Yd; o ‘ F. SANDFORD is now selling all articles in his line of business . CHEAPER THAN EVER. Having put in all the machinery necessarv to enable me to do work in the most economical manner. I am consr-quentlv in a position to sell cheaper than formerly. Note these prices: CUTTERS, - - - $25. MARKET SLEIGHS, - $30. WACCONS, - - $60. BUGGIES, - - - $75. Having purchased a ï¬rst-class machine, I can do All kinds of Planing & Moulding at reasonable prices. Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. lIorse-Shoeing and Jobbing Specialty. Sylvester machines. and also for the Brantford machines. {Q A large stock of the best Ploughs made on hand, and 'poi‘nlts for sale . L. O’CONNOR, Manufacturer of Firstlars Sieighs, Buggies, illegals, tic. .__.-.,.._. . ._ Having now completed all the improvements required in his new premises. lormerlv " .llowry's Foundry," next to Carr's llolcl, corner of William and Russelis treets, has ft;- cilities for executing all Work in llll' above lines: which cannot he excelled. lle respectfully soliciu a call from those requiring; anything iti his line. and will be glad to show thvm ov'o-r his new Carriage and “302.com Shops. I L. O'Connor, bcint; the til-lest practical man in this .‘t.’..".l0l'. ot' the country, is enabled to guarantee a Fix-strains Job in any department, and cvet‘yorttclc turned out will be warranted as A. l. Every piece of work in this establisliiiirnt'is done by hand. and far superior. as is ac- knowledged, to that done in t'iictoi'io-sâ€"a fact prohï¬ at the South Victoria Exhibition. when: 1 received three lll‘ul prizes. although i did not get up my Wltl’k t'or prize exhibi- tion, and they obtained for me sales and orders quite niii-xpcctcd'antl unprecedented. “- All Repairs done Cheaply and l’rottit-tly. A few second-hand Buggies for sale. 1.4. (VCK) R'N ()B-‘ Lindsay, Now-tuber lst, 19.311. Gilbert Anderson : takes this opportunity of thankingr his titt- nit-rous customers and the public in general FARM FOP. SALE. For sale on easy terms. price $4.0m), Lot M iii the ‘Jnd Colic-'ssltitl of the townslt p .ot' Homer-ville. containing ‘Jttlt acres, about. for the liberal Introunvw tln‘v have bestow-t . l ' ~ i 1"“ of Wltlt‘ll are cleared and tcnccd. On “1 U" l'l'" during llâ€: lih'l “V“ ““‘lllll‘i “ml the farm llit't‘l' are a H story cell"" log. lmrs‘t's, a rnoniv driving shed and a Very PAHlUUH Ki CUUKING STUVES, trccs. about half of which are bearing. dealers. Attention is l'dllcd to begs to announce that he has added to his . house. 2:.) .\' 2.3 feet. with kitchen, two frame former stock a line ot" .harns, each 5“ x 30 feet. a stable for eight llargc poultry house; also, a neverâ€"tailing lsprint; creek and three wells. and a. two- j acre orchard containing: two hundred apple 'JTIN \VIXIII‘Z. s‘k 0... l l . not to be Miriuisscd, and at irices that will i AH. '\ on the â€(igllill: ill" l’lll‘ll FI‘L compare fawnirahlj‘ with llt'vs‘P of other‘ . i a 7’ l l I L. n H r ‘H t h , it ‘ THE BERTRAM AXE 2 lib ( (1.11 which has given entire satisfaction to pur-i ‘ . Chasers for the past three \‘cars. --lllark l'rinee" a l l ' ‘ up†fig? El g . m. (It It r :ixt's. tttisul'pussci‘l by “l L 5‘3 1 1%, any, either in price or ipiali‘y. _ XNI) Maple Leafand olln'r ’ b Cross-(Tu t. FSn \Vss. one-man Sari-s; Hand Saws. l“llt'.