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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Dec 1883, p. 2

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street. Lindsay. ll. 11.88311 - - limiter-tied. Yititnr' to LINDRA Y are inrftnl In cal lad intro-rt my large New Stock. just pur- chased. of gold and rilver WATCHES, â€"1ndâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERY; Iinvite partienlnr allrritinn to my FINE GOLD GHAINS’ and LOCKETS. nl wet! pattern-2 and styles. In Diamond Ilings. Weddznz fling; and En- . ,3, _ _ _‘ i. . Aflrflw’fif awryâ€"-1 sw - » _ .. d, . 1 0‘â€" . The good time coming will be here in a- _ that 3 5011!": man named Samuel Boyce l l . . . . gag-«nun Ring. 1 -how the best in town. ; bout it month- Don't let it find you unprc-‘; had been shot near flultburton, and Wei mucr pains wrth tho” 2m" as Ml" 1 also show a very fin:- new auortnrem of" pared. When vou come to Lind-gar be sure 3 21d uni silver Waltham Watches, musâ€"all styles. Theev “midi are all first end the new dust-proof and nattr-txrorif;1101id‘(1)7 GOOdS. , clan, guarantrel I” goof 111 rrlrrnrn’r 1, and ‘ will be ditpos -d of at as low pric. '5 n3 reli- able grads can be sold anywhere. fl If you are a stranger in Lindsay. . inquire for my place: anybody cur It 11 you where it is. G. V]. BEALL. Tit! I‘meliml ll’ulclunul'er .1' .lrirrI/ur fri‘ LINDSAY. LEGAL so. A. P. run 13):. lgAIllllilTl‘llt, Attorneymt-lntw, Solicitor: in Chancery, KentStreei.1.iud:ay. TW‘JDII‘N .-\."1t.\1t1tt‘)5’, ARIIISTER-AT-LAW. l.ind.-‘;t_v. UfIlt'f‘ Ion Kent Street. next door west of Keith's Agricultural and impleme‘t Store. MARTIN 1k HOPKINS, )AIIRISTFIKS. S'illdf‘lTOll‘. kc ) ncy to Loan at t; per cent. Krnt street, Lindsay, Out. 1’. S. Mun-ix. Mo- (1.11.1101-Krss. 1", ll. MOORE. I AIIRISTEII, ATTORNEY, rk SOLlClTR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. OtIice, Kent street, Lindsay. u u nsiiifri i \ .i.v\ tritsox, )ARIlHTERS, SULIIJI'I‘ORS, .kc. 0f- ) fice, William street, Lindsay. A. lleosrnu. A. Jacxsox. ll'Ll'lAllY 1k (Y1.l‘i;\llY. PARIUSTI‘IIIS, ATTORNEYF-AT-L.\\\' ) Solicitors in Chancery. kc. Ollie- Doheuy Block, l\ent street, Lindsay. Aaruna O’Lmtuv. llcou U'l.r:.tnr. MCI N'l' Y R 1'} 1k ST 1‘] W A 111‘, I ARRIS'I‘HRS. ATTOIt.\'1~2‘i'S-AT-L.\\\', Solieitou in Chancery. kc, Lindsay. Office over Ontario ilank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estute ceuritien. D. J. Mclsrvnrz. Tuos. STEWART. ALEX. A. MellONAlill, TTORNRY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- 1 .. c-try. Conveyaiicer. .kc.. r't'c. Strietnt-l tentiou given to applications for Patents‘ oanuds from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. Office, Colborne street, Fenelon Falls. MEDICAL: ' A. w..r. in;t:t:.-issr,.\i. 1)., f ORON‘ER. Physician, Surgeon, kc, the. j Residence, llrick Cottage, Wellington WM. KICM PT. ‘1. 1).. C. 31., IIIADUATE of McGill University, Mon X treul, and Provincial Licentiate, I‘bysis, clan, Surgeon and ()lutetrician. Medical l Referee to the Standard. 1'htcnix.Connet-ti- cut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Conr- , panics. Office and residence, in the house I lately occupied by ltev. Father Stafford. at l the Cornerof Lindsay and ltus streets, ' Lindsay. Dit. A. WILSON. Oflicc, . . who expected to win the fight. ‘ and see our new i r Remember our store is in the middle of the road at the east end of Kent. Street, gSlGll ill THE Bill [10131. i Spectacles in Lindsay, and it will pay you ' to buy what you want in these litres from 5"3' Our prices are lower for the same 1 class of goods than any place in town. SILVERWARE. All kind: of Table-ware from a full Ten ' Set to a single salt spo JD. l cy ornamental pieces kc. &c., all first-class l quadruple platrd ware. l JEWELRY. l Handsome patterns in Roman jewelry, l bracelets, lace pins and ear-rings. A splen- 3 did assortment. Some of the most attract- i ive designs ever shown. uecklets and lockets, New patterns in bangle bruoches.lr1dies' sets kc. kc. Chased gold rings, grm rings, wedding rings. Gentle- . men's jewelry, chains, scarf-pins, lockcts and charms, :‘lccve buttons .kc. l l l t l 1 cnocxs. f of every description suited for town and i country trade. Marble mantel clocks, ven- ,l ccred or solid walnut clocks, hall or bed- l room clocks, ouc rind eight-day time, strike rind alarm. OPTICAL GOODS. Spectacles, flpct'u. Classes, Telescopes, Microscopes, Reading Glasses, Grain and Cloth Testers, kc. WATCHES. in referring to our Elgiu, Springfied and Wultlimu watches we need make no com- ments on the quality. They are known al- ready. We have a very large and complete stock of all the best grades. lluyiug anti selling for cash, and having neither rent nor salaries to pay, we are able to defy cotnpetiun and give. more value for your money than you can get elsewhere. The high quality of the goods in which we deal is well known. We intend to keep up the standard, anti you can rely upon getting only relinblc goods at BRITTON BBOS. Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay. Elztfcaclun falls Qfiugcttc gdtul'day, December lst, 1883. Political Notes. i l The election in Lennox has resulted , in the return of Mr. Allison. by a major- ity of a"), greatly to the disappointment , of the boss Conservatives at. Ottawa, In Strntliroy. on the evening of the. 233M], there was a grand demonstration ll.ll.\'l\‘l'21lSlTY of Trinity ('ollt-pe.i h . .\1.ll.C-iiver.~'ity of Toronto. Meuib.l 101. Phys. anti Sump. Out. l'll_\\‘lt‘llln,v Surgeon and Aer-ouclier. Urliee,Colbornc , street, Fenclou Falls. llit. J. 11. LOWE. IITSICIAN tit SURGEON. f'oroner for the Provisional County ofllalihurton. , W Office next. door to the McArthurl House. Residence, the house lately oer-u- ' plrd by Dr. llrysou, on May street, Ferielon 5 Falls. t i i l t l SURVEYORS. JAMES l)[(ll\>().\. ) L. Surveyor. t‘oni uissioner in the Q. 1: . Conveyauerr. kc. dress. l-‘cuclon l'alls. EMISCELLANEOUS.‘ ' g . " I 1tesrdcuce,aud ud- ‘ GEO. CUNNINGHAllfifi. Agent liedil Valley Railway FEEELON FALLS. Tickets to All point." West and North-r West, and All local joints- on Credit Valley 5 and (‘ntuda Southern Rail“ ays. Feuclou Falls, May lib. 1N3. 1“() l { SAL 14133. Lot 5 east oft‘ollmruc and math of Frau- 1'.'-t.f. til streets. in the \IIIMK“ of Frurlon Falls : Terms emy. to ll. .\.lllt‘l\'.\‘t1.\‘. r Lindsay. Unt. ; Lindsay. June 'Idtb, 18511. J. NEELANDS, ,1) 12371151: Ll N DHAY. li‘t-t. f. One of the firm “Ill be at the Me.\arut'a llorsc. l~‘i:.\'r.r.ox Fans. an the third Monday of each month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas Iitliout pain or Injury. or no charge will be made. W Omen talAltltiIlcd in Lindsay nearly “ fifteen years. INSU 154N013. GEORGE CUNNINGHA.," Whom-once nurturedAgent:i FENELON mus, our, represent. the following first all” cumpn- l Iim‘ith which titular-u can be transacted upon the man Aftautugrou. turns. The Canada l’crmnaeut Lion rt Sis-rug: Co The Imperid Insurance Coupon}, ul Lou don. England. The Citizetu‘ Insurance Corujuuy, of Cunn- do, I‘m no! Judi-z. The Lucuhiru [Mariner Co. of England. The Cualvduv'iou Ll: Aum Alla: ofCau- uh . four. “as S- -o l i result of the difficulty in drawing it ; , For further particulars apply : in honour of the lion. G. W. Ross, who returned home for the first time since his recent appointment as Minister of Education. The lleformers of South lluron. at a convention hold on the 23rd of Novem- ber at Brucefield, resolved that lichnrd Cartwright should be invited to represent the constituency in l’arlia- meat; and Mr. McMillan. the then rcp- rescutiitive. has since resigned, in com- pliance with an agreement that whoever was chosen to represent the district in which Sir John " hived " so many Grits should VIK‘tlIC' the sent if it were wanted for any one of the leaders of the party. ' can; Wood. ' cords of it every year they would fight i an. N. V. I‘noTt‘S‘l' â€"-â€"Refnrmet~3 ‘ lt'mi ficainst any adraree in its cost. i and Conservative.- nr-e alike anxious to As we have already said. coal i< being? know whether the protest against Mr. . burnt-«1 bv several families here; others Feil‘s elecrion is to he proceeded with, are t-nly deterred from doing so by the g and we are frrquentl‘v asked for infor- expo-mivenees of coal stat-m ; and if the l mation on the subject. We cannot pres-om attempt to advance the price of. speak positively ; but from all we can 1 wood succeeds. and is foliowcd by an } irarn there is not the slightest intention other ri~e, tl.e ‘Ioeal market for it will of dropping the protest. and the trial he seriousy injured if not destroyed. i will probably come off within a mouth. and it will only be worth what it will i CLEAN HARLEY â€"The other day Mr. MC“ for exportation. :Jnhn Lamb. of Vcrulam, sold to Mc- Doncall 5; Brandon Bros. :1 quantity of barley for which they paid two cents per bushel above the market price. and