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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Dec 1883, p. 2

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a. ll. ll. Bull - â€" internment. l‘i’uiton to LlYDFJlY a." invited to call and inspect my burg" .‘l'w Frock. just pun eluted, of golf! and silver WATCHES, ~nndâ€" FINE GOLDâ€"JEWELLERY limit: {annular attrntion tr. my FINE GOLI GHMNSi cad LTN'I‘THTS, or west [rillrf‘i and styles. In Diamond Rings, Ill-riding Ilingl and En- p-g melt llirlge l sly-w the best in town. I also show a v r; fin:- nA-w assortment of ‘1 rill arr"! :Ilt‘"! Waltham-Watches, rid the or": tinilvpr-«o! and water-proof fidArUâ€"flll Its-tau. Tin-5e good: are :-. I first (- 1J3 yuan/“Va! .u ’l‘t’J my wide-”nit I, and v. II hv- démm d m at a4 law pric .. as tell? 8‘ l" L'o'll‘ (:11 be )Ul‘! ltllywllrre. 1.1:“ If y: :l are a I'rangnr in Lindsay. illlt'lirl- t'rr my place; allylualy can tell you “her." it it. C. W. REALL. 7a: I’rucll'c I! ll'qlchmekzr 5 Java? or Livnstv. 3 LEGAL &c.w ‘‘‘‘‘ A. l’. Ill-Il'ldN, [:AIlItlf‘T‘I’l-Sll. Attorney-:lt‘huw. Solicitor l ‘0 in t?l;a:rc~ry, Kent Street. Lindsay. .ItlllN A IHIlIlON, ;.\ ItItIRTI-I't-A'I'J. \W. Lindsay. 5 on Kent Szrl I-t tr-vt door \l' ~.. of Keith's Agricultural and Implalo. \t Store. MAR MN St HOPKINS. )lllr’llh‘l‘fiks. SALU‘ITHIL“. kc I nor to Lo-ln at I: p‘t' cent. Kelli alrwt, Lind-lay, Uni. PJ‘, MAllTlN. M 0- 0 ill cc, (i. It. lIor-xrss. I", l). \ll'lr‘lllrl, ])A':I:I.'\TTI{I3. .lT'I‘tIIINI'IY. .k SOLICIT“ ) and Notary I'uhlic. Money to Loan. (Illiee, Kent street, Lindsay. "rrr'rrér’rl'rll a- .l.\l'II\'.9‘t"l.\‘.’, )\illtl "Hilts. SULIL'I’I‘HIIS, kc. (it‘- ) tier, \l'rllialll street, Lindsay A. IIL’rlrlI'..Ill. A. Jacrrsox. (l'Ll‘IAIIY .k (l'Ll‘IA IlY, ):\I.'Itlf‘i'l‘l'll:S, 'A'I‘TIlItNI'IYN-AT-LA \l'. ) F'llil-ilorl ill t7llaucery, kc. ()tlice, Iloherry Illoek, I-.elltstrcl-t, Lindsay. Aarucrl t)’[.l-:.lllv. Ill'rlll tl'Lrtarlv. MolN'l‘YllIC .k S'l'l‘lll'.r\ll'l‘. PhilllH'I‘I-IRS‘, .'\'I‘l'tlltXRYS-A'l‘d..~\\\', lSoIlcilor- ill Plural-cry. (to. Lindsay. (Illici- over tlularill llurlk Kent <lr-‘ct. Mo- n -y to Loan at 8 per cent. oll real estate 0"llrilllfl. I). J. Mclx‘rvtlz. )1 (.) N' 1'} X’ ’.l‘( ) I" lth I) on sv-clrily ol lllortgug" on Ileal and Per- G‘lttll Property ll~':ll l’r'nrllissury Notes, at It monahlo rules of interest. Apply to THUS. Srizwan'r. Jt III)! A. IL-l ”ROY. Italurnrr-rlr, I.illd<ay. MEDICAL. A. \V. J. I)F.tlli.-\.QSI M. I).. HIIHNICII, l’lrvsieiull. Surgeon. kt'., kc. ltesidellre. lll'ick Cottage, Wellington s‘l‘ee . Lilldmy. w“. rtrtlrr'r'. M. o. c. 31.. ' lll.\lll'.\'l'l‘: ol' \ll‘flill University. Moll n I treu‘. and Provincial Licentiate. l‘hysiw turn, Sargon and (llliit‘ll'lt‘ltlll. \ll‘dil'ul.‘ Itch-rue to the Standard. Pin-nix, t‘ollllecti~l cut ."Illtlul.1|llll Equitable Inlllruncc Conn. Illlll‘it‘ " p Illll". Utlicu and residence, ill the ‘ lately occupied by Rev. Father Stall‘ord. llt ‘ the (Illl'llt‘buf Lindsay and llus Ell'ccts‘, I.ltl.l<ll_\'. Illt. ;\. ‘-‘\'Il..\'l’).\’, , . M l'».l'livrr~'lty of Toronto. ('ol. I’hys. and Sure” (lllt. S-rrga'on and \(‘t'tlltt‘llt'l‘. titr-u-t. Frill-loll Falls. l'lryfil'iarl, (Mire, Colborne Ila .I. II I.(l\\‘I-l. )IIYSII'IAN k SI'IHH‘IHN. ("ornrlcr For thr- l‘rol’isioual ('oulrty of Illlllllllt‘lllll. “a?" (”live lit-x! door to the Mc.\rtllllr IIAHIV'“. 'llt'll by Dr. llsysuu. on May street. Feuclon Falls. c»...â€" SURVEYURS. JAMES IIII‘KSUN. l) I.. Surveyor. tl-lrn Ili<~‘ilt7ll‘l‘ ill the I), ll”: Residence, and all-I, . t‘ouvevuncer. .kc. dress. Fern-loll Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. , ' G315." CUNNINGHAM, ’ Agent Credit Valley Railwayr FENELON FALLS. Tickets to all a.. i t‘auada Southern Railways. Petition I‘lllili. May Itlr. lo‘il. t‘.’-r.f. 1"(,) I g N;\_ l A la. Lot .". can: of t‘l-lharnc and south of Frau-l r'. stl'lets. in the tiliugr of lracllrrl ralls‘ Til-ta, easy. Eur tzlrltar tartieulars apply to it. A. [Ll-it's'nx, Lithiuly. (Int. ' Lirrdmy. J lac ‘Il‘lh, l5<il. lit-t. t’. J. HEELAHDS, 1) EN'x‘n-l'l‘, L! N USA \'. (Inc of the firm will be at the .‘Il‘.\tttttt'lt litll'\}l. l"l:.\‘l2l.ll.‘l I".\I.t._~'_ no the third Monday utrara mouth. Teeth (alumni by iaugtllnr: gas without pain or lb) in, or an charge I ill be made. W Ollie: talublsilktll ru Lindsay nearly Erin-u ycaré. BNSUMNCE. GEORGE COHERNBHRI, Genera! Instance and Loan Agent- FENELON FALLS. ONT., Ala") luv: l. . TL: ("anvil l' «5}- .. Kat! yr ll. hate: ‘lll is:.-r1l"‘ivLuffâ€"twat)- AU." t a ,I~ Tm. «I. ."l r ml .l, l’ . . . :1. r v . ”3.. i' .. .. .