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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Oct 1883, p. 2

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'- -. 6. ll. Beall - - Announcement. Viniton to LINDSA i' are invited in call and inspect my large New Stock, just pur- chased, of gold and silver WATCHES; -â€"nndâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERY I invite particular attention to my rm: GOLD GHAINSl BAZ and LOI'KBTS, newest patterns and styles. In Diamond Rings. Wedding Rings and En- gagement Rings I show the best in town. I also show a very fine new assortment of' gold and silver Waltham Watches, CRSQkâ€"BII styles. These goods are all firs The rear of 1 G R A N D Clearing Sale l WEESF s WORTH OF and the new dust-proof and water-proof DR SE GOODS t class, guaranteed In good or "prevented, and will be disposed ot‘ut as low prices as reli- able goods can be sold anywhere. a” If you are a stranger in Lindsav. C'lé’ié”..“i.'.“"”‘““““-"’°“-"“"‘°”-"‘5“ BOOTS 8t SHOES G. W. BEALL. The Practical Il'alellmalrer 4" Jeweller ' ” "veggie on A. 1’. mavens, BARIIISTER. Attorney-at-l.nw, Solicito in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. Bannisrm-ATâ€"Law, londsay. Agricultural and Implement Store. MARTIN d: IIOI’KINS, JOHNTFE§KIWOK Office . . . on KentStrcet, ucxtdoor west of Keith‘s the public “I” find ”"5 a rare chance - to secure goods at less than wltolesnlel CLOTIIING, â€"TO BEâ€" i9',““‘f’°f" Sold at less than cost. 'Glad Tidingsâ€"lollies People. As I have fully decided on RETIRING FRO.“ BUSINESS, 1’ Tires; and as by my system of buying ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc 310- I have secured many lines below regu- ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kentstreet, Lindsay, Ont. P.S. Siam-ts. Oflice G. H. llorxlss M F. D. MOORE, Iar prices. and intend giving the public the benefit of the same, buyers can SAVE FROM 30 lo 50 Fill BENT. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY. Jr SOLICITR and Notary Public. Office, Kent street, Linrlsay. II ITDSI’E’I‘II d: JACKSON, anmsrnns, SOLIUITORS, Ace. Of- ficc, William street, Lindsay. A. "Ubsl'ifl'll. A. JACKSON O'LI‘JARY lk O'I.I“ARY, A RRISTRRS, Solicitors in Chancery, site. Doheny Iilock, Kcntstrect, Lindsay. Auruvn O’Imsnv. MCIN'I‘YRE 8.: STEWART, BA RRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc, Lindsay. Office over Ontario Bank, Kent street. No. my to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate fecurities. D. J. )Iclsrvnz. Tuos. Srrwnar. A LEX. A. MCDONALD, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitorin Chanâ€" cery, Conveyanccr, (to, he. Strictat- tention given to applications for Patents oflulnds from Crown Child’s Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. street, l-‘cuelon Falls. Office, Colbornu mfrmtixgm A. W. J. DEGRASSI. M. D., CORONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc... &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street. Lindsay. WM. KEMI’T, M. D.. C. M., (‘tRADUATE of lchiII University, Mon I Inn”, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Mcdicul Referee to the Standard, Plimnix, Connecti- cut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Com- panies. Office and residence. in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Run streets, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON. BI B. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. . .\l.Il.University of Toronto. Memb. Col. Phys. and Surg., Ont. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher. 0tlicc,Colborne street, li'enclon Falls. Dn. J. ll. LOW '3. IIYSICIAN k SURGEOX. Coroner for the Provisional County of Ilalihurton. 53" Office next door to the McArthur Rouse. Residence, the house lately occu- pied by Dr. ilryson, on May street, Fenclon Falls. JAMES DICKSON. L. Surveyor. Com nissioner in the Q. It, , . (‘oiivcy-ririimr..‘zc. Residence,and ad~ dross. Pout-inn Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. ~7.34:0. CUNN'INefiA'i/if lgenl Eredil Valley Hallway. Tickets to all West. and all local points on Credit Valley and Canada Southern Railways. Fenelun Falls, Slay tth. IRSLI. I'.’-t.f. 1*‘() I}. SIS. 14E. Lot 5 cast ut't‘olhorue and «outlier Pran- ris “nets. in the Village of‘ Fcuelon Polls. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to R. A. DICKSON’. Lindsay. Ont. 19-2. r. Lindsay. June 28th, I933. HEELAHDS, DEN'I‘IST. LINDSA'Y. One ot‘the firm will be at the McAnvm-n Ilorsx. szztos FALLS. on the third .