well pleased with what they saw. Those who were fortunate enough to be able to devote a week of their time and a few dollars of their money to the purpose were well repaid, and will no doubt go again next. year if circumstances are favourable and induce others to accompany them. ANOTHER Tuonouounusn I’mâ€"By last Wednesday's train Mr. Archibald bchrthur, of Il‘euelon, received a beuu~ tiful youngr Berkshire boar pig, which will make u valuable addition to his stock. The little animal is frotn a sow imported by Mr. Simon Bcatty, of Markham, and his sire was imported by Mr. Snell, of Edmonton. Mr. Mc- Arthur is gradually stocking his farm with thoroughbred animals of all kinds; but pigs are his specialty, and he is ev- they had generally gratified an unhappy propensity by mutilatiug it. (Applause) If I may say so in a parenthesis, I should not be at all surprised if the day was coming when the people of England would be asking themselves the ques- tion why it was necessary that every measure that passed the House of Com- mons should be pared down to a min- imum, so that it might hope to pass the House of Lords. (Loud and prolonged cheers.) From Rat Portage. A. VISITOR’S ACCOUNT OF THE PRESENT POSITION 0F AFFAIRS. Mr. R. C. Tibb, of Toronto, who has recently returned from Rat. Portage where he spent. his holidays, gave a Globe reporter an account. of the situa- tion in that famous village. Mr. Tibb says that the accounts of the trouble there have been greatly exaggerated: that considering the number of licensed drinking places ,nud the amount of drinking done, the place is as quiet as any other hc'cver saw. The blood and thunder dcsputchcs of the Copperhead press-arc laughed at by the permit}, who know that the organ entirely misrepre- sents the state of affairs. Mr. Tibb bore testimony to the accuracy of the accounts appearing over the initials of the Globe‘s special correspondent. The people are naturally heartily tired of this quarrel, for they feel that they are the main sufferers by it. The great ma- tiou between Russia and Austria. Ai- cxuudcr, the reigning prince, has proven obnoxious to Russia. and efforts were made to secure his abdication, but be sought the advice of Bismarck, who di- rected him to remain. Russia puts for- ward Georgcvitch, the pretender to the throne of Servin, as a candidate for the Bulgarian throne. The despatchcs on the subject are very meagre, but those that have reached as show that there is quite sufficient in the present situation to lend to hostilities unless great discre- tion is exercised by the representatives of the nationsâ€"Globe. .-. An Exciting Runaway. The l’cterborough [Ct-view says : On Thursday afternoon, between five and six o'clock, a runaway of on exciting character occurred in Ashburnltatn. Mr. Wuud's team, attached to n wag- gou loaded with lumber, which hudjust arrived from Lakcficld, was stat-ding by a lumber pile, and the chains which bound the boards on the load had been loosened. The horses, which were stand- ing with their heads towards the river. and only a few yards from it, began to move. As they did so some of the boards fed off, and the horses becoming frightened sprung towards the water and entered it before anybody could ur- rest them. They swam out in the wn tor, and quite a crowd collected on the shores and bridge and watched them, but as there appeared to be no immedi- more successful treatment of these com- plaints, without extra charge.“ ‘Wtu. E. lil- lis, Wholesale and Retail Agent. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Courting up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cls. we sell them Shiloh’s Vitnliner, guaranteed to cure. them. Wm. B. Ellis, Wholesale and Rottil Agent. