'5'. SANDroriï¬' is now selling all articles in his line of business CHEAPER THAN EVER. ilaving put in all the machinery necessary to enable me tol do Work in the most economical manner, I am consequently in 11 position to sell cheaper than formerly. Note these prices: CUTI'ERS, '- ‘- - $25. MARKET SLEIGHS, - $30. WACGONS, - - - $60. BUGCIES, - - - $75. Having purchased a first-class machine, I can do All kinds of Planing 151' Moulding at reasonable prices. Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. Horse-Shoeing and Jobbing.r Specialty. Iam agent for the Sylvester machines. and also for the Bt'aittford machines. K} A large stock of the best Ploughs made 011 hand, and points for sale. L. O’CONNOR Manufacturer of First-Class Slow 1 ‘ _ t 1' 7 - l. 1 18,Buggios, ll agons, 111:. llavinv now con: 1111-11-11 'All 'the itnprorements required in his new premises formerly ~_-‘â€".-â€"I-O* " “own" 4 F1111ndry,"111-xtto C tn .4 hoicl, c'orn r of \\ illinm and 1111551 11.41 treets, has 1'11- 1:: litieo for 11- cutin’K 11.11 work in the «bow- (im- 5 11111111 cannot be 1-,xcelled 111- rupectfully solicits 11 c1111 from those r- quiriur' anything to his line, and 1will be 1111111 t11<how 1111-111 111'- r his n1-11-C111111_1g1-11111l “hwy-111 Mums. 1.. â€'34 onaor htlng the oldest pr::111i1.'- :11 man in this section of the country, is enabled to guarantee 11 First-1111153 Job in 11111'd1-p11rt1111:111, and c1'cr1' article turned out will he w.11rr1nt1-1la.-1..1611- r3 pi: 1-1- 111 work in this 1141111111411mr1ui done 113' hand. and iar surfe'rit'ï¬'. "1111' is 1rr-‘ 1111111111 11g“! 111 that d --111 in fuctorh sâ€"u T1131 proved at the South \' ictoria Exhibition. “her 1 r1--c i1'~- 11 [1: rue tir4't pril.1.41 although 1 did not get 11p n13'11'ork for prize exhibi4 lion 111111 11113' 11111iu1-1l for me 41111 4 111111 oro’t r.4 quite 11111- MW" 1111 and ttnpr'.eculeuted in)†.\11 ltcputrs done (3 111:11pl3' and l’romutl1'.4\ (‘1.- w set-111111 hand I'Bttgrries for sale. I). ()’C()N'N'()R. FARM FOP1 SALE. l1i11114a1'. .\‘ urcmher 1111. 18411 Gilbert Anderson takes this opportunity 11f thanking 115511114 merons customers and the public in general lh‘ in the 2nd concession 311' the. townsh' 'p , of So ‘ 1 1 "10 . for the ltln-rul patronage thcv have bestow- an r â€â€˜0' contui 1111;: acres, about - 1W 11f 11111111 are cltared and fenced. On “l on him during ll"! In»! lW†mouths “WI 11111: turm 1111 re are a 11} story cedar lug begs to announce that he 1111.4 added to 11141 house. 111‘) x 2." 1 f(-.et with kitche -11. two frame former stock a line of §,l1arns each 5!) x3!†feet 11 stable l'or eight 11111111111 1. 11111111; 8111113 -~- - 1 llarge p11ultr1 houset 111311.11 n1-1'1-r4htiling 'l‘ IN“';XIRI'.. 1K0" ‘spring creek and three wells and a two- not to be surpassed, and at prices that will , ere orchard cuntaitiiugt' .1'11 hundred apple trees. about halfol' 11111111 are 111 armg compare 1.11'11ur11hly with thoee of other- dcnlers. Atttntion 14 called to Apply on the pm 11 1.415 to THE " BERTRAM †AXE Clllllhl‘OT‘llER FELL. which has given entire satiafuction to pur- Who 0111 Stand. chnsirs for the past three years, “llluck‘ Prince" and other nx1-s.unsurpa.450d 111" RAEKE‘ :R g any. either in price or quali'v. Disston,1 ‘1‘!) 1 "" A â€". Maple [.1.