Incredible Carelessness. i In our last issue we briefly noticed; - . . . . - t ; have sauce learned the circumstances of l Lamb. A1‘3” from "5 creanness the l the case, which give evidence of an a- l barley was a fine mount of carelesurcss that is perfectly i on ”’5' to “"3 bushelâ€"7 ”’3' 0V" the astounding. It appears that on the l average. morning ofSundav the three men. Red- , ner, Sawyers and his stepmson. Boyce, { went to the woods to get. some deer shot In day or two before. as a thaw had set -in, and they feared if they were left longer there would be no snow over i which to haul them. I l l r t cemetery. the hearse. which came from Bobcaygeon. Was driven to Simpson’s hotel in order that the horses might be! put in the stable and fed. The jolt of going over Francis street crossing,r caus- Tbev took their i I thev tell us that they are willing: to] i"! ”I" statue. The stntuc. iris expect treat all farmers the same who take as i “d' wrll “""e and be placed '" P‘lsmo" . and will be ten feet highâ€"the entire sample and weighed height of pedestal and statue being thus , A HEARS}: UPSET.â€"Last Tuesday oftbe Volunteer Monument, and just after a funeral at the Penelon Falls opposite ”"3 gate leudlngtuto the UM" ,mwfiy \ ,,. ,7 .0. . 4 -- 0,. -. -7; .- i The Brown Monument. For any testimonials recommending Mc- Gregor‘s Speedy Cure for I)_Y¢pepsin, ludi- gcstion. Costivenrss, Headache. etc, that are not genuine; none e! which are from , . . 1 persons in the States or thousands of miles . The ghntte material for the pedestal ' “n.“ b", {mm Perm“, ,n “d “mum, "um. to be erected in the Queen's Park fori itron, 0m. We give trial Mules free of,’ the statue oftbe l-rrc Ilnn. flea. llrnwn 1 cost. so that you cannot be decent-d by = has arrived in “.9 ch". {rum Montreal. 7 purchasing :1 worthless article. but kntw - - ~ - its value before buying. Trill bottles and b:d\r:ll Itzzrrl'Ii‘rt’dof-m‘lbmnii'ldsl‘ file :2? l testimonials given free at W. E. Ellie's drug Tl , , 1 ill b store, Penelon Falls. tractor. 1e pctcsta it one m e 3 some eleven feet in height. and will be Salt Rheum Cured. ' 0 as" re a (i . .‘I r. 1 Are you troubled with Salt Rheum. Rough Illiii‘tbfrim I? S if]: :fi'tifl. :rlilo Elm“;- Skln' Pimple} "r CMk" SM“? If so to ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ ‘ I to W. E. Ellis‘s drug store and get a pack- ‘5 age of MrGregor & Parkc's Cnrbolic Cer- nte. It was never known to tail. Kram‘s Fluid Iaghtning. Wm: â€"Wlint‘s the matter now, John 7 Rescuesâ€"Ob, that neuralgia and tooth- The site chosen is in l “he "08”." kills me. erx â€"Wby don't you go to W. I}. Ellie's ' drug store and get a bottle of Kratu's Fluid Lightning, you know it ( tll'v‘S all such things as toothache, neuralgia, headache. Inhibit~ go, carat-lie, sore throat, etc. It gives in- stunt relief. 38‘ Best Egg Stove Coal and Black- :mitli‘s Blosburgh Cool for sale at the Cam- eron Lake Foundry. 40-3. ARRIVAL M‘ T1112 GRANITE MATERIAL, FOR THE PEDESTAL. early in the spring. It is of heroic size, twenty-one feet. the Queen’s Park. a short distance north verstty.â€"Globc. * A Dastardly Trick. On last Saturday evening some one Vases and fan- I bracelets, ' .-\. Mat-Donald had: i rifles with them, and upon arriving at . ~ 1 - - . “e have the largest and fittest stock of; the foot of a long narrow lake bv which Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks and 3 their course lay. they found a number of deer tracks converging from various directions. After examining them they , decided to separate, each man to follow i one of the tracks, and meet again at the - head ofthe lake. Iledner and Sawyers arrived at the appointed spot almost simultaneously, and while they were waiting for Boyce, whose course they thought they knew, there was a sudden stirring of the bush about two hundred yards off in another quarter. Sawyers instantly clapped his rifle to his shoul der and fired. and then, as the violent. agitation of the bushes showed that his shot had taken effect. shouted. “ lle's , hit, but not killedâ€"~firc again." Red- ,ncr having complied they rushed for ward and found, instead of the expect- : ed deer or other wild animal, their cour- l parirnu Boyce lying.' on the ground and weltcriug.r in his blood. The second ball , had not touched him, but the first went ittlirougb his hand, smashed the upper ‘ part of the stock of his rifle, and then entered his abdomen. inflicting a. wound which it was feared