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the must success- ful Cough Medinlnc we have ever sold, It few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup uud Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of consump- tion is without it parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on u guarantee, it lral which no other medicine. can stand. If you have u Cough wu earnestly ask you to try it. Price to 0.15.50 cts.uutl SI. if your Lungs are sure, Chest or Rut-k lnmc, use Shiluu‘a i‘o- rous l’luster. \\'m. R. Ellis, Wholesale and Retail Agent. -_ . .- ._ BI [Kiri-LS. In Fenciou Falls, on Wednesday, Sep- tember lllth, the wife of Mr. John “‘ulluco ofu sou. Dllfll). In Fcnclon Falls, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 10th, Ann Julie, infant duughtcr of Mr. George Barkley, aged 1-1 months and 15 days. __._.____._.a‘____._____ BI Aclililfl'l.‘ liltil’Ollfil‘S FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by Nahum/all 4‘ Brandon. . ’ - that barges are more useful and wow idently determined to have the be d' " ' ' ' ‘ - . st . . . . . ate anger they were left alone. i‘hty ‘. r - . . ., TTORNEYâ€"AT-LAW, Solicitoriu Clmn- G' 1k. ‘VCGSG S Bazaal’ omicai for inland navigation than the that money will buy. Jm‘lly 0‘ respectable citizens '3",d b“,“' swam to about the centre of the stream w,,c,l:,c"rc,l;;n ”13' : “limb Std:,t'9',:“' 1,883; pcryhflonvcyuncer, k?" kc. Strictot- East End of Kent Street, larger vessels, to suit which so many TiKEN POSS}? \I J- , ucss men stronglyfavour Ontnrtoschum and then turned around and made for Wheat, fall)” iiiw - -b 9" I 03 "mm" “we" to "mil'muons for Patents I ‘ 1-. millions have been 5 out on our shi ‘ ‘ SSIOXIâ€"fl essrs. - ”VIS- “ud blame the D°"”"'°" Government tl sl r the l (i left '1 ' l l . ll 1“,”. bgkl l l. l - J ' of Lands frotn Crow" Land‘s Dcpurlmcnt. 4111( Say, 0111;, canals In g itc of file 0 ositlon oi) & McDngail have taken possessron of for what they have done to bring Ontu- 10 l 1;) er I .y Ti . , “11th trey oldie”, ll‘Lr 11:10 - . . l3 3:, > . ‘ -' - - - c ‘ ... .' n . . . . . . . ruc ‘( sa- . . ‘ ~ - - - . 3:22am2.33.3235w..::ca:;;.~:..:: WH_ 7* a. ...... all... ......HBE ...... 3,31,:- §,M;,;::f,';fl‘:bofi‘,°g§i'h,1.23, 3,130 .... ......m... ...... on ...... 5.3.1:... .33 .....‘gtxnig ,3.:.,,;'.P.;:;’ .. .. - . - . ‘ ‘ ‘ __ _ .- .. r . C - 1‘ _ t y t . . w u H _ _ _ - I ff street, Feneion Falls. khlififl‘llflllll filiifi @QSCIID of the veteran advocates of these costly in the “u,“ between it aiid their old questtpn. Iliey km.” th It AMT"?! The lumber fell off the \vaggnn into the RM’ iii "(i .. .__. fl“. 7 _ fl _ _ _ ..- works, barge canals will make their premises‘ No 1 has been shelved to In Muffins]? (“30?- tsticrciy thetcatsi- water and floated down the stream, but - I I : 12 f5 â€"'_“ wu and first on the list is the Trent - h H I . - PM? 0 '0 onumon overumcn ' T" it w s zli t ken out. DH.” l 1 cc :0 s7 00 MEDICAL' Saturday, Sept’r 22nd 1883. V if \r. v-,,.. ,- n 5“” t‘hem 31ml,” used as "' clothing and seeing that Manitoba can gain nothing a l a palm” 01'“er {00} )5" _" ) 1’4 I I, â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"-»~~--~â€"-- .,_,._,__._____ ’ II By ‘L '1 I’d 100' "CHIS furulslnnrv department the hills - - ‘ - --â€"â€" e. ‘hlasi [lLl‘ lUZLII, . J ____.-._7.,.._. â€" t‘l fibrin-Du“ .7. .___ -â€" “ 4 .-_-.-.,-..,_-_,_-,_m4 Bum" kept in "a“ cases flonv" one aide In securing control of the territory and A Remed f T til oh llny, per ton. - â€" - - $7 00 to $9 00 A' “ ' ' Did {I U’ ' A ' " Presentation to the Honorable S. C. An Unfortunate Journalist, of thee store. in is full of goods, imd that She 15 too poor to govern It propcr- y 01‘ 00 a 8' ~~~~ ., â€"â€" ~~ ~- »» - - ~~ ,_ ~ ORONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kc. Residence, Ilrick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. Wu, KEMI’T, M. D., C. M., RADUATE of Mcfiiii University, Mon trcnl, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- cinn, Surgeon nnd Obstetrician. Medical Referee to the Standard, I’htnnix, Connecti- cut .