-afau11 other I 1 (it'oss-Cut: Sn'wsz. Files, 1km. nlli lloilcd and raw one-man Sun's, "and Sawl. by the best 1nnuulaeturer4. Linseed Oil. Lubricating and Goal 011., lubhcr .4: 11311134111312 aginc l’ aching, ltaliau Hemp, llclting and Brass Fittings, Paints. Oils and Putty. ALI. CLASSES or llaaowann l at the mint reasonable prices. Fenclon Falls Dec'r 12111, 18‘3. JOHN MOFh‘A T begs to inform his customers and the pub- lic that. while carrying on the Baking busi- ness as 11511111 and turning out 1111in Choice Bread, llCuktgs lluns 1'10 he has just opened out a nice stock of FRESH GRDGERIES, all of which will he sold at the very lowest llring proï¬t. ,The Finest Flour ; kcp t constantly on hand; also 111111111 Paper 81 Picture 11am83110"~"1\1‘ 1111 1.41 & SHORTS F A R M P R O D U G I: taken in exchange for goods, and (lush Paid for Butter & Eggs. lingrnvlngn. . .. TI 1 , 1 '11 1 ll , l‘ ‘ , . mg“ 11‘ 11111crstgnet wt 11) 11 111 Its AT LESS Tu“ CIT‘ PRICES. power-to merit 11 continuance of the patron- 1:11:13 so lillt'r:tll\' lic‘tuwed on him dttl'itt Albums. Plaques. ' a g . _ the past ï¬ve years. Otl-Patnted Window Shades. JOHN MOFFAT. Mirror Plum. E Fenclon Falls. June 12111, 19113. l'i-l1'. Sewing-Machine Needles. ' .- --.-.h_._._ .- ._ .Artists’ Materials. 3111111" lllock. Kent St. W181, 11ind4' 4113' Out. l 12-11261“!er 111'. 1 1111111111112Li‘ OI'V' Stable Wanzer 89111115. 3 Machines again ahead. lllJN THE GRAND Glllll M11111 at the great Ventral Exhibition at "am lion! in 18"! 11113' no other helire 3'11115ec the \\':111z1- r the t' l1e:1p1-4t and 111241 For Sale 113'1I. Audion agent for the but nukes of tlrg1n4.nnd said Mn :31 I'ar (uh or on the instalm- nt pl .111. j, WW. A. GOODWIN, l â€H1 Elli-011111111131â€... -V‘011â€"â€"4 IBIX't h (1113' (111111141, ()1! I’ulnt tugs, (Flu-(nuns. lo I) \‘VAL 1:1); ’ 111111 1-1.4"1' .11111 1.47111. 11 , The subscriber returns his sincere thanks {for the 11111 mi patronage bestowed on him 11luriugthe p141 ni111-3'1-ar.4.an11 begs to in- : form the public that they can obtain IFirst (lass Horses and ltigs. any hour 111 the 11-11;. or night at his 6 Jill» l()u 1"r1uu1-i1-t Hit-01W I-‘ ï¬rst. nt r1r1modemte charges W (‘1 nut-.11- rc 'al trun- llen 111d their 1119'. 11113 desirul point. he 411t141'ril1--r nercr had a stab! eful of see Mv sample organ. '1. t 1- homes than at present. Come and 1r1' 111cm. the-tore you bu3 any. 1 cm 111.1311u111tt3'le 1 quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE:â€" in hrs! rate companies at low rates. E. R. EDWARDS. Fcuelon Falls. Feb'y Nth ltlflf‘. 3114f. NARI) 011‘ 'l‘ll.\.\'l\'S. w- Money to loan on euy tern“. .T.\T'S'1‘IN. 18:31, ‘3, Comeil, Esq ‘ Aye»! 1.4114011 Jlutual Ill runner ('>1 . Lowboy. , D: 11': Simâ€"line the goodness to conrey '1111111' Direcion of the " London Mutual‘ .‘enelon Falls. .\'-11 r 2:111! l )3lil.‘ stl'l‘l‘ 111s '11'1r thanks for 1111.1r promptncss in pa3ing' 1nur chums in 1.â€. swing from losses by. cf ’11:» 11.211111111115141: Alexander t‘ar'nc. 0pc. 53161; 6“ ans: James \lcthhey. ï¬rmly, 91‘") Edvard Kerr. " 6110 £11" ‘\' Methcrclls 1 Joseph \Ict' until. 11 59" l Matthew \\‘i'411:.. 1011‘, 915 BOOK STORE ~ ' ‘ 1 E-lwéu l‘ruuw. Mariners, 9-72 . 1411 ; T111111“ 11111.1. 1:11.111, 15-1 v ’1 ‘1 ‘ i, ) V { M‘rti't Harrington, " TBS ' » ' It '1 . V l . 55†111.1411. L111 01111.11. 14.13;; 41-1- 14.14: (111111111, Luv ' 215 I a T! E Hugh Pub-3', " 5) Game One Cam A11 11111-1141 11...:1» ,1an cumin: zoo-ls before purchasing else-g John 1'hey1nuth. Pension. 53-1 “lotâ€. . film-om] anonp, (trig 83') ‘ P B .‘lcllhnrger. Lindsar. 4" 1 1 l .. . ' e a METHEBELL. . _ 111.11.11...1111~1 3,, arr-urn 3'11: [.1.-1-": cut ‘0'. ’ Rcb': \lci‘ec'na .. 7.4 Iiuut-St“ Lindsay. .1111... X 148.1. '- .11 1 {12911111133nc'111'1-e.‘ ‘.‘.'t‘t. 1"“ 1.171;. thorn-i, ‘-'1'.'