ctrcct. Lindsay. it. It. Beall - - lanttntemtnln Yhiton to LlVDs‘sY are inVitcd to call and import: my larg» 5"â€: Stock. just pur- chnui. of ,uuld and ~iiv+r WATCHES? â€".1!:dâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERYl t v Iinritc particular attention to my ; FINE GOLD BHAINSi Ind LOI'KHTS. or wut part-1:1 and stylt-i ‘ In Diamond Rings. II Hiding llzng- ".tl E. - g,.gr-mes.t H3394 I -ho-x l-vst in I(.-I‘v|'l»' I aim show 4 Tc!) '3-Nirtmtn'. ofi v,‘:'1il!XII‘;.'-" '5' ’r Waltham Watches. ID’I the "0?. dud'-;»r '- I 3.â€.«l “étlb’r-hrnirf Caresâ€"all rut-w. l'huaw govtia are n}; hrs! fluâ€, guard/.3†f ’1} 'l/‘;/ .,, pyrnu.» 1" and will hr di-t ‘15 d 1-: at :isi - ~~. I‘ rcli- able gab-l- t 1'2 l»'- t., d “I" If y'"; '1!" 4 ~'.' inquire for my piagw . whvrc it is. I" 01 n“. on C. W. HEALL ‘ Tl-r I’rcrt‘fri.’ iii! .. . . tier l‘ JM JIM F I)? LIES); I t'. LEGAL &c. ‘. .\. l’. ltl‘il'lJN, g ARRISTER. Attorney-al-lntw, Solicitor: I in Chanc- Kwut 51r\"'-:.I.indsuy. Thisâ€; slut ti'l‘. ARRISTI‘ZRS, SOLII'ITORS. ('ON\'EY~ nnct-rs, A'c. Ulhm- in Mr. Jordan's n,‘ ,' block, (,‘olbornc SL, Fitllt‘lllll Falls. II. 8. Dan. (f E. Snu'r. N. Ii. Manny to loan at lmvt-st rates. do commisaion Clmt'L’ctl. MARTIN .k HOPKINS, BAthlS’l‘I-ZRS. SOLICITOIF. A'c ncy to Loan at 0: pt-r cent. Kent street. Lindsay, Ont. ILS. Man'rtx. Mo- Ofï¬ce, (i. ll. liormss. l", n. 310mm, i ARRIS'I‘HR, AT l‘ltl:.\'l1't'.k SOLICITR“ and Notary Public. Money to Loon.» (.lllicc, Kent strut-t, Lindsay. i . , â€". l ntrnsrl-I'ru .t JACKSON, E I ARRI‘THRS. HOLII I'I‘ORS, kc. Of-i Ii". William sin-ct, Lindsay. l A. lluosrtrru. A. Jartisox. E i _-.._..._._._._. . W..-“ .-- ..__.__.__ .m- Old-IA ll Y .k O‘LI‘H RY, l ARRIQTERF, AT'l‘t'tRXI‘ZYQ-A'I‘d-LI W, , Solicitors in I'Imur-~ry, kc. Ollivc, l Duhcny Blot-k, Iicnt Stu-ct, Lindsay. l Anrntzt: O‘I.r:.\ttv. licou O'Lt-unv. MCI N'I'Y ll l‘I & S'I' I'l\\'.-\ ll'l‘, BARRIS’I‘ERS, .-\'I"I‘ORNIi‘i’S-.-\Tâ€"L.\W, . Solicitor-x in Chant-wry. Aux. Lindsay. Ollicc (H't'l' Ontario flank. I\'«-ut strI-ct. Mo-E ncy to Loan at 8 per cunt. on real estate ecuritit-s. D. J. Mclsrvzm. MON 13.x 7170 LEND on security of mortgagc on Rt-al and Per- sonal I‘rnpcrly and l'rontissury Notes, at I’t‘hfllllltlltit‘ rulcs of interest. Apply to Tnos. STEWART. .It Iâ€)? A. HARRON, li.\lt|1l~'1l>2lt, . Lindsay. MEDICAL. A. \\'..l. Ill-:t'lllA-QS‘I M. I)., ' ORONI‘IR, I‘lu’sit'ian. Surgt-on,&c., .kt'.‘ j Ill-sidonco. llrielc Cottage. Wellington WM. I\'I‘l.\l|"l‘. M. I1, C. M., l RADI'ATI". of Mt'lilll I'uivcrsity. Mon l I trcul. and Provincial I.iw-nlialc. I'bysiâ€", ciao, Surgvun and lliislt-lrit'lzitt, Midlioall Ilt‘t‘crvc to the Standard. l'l xt-nix. ('ount-t‘li-i cut Mutual. and Equitable Insurance ('om- panics. Ollict- and l"‘.~'ltlt*lll'l'. in the housc lately occupicd by Rev. l-‘zrlht-r Stallord. at the cornerof Lindsay and Has streets, E Lindsay. lltt. A. \\'II..\'(').\'. “I Il.Ii.\'I\'I‘IIl.<l'I'\' of Trinity College. . .\I.Il.l"tivcrsily of Toronto. Mctnh. 701. Phys. and Sui-g†Ont. I'hy:iciun, Surgcon and \(‘t'Olll'Ilt'I‘. ()tlict~,l.‘olborne “rt-ct, r‘o‘nvlou l’ulls. ha. .I. II. LOWE. . IIYSICIAX .k Sl'llfiI-fllN. (‘oront‘r for the I‘roviSionul f‘outity of II.tlEl.urtuu. W (lilicc nI-vt door to tlw .‘tlc.\t'lhur Ilouso. lit'a‘ltll'tlt‘“. thi- boas» lutrly urull- pied by Dr. ltzyson. on May stint-t, l’cnelon Falls. SURVEYURS. .I.\Ml"..“ ltll‘KSON. ) L. Surveyor. t‘otn nissiont-r in the Q. IL, . I‘t\n\'t‘y:tt:c~‘l' ‘vc. I:".~ltl' 1:60,:llhl ud-z dress, l-‘cnclwzz I-‘ails. â€MISCELLANEOUS.“ 7' W.. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, Agent Credit Valley Hallway. FENELON FALLS. : Tickets to all poénts‘ West and Nortlof West. and all local, points on t‘r-‘dit Valley and (Manda Southvrn Railways. I‘euelon Falls. May lzh. Hopi. l'.‘-t.f. ‘ ' u ' a 1* () II ï¬nk I 4]". Lot 3 cast of t'ollwruc and south of Frau- Cl! streets. in lltt‘ vil'aqc of l’t-th-lun Falls. Terms easy. For f~:r:nrr lt»\."l<‘\:l.l."\‘ apply to Mr. Jag. Dickson. Font-loo Falls, or to ll. .\. Dlt‘KSt‘UN. l.:nd~.ty. Out. I i§'~l. f Lindtay, Juac ism, gee-g. J. uEELAttns, DEIN'I‘IH’I‘. 141 N l)H.-\\'. â€"-â€"â€"- One urthe tirm will be at the McAnrut'n [lot-sit. l’irxrtos Facts. on the third Monday oft-art; month. chlb . extracted by laughing gas without pair. or: injury, or no charge will be made. “i" 0&in established in Lindsay nearly ï¬fteen yours. INSUILANCE; sauna: cunmuanau, : Oman! Imrwco and Loan Agent? FENELON FALLS. 