~ ._ r . (tiller l Mr. I’hl-lps secured his seat by a all i R It, l'\'l\'I-?l:>‘l'l‘\' m. Trinity Chum". , and m the >ttllll3 constituency, tor the, Metal». - Residence. the llttllSz' lately Ut‘t'll- [mirth \\'e<t and North. “wt and All local po'llts‘ on I‘rvdi'. \‘alxy . . W. .. ..... N... .._â€"._.._....e...._...,._ ....e. ' 3mm 33.63. are showing hr the Chri-‘nns‘ 3‘73”)“ a Tcry tine iii-play of 110 it or {tool S Remember our store i; in the middle oi the ' l road at the tit-ll end of Kent Street. iSllill tllllll Bill lllliill. : “1- have the Irrgr-st and lilo-st suck of: l Jewrlry. Silreruar. \l'.lteh~’~‘, Clocks and l Spectacles ill I.u.ll~:ly, and it will pay you I to buy what you “out ill these lines from for th- class of goods than any place irl town. SILVEREVARE. E All killd- of Table-urn» fir-m a 1'.“ Td'fl VJSI'F and tau- l [15, (“If prices ar: III\\'£‘I’ Still“: Set to a. sizzg'c salt spo rl. i try ornamental [IIH’ " .ire. (kc , all first-class lpladrnplc plat: d ware. ’ : l JEWELRY. , l Handsome patterns in Roman jewelry, l bracelets, lace pith~ and ear-rings. A splenâ€" ' Fume ot‘ the most attract- - New patterns in l llrac-dets. , dill assortllmllt. ive (ll-signs ewr shown. and lockers. l lll’llllt'llt'i. ludirs' sets .ke. .kc. lleehlets bangle (‘hllsed gold 1 (it'llllC- luelr‘s jewelry, chains, scarf-pills, Iockets, rirlg4, g‘rlr rings, wedding rings. and (dramas, sleeve buttons .kc. 6315661125. ot' everv dl:.â€"cripliorr Silllt‘lf for town nlrd Country trade. Marble mantel clocks, ren- . ecrcd or solid wrrlrrlrt clocks, hall or bed- - room clocks. one and eight-(lily time, strike , ulld lll'll'IIl. German Groom. Telescopes, Spectacles, tlpera Glasses, Microscopes, Reading Glasses, Grain and; Cloth Testers, kc. WATCHES. Ill referring to our I‘llglll, Sprillgticll and g Wallllam “‘tllt'llt‘d we need make They are known al- rlo coln- " tllcllts on the quality. ready. We have rt very large and complete : stock of all the best grades. 3 [fro/lug; lull .vr‘l/flly for cash, and having l lll'itllI-rrcllt rlor salaries to pay, we are able l to defy (IlJIIIIIL‘llllIl and give more value for ,Iyonr moor-y than you can get elsewhere. l The high quality of the goods in which we I deal i~r well klrowrl. We intend to keep up i the standard, alrd you can rely llporl getting . only reliable goods at r BRETTQN ERGS Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay. Elle fusion falls @ltsrtte éaturday, Dec’r 22nd, 1883. Poll IlvilorlllI-rs throughout the Dominion ; have good cause to l-zarrglatlllate thun- sclves oil the l't‘.~llll. ol' the byeleelions which took place last \ltlt'k, three (filllv testsout ol‘ l'olll' having been tron by Liberal candidates. In \\'c.~t Sirllcoe tical Notes. jority ot ill); in West Middlesex Mr. lloss was elected by :l rll ljor'ity of" IN; ; i tlnlnlllons, Mr. Carla-roll had a majority ,‘ ot'illl. Ilr. llohiuson was, we. regret to l sayidel'eated in (‘ardwlll bv -l:'l; but. , when the influences brought to hear by their op’orlcrlts are taken into collsidcr- , :llioll, the wonder l.w‘â€"ll1lt that one out oi llllll' should be beaten, but~tllat ei- ther of them succeeded In obtaining a . lllrljurity. , Aurthcr eau~e tor selt‘congratulation ii the decision ot' the l'l'it'y ('ollllcil ill the ease of [lodge t'a‘. The Queen. I'.l , order to test the validity of the Crooks f .\.-r Mr. Ilodge. the l’t'csidcltt ot' a...- Licellsl d Vietllallers' {\S>ll(.'lllllllll, open- ly committed a breach ot' the .\ct. l'or‘ which he was lllll'tl by tho I'ldil'l' Mag- . istrale ot‘ 'I'orolrto. Ill the (‘otllt of Queen's llerleh the, contictioll was tluaslll'll; but, the (‘ltlll‘h (.t‘ .\lpeal' llnalriluou-ly revr-rsld tl e judgment at . s the ('hir t' vlll>lit'l' ol' the Queen's Iil'lllJlt ; and atlirlued the colllietion oi the l'o- liev Magistrate. Mr. llo’dge lllt'll Car- ril-d the matter het'nlc the Privy ('olru- tell, “llL‘I'tf the. ea~c was areuel in No- ; llernbrr, and last Saturday jmlgllnrlt lwa~ gill-ll l‘ordil‘lnlhg the llLt'l‘lllll ot the (limit Ill Appeal and the corllil'tioll In the I’micr- M l‘_'I.~:’lZ|lt‘l thus rllrltlltl- illg the contention thlt the Local lag . i~l:rtnre has the power to l'l:‘:ltl:tll' the Iliquor tlatlie. that til-:- ('l'lmks .\et is fill-riled)" mild. and that Sir .llhu .\ . 3‘ .‘Itlt'lvlllt‘lltl “as liltcrly and entirely ' lIll>L‘lhl‘Il when he said the .‘u'l was " not worth the l :1 at it was written on." i Out of Patience. l A few days aw some one remarked ‘ that the tlalrn It‘l\\\'t'tl ltt‘rt' and I.lt‘.tl _ my w.-r.~ beginning to run a more regu- , e.ir.y than inf >Irlli|' time put. :lol that , he :‘llllm‘t‘tl the strong t‘xlltl~lll::lii“ll‘ ,ol li t‘ tl‘d‘ulll' l.:t-l not been :lill‘gf‘Ill'l \Irllmll: til-let. The L‘Ullt‘t'il and (Illi- " taliou (llâ€"'tlltlljl'l‘ll in our bosom by the . llattrlio: suppmitiorl “rte. how-Her, Hull-l5 lli~l"'la‘ll lit-t Tuesday, “lull, ,- hating ('C\‘L\~i“|! lo :I- to than, the train “as mou- ix-zul» than usual behind lime; _ {will in :- ing and returning, a.» it did . g‘ lull [narlt Ll- d-ay llutll nearly noon in- {Head or a: ll :1". and did not have or... «til allv-ul L ., ia‘tv'al bl at I‘ll. .