.':."', 4"" For sale on easy t1-rn14'. price $4.000, Hot: 1.111131311131111. gag-- com- ye-l 4111'1'1y 111111 expeditiously to, cnatsrwms 0003' â€"â€"ATâ€"â€" lM’Dougall &__ Brandon Bros} As usual we have on hand for the holiday season the choic-i est lines 01 Fruits. Confectionery. General Gioeeties, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glas41111re. all bought 111 the best markets; for citsh, and 11 inch 110 are prepared to sell 1 At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. ‘1 e have lately received a consignment of ‘0] The 11111111 Elephant To which we allude just new is notB.1rnum s. but one that int~ rests ererybody, Viz. Cotton Elephantâ€"white and grey cottons. The manulacturers hare orershot the mark and allowed him to mature too rapidly on their hands. and they ï¬nd themselves pinched for funds to supply him with fodder. Consequently they are obliged to unload at any sacriï¬ce in an already over- stocked market. 111 other wcrds. the manufacturers have been ,too greedy for long proï¬ts. and held their cottons until they could hold out no longer. Hence they are compel'ed to realize on their stock4 at a tremendous loss: but it is an ill wind that blows no- lbody good. The City Store with its own and it4 customers intr- rest4' to look after. is always watching {'11- opportunities of this i kind and ready to grits p the bargains when at their lowest chh. Hence our great sures-.44. In order to sell cheap we must buy cheap, and the very fact of our doing 11 large busimss is the best guarantee you can have that our prices are the lowest. lt ena- bles us to buy large lines ot' goods that with a small business we could not look at. Hence our busines4' places us in a position to buy largely and sell our customers goods for less money than 4'mall 1t1~a11rs can buy the same goods whole-tale. We are anxiou4 to double our present busine4's. so that we can still buy cheaper and sell cheaper. Will you he one to give as yottr patronage and influence? Our stock of White and Grey'Uottous is simply im- mense. \\'e are selling away under any quotations we have yet seen at home or abroad. 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins. 100 Boxes Valentia Raisins. 50 Half BoXes Selected Raisins. 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza. Currants, 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme Figs. 20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. The a'bore goods must be disposed of at once. Do not. fail to call and examine before purchasing: elsewhere. RE' Positively the Best Value in the Market. (23$: Our lines of Fancy Crockery and Glassware. suitable for Chri4tmas and New Y'car s Presents cannot be excelled. 1’11ch (0 4111'! the times. A SPECIgllL ILINE OF BICIRLIN FELT BOOTS.“ No lady should be without SDOTHERAN, CATHRO 81. MARK. City Draper's and Clothiers. .\'o.' . Dobson s Block 21111 door west 1’. 0.. Kent- St.. Llnttsnr and a large assortment of Rubbers and Over-shoes. a pair of our high Felt- lined Boots. 38" A Car-load of Salt 'just received. m'urkel prices. .MCDOUGALL & BRA\ DO\ BROS. slim 1“"‘1‘111111111 Sltil. COMBINATION STOCK. u»â€" .4'il kinds of Grut'u Lough! It! highest 1 Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks 1118, 1 of John St. Lawrence, l'lcnelou Falls,' and 1G1 e'orge McDonald, of Oshawa. €111 -thexstore lately occupied by {T OER? St. LAWRENOE. Bargains in Dry Goods, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Millinery. 11:4} The Whole Stock must be sold "at once. regardless of cost. The Sale will not continue longer than 60 days, so 'comezat'l once. Bringr your Cash to this Great Sale, :111113'ou will bel , sent away happy. JOHN St. Lawrence, collection. .a fresh supply of core Fenelon Falls, December 20th,1883. ,7“ . /g____..:.01.