Tho LEABLB RECIPES FOR THE. LADIES. 2 Plum Pudding szd7irkr Pic Cunning , Ctr stuns } Mr. I-‘cnlinsnd I'cre, ale] of the Aston? House, gives this recipe for a puddi ; j Prnponionsâ€"Uue [wand of beef igney; gringo, one pound of dry Corinthisn. raisins (Smynis and Malsgs mixed), one pound and :hrrc ounces of fresh bread crumbs, one tablespoonful of fluur,twelvei ounces of brown sugar, nine ounces of; orange peel and citron mixed. s littlef _. salt, half of s grated nutmeg, 'one pinch 7 of pulverized ginger, and 1 little lemon pccl chopped line, about tcn , about; four tablespoï¬lmful of grxldeIigr-landy orl rum, and one tablcsymnful of sweet cream. This is sufficient for two good-: sized puddings. l After having washed the raisins in luke- j warm water place them in a basin or“ 3“,",m" HP?" 39“,;1339m' Vol/ï¬lth bowl, with the peel already cut i 5;“; nï¬uï¬; Efxrï¬iï¬ibov‘e ' into square pit-cos, and steep in a little i all ’ilwihl-‘Z l,“ ï¬mm‘l 1°"- _ . y . . ,v A . In: iicm in net-1W brawl). .\mv trim tho beef Lulncy fat , Cw“, “on, our de‘, gugom-e. birth. and chop it very fine, with one spoon- ful of flour, mix it well with the crumbs of broad, brown sugar and the eggs; thcnmlil tho raisins, the peel, the rest ofi tho brandy, salt, nutmeg, ginger, and, last of all, after it is well mixed, the} crum. Sprawl all this in alaigc napkin, 5 well buttcrcd, fold up the corners of the ,5 napkin, and tic to the level of tho iud‘ l 7 - v ding, so as to make it round ; then plilinge 3 Cl} Pl “IT‘ Al‘n CRIBIE. the pudding into is saucepan of boiling ; water, and ct it boil at least four hours l â€"â€"-cnnstant boiling. Take it out and let i it drain in a sieve ; cut it from the top so‘ as to keep on a level, and then turn it nuton a dish, removing the napkin carc- ‘ fully, so as not to disturb the lino part of the pudding. Sprinkle with n littlo rum sauco. You may apply a match to thcl pudding when it is on the table or whcn lqu cntcring the (lining-rum). rum sauce separate. This pudtlingimiybccookcd in a mould. Have the mould wcll buttered, and the pudding, tied in a napkin, also Well bu:- lcrcil. lloil four hours. VOL. XI... (loodwlll’s Holiday. l-Zvrr on this Christina morn lI-l )' mirth sndjay are burn: 'l hudom is the day-dawn bright with s beam-uni dear do ism; ('arc and evil from u- flee In tines-e hours' felicity. Age and manhood. girl sud boy. All tome: but love and jo, : Anger hence and hate away! '1 his Ii Goodwin's ho ldsy.-C. W. 8. -~-â€"â€"-.. 1‘-» 9......â€" CIIAI’I‘ER IV.â€"-(onri.~iczn.) “ Is your haul better, dear ‘l" she asked, with the anxious interest she always muni- fcsteil now in the girl's slightest ailment. " Cristinc, give your sister a cup of too. You look a little butter for your rest." “ I am better, thank you," Nora said ' , , ictly, “ though I have not been resting Serve “ Ill-u" i all tho time. I had some visitors to enter- tain.†Mrs. Bruce and Cristina exchanged glances, and the former said, with some< thing like a return to her old imperious l manner~ i .iiviuliiii FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DEC. that set all discipline st naught, how far Nora did not answer ; her lips twitclied he owed it to his mother that at seven- snd-twenty he was a scapegracc, a spend- thrift, without a profession, and friend- less, with his way to make in the wcrld.’ ncrvuusly at what seemed to her the crucllcst of jests; but her huge lovely eyes still turned to Mrs. Bruce in dumb appeal. burst would drive her or her daughter crazyâ€"if indeed Cristina were not a little touched already. The doubt expressedr itself so plainly in her face um sliméb‘ummnryof Foreign, Domestic and War issws IIIâ€"Aâ€"NUTSHELL. Singleton had much ado not to laugh again. “ Please do not," she cried, with a gos- { turc of mock cntreaty. “Another such l joke would be my death. Come, it is time we went to Nora's relief. I wonder what she and Lord dc Gretton ï¬nd to talk about in these duty fete-wicks .’ She can- not bewail her dead lover to him, and I i am not sure that she can think or speak on any other subject." But Mm. Bruce was too dseply offend- ed to enter into her daughter's inquisitive speculations. “ I shall go," she said. drawing her vel- vet skirt majestically round her ; “ but you I think you will see that your‘ toilette is a little disarrangcd by your latc strangeâ€"I had almost said unseemly»â€" outburst." 3 Mrs. Bruce’s exit was at least as mirtli- . provoking as anything that had occurred in the course of the interview ; ‘1".th it won , " You talk great nonsense. Cristine I" that lady cried severely, glad to ï¬nd vent for the agitation of her nerves in a well- sorry comfort in her afflictions. She did deserved rebuke to her daughter. “ Nora not know that to characters of Mrs. isase isiblc girlâ€"not likely to indulge in Bruce's type all things must come fmm retrospective jealousy or make herself without, inasmuch asremorse never assails wretched over shadows. She knows that them. They min imagine a world in arms l Lord de Gretton's past belongs to himself, has wrought them woe, never in any cir- his future to her only." cumstsnces that they themselves- have “ I am not jealous," Nora said ; and her 11°96 wrong. Bl" hora-knew nothing “I voice rang out with a sudden sharpness this; she 53Ԡthe .llorid face 310W pale of bitter scorn and fierce disgust. What and the hard 93’“ (11m 3 NHL “Wig 0" a cruel hypocrites they were, she thought, sudden "“1““va 31‘" knoll. by herstcp- talking of jealousy to her, when they 9h? “"1 brightly 31“.! W‘nglï¬ H \_a_iice knew that the one love-of her life lay ‘3 m no scrapeâ€"he ‘3 1“ 93061191“ 3pm†; dead in Arthur Beaupre's grave, that a and he did "‘{t come to borrow "10“93'1 33 cold duty and a lifeless, loveless obedience Cristina ““1“an suggests, but to lll'ml-f 4 were all she had promised Lord de Gret- me a present. . LOOk 3†And “'1‘“ 3 ‘ ion 1 “ I am not jealous, and you know pretty triumph 1“ the pleasure She gave, it. I had another reason for askin" about she opened a tiny case and showed a ring Lady Olivia Blskc." ° 39': “"Fh f0“? "Huf'Whlte pearls.