r. SANDEORD†has a large stock of WAGG 0N8 AND BUGGIES on hand, all guaranteed to be ï¬rst class, which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. Be sure and see his stock of PLOVVS AND HARROVVS. ‘e.<vâ€"-.___ Farmers req‘uiririg'n‘hurrow will do well to inspect his Spring. Tooth Barrows, which are just the thing for rough land. He also keeps the following farm machines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, _ SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to be undersold by any one. w- All kinds of pLANTNO done at short notice. â€Various patterns of Mount)- xxon kept on hand. and sold at the Iowa: pricrs. Honsz-Snomso and Jonntso a specialty. All REP/HRS done in a first-class manner and on short notice. Some cheap second-hand BUGGIES for rule. He returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage hemmed on him during the past 14 years, and will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. L. O’CONNOR, Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, (it). Having now completed all the imprrn’emnts required in his new premises, iorme‘rly “Nowry's Foundry," next to Carr‘s hotel, corner of William and Russells tree-ts, has fit- cilities for eventing all work in the ubovc lines which cannot be eXCellL-d. He respectfully solicits a call from those requiring anything in his Line, and will be [lad to show them ovvr his new Cnrriuge and Waggon Shops. L. O'Connor, being the oldest practical 1mm in His section of the country, is enn‘b'led to guarantee a Fir“.\,‘lm Job in any department, and every article turned out will be warranted as A. l. | Every piece of work in this esmblishment I: done by heard. and ï¬r superior, us is "c- knuwlcdged, to that dune in factoriesâ€"u fict proved at Nye South Victoria Exhibition. where l reoriw-d thru- tirst prises, ulthough i did not get up my work for prize exhibi- tlon, nnd they whinint'tl for me sales and orders quite unexpected and unprecedented. ߠAll ttcputrs done Cheaply and Protnptly. A few second-hand Buggies for sale. L. O’CONNOR. Lindsey, November hit, 1883. G. Anderson’s, Next. to the “ Simpson Home,“ rENELON mums, is the plsce to get value for your money in Nails, ‘ FARM FOR SALE. For sale on easy terms, price $4,000, Lot is in the 2nd concession of the townshp of Snmerville. containing 200 acres, about 100 of which are cleared and fenced. On the fnrm there are a l} story cedar log house, 35 x 25 feet, with kitchi-n,two frame ,hnrns, each 50 x 30 feet, a stable for eight ‘ltorscs, a roomy driving shed and 3a. very large poultry house; also, a. uever-lniling spring creek and three wells, and a two- Patnts, if.’f.f’£%'32.'.dh7§i?ï¬lliiciiiehlllféldgf‘""'° Oils Apply on the premises to 1 CllillSTOPllER FELL. Glass, rmj Puttr 1116 Old Stand -â€"undâ€" - ' nunumt nnnnn BAKEâ€"gay of all kinds in his. line. ‘AANIjâ€" Carpenters’ Tools, Pure Manilla Rune, Hemp Plough Lines, Spades 8L Shovels, JOHN M OFFAT hugs to inform his customers and the pub- lic that. while carrying on the [linking busi- Garden Rakes, new as usual. and turning out dnily 85 F ‘k , ' ' ,anrl â€Rte: ixsually'clttpt i? u ï¬rst-class ChOlce Bread, flnutxnr-crbloru,.at Cukcs Buns kc he has just opened out. a