01m, nprvnnts the following 6m class compo. . Iiâ€, with the!) brilliant no be "attracted upon the most Much-pout trrms . , The Canada Penna-sent I‘LJH t SavingsCo Tho lupniol lawman-e Company, or Lou ; don. England. . The Ciliuns‘ lutunnn Company, oftTana- , do. â€on and Jan W. 5 The Lanmbirw In ounce Co, of Kati-ad. ~ Tb! Conltd-rfliou Lite Aucrtaticn o!(.‘s\n- ' ul- t l .tinuancc of Operations on the Trent , nr-xt ro-pu'ï¬ctttullvca oi this village will _ gin. of ‘l’s-u‘rborough. who has always . of the project. is, we boiivvc. the- insti. 1 his efforts. are to bc crowucd with thc . _ Intivcit n--cc~sary that he be heartily 7 and t-arrto':~tly supported. So much won. : but “ dvlays arc dangcrous," and should , the work not be continued now that it ‘ he probably Would not have done but : uwntion ; and we only quote the above ~ a writer of considerable observation and dry Mr. Saudtlu'd, That the. following 1 ing in ‘82 and ‘83, 815 IT; S. Nevison, ideally-r Illst, Slt'r‘l ‘20; Thus. Roberts, til]: feast at falls 61mm: 8aturday,danuary 19th, 188â€"4. ':Keep the Ball Bolling." By an article in ant-(her column, from = the I’etcrim:ougb Ifcrr'nr. it. will be 3 M'C‘D that a deputation of delegates from Inlehx-IWI municipalities i- to go to Ot- tawa on thc 5th prnx. for the purpose of inrnrviewing the Minister of Canals and Railings with reference to the con- Vailo'y route. and at the ï¬rst meeting of our new council on Monday evening prt-bablv br- chow", Mr. John Carnc» ln-t-u a most urgcnt and activc advocate gator of the pI't-~t.'nl movement. and il' howl lor tl-rgrcc of .‘IICCL‘SS, it is impor- t'y has ain't-ally bot-n rxpcndcd on the canal that therc can bc but little doubt that it will be completed sooner or later. has been commt-oct d, circumstances might arise that Would lead to its aban- donnu-nt fora discouragingly long time. E The Costlincss ol Honesty. . - . . l A writer who signs himself “ Racg- E or " is contributing a series of “ Letters to Eminent Persons†to the Toronto Nut-x, and the last is addressed to the lion. Oliver Mowat, who is dealt with \":ry lenicntly for “ Ranger,†and cred- itcd with having “ from the first born actuated by good intentions," but, says the critic, “ has at last been compelled to yicld to thc nccessary conditions of political life in the country,†and has coanucntly done some few things that for the unlottttrmte existence of the "' necessary conditiots.†It ts in no Way incumbent on us to t."fCIltI .‘l r. )Inwat. who. even though moth Worse than his deadliest enemies paint- him, would be a modcl of purity compared to certain othcs cminent persons whom we could remarks for the purpose of Showing that ability shares the more than once ex- pressed opinion of the Guchc that the possession of a supcrabundancc of hou- t-sty tuilitatt-s strongly against the pos- scssor’s succcss in liie. Al'tcr citing the case of Robert Baldwin, who placed principle before t-xpcdicucy and was drivcn from public life in consequence, “ Iiultgcr †says: “ The moral of all this is that mcu ol the lofticst morality should steer clear of politics," and he might have lltItll'tI, “oi nine-tenths of other pursuits also.†There are some avocatious, and farming is one of them. in which tncn ol'the very highest mor- ali'y may achieve the maximum ol‘suc cuss without acting contrary to their convictions; but such avocations arc. we rt-grtet to say, far from numerous. and politics is certainly not. amongst the number. “ Honesty is the best policy " all the world over; but if any luau wants thc best of anything he tnttst. pay for the luxury in some shape or auoth ct' ; and he who is instinctively honest. and is Ilctcrmincd not to violate his in- stinct, tnust bc content to remain poor and obscure unlcss he has abilities suf- lit-it-utly gl'cat to outwcigh the draw- back of honesty. In politics tluu'e often arises the. knotty question whether it is allowable to do evil that good may rc- sult or that a grvater evil may be pre- vented; and it is probable that very lcw will agree, with the eminent divine who declared that he “ wouldn’t tell a lie to save the whole world from des- truction." We do not undertake toi solve the question, which is altogether too deep for us; but sure we are that tnany cmineut. persons Would instantly IIII‘H'I‘I' it in the allirmativc. “ Ranger " ‘ is rightâ€"" Men ol'thc lol'ticst morality should stccr clear of politics "; bttt it! is the fault ot‘politics, notfol‘ morality. , and the latn-r is Worthy of far tuorcE consideration than thc former. Village Council. licnt'ion Fails, Jan'y 10th, 1884. The council met pursuant to adjourn- mrnt. Members presentâ€"J. Mc.