_-»~,._. .1-._._.-_..._ __..._ . W-“ 1 g" 15'. SANDI'ORD V ', is now selling all articles in his line of business CHEAPER THAN EVER. Having put in all the machinery necessary to enable me to do work in the 11111.51 L‘CliilollllCtll manner, I am consequently in, a position to sell cheaper than formerly. Note these piices; CUTTERS, - - - $25. MARKET SLEICHS, - $30. WACCONS, - - - BUGGIES, - - - Having purchased a first-class machine, I can do All kinds of Planing & Moulding at reasonable prices. Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. Ilorse-Shoeing and Jobbing Specialty. I am agent for the Sylvester machines, and also for the Brantfoi'd machines. {hf-£5- A large stock of the best I’louglis made 011 hand, and points for sale. L. G’CONNOR, Manufacturer of First-Clacs Sloighs, Buggies, W 1117,0118 1113-. ___..__. - .~......___ Having now completed all tl :- iinprovcnienls required in his new premises. tor-merlv “ Mowry'g Foundry." “Pitt to C 1rr'.5' liulel, 1-orn -r of William and Russells treets, has fa.- cilitics for executing all work in thi- ahovc lines which cannot be excelled. lle respectfully :lillttlli a call from those requiring anything in his line, and will be glad to show them UV1'r his new Carriage and \l'agguu Shops. L. O‘Connor, bring the oldest practical 1111111 in thi:1 section of the country, is enabled to guarantee 11. Fix-spam Job in any department, and every article turned out will be , warranted as A. l. Every pic11 of work in this (-5-ital1li llllll‘ n1 i: done by hand and far stiperior as is ac- 'ltnow:l1d::e,-l to that 11-111. in J1Ltor115â€"1 1' 11-1 prot-d 111 the South \ ictoriu l'I .\l1il1iti1)ii, when: I rec1-irv1l tlxrct- lirslpriz1-s.1 although I did not. get up 1111 11 11141 for prize exhibi- tion, Hllll they Ulilfllllt'tl for 1111- salt 4 and 11rd (rs quitt lino-.xpet ted and unprecedented. 3n)" All lit-pairs tluuc Cheaply and l’runipily. A few second5haiid Buggies for sale. O’C()1\'NOI€. Lindsay, Sovemberlst 1893;.â€" MONTREEâ€"L CASH STORE. EEE we shall offer the remainder of our summer liflllllS AT SPECIAL PRICES, to make room for our fall purchases. Ladies 111 wool oi D1 oss Goods :s‘hou'ld call and see our prices in Silks, Prints, Millinery and gone "til goods. A lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING at clearing prices. W Note the address-~-2 doors from the post-ofï¬ce. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, I’m-oprietor. t22nd,1883. Diu'ing the Fenclon F lllS, Augt lPlEIll lllDllEllllllS Elli llll Hill 30 Bill. MONEY 1... 111:1.-11-11111-111-113191121111-1111111111 v11:- llms undoubtedly the lull’gc-‘l and t'ln-apcst Stork iii Lindsay. all direct iniporiuiions d'roin the Pattern-s. lit-1111111111 g1K11l15‘.:|ll now patterns and deugus. They must and will l‘c said. ('111'.’ early on I .m'nrr Juli]? [forgo-11.1. HENRY J KE IGIILEY, II I N ])S..LX'. â€"mm__ _. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. S. S. Johnson anEl Wm. Fielder 116- to inform the r135i1l1nis oi l-1111lon l'uE' 1.5- 11111] ii.- ticiiiiiv th 11 they have enter- 1:! into partnership and C(lllfllCliL‘td busiiius in KENN EDPS BRICK STORE-i on the west side ofLolbornc strict. l-‘cnelnu l" -1ll5' where they liah.