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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Dec 1883, p. 3

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$19K? ‘ “NWâ€"fl ' V u . ‘34?" r. - . .r‘ a. -“ P. SANDI‘OR is now selling all articles in his line of business CHEAPER THA‘AT EVER. Having put in all the machinery necessary to enable me to do work In the most economical manner, I am consequently in a position to sell cheaper than formerly. Note these prices: CUTTERS, - - - s25. MARKET SLEIGHS, - $30. wacoons, - - - $60. BUCGIES, -- - - 375. Having purchased a firstclass machine, I can do All kinds of Planing 8:- Moulding at reasonable prices. Grain Crushing ‘Done on the Usual Terms. Horse-Shoeing and Jobbing Specialty. I am agent for the Sylvester machines, and also for the Brau'tl'ord machines. w Atlarge stock of the best Ploughs made on'hanl‘l, '. points for sale. L. O’CONNOR, "Manufacturer of First-Clan Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, (to- ‘l .. . .. CL .â€".- oâ€"..â€"_â€"..._._. Having now completed all the imprmemcnta rt-ttuirt-(l in his new-premises. lormerlv “ Muwry'a Foundry," next to Carr’s hotel, corn -r of William and lillinlflls treei5,'has fa.- i cilitiea for executing all work in the above-lines which cannot be excelled. He respectfully solicits a call from those requiring: anything in his line, and will be glad to show them over his new Carriage and Waggon Shops. ln. O'Connor, being the oldest practical-man in this rt‘Cllttll of the country, is enabled to guarantee a First-Glass Job in any department, and every article turned out will be i warranted In A. l. Every piece of work in this establishment is done by hand. and "far superior. as i4 no- knowledged, to that done in fucturiesâ€"a't‘un proved at tln- South Victoria Exhibition. 'where I received three first prizes, although i did not art up my work for prize exhibi- tion, nnd they obtained for me sales and orders quite unexpected and unprecedented. [hr All ltepulra done Cheaply and l’romptly. .\ t‘cw second-hand Buggies for 511ch 1.4. (,)’(3()NLV OIk. GRAND BilllillllPl 3 Eli! COMBINAll‘ION S'l‘O‘CK. . ' Stocks in one. The Bi’mkrupt Stocks of J’Olil‘i St. Lintrcncc, F‘cnclon 'Falls, and George McDonald, of Oshawa. Lindsay. November lat, 1883. - . ... l. . , . in the store lately occupied by JOHN St. Lawnnnon. l Bargains in Dry Goods, i Bargains in Clothing, l Bargains in Millinery. .ngThe Whole Stock must be sold at once. regardless of cost. The Sale will not continue longer than 80 days. so come at mace. .Bring your Cash to this Great Sale, and you will be .sent away happy. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, Elana-gar. ~Fenelon Falls, December 20th, 1883. a lit array ransom.» Happy tâ€"<‘, CD 9.3 *‘1 "To all 1ny_Fricnds and Customers. :Christmas Boxes&l\'lew Year’s Giftsi for every bod y. I Don’t Fail to Call and Get Them. 'They are cheerfully given and \\'t'll worth having. ’HENRY J. KEIGHLEY. [NEW BUSINESS FIRM. '0. S. S. Johnson and Wm. Fielder {beg to inform the residents of l-‘t-uelou Falls and its vicinity that they hare enter ed into partnership and wtnmenccd lvn~inc~2< in ,KENNEDY’S BRICK STORE, ran «the neat aide ol‘_ Colborne street, Ft nelon Falls, when- they have optned out a first. claxs stock of - '_n:â€"â€"â€" illllll'l‘S AND SHllES, Gllllllllllllit .. AN 1) ,1" n 0V1 51.0 NS ,to Ihlolladditiooa will constantly be made. all of which thry will dispose of ‘AT THE 14“ka LIVISH PRKUYE FUR CAN". l \Q Their assortment of Bouts and Shoes is. they believe. ‘ the largest and most varied in the Village. ‘35:}! They respectfully solicit a call (”mm at: who need anything in tluir lines. and vnll do their boat to give entire satisfaction to their L‘thtv-uu't‘. H. A Bakery will be started as: soon a» the own. can l.. in: built. is tini~l..