~:, l.)isston. . do. all ‘ by the best uinnuiacttirrrs. llt‘llt'tl and l‘:t\\'l Linseed tlil, l Lubricating and Coal Oil.l Rubber k Asbestos l'lnginc I‘m-king. Italian I I Hemp, Belling and Brass Fittings, l'ainls, Oils and Patty. . 0108 real ’ ALL CLASSICS or ll.\tin\v.\iii: .‘l'OllN Ml )l’li‘A'l‘ begs. to lllr-tl’lll his customers and the pith- lie that. “ltllt‘ carrying on the [taking busi- ness as usual_ and turning uttt daily nit't- stock of )FRESH GEWERIES, fall of which “'1†be sold at the very lowest at the most reasonable prices. tlakt-s, llttus kc, he has just opened out a Fenclon Falls. Di-c‘r l'Jth, 15-3. i I‘WTAL‘EBOIISAWIN,“ . i..........r WHElDlllllllllllS --§§:i The Finest Flour â€"â€"rou-â€"â€" kept Constantly on hand ; also Rum Paper 8i Picture llamasQO-Vl‘s “RAN & sums. F Itirt lulny (ft: rds, A)“ Pull" lugs, (.‘h l'ununa. taken in exchange for goods. and I‘an‘ruvings. ,_ ‘ . _ , , an!“ The llllllt‘l‘s‘lglll‘tl “'1†do all in his AT LESS Tu“ CIT‘ PRICES. power to merit a continuance of the patron- age so liberally he Albums. .Plaques,. the past live years. Oil-Painted Window Shades. Mmor _Piutes. . . Fenclou Falls, June 12th, was. Seating-Machine Needles. ~ Artists’ Materials. . 1.: l > W A R 15 as" thither Block, Kent St. West. Lindsay, â€BL: (thltESl'l‘ABLISIt-ED {es ic fullv. ‘ 0 424m. I a ' w_ .v uoonwtv. IJI‘rery' Stable Am... ,_ 7 . -. _ ,I, ..‘ _ . .J, 1' . . Wanzer Serving Machines again ahead. .l‘lllll THE BRAND GOLD MEDAL; at the great Central Exhibition a: Hamilton in l88lt. liny tio other tit-fore you see the Warner, the t‘iimprit and licst. â€sly. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks -t‘or the lllit‘l'tll patronage bestowed on him during the past nine years. and begs to iti- form the public that they can obtain First t‘lass Horses anal Rigs. l any hour of the day or night, at his Moth i i 1.10,. Sale by .l. Austin; .Agent for the lies! iiiiikee of Organs. and gold (Iraq-for (“Hit or on the instalment plan." I at \'Lf'_l~' moderate charges. any desired point. The subscriber never had a stabloful of see MV sample Orgal‘l lln‘ttrr horses than M present. Come and . _ tr ' theta. before you buy any. I can stir! you in style. ) quality and pace. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE in ï¬rst rate companies at low rates â€- Muney to loan on New terms. J. .~\ l 'S'l‘lN.. Penelon Falls, Sm“: .‘Jud. 13.45. Fenclon Falls, Fch'y 24th, 1983. :‘il-t.f. â€ASKS. (NARI) ()lv‘ '1‘ "if t't†("1 . Lin hay. l'tictt; Stuâ€"llave the goodness to marry . M- H _. i. V to the [tremors of the ~ London Mutual' l’llll." JXI‘I'IVII 1hr ‘our thanks for their proriiptness in paying or our claims in full. arising from losses by ,tlzc recent l-usli fires: “Hal T ' Alexander t‘tnrkt, Ops. 55'7"» ‘ as James )tct‘nuhcy, Emily. Sum \ 1 I _ . ’ . Edit-art! Kerr. “ 6M at b 3' Melanin“ ‘l 3 Joseph Mct‘onncll, “ 5M 7 "‘t7 1 ‘ ) : )lalt‘tnrvr Wilson, Ops. 13%.“ X K \ Tans-sixteenth .. 59.; i ' ' . IEdwin l'r-nisc. Shrineâ€, 902 A\:~â€"â€"â€" l Thoma; Krlly. Emily, 450 .â€" . ,, V ; Martin Harrington. “ 795 MUSIC :1; \1 1201111 \I : Guy 5’4â€}, Vanilla. 55"! ‘ ‘ ‘ I V ‘ V‘ . C l‘: lirf‘. " 5?: c O {â€"â€" ' i, tau: Gostlin, Linton. 2t!» t : Hugh Barley. ~ to ome ne . Come All . . . “mm x... - ,5... and rnmzae goods before pin-tuning elses ; John t‘teynauih, Fem-loo. 530 .