from the first would prove mortal. and from the effects of which he died a few days afterwards. The affair will we suppose he called an -‘ accident," as was the one which oc- curred seven or eight years ago in Co- boconk, when a man fired with a rifle at some ducks on the village mill pond and killed a woman ; but it is a total misapplicatiou of the word to use it in such cases, which are not what can properly be called accidental, but the result of the grossest and most criminal carelessness. Sawyers and Rcduer, who are equally culpable, plead in excuse that they expected Boyce to approach from a totally different. direction; but they did not know that he would ; and, ifthcy had known it, they also knew that the woods were as free to other men as to him or themselves, and that it was quite possible some one else might be walking through them. The “ idiotic boat-rocker," the “ didn't know-it-was-londcd " homicide, and the man who deliberately shoots at an ob- ject without beinf.y sure that it is not a human being. all belong to the satire class, and ought all to be tried for man- slauglitcr, and ifcouvictcd, punished as the law directs. Supper to the Band. On the evening of Friday, the 23rd ult., the members of the Fenelou Frills brass band were entertained at a sup- per given in their honor by their fellow villagers, and a most enjoyable time was spent. The pleasing affair was " lo- cated” at the McArthur House, the proprietor of which, Mr. N. Ingram, got up a spread that would have been creditable in even a city hotel, and eclipsed anything' of the kind ever seen here, except, perhaps, on one or two ex- traordinary occasions. Mr. II B. Dean Qir was chairman and Mr. Jars. J. Power I- I vice chairman, and each proved to be. .o the right man in the right place." The evening was spent in the usual manner. our local orators and vocalists ucquitting themselves to the admiration of all hearers. Our bandsrnen well do- iservcd the compliment paid them. and :will no doubt show their appreciation ‘ of it by rcdoubled efforts in a musical i direction. Unfortunately for ourselves ; we were not present, and are therefore i unable to give as full 3 report as we lwould otherwise gladly have written and found room for. At the beginning of last winter the, , price paid for green hardwood four feet , per cord, but on tic-2 i) u)- c. ..ut of the excessive quantity of snow it rose to $3. and towards the end of the season could not be bought. at any price ; and it great many of our villag- ers have ever since been compelled to burn pine from the. mills. The rise in ,burdwood was simply and purely the :’ but some of the lal'tttt‘h appear inclined l . . . . . , to ignore this fact. and to maintain that. $3 is still the price. l’orch:t~crs will of course tc>i~t. i be a little squabbling; at the commenca mentof sleighinvz. when the first few 5 loads “ill he wanted by different par- ; ties; but after that the law of supply ,3an demand “ill sittle the matter. It‘ grippoars to us that wood ought to be clunper rather than rltarer, for a great I "1.1in of the .‘IltIlJllLI lloilwny engines, ' which formerly u~ed an immune. quan- tity. are now burning: coal, which I: also beiu; stiboirutul for wood in several : households in l’erreiou Falls, and is much prefernd by all who have tried : it. As far as “e c.ni learn, “00d at. 84 ‘ per cord in but very little cheaper than t cool, and as the latter takes up much 'less room. and is infinitely easier to Laudiv: and ice: troubit‘mtuc, its use by everybody is only a question of time. I"l\c unloads. CAClI of tweltc lulu, have lateiv been pure-hum] by residents of and there \till probablyi â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"". W... KEY LosT.-â€"â€"-Mr. John Wallace has lost the brass key belonging to his work- shop door, and will feel obliged it the finder will return it. IIor;s.â€".\choti;_vall & Brandon Bros. want a thousand hogs. more or less, and 1 are prepared to pay as high a price for ; them as any other buyers. . Ilommv I’rrsscxrs.â€"â€"Mr. W. E i Ellis has just received at his (ITUL: and stationery storcu splendid assortment of Christmas Car-ls, Toy Books. Fancy Goods, .ke.. all of the latest and most elegant. designs. “lllCll he will sell at 1 the lowest possible prices. Go and see . them. 