«i. :9”.th If?“ m)! 1353. JOENaON a. manna. ..._... _... -...;_____....-_.z..-- _._1.._. , s_ Comet], E5q.,,â€"_lyt-;::...L;u-in;.L'umalljt » , _ .-.., Goons l CHRISTMAS â€"â€"-â€"ATâ€"â€"â€"â€"- M’Dougallé Brandon Bros. As usual, we have on hand for the holiday season the choic- ; est lines of Fruits, Confectionery. General Groceries. Boots and ‘ Shoes, Crockerv and Glassware, all bought in the best markets for cash, and which we are prepared to sell At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. 020â€"3»â€" M'e have lately received a consignment of 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins. ' 100 Boxwes‘Valentia Raisins, 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins, " 5 Cases Vostaza Currants. 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme Figs, . »20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. The above geofis must ‘be disposed of at once. 90 not fail to call and examine bel'orc purchasing elsewhere. $6? Positively the Best Value in the Market. @5] Our lines of Fancy Crockery and Glassware, suitable for Christmas and New , Year's Presents, cannot be excelled. Prime to suit flu) times. , (L SPECkaL LINE 01“ I31‘JRLIR’ I‘ICLT BOâ€"Q'fS. and a large assortment of llnbbers and Over-shoes. N0 lady should be without a pair of nu'r'h'izzb l“elt~lined'Boots. 1:95;?" A Car-load of Salt just received. MCDOUGALLS: BRANDON BROS." Fcuelon-Fulls, -November 28th, 1883. New Hardware, Tinware and All kinds of Grain bought at highest ‘ mar/rel prices. Store Shop. f, libeg to""in’ii.n‘m the people of-Fenelon Falls, and the farmers of the surrounding country, that I have opened out in my new ' -.~;tore a complete stock of ’ HARDWARE in connCCtion with my otlier‘business, and as every article is new and fresh, parties wanting anything in that line will do well to give mea call. I have a good assortment of PARLOUR AND COOK STOVES.j of the latestand most approved patterns, Lam s ,& Lam 3 'Trlmlan's - C 7 in great variety, and Machine fill and Coal Oil of the best brands,all of which will‘he,.sold At Rock Bottom .Prices “For ~Cash. 13:2? Cash: paid for Skins an'di'lVool Pickings. ,_ I‘ll sincerely thank my numerous”customers for "tlieir'liberal pitti’o'n‘ageLin the past, and solicitt‘aeontihuanceof the same in my new business in the future. . JOSEPH HEAR ~ Fcneloanalls,‘ November 20th, 1883. D. At Dundas ll ‘Flare'lloLBI‘OS? ; l I you can buy for cash “Em All. usually sold 700. to $1, for 450. to (36c. l 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins. j ordmd. mm and m u, L1HWEE Si Agricultural implements svsmm lS lEBllTETEB HE sucorss’tr The City Dry Goods &. Clothing Syndicate OF 1411‘ I)SA’S’. HY? Because we were the first to rend asunder the old fashioned lap; winded high prices. Because the Citv Store continues to be the regulator of low prices and leading styles. Because we Alvin‘s advertise exactly what we practice. Because our whole aim and study is to buy cheap and sell cheap. Because we give better value for money than can be had elsewhen‘. ‘ 9 if the above is not true. why do so many merchants pretend to try to follow at our wake. If the above is not true, why do we incur so much Jealoury? . . if