‘h‘"' Reliant \l \lvrnc. ('pi. 83¢) . "MEEBELI, . l‘ 5 \lrllkurgry. LAHJS‘I, to chafing" ran «w . - ri-i i J‘W†“3“â€? 095. 35’†,, “‘““ ‘" .4. 3 Rob! itcruim. .. to Kent-at... Ltutlsnyu John tinsel. "' 35' lam, October 37th, 1583 ‘ ham flow-rd. Yoruba, too I am agent for the i‘t 3th [a "l 7 q“: £336 lid/51133 ' Fonclou Falls, December 20th, 1883. A. B. M PR. 0 D U C I'- for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us during the 1101- '(filsll Paid for Butter [\1 Eggs. the usually low ï¬gures, as we are about taking stock and are stowed on him during . . those who have any ready money to expend we would say ,vâ€" JOHN MOFFAT. Just. com ‘ and see the bargains we can give you 1n Groceries, ()u Ii‘ruucis Sire-0t l'lust.i A W (‘omnierrial travellers and their lug-5 gage convrye-l safely and expeditiously to i E. R. EDWARDS. l 5- Cornell. Esq , .134!!! Lia inn Jlntuu! In 5 TGH’i‘ii‘STMAs Goons â€"â€"â€"ATâ€"-â€"- ' est lines of Fruits, Confectionery, General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockerv and Glassware, all bought in the best markets for cash, and which We are prepared to sell At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. 020 'We have lately received A consignment of ' 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins, 100 Boxes Valentia Raisins, 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins. 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza Currants, ï¬Barrels Eoliarn (torrents. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme FigS. 20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. [)0 not fail to call and examine The above goods must be disposed of at. once. before purchasing elsewhere. Our lines of “Fancy Crockery and Glassware. suitable for Christmas and New Year's Presents. cannot be excelled. Prices to suit the times. I A SI’ICCIAL LINE OF BEIILIN L‘EL'I.‘ J'SOOTS‘. I and a large assortment of Rubbers and OVChs'lIOCS. No lady should be without a pair of our high Felt-lined Boots. W A Carxload-of Salt. just received. market prices. lVICDOfl'GALL & BRANDON BROS. Fenelon Falls. November 23th. 1883. All kinds of Grain bought at lily/it's! GRMD BANKRUPl S COMBINATION STOCK. Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks of John St. Lawrence, Fouclon Falls, and George McDonald, of Oshawa. in the store lately occupied by JOHN St. LAWRENQE. Bargains in Dry Goods, Bargains .in Clothing, Bargains in Millinery. $69? The Whole Stock must be sold .at once. regardless of cost. ‘ The Sale will not continue longer than 60 days, so come at i M’Dougalléf Brandon Bros.“ As usual, we have on hand for the holiday season the choic-j as- p........, u... 3... van-e .. the Market-“195’- 1834. "Revolution the [hi limits» Trade. 1884. Eli.†T6†the "Man Who Thinks in the Matter of Clothing. Do mu like your new suit made so that it will improve your form and physique 9 _ . . Do you like your clothing cut with accuracy and precision in a scientiï¬c manner? Do You like your garments to ï¬t so that you feel comfortable, and ye. know that you have a perfect ï¬t? Do you like durable and handsome trimmings. wear equal to the cloth? . . Do you like to have your garments made by skilled artisans gud tiiiishrd with exquisite Lute? Do you like to have a large and well