F. SAKDFORD is now so line all 111111-1113 in his line 1:11'11113'11103-5 1’ CHLAI 1.11 __1_11.1.\ EVER. Er 1.1ng a £5 51(3me 3mg, Having put in all the 111:1011in0r_1 1101-033111'1' to 011111110 1110 to do work in the most economiI '11l 111:1111101',I 11111 eonseipientlv 111$ 11 position to sell cheaper than 1'or1nerl_1. Note these pr51003: F CUTTERS, - - $25 { MARKET 315101-13, - $3o WACCONS, - - . 31500155, - - . xi '1‘â€"â€" As 11.311111 we have on 111i111l for the l1olix.11_1'.3 30113011 the 011010-- Shoes, C"1011101'} 111111 (11.1331111101111 bought' 111 the 110.31 markets 1111' 011311, and which We are prepared to sell At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. 1 “'0 have lately received a 0'111‘3'i2nmr1nt of 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins, 100 Boxes Valentia. Raisins, $75. ll.‘11'in,1._r purchased 11 11131-011133 111110111110, I 01111 do 01151371115 00003 ('31 11110.3: 01' l'I'.3uit . (‘01110111101101'1' General Groceries Boots and EVERVEODV 18 INTERES E13111 TEE SUGGESS OF The City Dry {50111130111 Clothing Syndicate 1'1" LIN I)"3‘uk". .-._..._._ - .. W HY? 13110111130 “"1 were 111.1‘ ï¬rst In rend asunder the old 13131110an! long winded high prices. 11.10111131- the City Store continues to 111' the regulator of low [1110108 111111 lending styles. 19110111150 we always 11.!1'1-1113'0 exactly what “'11 11131011110. 1'0011130 1111r 11111110 111111 111111 study is to huy cheap and .3011 111101111. 1100111130 we give Lem-r value for mum-3r than 01111 l-0 had elsewhere. [1' 11161 1111111'11 is not true. wl,_1' do 511 11111111 ntt'rl'h.1nl3' 1111110111! 10 try to follow in our wnlte? â€1110 111111111 is not tru0. 11 by do we incur so n111011_i1'~11l1'~113_1".’ if the 111101-11 is not true, hI-w 111111111 113: 11:11'0 0.311111113111111 so large n 1111110 in so short 11 time? If 1110 111111111 is not true. how 01111111 110 111111 our Imde 11nd 111013-1130 it, as we have dune. 1111011 succeeding month? There 1111131 be 3111119 good reason 1111' our great 311000.33. Tl-t-re 11111.31 llt sum-.- good 101131111 why 111111-13 try to 0-11-3' our >t}'l11 of husincsi. There must ()0 3111111- goml 10115011 why our patronage 13' 11:1il3'1111'n'113111111 Kind reudrr, it rests with 11111 111 lI1:_1' goods 0l111111111r if you will. but give us your 11111111 11nd inflnonre and 110111 113' to 1 110111-111 our 1110311111 11113111053. Uni- uhjrct i3 111 buy 011qu and sell cheap. 11de the larger our business the cheaper we 01111 buy All kinds of Planing & Moulding 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins, at 1' 11.301111bl0 prices. Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. Horse-5111101111.; 11nd bJobbiug SpI-tiultv. S1l1'011101r 1111111111105. 11nd also 1'or the Brnutl'ord 111111 111110. I «1:1 A huge retoek of the best I’loughs 11111110 on 11111111, 11111] points for sale. 1... 