'l'ui: Mt'xrcrrxr. Etccrioxsâ€"Al- -, though the time for the municipal elec- ; tious is fast approaching, we have heard . scarcely a word about them ; and wlietb~ er the present members (-1 the council , aish to fulfill) their seats, and whether, if :1). they are to be oppOsed, we do not \et know. Dnr Goonsâ€"Messrs. Jarvis 5; Me ' llougall have handed iii a " Special Holiday Announcement," but it In too litre for this issue. They promise " A l Revolution in ”I” Dry GWJS ”Ml" "i but proves that the pseudo philosophers: and " a complete change in prices that “ill astonish the community." l’artic- ulur: in out net-L's Gazette. Saw Murmur Tun. ’l‘xnuz â€"A new 1 l l a impossible theories, on the basis of In- 1 i . l r ed a front spring: to break, and the hearse, which had no reach, dropped down and struck the horses, which frightened them so much that they tried to run away. Turningr into the hotel yard the vehicle upset and anoth- er spring was broken ; but the body of it fortunately escaped without much in- jury, none of the expensive plate glass being so much as cracked. â€"â€"-â€"â€"_._â€"____ A Successful Farmer. . At the Provincial Exhibition at Port- age la Prairie this fall the four first prizes for the best samples of red Fyfe wheat. and also a diploma. were award- ed to Mr. James 11. llartney. formerly a dry-goods merchant in the town of Arnprior, Ontario, but now a prosper- ous farmer in the Souris district. ‘11:: Came here just two years ago and pur- chased two sections of land frotn the Syndicate iu thnship six, rnnuc twen- ty-thrcc, west of the first principal mor- idianâ€"townshlps are numbered, not named. here. Bciu: too late for farm- i log operations that Season he went back to Ontario for the winter, and returned in the following spring with stock and implements. but owing to the blockade on the St. Paul and Manitoba railway then he did not reach his farm till the last. day of May. However, he hired three men and commenced breaking with four ploughs, but having gone a- way beyond the frontier settlements at that time, he was obliged to haul hay and oats all the way from Brandon, which was a serious hindrance, and he. was only able to break and buckset 200 acres the first year. 140 acres of which be seeded last spring with wheat and the balance with oats. The wheat yielded 4,292 bushels, or an average of 30:} bushels to the acre, and the oats 70; not agrain of it was injured by the frost. This season he has broken 300 acres more, making 500 acres in all, besides putting: up 134. loads of prairie hay, and building,r a dwelling house, stables and granary. He will realize about $1 a. bushel for his wheat, for seed, it being' :1 superior sample. This is an example of a business man making a decided success of farming in this country without having had any previous experience at it. But of' course many others who go on land here are destined to fail’i'roni this very cause. .9. Cattle Notes. The New York Tribune says :â€"Mr. George 1". Lord. Eluiu, Ill, “ one of the State's most successful dairymcn,” keeps 100 cows on his 300 acre farm. which is not so remarkable as the fact that he “ has not raised a pound of bay for years.” His dependence is corn fod- der, drilled 31,- feet apart, out when in blossom, one row at a time, with a self- rakiug reaper. the machine throwing; it off in guvels, which, when sufficiently wilted, are bound. “set up iti large stacks," and left thus to cure till \vin- ter, when it is stored in the barn. He secures in this way about seven tons of the dry forage per acre. which he claims is " worth as ranch as the best. buy." Messrs. Dinulinm. Cedar Falls. Iowa. says the New York Tribune, who make money out of cattle feeding, are giving: now to their 200 steers in preparation for the Christmas market a daily ration of four tousâ€"“ one-half good, stvect bay, cut fine; three-eighth: in weight of corn meal. and one-eighth wheat or out shorts." thoroughly mixed and mois- toned. Besides this they have free ac- cess to all the dry hay they want, and pure water without limit. The local Join-mil says the stock is "' thriving im- mensely," and will “ prove as fine a lot. as ever left the State." .0. What Workiugmen Should Work‘ For. (New York Commercial Bulletin.) ln ourjudgruent. what the industrial masses of all nations. irrespective of race or language, ought to contend for is, not the advancement of Iftopiau or terriationnl Trades-unionism, or any- thing of the kind. but the sweeping.' :1- way of every legislative or Government obstruction tn the “Illa-t. and frecst ex- ennuge of the products of labour be- tween one country and another. That. obstruction confronts tberu to-dny at almort every poim. The truest cinnn. cipation of labour. they may be assured. lies in that direction. not in the vain invention ol‘gizantic National or Inter- national monopolies ol' labour. If the Conference at Paris off-riled not the slightest evidence of its ability to grow or to rise to the level of that idea, it j and the quack reformers are still in pus-l - trial mosses will have to the Falls, threw. or four persons I-A\lllg Midland lluirway time tuba.