no has: :1 large stock of WAGGONS AND BUGGIESE on hand. all guaranteed to be ï¬rst class, which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER.§ Be sure and see his stuck of PLO\ AND HARROlVS. Farmers requiring a barrow will do well to inspect his Spring- Tooth Ilarrows. which are jttst the thin}:' for rough land. He lllz-U keeps the following l'arm machines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to be undcrsold by any one. w All kinds of I’LASINU dnni- at short Mullen. Various patterns oi .‘IUL'LD ‘ Isms kept on hand. and soul at. 1L..- (otl‘vxl ,u-ins. llottsrz-Suomsu and Juntqu a specialty All {Ll-Hus done in a tintcmsa manner and on short. notice. Some cheap M:CU!lll-litlml lil.'l}l}ll“.5 for sale. IL.- rmurns siutn'rt: thanks for the lib.-1al patronage bestowed on him during the past 14 )ears, and will spare no pains to "writ a continuance ol‘ it in the future. CHRlSTMAS GOODS â€"â€"-;L'1‘â€"-â€"â€" M’Dougall & Brandon Bros!- 0 l I ....__0_ As usual. we have on hand for the holiday season the choic- est lines of Fruits, (,‘onl'ectioncrv. l'leucral Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, all bought in the best markets for cash, and which we are prepared to sell At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. (ljll We have lately rt-cciveil a Consignment of 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins, 100 Boxns Valentin Raisins, 5O llalfBoxes Selected Raisins. , 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza Currants, 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected FigS. 100 Boxes Elome Figs. 20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. The above goods mu-t be disposed of at once. llo not. tail to call and examine lu-l'oie purchasing; elsewhere. WISE“ Positively the Best Value in the h‘larket. @w ()ur lines of Fancy Crockery and (liassuar-e, suitable for Christmas and New Year's I’l'cscnts. cannot be txet-llcd. ['1 {was lost/1'! I/u' ï¬lm’s. ‘;'\ HI’IG('I.\ I; IJINI'J ()1“ lilCIKIJIN lt‘IQLT IEOO'FS. and :I l:|t"._'t‘ as.» rtno-nt ol' liubbers and (.lvcx-shu-es. No lad} should be without a pair ol our lti_;l: l-h-lt-linml llooxs, .\ l'nI-loutl ol .‘lnit. jll>l l'cccintl. [It'll/(«I lu'lt‘rS. ' Mt‘lllleAlL & BRANDON BROS. Ghdllll Elll‘illllljl Ell. COMBINA’l‘lON STOCK. Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks of John St. Lawrence, Fenelon Falls, and George McDonald, of Oshawa. in the store lately occupied by JOHN St. LEWRENCE. Bargains in Dry Goods, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Milinery. was» 'The Whole Stock must be sold at once. regardless of cost. ' The Sale will not continue longer than till days, so come at once. lll'iug your ('ash to this Great Sale. and you will be sent away happy. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, I‘Iauagex'.v All kiln/s of (Irwin Lough! II, Light's! i Fcnclon Falls, December 20th, 1882‘). Now lltll'tlll'tll't‘, Tth to lllltli Slovc Shop. I he; to inform the people of Fenclon Falls. and the farmers of the surrounding country. that l have opt-tit'tl out in my new 5 store 11 complete stock of i HARD W ARE in connection with my otln-r litl>lllt‘>‘>‘. and as every article isl new and t'rcsh. parties wanting: anythin‘er in that line will dog well to “_Il\'l' me it call. l have a good assortment of ‘, PARLOUR AND COOK STO V ES, : of the latest and most approved patterns, Lamps & Lamp 'l.