01001111051. l Manufacturer of First-0111's Sloighs, Buggies, W 11.1101187 110. Having 111111: t‘(111:|lll'll'1l :11] 111- impruwnu-uts rvq'Iired in his now premises. tonnorly “.1“ 1,, 1_;,."'1111111-l, worn-r 01‘ Willimn 111111 Rina-Ila treets, 11115 1‘1I-I "' Murry} Foundry," cililivs l'nr1-1'1'11111113111l11'11rl1 in 1111- 11111111- 111103 11'1151'110111111111 11111-x1'I-1h-d. â€.1 reaps-01111111111111-111 11 0.111 from llms't' rnq'ziriug 1111_1'1hin;,r in his li111.',11111l will be: 1.11111 11- 3111111‘ 1111-111 111'1-r1113' 110w (Zurringu 111111 Waggon Shops. 1.. U'lYIIIInor, III-11131111: 111111-31 111110111211 man in 11113 3110111111 111' the country, 13: 1111111111111 to gmmuuu- 11 fix-3501353 Job in 11111' 111:1111r11111:ut. 111111 e1'0ry11r11010 turned out will he 1r.1rr.11111-1l 113' A. l. l‘lt't'l’)‘ [110(‘1' 111' work in (hi: 11e'nhli.hmt [it i: 1111"!) 11_1‘ 11111111. and 1111' superior. n31; n('~ 1.1111111011151111, to 111111 d 11111 in {:11'tori1-3â€"11 1‘ 0t pruvvd 111 the South Victoria Exhibition. 11 1,11,. l n-v-vivml thrI-e tin-1 prim-3'. although 1 did not 1:111 up my work for 11117.1- exhibi- tInn, nut! 1111-1 1.11111111011 for 1110 311103111111 11r1101'3‘1plll1' lllll'.\'!'(‘('l('ll 111111 unpreevdentt'd. W All 111114113 1111111.- Uht-nply 111.11 l’rumruly. A 1'011' second-1111.111] Buggies for 311111. 1.4. 11) â€(1(3) N N ()Ii. Nov-111111101131 )QRj: 11111111111111 5:101:11. Lind 1111' EEEE‘E COMB lNA'l‘lON 31111011: Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks of John St. Lawrence, Fenelon Falls, and George Mellonnld, 01'03‘111111'1 in the store lutel 1' 110011111011161111 15F @E-E'EE' 311-, 3.11%.“ ï¬g Bargains in @1131 13001013, Bargains in Glo.hing 1 Bargains in E‘éillénery. 37-7-1 The Whole Stock must be sold 111. 1.1.1» I regardless of cost. The .'1110 will not 1111111111110. longer than ('10 days, 30 0111110 111 111100.. Bring your (.‘113'11 to this Great S1110, 111111 :1'01111'111 be sent away happy. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, I'VE :1 31:1 3131'. iii-ES - l’ll’lElS F0110lon Falls, D'L‘l't'lllllcl‘ 1201.11, 188“). ll] "ElEl'Y 1' TEE: [by “K510111133 Z '5' 1'5 y'he 13111111apt ‘ To all 1111' 1‘ 11011113 111111 L‘.u.3'111111111.3‘. Christmas Boxes 811 New Year’ 3 Gifts 1'111‘ 1'\'el"\‘l)1111‘\'. Don’t Fail to Call and Get Them. " 'l'ltt'y HENRY J. KEEGHLEY. NEW BUSINESS PERM .._...j~j.1â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"1 S. S. Johnson and Wm. Fielder 110' to 1111111111 the r1311111nt3' --t l 1111 in -11 13113111111 113 11111111} [11 It they 11.110 011111 1.111 lulu partner-111p 111.11 n 11111111110111 1.1131111» in KENS EDY’S BRILK. STORE, on the .1031 side of Cuihorne nth-01. 1". 11011111 13.1111. 111.0111 tl.0_1' 1131'..- 1111011011 out :1 1.11.3! 