\Iutuol, and Equitable Insurance Com- panies. Office and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Run streets, Lindsay. DE. A. WILSON, h, B.UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. . M.B.Uoivcrsity of Toronto. Memb. Col. Phys. and Surg., Ont. Physlclun, Surgeon nndAccouchcr. Olficc,Colboruc street, h‘cnclou Foils. Du. J. H. LOWE, IIYSICIAN & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of Iiuiiburton. :6" Oflice out do“ to the .\lc.~\rlhur Ilouse. Residence, the house lately occu- pied by Dr. Ilryson, on May street, I-‘encion } I-‘nlls. l SURVEYORS. l 1 --__ . ___._.. -..__.___ .... i l JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor. Com uissioncr in the Q. R, i . (innvcyuncer, kc. Residencemnd ud- dress, l‘cnclon I-‘nlls. MISCELLANEOUS. "l ' J. NEELAHDS, DENTIST, LINDsAY. Ono of the firm will be at the McAnrnun Ilocsn. Fast-Joy FALLS, Wood. The presentation of a testimonial and address to the Hon. S. C. Woodâ€"which was decided upon as soon as it was known that he was about. to leave Lind- sayâ€"took place in the county council chamber at Lindsay on the evening' of the 11th lush, and the pleasing cere- mony was witnessed by a large number of persons front various parts of-thc county. The article chosen by the com- mitteo appointed to select the testimon- iul was a. solid silver cpergnc, which was received a short. time ago from Lon- don, England, and is said by those .who have seen it to be of elegant design and workmanship. The very considerable sum required to purchase it‘was con- tribted by Mr. Wood's friends and ad- mirers of all shades of politics, and the list of those present at the presentation contains the names ofseverai prominent Conservatives. In fact the affair may be said to have had no party signifi- cance ; but was simply an expression of admiration, esteem and good will by a large number of the residents of the county without regard to their political leanings. Mr. Iludspcth, Mr. Wood’s mipouont of old. was chairman of the 'committce and would have presided, but he was unavoidably detained at Os- goode ilull. and his place was taken, on motion, by Mr. Mayor Wallace, who, af- ter explaining the reason of Mr. Huds- peth'sabscnco and making some com- plimentary remarks with reference to Mr. Wood. called for the address, which was read by Mr. A. O'Leary, secretary oftbc committee, and which expres>ed regret at Mr. Wood's departure. admi- Wc offer our sympathy to our con- frere of the Uxbridgc Guardian, who has recently been the victim of a suc- ' cesslon of disasters of the most disheart- ening description. A few months ago â€"in May. we think it wasâ€"his prem~ iscs and some of his printing materials were destroyed by fire, and as soon as possible thereafter be erected a two sto- ry brick building 21 by 60 feet. He moved into it. on a Thursday, got all his machinery and type arranged by Saturday night, and hoped to commence work on the following Monday morn- ing; but “ there‘s many a slip ’twixt the cup and the lip," and during the intervening Sunday the building fell and buried nearly all the plant beneath the ruins. After an inevitable delay â€"-but a very short one under the cir- cumstancesâ€"the paper was issued from the front part of an old building former- ly used as on hotel, which on the morti- ing of the 14th was destroyed by fire, and the Guardian was not, only again rendered homeless but most of the type was lost‘ and the machinery damaged. It is some comfort to learn that the di- rect loss by the last disaster is covered by insurance; but the indirect loss will necessarily be heavy, and when the pa per is in a position to resume business again the people of Uxbridgc and its vicinity ought to show their apprecia- tion of the proprietor's pluck and perse- verance by giving him an increased measure of support. Prepariné for thoiCentAml. The Lindsay Post says :â€" tltc presiding genius is Mr. Jarvis, who is always busy cutting out clothingâ€"- when not engaged measuring customers. The firm keeps a large stuff of' tailors, and the present probability is that the number will have to be increased rath- cr than diminished. SEEKING DAMAGES.