__:l and seasouable W E THAIVK DRY GOODS: â€- v ~~4 , which 11111 be. sold IPUy 117‘ KElC’HLEYS Z, ll' 15 the Cheat“ til}: ' - ' llllote! Our Many Friends 311911101,an puv for the very liberal patiouae'e bestowed on us during the 1101- 'th iday Season. “’0 will continue to 4011 during thiso month at the 11811111111 low ligure4'11.4 we :11' about taking stock and are determined to teducc ii to the. smallest pos4'ihle point. '10 all who one 11.4 we 111111111 respectful-l3 «1113', please pay up; and to those who have any reuly money to expend we would say, -â€" Inst come and see the bargains we can give you in Groceries. C'tocker3 and China. “er canâ€"and “illâ€"sell cheaper 1111111 any other house in the trade. HENRY 1T. KEIGHLEY, Iil'lN'l‘ Stu IAI-N])S.Axlj.. New 1121111111110 T 11111 1116 and St love Shop. I I beg.' to inform the people of Fetielon F:1ll.4. and the farmers 1 of the surroundin;r couutt 3' th 1t l have opened out in 1113' new stoic a complete stock oi ‘HARDWARE in connection with my other 11.1-11.4 i11e.4'.4'. and as every article is new and lres’h parties wantingY an3thingr in that line will do, 11 ell to 1.3110 me a tall. 1 have a good assortment of PARLOUR AND COOK STOVES, of the latest. and most approved patterns, Lamps & Lamp Trimmings, .in great variety. and :Machine Oil and Goal Oil oi the best hr.11111.4. all ol 11 htch will be sold At Rock Bottom Prices For Cash. 93} Cash p 1111 for Skins and \\ ool Pickiugs l .41111'ere11 thank 1113' 1111n11'1'11114 customcr4 tor th1 liberal p 1trona"e in the “11.41. 111111 Solicit a continu: 11101: ol the same in n13 11e1trl'1ttsi11ess in the future. ' _JO1‘3E1I’H HT: ARD R; you can buy fore than the cost of manufacture. '02.‘.â€"-O 1 l l l That in buying SHOES lthem Cheap. \1 at Fitting and Ntbstauti. 11. 1111-1' tumult prnvc 11111.111'1- 11 1:11 lookin': and 51111111112 tiUIâ€"tfl 1:111 111.41 chuceâ€"w pick from our stock at one complete. in all lines. can '1. «in without Shot-4 and Bonu- . nor, farmer or mechanic, cannot. be"swappc"11 than at M A Gl'l lU'I'I. or for little money of Lindmy town. rememberiu". «'3 $1111.41" ribc tor the " (1. 1'/.1‘.-tt1:. in advanm'. thin lmnlity 111 any 0th†paper. " ()nlyS ' ', ' ' ..- S ' fl. ' Fcnelou R111, Son-m†‘[ 0 the Ho 0 1n 4 All Notes and Accounts due 'f not settled by the 20th of Mare]1,will be handed over for JARVIS & M’DOUGALL trus'r RECEIVED, SHOES Cheapo: T112111 Eve: F01 Cash. G. G. KEITH. At Dundas (it Flavollo Bros." ï¬lINDAS 81. FLAVELLE 81103., Kent Street, Lindsay. fl FULLY CUNCEDED FRET. and BOOTS it 1.4. desirable to get That 111 11 e It‘ll)" such Shoes and Boots it is: imperative that. That 01' en the poorest people have. more or less money andi ' and that 1Hui-l money let. it. below,- to rich mi for foot- gear more satiâ€"fncmrily That .\I.-\Gl- IRE has been in the Shoe. and Boot business for some yearsâ€"- at leawâ€" and i- the pioneer in lurnishinn much value. In heath l 1 'Ihe above clauses form one solid. 1in'1'111nr-rable and general- '1" (.‘tl.\l‘1'.lll' l) FACT which buyen of Shoes and Boot: will clear cub biy , L. MAGUIRE. ' . iShoe 81. Boot Maker 1 a year il'paid' \1111 can 1. get reliable accounts 01 11012urrences in ‘To the Man Who Thinks in the Matter of Clothing. Do ran like your new suit made no that it will improve your form and phuiquc. Do you like your clothing cut with accuracy and precision in a scientiï¬c manner? Do you like your garments to fit so that you fool comtortnhlc. and yet know that you have a perfect til. Do you like durable 11nd handsome trimminga. guaranteed to wear equal to Ihe cloth? [)0 you 11111: to bare your garments made by skilled artisan- nnd 11111111111 with exquisite taste. Do run like to ban: In large and well assorted stock to select from vi'hen buying 1uur new suit. " 1.4 it any adrontuige to you to have one of the ï¬rm at the head of this department who is a practical cutter. and one who has a double interest in pleasing_ \'ou " is it any advantage to buy vour clothing from a house that turns its siock over four times 11 rear 1 is it anv advantage to buy {ruin a house that deals largely in all foreign and domestic fabrics for gentlemen .4 clothing. Gentlemen,â€"’l‘be l."1ty.