\rthur, new, and Messrs. Sandt'ord, Smith and l“itzgcrald; tho rcevu in the chair. Moved by Mr. Samll’ord, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald. That Mrs. Gordon ht: paid $20 for her house on the market square, and that the rcevc give his orâ€" tlt‘r ittl' lltt‘ sanic.â€"â€" ('III'I'ft'tl. _\|.m-d by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded accounts be paid, and the rcevc give ordt-rs for the same: Bertram & C0.. hardware, 82? 30; E. I). llaud, print- ing ballot papers and advertisiugjudgc’s court, 57 '2“; llr. Wilson, attcndanee, on indigt-nt person. SIZ; Wm. Camp-E bell. goods in charity, 85; R. Jackctt, , wk on strut-ts, $57 5" ; I} Cunningham. t‘lt'lIllllI expenses and express charges. i 821 50; Rice Iu‘\\‘l~ & Sous, tor hose! and couplings, 8:36 '5“; Austin Boss" i goods. SI. and work on street, 87; Geo. . Cunningham. for postage and tctcgraph- balance of salary as constable up to lb.» for building crossing at Mr Moore's. $7 5". Mr. Smith demanded the you: :and navs as to Mr. llnbrrts's accounts. ' Yeas Saudford and Fingeraid; nay, ‘ itics will bc to don «W of drowning, and Smithâ€"l urrfnf. The couucrl tbcu adjourned. , North Verulzun. ! ((‘orrrrpon fear: of!!! Goran.) E IIYnES:aL.â€"â€"Sevcral weddings have of late taken place, in this vicinity; but coast-luring the year I will My nothing : l'lnt'ca‘rtoatat. â€"-Qnmc of our schools : i are reported to be without teachers as? ‘ vet. Trachcn must be scarce, or sala- .. ries must be too low. i SOCIAL -â€"â€"The members of St. :\I bank church hcld thcir social in Mr. John Brittoo's house a few nights ago. Among those prwnt were a good num- ber t‘mm Botcsygccn. The proceeds amounts-d to $22. Burn-tsuh the time for electing? . coin-r. apparatus twice or IIll’lCc every day,. rvprezcntativcs to the municipal court-5 cils has. planted, people will now settle down to await the change of events. In this part two changes have occurredâ€" our deputy more of last year is defeab Ottawa, on February 5th, to interview i Trent. Valley N avrgation. (Front (I: Pmrborouyh Hui-r.) The proposal to send a deputation to ed. while a. new councillor has been the Minister of Railways and Canals in elected. The division between the north and south remain: the same in number. We have lost Honest John and we have gaincd Mr. Jamt-s Lamb. Mr. John Braden and Mr. James Lamb are now i t l l l regard to the prosecution of the works ' on the Trent Valley Navigation, will, we have no doubt. be considered oppor- tune. Tbcre should be a strong and, influential delegation lrrun all the local- r.ur rcprcswtativcs; the former being a ' itics along the proposed route. so as du- ‘ resident of the nortlm rm. and the latter a resident of the north-west corner of the township. About midway between the two is a bridge, situated between cons. 6 and 7, which is in a. vcry dan- gerous condition. As we are supposed to be under the care ol these men. WK‘ >llitll expect either of them. or some-body else, to see that. this dilapidated Struc- ture is repaired or replaced by a new one. “A stitch in time saves nine." Now who will put in that stitch ? "School Bahia. A FClH‘lhn Falls, Jan. 17th. 1884 School Board met. Mctnbers all pres- ent ; the chairman in the chair. Min- utes of" last meeting read and approved Moved by Mr. Cunningham,-second- ed by Mr. .‘lollat, That the following accounts bu paid and the chairman give his orders for the same :-â€"â€"-I{. S l’orter. ‘ account for maps. $16; do, account for prize books. 40c. ; R Byrncll, one cord pine, SI 5†; John Byers. I cord wood. 83 50; Mr. Graham, express charge, ' $1 libâ€"Carried. Movcd by Mr. Swanton, seconded by Mr. Cunningham, That the secretary be inst_ructcd to have agreement. prepar- cd and signed with the teachers.â€"â€"C’d. AN ERROR â€"Iu our report. last. week. of the result of the municipal elections in Snmervillc, an error occurred in con- s-quencc oi our having been misinform- ed. The name of Mr. H. F. I’crduc ought to have appeared in place of that of Mr. Joseph Eades, the old council- lors having all been reelected. ACKNO\\'LEDG.\IENT.â€"MisS Sara Mc- Arthur, on her return after bur Xmas holidays, was agreeably surprised to ï¬nd awaiting her a beautiful china tea set, the gift of Masters Willic, Walter and Harry Ingram. sons of Mr. Noble Ingram. Miss Mo.\rtirut‘ takes this op portunity of returning thanks for tho same. and Wishes the young people ev- ery enjoyment of the New Year. ADV.\.\'C[.\'0.