hitnih‘dl cannnibe undersnld. ' _____n e._~..mw-‘ FRESH GROCERIES, w. A. GOODWIN, all of which WI“ bcgsold 2: the very lowest 38‘ 119! no â€'0 . w lllillllllllllillg “*3; The Finest Flour â€""°“â€" kept constantly on hand; also me'l’apu Hume hames.;~0A'Ps, .13in & SHORTS. taken in cxchungc'for goods, and Cash Paid ï¬n Butter '& Eggs: Chroma". .5; l . l‘ln ruvlu rs . g L , l W ‘l‘he undersigned will do all ,iu1his: AT LESS THAN CITY PRICESflMverm moritwwmiuncewicheuwon-f ingc so liberally bestowed on him durin l Albums. Plaqum. g ‘ . the past ï¬ve years. Oil-Painted Window Shadea JOHN IOFFAT. llirror Plates. Fcnelon Falls, June l2th, [883. Hvly. Sewing-Machine Needles, _____.______._.__T_____‘__ Artists’ Materials. E 1 ) ‘V A R I) B" Biker Block, Kent St. “'ctlt, Lindsay, Ont. OLD-ESTA lililSIlED Respectfully, K â€.‘m. “._ -’l;‘l00ml'm_‘t LiVTery ' Stable. ___._.--_...-.. E .__ ‘ l I Wanzer Sewing Machines again ahead. Ills-thduy Card’s, pl] Paintings. ; The subscriber returns his sincere thanks i for the lihcml pn‘lronnge bestowed on him lduring the past ninpyeurs, and begs to in- in THE nun nn MEDAll “:21“eï¬nb‘iiï¬iggt’fgn‘ï¬it. ,atthe great Central Exhibition at Hamilton - ‘ .l“ â€83. Buy no on)" “do†."““ s" the! any hour of the )day or night, at his stable Wlnsrr. the cheapest and But, ‘01: Francisfhflrcct East. for Sale by J. xXUStln. at very moderate charges. 38" Commercial travellers and their lug- conv- veil sat‘elv and expeditiously to it.“ or the but nukes of Organs, and , 8"" . - - - )"atd crisp/pr cult ur on the instalment plan. , "’â€" ‘lu‘ml point. ' The subscriber never hnd a stableful of . see MY Sample Organ ghettcr horses than at present. Come and before you buy any. lean suit you in style, i try them. . 3' R EDWARDS. quality “It! price. i Pent-ion Falls, Feb’y 31$“), 1883. Ell-H“. fut: nun LIFE Insurance; . ‘ECARD OF THANKS. # )lonqto loan on easy terms. . . , . J. .\l'.-s'I‘,lN.£s‘ “mwvg‘ub-‘fr 1'9““ 1"“! 1" ï¬g!lpp,l'plls.,\'orr 22nd, mu. 5 ""“m '°" " “" ‘ l Dan Simâ€"Have the goodness» convey ltn the Directors of the -' London Hntual' iour thanks for .their promptneas in paying 2our claim: in full, Arising .(ront losses by 'the recent bush ï¬res: â€"oyâ€"â€" l Alt-under cum. 0;». 3w H s As Goons; anav-a XeGabey, Emily, 900 “ ' . ’ Edward Kerr. “ 600 “'9' A' erhanlls ‘ Joseph McConnell, “ 590 r . h , ! “unlit" “‘ilsog, ' ' 915 BOOK S 1‘ ORE; 3- §SZ?:$E.‘§£?" 0"" 5" . _‘ ‘ l hi-tnss ' y. MUSIC nuromuntl t l in ï¬rst rate companies at low nies._ ' Daily Arrivals Emily, 450 tl Marlpoaa, 902 llama HAIï¬BflOI. 795 Guy Realty, Yeruta'at, 550 C. E Tiers, “ 371 _ 1 Ian-c Gmttin, Luxtr‘ 1;: Hugh Kelley, “ 1Com One l Come All l. l hm", hm . m pd exam (0041 before puma: else.- John curious. Fear-ion, m . .3 ’50.. . ‘ Sdnrd Halon. Ups. ‘3: : [m P B. )lellb , Linda; ‘ 5 . 03.5- w. , l cums. l John Wino?! Ops. ' no I I 0 Qt?" ï¬t“; «w; .l mi‘gghm‘a.m' . â€i .:o l .1 :: -- 'n" W " [xi-433'. M: can. tern. ‘Jagu Renard. - Vésukne, 100 GR‘EERY. Fenclou Falls, December 20th, 1883‘.