†, 4, “ l )f course, my dearâ€"ii natural curio- “lei Vance :1“? you that! Cmmle sity," said M13. Brucc smitlxiugly. “Forâ€" no laughter from Cn'stino. As the dimrl broke in incredulously ; wlulc Mrs. _Bruce tunatcly [ can tell you the whole story swung to behind her mother, the girl'sj looked stilt almost with awe. An incon- M once. She was engaged to her cousin. “fair head fcll forward on her hands, ï¬nd i siderable 100m mdecd III the gorge0u5_list Lord de Gretton, “'llen she was a young a ï¬erce moaning cry mug drcarily through ‘ 0f the future Lady d? Grctlml'a wedding- tllingwcightccn or soâ€"â€"aud lieâ€"~well, a the room. l presents, from pennilcss \uucc it was a good bit younger than he is nowâ€"not “How well 1 “egg" 5]“, criod, with al All this Nora remembered then, not bitterly, but with an intense pity for the woman who, she thought, must ï¬nd such Mix ono pound of llour with water. Add . a. littlo salt and one (mum: of butter, and rim: and costly gift. that I think a husband a. bit the better for sort- of savage pride. “ How little they “ You should not have soon them, child. v . _ n . . i H†dd “‘1‘ ed 1 30"“ cried proudly 3 being this side of the ï¬fties," Mrs. Bruce- guess that Nom Bruce hurt more than was very wrong. " knead thoroughly. ’l‘ako 12 ounces ofl It butter and Work out the salt in water. Roll out the pastoguul lziy tlic buttcrovor Mâ€. 13mm, coughed in an uncomfort~ it. Fold it and roll with rollci‘. Lct it "ML. fashion. slunzl fcu iuinutm, than fold and roll ‘ ~- Well there is no real reason, Isupv “it‘ll" “M ‘.â€"l "â€1! “r “Hand." “I w†pose ; bill: it. is not tho usual thing for a i:*;:*:i;:t.:".=::.‘.': it: 2:15? trill "51:335.: 1 .u. . w . caller. done. will rim- to one incl: in bright. Cristina laughed irreverontly to hear “’ her mother expounding the laws of eti- qucttc, and oven Nora's face brightened “ Why !" Nora's clear sorrowful gray eyes widened a little with the word. ~.. Statistics of lnlcmpâ€"crmico. In 1863 the nation found relief for its with a momentary smile. bankrupt treasury by the imposition of “'J'lmt, may be,†she said, with the taxes upon various articles :uulimlustrics. faintest touch of mockery in her tone; hourly all of those have been rcpcalcd “ but these were not. idle callers. I assure with the exception of spirits. beer and you. tobacco. of tho government thcso \vorc increased your son.†in I831 to 5,210 ; converting in that year 31,291,175 bushels of grain into 117,7 150 gallons of proof spirits. 4,000 collcctors, giiugcrs, stoi'c~l.(ecpcrs . curiosity, and ï¬xing her shining light and detectives :u'u omploycd, who were eyes on Nora's face, as though she would pfllil 85.950.003.93 In 1831 for â€Ni? 881“ read there the object and result of the in- Viccs. 567,153,074ï¬d wcro collected and torvicw. paid into tho national treasury its the But Mrs. Bruce's interest had taken an share of the government in tho business. abrupt turn in another direction. Hard The total amount paid into the Unitod and selfish as she was, she had Status treasury from 1803 to 1881 from liquor {sutures was $335,990.373J5. conicr was reserved for her handsome un- In 154M 4“'0 produced “3.930.773 gal- satisfactory son. When she thought of Inns of distillod spirits ; in 1870 it had in- him, even Lord do Gretton and the mind CW“ t‘il E†713.425.3513 Ell-110118» in 1380 t“ marriage on which her soul was sot Seem- 7'“ â€023ԠH‘UlUH-‘a “ml “1 1331 t“ 117,- cd things of small account. " ' ' ‘ ' " Has Vunco been hero 2†she cried, in I†1831 “'0 â€l‘ll’1â€~y°d 1'82†Christian tones of Quick voxation. men and Women lll foroign lands to liclp - ‘ i convert lho world to Christ, and the total $321333}:{listvrggsxtxwgefr boy ' umount paid into tlm Lord's treasury tho .. “(ever mind Vance new mother n l‘istsiv: ' ‘ -; ‘ ' I -‘ v . . ‘. . . . .‘ ’ ‘, ‘ t 0%,): 1].â€, h,"- ‘luwmmr-l purposw Cristmo said, With an impatient frown. ““3 ml!" "" ’ ,Jlo. In 1880 Wu cm~ “ I want to hear about Lady Olivia " .. “And never mind Lady Olivia now, pluy'ual in'our public schools 282,443 “W†“WWW *dez’l Marissa»: Hs‘rwlisotouboutmydearboy." at a cost of 880,632, '8. . 'l‘hcrc arc iuorc liquor-sellers than pub- and decision, uninllucncednfo lic sclmul»lc:u:ln.~m, and four times as dsuulitcr's petulant displeasure). many drinking-plows than churches. ‘3 'l‘hc American nation must protect the home from tho saloon, or tho saloon will destroy tlic homo, and with it all that is dom- to Amurican liberty and American institutions.â€"~.\'ut. Tn". .‘Ifllltllldi'. 25,- Miss Singleton asked, drawing her chair shrugged her shoulders slightly. such contradictory orders I" “ Mo," said her step-mother promptly. “Cristian is only curious; I am really troubled about. my boy. staying, Noni, â€"-â€"to-niglit l" Miss Bruce hesitated oddly ov answer; and Cristina, who heard the re- . J... - .