013133 N11". 111‘ are 1'111'01'1'11111' 1.111'1111 111111 well worth having. ', i la 1111‘1'i. ‘ . 11111 1111111113 {or llxl'll' 1-111111111111-33 11111111111]; .1111 r-I'111111lu-l. 11113: ll'l'S AND SflllliS, EREGERIES .. 3103' l) l’ll()\'l.§'l()l\“.~‘. to thich additions will 1111113131111}- he made, :11 111' 111.1011 they will Lllspflgc n. .u‘ 1111; 1.1111123? 1.1\'1\11 11111113 run 0.1.311. W Their 11331111111011! ot' Bot-1.3 111111 Show 13. tlu 1_1' 110110111. the largebt 111111 1111131 \‘111'11-1’1 in 1111- \‘lli.1;;1'. JM pg Thief mpwtluilt' 21111011.: all (runs .111 who : 1 '.11-11 .1 i111111-ir711111'3: and ‘lil 1511 1111111 11031111 .1111- rnlin: 31113111011911 111 1111-1- . »-. .1-3 N“ A ILL“) 11111 bc 1.11.“th a; soon a: 1111. 11101.. 1 1'1 1- 1:.- 1.111111. 1.3 11111311011. .1.1.- ‘.. , m.-'1q-..---‘ ubmrubu 01- AW“- .1. 1111111111111 Patio, A; r11 4111 Icon g l i I 11111 agent for the 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza Currants, 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme Figs, 20 Bariels Choice Cooking Apples. The above goods must be disposed (11' :11 011011. 1.1011110 purehn3ing elsewhere. 13% Positiveï¬y the 3652 Value in the 11'-‘5 1 Year's Presents, cannot be excelled. ;\ SI’I'IC‘II‘LL 141N113 1’1‘1'1'1'13' to suit I/H' 11'/1103‘. OF IZICIQLIN 1.711:er 1300T: l :Ipnir 01' our hi ,le F1-111lin11d B11013. 1:3)“ -\ (.‘111 load of Salt: just received. l]l((l"]1(.[1!l'1(.'('81 All kinds of Grain bought III high/1.11! IVICDOUGALL & BRANDON BROS. 2.8111 1881'). ’ New 1111111111110 Tinwzuo and Store Shop. i beg to in ['01 111 the people of I‘enelon Flel3'. 111111 the 1'111'311101' ol the surrounding countrv, that I 11111111 011011011 out in 1111' new store 011 01111111l0te stock 01' HARDWARE in 01111110011011 with 1111' other business, 111111 11.3' 0101' attiele 1.3 new and 110311 purties wanting: anything in that line will 110 11011 to 11110 1110 111.111111111'011 1.11101111.333111111101111 ol PABLO UR AND COOK STQVES, ol' the 1111031 and most approved patterns Lamps & Lamp Trinnninfrs, in great v11riet1, 11nd mfg??- K 3» 5.131.311.1111. Lane @313. 32.21.1111 $515531 @E‘ 01' the 110.31 1111111113, 1111 111' which will be sold 5911 Rock 3111501111 Prices F111 Cash. Cash pnid 1'111‘ Skins 111111 “'ool Pit-11111513 I .3i11001'1' 'l1' tbnnl' 1111' 11111110111113 01 1131111110113 1111' their 111101111 I'eimlon Falls \ovembrr' 11111111113111 to call and examine l arket. 1'53}: ()nr 11110.3 of' Fancy Crockery 11nd (111133111110, 31111111110 for Chri3tIII113 and New 111111 :1 1111120 03311111110111 111‘ llnhlwrs and 0101-3111103. \o lady should be without 111111 the cheuper we 01111 11111 will 31-11. (‘uusinlvr 1l10 “have. earl-fully. 11nd when you want DRY (ordered. 0111110 and See us. you back again. SooTTTETMN, CITY 1)‘R.»