the above is not true, how could we have established so large a trade in so short a tum-t . . If the above is not true. how could we hold our trade and inch-use it, as we have done, each succeeding month . There must be some good reason for our great success. . There must. be some good reason why others try to copy our style of business. There must be some good reason why our patronage is daily inert-Ming. ' Kind render. it rests with vou to bur goods cheaper if you will. but give as your trade and mtlneure and help u: to double our present business. Our object is to buy cheap and sell cheap. and the larger our business the cheaper we mu buy . and the cheaper we can and will sell. Consider the above carefully. and when you want DR . . We will do our part to make your visit pleasant for you, and give \‘ou bargtuus that \r l l l 2 l i Y GOODS. .‘llLLlX'l-IRY. CARPETS. CLOTHING. ready-madn- or ill bring you back again. SOUTHERAN, CATHRO & MARK, CIT'S.’ DRIXI’EIRS eiND CLOTIIIICIIR, 2 Doors West of the Post Office. - - 1384. Bevilullun in this lltiliullilildi. 71-7884. .1. fillllLLlllERY. ISpecial Holiday and Christmas Announcement Mrs KEELEY 'â€"â€"‘-"T Tl”: ' llas just received and opened up a large stock of PALAGE DRYillllllDS &6LOTHING STORE';NE\V GOODS, â€"â€"-â€"â€"-IOIâ€"-'â€"“ Kent Street, Lindsay. 2Dobson’s Block. - - 1' No. l A complete Change in Prices that will Astonish the Connnu-i ”Mum", nity. $520,000 worth of Dry Goods, .Clothtn", '; Hats, Caps and Furs. i FANGY DRY “0003, will: â€"antl-- . . . ‘ . . . l I All our prices marked down, and we are bound. to make this sale interesting to all , parties during tliepmnntn of December and the holiday season. Our stock is now tally 1 ALL KINDS OF WOOL} assorted, and we can guarantee our patrons a big CllUlt‘U ot the l NEWEST AND TASTEEST GOODS duration of rarolnl buyers: . all of which will be sold at LESS TIL“ LINDSAY l’lllCliS, A nice lot of Holiday Presents, | [such as Dolls ol‘ all sorts and sizes, Toys in great variety, 'l‘uilt‘t Sets, Cbrisltnas Cards. \ uses, Fancy China-ware and various other REA I)X7-l\I AI) 13] CLO'I‘IIIN Gr articles, to which the attention of intending . ‘ ‘ . .- . 0-" . . . . l we are bound to clear out. .30 have the goods you \\ nut, and the) u Ill be sold from u! l purchasers ,5 respectlully turned. to 50 per cent. cheaper than regular prices. Our stock of MRS- KEELEY‘ ’I“encloull'i‘allu. Nov 27th, ”Nil. in the market. The following facts are, for the careful consi . ‘ . â€"â€"A-â€".\'o. l Overcoat. usually sold for Sll or $12, tor $94 50. A good suit of Gents; L."- derwear, worth Sl, for 75 cents. A big stock of Main and honey I'lnuuels. lrotn Ila c ts per yard upward. White Blankets from S'.’ 50 upwards. Big Bargains in these (noods._ A full stock of union and all-wool Grey Blankets. Furs, in Seal, Persian Lamb 8:. Astrachan, m--- is complete in Gents’ and Lndies’t Wear. Now is (lie lime to buy. Come and are our (lauds. -‘ ‘ 1. ”Tr ‘ ,Dress Goods, Ulstcringi, Coatingsâ€"we have something new in these goods thatcrcry 0 P It 1%) (j It L\ l lady should see. Gloves,‘._llosicry,’Knit Mitts, Kid Gloves, and everything In our line for . - - - this season. W We have a few good Bull‘alo Robes lel't. . 3 0 F 13‘ SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO LARGE BUYERS. \VE MEAN BUSlNESS. h 3 / [â€" .-~ - _ .r‘ , r) C nae I] Ll“ iOLl’u J"- @179 Agents for Harper‘s Reliable Bazaar Patterns. The-subscriber begs most cot:- JARVIS St MCDOUGALL, ’alacc Dry Goods & Clothing llonse.