â€"Frnncis Stin- son, the Lindsay man who fell into the ‘canul in this village a few months ago and was rather badly hurt, has com- menccd a suit. against the village of Fencion Falls for damages, which he estimates at $500. We may be mis- taken, but. we fancy “ he has got the wrong pig by the car," and ought to have proceeded against the contractors if against anybody; though it is very doubtful whether, under the circum- stances of the case, he will be able to recover compensation. Stinson has emâ€" ployed Mr. Barrett, and the municipali- ty has instructed Messrs. Hudspcth 8'. Jackson to enter a defence. PAINFUL ACCIDENT.â€"-Oid Mrs. Lans- fieid, who lives in Veruiam about two miles from Feneiou Falls, and who has been partially blind for some years, met with a and accident on the evening of Thursday, the 13th lust. In stooping down she struck her right eye with such force against a projecting knob on the back of a chair that the eyeball was broken and part of the contents ran out, while blood flowed freely frotn incerated veins in the socket. She was brought to the Falls as soon as possible and placed uner the care of Dr. Wilson, who did all he could to relieve her sufferings and prevent the total loss of the eye, from which, it is almost needless to add, iy, they are rapidly learning to [my very little attention to what Norquay and his party do. The Ontario Commis- sinners have gained the respect of all the people of the place and are doing much to bring about a better state of affairs than has hitherto existed. - A Glob Raft. The New York Times of August cou- tnins the following account of an im- mense raft which was brought from St. John, N. 13., being the first attempt at raft towing in that direction : The largest string of logs ever made into a raft was towed into the Eric Ba- sin, South Brooklyn, at day-break yes- terday morning, by the tugs Cyclops and I'iaviland. The raft. is1,200 feet long, 24 feet wide and 12 feet deep. It is composed of 11 sections, each of which contains about 500 logs, ranging in size from the diameter of a waggon wheel down to that of a telegraph pole. The logs are piled in huge bundles and strapped together with chains strong 0- nougli to tow the Great Eastern. These sections were placed in a string and fasâ€" tened with a Strong huwscr to the Cy- clops, and Captain Gully of the lIavl- land, while the entire expedition wm piloted and managed by Capt. Rufus Patterson, of St. John, New Brunswick, the veteran of the Province. The logs were bought by Mr. James Murry, of No. 26 But-ling slip, in New Brunswick early this summer. The distance which they were towed is 650 miles, as the ships sail, and the freight would have been very heavy. Mr. Murray accord- ingly consulted with Captain C. C. El. The Port. Hope Times says :â€"We have heard of many strange and curious remedies adopted by men for thc thou- sand and one aches which human flesh is heir to. but among the strongest and apparently most ridiculous pannccm of which we have ever heard is that aug- gcsted by u weii-to-do-faruicr residing in the township of Clarke. [10 says he used to be subject to frequent and tar- rible attacks of toothache, and a friend suggested to hitn one day that. if he would tnukc a practice of always draw- ing on his left boot first he would be entirely freed from his uncotnfbrtubic guest. He has followed the praclicc for the last twenty years, and during that period he has never had the least touch of toothache. We give the infor- mation for the benefit of those who wish to test; the remedy. ..LW- Fight to the Death. Cunnovoan. Sept. lG.