\lerct1a.1t tailoring Home of Lindsay can guarantee 11111 the above advantages. and also the advantage of the lowct-t prices to be found anywhere consistent with gilt edge workmanship. Uur new Scotch, Irish, English French and Canadian Cloths, Tweedtt, Suitings Trouserings and \ ctltingl hare nrrirrd.1\ud on exhibition. awaiting rour selection. For beauty of destpn style, quality and appearance we have excelled all former seasons. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO 8: MARK. City Draper‘s and Clothiers. No. '2 Dobson‘s Block, 2nd door West 1’. 0.. Kent-St. Llndsay 'MILLINERY Mrs. KEELEY Ilasjust received and opened up a large stock of NEW GOODS, including lFANGY DRY (100118, 4â€"an1lâ€" ALL KINDS OF WOOL, all of which will he sold at LESS THAN LINDSAY PRICES. A nice lot of Holiday Presents, 1 such as Dolls of all sorts and sizes, Toys in great writ-'13. Toilet Sets, Vases, Fancy China-ware 111111 various other articles, to which the attention of intending purchasers ls respectfully invited. 'MRS. KEELEY Fcnelon Falls. Nor. 27111, 11-183 10 PER CENT roe. cast The subscriber begs most. cor- dially to thank his customers !for the liberal support hitherto accorded him ; and so as to give cash buyers the benefit. of do- iuga cash 1.1ttsi11css, he is now giving a discount of ton per cent. 1111' regular prices. Mystock is Well assorted, as usual. New Millinery received and in charge. of-a 'new Mill‘iner. Agent for the well known New York Bazaar Patterns. WM. CAMPBELL. Fenclon I'alls,Uct. 1st,1883. NEW STORE. REAW All. W931. TWEERR. NEW GOODS usually sold 700. to RI, lor-l 131:. to (350. BLANKETS 11.4 heavy as ordinary $0 goods for 55.1 75. FLANNELS VERY LOW. These goods have recently been pnnchased by us at less .I. 31131111111111.) D returnsrhis sincere thanks in the residents or Fem-11111 1"11111111111 its vicinity for their lib crul patronage during the pant 1111-111 yearn 1111111 informs 1111 m that (1111 parlm rahip 1m t‘wun Mr. Mollut 111111 hitum-l! having ex- pir1u) be 111111 rommt new 11 1111111111 n-u two ldoors north of 1111-. pw-t ollic1-.11h111 111: hal :opuntl 111-11r12f1111y 11211-1'1111111111'11111' GROCEREES, Cruckl- r3 and Stoneware and PROVISI ON 1‘3 1 which were 11011 ght on mlrautngcoul tcrmo, 11.1111 11111 lw sold lll llll CHllP 11111 1111 Th! r1111 sir r11 111119111 I'.’ Paw-ll of at 1’" atly l n-ducul pram-11, in unit r to make room for nrvw gooda Cash P11111101 81111111 and Eggs and other farm product: That in choosing Shoes and Boots, as aforesaid. it is irnpera- ( all at. UK, \vcxv SLOTC 1-, the iar;_'1.-_'t and 11111111 'nml run will soon be conï¬rmed that you ' cannot b111'1l1vapo-r m' ‘lmtttr groceriu on}- uhcrc in the rill-gr. 1105131“)! llrJ’AllLAN’D. 13111101111111.1111 lblb teas. 13-1,. in... 11111111112 THRESHERS. AND Sill. L 03'sz USE Mclllll 1111118. 111 CD’S Celebrated 1111111111 1111111111 111, guaranteed the but in the Ina/(IL H“ "'1'†not 911»: or clog marking, For role by 101131 A. ELLIS, l Grocer. 1 Permian r1111. 1111111 151111, 11.1113. 9.131. . 1 u .111' 4 . ..,., . . ‘_ , ..1W5§a «on. .:. ' qr .