‘ opened out :1. ; ï¬rst class stock ul BllflTS AND SHllES, Glllllllllillls ANI) 1’R()\ ILJI()N’S g to which additions will constantly be nude. all of which they will dispose 01": .11‘ mt: towxsr Livixo raters 111-11 121.511. 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 l Their assortment of Boot:- and Shoes is. they believe,- the largest and most varied in the Village. “3317 i The; respectfully solicit a call from all who need anything in their lines, and Mill do their [RNC to aim entire “tint-mien to tl. ti: on return " W A Bakery Will be started :3 won as the 1111-11 tiuu' 11in.- built i~ tini5l1ed JOHNSON b: FIELDER. ‘Feuclon Falls, April 4111, 1353. - poor, l'aiint-r or mechanic, cannot. be “ swapped" for foot- gear 11.1011: satisl'actorily in advant e. lolï¬ce, Francis Street, Fenclon 17-11115. lNote! THE CITY STORE L;&DIE._ , you can buy for cash To dress neatly and tastefully ought to be part of every person's education. This habit acquiu-d in early life. is apt to accompany one through life. Every one who is interested in the beautiful can surely spare a fragment of time and look in on us. The l l I l 1 longer the sin) the better 115511 ranco you “ill lam: that no are l in advance. arid that your interests. “lather it in- as ngards ul- ,‘ tiniate good taste in dressing or ihe truest econoun “ill bl- sub- 1 l l . HEAVY ALI. WWI. TWEEDS, usually sold TOe. to 3,1 for 45¢. to 650. BLANKETS as heavy as ordinary $6 goods for $3 73 FLANNELS VERY LOW. These goods have recently been purchased by us at less than the cost of manufacture. served b_1 favor 11g 115 with vour pair-.1111ig1.ltisnot 10110.1“) to be looking after your 11 ariu clothing. Jack Frost is already showing his teeth. dud b1 tore he bite: _\ou ought to be prepared. N0 “'ln‘re else can you rind the same assortment of handsome new goods to select from at such reasonable prices. Ladios' ‘ Furs of every description. Every lady should see our For Man- tles and For Lint-d Cloaks. Dress Goodsâ€"Don't forgot the plum we advised you of last \1'1-1-k. Come soon. or you will be 101) late. Carpets and Oil Cloths is a departineni we take spatial pride 111 We keep some beautiful goods, and hate them to sell, not. to look at. ('2‘: EN'I‘I.4E3[ICN . More reward {or your patience. Wish we could get you all to look over our stock. Never did I stock better deserve inspec- tion or promise more in return. more of real worth. nail beauty, real excellence. We told you last week how large it is. how complete it i5. and how very much we 1111-11111 by complete. liar- iiig said all that we can we 11,5'k you now to come and see how complete it is. Then- is nothing like scrim: aflor all. We barn told you over and over again that our facilities for manufactur- in}; genth-un‘n's garments scientiï¬cally and artistitL-Illy rut. skilv fully made. trimmed with the most durable trimmings and ï¬nish- ed with the most exquisite taste. cannot be surpassed. Ready- made Overt-oats, Suits, l'uuis. Vests, Coats. we carry the largest assortment. and our prices are the l11\f|Ԥl¢1lllï¬l§lt‘lll wiihquuliiy, Gents" Furnishings. Shirts, Collars,'l‘i1-s, Socks, l'ndcrucnr, Hats and Caps 1-111. l-‘ur Goodsâ€"“'1: have Built-do and Fancy Robes, Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, 1-11-., at our popular low prices. tientletncn, we ask your attention to the above goods. and se- licii. comparison of quantity, quality and value. l . . 