\PE 133' 1N1). 2 Dobson" s Block, - - “ODDS, 1884. 1.11111111111 1814. â€"-â€"â€"-â€"(l. 0â€"â€" Special Holiday and Christmas Announcement: â€"- .111 T111: â€"â€"-â€" TELESE DRY 313338 81% 01' 111116 STEEE. 'n: â€"â€" $' .20 (1110 worth 111 Dr\' (11111113, Llothlnn, 11111. ll11ts,C11}1311111l111113. .11: ‘lll our [11‘1003 marked down. parties 111111111111101111111111111 l)1- -1111111|v1r 111111 1l11 lmlid: 'l\ 311131111 (lur 5111111 13111111 l'ull 1133014111 111111 \1'0 c1111 guzunutee 11111 1111111113 11 big: 01111100 111 the NEWEET ANB "FASTEST CG®Q$ in (11111111111101. â€".-\ No.1 01111111111111.1131111l11 sold 1111' SH 111' 3| '.’ 1111' 53‘ .2111. d0'r110nr. \1orth$l,1'11r"1'- 0111113. per yard upward. White 151111111013 from S2 1'10 now: 11r113. A full stock 111'111111111 11nd 11ll~wool (1101' 1111111110111. IEICAIVET-ZVIALR )9 H13 CIJO'I‘IIING we are bound to (1111111 nut. to 1'1†per 00nt. cheaper thuu regulur prim-s. 0111' stock of is 1111111111010 in (101113 and Ludies‘ “11:111. X11111II1I/mhmr-In/1uy 1.1111 5111111111310Gl1111'.3‘.llo‘l't"1\, Knit .\litt.â€"'. Kid (‘ lows. and 01'01'1'thiug in 0111' 11110 1'0 this 30115011. 351')“ \\ e 11111'0 11 1111111111111 1511111111) Robes let't. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS T0 LARGE BUYMlS. \\ I". MEAN BUSINESS. Ag.11113 for Harper's Reliable 13112111111 Path-r113. ' JARVIS & M11D(lUG.-\I.1I1, Fenc'lon Falls, D11cember 3rd, l891'5. .TTTE'T EETEEWEE, 11 (10.311 supply of â€ESTES EEVEEE SEEQES hnfrnruurp i l 1. S 1 ‘ ‘ ill} llU\\'1)llSlllUE'i‘1Hi'1 $111131 ()llt'li :l Ltll‘lllllhllch ()l [llLS S(11110 lll ‘ “1.21.1... Jdbul’n nun»..- - \111'01111101'201.,h I8 0.3. 11011011111 I‘1'.ll.3', 111151-31 Al, 11111111113 11; Flarollo Bros.†you 0111 bin 11.111 011.311 EEEEE E11. TEMTL EEEE usually 311111 7111'. to S1, 1111' 151'. to (3-30. '1 1 113' 111'11'111111'1HI 111111113 10145331..» 1. 11.3' 11011 FLANEEELS VERY LGW. 'l'llt‘SL‘ 111111113 11:11'0 1'1-1'1111111' been 11111'1'11113'011 by 11.3' at less 1111111 the 011.31 ol'1111111111'1101111'0. IEEEBES 81 FLEVELLE IRES†1 Kent Street, Lindsay. 13])V‘V2‘k 3% 19.3.9“ 111.1)1-23'1'11111 111111 (\llD 01" '111 .\.\'l {.S ".8 Cornell. qu , 1! I .LIII'.’ .111. 1 $111. â€"-ll:'1111 tln 01111-111135 10 1'11111'111'IJi‘ 01"? Stawble 1111111111 Mutunl JIM/11111 In 't (11!: 1‘I1‘. l'r‘ 1r3’ III the ‘ Th- 5111.10111111' n 1111' 1.3 â€"l.i3 31111'0r1 411171:- 1711' '110 £111~~r1Il 11.11r11'1:11_'1' 11'-311111111 1111 111111 ‘111111'12’ 1111' 111111 111113111111- .r1:l.1.u1~ 1:1 111 ll. :11131111; 111.1111 luau‘a 11.1 p.131 111111~_1'~1.;1~. 1'11-3'. 5"312 \11\111r ' ' . . (-1111; 1110 5-1111'111 '1l1.-.l 1111-} 0.111 1 ,I..;,...1}}11..1l.': , 1.11111} . ‘11") " ' t‘ 1 ‘ ' .. '.. . - y - 1 . . 11111-1111 11.»..». l ' .111'31 (1113.3 1111123113 11.111 lugs. 111131"1l‘1.