-'...-._ .â€" ' â€i" CHILD’S rsiui. A lumping Girl Lock“! up with her Maniac Father. As pi‘l'fliillrl woro passing tho residence of Alm Cook, Columbus, 1nd,, recently, a “‘oll‘tii‘lln young farmer rosiding seven miles from bore. a piswl shot and scrcams \voro hoard. l'pnu going in it was found Mrs. Cook had fainted and her husband was li‘lel‘ll up in the room, ii. raving _ maniac. \Vlicn shc rocovcrcd sho said some time. ho “will. into tho room where their littlo good-bye. "ll'l was flll‘b‘l'lllg on tho bud, and, after With you . . . . u \' ... “ ‘ . (ml . Inching and bolting tho door, lirul his . ' _ ‘ . . . nit-â€uh, 'l‘lu- neighbors:Lllgalliorcil in, lncrcdulity and siiicoio distress in . . . , but ho l‘UIllIk-ll to admit anv one. tlircat- mother s tunc thabl‘iom s so‘it‘ licast‘fx clung ilu- lifo of unv one who uttciiiptcd touched ; even Cristmo cop is,ch ' . . , In lu'mk in, saying iinporiiun should come show somethmglikc intcrts in in crimp! llzivnl llagur. his fatlicr-iu-lmv, 'iit lust. ostentatious iudilloronco and insttcntion, \vliilo, fancied that the pale face little when at last she spoke. Ho wished mo to bid you all and say that ho would not again until after Christmas." she cried, with _ . . _ From each I received a special snappishly. . In 1840 2.890 ill-‘mllci'ic-‘i were message, and I could hardly deny myself goose chase, thc'govemor will be pleased llCUliHCil. while under tllu fiiritul'lng care to Lord do (lrctton’s kinswoman or to that he should try " Then you saw Lady Olivia Blake ?" of him. he is just as well out of the way." Neal-lilo littlo nearor in the eagerness of hoi- all the interest kindle d by her step- a mother's to heart for 1101‘ children, and its warmest senco.’ ““51 her gmy eyes brightened t1“vu‘a'll'uddcd, in a. prudent parenthesis, as she my pride when she stole Arthur Beuupre quick grateful tears. “ how, Mrs. Btuce, stole a sharp sideâ€"glance at the eagerly from incâ€"that I hate her with a deeper you “9.1“": to. {P9}? f0!“ \ance, ““t t.“ listening girl. ‘.‘ Well, it was a family hate than ever wounded vanity could doubt 11““ 0“ "“191“? the Fell-5'0" Of his armiigcmcntâ€"no love lost on either side, teach me! And yet "â€"shc clasped her absence yet, but wait in patience until he I fancy ; and, :is often happens, in such hands and laughed a strange unuatumll can cxplamull. That, With a kiss, was cases, it fell through just before the day Iaugliâ€"“wlmtan excellent ChristisnI um hismcssagofo you, and there our mtcr~ ï¬xed for the wedding. My Lady Olivia growing! This marriage. which lifts her view ended. . took French leave of her disconsolate over all our heads and should boa per- Mrs. Bruce looked doubtful still; but bridegromn and her father’s home, and petunl blister to my prideâ€"J would give the darker shadows 1W1 "“1“th {1'01" 1101' clopcd with Captain F mucis Blake, n my life itself rather than let it be broken faccasshe 0311de back the “113 and 1‘0' dashing young Irish llusmr, who had 03-" turned Novas kiss. made licrcc love to her all through the A step in the corridor disturbed her, “I wish I had seen him, poor boy. season.†and in another minute shc stock before However, I dare say it is all for the best." A long sigh that was like the very voice the mirror brushing out the soft flcccy “ Of course it is, mother!" Cristine said of disappointment and despair broke from curls that clustered so gracefully round “Even if he is off on a wild- Nora's wliitc lips as she turned her face her white temples and small shell-like from her step-mother’s sharp gaze. What ears, hummingagay little tune for the she had expected to heal-she hardly know ; ediï¬cation of casual passers-by. a vague wild hope of possible freedom had Meantime the interview between Lord sprung to life and died within tlic hourâ€" (10 Gretton and his fair betrothed had been that was 1111. ii. much less oppressive all'nir than 5110 sup- Miss Singleton bestowed upon her )osed 0" than poor Nom usually found it mother a glance of warmest approval. rd d9 Grotton, though sufficxently brll‘ How admirably she had managed her very hunt when he chose to exert himself, pre- diflicult case 3 To have denied all engage- fcizred, 1“ a general “W: the pleasure 0f ment between Lord dc Gretton and his b‘EmB entertained t0 the labor 0f enterâ€" cousin, when at any moment the story taming; and N01“ “'35 guiltily 00119010113 might reach Nora’s ears, when indeed that “1,19 f?“ lamentsbly short Of .1113 ex- there was no knowing how much Lady pcctations in this res 001:. Not \vilfully; Olivia herself might tell, would have been apart from the 10"0 15 ml: “’31? not hers (:0 dangerous in the extreme ; to tell just 31“}: She “"35 honestly ““3101“ to fulï¬ll half the truth, and fling the story back all duties imposedï¬n he? by the betrothal into a period almost antecedent to Nora's bond, and "led With a PWIflll earnestness birthâ€"this was grand incndacity indeed to ascertain what SUbleFtï¬ interested him, in Cristinc’s opinion ; and so a little later and to educate herself in them. something, and, as Lord de Gretton so decidedly disapprovcs All the new look of life and brightness, brother’s visit and the impulse to defend him died out. of Nora’s face, and the old dull look of resignation came back. True, she raised her dark head proudly, and said, in clear incisive tonesâ€" “ Lord do Gretton has never prcsumcd spea’k slightingly of Vance in my pre- But, the little effort made, she sunk buck wearily in her place, and the gray cycs regained their old look of farâ€"off patient pain. Cristino however soon broke in upon her rcvoric ? Items. caxsmsx. _ Mr. R. A.