\Iondn_v ofeach month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury. or no char it will be made. .3- Olfiee ut- Iished in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. lNSU waivers. GEORGE GUIIIIBHAI, General Insurance and Inn Agent. FENELON FALLS, ONT., "presents the following first class compo. lies. with which business can be transacted upon the most afuntn'cnu tom. The Canada Permanent Loan t Savings Co The Imperial Insurance Company, of Lon don. England. The Ciliuns‘ Insurance Coupon], O'Conn- dn, Fm an! Jail-wt. The lmnushiu Inter-nee Co... of England. The Contcdc~'iou Lite Association. of Cu. ado A T't‘OltNEYflATâ€"L A w, Office, llucu O'Lcaav. points West and North-l - real Money ,0 Loan. on goods bought at this sale. A single visit will convince CASH BUYERS that I mean business, and intend getting out. of the business at. any sacrifice. Don't neglect this ' RARE OPPORTUNITY, take time by the forelock and come at once, as no lines sold out can be re- placad, and the first comers will have their choice of the bargains. Remember. The Slaughter has Begun, and will continue while the stock lasts. Keep your eye on the place,â€" G. A. Weese’s Bazaar, East End of Kent Street, Ioindsay, Ont. correlation Falls (bonito Saturday, October 20th, 1883. Law Reform. *â€" Thc Globe of the 16th has an article on land law reforms. to discuss which a deputation recently waited on Mr. Mow- at. The subject is one which needs not only discussion but energetic action, for the present laws relating to the transfer of land are as frivolous, vexa- tious and expensive as they can well be. A few days ago an unfortunate‘victim of them published his experience. which would have been amusing but. for its effects upon his interests. We have not. his letter at hand ; but the substance of it was that, being offered a very advan- tageous purchase, he wished to raise money upon property he already pas. sesscd, and of his title to which there Could not be the shadow of a doubt. Naturally, therefore. he imagined that he could borrow cheaply and expedi-. tiously. but. found to his surprise and disgust that a prolonged and tedious search through the musty records of the past was necessary. that. it would cost him at least $20. and that the same process would have to be gone through every time the property was mortgaged or changed hands. Pecu- liarities connected with the case may have made it an exceptional one; but. the process is always too tedious, and, as the Claim remarks, “ there is nothing in the nature of real estate which should prevent it. from being passed from hand to hand with as much ease and as little expense as bonds, stocks and other per- sonal property; " and "the title conferr- ed by registration should be indefensi- ble. and the certificate of" title should be available as absolute security for loans as well as purchase money." The New York Tribune says that the evil isas event in that State as in Canada, and thinks that a simplification of the land laws would inaugurate a new era in estate transactions. But many I other laws besides those relating to the transfer of land ounht to be remodeled and rendered less cunibrous and expen- sive. At present the costliness of legal proceedings. even in what ought to be very simple and easily settled cases, is absolutely appalling, and many a man is prevented from seeking what he be- i lievcs to be justice by fears of the pc-! cuniary consequences in the event of, failure. In this district three trials i have occurred which ought to serve an i a warning to all who contemplate Iitiga- ‘ tion. Two residents of Feuclon. each of whom thought he had a good case, went to law about a strip of land worth only 825. and the loser will have to pay some $300. A near and dear cou- l temporary of ours. who allowed his real i to overcome his discretion. was sued for , libel and will have to pay, we are told, I about 8400, llthouull the verdict was’ only for onecighth of that sum. A lum- l bet-man cut. down a dozen pine trees to which it appeared he had no right, and the lawsuit in which he was beaten will cost him 81.000. Such instances as tbcoc show the need ofinstnnt and rad- ical legal reforms; but how to get them ‘ is I question that we don‘t, just at pres not, feel competent to answer. A memorial convention will be held , . in Lindsay on the 23rd inch. to nonr’ ! memowc the recent union of Method-l I ism in Canada. 