1 A1 Dundas (g, Flarollo 3,08 iDi‘V Goods and Clo 111ng Syndicate, Lindsay. ! SOOTHERAN, CATHRO 81: DIARK, ITY DRAPLRS AND CLO Tun-ins 2 Doors West of the Post Ofï¬ce. - - DUNDAS 81. FLAVELLE 3808., Kent Street, Lindsay. No 2 Dobson’ 5 Block, Kent Street. Lindsay. GAMERBN LAKE MUN-ls.“ 1883.Ftilltl1ll71floi. Farmers in want of good Agricultural Implements aud Francis streets, where they will ï¬nd a stock of Straw Cutters, Root Cutters and numerous, other Implements of home manufacture. The largest and choicest stock of general {RY GQQES EEE 7 “-mq . ._.... GENERAL PURPOSE PLOUGHS. The increasing demand for ou1 general purpose Ploughs is proof that they can t be beat. for all kinds ol' work and all kinds of soil. GANG PLOUGHS. Our Gang Plough is acknowledged by all to be the best in the market. EXCELSEDH FARMING MILL, we can save you from 10 to :20 per cent. Gloves we have a big assortment. a lull supply. ' which took First Prize 111'. the Industrial E xliibitiou at Toronto a-rainst tweltc other competitors. THE FARMEB’S FRIEND. The Farmer's Friend Combined Drill 1i: Broadcast Seeder, the best in Canada I'Iai‘l‘ows, Iron and \Vood, as good as ever were put into a ï¬eld. We lend the many in this Department. $1 per huudredweight paid for scrap cast, iron. . ROBSQN 81. ALLAN. them- Fenclon Falls, All-'Ilst 52,2ud 1883. E FULLY FEET. That in buying S'IIOES and BOOTS it is desirable to get them Cheap, Neat Fitting.r and Substantial. That tin wearing such Shoes and Boots it is imperative that they should prove Durable, Well- lookin-r and Shapely. ' That' in choosing Shoes and Boots, as aforesaid, it is impera- tiveâ€"to get best choiceâ€"to pick li'oui our stock at once, the largest and most complete in all lines. That even the poorest people have more 01‘ less money and can i. do without Shoes and Boots; and that. said money, let it. belong to iich or and Repairs executed. A word to the wise is sufï¬cient. WAgent for Harpers' Reliable Bazaar Patteins than at M AGUIllES That MAGUIRE has been in the Shoe and Boot business, for some yearsâ€"~31 leastâ€" and is the pioneer in furnishing much value in Leath- er for little money of Lindsay town. The above clauses form one solid, invulnerable and general-5 ly CONCEDED FACT which buyers of Shoes and Boots will clear cash by .cmembcrius- L. MAGUIREa Shoe &. Boot. Maker. “11010 he is selling goods at 0--â€"â€"'0 Lindsay, June 141b, 1883. Il-I-nlnlolI-J-tm :W t mm- ari ed in REZ’D 11-1-1155.a THE GREAT DOLLAR PAPER, TheWeeklyGlohe 1111011 NOW to 15x11 011 1884 111-111 °â€E*$l.QQ“PULLl“-~ 'ri-iwoiiiLr 13111.». THE GREAT CANADIAN PAPER. Has the most extensive and influential circulation in British America. is It 11911 for its extensive Cathy and T1 leg/n11h1'c NLtU31 and is the great authority upon Cain/111110111] and Financial Matters throughout the Dominion. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year“ . . $7.00 | Half Year, . Quarter Year. ..... $I.75. mm 5 “31'3“ WHY. _â€"rm 1m: WWWPV' ." Just received, a. ï¬ne assortment of â€"-A 1" I)-â€"- iiiiimmmw <1me even Grangers. Now is the time to oun-u-n-n-uon-IIIIIII- You will save a large percentage. our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. ' 363' 0.1.11 SALT Jt'sr 'ro HAND, 1 Fenelon Falls, April btl1,l\'5'.l .."