~â€"Fl'nttk Duv- creaux, homestcadcr, had a fight with a bear near here, and both were killed. Devcrcnux‘s body was found in a sit.- ting posture braced against a log. where he had evidently placed himself after the contest. Ilia side, cheek and legs were gnawed nearly to the bone. one shoulder dislocated, an eye gauged out, and the stomach almost torn open. The bear had been shot through the shoul- der, and, aggravated by the wound, a terrible struggle ensued. The ground was torn up for twenty feel about the spot. The print of the hcnr‘s teeth and bunches of hair were found on Dover- caux's gun. New Advertisements. A. 1’. human, ARRISTER, Attorney-ut-an, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. fiouss &- LOT FOR SALE. . The undersigned offers for sale, upon ren- sonnbla- terms, his property at the corner of May and Francis street, Fcneion Follu, con- sinting ofo quurter acre of land and it good story and n lmll‘ frnnic house on a Mono foundation, with kitchen and cellar, wand- sht-d. kc. For particulars apply on the premises. GEORGE NII'I. I-‘cnclon Falls, Aug. 2011:, I883. 26-:hv. CHANGE in BUsfiifiss â€"IN THEâ€"- NEW DRUG STflllE, FENELON FALLS. Ilnving purchased the Drug lluniueu of Mr. John Nugcnl, l would respectfully ro- lleit a continuance of the pulronugc so lib- cruliy IN’SIUWCII on lvltn in tho punt, and will do my utmost to merit the some by nttend- lug closely to business and keeping colt- stuntly on hand it FRESH AND FULL STOCK of everything uauully kept in it first class drug store. I uhio intend adding largely to the present stock of lionka, Stationery and Font-y (lumls, and to sell at prices tlutt will defy competition. W. E. ELLIS. .â€" TL‘O ’JTIII'J l’U’lILIC. In reference to the above llltlt',I he“ lravo - . . ‘ __~_-.,_--.- to return my sincere. tlmnks to tnv numer- . . . s , . . 1 - on the third Monday of t‘tlt‘ll month. ’I‘ccth ration Of his career and character, and “ Active work seems to be the order the Slight ha gone forever “3' or No. 60.S°"‘h,s"”et' a brother of . nus friends and ruttomcru who have an lib- "lmcud 5! '“ughink RM without pain or the warmest wishes for his future pros- of the day in matters concerning the A VARIEGATED CODNTENANCE~“A the master 0' the (450109“. Who “"ch Attacked I)? a Pig- crully (limit with rm: in the post, and would Injury. or no charge will be made. [3‘ Office established in Lindsay nearly ‘ fifteen years. AT M ETIIERELL’S. , l Bill wuliinu um ' AT IETHEHELL’S. .â€" 1! You want School Books. Buy them at MHTIIEZRELL‘S. If You want Stationery. Buy it at llETIli-IRELL‘S‘. If You want Christmas Farris. Buy them at NETIIERELL'S. If You want to Hake Glfts. Buy at unrttnnsLL's. The Ohmpest-S-tbtiouery Store, REST STREET. LINDSAY. Lindsay November 30th, l8“. mso {times}. l saunas: cunntnonau, 5 mummduantlgunt. i pcrity and happiness. After the read- ing of the address the cpcrgne, which born a suitable inscription, was present- ed. and the recipient then made a neat , and appropriate speech, which was foi- iowcd by a still shorter one towards the close of the proceedings; and both, like nearly all his non-political utterances, were approved of and applauded by Conservatives as well as by Relormcrs. 