8831'? AA R. @825 000%; I i A Real Grievance. . sion on the subject. The frequent and prolonged stoppages . of the train at the ' "action a mile this I be to rent premises and have a bank of- ; side of Lindsay if}: a grievance sofi- i ficial here two days in the week; which i cicutly genuine‘jnd annoying to justify arrangement. though better than none f the numerous and loud complaints made ' at all. would not, we think, prove very ' 3.5,. we "awning public and calmly dis l satisfactory. . : regarded b," the Midland Railway Com- ; pony. If it happened only occasionally xoruhra’z it would not be so bad, as ; passengers would not grumble a great deal or delays that occurred at long in- tervals : and iftllev knew that deteniion , was certain those in a hurry would get out and walk. But what makes the thing so vexutious is its uncertainty One day, when the train commences to back up after reaching the junction. : you get out and start but foot for town, i and three minutes later the train dash- as past you ; next day you resolve nnt [to be fooled that way again and you l 'J‘Hr: Cassi. â€"The labourers, masons and carpenters employed at the canal keep “ pegging away,” and the work procresses slowly but surely. Not much addition has been made to the lock walls since our last notice. but a large supply of stone is being laid in. and the foundation for the gates is approaching completion. West of Colborne street the work of excavating seems to be per- formed in a somewhat desultory man- ner, as sometimes quite a number of men are employed and sometimes none; but the cut is now a considerable depth throughout the whole length of the can- al, and above the locks can be comple- ted in a short time when necessary. OUR. Jocnxsusrtc NEIGHBOURS.â€" The Post has lately been reduced to SI :1 year, making it, when the quantity and quality of its contents are taken in- to consideration, one of the cheapest local papers. The Il'nrtlrr has been en~ larged from a forty=eight to a fifty-six page sheet. and the proprietors are do- ing all in their power to make it \vorthy l wait twice or three times as long as it would take you to walk to the station. On Thursday, the 4th inst. when as many people as could possibly be jzun- nlf‘tl into the cars were on their way to l the Central exhibition. they were kept 'waitinc five minutes at. the junction, I then backed half a mile up the truck and kept there half an hour longer. which so enraged some. of the half-suf- focated passengers that if the President learn, the presentiutentinn appears to l Opinion. out having come to any definite conclu~ ,l wins for him ready access to junrnal~ o‘ i From what we 3 every class and of all shades of political i It is needless to say that his statements of fact are well weighed. and or de- With n view to :3 states in the Union. giving the people of the mother land l seven counties in Georgia where 1 man some idea of the progrem we have. made i in Ontario, he has recently adopted the I plan of sending with his correspot ence To ronto. showing not merely a plan of the city. but also a number ofits prominent buildings, including the colleges. Os- Im‘ migrants attracted by Mr. Sumerville's unobtrusive methods are likely to be. come themselves the most efi'crtive im- , that he holds out no false hopes l lusive encouragements. a well executed series of views 0 anode Ball. lending churches. etc. migration agentsâ€"Globe. * Lost H1 License. '8 CII ECK. fraction of the Sunday law. SUNDAY LIQUOR SELLING RECEIVES A Yestekday afternoon the Police Ma- gistrate, for the first time on record. cancelled at hotel liquor license for in- Three cases, now being appealed, of cancella- tion of grocers’ licenses for selling Ii- quor in quantities less than three half pints have been noted. but the case of Alexander Crete, which was heard yes Great activity in English ship-yards A U 0 T I O N S Ilia. , is reported. or ”tun: , It is not generally known, but it is i said to be a fact. that Georgia and Minâ€" lsimippi are the strictest temperance There are eighty~ cannot boy. he: or steal a drink of whisky, and none can b.- purchased in the State except in the larger towns. In Miwissippi they to: billiard tables $1,000 each, under belief that they are a device for encouraging drinking. 38‘ Use Lnrdinc Machine Oil for your machinery. o.