- Gui-lick ayoung merchant in London, died of blood poisoning :\ few days ago. Kingston, Napancc and Dcsoronto an: connected by telephone. The distancu is over thirty miles. A gang of thieves and idlcrs are report- ed to be bloated near Buck Lake, in Frontenac County. Several crimes are laid to their charge. A little son of Edward Buttlcwonli, of Hornmstlc, Ont, drank out of the spout ofs boiling ten pot and died from the scalding shortly afterwards. A school mun near Orangcvillc is in trouble, having been charged with giving a little girl 417 lashes. Possibly the little girl felt as though there were at least 4,000. Rev. Dr. Wilson, Curatc of St. George‘s Church, Kingston, is reported dismissed by Dean Lystcr. His principal. if not solo, offence is that he lias taken an active part in the Salvation Army work in King- ston. A Montreal man, John Walker, lind ii bullet. extracted from his thigh, at Hamil- ton, a few days ago. He said that behind two revolver cartridges in his pocket and one of them exploded, sending the bullet- in his flesh. As an extm health prcmution at Mon- treal, the Health Medical adviser of the city recommends the appointment of in- spectors for each district of the city, to guard against epidemic disease. The in- creased oxpcnsc is estimated at $1,600. Tlircc Winnipcgcis are said to have won 83,000 playing faro in St. Paul, Minn., in one night. The next night they lost $5,000 besides having made a considerable inroud into the winnings of the previous night by indulging in copious libutions of champagne. Mr. W. A. Sheppard, of Toronto, who for some years kopt an “Employment Bureau †in the .Mail buildings, left thc city suddenly a few days ago, and there are serious charges of fraud against him. A good many applied to him for employ- ment and paid small sums of money on being promised a situation, which of course they never received. The Chinese question is reported its be- coming more and more important in British Columbia. The Provincial Scorc- titry stated recently in the House that there are now 3,000 destituto Chinese in the main land who can only subsist by theft or crime. The Legislature adopted resolutions in favor of more restriction in looked from one speaker to the other and absolutely necessary ; Where is be over, _ and when shall we see him was slipping so surely from her. ‘. . ..‘ -l ~lallth D'lshoti , hilt 5mm“ 1M. stop “at“ L US†flushed i: Mli-s. Bmwyaskml, thinking she had lot “No; he will not be in London for 0‘ be mint sincerity. “Well," she cried sharply. “ Vance " How tiresome has had enough attention now, I hope 2 I Perhaps I may have my question imswcr- ed at last '1" Nora looked round dreamily, “Your question I What was it, Cris- tinc l†“ A comprehensive one, my dear,†Cristina laughedâ€"“I want to hear all “Flislérgnggg ubgjit Lady Olivia’s visit 3" Nora w'ords‘fibh‘b'ï¬iuhsmlf,..w4cz4irilyw at the he; tlioug‘ffts‘iv'cré always more or less confused and ramb- “ Which shall I obey when you give ling now, and she collected them onlywith in and difficulty. To speak of Vance indeeed had been no effort ; but Vance, with all his faults, was dear to her ; more- ho was a part of the old life téilat . to would talk of himas long as they wished ; er her but what could she say of Lady Olivia’s visit but that she shrank from the subject port of her brother's proceedings with withavnguo unreasonable dislike. “ Was her ladyship very overpowering ? to putronisc you, child ‘2" upon ii. probable reason for the girl's look extreme distaste. . ‘ . . “ Oh, dear, no 1" Nora said, With lllfllg’ “ She wasâ€"nice, I think, she told her much-gratiï¬ed parent. “I did not think you could do any- thing so delicately dexterous, mother,†she said when, Nora being safe in Lord do Grettou’s company, the two women dis- cussed their pliius and arranged their dinner-dresses in Mrs. Bruce’s room. “ I really trembled when you begun to speak. †Mrs. Bruce settled the rose point on her black velvet shoulders and answered with conscious dignityâ€" cutâ€"5Youmiiulï¬tbéimullgiyc known I should where there was so muuruwmmauan; - have some tact, Cristinc.†. ~ ’ “ \Vell, so it' seems,†Cristina agreed, with her never-failing laugh and a. stare of . “That is what amazes and delight me ; because, truth to tell, I never thought you much of ii diplomatist before. Now don’t be oflbndcdâ€"because, you see, I have cried mm culpa, and owned myself mistaken already, and I can do no more. How do I look to- night 2†Mrs. Bruce’s brow, which had frowned majestically u moment. buck, cleared at. this appeal, and her lips smiled bcnignly. Miss Singleton was looking her prettiest to-night, and knew it. The crushed "struwbcrry"' dress she wore gave the candid wonder. :i’ésï¬hsdil‘»§l$£,t$ll?.33ï¬fl . only P0 mention hisback to ï¬xxlills‘lï¬ssflmeQs-iggg i;,4 It was up-hill work as she pursued it, though the task would have been simpli- city itself to an ordinary guilcless nature. Lord dc Grctton, who was tired of most things and took special interest in none, required only to be amused and flattered in equal proportions. But this Nora did