assorted stock to select from when buying your new unit 3 Is it any advantage to you to have one of the ï¬rm at the tin-ml of this department who is a practical cutter, and one who has a double interest in pleasing you! ls it any advantage to buy your clothing from A house that. turns its stock over four times a year? _ Is it any advantage to buy from a hour:- that duds largely In all foreign and domestic fabrics for math-men‘s clothing. GeiitlrinetLâ€"The City Merchant Tailoring House of Lindsay can guarantee you the above advantages. and also the advantage arm}- 1 .m-si prices to be found. anywhere consistent with gilt edge workmanship. Our new Scotch. lrish. English, French and Canadian (-‘lotlix, Tweeds. Suitings. Tronsrrings and Verttngs have arrived. and on exhibition. awaiting your selection. For beauty oftlesign, style, quality and appearance we have excelled all former seasons. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO 8: MARK. City 1)rapers and Clothiers, No. ‘2 lltrhsou‘s Block. 2nd door nest P. 0., Kent-St. Llnttiin). lThe White Elephant . To which we allude just new is not liarnutu‘s. but one that inte~ rests everybody, viz. Cotton Elephantâ€"white and grey cottons, The monulurttzreis have overshot the mark and allowed him to iniature too rapidly on their binds. and they tiud themselves l pinched for funds to supply him with fodder. Consequently i they are obliged to unload at any sacriï¬ce in an already over- ln other words. the manufacturer: liat'c been guaranteed to i stocked market. , too greedy for long protits,aud held their cottons until they could i hold out no longer. lleuce they are compelled to realize on their stocks at a tremendous loss: but it is an ill wind that blows no~ l l body good. The City Store. with its own and its custotners‘ into, i n-sts to look after. is always watching for opportunities of this l kind and ready to grasp the bargains when at their lowest ebb. l Hence our great success. In order to sell cheap we must buy l cheap. and the very fact of our doing a large llltstlltis is the best guarantee you can have that our prices are the lowest. It enaâ€" l bles us to buy large lines of goods that with a small business we could not look at. Hence our business places us in a position to i buy largely and sell our customers goods for less money thin X‘ suiall tlcali rs can buy the same goods wholesale. We are union: to double our present business. so that We can still buy cheaper and sell cheaper. Will you he one to give us your patronage and influence? Uur stock of White and tire) Uottous. is simply intâ€" l tucusc. We are selling away under any quotations \\ e have yet i seen at home or abroad. l t i l i l l . SOOTHERAN, CATHRO 8c MARK. City Dl‘ill)(‘l'I-j and C‘lothivrs, So. ‘3 notison's Blockslnd door west 1’. 0.. Kent-St" Lindsay. .MILLillER'Y. Mrs. KEELEY Hasjust received and opened up a largo 010â€"â€" Special Holiday and Christmas Announcement â€"-â€".\'r '1Ԡi:â€" ! _'. tram tun sens emeritus STORE- . . -â€"-=°:â€"-â€". . . NEW Goons, A complete, Uliaugc'iii l’r‘iccs that Will Astonish the. Commit-é “0mm“ iiity. $20,000 worth of Dry (loods, Clothing, llats. Caps and Furs. FANGY DRY 60003, ,_.â€"â€"â€"â€";(i:.