\~ ‘l‘ fl ltLUhl J H' “lash brittle =5 '- 1. ‘2' gr ~ 3- ltrttl“: l“- lit-xi vw‘h ti .J‘l. " 32.; _: ~ ‘~ ' ,l.’ . .:. l . ’t I it, .‘l 'a-‘t ‘ at 'l L. . .. ~ '1 . r- . 2t~ ' .i'.’ ll. t..:‘t: 1 l'. l . 1,3 g l ! §r|7 H ett“l i r, . I I' . l 1.... 'w r. l r . Z... I. \ . . .. . ,. : L| . w1~ exhibited hr the waiting pawn-oxen: ‘ law. .- e at" whom i-rdim'mtly remarked that ir Ir a tarce to have a timetable at ._ :1 on such a railway; and some tone «he (an oflicfirl. we think) stated that twenty-three lraim pfisel that station every day. and that the one from Hali- b’llltfll “a: the oniy one that was ever; lnrrc than a tew rllinlttes late. r ulreSi; they trust travel north or 1~otllh whenever tiny get the chance. and reel-ire their "Nils at ' hour of the night it suits. the railway , company to deliver them. But the peo- 5 ‘ pic of llubczlygeun are not so unfortu- nate. and ii is ot‘ some tlse for them to get out of patience. They have hither- to always bt'L‘Il able to receive and des- , patch mails at rl'gtll'tt‘ hours ; and. be- ‘ ill: determined not to submit to railway tyranny. have made all applie'ltion to have the mail to arld from Lindsny car- ‘rlcd by stage imread ot' by train. as hitherto, and their request has been granted. This of course will kill the mail stage. between Dv-bl‘aygcoll and the Falls. and it is to be hoped that Mr. llalry Brooks, the popular proprietor and driver. will be given the. contract between Lind-ay and Bobc:ly«.reoll. As there i: considerable lratlic between that village and the Falls. Mr. E. It. I‘Idwards talks of running a stage on tile lire or soon as the. mail stage is re- moved j. belie-vim,r that, as he has :1 Sta hll: full of horses and the necessary ve- hicles. he can make it. pay tailly well ill passengers and l'l'eight. alone. But all this will not help the people who live along the lirle ol' the Victoria Hall- iway. which many of them helped to ,hrlild and which is treating them so scandalously that it SCt'lnS incredible, , that there should be no way at compel- , ling it. to do them justice. The Salvation army. Last Wednesday LIOIIt. Freer, orthc l Salvation Army. came to Fenclorl Falls , 'l'rolll Lindsay and engaged Irlgrarli’s tall. and early next; month the, Salva- tinnisls will Corrllrlencc operations Ill this village. The “army " has long ‘lltft‘ll a flourishing institution ill our county town, where extrelllely opposite opinions are expressed concerning it. «1th acrllailltancc as~uriug us that it . I . “ has: done more good than all the churches put. together," while others re- gard it as all unmitigated nuisance, es: pl-cially as: its drillâ€"we think that is . what its exercises are Calledâ€"arc pro- longed far into the night, and the cm- ployers of the young felllale recruits (who are allltlllL’St the most enthusias- tic) have either to entrust them with- thc door-keys or sit up till all hours to let them ill. There can be no doubt that. a good many hard cases, who nevâ€" er could be seen eutl ring a church, have . i vined the army, and go down on their knees ill the mud and pray with the greatest apparent l'ervour ; but whether .thcse individuals will stay converted alter the novelty of the thing wears oil' is l'or time to show. Drums: alld flutls and flags and the wavingr of hands are regarded by persons lltlllct‘thilltlllrll to them as rather singular aids to religious enthusiasm, but the use ol' them is only all exaggeration of the tactics not err- tir'cly unknown below the Salvation , Army was ever heard of, and they ap- pear to be very attractive to a certain class ol' lllilrds. We have as few relig- iousâ€"or, rather, irrelilril-ll<â€"prr-ju:lfec~ as anybody, and it' a Ilowliug ll-rvish should suddenly appear in our quiet village and corllnlenco public Worship in his own fashion. We should strongly l'a- vour his being permitted to how] to his heart's: content. provided he did so where he would not annoy anybody; and it is theretorc not to be expected .tllat we shall raise obj. ctions to ally cc- ecrltricities of Christians. It is alleged. however, that the Salvatiouias do cause a great deal ol' annoyance.