not guess, and, even had it been made plain to her, she was too heart-sick to amuse and too proud to flatter, so things would have been much as they were. To night however she was spared all trouble regard to admitting them as immignuits. In Montreal a few days ago while Joseph Lord was shoveling snow oll'thc roof at the back part of the Nutrc Dame Hospital the rope with which he was tied, broko from its mmrings and the young man fell ii distance of eighty foot or more into some snow. He was terribly fright- cncd, but, strange to say, although tho snow was not very deep, ho was not much hurt, the only injuries he received being a slight one in the left hand and one in few ( nys if?) “ammo. . .._~.4, down with her. The vessel had been aground at Cockburn Island and received damages but was got off by the tug “ Bulizc " and was being towed home. All at once the hull seemed too on up and the bout went down at once, caving too little time to suvo any thing but one or two of the hands. The drowncd mcn nearly all belonged to Ontario. twisting his long gray moustache nndlook- ing down with a curiously cruel smile at; the slender wliite~r0bcd ï¬gure in the low lounging-chair. “ So 2 I hardly expected that from Lady Olivia,†he said, after u little pause ; and, had Nora been one shade less ripa- thctic, she must have noted the strange triumph of his tone, must have seen the quick lighting of the sunken eyes, the ( uick flush of the usually impassive fiicc. rd do Grotton looked like a man who by a sudden spcll lind subdued some sav- sgo creature and brought it tnmcly to his feet. . But Nora did not raise the dark head Reports from Kingston, Oiit., arc gloomy in regard to the outlook for laborers. ()n the local milway wages have been twice reduced in two months, and at tho mines, north of the city, there has The Car Works - ‘ i ' I . “‘d B ‘ H Tm†was 3†much “gimme ing of something else all tho timc. ho matter think her so handsome, s hesitation of any kind. glow of colop that her pale moonlight , _ ‘ . beauty usually lacked ; her light hair was klmtlgioopefli 50 llï¬tlsg‘sl‘yb ’utga £33,) gills: pulled and crinkled all over; her small 1033:“ Ta“ wily}, â€I â€11:, but sawno- head glittcrcd and sparkled like spun glass 11)“? C(f vat‘lc‘fq 13.;(3‘, es l‘cniloui" Lord with every movement ; a touch of art had 31",? â€ti ‘ 5 1"“ L 'ikinI: For llic mo. ilarkcucil the faint brows and lashes mid meciftrIicgltllidbxg‘litzlxgerc free . and with .w. . -. \" ..' - ' _ I‘ 9. liifillimtlhe 141â€.“ WIMMS â€es uurdy mechanical impulse, tpey {.pok the-11v ac- . ‘ i . . . .. . - m . customcd journey to tie .i‘ncsn (ongn ‘Mydeui, 3â€" .uc beautiful. Mrs. where, beneath the scorching sky, licr but a little strange in manner, as though he were intensely curious and yet. think- “ A very uncomfortable mmmcr,†Cris- tinc remarked, with s laugh. “Do you Now. l" This time Nora's answer come without “Most beautiful, in a grand imperial been also ll. reduction. . company have been compelled to dismiss in number of their laborers ; the Cotton Mills is running at three-fourths time, and it liu'gc Piano company is doing the some. Thu Locomotive Worksliavc adopt- ed the eight hour system, so as not to dis- miss any of the hands. I'NI'I'E II STATES. - . - v ‘ m Mr. llagcr moi in this city, and was ‘ Alter (illnï¬tlllllï¬. supcrcilious lifting of her light. brows. Bruce cried, with genuine impulsive ad- reached the enormous sum of six hiuuln‘d million dollars. It is cl that about Fall Rivcr parties have insured the livcs of some well known drunksnls for large amounts. Lynching for horse stealing still gas on in the Wmtom States. Four or live horse thieves lisvo been mccntly lynched um Ainsworth, Nebraska. Ono of tho budios was left hanging so low as to provide a meal for the wolves. Rev. John O. Roche, of Grace Church. Harlem, was recently mbbcd of â€00, ii gold watch and a diamond pin in New 'ork. Wluit docs ii minister want of dimuund pins any way? Perhaps that was the question that tnuiblcd the lhicvcs. The New York “I’m"? says that tho frauds sic prevailing now in that city such as in ihcdsys of Boss 'l‘wccd. 'l'lio sumo bin-pics arc now having contracts, auditing sccmmts, making cslimulcs, and otherwise “guarding" tlio public pursc. An investigation is callcd for. There is an outcry again in ch York of cxlmvugancc and plunder in municipal matters. Tho cstimatcs for tho city cx‘ pcnditum for the Coming your amount to nearly thirty-six million dollars, or over ï¬ve millions mom than last yciu'. There is u largo sink lIUlL‘ somewhere. Tho subject of the Iiitcnuitional Sunday School lessons for 1884 will be in the Acts and Epistles. 'l‘hrcc months will be spent with David and the Psalms. 'l‘hu lust tllNO months will be with Solomon and the. Books of Wisdom, the selections being from Kings. Proverbs, and Ecclesi- astcs. The Iowa. frcc mule lcsguo has instrucl- ed its scorcuu'y lo picpiu‘c an address of congratulation upon the election of Mr. Curlislo to the spcakcrship, urging that no steps be taken which will disturb busi~ ncss interests, and recommending that thorough reform of the tariff should begin at. oncc. An effort is being made in the South Carolina Methodist Cuufcrcuco lo misc their missionary colloctionsby contribu- tions of one cent from ouch mcmbcr per week. “'hcn this is impossible, cggs ui-u received in licu of tho coin, and it is not not unusual to collcct it but full of oggs- at. a service. It is rcportcd that al- Ncw Orleans lllol‘t‘ are over 1,500 Italian labor-cm out of work and with little moans; thcrc urn tlicrcforo considcrod liablo to oxccss and dangerous. Somo ollbrls am being inmlu to provide them with work. In many places dungcr may be npprchcndcd from idlc mcn needing cmploymoiil. In tho Nimim river, a few niilos show the Falls, five young mon wcro drowned last week. They got. a bout nunr lliilliilo to go down the river for a hunt and, by some means, the boat- wns capsized or sunk and noiio were saved. 