‘lN‘I-ll'i12 1 " J1."l _ . . \1111'111-11' “721-111,. (13:: 1...: 11111 1.01.1 1.1111101111311111Ig111.1111113' 51.11110 . 'l‘l1..111.1-' “14311113 " 5"" '()n Ir‘t'uncis St r001 thud! . 1211111111‘1-1130. “.1111 113 1, ‘."1 .3 . ' . Tl. 1112.14 Krilv. 1211111} 41'." M Mr} â€Uni-'.':m' 1'1111r_- 3, ‘ 31.11111 ll.1:1.1.,;'.-.111. " 7:1'1 1 pf)"(5.11111111117311111:11'1-Zl1-r- 111d '111"r 111;:â€" 1 H111 li-uth. \1'11111111 1.121†2.1210 0111;1-}1'11 3112'1'1'1 111111 1'\‘.vv1i.‘11uu:i'\‘ '11: ['1 I2. '1 11 L3". “ FIE: 11111110411111point. 11,“ t. 1312111, I 1\t-1't '3' ‘ T110 5111:31‘1'1111'1' Y‘.1"\"‘t‘ 1.111111 57111111'I1‘1l 11! H :l’l 1" ".‘1 '2 " 11'tlI'r 11111303 1111111 1". 1110:0211. (1111.0 151111 \’ 1.- :111-1 K"l‘f. “ 1'" '1r1' 1110111. 1.11.. 1%, “111%". -" ' 1: 1: 13111111111132 ' - . 1 . i 1.: ' ‘ . 1 "'2'" "" \' """' ' 2' ' ' ' 170111111111 1 1113' I" l-_1 .;11.;~'.'. ...-11. l' 1: “011111333; 1111115111, :1 .1- W... _ 1111.11 \\ :l-nn. (1113', l» "‘.‘“ """ 1111111113 113 T151335: :13... A51} Sill. 11 U“ 31.1.5. USE M32011 BEES. 111171338 (301011.111 1111111 1 11111311111 Ell, 141-1 11111111 111111111" 1. 1.11111111_11.1_1:111..'1~'31, FARM FOR SALE. Fur .421 1211-10} tn-11:1~1,1r,ro- 194.1'11- [1.1 chumâ€"1,0." 111' {11,- 1111an r "=3 :11 thr- 2‘11: 1111...: ‘... ._ .ru. 1 11111! tr: q ‘1 .1131 1* ‘.'".ul ,2‘ 1 1' .‘r.'::1 {7.1111 1'1 11‘-11f 11";111111'1" 11.11 1111111 1111'." Rh 1..; 111 .11 111111- . 11 - ‘.1911 1-1 1'1 {1151‘ 111' 3 .11 1'1". 1 nrfrh 1111'!" who; 1. 11:11“ 111113.!!111 :1 11'-'1- » «(N11rf1‘1A711 Fur-32121:. ,_- 7.311131131" 11...!11J- [-11 :4,1 tn“ ‘1.»-.1 11.111'111'8'1111'11 11211101111115. 1 flaw. ELI. l‘1. Appâ€; 1311 111.1- ,1111'1. er- in ' M- r 1.1-1.1.‘1111‘111'21. (1.1.1.. hur- 1 :‘ {"1 u I. 1 1,111 1511-1 11: "1'31. ‘. .‘ . ‘l. l1r~rn1mï¬|ut4l .1; ' 41.111, 1 . _ 5.1!." l" 1""'.‘ "'1‘ g 5‘ 111.â€. no, J-‘I'Il HI “NJ ul Hun-1113. t".\ 21.1. llItllI ( 111'» 151 N 11 1".1111: '.-_1..'. y11.11i1‘111111S1-1u1- 1111 11'-'11". , 111111 sensonnble DRY @5100ng 411.1111. “"1 0110111101 T111111 “1... '13 ‘780111’1 M1315; 11.113111. .1... . .. 31m: h'VCl 1‘01 L11 (E. G. KEITH. 1'111'11101'5'111 wnnt 01'1'111111 ï¬WE’EQEEEEEJ E.°&E 5.333.131 13301110131115 .3'l1111111l0111l 111 1110 C: 11111 rnn 11111111 Foundry.3lIo\\'r11mn.111 thI- vorm 1 ol' Colborue and l"';111101.3' 3tI"101.3,11111rILlI111' \1illl'1111111 11111011111 Straw Cnllor.‘ loot. 01111018, and numerous other lllllllt‘lllt'lllS 111' 11111110 uiuuuhietnre. .1.-. GEHERAL PIE “131535332 PLO'LEGHS. 