â€"In our advertising: col- umns will be found a card from the recvc, thanking the electors for having again placed hitn in the position he oc- cupics. Our villagers are evidently ad- vancing in their knmvledgc ol' the pro- prictics, and next year the candidates will no doubt. announce that they are such in print. and make a low rt-marks suited to the occasion, which will be a compliment to the voters and a bent-lit to the Guzcfle. PERSONALâ€"The many friends of Mr R. E. Glanvillc, formerly ol' this village, and now of London, Oat. will b.' glad to hear that he is rapidly recovâ€" bring from the sevcrc attack of typhoid favor by which he was ltttcly l,ll‘t'l>ll'llll',(l. In a letter just, received from him, Mr. Glanvillo tolls us that while thinking during his sickness of his sins of com- mission and omission, ltc rcmembcrt-d that he, had ncglcctcd to send a trilli- owing tor the Granite, and accordingly encloses the amount. If we believed that typhoid fever Would have the. same result in all cases, We should wish that about a hundred of our subscribers had it; but. a gt'cat many of them are so hardened that it. would probably taki- cerebro spinal mcncngitis as well as IIII‘ lever to make them repeat. of their dc- linquency. III-:PE.\TED.â€"â€"The dramatic entertain- ment given by our village amateurs in Ingram's hall on the evening of the 4th inst. was so highly spoken of by all present that those who were prcvcntcd by the unusually stormy weathcr from attending felt that they had missed a treat ; and for their bcneiit thc pvrl‘orm- ancc \vas rcpcatt-tl, by rcqm-st, last Wednesday evening, when the autlicncc ‘ was nearly or quite as large as on the ï¬rst occasion. The I)I(‘CO~ played wcrt- " Cinderclia," “ M atrimonv," and " Thi- Train to Mauro.†ht-St‘dcs' which there were two very good tableauxâ€"“ The Sleeping Beauty " and ‘-~ Xo Rose With out a Thorn." On Wednesday evening Mr. Vernon. of Woodstock. who hap- pened to be in the Falls, added to the attractions of the entertainment by giv- ing a display of his ventriloquil powers, which are fully equal to thosc of many a Stl-CallC‘II " l’rol'essor," and afforded great amusement. especially to the ju \‘t'IlIIL’ portion of the audience. MORE SNOWâ€"There is four times as much snow upon the ground as is re- quircd to make good Sleighing. and more or less is added to it almost every day. For this we probably have to blame .‘lr. Vcnnor, against whotn [lu- Clerk of the. Weather appt-ars to have a peculiar spite. and seems determined to ruin his reputation as a prophet. Con- t-‘Cqucntiy \vhcn Vennor sat down and wrote, in his almanac for 1834. “ The ï¬rst days of January Will be mild ; no show, but dust or mud in many places," he might have known that his enetny up above would make it just the rc- vcrsc. and that he (Veouor) would b- blamed accordingly. The quantity ol snow that has already fallen is trcmcn- dous Ior so curly in thc season. and if a genuine thaw acts in. as is u~ual in Jan. nary, the residents of low and fl It local punts will be at a premium. The pt'll plc of this village. need not fear bcing floodcd out of their homes, and IIH‘ » worst afflictions they can possibly ruti'cr from the tuperabuudance of tâ€"nuw are the stoppage of trains, the non-arrival - of mails and the unanturally high price ; , . , ;uocle5 story was true, and coalesced of IIIK'I l . l l l l l .__.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" E A French utctcnroligi-t has, in the i exposed murt of his louse. two bars of. iron planted in the earth. to with of. which is ï¬nd 3 Conductor of coated wire, terminating in a telephonic rc- llis practice is to mtnsult the and it never fails. through it.- indica- i . jamin. a cozorcd man, appeared in crutrt ly to imprcs the administration with the interest. that is felt in this matter Sir Charles Tripper has already by per- sonal itmpection satisï¬ed himself that the opening of this great national route is both feasible and dcsirahlcâ€"he has even promised to push it forward to! completion as Sir Leonard Tillcy could i find the necessary funds, which he is now fully able to doâ€"but it must be remembered that the Ministers have so many claims upon their attention. and upon the Trt'asury, that even such an important work as this requires to be pressed upon their notice, or it might be postponed for other matters of less- urge=:c_v, but whose friends are more importunate. Therefore it will be Well , bcl‘orc the next. session of I’arliamcnt is liar advanced, and prior to the frautingi ol' the estimates, to put in a claim for a substantial appropriation in order to