‘ Fenelon Falls, December 3rd, 1883. JUST Rnonwno, a fresh supply of BOOTS AND SHOES ; and season able dially to thank his customers . for the liberal support, hitherto accorded him ; and so as to give ‘ash buyers the benelit of doâ€" ing a cash business, he is now . .. _ D ~ giving a discount of ten per willie-h will'be sold cent. 011' regular prices. Mystockis well assorted, as . ., J . _u.sual. 0119341391" T112111 Ever FM @095“- 'g.1ft:.1$2.1?:T;:;:“:€ilr;~:‘..i‘."*»' G. o. KEITH. WM. CAMPBELL. MMâ€" fiRMERfiN LAKE F1 EBN ' Fencion Falls, ()et.‘ lst, lh‘ti‘fil. .-.__.____-â€"-â€" . no STORE. Agent for the Well known 'New York BazaarJ’a’tlerus. “Farmers in want ol‘ good r. should call at 'thc'C:itncron§Ii:ikc”'}l0liltidry rllow-t‘i‘thE‘lLJfll’. the pot-per of' Colborn'et . ._._.... -. d Francis streets, w icrc t icy Wt 111 a stoc ’ o B L ~ANKE’I‘S . - ._ NEW GOODS , Straw Gutters, Root butters, , â€" - 7... as heavy as ordinary $6 goods for $3 FLANNEL$ {VERY LOW. ”These goods have recently been purchased by us at less ,thau the cost of manuliicture. DUNDAS 8o FLAVELLE Bros, ,Kent Street, Lindsay. 1?: l ) \V’ A 12.1) S’ OLD-ESTABLISIIED CARI) or ’l‘llANvKS. I sumo.r "o.. Idolatry. . I ,9 T 1 St 1)]. {min Sunâ€"have-thc goodness to convey] Jl‘ 01.; f a.) ( i. to the Directors of the H London Mutual‘ l . - ‘ .' u-aai ;\\"nltl . . . . our thanks i” .m' ”â€" prpmplt " ll " ",1 'lhc subscrxlwr l’t'lllt'll-i ht: :Itnt‘ere lhanks ntll‘ (‘lillllli in tall. arismu trout limes h\ l . ,_ . ‘ p . l tb rt 1‘"!!! bu ll filmy H l 'l‘” ”l" "l'l‘rill l'fldhl‘iu’lt.’JPétuJVL-d on lntu t.‘ ‘ .- . . . Alexander Clarke, Ops. Sam: lduriiw the mil llllll' wars. and hm. to in- *- . r~ form tho puma: taut tin-y can obtain ,t'amvs lletmhey, ,liniily. you ; ‘ , -. -. g ‘ . ‘ . . ' . ' Wm! t. 1"" last (lass Horses and logs! Joseph .‘lt-l'nnncll, “ ;.'-o , i __ Matthew Wilson. Ops. it! .'» any hour of the day or Medium. hi.~ stable l Thomas llt'l‘alw. ‘~ "TH; iC) -. - . . . i . fx':ll'..‘o'-~ ‘ . Edwin Prn‘l‘“. .‘ltlripoig‘, 1W: ' I. I l ( 1-. (I 1 ( t lailHt : Thoma: Kelly. Emily. 43'! . h‘. 'irry mt>l".’11h' charges. i “win Harrington, “ 7‘13 W‘ (‘ m’nrrcltl :rm'v-liurs and their lug-l ,Gnv Realty. Verniam. 533" gm,”- mint'nyv-l «ilk-ly and expeditiously to f v H 'l‘irrs. .. n: '..:.y Augâ€".4 twin". ' lfldm‘ limllm- 14‘5“)”. '3: ‘ n _--1t.~t-riimr never had a stahlrfnl oil “”5le l‘~"l'_.‘" "j” l. . llltrrc: than at pttweflt. ComeJuttl i Margaret hrrr. " J t' ,H. “mm, ‘1 .lulnxt‘hvym-uth. Fem-Ion. 3-5:” ' F. ll POW-HID“ ' l-Idwarvi Malone. Us”. '3 "" , . , ' ' ‘ l P.“ v Illitfgt‘y, liit‘l’lsflj', 4,. l’"ll"lltfl Falld, Feb; 24th, L153. Sl-tf. ‘, John “Klimt. “pi. 7:3" . ___.____-.._ "'”_â€"'â€""'~“”â€" i ‘- ~_ l l. 5: a? . , .1 9 mm . 1 . mamas, THRESHERS. , ......._, ,.._ ,__..-._.-._._..._.-___.__ , . axo nus. OWNERS, l EARM FOR SALE. ..USE McEUll BROS. & C038, H in the 'lnd (‘uncmhlun ot‘ the townsh p; of Snmcrrille. tantalum: ‘10“ nor”, about} Cclchutcd i W“ of which arr- rlrarwl xurl fenced. Uri: , the turn that- are a ll story rmla.’ lug r house. 35 x 25- feet. with kltChanwo frame, 5 ’ 3 ' hares, each 50 x 313 feet. .1 .na‘ple tor aght» . . ~ . l .. -. ' t . hnrsre. a rm‘imr dorm}: éh'wl and n wry, guaranteed 1.1. ha. st in the market. large paniltry house. also), a nv-wr-taiirg‘ spun: cn‘rk and three wells. and a tin»: acrr urrlar-i coafmnlng [In hundrwl apple? trees. a x ' t haifof which are bearing. i Apply or. '.";v~ intent-ism lr- , cumsrorum rrtt.’ l W Will not gum or rim] mnrlu'urr‘y. For ell-3 by .lOllX A. ELLlS. lirrvrr‘ Frantic»: Falls .lgrj‘. l‘éth, 194?. {-Jr. .1". in; mm N] ) lrt-turnu. his Fltlt‘t'r" thauku to ”‘0 rtwidu-HH or ! Fem-loo Fall» and it: ririuily for their lib :eral t'ntlttltttL't' duriugluu pout. Lew-n War. ! and informs tl-unt. that (the lull‘lllt'l‘tlllp lu- ‘l\\‘l‘l'll t.