- to a great many of their ll-llow sul-jr-ets alld t'right- en horses; that didn't come ll‘ntll Arabia so badly that runaways arc ol'terl the result; but of course nothing of that sort will be allowed in l’cllelorl Falls. where human beings and brute beasts are equally under the. protection ot' the Fortunately there, is plenty ol’ va< cant ground near the centre ot' the vil- lage where the army can lrlrlrllellvrc ill peace. it' not ill quietness. and as we could mention quite a number of indi- viduals who, judging by their manners and colln-rsatiorr, badly need convert- ing, it is to be hoped that the czlrrlpaign about to open will not be, barren ol' rc- slllls. It has. at any rate, our wishes for its “recess; for it' til so who lead notoriously evil livrs elrl be brought to \l"\' Ill" cll'nl‘s tlt'll t’ll' ways. it Illattl'i's wllutevl-r . The . \iL’lllHS who live along the line have no ' l I i . t ' but little whether the desirable end be~ attainul through the lll>ll‘lllllt'llll|lll)‘ ot . vllt‘ of the recognized churches or brought alwnt by the L‘lllllltllCC‘ ol the leaders of the Salvation Army. Vel‘nlarrl Council. The council in: t pursuant to adjourn- lnl-rlt Ill the council CilillllIIt'T, on Mon- ' day. Dec. 17th. Tle rrlv-lllhers all pris- I'Irz, Ill" l‘t‘t‘\'t‘ Ill 'III' (Ill'llr. 'l‘ll" (.Il'rk I‘mltl o. tlllnlllliealiolrs tinrll the Canada ‘ road ‘ surillg stone from quarry. SS 00; Tue ;’ conversation - course. rial. Mott-d .by Mr. Brad-tn, second-l ed by Mr Thunmn, That Robert Wii- 5 kimlml be pal-l 38 for cl-ariu: up thol toad betwrel: 3rd and 4th cans. lot 29. l «('«Irn'rrl. Moved bv Mr. Braden, 500- l untied by Mr. Thurston. That D. J. l and strangled by its smaller but more Nurrhcv's claim for change of road be I not entertained.â€"('urrl'nl. Moved byf Mr. Thur-loo. seconded by Mr. Idlin: gow. That Wm: Brittoa be ailowed $1 tor removing l'alleu timber off of Wad. â€"('virn'lrll. Moved by Mr. Braden, seconded by' Mr. Thllr~lon. That John Juukin 54'. be paid $1 for removing till- ieu timber oil roadâ€"('«n-riul Jim-pd by Mr. Jrlnkin, seconded by Mr. Lilli- golv, That the reevehe instructed to confer with the Bobeaygeon Council ill reference to arrears on Town Hallâ€"i ('urrl'ul. Moved by Mr. Lithgow, sec- onded by Mr. Braden, Tilat the follow- ing accounts he paid and orders drawn on the Treasurer for thv same :-- John Kelly, work on waded-Sill; W. Ilen- dersorl. do.. 310; Henry IlUIIII, do . 55; Geo. Thurston, do., SH; .Ias‘. Patter son, do.. $10 ; “'lll Dollsoll. do, 835 ; 9am lit-own. do. 340; Chas. Austin. do., Q3 ; John Braden. to pay others on roads. $25 ; Charles Fairhairrl. monev overpaid as County Conlnlisi'luer work r on roads. 82“ S2 ; llollt. Wilkinson, l clearing up road. 38 ; Will. Ilrlttorl, re- moving timber otl' roads. Sl ; John Juri- kiu, do.. 31 ; Chas. Fairbairrl,sessioual allowance. SIS; do.. inspecting. $1 2')”; John Jullkirl, scssiooal allowance, $1.") ; Jas. Litlrgow, do. 315; do., commis- sioner, 84 50; John Ilradell. sc-siorlal allowance. SIT) (Ill; do.. C’llllllll‘SltlIIt‘l‘. 3'3. .50; Win. Thurston, seisiollal allowâ€" ance. 8L5; do.. Corllnlis‘sioncr and ill- spectillg. $7 51); do.. delivering road lists, 84 530 ; Robson & Allen, road scraper. $6 2:- ; J. A Moore, rr-plirillg scraper. $2 70 ; .lohrl Wallace do.. 81 3;") ; The Clerk. quarter's sala ry. SL3 : do . searching collector’s sure tics, $3 2: ; do., I’arliellrlelltary \rlltet's' Lists, Sltl , do.. registration of births. marriages and deaths, 58 8”; dm, lova- l I’ostrrrastel', postage. ST S” ; J. ll. l 'l‘horrlpsuu, stationery and blanks. 314') to ; C. E. Stewart. printing and :l'l\'L‘l‘- i rising, $7 75; The 'l'l'errsllrcr. salary. 73:30 ; John Junkiu, six, work on roads. l 315 Ull.-â€"(.'lI/'1'r'cr/. ()a motion ol' Mr. Thurs-too, the Council then adjourned. School Board. Fellclnn Falls, Dec. llltll, 1893. School Board met. DIC’IIIJUI'S pres- ent, Messrs. Nie, I'lllls, Motion and Cull- niuullarrl. Moved by Mr. Currrlillgharll, second- ed by Mr. Ellis, That. the lilllowiug accounts be paid and the. chairxn .u give his orders for the pay me .L ol'lhe same: J. W. Graham, b.ll.lncc ol'ycar's salary. $43 ; Miss Mc.\rthur, quarter's salary. SSH ; Miss 'I‘lloulps‘on, do., 362 50 ; Miss Williams, do.. 855; Miss Twolncy, do., 843 75; John .‘IcG‘t‘, do.. $23.75; John McGee. cleaning water closets and cutting wood, two lights glass, 83 20. â€"Cal'ril-d Moved by Mr. Mutl'at, seconded by Mr. Nic, That Mt‘. McGee be. l't'-('|l- gagcd as caretaker tor the year 1394 duties to commence l~t day of .larl'y, at a salary of 3”)“ per alrullrll ”-2 fur ther agrees to keep in repair all frames, sates and windows. to furnish nails and to keep the water closets clean and in good ol‘lll'l‘.â€"(.‘al'l'lcll. Moved bv Mr. (,‘llullirlghllm. second- ...r by Mr ‘rlrlo. Tau: Mr. Nuylnr be tllltll‘lll'lzutl to have. tllc world lionsc 1‘0- pail'cd arld cleaned. ~Uarricd. - Moved by Mr. I'Illis, secmrdcd by Mr. l Motl'at, That the time tor adopting the new series ot'rchool readers be extend- ed t'or six lrlorllhs.