‘3.50 AgiilIII-Ali“!iii-Illniliid'illinlIDII-IIb‘oon-n. Xi. oidcr to inure 15c our alien-11y 1:111 2 li5t dye-1:11 .511h5rril'crs to THP \\'2;111;i.i1'1ji1111r., we make the {1111.11111; him-ml and m 1,: .111- com utter to crux reader of this J‘JVCIllwlllclll who \llai ms to Lake adv-ant: 3e ofit at once. for 83 50 we pill send to any nildrcss' in Canmla or the U. 5, THE WEEKLY GLOBE from now to :1. d of Deter. lxr 1N4. uni in :1- id iinn .5. EAKDSCXE NZCLLL OPEa-PAC" 57532-117321}? WATS 7k! 1'! 14‘ Ila/.vli1'111'101’1'1.‘ ; t.’ t.Itt.:11‘1i.:_,“ Hint-7: 11’ I! a :-;-1'./, an! a 'JOUJJBJ on; .10; Jaded mu, The Foremost Journal in the Dominion. The u<111l t-upply of Tina-are. Stow-pipe, â€"â€"'â€"(J i The subscriber has reached full lines of I l for the fall trade. 1 Air Drums. A \;_-011d 11551111111111. ol :lrnvu'mfrr, .‘run'gunztb' 7:11:11": 1:.) 1'1] ,' 1'! 11 11:1: (:11! tint-irryr. ' The above [wire include-s yin-11.1411.- urn-fl \\'a;cl‘1 11'- :my shirt“ in 7 Cmala or the United Na“. 1:5 “111-: only i. .' .1 guvl until ' ., [.111qu 20111 15:14. “1: 11 .ll '5 :111 2-,; w.111'lit"5 1111 October , _ 15111. 11111111312111 died. '11 be 51:11:11 . ,z, 511 :1: 111:1..1‘ 1. 1:; :1, . procure actuary 5'. .;. .md till 1.)th!) W. :h :L5 l.‘ he delay .15 ,- [Wblm Adultâ€. TEE GLOBE PRINTING CO, (Limitedt T080? 1ITO 5 ‘ muggm-ounggpglgynp-gu-u-gvuu 1 i of various kinds and prices. I “ T ' ' '5'- {on tooâ€"ni'i'uuoI-l'nâ€"oo Ion-noo-oi‘ooo-i‘i‘ocannot-Io -VP- 1‘! 33-1-1"; The Great Dollar Pane . “- mI‘lullli.‘1"lll'-1IIII'QIII‘IIII IIIIDI"' O'IDI' 1" h'd ï¬t? Subscribe for the “ (hut-tie †onlv One Dollar :1 year ll vou want. Job Printing, lrom mistakes mid at reasonable prices, call at the " Gazette ’ _ Fenclon Falls, September 201b, 1882. BLITHINC Ladies' and Gents 1‘111' Caps Coats, 1\'c.. 1111-1- 1~l1own in the tmvn. this season i5' unusually large and we claim and can prove b1 comp 1115011 that l ' 9 l (' | In \Vooll1.u Goods, Clouds, Scurls and no (1 Lawn blISians’ llC lb“ llUW' Dress Goods, Cloth, Casliineres, &c., &c., in black and coloured, we have (1 I111 [1111913. In Gentlemen s Woollen Liiderwvar and )Iulllcrs and Cardigans we have Usual. GRDERED CLQTHING. In good ï¬ts and workmanship we excel. Ready-Made Over-Coats and. Suits. Ye carry the ï¬nest and cheapest goods' in the county. CASTINGS & FORGINGS OF ALL KINDS MADE To ORDER’ ' The season that all are in want of these goods is now at liaud. and we would ask all to pay us a visit before making their Dpurcha-es, and see what we can do for 111w STORE. GEORGE G. KEITH has rcniov ed to Mr. J. C. Fitzgeiald 15' store, on the East Side of Colborne 813., CLOSER PRICES THAN EVE R. 11-11 GENERAL GROCERIES, at the "’ Cash Store,†which we are determined to dispose of in a few Weeks Give us a call and examine our Goods and; M’ DOUGALL 811. BRANIDN BROS STOVES AND TINWARE. to enabl .- 1111 to do :1 quart lo“: itimate lusinr:...t- .Rags. Bones and Scrap Iron taken in trade as usual. .8. -â€"To farmers and the pubic "1niril2y in 111111 ol Sto":.1-, kc. neatly Qchutcd free price: ï¬rst, and it you cannot do better 1 11.1111: tour l 11: 111,-1 JOSEPH HEARD. 