‘rimmings,§ in great variety. and Machine Oil and Goal Oil of the best brands. all ot~ which Will be sold . At Rock Bottom Prices For Cash. Ki: l'ash paid for Skins and Wool Pit-kings. I sincerely thank my nunn-rous customers for their liberal patronage in the past. and Ndit‘ll a continuance ut the same in my new business in the future. 1 I t l . Tnafln‘f" 1‘?“ A n“ I Fem-Ion Falls, November 20111, 1&3. -. ever an! lrom the odor of the stable. “BOOK STORE? For Sale by J. Austin“ .agcnt for the. host makes of Organs, and JIUSIC EMPORIUM. r or here. i , l l Manufacturer Sleighs, Buggies, of First-Class Wagons, (to. Having now completed all the improvements rvquired in his new premises. lormerly .\l._.wr_\":' Foundry,“ next to Carr's hotel, corner of William and Russells treeâ€, has {8- cilities for executing all work in the above lines which cannot be excelled. llr respectfully solicits a call from thos e requiring anything in his line, and will be ‘ glut! to show 1hrm ov~r his new Carriage and Waggon Shops. 1.. O’Connor, being the oldest practical man in this section of the country, is enabled to guarantee a Fmpdlas Job in any department, and every article turned out will be warranted us A. l. Ev'sry piecs of work it this establishment is done by hand. and far superior. as is ac- knowledged. to that done in factoriesâ€"a act proved at the South Victoria Exhibition, when: I rec-ived three ï¬rst prizes. although I did not get up my work {or prize cxhihi- tion. and they obtained for me sales and on 3213" All lit-pairs dune Cheaply and Prumptly. Lindsay. November lst, L453. lers quite unexpected and unprecedented. A few second-hand Buggies {or sale. tOHETHING NEW FOR FARM Ens. DAnzrnnx AND OTHERS. The Conxbined MILK BUCKET. STRAINEE & STOOL. This Bucket (patented last June) has ma- ny advantages that make it acceptable to all who require to milk cows. The milk is strained while enteiing the pail through the funnel, and is effectually protected from contact with any foreign substance what- It. does away with the old-fashioned stool. as the milker sits on the bucket. Should a Vicious cow kick over the bucket, no milk is lost or injurcd. lt nccds only to be seen to be appreciated. Prolt-ssur L. ll. Arnold I speaks very highly of it, and Professor W. Brown says, ‘- we use it at the Ontario ex- perimental farm." and “ it is 11dixi1‘:1hl_\’:1-' dapted to secure cleanliness, convenience, and safety of the operator.†Manufactulcd by the (lN'l‘AlllO MILK BUCKET .\l.~\.\'l'-. FAC'I‘UlllNU (10.. Toronto, ll. W. SU'l‘Il- EltLANI). Manager Sold by special agents only. MCDOUGALL S. Bl‘..-L\'l)0.\‘,'a;rents, Fenclou Falls. 5-3111. T nounâ€"Ear -â€"-.~\l\'Dâ€" association JOHN MOFFAT hch to inform his customers and the pnh-l lie that, while carrying on the linking busi- ness as usual, and turning out daily Choice Bread, Cakes, Buns (to, he has just opened out a, nice stock of FRESH GREEERIES, l all of which “'1†he sold at the very lowest' living profit. : The Finest Flour kcpt Constantly on hand ; also OATS, BIL-XX & SHORTS. 