â€"-â€"L‘all'ied. .â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Presentation. l ()u the evening of Friday, the Hill lush, about thirty ladies and a Few" gell- tlclllcn, members of the l’re~bytcriarl, congregation of this village, met at the church and afterwards proceeded in a body to the rllaose, where they present ed Mrs. Lochcad, the wit": of their de- servedly popular p’trlfll', with a large Sultana coal stove, a ton of Coal. alluz‘ ell silver-plated knives, a silver-plated pickle cruet, arid the lollowiug address: DEAR Mas. Loerrlzao. l The surprise given you this evening will we trust prove agreea- ble, and we feel satisfied that we l-hali be rtCeived ill the same kind spirit I which prompted our gathering. Your, modest and r'esvr'vl-d dellll-aurlr, during, the many years you have. spent ill our 1 midst, only tends to iucreaw the endear l log relation ill which you are held byl us. The. noble exarrlpll- you set lls has always been worthy oi olrr ttlllN'Ft atlell-l tiorl. \‘tvlll‘ calls and visits have been not only pleasant but profitable,your, taking an instructive: Arid now as: the Season at the year is: here when l'll.-l l> r'elplirld to make our horrns corlltilrtwhle. we her. you to accept this coal stove, cval i\"'.. ' with our best wishes for the sravlll's r- nlplilllcllts. and that you and your. : beloved partner may long be spared to , I..lr;d I...“ Amendment .\‘.‘Ht‘l1lllllll. rl--' lattll: to “ ll-t‘ ’I‘tlllt'll“ 5} Melt: ol‘ Iii ;.' istlatilltl lrt I.ltlll 'l‘ltil‘i.” the \thlllflll‘s Sully u Association, and Messrs. l'ous- l'ttcN liltut‘l' n Long‘s lit‘lltl. Muted 'l-v Mr. Thurston. srcorrdvd by Mr. I.lll.:_'ll\\', '1‘113‘ illl' I’L'l'l‘t' :llnl k‘ll‘l’h‘ l'l‘ autholiz d to sign and :rtLeh the cor tl'n: ,\~~r.~u.bly ld Ontario. praying thr the adoption cl. Tl e Torrens~ Llnd l‘lalnl'rr Systelnxâ€"lllu‘l'ul. Moved by Mr. Lithgrrw. :tCl'l-tlttl by Mr. Joplin. That the reeve and ea rk be until-edited to sign and attach the L'ttrttlrall' rval to l'rtllllalih playing that worm ll be plan ed on all uplai {outing with then. in so tar a- rvlates to the t'llj-I" ”H1" and ex- ulel-u- oi' Iltt' llallchiavx h r all purplw- ~‘ "INTI‘HI .‘Ifl'd‘l l-f' .‘Il‘ .I-l..l\l‘:, 59L" lmlr-l h. .‘lt. Tl.:lr~l~~r. 'I'lnx! tlll‘ ’:'1'l lil‘l‘lr ll: .‘Il'l- -i s: fur «tattzh‘ l l,.l“l:' .~‘ 3‘9 5 t=‘\‘\.tll 1",ququ ll-t 2 cl '1. '_’ . 7 Bl . ‘. t-u Mr .Iltl.klri.-ev- 3. .“‘.‘ '. ~.' ‘l'l' .: til“ I“ . I . ’ ' tr; '1 ' r _ l ‘ A ll .' h l: .u .. ~ I"f - l.‘!«‘ ‘1- ' ’ . lint _‘\ t ~ . t r i l l; r u w, . .l, . ' l-‘..:r.-, :mlllfl*~.~ in his u-llal happy and genial ~ rhaultrr. after which two or three hours. pnlrltl' nut to :l I' Illltlll Ill till: I.l‘..‘_i~l.1- , “Wh, ,Ilp . _ . . 1. “ill x Mid it right luuriiv. our. :1 [It'llllt'll to the I.-:t~lttl\c A‘s-lirhly , “I“ r~ 1‘ - go ill and out amongst us. ; Signed on huh-all ill ”I“ ladies of tho' l‘r-Nhytcrlall L'tvllle‘tllilllUlt ill I'klrclon Mus .ll-s. Mt‘.\l:'rllt7lt, “ .‘lrss I.1It‘KlI.\ItT. i Mlss 'I‘uoui-sox. The llcv. Mr. Lucia-ad replied to the ' ~:lllll_\ spwlrt by all rlt'rtlrl. all exc: llvllt tt'a biog plunkca oi during the CI‘UI'EL‘ of the clearing. ..__._______.._ (.‘lllllsnlas -â€".\'rxt 'l‘utsllay will be, Chri~llna~ Day. and we hope all our \t-irtz~larr-lillg the undoubted Iltll'tllu's~ ut' the times. Almost C(Ltl’flf“ to ex- pectation. we hate succeeded in obtain- tag the raw "tutorial for out tam-l). tlt'zh (,‘l.ri_-tlll:ls pudding. which i~ now to e tilt-('14 pic} :tl;tllll:t . and, our lwcdv 'l :llll being :IMI tor a. 'I-‘iial' or in». n‘v- hen: strung ill-p. s nt Ila-5H,: abl-z to plm‘ltt‘l' a toll. :l‘. “my true. of '4" read: I.» sit don-n to “(1'31 tare. t .t it; at t‘; l“.\""-l'x‘rl‘lt.â€"-â€"-.\ iv tr Inilv.‘ '._»~ .:‘-r' ll; vi ..1 IhlAi.rl’it 1.4:! .t'. in? ‘i- l.. lit-i 1I'VTT‘AAIL- :' '1 t‘ _‘ ll 1. a It i 'hl ral'r‘l‘ ,2?« Ir.“ l t . l. ., ll ~ _ r . .- ' trial. 'Iy lllalulily a rllct’chli. are hr the purpour of Iti-lhlll'.’ cattle: creeping down stairs. he beheld a wens-l . ‘ el and a very large rat tirhling W‘ill the utmost llll”. fleshed watching them for nearly five hilii‘ltes; arid at la-‘t the rat wae tidied by the threat courageous and active opponent. Mr. Brandon says he wouldn't have thewea- scl killed for five dollars. as it will prl-b- 2:ny destroy or drive away every rat on the premises lisrnrnarstrtsrâ€"Eln amateur dram- alie enlertairllrleut will be given ill lu- granl'a hall on the evening of the 4th of January, 1854. The pieces to be represented are “ Cinderella, or the Litllg Glass Slipper." " Matrimony." and " Boots at the Swan." 'l'ableaux. " ’I'hp Sleeping Beauty," and " No Rose wilhout a Thorn." M usic will be 8leâ€" plied hy lllerubers of the Band. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; entertainment to be- :in at 8 o'clock. Admittance 25 cents. Children under 10 years old, 15 cents The proc:eds to be given for the pur- chase or chandeliers for St. Jatues's Church. AectrlENr.â€"On Tuesday. the lltll inst., Mr. Robert Webster. nt Feneloo. met with an accident which we did not hair of until last week's (Ion-(Ir had been for some time on the press. I’repâ€" :lrations were being made ill the barn to slaughter a beast. and while Mr. Webster was near the top 01‘ a ladder. which had been placed ill too uprighta position. it either slipped sideways or l'ell outwards and Ire caure to the ground. alightirl;r first upon his feet and then tailing on his right arm, which was bro- ken above the elbow, exactly where it was broken forty years ago. Dr. Lowe. who attended hilll, tells us that his patient is doing well, but that the bone will probably not knit quite as quickly as it would have done had the break been ill a fresh place. Execution of O’Donnell. LONDON. Ilec. lTlh.â€"()'I)nrlncll was notified at 7:30 :l. in. to make vrcady. lie was perfectly resigned, and express- ed great sorrow tor his outburst. 0t telli- per ill the dock at. the conclusion ot' the lie said Ire had felt the grertest animosity for the witnesses who appear- ed against him, bllt that had lznw dis- appeared. After the colllrlluuiou had been adrrlirlisterr-d to the crllldelllned man, Billlls, the halllrnlau. catered the cz-lls'. O'Donnell submitted to the op- eration of piniorlilrg with a smile and without a lllIll'llllll'. The procession then moved towards the scaffold. (T- Dollrlcll walked with great tirrrrness without assistance of' the warriors. who stood close around llilll. I'Ie declined assistance ill amending the steps of the scatlhld. Father Fleming, by his side. repeated the service of the church for the dying, and held the crucifix bxl'ore ()‘Douul-ll's gaze. The prisoner then took his place by the drop lltllll'l' the rope, the slack ol' which war: held up over his head by a pit-cc ot'tl:read. lie was pert'cctly calm and lxoked around unconcerned. lliulls wafs' selllposwssed. and fitted the noose around the neck of the condemned mall cruelly as Mar- wood used to fix it. He pulled the le- ver as the neighbouring clocks wcl'c «viking S. O'Donnell t'ell eight lcet. 'l‘hc rope hardly quiver-ed. According to the surgeon, death was instantaneous, . there being scare -ly any muscular move- ment. ot' the hanging torlll. The streets in the vicinity ot' vagalc were packed \t‘lhll people. The Irish element was not eJlrspieuolls‘. Feniam‘sm in New York. O'DONNI‘lhlil-S DEATH TO BE AVI‘INGEI) or; l-:.\'t;l.-\.\'t). NEW YORK, Dec. 17.â€"â€" A largely atâ€" tended meeting was held under the auspices of the Manhattan circle oi the Fenian brotherhood this (evening, to take. action ill regard to the execution at O'Donnell. Al'ter a number of ill tlaurulatory speeches. resolutions were adopted calling upon Il'isllml-ll all over the world to avenge the death ot' O'Don- nell. and pledging the lllcnlbcrs ol' the brotherhood renewed energy ill striking down “ England, the enemy of" Ireland. who sets :lt naught the laws of humani- ty and ciVilization.” O'llorlovarl [insert and Prof. Mezzcrutl were among the speakers. ~â€"â€"-â€"â€"- -- .m.-.“ ~â€" Tororlto Fat Cattle Show. Mr. (ivoruc I“l'llllkl:llld writes to the I (Nu/w as follows zâ€"Notllithstalrdillg the treat demands made upon the columns. 3 ol the (l'lolm, I was gl'alilicd to find that two whole Columns were devoted to a spirited description oi the tirst fat cat- tle. show held ill Toronto, and such pllhâ€" lieily will lead to great results. For the practical experience of the last It'll year's delllnlrstrales beyond a doubt that our llll‘llll‘ra are alive not. only to pure breeds in cattle, but. lllrll to horses. sheep and pies. and when we rellll-nlhlsr what these industries have done for Alllerll-zt it .lugurs a great tullllc tor (.‘alrada. Ilut,f sir, will you allow me to call special at- tl-lltil-ll to the pure Fhorlhorn Duke lately “will [he liclill: .‘llllit“ (ll. KIM" . .‘Illllci I“:llitt Ill-‘ll‘ Ilillv-lpll. This grand :lrlinlal weighs 23.110 potrrrlla Ill-re in: Toronto. alter many days ot hardship, 5 and its ago I'll day ~'. and this a-lound- in: tllltll has hero It'llrllld by Fat (lat-‘ tll' Shows, a reallly llll'llll rs all- stow ill . . believing, I’l‘lll‘Prtlr ”loan, ul'th': Mod- 'l‘i Farm. has spoken eloquently more than «wee on early rrratllritv. and he ha~ :lllllll‘lil .lly proved that millions ol'lnorh 3 l-y can bl: rated to Canada hyjridieion- 1 ll'l‘lllllL.’ and producing or ball the Cost. = younger, tendrrvr arld jllicil-r lmah, by the ~unity n! all flpl‘llilllCt’S to make ear ('atllt- hrndiul: and a;riculttlru a iaimlr nt’ : l-DV", to teat-u young men that I llll’lu' H's lite l-, uhou- all others. the out: to be licslrel, est», elady in Canada. 51." I3." lull-line Machine Oil For you. ttlilC..l't ly. Sail Rheum Cured. A" I'm) thurl‘llPtl Il‘i'll Fall lillcttm 350mm > r'n.~!-~ r l'mkrr our“? If so :0 ' 5‘. ., .r ,~ t! rr' not} 11-! u [wak- j; For il'hy- tegfimnnials recommending Hal 1 ‘ 1 l l . Sit‘ORewlird . ultra câ€". l Gngm’s Speedy tl'nirg‘for ,qutcpsin. ludi- gesriou,‘ Countless, lleadnehc. ere, that arr-not genuine: none ofwhieh jlh‘ from: persons in the Stairs or thousands of miles 3 ‘ v- ‘r 3 "ray. butfrom persons in’nnd Myrna: Ham}? BABER‘ liltou Out. We give trial bolt es rec o ,1 ' icostxso that you cannot be deceived hyl ‘5".“13â€" l purchasing a worthless article. but knowl ‘ w ; its value before haying. Trial bottles and ; GR )(jERY- J OHN MUFFAT testimonial: circa-free at “15. Still: drug begs to inform his customers and the pub- sture, Penelon Falls. Fluid Lighmm’ g. lie that. while carrying on the Baking bulli- on: as usual, and turning out daily Choice Bread, i l l l l Hansonâ€"Uh. that. neuralgiz and tooth- l l t "not Cakes, Buns kc. he has just opened out I ache nearly kills’me. . Wm: â€"\\‘lly don't yo'tl go to W. B. I-leis‘s drug More and get a [mule ot‘ Fluid I.ight-, l . .. . l nice stock of 5% Il est Egg Stow t ml] and lilac-k, Stnlth's Blushrlrglr (‘olll for sale lit the (‘am- , erun Lake Foundry. ~tll~3. I , " ”F ', allot‘ which will he sold at the very lowest living profit. niug. you know it cures all such things as toothache. neuralgia, headache. Iumhagn, carilehe, sore throat, etc. It gives instant ml-‘l-IX ELON FA LLS MA Itlx' SJTS. [thwarted if; .llt' Darryl!” l" Ii'rdmlan. Ferrel-an I-‘alls, Friday, Dec'r ‘Ilst, 1883.: The FlneSt Flour Wheat, fall. per pug...) . - So 9o l as , kept constantly on band; also Whoa»sparrow" ; 3 ; :3 lggroa'rs, BRA)? c suonrl‘s. Harley, ,per bu Oats. " ---- 30 35 m... .. u - - - - <31} FARM PRODUCE 13“" h u ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 5:5 ‘1‘" taken in exchange for goods, and Potatoes, “ - - - - 44-) M: ‘ . . v Hullrr.rlerlh.r- - - - - L '-‘ Cash Paid tor Butter & my . Dre§=cll Hogs. per roo Ills , $4 75 So 33 l t?“ Blâ€""fl- It“ dozen, - - - - 16 ls, £55” The ullllersignlll will do all in bill I I l l l power to merit a continuance ol the patronâ€" a llay. rer ton. - - II" I“ :9 W 2e so llherally bestowed no hint during Chickens, per pair. - - - ‘25 4” Ducks, It l. _ _ - - 35 on the past five years. Geese, per lh., - - - - - : 3 JOHN MQFFQT- Tllrkt‘l‘sa “ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 8 Fenelon Falls, June Hill, 188:. li-ly. _ Auction Room. I Ill-g to illrll'lll the pill-lie that [have re- opened my ant-lion room in the old stand on Colllurne Street. and Ira re opened out a heavy stock of (it 01101-31 (i ()()d:~". which will he sold ('llrrlp for ('rull during,' the week, and by Auction Every Saturday Night at 7 o'clock. ImltINIOS or CANADA, } Election I'ctition â€" New Advertisements. Inlhe llurlnllppidfnrflltnil. I _ The Ontario Controverted Elections Act. I‘Jll'l‘lloll of (l .l/x-m/u-r for the Eire/am] l Dish-fr! ‘5’ ”1" North Riding of f/u' (,VllllllI-I/ 'lf I'll'lol’i'll. I’t'0\‘ill(‘t‘ "f (lltllll‘lt), nt JAM”; lnr'ksnx' All who wish to have their Clothing cut T0 wr'r: com plairlirlg of} "NI Imldt' up in the latest style: can he “ the undue I'llee'ion of dolls FELL. I “(lmmnm'lu'0'" l , , . liq)” I':lrlil'.~l indebted must par up M. y . ' . , .. l. . , . - _ 1"}‘0 "m”? that ”K "bu“ “mm" “”1 ("100 or their "(manta wrll he plurcllllr the be tried at Lindsay on the twl-llty-sevellth l _ .. I l hands ot'u collector. day of DCCK‘IHIWIH 3"": ""‘l ””, “I“ "l '9'" lletrlelnhcr the Sign, Forher's Razrrur. subsequent days as may be neeliflll. . , ,. g, .. . . . - . .83. 'l‘. X. FOIIIII‘IR. BM“! ‘12,. “mi,"h d") 0‘ DLLtlllht r, H Fellelotl Falls, Nov'r Illt, IR-til. } A. GRANT. ll'q/ixlrt/r. K. It. The above notice is published by authority of the Statute. GEORGE KICMI‘T, Sheriff (lo. l'irforr'u. l Wanzer Sewing Machines rig-till ahead. Willi THE GRAND Gilli] Milli at the great Central Exhibition at Hamilton ill ISHJ Iluy no other hetore you see the Wotan-r, the Ullellpest and Ilcst, For Sale. by J. Austin, agent for the best notices of Organs, and salt] elmrpjilr rualror orl the installment plan. See Mv Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit you ill style, quality and price. FEHE All!!! LIFE INSURANCE ill first rate companies at low rules. 323’“ Money to Ioun on easy ternra. 4"-2 w. A. Goonwm, r... lllll-lllllllllll 4:: -â€"FOIl-â€"â€" llrrlm Paper & Picture, Frames. Clu-isahnlls (In l'(1h', IVc‘v ‘Yl-au- (tau-(Is. .13irtluiny (Jail-(ls, ()il Paintingh‘, (.