1883,10 P111: CENT 01: 11‘ The Winter is approaching, and the place to Ll" 01‘) ,9ij Câ€"‘I will.) buy Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices ‘ should call at the C'm‘lmn L"kc 1:0“er 5110“" r0011) at the corner of ColborDe is at the Palace 131? GOOdS 85 Clothing House-, The subscriber begs most cor- dially to thank his customers for the liberal support hitherto accorded liiiu ; and so 115‘ to Irivo 0,“. 3,0,1, cash buyer rs the beneï¬t ol do- giting a discount- ol ten per Ladies’ Mantles & Mantle Cloths, ‘ 1.111.111... My stock is well assorted, us New Millinery received and in charge of a new Millincr. Agent for the well known New York Bazaar Patterns. WM. CAMPBELL. Fcnelon Falls, Oct. 1st, 1883. REMOVAL_ YYEW GOODS. J. MC UTIELA ND returns his sincere thanks to the residents or Fenelon l-‘nlls and its vicinity for their lib era! patronage diiriiu.r the past sew-ii years and informs tin-111 that (thi- partner<l1ip ho iw1-1-ii .\lr. .\l11|li1t and himself hut-int; v.1. pin-11) he has 1-11111/111'111-1-1l business two doors north of tho post-other, where he has opened it carefully selected stock of oaocsniEs, Crockery uiid Stoneware and )ROVI‘S‘ION " 1 . .5, \\ liich were bought on advantageous terms, and will he sold lilil EllllP Hill Bill. “11- old stock will be disposed ofiit greatly icdiiced prices, in llrllt‘l‘ to make room for new goods. Cash Paid for Bullet and Eggs and other farm produce. 'Call at the how Store, and you will 5111111 l1(' ooiiviiiitd that you ' I cannot hiiv 1 hi iipt- r or ln- 111- r gruel- i'ii 15 any- ,\\"l11.r(:lllllit-Villiig'. .lilSl-Il'll .\l1'.l"1\ltl‘A.\‘l). Pent-ionl"alls,_\layl51l1,l“~11£..l'.-y.- “Fashionable __Tailoring. The iiii1lt.r.1i1.'iii-d r1 turns siiitzt r11 thank-1 to the pi-nlh-ini-n of H11- village and i111 viâ€" ciiiily for their liln-riil patronage since he tannin-raced basin-+11 111 ll PRICES lHll Will lllllllISH llll Eflllltllllllllï¬iflf '73.“ filth? spare-l to 1:le- 115 good .5111i5f111'li1111 in tin- lului'c lln h1- has n'll't'l'clll"l in 141-1111511111â€:- â€11' 11.1.51 â€1' l5 rtlll lm'alml Buy 3701115 GOOdS for the, Sunny:014111-111 .111. W. 1_‘11111pI.1-11‘.~: 51111-0, iiiil rl'r'pl‘l‘llilil)’ imlirils 11 rall from nll ï¬lm 111-41 to have tl.1-1r clothing inn-lo 11p in the latent 51.1 lit: and bust lulrnllll" mount-r. .1 l..\1.!111-:l'.'l‘t-Z. I'I-ntdon I",alla .‘illl Hh I‘m}. ï¬jlYllLLlNERY. Mrs. KEELEY ‘ H1111 just lt.’(.".'l\‘t‘ll 11ml “pent-d up I lawn , IliilL UI arlour and Cook Stoves NEW GOODS, l'llhowu and llot,‘ including éLAMPs AND LAMP TRIMM ViiNC-SEFANGY DRY 60008 l'nrnuoll, ILADIES’ DRESS GAPS, The “ Silver Star†Coal Oil, ALL K,N,;§";,,_.WOO,_ equal to the b. :51 Ameriian,allofwl1iel1 I am :SELLINC AT BARE LIVING PRICES, 11115511111 111115.11 111111111. 11 l of “hi '1 in will l.1- gold at A h 11: lol or (ltltlll AN!) ()llliAl’ TOYS, {or t'lill-lre-n of all age-11. and 1111 nnhrlmcnt (If Wall l'ultl't compriung many new 1111-1 militattlih: alt-signs. Mule. lllllï¬LHY. Pearl-4:1 Fails, April 231b, 15:3. Try my AAHflA-HMAM~5 â€MA-“Ai’wgd‘gdn ' much...“ A...,..<.,,,_ ï¬n, ,.. «1......1 â€Amman-t __. 2-3