1» EARN! PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods, and Cash Paid for Butter d: E an)“ The undersigned will do all in his: power to mcrit a continuance ol the patron-" two so lihcrallv bestowed on him durin . I- . a the past lire years. JOHN MDFFAT.‘ Font-loo Falls, June 12th, 1883. lT-ly. . 1):;in errivaIs _â€"0F_. CHRISTMAS GOODS? at (l. A. )lt-thcrell's ANDâ€"- Come One! Come Allll and examine goods before purchasing else- G. A. METHERELL. Ul‘l"|."ll‘l€ TM}: ESGHSH ('Ill‘lll'll, liont-Ht‘u IjuulsuyH 'iiudsay. (lctobrr 37th, 195;: l 13 l ) \V xx 111) .5" ot.n.1~:s,'r.-\ 111.1su12n Livery Stable; l The snlncrilu‘r returns his sincere thanks. for tlm lulu-ml patronage lit-slotted on him durin; llu- past nine vents. and lw':~ to in. turn) the poidu' that they can obtain First t‘lass Horses and ltigs. any hour of the d:1yornigl1t.ut his itlt'l On ll‘ruunis Strut-t Etta-n. in very mod-grate charges. a" I.‘ou‘.lnrrcl:|l narcich wud their lug- L'ngr ruin yr»; : 11c!) and cxpcdilioualy to an} dcszrml [H.IIYN. The ~ltlI-t‘rilwr never l1.HI A stahlt-t'ul o! lvvth-r horse: than at tvrcsrnt. try than. H. I} EDWARDS. Echelon Falls. Frli‘y L‘Hh. 1:45.}. :Dl'l.{. FARM‘FOR SALE. For ult- on easy term. {rice HM“. Lot‘ '1:- in llu' L‘hd (uncrnihu- of the loWHSl, [I of Sonarrrdlv. Conumiug 'l-‘(l actrs Alum; at" of ‘lllf‘ll a"- rlcnrrrl and lc-ncrd. “t. it.» hnl’t‘ up. .1. lg do!) m1." l-g .t.'- x .f fret, Huh hitchv in. who fume 3.151.. tnrli 3 x 3: far: a slAblc tor eight t. .rw-y .I rounn dun: ,. . . also ; G"\‘f'r-.1lllllfl a" . Inge t-vulu} Long 3: 7.1;; cr-r's and three nut-ll; and a lull... :crv orchard («Attaining No hundrl-l npplc‘ B FELL. .,.1§..if..( nC.;â€"I. a†L CllRlSTOPHE "v: .-.- ho Old Slanle EFIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. ‘ FENELON FALLS. Come and. hwi and a rug ‘ l l G. Anderson’s, Next to the “Simpson House," PENELON FALLS, . l is the place to get value for your money in l | lNails, ' Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, â€"andâ€" ofall kinds in his line. Carpenters’ Tools, Pure Manilla Rope. Hemp Plough Lines. Spades 85 Shovels. Garden Rakes. Hoes 85 Forks. 'and everything usually kept in a ï¬rst-class Hardware Store, at 1 Prices that cannot be undersnld.= he arriving daily at a... ' INTERESTING TO ALL. .The undersigned has just received a good assortment of llES, PICTURE FRAMES And I“ ouldings, which are \vell worthy of inspection and will be roM rlimp. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER in any style at the shortest possible notice. 3953†Painting, Kalsomitning and Paper Hanging done as usual. A good stock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND I’UTTY kept constant];~ on hand. S. NEVISON. Fonelon FitllwAl’t-l-‘r 7th, 1854. 50-t.f. ......â€"...<.55soâ€"â€"m, Va llllil-lllllllllll â€"ronâ€" Hnnm Paper ll Piciun Frames. lSix-thduy Cards, ()il I’uinting‘s, Clu‘ornoh‘. lCng-ruvings, :IT LESS THAN CITY PRICES. Albums. Plaques, Oil-Painted Window Shades. Mirror Plates. Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ Materials. Baker Block, Kent St. West, Lindsay, Ont. Respectfully, 42-4m. "on ‘EEII i W. A. GOODWIN, Wanzer Sewing MachinesI again ahead. Will THE GRAND Glllll MEDAL at the great Central Exhibition at Hamilton in 1583. lluy no other lit-tore you see the. Wauzer, the Uhcnpest and Best, said r/uupjbr (us/l or on the instalment plan. , See Mv Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit you in style, quality and price. in ï¬rst rate companit-s at low rates._ Ba" Money to loan on easy terms. J". [\I 'H'lflx. Fem-loll Falls, Nov‘r ‘J‘Jtid. WEI}. 