‘hrulnos. Plug; 'u vings, AT LESS Tllrlr‘l Ul’l’l’ I'illCISl‘. Albmrs. Plaques. ‘ ' ' alt-Painted Window Shades. Min-or Ptawq. Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ Materials. Ilaker Block, lient St. West, I.irld~ay, Urlt. lespectl‘ully, ‘l'Z-vltll. ’t‘nnn'nu ran... Nur’r 22nd. 1853. Arriving VEVcriy Wool; â€"AT THE-â€" NEW IHllG STGIIE, Fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines, llrllalll-s, (lolrlhs, Soups, l’cl'fulllery and Fancy (lolulll, Pure and Hellableflye Stuffs, new assortment of the DIAMQMD DYE-IS, also always on hand, a Full Stock of School Books. including Campbell I; (lllge'u New Readers, (,‘opy Hooks. Note Paper, Envelopes, l'enll, Iults, Pencils, Illottiupr I’llper, I’usll lluolis, Account ltonks, Tina.- Ilooks, the. an?" Agent for the lending Newspapers. Magazines. Music. 6w. \l'. A. (l(‘(’)I)\I‘IZ‘l Gilbert Anderson takes this opportunity of thanking his lru- luerorrs customers and the public ill general for the liberal patronage they have llҤlll\\" ell on Irilll during tllc last two months, rind begs to announce that lie has added to his former stock a Iilre ut~ PllltllUll ll BOOKING Slfllll. '1‘] N \V2\ lilsi. aka... not to be surpassed, alld at prices that will collrpare favourably with those of other dealers: Attention is called to Show.“ '- l-‘urlnvrs will do well to call and get a Supply oi the {amour old Thorll‘y Illll'sc & Cattle Food. It i~l the only genuine Food, and will pay 1 Well to mil: il. l THE “ BERTRAM ” AXE. which has g'vcn entire srlti~tilr~tioll to pur- chasers for the pa~t three years, "lllaek Prince" and other axes, unsurpassed by any, either in price or quali‘y. Maple Leaf and other I-‘eneloll Falls, Nut"! 8th, Hula. » .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _..__-_. ,. .,. , ' H. ‘ I §' '. ' ' Cl 0 -.-(,ut . a“ m. JG. II ‘ \‘7, one-marl Haws, Ilnlrd Hawd, l-‘iles. do.. llll by the best IIIuIllll-lt'llll’l'rfl. lloilvd and raw ‘ BARPEHIEB & B” llDrH Linseed (til, i , Lubricating and Goal 011. FENELQ‘LFALLS. Illlhher .k Asbestos Engine Parking. Il'lllnll , 'I'lle ndw'l'tiH-r ,,a prrparl-d to cxcrutt all orders with which h‘: truly be favoured, ln-ul EllllllllClS FUR BUILDINGS to the a-tnallmt John ol carpenter work. and will llpare rm lull!” to give outinfalclioll in every col-e. . ,I)()()Il..' SI. “'INIHHV SASII This it to certify that W, \l' I.H(i.\\', nil . . ' ' ll . d ‘ ' l I v , lllllllt' to order at uhllrt notice, of “null mn- ; hum a). 1- MI? “I' .‘l “” "“" - n' ” " ‘ tellal and at rl~rluulmhle pill-ell. . v .g. '» . g, I. l. . . . . . . . till I mlrlrla or I in! r | llld l“‘,"'”rjm’;h . W “uric-hop on Dram-in htrect hall, tor the mlo- of-mr tIl‘lt'llllll'lIl> IIIH .ltll nl “r “N,“HW M, l’alud 5”,.” Hail. cl- pun-nu quoting prices in Ml-‘ll'l' tlultll'tl _ . counties has on right or authority to do It}. . hit“ Alt!) HAW. Disstolr, \l'. l}. ELLIS. ..._..... Ilerlrp, Belting and than Fitting‘, l’nillld.' (lilo and Pony. ALI. CLASSES or Ilauowarrrz at the ”Mind reasonable ,licl'j. I-‘enrlorl Falls. llu'lz'r 121th. ”hit. lTo Whom Misty Concern,l Fermlon Pulls, U 'l'r Hll . IKNZ. anal. ; rlllrlnrlll MIG“ l null o. , ,. .. ‘ - ._’, .. t :.umurrrille, tlel’x 1".Illl. law. 1 )‘lil r x . o’ . N. ll It will In- l‘l‘t'll from Ill" allow lllnl , . D J. I x 1‘ ill“ â€"â€"â€"or-â€"â€" I'll-at ray Cult to. (“nine on to the uremia.” or the nublcrib. ‘1'}, Lot .‘l'u. l‘.’ in IID"l"!“'!'1'ft‘,-‘i“'lllr-‘U'n'l n-wlte, atrial \‘owmlmr l'llti. rm. yt-nlllttg ‘ aim-n and a yr flit”: .‘a‘ifrr 'I'lw owner can lmt‘r them upon proving properly and ‘ r l t l l i , agents t'I-r other lIHIIt-Illl‘llln oil-ring or: i pullll . Jill-15m. t ...._.V..-.,._N . . i l ' ' VF 1 ' . . IBOOK b I ORE Cum!- on to the prrmllrs of the lllli‘rrllk , » , . er. l...r No.15 ill the ’th concruiorl of Soul-3 â€"-â€"-.\Illâ€"-â€"â€" 1 a ) ’ ' ' v LMI ORILM. pa} in: clrargt‘. ‘ where. G. A. METHERELL, Ivy-robin ml! talcum L‘UL‘IHJK. pretending: to all the Dunlillioll Utgalm m . BHR'STMAS Goons l.~3ut.x‘uy I Kelli-1'. ctVillr. :Ih’lll llrl' l'.’lll in“, :1 L'llll'.‘ ,iymi WILLIAM lll'fllhh. . r. \n,” .,..,.., ...-., a... , Come One I Come All I! Kent-Nu. Lind-say. . l'iauo-. are only doing so to deceivi- the I! H. A. Mrtlllrrell'l V red and whitr Yearling llrltrr. The nut-mt I \IUgIC cln haw hrr upon proving property and - l. , and unmiuc good; before purchulug rhe- '.imléay, “club's! 27th, I883. paying; charged. 5 I .W": grillinribc tor tll ' I’mvelflli Pl lthJAtllh’ sllrrln . l . ll: ._ ,,, 3â€",... -.. r “.4- ; (Jilltlh', out) 51 ls year to nuance. J". 4& 1151‘} N. . 4......

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