- came into - .jaii-tly ordered l'llCiI carioud. and Coal ' rifle! last Monday. and the train it pow ’ 1: [mil advertised tor air: It the Caui- supposed to arrive rut the Falls II 5.403 \vrou Luke tuuudry. Farmers who. a. _ a. m. :tud 3.25 p. m. ; but it is almost ' , 1c! .‘CJI’ 1:0. lured to sell Hood at ‘ uccdices to :4}. that it dtkbuit do an)"- , ,dmur . out]. couiplaiu that It hardly finite: (II the hind. and that (110:4: HIM): “up for cutting nutl Luring ctru at rural by it can’t tell [0 ita hour or two I present prices, but if they lived in loan . when they will ILI'JII Liuduy or get , no.1 bud tu pry for from no to twenty Louie 353i... , “*Mhfixmfi‘tfmo, ,1. ‘ and mother prisoner ramped from the Sandwich 5nd on the 23rd. . wuion of the stage, and that the indus- wait a while, longer for lcadcts who know enough to . 'lead them along the pub of commoui . ' 2 says :â€"- Farmers are complaining loudly sum: to victory. ..._._..- .4- - could obtain. attempted a daStardly trick on the Nip- issing Railway by g‘vrcasinpr the rails near Cnnuington, but. fortunately a sec- tion man discovered the trick before a train arrived, and sanded the rails. About twelve years a-.:o a similar act was done on the Grand Trunk track. about half way up the Scarboro grade. When the engine arrived at the place where the rails were greased, the wheels flew round, but the train stopped just as soon as the impetus was exhausted. and then the whole train flew backward at an alarming rate of speed to the Don station, notwithstanding that all the brakes had been turned on. Another train was approaching the station frotu the East at, the some time, and n collis- ion was escaped by a very few feet. A reward was issued for the conviction of the miscreants, but they were never capturedâ€"Toronto News. DIIIR RITQI). At the Methodist Parsonage. Bobcnygeon, on Wednesday, November 27th, by the Rev. T. 1’. Steel, Wm. It. Beutty, Him, to June, second daughter of Alexander Ellis, Esq, all of Vernlum. At the Bible Christian parsonage. Fenc- lon Falls. on the 271h inst., by the Rev. M. \letherell, Mr.Char1es James White to Miss Dinah Copplcstone, both of the township of Feuelou. DIICD. At Fcnelon Falls, on Tuesday. November 23th. Vernon Newton, infant son of Mr. Ed- ward 11aw,aget16 mouths and 15 days. MARKET Ricisomlkcitâ€"‘s FENELOX FALLS MARKETS. Reported by .llcl)ougull .j' Brandon. I-‘cnelon Frills, Friday, .'or. 30th, 1883. l Wheat, fall, per bushel - - $0 90 1 03 â€"â€"‘+v â€"- , Wbent, spring, “ - - - {is t 05 Stilling the Waves. Butler,rerhushel - - - 50 60 ~-â€"â€"â€"- 0015, i. :i , _ _ _ 3') 3.: An interesting' illustration ofthc Script ”use: “ “ - - - - 5") 0'3 . - ' .' . ' . bpi l Rye, “ H - - - - 45 5o tural injunction to porn 011 on trou u , _ . Potatoes, -‘ - - - - 4.) no waters occurred recently when the Brit- “mm, per 11) _ _ _ _ - ,5 18 . . . , , ., rsli brig Lutltslt for-pol was saved by Dressed Hogs, per ton 11,5, 84 no 35 (10 that means from the fury of a storm off Eggs, per dozen, - - - - It; 18 the coast of Nova Scotia. She was ”it", pcrton, - - - - $3 00 to $9 00 caught in the hurricane. the waves run- ning mountains high, and breakingr over the vessel with a force that threatened her entire destruction, with the loss of all on board. In this crisis Capt. Park- or thought to tap several barrels of fish oil which were on deck, and let the oil run into the sec. The effect was almost instantaneous. The vessel was drifted to the leeward, leaving the oil on the windward side. Before the six hundred gallons were poured out the waves had ceased breaking over the deck, and the vessel and crew were saved in the midst of a tempest. .-..____._.__- A New Manitoba Town. Out on the prairie. some two hundred miles from \I'inaipcg, lies the embryo town of J‘IllillOI‘ll, apparently but little known except as the terminus of the proposed Assiniboine branch of the C. 1’. 