7 Bee Keeping. Lindsay Central fair. The several com- mittees having details in charge are zealous in getting things into shape. Mr. James Keith, the secretary, is en- gulfed in correspondence as voluminous and extensive as any minister of the in- tcrlor ever handled. A committee, of which Messrs. Robson and Multins are chicfworkcrs. have put the horse ring in splendid shape. and there will be a splendid opportunity to make speed thereon. At a meeting of the directors held on Saturday all the judges were All who havcfpaticntiy and persist- | notified. Mr. Wm. Robson purchased cutly pewsfid this paper must have seen i while in Toronto a very handsome sil- cnough in it to convince them that it. i "1'" cup for the lacrosse come“- The believes in farming, and in farmers too ‘ time for receiving entries has been ex. â€"whcn they pay in advance. docs. Nothing can convince the ()n- zctlc that there is Moccupation equal to farming for a man who is qualified for It, and has neither a strong instinct- ivc or acquired dislike to it. a genius sufiieicot to support him in comfort. Farming is beyond question the most healthful and independent of all pur- suits, and we thoroughly believe that, I take one year with another, it is almut FENELON FALLS, 01m, 1 as profitable as any ; for. bear in mind, i i for some other calling that would make} ment. . . success in it certain, or private fortune ford. Fitzgerald and Smith. So i; tended until Saturday, Sept. 29th." Village Council. “ Fenclon Falls, Sept. 15th. 1883. i The council met pursuant to adjourn- ‘ l Members present, Messrs. Sand- Movcd by Mr. Fitzgerald» seconded by Mr. Sandford, That the following accounts he paid and the recvc give his orders for the same: E D. llaud, print- ing civic holiday. 82; E. flaw, build-l lug sidewalk. 828 50.â€"â€"Carried. few days ago omc of our villagers at- tempted to sItSow their agility by turn- ing handspriugs', and one of the number made so vigorous an effort‘that he took half a turn too much and ploughed a furrow in the gravel with his nose, to the great injury of that organ and the adjacent facial territory. Then he went home and anointed his visage with coal oil, which raised blisters distinctly visi- ble at a distance of fifty feet, and im- parted to his countenance a variegated appearance which provoked the laugh- ter of all bchuidcrs, in which, like a sensible and good natured fellow, he heartily joined, and appeared to be pleased with his newly acquired ability to afford amusement. ANOTHER Ba.\'K.â€" There is a ruuvr that one of the chartered banks, though we cannot learn which, intends to open a branch in Mr. Jordan's new block in this village, and hope is expressed by ourlcadlng business men that the re- port. may prove true. We had one bank here some time ago, but it was a pri- vate affair, and as there was a reluct- ance, though probably quite unfounded. on the part of many to do business with it, and it was financially unable to car- ry out heavy lumbering concerns, it was took to tow the raft to New York, at a saving of 50 per cent. in freight rates. The raft was constructed, and on Aug. 7th was started from the harbor of St. John. The voyage of the raft has oc- casioned great interest among shippers, as such a trip has never been made be- fore, and it is the general impression that this tnodo of transporting timber will supersede the shipping on schOOucrs to a very large extent. The Cyclops is the largest tug in the harbor, being 128 feet long. She is owned by Capt. C. C. Ellis. A Sunday Night Disturbance. At the meeting of the salvation army on Sunday night a row occurred that, had it spread to the dimeo~ions of a panic, might. have been attended with serious conscqucnces. Fifty different versions of the affair are rctailcd. no two agreeing in the particulars. It isl said that a number of young men made themselves objectionable to the meeting by persisting in keeping on their hats; and Using abusive language. One of the number was arrested by Countable Smart and summarily ejected from the hall amid the threats and expostuiatious of his comrades. ST. THOMAS, Sept. 15th.