____._ All our prices marked down. arid \\'t‘ are â€bound to make this sale interesting to all parties during the molt-tit (it lli-cctnhcr and tlic holiday season. lliir stock Is now fully assorted. and we can guarantee our patrons a big clloit‘c ot the ’ NEWEST AND TA$TEEST GOODS The following facts are for the careful consideration of cat'cltil buyers: so. A good suit of (‘ictits"l'ii-‘ â€"«nd-â€"â€" ALL KINDS OFWOOL, all of which will he sold at LESS THAN LINDSAY â€â€œ0158. A nice ‘lot of VALENTINES. llolidiiy‘l‘resents, such as.Dollit ofall aorta and sizes, Toys iii great variety, Toilet Sets, Vases, Fancy China-ware and various other articleSptoavhich the attention of intending purchasers ls rcspecrqu-yliuvitud. MRS. KEELEY. Fcncloti-Falls. Nov. 27th, 1883. 1 iii the market. ~â€".\ No. l Overcoat. usually sold for Sil or $13. for 5" ' ' dcrwcur, worth $l, for 7.3 cents. .~\ h‘g stock of Plain and Fancy Flaunt-ls. lrotn .15 c ls per yard upward. -\\'iiite lllanketstroui 5'3 5o upwards. Big; Bargains iii these Goods. A full stock of union and all-wool Grey'lllaukcts. 1? E23 1 Dirâ€"BIAI) l4] CLOCFIIING We have the goods you want, and they will'bc sold from Our stock of v. we are bound to clear out. '...i to (:0 per cent. cheaper than regular prices. Furs, in Seal, Persian Lamb 8:. Astrachan. is complete in (lcnts' and liatlics' Wear, Now is (Ill tap-v Io [mi], ('oim- and up our xGuiiilr. Ll)t'css (loods, Ulsterings. Coatingsâ€"we have something new in these goods that. every lady should see. (llovcs, Hosiery, “K nit Mitts. .l(id Gloves. and everything in our line for this season. ’ We have a, few good liltil‘tllOl-{llbcs left. 321‘)“ SPECIAL lllStJt.)U‘l\"l‘S TO LARGE .l’iUIYil-IRS. \Vli MEAN BUSINESS. PER CENT _ OFF . in case. The suhscriherhcgs most cor- Agents forllarpcr's Reliable llazaar Patterns. [T "J .‘Iiuriss Mr:1)(,).U.l.U..ii, if Palace Dry Goods ti; t‘lothln: llotutc. ‘ ‘Fenelon'lt‘alls, December 3rd, 1883. I Just“ anonwnn, once. Bring your Cash to this iGreat Sale, and you. will he sent at 'ay happy. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, . 31 an age 1'. 'DRY GOODS, dially to thank this customers a fresh supply of ' for the liberal supportliithcrto 0 GT S A N D S H 0 E s accorded'liiin;;-.a11(l.so.asto give its: cash buyers the beneï¬t. of do- iiiid scasondlilc 5 iiiigncash business, 'he “is now giving a discount of ten per cent. off regular prices. which will be sold My stoc‘k is Well assent-thus Cheaper Than Ever For Cash.- usual. New 'Millinery received and 1 Our Many Friends iday Season. \Ve will continue to sell during this month at determined to reduce it to the smallest possible point. To all who owe us we would respectfully say, please pay up; and to Crockery and China. We canâ€"and willâ€"sell cheaper than any other house in the trade. HENRY J. KEIGHLEY, KIEN'l‘ St... LII‘A' I)35ACY. New l-Iattiwate, Tinware and Stove Shop. 1 begr to ‘infoiun the people of Fenclon Falls. and the llii‘iiicrs of the surrounding country, that I have opened out in my new ' storeacomplete stock of 1ZEEILALRJZ'D W†ARE E in connection with my other business. and as every article is new and fresh, parties wanting anything: in that line will do. well to give me a call. I have a good assortment of 3 t PARLOUR AND COOK STOVES, i of the latest and most approved patterns, Lamps & Lamp Trimmings, in great variety, and Machine Oil and Goal Oil; of the best brands, all of which will be sold At Rock Bottom Prices For Cash. @ Cash paid for Skins and Wool Pickings. ’i , I sincerely thank my numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and solicit a continuance of the same in . my new business in the future. 