11. Yet this town, surveyed out only last summer, already contains two general stores, pest-office, hotel. black- smith shop, livery stable, ctc., be.~ides several substantial residences. Being at the entrance of the celebrated I‘ipe- stone district. :tud surrounded by :1 large tract of fertile country, this town bids fair to be one of the ruost import- ant in the North-West. The site is one of the most picturesque along' the line. The. C. P. ll. have built a large coul shed here, also a large section house. .9 ._â€"â€"»»â€"â€" Large Fire in Napanee. N.\1».ixr:s.‘.\'ov. Palâ€"At 11:30 last night the grocery store of Pr ter S. flicks, next door to the pod; nflice in the Campbell house block. was discov- ered on fire. The fire, brigade turned out promptly, and after two or three hours’ work succeeded in confining the fire to the west wing of the hotel block. which isn three story brick building, although the main body of the hotel is badly damaged by fire and water. The hotel has just been extenrively repaired. The loss on the building is probably 814.000 ; loss on hotel contents, $5,000 or 86,000. Reform in Russia. .- o -â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-â€" ST. l’rz'ritnsnuan. Nov. 25.â€"â€"Tbcre is good ground for believing that the Czar, some time ago, selected Counts Tolstoi and l’rivv Councillors l’obcdon- oscff and Kntkolf to elaborate a consti- tutional charter for the empire. The charter is said to contain an orgnnim- tion more adapted to the spirit of the age. Representatives of the people are to be constituted as advisers of the Gov- ernment. These reforms are granted in order to do justice to the universal . desires of the people. _._,.._...._.â€"......._.. . .4. .‘Ir. Moody. the evangelist, says his three weeks' work in Ireland was the most productive of his life. lfnimprovcd land at l‘llkhorn, Mani- toba, is held at 810 an acre. A section of land. with 101) acres broken. and a house on it, in ILLâ€"‘29, was sold last summer for 86,400. , The last. train of Montana cattle dc- livercd at Chicago, averaged 1.264 lbw. to the head, and was sold at the top prices oftlie season. The steers aver- need 813 25 per 100 lbs , and the rest 85 a hundred. Sojourner Truth, the famous lecturer and colored reforurtr. died at her home at. Battle Creek. Mich, on November 26th. She was 1118 years old accord in; to the best data herself and friends Much genuine :rief is felt on acct-out of her death both among white and black people. A Glad-tone (Mam) correspondent at the price of grain. \thot. is only car If... I.:rdiue Machine Oil for ; me. u a... room. tl-islmcs itabout Greenwood. the condemned murderer of Main-r; l’uipps, the wife murderer; your machinery. , 65¢. hero ; this is not suficiuut to pay the former. The railway company in: the best of it. It -3 too tud to hue to pay 826 per car from here to tho Portv age, a di:tauc-: of 35 miles. Estx'u y IIeifer. Crime on to the premises of the subscrib- er, Lot No. 18 in the 9th concession tvatmI- ervillc, about the 12th inst., a good sized red and white Yearling lleifer. The owner can have her upon proving property and paying charges. WILLIAM IlliGlLL. Somerville, Nov'r 281b, 1833. 40.3' Esta-sly Ca t t] c. Came on to the premises ofthe subscrib- er, Lot. No. 12 in the lst concession ol'Sum- ervillc, about November 101b, two yearling steers and n yenrliru,r heifer. The owner can have them upon proving properiy and paying charges. BENJAMIN SMITH. Somerville, Nov. 29th, 1883. 40-3' cm ‘OllI’ORA'l‘ION 01" THE VICTORIA. COUNTY 01" Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber IN THE COURT HOUSE, â€"iu theâ€" '.I.‘OVVN 013‘ IAINDSIXX’, on Tuesday, The 11th day of December. 1883, at 1! o'clock, n. m., for the transaction of general business. T. .\1.\'l‘ClllC'1"1‘, County Clerk. Cotrxrv thnx‘s ()rrtcrt, 1 Lindsay, Nov'r 261b, 1883. { 40-2. IIAIII) ‘S‘IAI {1‘}. J'. G. EDWARDS, LINI)S.\\', SIGN OF THE ANVIL. l 1 LARGEST STOCK! FINEST GOODS! LOWEST PHlCES! Full stock of Lance 1k, Ilanlan Cross-Cut Saws. Axes, Files, Chains. Cow 'l‘ies, Scoop Slim/(ls, llopc Halters. Lanterns, Weigh Beams. l’latforrn Scales, Apple l’arers 510. Building Hardware {If Spa-ml Low I'rr'cnl. l’ure White Lend, Oils, Colours, Var- uishcs, 'l'urpentiue. Machine Oil. Leath- er Melting. Curpcnlcrn' Tools, Mill Sup~ plies, Black~miths' Supplies and Car- riuge llardwurc. .1. fl. EDWAR DS. Lindsay, Oct'r 8111, 18151:. flitâ€"ern. Business Notice. ”LIIERT ANDERSON begs to announce J to the inhabitants of Fem-Ion Falls and the surrounding neighbourhood that, hav- ing purchased the Hardware bikini-u suc- ccsufully carried on in this village by Messrs. llt-rtrntn A: 130., he trusts that he will merit a share of the liberal patronage so long I)“3IUWI."I on them. The require- m-rn's of the public will be carefully at- tended to. Farmer-U. Ltrmhermcn'n and Builders" Ilardwue always on hand. .