open another section of this route. It is evident that to bring this sub ject properly before the Government, the residents along the route must be. stir themselsz-â€"thcv are best acquaint- . ed with its advantages, and there is no doubt that it Would be of great local beneï¬t. The completion of any section would, even in advance. of the opening of the whole route, afford 'to a large and productive district an easy and (-co- uotuieal means of transport. For in- stance, the canaiizing of the. nittc miles between Lakclicld and l’ctcrbornugh would count-ct already navigable waters so as to allow oi untntcrruptcd naviga- tion between Balsam Lake and Ilcaly's t Fails below Hastings, with importautl branches to Port Perry, on the Scugog l River, Cobllcnnk on the Gull River. l &c. Similar beneï¬ts would be derin-d i from the completion of the other three E sections, between Georgian Bay and ' Lake Simone and Balsam Lake and be- E l l twccu llcaly’s Falls and the Bay ol Quintc. Each would greatly cxtund and facilitate the existing navigation of most. important Stretches. It must not, however, be assumtsll from its great. local advantages. that this route is only of local importance. Far from this being the ease it is in truth of more than Provincialâ€"of more even than Dominiouâ€"~iutcrcst. It will, in fact, be an important I'actor in the great problem of conveying the supera- buudaut produce of the great ï¬turtlt west to the teeming consumers of the Old World. It will be one ol'the most elf-ctnal means of solving the difï¬culty ol'transporting the grain of, Manitoba and the; 'l‘crrit'trics to thc scab-lard so coonomicaliy as to leave a prolit for the . l‘armcr. This is hardly pr-Ssii’dc in tho case of so long a haul by railway, but , with the Trent Valley Navigation open the wheat from the prairies need only he carried by rail to Port Arthur, on Lake Superior, and thence it could be conveyed economically by Water all the way to its destination. Our Canadian ports have also an es- pecial interest in this matter. Oncc l upon the barge navigation of the Trent Valley Watcr there would be little temp tatiou to divert grain from the St. Law- t'cnce, whereas the Welland Canal acts at h ast. as much a feeder to the ports ‘ ol' the United States as to our own. There is in short every reason why the representations of the deputation should meet With favorable considera- tion, and the completion of this great work should be prosecuted with all p0:- siblc dcspatch. Christianity in Alaska. A note front a missionary in Wran- gel, in Alaska, says there are chccring t signs of progress. “ Thc hideous dance, the war Son-.- and dog-cating are giving, place to Christian hymns and earnest prayers; the harrowing scenes of tho pyrc, which consumed the dead with! the sacriï¬ced living. is being superseded 1 by Christian burial, Sabbaths are re mcmbcred and religiously kept where the day was unknown. The incense ol‘i praise goes up from tnany a canoe and camp ï¬re. New houses. with doors. l Windows, floors. stths, tables, and beds, are giving families homes instead of the l communal lodge. Some of the per-plc’ are beginning to spunk and read Eug- , lish, which means elevation. as it could i m-vcr have come to them in any way with their limited language. 'l'hcir meaningless Supt-rstitious legends are supplanted by the story of the Cross†which they accept with a ï¬rmer faith. Young mod and women are seeking al- liance in Christian umrriagc. the only hope of circumventing a Iamcutabh: and universal vice of the country. Thcy sot-k, also. employment with the whites. Employment means cit'iliZatioo, better food bettcr clothing. permanent homes, Christianity.†- Shocking J uvenile» Depravity. \V.\Slll.\'(iT0.\', Jun. 9.â€"â€"\v. L. Ben. 5 with his ncplww. Alphon-o Kell. a If) your old lad and asked that he be calm : mined for incorrigibility. He told the‘. C out the boy had made; scvvral alh'tnpts ' to poison Sr-Vt‘l‘nl mctnlwrs of Illt‘ family by placing \‘crmin poison in the milk l and in watt-r which they drank; that Ill‘ had poisoned Cattle belonging to blur and had attctnptt-d to set the house on . tire ; and that just helore Christmas ltc . had attempted to cut the throat of one i of the children in the house While she l w)“ asleep. The boy acknowledged hisl that. while living in Baltimore he had, a-lministcrcd poison to his mother and ‘ aunt, who both died from the elf-‘ctsz‘ that he had attemptcd to poison other people and cattle while in Bailituor», » and I‘ad 5:: his. mother's home on fire. » lle ins committrd for automation as , l t than of urth currents. to give notice' of the approach of a storm twelve to ï¬f- teen hours thud. . to his mental condition. l -._.