1 JOSEPH HEARD, l Fenclou Falls, November 20th, 1883. icatiyt tlo ‘\lll|ttul Show and Bowl“: in charge ofanew ,Millintot. Agent for Tillie well known New York Bzwuir Bantams. i ' ‘l WM. CAMPBELL. l ’Fene'lon illTii'lhi,'Oot. let, 1 sex. (i. G. KEITH. Note! i At Dundas it Flatcile Bro ‘3 5011 um buy for cash NEW STORE. llEhW All. W981. TWEEDS, NEW GOODS usually sold 70c. to $1, for 45c. to (350. -â€"â€"â€"- - J. MCFA Rle l\ l) B I Iâ€"Aâ€" l <! K I i II I S rt'lltrnliltlflulllcerf‘llmnkï¬ltltl‘t‘ft'ttitlelttz-Itu Ft‘m'lon Falls and llhi‘l‘vl/Illlllyllflr‘llu‘lr iii. - . l ' I ‘ u) r-r as heavy as ordinary $0 goods lot $o It). t-ral patronage duringthc pant hl'Vt‘ll I‘t‘llr( and informs them that (the partnership he FLANNELS VEhY LOW. Those goods have recently been purchased by us at let-ts _ , 0c 'RIIES , Ion E. _ , opened a curt-fully u-li-cli-d stock of twrcu Mr. Mofl'at and himself having u- than the .cost of manufacture. BUNIAS 81. FLAVELLE 3805., l tloorit north of tlic.post-ofllce.-wlmru- he has Crockery and Stoneware and Kent Street, Lindsay, PROVISIONS, , which were bought on ntl‘t’flfllllgO'OUb'llHtlll, i and will be sold I l mm martin} FACT.é.iiiiiiil.iti..it§i.: iicdnced pritxcl, in ordorto tnakt; room [or i new goods. That in buying SHOES and BOOTS it is desirable to get ....... a... .w m: iEash laid it†Butler and Eggs ' ‘ - ' - " ' - S 1 il ioots it is itii it-ratch that. lhat in saluting: such ‘ hots tit l .1 and "mum"! WWW- \\ c;.-.‘ooktti_' and .‘liapi-ly. lloots. as :iiiu't-said. it is iuipera-l Citll at “Che New Stony†' at one: tlr mrwnst ant moi-t“ . . L ., - r- {and you will soon he Connor-rd that you 'cnnnnt buy chm-per or heltrr graurirl any m':(liâ€":(llâ€"_â€" thcv slioultl pron: l’tll'fllut" That. iti clioo.~'i:i;_r Mines and liveâ€"tn :t't lt-st «‘litli:tt-â€"to picli lll'lll our H'vt‘ t'otuplt It: in (Ill lltlua. That even the ioort-st ’ieo ll(‘ have more or less money and ; where in the villngr. I I atitl that said intuit-3'. let it belong to rich or JUHHI'H NtFAHl.A R1). . , .. . . 1. 'l g 'l'enelon Pllll, May lath, 1883. lit-1y. put-r, l'arnn-r or mechanic.cannot bi; " rttltlipt'tl tor footrgcar more Hilts actorty than at MAlild lll‘l'ï¬. That MAHI'llH-Z 1.....- hot-n in am Si...“ and Boot businesaéFAmRS, THRESHEBS, -t-r- and i- the pioneer in tarnishing much value in Leatb- AND MILL OWNERS, iiivuiiicrziiile and general" USE Mllllllll. llllllli Kl lilli's will clear cash by‘ Celebrated i i iii-r soiiir )‘t'al’râ€" at it'll cr for little tnoftt‘)’ of lanai-i} town. The above clauses form one solid. lv (YUNCl‘IlllCD FACT which buyers of Show; and Moots remembering. < L. MAGUIRE. Shoe 8:. Boot. Maker. llllllllll llllllllll llll, guaranteed the but in the (MM. i gar Will not gum or do, madamâ€, {or “to by Lindsay. .lunc l-ttli. 1:93. _'__.._._â€"_â€"-â€" W Subscribe for the "' Handle.†Only $1 a year if paidé You win"! {It-I reliable accounts of occurrences in‘ 10ml 1.. alias, â€out, I Yenelon Pulls, April tedious. {at}, in advance. this locality 111 any other paper.