“ *3- "I' A RM P R O D U C E for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us during the H01? | idtty Season. the usually low ï¬gures, as we are about tulning stock and are determined to :reduce it to the smallest possible po‘intt. illoalil CHRISTMAS GOODS City Dry Goods it Tailoring Ilonse,LindSay{_ â€"â€"â€"ATâ€"â€" , M’Dou all & Brandon Bros ’ LADIES. , GENTLEMEN. 3 ’ ' C Your attention, if you please. How about your new dress Examine yourselves carefully. Do you want a new Suit â€"â€"â€"0-â€"-â€"-0--â€"-' 3 for spring? 3‘" 1°“ decided "h“ 5'0“ Full. how 5°“ for spring, or an Overcoat, Underwat, Pants nr Vest. and will have it made, and where you will make your purchase? The City Store begs to apprise you‘of the fact that. they have come daisy Dress Msterial in all the latest novelties, which they solicit you to scrutinise before you decide. Ask to see our SILK PONGEES, Those goods are all the use in New York. and we are the only house showing them in Lindsey. We keep trimmings and buttons to match all dress goods. Our Colored Silks challenge the Dominion. The price begins at 35c.; ususl price elsewhere 500. Black Silks in Bonnets and Ponnous; are the only silks guaran- teed not to cut. or get. glouy. consequently the best value in the trade. Our prices are fsr below any quotations we have yet seen. House cleaning tinie is at hand. We have the largest stock of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Unions and Humps. Floor Oil Clarita in English, Canadian sud Amer» an. Prices the lowest, ' SOOTHERAN, GATHRO a; MARK, CITY DRAPERS ANB CLOTHIEBS, No. 2 Dobson’s Block. - - 2 Doors West of the Post Chloe, , , Kent. Street. Lindsay int. xinltguinttuu. lllll. FRESH NOVELTIES are arriving daily at the 3“ Pinter: Dav Goonstz CLorama Houss," We sre now receiving the one that will ï¬t you s: perfectly as the bark on a tree and. cut in the latest London or New York styles, made by skills ed artisans sud trimmed with the most durublo trimmings? Do you grasp the question, gentlemen ? If you do; nnd de- cide in the aï¬rmative, buster: yourself to the City Tailor iug House sad we will serve you with pmmptitude and co- lerity. OfJnediuu; and ï¬ne clothing we have so imrpcnso stock to select from. and our prices are very reasonable, which you will conï¬rm on examination. We ask your fit- vourable ponsideratiou, and invite you to come nnd inter- view us. Spring stock is now nil in the store. Men, youths and boys. we also keep Clothing Randy-made to ï¬t you all. Hats sud Caps, Gents’ Furnishings, Shirts, Collars, Tics, blocks, Umbrellas, Rubber Costs, &c., &c. As usual, we have on hand for the holiday'season the choic- est lines of Fruits, Confectionery, General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, all bought in tbe‘best markets for cash, and which we are prepared tosell- At a. Very Small Advancggnflost. 020 We have lately received a consignment of' 5'» 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins, l 100 Boxes Valentin Raisins. . > 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins, 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza Currants, 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Fig-s. - 100 Boxes Eleme Figs. , 1 2D Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. The above goods must be disposed of at. oncé. Do not fsil to céll and examine before purchasing elsewhere. _ ‘ we? Positively the Best Value in the flarket. @81 Our lines of Fancy Crockery and Glassware, suitable fnriChi-istmas and New Year's Presents. cannot be excelled. Prices to suit the time.