___.â€"- The actual cub subscriptions handed to the Mayor tor the Ilumbcr sufl'etcrs amount to 36.0l‘2. . _'I'u:lt'_rx. ., ' Twenty Labourers Run Down by a; Train. Btuxrox, Pm, Jan. IO.â€"â€"Fifteen or twenty men employed in clearing the snow from the railroad track were at Work about seven o'clock last orcuing, in a cut just east of here, when an ac- commodation train rounded the bend. Before the men could get out they Were run down by the train. It backed up. and the dead and dying were seen scat- tered for ï¬lty yards. The bodies of two men were found badly mangled, with life already extinct. Five others were badly injured and one has since died. After the accident the mcucmwl- ed out of the snow in all directions. It is feared the bodies of others may be discovered. The accident was Caused by the failure of the men to have a look-nut to warn then) of the approach of trains. It was dark, and locomotives near by with steam escaping made it impossible to hear the coming train. The C. P. . Laborers. Over 100 C. I’. R. labourers have lately returned to Montreal, and some. I of the most, respectable among them rcv late tales of hardship, stating that on landing at Thunder Bay they wore told that. the boss would arrive and give them Work in a Week or two. The . steamer that brought them having lcit the men determined to walk to PI'IIICK‘, Arthur's Landing. This they did, their food consistingol scraps begged frotn camps on the line of march. Sonic 40 men started to walk from Otvcn Sound to Toronto Their trunks and other baggage being,r a burden to them they abandoned them. Some tried to get work in the woods, but the most of them made the best of their way home on foot. One young man, Alphonse Cole, of Quebec, arrived here three Weeks ago with his feet so badly frozen that he has been in the hospital ever since. Mr. F. Vauasse, member for Yatu'tska. intends toask fora parlia- mentary enquiry into the matter. and to bring in a bill protecting labourcl‘s under such circumstauccs. -7.-. A Slave’s Devotion. The most thoroughly eloquent and effective Speeches ever made in thcr'l'cx as Legislature, says the F11. “'orth (Maurie, were pronounced by two. nc- . gross, and; boalt. \vcre of the. same gener- al importâ€"a siavo‘s devotion to. " old marste‘ and misstiss." The following is an extract from one of these speeches: â€"†There can bc no gvcat ract- enmity between us. This cannot come while my old marstcr and mistiss live. No. nor while their children and mine sur- vive. They were kind and generous to me. I knew no want cl. (0:.d1ly or care for the morrow when I was their prop- erty. Look at. these wrinkled. rough hamlS. They tell the tale. They tell how I toiled for them. And the story is not. ended, They arc old and help- less now, and live. as I once did. in a little Cabin, and I still toil for them. I send them hall" of every dollar I draw Punples and watches. Call at W. B. Ellis‘s drug stem, and get Centre. his composed of Yum-line. Car- ; bolic Acid and Centc, and has never failed :to remove Pimples, l l l i l i i i l t I E G EXTLEIBS,â€" Blotchcs, mutated l a package of McGregor k I‘Arkc‘s Curbolic E It cum when III otb~ l Sort-s, Rough Skin. er: fail. Try it. New Advertisements. Apprentice \Vnnted. “‘antrd immediately. a smart steady boy as an nppmuticc to the carriage making business. l-‘. SANDFORD. Fenclon Falls, Jau‘y thh, 1834. 47. ’1‘0 the Electors â€"(ll' TH IIâ€" . VILLAGE OF FENELON FALLS. ll affords me great pleasure to be able to thank you for your sclcctiou of Recvc on this second occasion of my election by acclatuation. Trusting that I shall be able to serve you even more faithfully in the present than in past. and wishing you the season's compli- mcnts, I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, JOSEPH McARTIII’R. Fcnelon Falls, Jan'y ltitli, 1884. i from the State Treasury, and when . their daughter, a beautiful and good girl, whom I used to carry when She was a child in these Strong arms, was married not long ago I sent her a cheque For $1.000. Have I not the right to ask you. gcntlcmcn of the majority, to deal generously with my race ? " oo- In a Single year the enormous sum of $27,000 000 was paid out by Americans for matches. . , The coroner's jury in the late lIum- hcr disaster have returned their vt-rdict. and Conductor Barber and Engineer Jeffry have been committed for trial on the charge of manslaughter. An old coloured man in Cincinnati has become wealthy in a curious way. Whenever a man bought a building lot the darkcy would buy a strip of ground ncxt door and begin to build a cabin. The rich nun, generally a high-toured citizen, would buy the darkcy‘s land for tcn prtccs. Lord Charles Bercslord, member of Parliament, in a Spcech this Week, dc- clarcd that English (.