â€" The Greatest Healing Compound is a preparation of catholic acid. vnsellne and comic called .\IrGrvgor and Parkc‘s Carbolic Ccrate. It will cure any sore. cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail Call at Wm. H. Ellis's Drug Store, Feneion Falls. and get a package. Twenty- five cents is all it costs. MeGregor's Speedy (hire. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using .‘IcGn-gor‘s Speedy Cure for Dys~ pepsin, Indigestion. Constipation and Atl'ces tions of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without any advertising. we have concluded to place it extensively on the market, so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go to Wm. R. Ellis's Drug Store, I-‘enclon Falls, and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at titty cents and one dollar. I! THE COPXTY 0? TICNNA. *â€" Tch will be sold on Friday, the 2nd of November. 1883} at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. at Key-if hotel IN THE VILLAGE OF COBOONK. by virtue of a power or sale contained in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at the sale. Ihe following pmperly, under mortgage from Hamilton Bice: Lots Nos. 50a 51 In the Front Range on Gull River in the Township of Sam- rrvlllc, containing two hundred and thirty-flirts acres, more or les=, excepting thcnuut ten acres of the west end at said Lot 50 here- tofore sold. The following improvements are said to be on it c premises: About forty acres cleared, having thereon a fume barn‘ and two sheds. 'J‘crrnn :â€"0neâ€"tenth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day or sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES anus. a MACKENZIE; Solicitors, .lliuom'r Hull. Toronto. 01‘ IO of the company or even an influential director had made his appearance it is extremely probable that he would have been assaulted and battered on the spot. mom! a discontinuance of the grievance of which we complain. as the railway magnates are all-powerful and can do as they please ;â€"they have got our money and can take their choice as to how they will treat us. Still. in the hope that if strong they will be merci- ful. wcihumbly sugge~t that the annoy- enca of' these delays (which are said to be unavoidable) would be much decreas- ed if' the conductor of' the train were instructed to go through the cars when- ever the duration of the detention at thejunction was doubtful and make an announcement to that effect. thus giv- ing the passengers the choice of keep- ing their seats or walking to town. Mr. Dickson’s Survey. In our issue of the 6th inst. we no. ticed that Mr.James Dickson. l’. L. S.. of this village, had returned home after an ubscucc of between three and four tunnths, and. as usual, we obtained from him as soon as possible a report of' his proceedings. which will be found below: Left. home the 22nd of June to sur- vey the township of' McLaughlin at: the head of the .‘luskoka River, but was delayed two days at. the north bay of Trading Lake by heavy rains. On Wednesday, the 27th, started up the river, which resembles Burnt: River. and found it five feet higher than I ever saw it before. Had to out. several new portages, and at. one point. where the river was filled with floodwood and we used to have to carry our stuff over a bank upwards of five feet high, the loaded punts this year sailed right. a- cross the portage. Owing to the high water and ruin did not begin the sur- vey until July 7th. Cached our sup- plies on a small island in Island Lake, which is near the centre of the town- ship; and when a. man was sent. for a bag of flour on the 30th of July he found the cache had been robbed of all the provisions. viz .' 11 cwt. of flour, It) cwt. of'bucon. 3 bushels of' beans, 100 lbs. dried apples. 30 lbs. each of rice, sugar and tea, and halfn bag of peas, and then burnt. The loss was nearly $500, and in consequence of it the whole party had to be taken out to Dwiulit and fresh supplies got from Bracebridge. About 6 p. m. on the 22nd of August a fearful hurricane a- rose, and one blast, the worst, thunder- ed down from the west, levelling every- thing before it. When within about ten rods of the camp it suddenly parted and passed on either side. and although limbs and even whole trees were hurled down within twenty feet of the tout the canvass never fluttered. During the continuance of the hurricane rain \VilB pouring down in a perfect sheet and the thunder and lightning were torriiic. Island Lake is a beautiful sheet of wa- ter nearly six miles long and forms the head of the Muskoka River. being its most easterly limit. A twelve tniuutes' walk north-easterly from it brings you to a large lake emptying into White Trout Lake on the l’etawawa; whine half an hour's walk in an easterly direc. tion will take you to .