“ . - ' A SPECIAL LINE OF.BERLIN FEET BOOTS. and a large assortment of Rubbers and Over-shoes. No lady should be without a pair of our high Felt-lined Boots. 363‘ A Car-load of Salt just received. All kinds of Grainplpught at highest market prices. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON BROS. mnnirnv. Mrs. KEELEY fissjost received and opened up ll large stock of NEW GOODS, 3 i * M T ELEGANT LINES ornntss 60008, GRAN D BA N KR†PT STD CKI andgflmtest novelties to Buttons and Trimmings to be found in the Montreal. [AHOY I151 Goons’ COMBINATION STOCK. Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks 'of John St. Lawrence, Fenelon Falls, and George McDonald, of Oshawa. in the store lately occupied by JOHN St. LAWRENCE. Bargains in Dry Goods, Bargains in Clothing, ' Bargains in Millinery... rte? The Whole Stock must be sold at once. regardiess of cost. The Sale will not continue limger {0112111160 days, so come .at once. Bring your Cash to this Great .Sale, and you will be sent away happy. . JOHN St. LAWRENCE, BOOTS Blanager. Patterns! Patterns 1 3â€"31â€"â€" A full assortment of McCall’s Bazaar gloveâ€" and Toronto markets. Our stoc‘k oi" STAPLES t5»: HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KlNBS OF- WOOL, . is “us"lpl‘ssed' I“ in} .ofyvhich ,will be sold at PRINTS CRETONNES, &C , LESS Tim LINDSAY PRICES. _ , - x 9 ' - , ,6 men lot of h hChot' Pu dï¬nNI (Gdstbf d'ntheabovc . w. l . mt â€$123333. 13.....i‘iiimii..g.f . ‘ Holiday Presents, 'a ' wot: J) lls ,i' all n s and sizes, 'l‘uys i Hats, Caps 3‘ ReadY'Made Cloth-mg Enzï¬xrrl:ts.§’.“::.'§:,i§°134...};‘izitdtii‘rti we lead the may. .0! TWEE US we thaws ache largest .aud beat .ussorttneut we ever†gigggc'frmï¬'mmgll‘m‘dl'lg l’““'l“'5°†had the pleasure of oï¬'eriuu .ourcustomers. F l ' ‘ ' . LMRS. BEELEY NEW GOEOBS IN EVERY WARM“:- ene‘ on 'F'n'l'ls bot-21th, 1883 ____~ Before making your purchases give us a call, and we will with pleasure showï¬-yuu our goods, whetherfyuu .wjah .to purchase or not. JARVIS & MCDOUGALL. Fenelon ‘Fa’lls, April ’1'0t‘h, ‘l‘884. JUST RECEIVED, :a fresh supply of _ and .sessotwble " ' , "<er TH ‘ ' DRY GOODS fï¬Wg WW 1 . AN ' I which Wm be so“ 7 1 on hand, and will be i i - . ‘ ‘ ' 3 - sent by mail post paid * Cheaper - ., inn N61“ For Cash. - , 3 G G :KEITH fOfl receipt of price, by ‘~. 0 . ‘ a I ‘ , n W m. Campbell. , Fenelon Falls, April 4111, 1884. Natal . . , ,________.. - At Dundns it Flnvelle Bros. NEW STORE. ' NEW @003. .J. Mcfliuhnn) returns 'his sincere tlmnks to fl‘oerHidI-nlfl qr Fenclon Falls and its vicinity for thv-ir lih Our Many Friends saetttotsng pt: you can buy for cash HEAVY ALL WDBL WEEDS, {usually sold 700. .to $1, for 450. 