‘(HIIIIIt'I‘CO is at the mcrcy of any I’owcr who chooses to at- tack it; that any nation that could send out a low last cruisers could paralyzc our shipping tradc. Asa captain in .thc Royal Navy he assumes to know something of the capacity of the service. W Use Lardinc Machine Oil for ‘ your machinery. â€"___.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- John R. Van, Hamilton, says: “ McGrog- or’s Spccdy Cure for llyspt-psiu and Indi- gestion is clu-ap at lifty limo-s the price ask- ed for it. I am a commercial man, and travel continually, anti would no more think of leaving home withontu bottle of Mc-v Gregor‘s Spct-dy Cure in my valise than I would of lcuving my tcnm at home and (:0- ing on foot." l"rcc trial bottlcs at. W. l5. Ellis's drug store. Regular size ï¬fty cents and one dollar. Fluid Lightnlng. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quirk as dash, rclicvcs any pain instantly, the Eltt'tllt- cst :,.'.d quickest application known. Why suitbr with Toothache, Nruralgia, llcnd- nchc, Rheumatism, humhugo. Sciatica, Sort- Throat, or acute pains of any rune nIll'll you can go to W. E. I‘lllis's drug store and got a pt-tt'ct't and instantaucous cur-- {or , twt-ntydive cents. Ask for fluid Lightning 311‘]! [:1 I'll). At the mouse. Fenclon Falls. on Thurs~ day. January lith, by the Rev. “'m. hoc- bcad, Mr. David Sir-hols to Miss Susannah Iluskiu, both of Somervillc. I)II-II). In the township of Vcrulam. on Thurs- day. January ITIh, .lt-rnislm, relic! of me late Mr. John Abrcy, aged 65 years and .’- months. Reported by chllougall .5" Brandon. Penelnn Falls, Friday, Jan'y littb, IBM. Wheat, fall. per bushel - - $0 90 96 Wheat, spring, “ - - - 95 I r»: Barley, per bushel - - ~ 45 55 Oats, " " - - - - 30 35 Peue, .. .. - - - - 55 65 use. it u _ _ _ ,_ 50 53 Potatoes, “ - - - - 50 55 Rutter, per "5., - - - - - 16 )8 Drcncd Hugs. per loo lb!., 2.5 05 $6 50 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - lt- 18 "my. rer tort. - - - - 58 no to $9 00 Chicken, per pair. - - - - 25 4o Ducks, “ u - . . . 35 50 (3001:, per lb, - . . . . r. ,, ...-.',‘ ,4 l l ‘ORI’ORA'I‘ION OF THE VICTORIA. COIL'TY 0F Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of lllt‘ County of Victoria will meet in the Count-it Chtunbcr IN THE COURT HOUSE, â€"in theâ€" TOWN OF LINDSAY, on Tuesday, The 22nd day of January, 1884,E at 2 o’clock, 19,111., pursuant to stature. T, MA'I‘CIIE'I‘T, Cuddly. (Turtle. Couxrv CthtK‘s 0mm», Lindsay, Jan‘_\' 7th, 1884. 46-2. N () '1‘ I C I!) is hereby given that a Court will beheld, pursuant to the Voters" List Act of 1:. '76. by Ills Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Victoria, at the Mc- Artbur llousc, Fcnclou Falls, on Tucsday, The 8th day of January. A. D. 1884, at the hour of eleven o'c'ock, to hear and determine thc several errors and omissions in the. votcts‘ lists of the municipality of Fem-Ion Falls for the your 1883'. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and Place. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, (‘lvrlc 0/3011] .llum't-i/ullity. Dated 2.ch of Dcct-mbcr, louh‘. 44-3}. ADJ"OU1{ N 1‘11th '1‘. The above Court stands adjourned until Tuesday, the ‘J‘.’nd of January inst., when it wi|l bc hold in the Orange Ilall, It‘cnclon Falls, at. 11 o'clock in thc t’oreuoon. (ltzo. (.lt'sxtxotuu, Ulr-rk. Dated January 81h, 1834. 46-2. w. .A. GOODWIN, liilllD-llilllfliiil â€"FOIIâ€" Roam Paper & Picture irames. Cln-it-ttlnus Curtis, Newr X'L‘ur Can-dis, Birthday Cards-t, Oil Paintings, CIII‘OIIIOH. lEngruving-s, AT LESS TIL-IN CITY PRICES. Albums, Plaques, Oil-Painted Window Shades, Mirror Plates, Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ Materials. lukcr Block, Kt-nt St. Wcul, Lindsay, Out. Itespcctl'ully, 42-4m. W. A. GUODWIN. Gilbert Anderson takes this opportunity of thanking hi5 nu- merous customers and thc public in gt-m-rul for the libcral patronage they have lwstow- ed on hint during the last two months, and begs to announce that he has uddcd to his formt-r stock a lint: of PlRlllUii it BOOKING SIUVES. 'I‘IN‘VJXII 1‘3. 