'l' 110 111011431111: 110111111111 l'or our 1,:1111- -111l 11111111130 1 lung-1131 i- pit-111' that (1101' 0.1111. he llt'ill 11111111 11111113 111111.1L' and all 11111113 01 .3111l. GANG PLGUGHS. (1111' (11111, ' 1"11111j_'h 1.3 111' 411101111,- 11114111 b\' nil 111111 tlu 111131 in 1,111,- 111:â€ka EKGELSEDR FAhHENG MILL, 1'i/.e at. the 1111111311111 l'i\'l ibitiou 111 l'oronto 111111111111 t11'7'1‘1111 (11.110 1 011111111 [1111“. THE FAPMER’ S FRIEND. (111111111111: «1 llIill1\ 111111110131 S11-:',1l11 11.01.10 I. in (3.1111111 which took First. l’ The l"111'1n1.11".3 1'1'101111 ll:'11"1o11.3'.lr11n11111l\\oo1l,113«11111111130101 1111'0 put into 11 lie hi 5 CASTINGS dz, FORGINGS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. .:'l 111:1 bundledw 01.1l11 puid 1111'1411111111'131 111111. ROBSON 81. ALLAN. 111111 11.11.1113 extent-1.1. \411111 22111 lS‘Z’. l"- 1111111 1".1 ll-. E TELLY LEE EEEE FEET 1. .._'/1, _____ 'l'hnt in 111111111: SllHliS 11ml ll(;()"lS it :1ul >111“ 11111111. '111111 in 11011111141.1 3111-11 Slim 3111111 15111113 it is 11111101111110 111111 11111011; 11111 3111111111111'01'1 “111.2111. “111.111 L11; 1111 lhnt 111111111131an Shot-3 112111 11111113. 113' :Il'oI'I- -.3:Iid 1'1. :11 â€1111', 1111: 13' 1111311111111: to {.101 it 1.31111110111- I111 '04. anti 11111-11 (110â€"111-4111; .31 12.111 0am 111.1. 111.111 (1111 .31 0:111112‘1-111‘ in 1171 11111-3. ' 1 Thu! 11\'1'11 [llt' pawn-.31 pt uplt' 111110 more 111‘ 11' '.~'.~' 11111110) 11111 111.11 in l l! 11 1111,5111 [11;1, 111 3111.1111- d .1111 III11I.1 (1111' liar“; r 1- r [11 111:11' 11:, 1' .11111111 11': " lur i'1""p'-"‘r "‘"h' .4‘1"“" â€"" 1.1...1. :11 .‘l 1111 ll 1 71' “Int .\l.-\('Il.'ll'1 fur «11",. \1-3 .- â€":Il 1'1-'~â€".;111 gr 1'1 1' 1111.0 11,- '1\ 1.1 1.11111 ~11! In. The .11..11- 01.11130.- 1'111111 om' rulid .1' (ll.\(. l‘2i'l'2i) 1)'l.1(.' '1 11111011 111111: -.'1' 1...;113 .111 (01110111531115 L. E1: ,£ (‘1: EERW‘ 1-1'111: 1111111113111 1111.1113111151 11111011 1.1.111: Iu 1.11111.» 1111111111'1'1111111{11111 1'1 110ml 1.1 111.1'1- “(£1 (11‘1†011.11 1" Lin-30‘ 11'; 33:10: 2.2:.2161'. Lluu'auj, June 11'-'11, MILLINERV‘. We will do our 111.111 to Hlilkt: your visit 11101135111 for you, and give run luu'gnins that will bring 1511'1'111111 11's MARK, .AND CLOTIIIERS, 2 Doors West of the Post; Ofï¬ce. - - X complete. C111111310111 P110113 tl1111v'ill.1\.3toni.3'11 the Connnu- :I'Id \1'1-111'0 hound to 111111111 this 311111 intorosting to all he following: facts are for tho 1'1'111ful 11111.3‘id0111111111111' 1":11'0111111111'0rs: A «rnn-l suit (11' (ul'nli' l â€3 A l1 0 311101: of l’luinuntl l'ullu 1111111115. 11'11111‘11'1 ("t-1 hip: “1111311115 in these Goods. “'0 have the goods you wnnt, 111111 they will he sold from ‘.’11 Furs, in Seal, Persian Earn!) 81 Astrachan. (â€um/1 um! 11w- 11m (lo/111.1- l)1'1.3'.3‘ (11111113. U13 t0rinn'3 (711:1til1g3â€"w0 1;: '11'0 Ft'llll'llllll" 110w in (111130 01111113111111 11111r1' 1‘111111'0 llry (100113 1k (‘lotlllng 11111130. 1111.3 1111111 in the Shoe 1111111111111 111131110135 (‘.-\Ill’l~ITS‘. (‘l.(lTlllN ‘1, ready-111111111 or Kent Street. Lindsay. 