10650. “We will continue to sell during this month at who owe us we would respectfully say, please pay. up; and to those will» heme sing Ready money to .expend we would .sm (,â€"~â€" Just come Mid see the bargains we «can {nit/e you in :Grocenies, Crockery and China. â€life canâ€"13nd will-reel! nhgaper than any other house .in the trade. , - , ' ' . . r‘ cml pntronngt- during llw punl New" yrnrs . £5 hwy ‘33 Granary $6 gOOdS for $3 ‘70" and inform»: (ht-.ln tlmt Uhv purtm'uhip ht- HENR ! J KEIGHLE i ‘ tween \Mr. Nulfut null hium-lt ‘lmvilltz I-x- ' . ‘ . ., FLANNE Ls v EI Y I ow pirwt) he hurt ,rmnmrnm-cl llllt‘llll'hn two 7 fl 7' A‘ ‘ V , ‘ A = l I .rlmmt north of Ilw-piml-ufliH-, \i'lH-tv he has I‘LL r at“, LIAN I)a Y’ . l ‘ .upoznoll maltrut'ully selu-ti-tl stock of New Hardware, Tinwtn‘n and Stove Shop. 3. ' ‘ A â€" -H... â€"â€" -â€".v I beg to inform the people of Fenelon Falls, and the farmers of the surrounding country. that 51 have openedfout'in my new store a coinpletestoclt of 'These goods have recently‘been purchased by .us let less .than the coshof manuï¬tatme. .DUNDAS ,&:.FLAVELLE 8305., ‘Kent Street. Lindsay. A FULLY CON‘CEDED FACT-lllllllll.lll...llll; reduced prices, in onlvr to mnlu- rout“ {or "G?“ “Until. . a in bu in SHOES and BOOTS it is deï¬nable to get , Tb t y 5 Cash Paid For Bullu and Eggs thorn Cheap. Neat Fitting: and Substantial. . . That in wearing such Shoes and Boots it is imperative that tlw-ghnuhl prnve Durable. Well-looking and Sha'pcly, - ' . . . ‘ Thath choosing Shoes and Boots, as shresmd, it 18 impera- Call at the 1\ CW More, Wm get best choiceâ€"to pick from our stock at once, the largest and most continue in all lines. _ .â€" ‘l‘hat even the poorest We have more or less money and n .1. .110 â€mm Shoes and Boots; end that said money, let it belong to rich_or p2". f-rmor m mechantcmsnnot be “ "rapped {or foot-gear more satufactonly o GCllll‘l'S. -.__.._ . _ A- m â€A been in the Shoe and Boot. buriness FARMERS, THRESHERS. rim MAGUIRE has _ . ‘ , . for some years- at leut- and in the pioneer in tarnishing much value in Luth- um um. 0,953â€. er for little money of Lindsay We. The above dunes tom one aolid, inwlnerableand general-2 USE MCUllll BROS: 81 EUIIS 1, MCI-208D FACT this!) buyers of. Shoes and Boots will clear cash by Celehnlrd â€We 3 LMAGUIRE, .illllllllll Mltllllllflll. w? .Cash {mid for Skins and Wool Piekingfl. I , Shoe & Boot maker “mm“! the m: in the mmâ€. I sincerely thank my numerous summers forft‘heir liberal - Lindsaanu 34th. 1883. ._ ' .' w n'uzumgum or 6109 WWW} . . . . - - DOE- '0' mnme’ -0 ' _ . †I . 1 . :ï¬:;gillglmthe girlhznlsiithorlem“ a mun . ' V - m w I lbO‘Gl' ï¬llet“ 0 38' only $1 3 vw 1‘. midi Ycoeidti l's'llr April Hub. lue'z. 9.37. .fnsnn‘n m- um . W... . â€Gum €~-Jâ€"-__f-'. IEHCIUH £11113, -‘uv pug-1-, ,.-- .. . .GROCERIES, (Crockery null Htoricwnrt- uu'l PROVISIONS, whidi were bought on mlvuntugcmta \I'rma, and will he: sold f‘)' HARDW_A;RE in connection with my other business, and n8 kerery article is new and fresh, parties wanting .nnything in thut line will do well ,to give me u call. 1 ,hnve a good assortmentof PARLOU‘R AND COOK STOVBS, ’ .of the latest and most approved patterns, Lamps 8; Lamp Trimmings, in great variety, .und Machine Oil and Goal Oil 01‘ the best brands, all of which will be sold At Rock Bottom Prices For Cash. ï¬llâ€"9:03.- and other farm produrc. And you will soon be convinced thsl you cannot buy cheaper or better grucrricn any- where in the Villlgr, JOSEPH Mrlr‘Altl.A.\'l). Fenian Yslls, Slay lmh, “this. lit-ly.