4&0,“ not to he surpn'sst-d, and at prim-S that will cotnpnrc favourably with those of other dealt-rs. Attention is called to THE “ BERTRAM " AXE, whirl: has g'vtsu l'lllil’tf .-:ati~fat:tion to pur- l chnstrs for the pint thrcu ymrs, †llluv'k l‘rinpc“ and other art-a. unsurpnsrml hyl any, either in price or quality. Disston,E Maple Lcul'und othcr t Cross-Cut; Saws. ouc-man Saws, Hand Saws, Files, kc, all by the bt-at mnnulacturt-rs. lloircd and raw Linn-ed Oil, Lubricating and Coal Oil. Rubber It Asbestos Engine Packing, Italinr; Hemp, Ilclting and Bruno Fittings, Paints. Oils and Putty. ALI. CLASSES or HARDWARE at the moat reasonable priccr. Echelon Pulls, [)cc'; lgut, l’u’t’o. To Whom It May Concern; This in to certify that W. W. LOGAN, of Lindsay, is our only nuthmizt-d'ltgcnt for the (Manner of Victoria and Prternorougb fur the rule of our initrumrnu. and any oth- er puma quoting prices in shove armed counties but no right or authority to do IU. WIIIIM 0%“ A III“) 0. lowmanvillc, Oct'r Tub, was. S. It It will be seen from the: Above that agents for other iottrnmrnu altering or pretending to sell the Dominion Organs or Piano... an: only doing u. to vlt't'rnr 'l:': potd‘u. .;I,- Lu; ho OLStflt BAKERY‘ -â€"ANDâ€"- GR! BCERY. JOHN mortar begs to Inform his customers and the pub- lic that, while carrying on the linking bush nus as usual and turning out daily Choice Bread, Calico, Buns kc . he has just opened out a nice stock of FRESH GBOGERIES, all of which “‘1" be sold at the very lowest living proï¬t. The Finest Flou'r kept constantly on hand ; also OATS, BRAN & SHORTS. P A R M P R. 0 D U C 3 taken in exchange for goods, and 1 . . Lash Paul lor Butter & Eggs. W The nudcrsigurd will do all in his power to tucrit a continuance oI tht~ patron- age so liberally bestowed on him during the past ï¬ve years. JOHN MUFFAT... Font-Ion Falls, June l'.’th. 1853. lt-ly. AuctioriRoont. 1 bcg to inform the public that I havc rc- opi-nt-d my nut-lion room in the old stand on Colhoruo Strcet. and huvc opened out a hvuvy atovk of G clitoral (2 oods-t. which will be Sold ('l’imp for ('or/i (luring " the \vt'ck, and by Every Saturday Night at 7 o'clock. All who wish to hi: tln-ir Clothing cut and madc up in the latest styles ('ull ht- acconunodatvd. MY“ l’artit-s iudt-htcd must pay up at oncc, or their accounts will lu- placed in the hands of u ('Ullt‘t'llll' Remember the sign, l’orbcr‘s Itazuar. ’l‘. X. FORMER. I’euclon Falls, Xov'r 15!, low. Auction Wanzer Sewing Machines again attend. Will THE GRAND Gilli] Milli. at the [great Ccntral Exhibition at Hamilton in lsrtit lluy no other below you set- Ibo \Vanzer, the Cheapest and lit-st. For Sale by J. Austin, agent for the best makes of Organs, anti sold r/Hupjbr cos/t or on the instalment plan. See Mv Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit you in style, quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE itt first rate companies at low ratcn. W Moucy to loan on cosy terms. .1. 4\ l 'S'l‘IN. lt‘cuclon l’nlls, Nov'r 'J‘lnd, Whit. Arriving Every Week --A r rut;â€" NEW llllllG STIJIlE, It‘rcsh Drugs and Patent Medicines. llrusht-s, combs, Soups, l‘crl'utm-ry and Faun-y floods, Pure and Reliable [lye Sluiis, new assortmcnt of the DIAMOND DYES, ulSo always on hand, a Full Stock of School Books. including (lutupbt-Il A (logo's Now Iil'ntlt‘l‘n, Copy Books. Nutc I’upt'r, linvelopt's. l‘cns Inks, I’encils. Blotting l'upcr. l’uss Hooks, Aer-mint Iloohs. 'l'inu- tho/Its, .k c. M?†Agent for the leading Newspapers. Magazines. Music, &0. Forgot-rs will do Wt-ll to call and get A supply oi the famous old Illhot'lcy Ilorsc & Cattle l“OOtl: It is thc only granitic I"ood,uud will pnv well to use it. W. 1-1. l-JLLIH. thclon Falls, Nos“! Nth. Innis. 13‘.“ “"1 I A \V. thPilllH t BllllDlH, FENELON FALLS. Thc advcrtih‘cr is prr-patt'd to Practit- all orders with which be may ht.- fnvunrrd, from CUNIHlEIS Hill BUIIUINGS to tho lilll-‘lllt‘hl john oi corpl'ttlt-r molt, and Will repartv no puina to gun: galtafactiun in rvt-ry raw. DOORS A: WINDOW SASII rnadn- to order at Short tmtit't', of good ma- terial, and at rcusonahla- prtt'v-t W“ World-hop on i‘ranmr ï¬trcrt hunt; rvaidt-nce on llund Sin-cl I'Znnt. IiItWAL'I) ll Ft-nclon Fall-t, Orl‘r Nth. lr'ré’l. ft’l ff tw. .t! 1)“.in Aft-ivzili-r . â€"â€"-h'-â€"â€" GHIIIST AS 500.08 lit (1'. A. Ilrthcrrll'u BOOK STORE *1.‘59â€"_ MUSIC EMI’ORIUM. Come ,Onei Come All it and examine: good; before purchntiug clu- whore. c. A. mmnELL. OPPOIITI 7!!! IIIILUIII CRITICâ€, I‘vnt-Ht... IJruluuy. Lindsay, October 27th, limit. W Sltbrl'fibt: for the Fem-Ion Polio Hamill. only 3i at year in advance d I i\\‘