‘-lr. Slnll'at and binm-ll having 11- Spin-u) be l lliln t'ulutnl‘llt'l'll liu-inwu. tun ' doortnnrtlv nf'tbtr I-tlrlvltllit'l'. where he has and numerous other Implements of home manufacture. , GENERALâ€"nunrossrLouoHs. The increasing: demand for our general purposel'luuuhs i4 proof that they can't. be beat. for all kinds of work and all kinds of soil. GANG PLOUGHS. . 'o wurd a carefully m-lcrtwl at n 'k If l’loutzh' is acknowledged by all to he the best in the tnarkt-t. l ' " ’ EXCELSIDR Fanmno MILL, :GRO.CERIES, which took First Prize at. the ludustrial l‘lxluibitionht 'l‘orontr. against twelvt-i other cotnprtltors. THE FARMEB’S FRIEND. The Farmer's Friend Combined llrill t\'; Broadcast Sunder, the be-‘t in Canada Our Gang tljrnttlwry and Stoneware and i {PROV lh‘ l ( ) N S, iwhicb were bought on xulvnntngt-uu: termi. ' and will la: mid llarrows, Iron and \\ ood, CASTINGS a FORGINGS (SEâ€"Kim KINDS MADE TO ORDER: llll lilillp Hill Hill. landllepairs eXecutcd. 81 per hundrcdwciuht paid for Hirfll’ "1’“ ll""' The old .k'lot‘l; will be tlinpw‘t‘vl or nt pr: ally ROBSON &" ALLAN. i n-ducr'l prit'l'u, in ordI-r to make room (or new gorilla. ' "“""""‘“§Uash Paid For Butler and its FEET! -WMMWW a I"Cull at. the New Store, ,.__..__ as good as ever were put into a. field? r“, I "Ft-nelon'Falls-(August 22ml, 19,3. . _'.[‘lla‘t1in‘buyinj.r SllOliS and BOOTS it'is denrabh- to get;:‘flleu,1:“INS-:lhfg-i'uir i. titliiiiirriidlw': “pp: them Cheap. .\c at Fulton and Nib-tauttal. _ . . ' - “lll‘l’t‘ in u“. ”Hug". _ Thahin"Wearingencirfihoes andllloots It IS imperative that, ‘ ' 'JoSI-zru 1!:-l'.lltl..\,\‘h. they should prove Durable. \\'ell<lrmkin-_' and Shapt-ly.. . . . . l ““4“" lfllll. 31hr “lb, HM. lis-Iy. Thatlin.ebomizigrfilmcs and lluots. as alort-saul, it ts llllpttl'fl-l " - ,i - .' ~ liveâ€"t0 not bra-t ClltllCtt'fl'J pickifroln uur Hock at once, the largest and lll‘wl: Fashionable Taflorlng. oomph-loin all lines. » . That .even the vpoo can't do WitliouLShrws and Boon; , ,IiTletl'lt '_.: rest. people have more or less money and 1mm]; J3,f,::;fi,',',';,':,:'m,figrzzd mm}: and that wild tummy. ll'L it belong to rich ori cinity tor tlmr liberal patronage aim-c he pong-fauna,- nr mechanic. cannot. be "' swapped " inr foot-gear more ratlulactonlyi commented hustnh! in than uMMHTlRl-Z‘S- *FENELON FALLS. That ‘-.\I;~\Gl.lllll‘i has been in the Shoe and Boot business: . _ . . . . land Muir" them that no rtYort wrll lu- . __ -. __ , .. t .. " te - l.' . ' for son”: “a... ,3: ltrlst and Ih the ptnmer in tumult on much salt in last J ‘flmm, ,0 W” M Rom! Mud-”,0" lo ”I" or for little money of Lindssyltnwn. . . ;t’uturc I: be but unneeded in giving during The almvetclauses form one FUlltl. luvulncrable and general. the past ll: 3.- now locum! t. «tn-mam».ricrwuch burr" ...~ m...» and 15w» .m a... c... by: At Mrs. lleeley'a om Stand, remembering. , a l M l rcaptrllully miiriu It call from all who L. NH 11(IL ERR. «M. In Law tiu-ir clothing made up in tho ' ' latrst Myles and but puuiblv manner. _ .-., Shoe &.Boot Nialflzrt3 A. Laurent: Lindsay, June llth, 1.5:». l t‘emtmi Fallr, 31a;- '11., 1383,

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