‘lndawaska water. Thus. while the centre of the township is drained by the Muskoka, the south- east is drained by the Mada\vu.~ka and all the north side by the Pctuwuwu. From the top of a mountain a mile west of the cast boundary. I saw the great Opcongo Lake; the north boundary crosses the large and beautiful White Trout Lake. The township contains some very fine land. with large streaks of heavy maple. black birch and beech. The eastern part has been Iumbercd over by Ottawa lumbcrmen ; but it. still captains a large quantity of white pine nf‘uood quality. There are numerous small lakes abouuding with speckled trout, while the woods abound with moose. red deer and bears. and occas- ionally the midnight silence is broken by the dismal howl of the wolf. We finished the survey September 24th. and got home to Feuclou Falls on the 3rd of October. Sr. strns‘s Cannonâ€"Next Sunday, the Slst inst.. the sermons morning and evening in St. James's Church, b'etlelnn Falls, will be preached by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, and the collections will be in aid of the Mission Fund of the Diocese. Hour: roa Goonâ€"Sims. S. Peck, stipendiary magistrate of the Providen- el County of Ilnliburlon. is now in .‘Iindeo, where he intends to reside per- manently, having (we hear) repurchase-d the house and land he formerly owned close to the village. A Bustsrss Visitâ€"last Wednes- day evening Mr. Walter Darling, nun- ngcr ofthe Lindsay branch of the D» minion bank. and Mr. John A. Barron I visited the Falls on business connected l with the proposed opening of an agency l of that bank in this village. They left ‘ “'c know it is useless to do ceives. other for assault. and battery. he is apt to get the worst of it. almost inevitably have been blinded. Only a fortnight ago a large and sharp butcher knife bounded up from the meat. block and severely slashed Mr. Austin across his right cheek ; and as the sticking plaister is still on that wound and a lot more on the new one. he just now presents a picturesque tho’ not very attractive appearance. P‘Eâ€"Wfiâ€"a Homesteads Near Winnipeg. The homestead question is attracting much notice and comment. The West- ern fever, which for the past. couple of years has infected everybody, is 3 .me- what. abated. Farmers are beginning to see that. a form close to Winnipeg is worth very much more than one some hundreds of miles west. for the reason that. the “’innipug market controls prices in the North-West, and therefore grain and stock raised in this vicinity will fetch much higher prices than that raised and sold out west. the difi'ercuce being the freight to Winnipeg and the profit oi'a middleman employed. The land oflicc at Winnipeg, which for a good while past has been very little patronized, has been booming for the past month or so. Obscrvant settlers have discovered that. within the County of Lisgar. lying immediately north and east of Winnipeg, there are still large quantities of free lands ready to be homesteadcd, and the consequence has been a-pcll-mcll rush for them. Over 100,000 acres have been humesteuded within the last few days. The town council of'Eist Selkirk have displayed great activity in advertising the free lands in that vicinity. and most of the settlers have gone tlicre.â€"-Globe Corr. Canadian Factory Girls. The New York Graphic recently pub- lished a letter from a shop girl in that city, in which was drawn a not. ~at. all inviting picture of the lot of her class in Gotham. 