‘v'uils, Mechanics' Tools, .kc , all at very moderate pricu. Feuclon Fallu, .\'ov'r 22nd, 1863. To Whomfifltay Concern. This is to certify that W. W. LOGAN, of Llnd-ny, ll our only authorized Agent for the Counties of \‘ict: rin and Pctutwmugb for the ulc- of our instruments. and any orb. er penon quoting prices in above named ‘ counties has no right or outburiry to do to. WIIMOI 0116.13 I P1150 C4. Bowmanville, Oct’r 29th, 1853. .\'. B. It will be seen from the above that agents {or other instrument: uttering or. pretending to tell the Dominion Organ; or; Pianos, are only data; to to deceive the ! puhlm, TL'Lthu. r t r i I I l i 1 The Old Stand. BAKEEY GR! )CERY. JOHN MOFFAT begs to inform his customers and the pub- lic that. while carrying on the Baking busi- ness as usual, and turning out daily Choice Bread. Cakes, Burrs kc. he has just opened out a nice stock of FRESH GROGERIES, all of which will be sold at 11.1 verr lowest living profit. The Finest Flour kept constantly on hand; Ilso OATS, BRAN & SHORTS. 1:" A B. M P R O D U C II taken in exchange for goods, and Cash Paid for Butter & Ewes ca‘ ‘ W The undersigned will do all in his power to merit a continuance of the patron- age so liberally bestowed on him during the past five years. JOHN MOFFAT; i-‘enelon Falls, June 1211:, 188:1. lT-Iy. __. ._.._. ._..._._._.-- ... 4 AuctionfiRoom. [beg to inform the public that 1 have re- opened my auction room in the old stand on Colborne Street. and have opened out it heavy stock of General (foods, which will he sold Che-op for 01”,! during the week, and by Auction Every Saturday Night at 7 o'clock. All who wish to have their Clothing cut: and made up in the latest styles can be accommodated. 36)“ Parties indebted must pay up at) once, or their accounts will be placed in the hands ofa collector. Remember the sign, Forber's Bazaar. T. X. FOltllElL Fenclon Frills, Nov'r 151, 1883. Wanzer Sewing Machines again ahead. Willi THE GRAND Gilli] MEDAL at the great Central Exhibition at Hamilton in 1883. lluy no other before you see tho Waltzcr, the Cheapest rtnd Best, For Sale by J. Austin, agent for the best makes of Organs, and said chmlrfor run/r or on the instalment plan. See Mv Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit you in style, quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE in first rate companies at low rates. 36“ Money to loan on easy terms. .1". 1\I,1H'L‘IN. Fenelon Frills, .\'ov‘r 221111, 188:5. Arri viiig lilvery Week“ â€"AT THEâ€" NEW DRUG STDIIE, Fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Perfumery tlllll Fancy Goods, Pure and Reliable [lye Stuffs, new assortment of the DIAMOND DYES, also always on hand, a Full Stock of School Books. including Campbell rk Hahn-’5 New Readers, Copy lloolts, Note Paper. Envelopes, I'erov, 1nks,1'encil.~r, Illottiug l'npr-r, I'ass Hooks, Account Books. Time Books, he. :6)“ Agent for the leading Newspapers, Magazines. Music, 6w. Farmers will do well to call and get it supply of the famous old Thorley llorse St Cattle Food. It is the only genuine Food, and will [my well to nae it. 11’. 1‘2. ELLIS. Fenclou Falls, Nov'r Ptb, 1881:. 1a. IIA w; 7' CARPENTER Kr llllllllfll, FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute. all orders with which lr: maybe favoured, from CONTRACTS E [Ill BUILDINGS to the smallest jobs of carpenter work, and will spare no pains to give natisfactiun in every case. DOORS & WINDOW SASII made to order at short notice, of good IDI- tcrial. and,“ rensunuhll‘ prim-l W Work‘rhop on Francis Street Hull , residence on lloud Htrect Hunt. EDWARD HAW. Pettclon Fulln,t)ct'r14111.1h52. 3.; .rr. Ii)ui 1y Arr-i vn IH -â€"or-â€"â€"- CHRISTMAS GOODS at l}. A. )letlrerrll's ' ' “r 1 3 BOOK .5 1 ORE -â€"Axr>â€"â€"-â€" MUSIC IrJMl’OItIUM. Com-9 One 1 Come A11 1 1 i and cumin: goodr before purcbuing elm. uhrrc. G. A. METHERELL. arrow: 1m: untuu cutmcrt, Plant-Ht... Lluduuy» Lindsay, October 1711:, is“. w Subrcrrbc fur the f’cuciuu I'lalsts , ”out", only SI .5 j- a! In 4'1‘40061

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