11111111111111. 2 â€"â€" Mrs. KEELEY H113 just received and opened up a large Stork of 'NEVV GOODS, iue ludiug1 'FENGYI IRV GEMS, â€"11udâ€" 1 ALL KINDS OF WOOL, all of which will he sold at LESS THAN 111N118.“ I’llll‘ES. A 11100 lot of Holiday Presents, such I13 Dolls 111' ull sorts 111111 317.03, ’l‘mz: in grout 1'217'i0l_1', Toilet Sets, (1111131111115 (II'Irds. “1303, 11‘111101' (3l1inu-wure 11nd various lllllt‘l' , "Mich-3,111which (11111111011111111ufiuleudiug purelmsers i3 respeelt'ully invited. MRS. KEELEY. 27111. 11111-111 ' 11‘0111'11111 11311131 Nov ,10 PF R CENT () I“ l 1‘ F'JJ‘) (EL/L S1 1"] T110 subscriber b0g3' 1110.3'1 0111'- 1liully to thank his 0113111111013 1111' the 111.10 '111 support hitherto 110011111011 lIiIn ; and 31) 1113' to give .0113'11 buyers the beneï¬t 111' 1111- 111;:r 11 011.311 111131110311, he is now giving 11 discount. 111' ten per 00111». 1111' r0gul111' prices. M 1' stock is Well assorted, 11:11 in 011111'110. 111'11 new 1V 1 Agont, New York WM. CAMPBELL. Fenelon Falls, 001. 1.3'1, 115131. 111111 11101111. 111111 00111133. I \l1l1\ll\l) r11turn-' his 4111111110 (111111111 to 110 nauidvutd 11: [70:11111111 1"ull3' 111111 il.3' 110111in for their 11b 01111 11111111111111:- duriug 1111- [111111 11'-11'0" 101119 ‘111111 int-111111 1110111 â€1111 (11.1- [mum-1311111 1111, 1tw1-1-u .‘llr. .\lnll'.11 111111 1111113011 having 011- 11113-11) 110 11:13 11111111111-111'1-11 1111-1111013 two door.- IIquI 111 I111- 111131411100. “lH'l't' 111.- 111111 1111111111111 01111111111} 11111001011 stuck ol' IGROCERIES, ’ Croekt'lv 111111S1111101111r1' 11nd PROVISIONS, which were bought on Indrnumgeous 11211111, 111111 111†1.1: 111.11 11111 EllllP Hill [1311. 1111- 1111111111111 will ln' 111-1-11-111 111:1! yuntly 1.»111101;1| prlrvr. in ordI'r to 111111.; lib/ill (or 11111 011.11- Cash Paid (or 1111131 and Eggs and “1111-1111111. l-:.r1nluu C1111 111 the \'1.111 Slor.,11 111111 11111 will won 111' rum-3110011 that .111†1111111111 11115 0‘ v 1111111111110111-1 1111100111 19 1:11:1- 11111'11' In 1111: 1111111111». JtlSl'Il‘ll )lI'F'AHLANl). l’“l'111'lun Falls. 31.11) 1.3111, 1111111. lit-l}. 1111' the well known 1117.11111' Patterns. 1 11151110111113 Tailoring. t T110 1111111 rnlgmul 7111111111 ninrvn' thunlzu to 1111â€" 00111101110111! 1‘1 1- 1111111111» am! 1‘1. 1'1- 1'..;.(_1 for 1hr}! 11111-1111 tour-mam: lint" ht: 0.1111111111111011 1111311111†111 FENELON FALLS, 11nd 11111111111 lhrm that no «11’-1r! will I,» -1-.11ml 1r: g 11' 114 good 11111111110111â€: in the lutmr 11- hr 1.113 guru-mint 1'! giving 11111111.: [1" plAl “1' Hunt} lurultd At 311.31. ll1-0101'3 ()ld Stand, M11[Cipn'flullytullr‘in 11 mil (1: I" all who “3-11 11. 1.1111, 11,..1, rl-ilnuy 11.11110 up in the 1711031 11'. .11 0.1.1 1.111111111- 11111111". A LAMBERTE 1.1L, 165.5. 'lllLl'EW' mm 113 ~'