'l‘hc apparently accidental perusal of'tliis letter attracted the at- tcutiou of a Toronto Working girl. who wrote as follows. the signature of the letter being of course a nom 41c plume .' â€"SlR,â€"I am a Toronto working girl. and take an interest in a letter signed “ Ada " in a copy of the Graphic which [why in the store where I work. If Ada and other working girls in New York can earn 88 a week they ought. to be very happy. llerc Icw'yirls either behind the counter or in the work room can get. more than 83 50 or S-f. I my- self work in a corset factory, and nel- dom make more than 83 50; and per Imps it will make Ada more contented with her ponitiou if she knows that we work girls have to submit to corporal punishment. It is nearly a year since when, owing to my father's death. I had to go to work. Shortly after get- ting my place the forewouian told me one day that I had spoiled a pair of Corsets by my carelessness, and that the would cllllcr dismiss me or else I must take a whipping. With such an alter- native I submitted to a whipping, and not a very severe and humiliating pun- Inluuent, and seldom 1. day passes but some girlâ€"many of them almost wo- menâ€"gets whipped in the factory where I work. and I believe the same is pretty general. ALICB. Advertising Ontario. Mr. Alexander Somcrville, of this city. well known as the "-Wbistler at the Plough," is a persistent and effect- ive advertiser of this Province in Great Britain. He conducts a voluminous correspondence with old Country jonrv unis, not confining himself to I few, but selecting new papers each week with I view to securing the widest publicity for his statements. respecting the norm- try as n field for the intending emigrant. The reputation acquired by Mr. Somer l by the morning train on Thursday withâ€" ville many years ago as a liltemrmr terday, was the pioneer one as regarded the large Conservative patronace it re- The I’ctet'borough Review is to become the property of a company about to be incorporated, and the Ea:- uminrr having made some offensive comments thereon. the editors of the two papers got into hot Words and then apparently fell to blows, for we regret to see that they are prosecuting each Ilun'r Aoarx.â€"Bmchcriug is gener- ally supposed to be a profitable business; but it has some few drawbacks, one of which is the risk of grievous bodily harm when wrestling with unruly cattle. Mr. Thomas Austin, of this village. is a tall man and a Strong one; but when he is at one end of a rope and an able- bndied steer at the other and the game known as the “ tug of War.” commences I‘ll-St Wednesday he got very much the worst of it. for somehow he and the steer not. so close together that a horn of the lat- tcr struck him on the left cheek, inflict- ing an extensive and very severe bruise. Fortunately it was not the point of the horn ; if it had been and it had gone a little further to the north-west. he would the loss of license. Montreal Star. crop by the frost. are so contradictory. been more or less damaged. A consid urading No. 1 hard, while a great deal ol‘it will be fit for nothing but. f'n ed. Cats are more plentiful. becoming apparent. that. we have got more oats this year than we know what to do with. and the price is consequent- ly lower, with the tendency still down- wardâ€"Illanitoba Free Press. O’Donnell’s Trial. LONDON, Oct. I5.-â€"Tlie Recorder of the Central Criminal Court. today. in charging the Grand Jury in regard to O'Donnell, said the prosecution claimed that the prisoner committed a deliber- ate murder of the worst kind, because the violin: had aided the law; that the deceased was under Crown protection and had been killed out. of revenge. The Recorder said it would be the duty of' the jury to return a true bill for mur- der against O'Donnell. The Grand Jury will not return an indictment against O’Donnell until Wednesday. Gen. I’ry- or accompanied the counsel to court. to- day. It. was arranged that the motion to postpone the trial will be heard on Wednesday after the indictment is pre- sented. The witnesses for O’Donnell at Capetown leave immediately for Eug- luud. The trial will open on Thursday. It is thought that the Government. will not seriously oppose a postponement. A true bill against. O‘Donnell has since been found by the grand jury. -‘ Lansdowne Sails for Canada. Lansdowne, the Marquis of Lorne’s successor in the Gm‘eruor-Generalship of Canada, with Lady Lausdowue and Lord Charles and Lady Evelyn Fitz maurice with suite, embarked on board the Circassinn, of the Allan Line. at Movillc, on the 12th inst. They were accompanied to the vessel by the Duke and Duchess of Abercorn, Lord Claude Hamilton, and a distinguished party of visitors. A lunch was served on board the vessel and partaken of by the com- pany. after which Lord and Lady Lans- downe and party were bade a regretful farewell. and the visitors returned to shore. The cmbarkation took place un- der the happiest. auspices. The weather was brilliant. A Fearful Crime. LONDON. Oct. ll.