'l‘lioy worn all Germans, and thrcc of them how not been in tho country over it month. Dr. Lucy Hull, of Massachusetts Wo- man’s Prison, said, at the conclusion of a carefully prcpzircd piipcr, at the Social Science Association, the other day : “Nowhere is there [in uctivo work of ro- form more needed than among the mill population of our state. Those who know only what were the social conditions there twenty or thirty years ago can form but an imperfect idea of tho depravity and disorder which now prevail lll lboso localities. †Arrangements are now being ilcliuituly made for tho location of a i'cscrvc of land at Niagam Falls, as public domain. 'l‘lio New York State Couunisssionom llll.\'0 nu ccntly formally locatoil n sito for this pur- pose, cmnmonciug ll short. (lislniico above the Falls and oxtonding to tho llppcl' Suspension llridgc, and from 200 to 300 foot wide. The land will bu takon plitlv scsion of in tho numo of tho State and paid for and probably cleared of all in- cumbrzuiccs. In consequence of ll. lingonumbcrofdo- sertions from the United States iu'iiiy scvcml plans for preventing it have been rcccntly proposed. (Ion. llnwiml's rccoimnondat is that all dcscrtoi‘s shall be mshcd by solitary conï¬nement, and by "’---:1I'.».- » . . ‘ M iv . .,' ycius in tho army s m _ . , , lowed to retire, but. their pay and rations shall continue as before. oimsr lllll'l‘AlN. A Methodist choir iii Munchcstor, Eug- liuid, has 1,140 singers. It. is rcportcd that, a new commercial treaty lini boon formed botwocn lilnglxuul and Spain, to go into effect unmodi- iitcly. ’l'hc llritisli (lovorimiout have been in- formed by tho Turkish Government thiit it is the intention of tho lutlcr to dispatch scvcml war ships to amino in tho llcdsua. A strong cll'ort is being iunilo in corlnin quarters to lllqu O'Donnell'ii death son- tcncc ropricvcd. ’l‘lio jury which con- victcd him arc bciug asked to sign peti- tion in his behalf, but it is thong ll, ii majority will refuse to do so. ..___. ... ._. ._ .‘Ov-w.â€"-â€"~-.â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€"- SELECT V'Alllli'l'll'). . .__..._ found lulu in rho evening. and rcturncd hauilv homo, sinco which time nothing has iii-cu llL‘ill‘il from tho scent- of trouble. ’I‘u’u hundred pcuplc had iisiimnblcd ut Hank's rosiilcnco, ninl nouc dun-d tocntor liii room. 1! is supposvd that he killed his child “llt‘ll lm tired tho pistol shot, but \‘t‘l ii is not known to a cortsiuty. 'l‘holuililuut oxcilcuwiit prcvnils. w. O-M~ ~¢ __. 0..."...â€" Tlic Song of â€no "on. A nunsirci sin I of is slnglo lay. Luv. 1 mm H Um wholn day long, In .i.u rromlul mp or Iho brccsy way I an 2.3:: mv mum roux. Only an rug, with us clear white shell, 'l‘hn sen lmili uo pour! more fall'â€" " llow absurd ! . .. bo prcsont at the wedding I _ " llo docs not," Nora answeredquictly, and always seemed to ntt a species of fascination. †ho cmuo now to bid mo good-bye. “ And blln‘UW money, I Cristina cried angrily. suppose . cd pruforonco for his stepsister. Of course ho moms to not raising lior eyes from the diamond ring that glittcrod on her slender fingers i met her gnzc by “ That was why .n astonishment ; while Cristina said, will Her opimon of q" her brother was not specially high, and aim had always bittcrly resented his avow- Mrs. llrucc gave a bitter little cry, and raised but handkerchief to her eyes. fashion that half frightens you. are "â€"tlio girl's own eyes darkened and dilated, as though they gazed upon some “ I do not know . _ lark and so like as not. to fret herself into her grave terrifying object stillâ€"â€" how to describe themâ€"so ( bright, with a sort of jowcblikc glitter be that dazzles and thrills you.†“ My dear Nora. I oer smile-â€" your visitor, impress you. Did you ever make such study of a pair of 0 '08 before '1" Nora only shoo' her head, and Mrs. Bruce said blandlyâ€"-â€" Her eyes " Mrs. Bruce cried, in regarded her own. reflection in the glass 1 a with cvilly sparkling cycs. “ Well, if you do not care hi diBCUSS quoted betwcmlicrlittlc glistening teeth. it is Hot that she failed t0 “ I should havc (lone him more credit' XI The world would never have said of moâ€" lover's bones lay bleaching. “ Well, do you like her l" Lord do Grctton's voice mused hey as the whip stirs the sleeping slave ; in a. second she was back at her duty. _ “ Lady Olivia l Yes, she was kind and friendly, and she is very handsome." _ “ As to that there is no doubt," he said, with a little snccring laugh, and yet With very evident sincerity. “ She is as hand- somc sisâ€"as Lucifer ; but, as to ‘ kind and fx'iondly,’ I would its soon trust a tigrcss - as Olivia Blake. You poor little lamb, I as it will of hcr~thut I pmcd away half beli ovc sh c came prepared to eat you :n ‘ mouth the burden of an honor unto who i ,, Why 1., Nora asked, shocked and I was not born.’ " startled by something in Lord dc Grctto'n's If any insuoll'cnil notinword, the some is a perfect man. A man's wisdom is his best friond, fully his worst enemy. Youthful mulmcss skips like u him,- ovr-i' tlio nmslics of good counsel. It is our own vanity that ninkcs tlw vanity of others intolerable to us. Volatility of words is carlcsniicsii of action. Words are the wings of action. It is one proof of good education, and of two refinement of feeling, in rusjmct antiquity. What is dofont'l Nothing but educa- Tlicrc aro twenty-eight farmers and forty lawyers in the Ohio Legislature. The champion old maid of the world is living in Temple, Texas, and is one hun- dred years old. He name in Miss Minnie Hall. An epidemic of typhoid fever is prcvii- lent in Forestvillo, Connecticut, and all tho schools have been closed in conscqu~ once. The complaints in rcgardlo the over production of cotton goods is prevalent, oven in the Southern Sistcs, as well as elsewhere. The students who loft the National miration that ended in a rcgrotful sigh. “ It is you tluit should be the pcercss, not that poor spiritlcss Bum, who is as fore she has worn licr coronct a year. Cristinc drew up her slender ï¬gure and “ Yet he had eyes, and chose her 1†sho Alul m t'l' llnu rpm-m d I cock.» and nil, And ballot) and w rculln and rear. 0, s (mil. \vrsk thing is my ovals 53cm. As it lira in my straw-lined nest: But it bikini lbc ornlor, stern and slam, WI on n valvhellu him on the crest. Thrrn us might in “I wukuuu. and wbrn checked hâ€. ll. KY1" how u P-i- n’lnrucon of llfu. It "In h, d n strum; man by the nose. Win a It month null In tho siralc. (.‘ristiuu's suggestion seemed only woprob- u “'0 have always heard that Spanish .. A“. “.0†"â€"JIrs. llrucc paused, look. Perhaps the real nsturoof the man able; but the hardness of it hurt and mothers side and assayed tocomforthcry.’ powder-pull" in hand, stung by a lawnt peered forumomcnli through the sunken shamed her. In a. half-licsrtcdfsshmn “you are quite wrung, Mrs. Bruce, sensc â€f justicc into pmtcsting speechâ€" eyes togivchcrtimelywnrnin _ “Why?" slio began to apologise and explain: but eyes are something out of tho common .. that is hardly fair ,0 Nora, you know! she persisted, with a sort 0 trcmulous Sum, with something like indignation. way;snd, you know, Lady Olivia is half She is M high-spirited a girl as any m bravery. “Why should Lady Olivia him: sSpsnisrd" England, and, if she were licarbwholc me 2" u I†“he and fancy free, Wlilllll make as good a He laughed again, and throw one arm l " Nothing of the sort 1" she cried quick“ '1" Nora asked, lifting horhead l)‘. he" lâ€"°ly â€â€3 “31°“, â€â€œ1 passion lend- Willi freshcncd interest, and trying l" '0‘ Countess. It is not Lord dc (lrctton's round the slender “-1.,“me ï¬gUm. for in; 14, bur pnlo face some of its old rich call something she had lately heard about tank. but ,1“, "mumâ€. “f Arthur Bcaliprc Nora had risen now and stood beside him, College of Pharmacy at Washington, bo- causo two Negroes were admitted, have all returned cxccpt two. The Parnell fund in Ireland has rcconb ly been enriched by contributions to the tune of over $17,500 from Irish sympa- thiscrs in the United States. The cranberry crop of Mmhusctls tion ; nothing but tho first iitcp to sonic- thing butlcr. I could never think well of a man's in- tellectual or moral character if ho wuu habitually unfaithful to his upwintmonts. There is no policy likc politcncss ; and a good manner is tho best thing in tho world, citlicr to got a good name or slip- ply the want of it. am no slnuvrr: the hawk lbs! swoops “[1,,“ I sum hunt or mo under tbs thstnli. Ami v N in ï¬lm lltld or the sulsv coop: I slwsn comb up in Ihs scroll b. 80 I sing Ihe only my that I know, In nombvn brutmlngly mock: [lo-cause. though “ my son new: sets. 7:33;; lilo will be ended inch west. â€mamâ€"«co Q>-> u liiiu lmttcr." “I spunk iol-stinsto look. ‘in some sun thing ho 1n Arkauisss a nusjority of. the doctors thought so 3' my [swish liquor inuu within is radius of 1â€, h. -- van“, .. three miles of any church or school house, 1,}, “,1 ,, acumen m inc. and on this question women may mm. It goes without saying that then arc towns in which liquors arc. uni. openly, sold. In sll tho towns the bosomk cc isi hi li sndinou 'nfewcsnsmsu cap a, bag: if he is disable to pa 81.000 furl 132cm» piper; The State cmsnds 8330 pev but she. did not dony Miss watching her almost sll’octimmely, {can " Anothor scrape. ‘Ol‘ I!†I‘M-â€WM m“ “t mï¬wgm ' fsth face to th other “ Wu she not at _ d l . {m was ed mmmmk‘sgc immusli’gffu th: voters T ‘i We}?! ‘33: dour...“ v.0; “on: time â€3.203 to; 1,“ «main l" Mrs. Bruce forgot to be offended, in her MPG hall paused sn .NJ" , seal . plan. This is sensible and shows lb“ you will brook my heart scum d- !" Mn. Bruce and her dsughtc‘i"_oxcbaug- â€fl. “The, for Heaven‘s sake coin (to in: marrow)" .) Atkins» h WWI ‘0 8° “M Hon lad m to lawn or 2‘1!)me goqzflmdmhich bot†ll 93" younclf 2" shc cried, shaking the slender _ knew better than any weak mother-low, the injudicious opsntioustlus walnuts: dimtionwill J P“ sllthst muchlusstbsnusml. 