â€"~chterday afternoon a child about fourteen months old, belonging to Wm. \\'ii~on, near Al- vinston. was lying asleep upon a quilt on the floor of the kitchen opposite the door. which was standing open, when a pig came along and, seeing the child, at once began to devour it. The little ouc's throat was torn clean norms, ex- posing thcjuguiar vein to view, and its face mutilated. There was no person in the house at the time. but the cries of the child attracted the attention: of a neighbor. and the pig wasdrivcn off. If the child lives it will be permanently disfigured. .- o ....-.m... More favourable reports of the Am- erican corn crop arc to hand. In the part forty years 84,000,000 has been spent in building and restor- ing churches in Walt-it. In Dublin two men have been sent to priwn for three months in default ofl finding £2,000 bail each for threaten- l’otutoes, “ perih.,- - - - Mk n continuance of the some for my suc- cessor, Mr. W. E. Ellis,“ I can fully rc- commend him to their trust and confidence. JOHN NIIOENT. Penelon Falls, Ang't Zlut, Inuit. 2644‘. HRMIHS, [unlit El l have snccrt-dcd in gelling the agency for the celebrated Hoosier Bombined Seed Drills. They are said to bu THE BEST IN CANADA. , I will nil to farmer! for fall seeding on next yt-vur'u terms. Get a Drill now, and cash next spring will be considered the , name at rnrh down. In pried-n I cun comâ€" ! pct: willinny, and warrant the machine in every way. I am now offering new W anzer Sewing Machines ing Francis Carey, a brother of the in. “ Fri“. "flint! "0'" 315 1° 34’5“"! they former. The storm on Lake Michigan has proved extremely disastrous to shipping, and it is estimated that a million and a n.- no equal. [if Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Luau on easy ternu. J'. JXIIB'JJI I". Pcnclon Pulls, August 8th, 188:). -â€"-â€"-a 2 0 Another story tells' hall dollars' worth of vomit have bun how a box filled with shavings was set < destroyed. . on fire and hoisted up on a pole oppo-, It I» stated on the authority of a pro site one of the ball windows. an alarm fem-tonal laud valner that In the coun of fire being given in hopes that the tics of ‘\ atcrford, tippernry and Ktl- ; Term: cu]- For further particulars WI”! Moved by Mr. I-‘itxgcrald, seconded not a success and um cloned after a by Mr. Smith. That the rccve be em- , brief existence of something lcm than a , powered to engage counsel to defend g year. With reference to a regularly; the suit of Mr. Francis Stinson entered ! chartered institution of known stability i against this corporationâ€"Carried. and possessed of abundant capital of: represents the following first class compo-3 there are men who are “homage farm- uies, with which bnnuu can be transacted 2 era as m,“ as others “,0 are wholesale upon the moat m‘vnnlageons terms. 9 . . The Canada Permanent Loan & Savings Cc . dealers in groceries or dry goods; and a ten l The imperial insurance Company. of tum,f make just as much money. ‘0'» BOKIHNL lfnir average farm fails to afi’ord the 1*‘0 I}. SAIJIC, Lot 5 cut a! Column and south of Pran- citl ttrcetl, In the village of I’cuclun Voila. 7" Ci‘m”. "’“m‘” OWN”?- °'C‘““ owner a comfortable Iivino it is ocueral- Moved by Mr. Saudford, seconded by worse no timidity would be felt. and meeting would be broken up. I’ortu- lteuny there is not visible the bilabial-,5 ,0 Th f: H", fll‘im‘ C , l ly because through carelessness ic suf- , Mr. Fiugcrnld, That the clerk be in- the general opinion i~ that it could do a : MM] ‘be 6'9 “5 ”uml'lw‘lb and 9'3" Oftmm’o dm‘”? nudlthat ”'L‘ c"‘I’ ' It. A. DICKSOS. I a N “mm“ 0., of Rug "‘1‘; fer; innumerabldaunll losses crthrough l strueted to notify Messrs. Robert .‘Ic- ; satisfactory and fairly profitable buai-l there was not the rush from the hall . bids fair to as one o the rest and mm! s Lind-ivy, (lot. . The Contcdrntion Lite Association, of Car ; uh g thoughtlessness or negligence docs noel Farlaud and (ice. Craudell to pay into i one in Penelon Falls. 1 Lindsay, 1"“ T‘Hh, l8”. l'J-t. I. that might have followed such a foolish i abundant for many yearr.

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