â€"-Catherinc Flan- nagin was charged before the Police Court to-day with wholesale poisoning. [Icr mode of operation Was to induce pe ple to allow her to insure their lives in her favour, when she would poison them and collect the insurance money She is accused of having caused the death in this manner of scores of per- sons. end the can-e has excited so great an interest. that Sir William Vernon Harcourt. Home Secretary, has ordered the officers of the Crown to have the bodies of six of the woman's alleged victims exhumed, that. their remains may be examined by experts and the real cause of their death ascertained. There are forty-seven locomotives on the Midland Railway. Negotiations between France and Chi- na have been entirely suspended. Energetic war prepuntious are in pro- grass all along the Prussian frontier. .‘Innn paid the Ia-t penalty of the law an the 12m inst. at L'Originnl for the murder oftlie Cooke family. Twelve hundred Chianmcn sailed for home the other day from Sun Francis- co. They had 8500 to “.000 each. A boycotted former was attacked near Killaruey, Ireland, by three men with knives. and discmboweled. Bis wail nuts have been arrested. The Mayor of Brampton sent Fred Stork to gnu-l the other day for cursing and swearing on the public street. This Is the first instance we know of any one having been committed for not being allowed to swear all he had a mind to. It must have taken Food by surprise. Crete, who keeps a saloon at No. 413 Craig street, was convicted of' selling liquor on Sunday. and fined thirty dollars and costs, or three month’s imprisonment, his license at the same time being withdrawn.â€" The Frost and Crops in Manitoba. The principal topic of conversation among IIIlIIt'I'S and graiubuyers contin- ues to be the damage done to the wheat It. is inipos>ib|c to get at any satisfactory data by which to judge of the damage. as the reports It is evident that in some isolated localities there has been a great deal of damage. but it is alsou fact that at other points in the Province there are reports of phenome- nal yields. From all the information at hand it is safe to estimate that. about forty per cent. of the wheat crop has eruble proportion of this, however, will not. be injured enough to prevent its In fact it. is ,uishes. Turpentine. .‘Iuchinc Oil. Loath- , Kram’s Fluid Lightning is the only instantaneous relief for Neural- gia. Headache, Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Krnm's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-five cents per Gamma Cessixunau, Penelon Falls.» Toronto, tlct’r 4th, 1383. 33-31’v. W QUICK LIBIE â€"A.\‘Dâ€"- WATER LEE CEMENT. ‘IIE NAPAXEE I’AI‘ER CO‘Y have now in operation here their patent Lime-Kiln, which is turning out large quantities of the best Quick Lime. in the Province. Water Lime Cement kept constantly on hand. ALL ORDERS PIIOMI’TLY ATTENDED T0. For prices apply at the office of tho Come puny on Colhorue street. TIIE NAI‘ANI‘IE PAPER CO. Fenclon Frills, Oct. 3rd, 1883. :tB-tJ‘. HOUSE 8. L_0T_FOR SALE“. The undersigned offers for sale. upon rca: sonuhli- terms, his property at the corner of May and Francis street, Pent-Ion Falls, con-I sisting ufa quarter acre of land and a good' story and a half frame house on a stone foundation, with kitchen and collar, woud~ shed, kc. For particulars apply on the premises. GEORGE NIE. I883. 26-Ilw. CHANGE in BUSINESS â€"IN THE-â€" NEW DRUG STORE, bottle at Wm. E. Ellis's Drug Store, Fenc- Ion Falls. DIIXR R-IED. Donoâ€"REIL.â€"At the Bible Christian par- sonage, Fenelon Falls, on Monday, Oclohor lSth, by the Rev Ill Methcrell, Mr. Joseph Dodd, of the township of Fenclon, to Mrs. Catherine Reil, of Lindsay. Slchnâ€"â€"Gn..umu: â€"-At the residence of .\lr. .\lc.â€"\ulifl', Feuelon Falls, on Tuesday, October Hill], by the Rev. Ill. lllcthercll, .\lr. Ira Silver to Miss June Gilmore, both of the village of Kiiiluouut. McCUTcucNâ€"-IIICGul-:â€"At the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday. October 16th, by the Rev. Ill. lletherell, Mr. Samuel McCutchen to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John McGee, all of Fcnelon Falls. M DIIQD. In Fenclon, on Tuesday, October 17th, Catherine, wife of Mr. John Daniel, reevc of the township, aged 47 years. Font-Ion l-‘alls, Aug. 201b, FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by .lIcDaugull .5‘ Brandon. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Oct. 19th, 1883. Wheat, full, per bushel - - $0 90 U 93 FENELON FALLS. Wheat, spring, ” - - 95 l 03 .._..._ Barley, per bushel - - â€" 40 60 Having purchased the Dru ' . . g Business of Cats, 2 “ ~ - - - 30 35 Mr. John Nugenl, I would respectfully so- ;‘ease, “ 2“ - - - - a?) 22 Iicit a continuance of the patronage so lib- ‘e _ _ _ _ . ' .. . . _ ‘. leitoes, “ - - - - :5 50 (mil) brstouul on lmn In the pust,und “Ill do my utmost to merit the same by attend- liutter, per 1b., ~ - - H “3 in closcl to business and Itee iin con- Dressed H035. her 100 lbs-, $5 5‘) $0 00 g y stantly on hand a l R Eggs, per dozen, - - - â€" 14 1" Hay, per ton, - - - - $7 00 to $9 05 New Advertisements. FARDI FOR SALE. FRESH AND FULL STOCK of everythinghsunlly kept In a first class drug store. I also intend adding largely to the present stock of Books, Stationery and Fain-y Goods, and to sell at prices that. will defy competition. w. a. mans. T0 TH IQ PUBLIC. y The undersigned offers for sale the west hnlfof‘ lot 22 in the «tth concession of Ver- ulnm, containing IOO acres, more or less; about 60 acres being cleared and over 30 acres covered with good timber, including some excellent pine. A comfortable house and build ngs and a never-fitilingspringnrc on the land. Apply to JAMES JUNKIN, Sn. In reference to the above sale, I beg leave to return my sincere tlmnlcs to my numer- ous friends and rastomers who have an libâ€" erally dealt with me in the past, and would ask a continuance of the same for my suc- cessor, Mr. W. E. Ellis,” I can fully rn-‘ Verulam, Oct’r 18th. 1883. Chi-If- commcud him to their trust and confidence. JOIIN NUGICNT. I.IA1{1)‘VA1{E. Fouclon l-‘ulls, Aug‘t film, 1883. 2644'. .T. G. EDWARDS, BEII’S exoooloo nears. the most honutilul designs and the first or- gans in the market for the snmlleitl prices. W See me lit-fore you buy. "Ken I have succeeded in getting the agency for the celebrated Hoosier Combined Seed Drills. TIII'.‘ BEST IN (.'.‘l.’\'.'III.‘l. I will sell to farmers for full strolling on next year’s terms. Get a Drill now, and cash next spring will he considered the same as cash down. In prices I can coni- pclc with any, and warrant the machine in every way. LIN])S.~\3’, SIGN OF THE ANVIL. *â€" LARGEST STOCK ! FINEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! Full stock of Lance 8:. Ilnnlan Cross-Cut Saws. Axes, Files, Chains, Cow Tics, Scoop Shovtls, Rope Halters. Lanterns. “'vigh Beams, Platform Scales, Apple I’at'crs eke. Building Hardware at Special Low Prices. Pure White Lead. Oils, Colours, Var- I am now offering new Wanzer Sewing Machines at prices varying {torn $25 to $40, and they have no equal. 3217‘ PIN and Life Insurance. Luau on easy terms. .7. JXTIHTI N. I-‘cnclon Falls, August 8th, Him. AT M ETIIER ELL'S. Bill Willâ€"Till woo AT HETHERELL’S. If You want School Books. Buy them at METIIERELL'S. If You want stationery. Buy it at Bfl-Z'l‘llEltRLL'S. If You want Christmas Curtis, Iluy them at MI'ZTIII‘IIIHLL'S. If You want to Make tilttn. lluy at llETliBltBl.L'B. The CheapesfSTatibnery Store. KENT HTItZV-T. LINIMAY. Lindsay November 30th, 1882. E. II A VV, ElllPlllTIll & Illllllllll, FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, irom CONTRACTS Hill lUllllllllii to the run-lint jobs of carpenter worlt, and will spare no pain- to give satisfaction In every cm. DOORS &. WINDOW SASII made to order ll short notice, of good run- terlal. and at reasonable prices 3' “'Drkâ€"tlwp on Francis Street But, residence on ilond Street Hut. EDWARD IIAW. I'en'lon Fall! (to?! Nth, IHF‘Z'. 17bit. . Money to or Uelting. Curpentera’ Tools, .‘IIII Sup- plies. Black-miths' Supplies and Car- riage Hardware. J. C. EDWARDS. Lindsay, Jan’y 8th, 1883. flit-film. The Old Stand. BAKERY â€"r1ND-â€" GRILCERY. JOHN MOFFAT begs to inform his customers and the pol» lie that. while carrying on the linking busi- ness as usual, and turning out daily Choice Bread, Cakes, Buns to. he has just opened out a nice stock of FRESH GROOERIES, all of which will hr sold at the very lowest living profit. The Finest Flour kept constantly on hand ; also OATS, BRAN & SHORTS. FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange {or goods, and Cash Paid for Butter tic Ewe. (20' S. The undersigned will do all in bi; . power to merit a Continuance oi the pntrun-i age so liberally bestowed on him during the out five years. mun HOFFAT. l Pension Villa” June link tiara. l7-ly. r

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