'I‘houumbsrofl :mhithomskhwportdmhmihommwmhzm thinlhuwwhflw~ 51““! sud msnly in \sna flowmuchbctwit is lhsthoshould unsure, how long ï¬liimmdlmcwuï¬mm Why-bod I waflspakilldmmhm. ramshac- " For shame, pristine, to speak so nI your bmthcrl \ou ought to know so precisely because-I do ' liknow him," Cristina natal-ted, with an t “ Confess now that he is birth t" that he told you somo~ her oddly impressive guest. when quite “ Oh, yes 2 Do you not remember lionl dc Gretton told us that his uncle married, an old man, a very beautiful Spanish lady, who died at Lady Olivia’s that haunts and ilnunts hcr." wide-eyed, eager, and thrilling once sgain L‘r'usiiuc's fair facc hardened and dark- with her wild foolish hope, . cued with an indeï¬nably cruel look. " Why, you foolish child? I believe †Tho morc fool she i" she said stcrnly, you are the only girl in London who need. ' ' " . ‘ 2 - . l defeated “S . 1 ill tread down all memories ask that ucstion. I Go". Ilcn Ilutlcr the Hunt y andhzillnltlii'dii, as I would in her pliurc." “ ls itibccanscâ€"" Nora shrank from candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, his touch : her heart throbbcd so fiercely threatens to be a candidate for the next has been damaged to the extent of from ten to twenty million dollars by worms during the presciit year. I’ridc, liku the magnet, mustantly points to ono object, self; but, unliku the magnet, it has no attractive polo, but ill. all points rcpcls. Society is conijmscd of two great classes n dared not say to us. Ah, I chin within hcr hollowed '-â€"with s cruelly exulhnt hsslongceasodtobosn “You have but one idol, Cristina," would hsvcssved her evonthcn. But her many l ' , 'th unusual bitumen; burs answered wi Siuéhoton's 0:30“, h l l u I uggusti ; d Mrs. Bruce. who ere wss none to e p am nut c on s on an mum to tho light. a in thst nlcucc s conï¬rmation of her worst " she said wrotchedly lugs eyes turned in sorrowful appeal Ito PM“ - that lit her ' self-nought woos. SE; Rs l'mui Oran MG m moths: or P“? be one how for tho lesrned to not . thmnghthoirï¬ngcnl :33 Cristlnowssï¬rsttospesk WW his: maul-ush- - conkers l: Wins :unhsntodllimsn anecdotes uthst, sail s rebellious spirit mmbojoslwsindsod, Non." “ Yes," Nora said slowly, resting her in, and striv- ‘ to collect her scatter-a thoughts. mï¬'hey were driftin dangerously near the truth now ; I lit 0 mom enlightment "All, that is cosy enough to say! Mrs. Bruce answered. with a prodigious a sigh and a semi-sentimental loo . “ Ilut questionâ€" you never were in love, Cristina." †Cristinc lmkcd at hcr mother for a Ill“ 01100-7 second or so with an odd bewildered sort .“ Once. jiltod of slate ; then suddenly the absurdity of With a “"3 ' the stout prosperous-linking motmn pos- ing as the exponent of rcmsntic passion sccmod to strike her. Withsshnll h - steric cry she sank upon the nearest con , and laughed till she could laugh no more, till the wars ran down her cheeks, and me l brain was dszod and weary, a mist seem- ovcr and clog her thoughtl, hatchet and do ho .. dc Grotton, why, lot or, say I. And, as tho “ I think I remember thatâ€"sud some- thing more," she added slowly: and the from “ch store might “I" slip child. or what ails you l" ‘ ‘ Noddng,’ her calmness. no minis. :" slicericd, with h. m “I! you dis"? you but dared say no mornâ€"such another out- not? he could hardly find breath to fromo the Presidency. “Oh, Lord do Gretton, as s gentleman, you must tell me thisâ€"because Yes," he cried, ! ï¬erce flush, “ andhu rcpentâ€"‘ ed her Olly over since ; that is tho reason, .' B t if she is content to bury the ‘0â€. u o to the new lady throughout the country, y moustache touched her cold check, hora know thst her last shoulder in her agitation. “ Arc you mad. There is at Wm going on s W dis- ‘ cussion about giving further help to Tor- ’ Cristine mid, recovering onto University sud University. College. “ You looked so supreme. If it can be shown that such assistance is needed sad the the funds hsve been sd- Mn. Bruce sppesrodiinessily digniï¬ed, ministered honestly sud economically, why He is irresprossiblc. ed s million and thrccajusrterii. 9 During November no less a sum than 1 twelve million dollars was paid out of the l United States Treasury on amount of unions ; and the public debt was reduc- lmthow who have more sppotilo ‘thsn ldiuncr, and those who have more dinner thsn appetite. Mood-.1. oohâ€"m“ President Arthur. A colored attache of the White House thus describes s peculiarity of his master 2 Th†number "I business ll boluses! “Mists-r Arthur iicbbor goes in bed in , . 93‘"? Y "' '° cold woddcrwiclout a big blazin' ï¬re in Western States, "' rs ’ y increasing. his room, wcddor bore, or out to Soldiers I week. l proclamation nifcrin cf 8500 for the apprs Sate sordingto tbsreponaf thosocmtsry o the Butter, Cheese, and Egg Association There wcro nearly three undrcd reported in one week recently and 242 the previous The Governor of Tens hss issued si s standing reward; casino and convic- tion of train wrockcrl, or soy pcrums aiding in that stmcious mum in (M4 no value of tho dsiry products mullet. ‘ goes m sloop. . ed in the United Siste- dnring 1883, sc- about dish tm Home, an’ we ss luster clean up soil look srtcr do fires, has for take up s bundle oh 5 dis hysr lightnin' wood ebbcry night, so as ho kin from it in do fire so’ make er blue, sn' sit dsr sn' link while s-wstch- in' ob do shadows on do wsll. When Ill! uses do lightnin' wood, ho iwbber uses or light, sn' when bu gels tired ho 'umps in do bed sn’ wstclies do fluncsflic r till ho "8': ml hty rtickcrlsr n’ was sn' if do supply f gins out, i: is some fun till dsr's more . put in do bin." l I