12.11 A W, outplax'ricn .t manner... The mlrcrlin-r is prepared to t‘xr'r‘lllt j all orders will. which h- may be (avonrml.. from largv <‘'l~ to 1h:- ~mnllvst job. Lg!“ .‘aâ€"ll and do. rm i. all kinds made on ~lmrl Illtll("'lllltlit , Work-slim, on l‘mucl- .‘lrcrt Iiast: tcsi-j nit-11:1.- eh lionnl 5.1141". H.131. l EDWARD ll;\\\'._ I’cuclt-n Fails. April ll-lh, l‘n’rl. tt. i “ASKS. f('1.\ Ill.) ()l“ 'l‘ 1 Comeil. . .‘I;,"HI L'HIJU’I .Iluluul’ In ! puran "-r . I.Ir. fury. l Dun Sill.â€"â€"Il.1v-*tlic goodncï¬ to convey ,tn Iltt' [)ircctrvr- 11f llic “ London Muhlnl' i 'our tinsan {or tin-tr l-rlvtttpllwsi in paging 'our claims 111 toll, arising from least-s by - llhr rccx-ut Lush tirrs: 1 ;S. i Alt-mutt†('mr‘ne. Ops. $74543 Jam's .‘slttluht-y, Emily. 9"†Edward KPH. “ [ï¬lm Joseph \ictf- nncll, Ira-I Mantra Wilson. Ups, Ulf. Tlnvttm: MCCAIN). †.'v'."5 Edwin Home. )lumxosa, 1m: Thomas Ht “'1'. Emily, 47.0 Slum». Harrington, " 795 ; Gav tinny, Verulam. .551! (I E 'lzrrs. " 872 l hm» (Emilia, Lutr- 2w ,‘ i 3.01.; (:LPEEGUEL, Yentlon: 53') , I 5 them (Yin-up. ‘ oomph-t1.- in ad lines. 2 l I t- o =ll:ut1:1t.‘l.\(il.llll'. .5. ‘ lv ('UXCKIJI‘ZI’ l‘iiLvl‘ “lilCL‘: lumen of Shot. and “Hills will clear cash l1) g rememberqu l____.-â€" .‘. . “tiâ€"y DrywallTailoring11',,n..d..y. GRAND GENERAL OPENING â€"â€"â€"-O]:‘ 01:11â€"- MILLINERY 8. MANTLE SHOW ROOMS, â€"â€"ONâ€"â€" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL l6th 8: l7th. l endeavour to show vou the latest and newest novelties ever produced for female adornment. lCi Everybody invited to be present, when we wil WHAT NOBODY EVER YET SAW IN LINDSAY. Black Lvons. liros Grain and Coloured SILKS in such large quantities and at such low priccs up an- upw on exhibition at the ClTi’ S'l‘oRE. I’rinted Silk I’UXGHI‘IS are the latest voch in New lurk. Boston and Philadelphia, and can only be had in Liudsav at the CITY Srous. Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Matting &c. In great variety and womlt-rlully cheap. soo'rnEnAN, dunno .s; MARK, CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTIIIERs. 2 Doors West of the Post Ofï¬ce, Kent Street. Lindsay. Titanium. Tflrs. KEELEY llas just reccth-d and opcncd up a bug Slut‘li of NElV GOODS, including ’ No. 2 Dobson’s Block 1884. SPllllllillllllllllillltlllll. llll. o‘vsmas . l ltlflST ELEGANT LINES 0F DRESS GDDDSdFANcY DRY GOODS, lties in Buttons and 'l‘rimmings to be found in the Montreal! , a. ...,, .«,.| Ourstoek ol blAl 1.1...» a IlOLnL ttnststmts,ALL KINDS OFWOOL’ ls uu>urlmssca In i all ol‘which Will be sold at l l l l &C., LESS 'I‘II.~l..\ PRICES. A nice lot of we have (he (.‘hot't'csl Patterns om] [Le Newest (foods to be found in (he ttboucl In Gents" Furnishings, l & R d m e O Isuch as Dolls of all sorts and sin-s, Toys- in H t c " g l L'I‘l'nt variety, ’l‘oilet Sets. \'nsc.~. Font-v a S, y ~ lllllitIu-warc and various ulllt‘t‘ nrliclcs, to which the illlt'lllion ot' intending purchasers is respectfully invited. FRE$H N ‘- PALACE Dav Goons & CLOTHING Ilouss," We are now receiving the and the latest nove â€"-aud-â€"~ and Toronto markets. mu r/ct'ts. we lead the way. Of TWICE US we have the largest and best assortment we ei'cr had the pleasure of olfeiiuu our customers. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Before makng your purchases give us a call, and we will with pleasure show you our goods, whether you wish to purchase or not. JARVIS & MOD OUGALL. Fenelon Falls, April 10th, 1884. MRS. KEELEY Fcin-lon Falls Nov L'Tth. 15815 -v-v )allorns 1 Patterns! JUST RECEIVED, a lrcsh supply of soo'rs DRY GOODS, which will be sold Choapor Than Evor For Cash. o. o. KEITH. A full assortment of McCall‘s 'lazaar glove- -lil;ling_g Patterns always on hand, and will be sent by mail 1103/ paid on receipt of pric :, by Wm. Campbell. l"enclot1 Falls, April 11h, li‘TH-l. NEW §TORE. l l Note! _ Al Duodas it lllovollo Bros.†you can buy for cash 11 All. WWI. TWEEM, saally sold 700. to $1, for 45c. to (55c. .I. 1.\1.vifiiit..\.\'n returns bib z‘ilu'l'n' llnlllis in ll'I' rI-kinh his or [bunt-loll l"nll- and H,- u‘it‘iuil) Ior llucii lib I‘Illl [inlt‘unnpo tlttt’lliu lln' pn‘l sn-vvu Hulls a,le ililuiins Ihr-In tlml HM- l.lrll|(‘l ‘luo lw HWHI .\lr Holt.†and lotnnrll bunny v1~ to r l> 2 ii a o l as heavy as ordinary $6 goods for $3 7.5, FLANNELS VERY LOW. have recently been purchased by us at less |piyrtu he has cutnumuwl IllI'llIl‘r‘v tun illoor-notthot ll.» podmlhmglib-1vhr hon Ullt‘lll‘ll :1 t‘ntv lull} :I'lt‘l'lr-tl hl'H‘lx u! .GROOERIES, ('rocln-xy and Stunt-warr- and PRO Y ib‘ i ()NS, which ucrt: bought on mlx.m'n,;uo|1;~. (Him, and n:il ln' ..,,.' on new tom 4", Eimiurnl pill: »,1'r oi-l- r 1': ll..u.|.‘ tooth [or lash Paid lfll Bulls: and Eggs i(_,‘all at the New Store, itli'l ollu r l.i;::l limim o-m l,.« toutimwl that you These goods than the cost of manufacture. DUNDAS &. FLAVELLE 8308., Kent Street. Lindsay. and song That in buving SHOES and BOOTS it is (le.~il‘:tblc to get N at FIUIII: and Substantial. l l old v!‘ will low That in wearing such Shoes and Boots It is unpcrativc that tln'v should pron: Iliil.1bit.~, \\'cll-lool.in_' au-l Slmpwi). That in choosing Shoes and lloots. as aloresaitl, ll 1" “"l""'“' cln-iCeâ€"to pick liom our Hock at once, the largest and most 1mâ€! ‘1"; “2†ll\‘o--â€"IU :cl l)!“- ‘umom. l. ,. l r m ln'll'l prom Karon“:- 'l'hat even the poorest people liaVe more or lesi‘ltlulltzytilltl urn-n: a. u.- ouuujhm'†mm“ W“ and that said mmw)‘. 1"! It lit-mm: In lieu m, ,Mwhm 1. 3,, 5.“, r1â€) ' ' " nihq-Iiull " for loot-gear won.- sntirliwouil) . ' m... 1".‘1. can‘t do without Slow and Boot-‘. nuur. farmer or nwchaoic. cannot be has been in the Shoe and Boot ljllrlllt‘r-F‘FARMEPLS, Ah!) Mild. UlISIllï¬rl, USE Mclflll BROS. la Ell'S “Pit libtlol llilllllil llllHllll lll, “\latlatlll'td the hr.“ in tin. may... Juli}; A. ELLIS, ll‘fl,ll" My. That MAliL‘lll E for wow ventsâ€"s nt lo':i-t~â€" an! er to: little lulvlh'y ol' Lind»; town. The above clauses form one Fulitl, invulncrable and general- l i- the planet?! in lutuishing much value in l.-;uth I L. MAGUIRE. .Shoe 8:. Boot Maker. l.inds:1y.June ch, lSSIl. k u. unfl’lTTL‘uL'U: m 7.- . ........ 1,, qutrwn r‘ ‘ [ambianytm Ami m2. '18-'75. this lilalitv in any other paper,