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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 May 1884, p. 2

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~ _. -â€" t. unkwvnrwrjv 1. Arriving Every Week _17 mnâ€" NEW DRUG STORE, Yruh Drug: Ind Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combo, Soopl,’P¢errry Ind Fancy Goods. Pure and Reliable llye Slulls, nnv assortment of (in DIAMOND DYES, nlm always on hand, a Full Stock of School Book. _ including Cnmplmll k Gupft'a New Readers, Copy Eookl. Note Pup", Envelopes. Pens, COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Township of Somerville will be held in Hr. John llodgin'l House, AT RETTIE'S STATION, on Saturday, THE 3lst DAY OF MAY, 1884, _ At 10 o'clock I. m. take noth :md govern tlmmsctn-s accord- ingly. W. S DUWSON. Tim-MM,- ('Ilrk. S~~mrrville. May 8th, lFsS-l. 11-3. All parties intvreetod are rrqucstcd to, lulu, Pencils, Blotting I’upcr, Pass Books, Account Books. Time Books, kc. In?” Agent {or the leading Newspapers. magazines. Music. 6w. Fnrmzrs will do wrll to roll and get a supply of the famous old Thorlcy Horse 5:. Cuttle Food. It in thr- only guanine Food, and will pay well to one it. W. H. ELIAS. lr'cuclnn Pulls, Nov‘r ch, lT-tnft. A. l'. lll‘iVldN, I ARRISTER. Attnrm-y-at-l.:m’, Solicitor in L'lmncvrv. Ko-nt Street. Lindsny. DEAN & SMART, } AlllllSTl‘IllS, SULH'lTHIlS', CONVEYâ€" nnccrd, .kc (Hill-r in Mr. Jordan‘s IH‘W block, (Tolbornc 5L, Fruclun Fulll. ll ll. Dun. (I. H. S‘ran'r. Y ll. Mom-y to loan at lowest. ratcs. No commission charged. MAR l‘l.\' .k' HOPKINS, I AltltlSTl‘Illn‘, HHlJtll’l’UltS, kc net to l.o.in at 0; per cent. Kent s‘trcct, Lin-IMy, Uni. l’. S. .‘lAll'l‘lS. “*4- El 13ftin I)AlllllSTEll, AT'l‘l‘lllNl‘IY. k FOLICITI". ) und Notary Public. Money to Luun. (lflicc, Kcnt street, Lindsny. Mn- (lilicc, G. if. llnvmss. llll'llh'l’lti'l‘ll & JACKSUN, I Ailllls‘Tl‘iltS. Suhllil'l‘lvllh‘, (cc. , lice, Williurn strcct, Lindsay. A. llonsrxru. A. J.\rkso.~' ()‘liltlztltl' it O'ld‘lAltY, I)AltlllSTl-lll:l, ATTt‘lllNHYSâ€"AT-LA W, ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Uilicc, Dnln-ny lllock, henutrcct, Lindsay. Anrnou U'lmanv. llcmr (Timmy. (l f. _. Mcl N'l‘Ylll‘) it: STEWART, I .‘lltlllS'l‘l‘IllS, ATTORNEY.‘-A’l‘-L:\W, Solicitors in Chnncery, dun, Liudsuy. Office over ()ntnrio llunk, Kent strect. Mo- ney to Loan ill 5 per cent. on rail cstntc ‘ counties. l). J. Mclx'rvnn. Tons. STEWART. )I()Nltl\' ’L‘O LIQNI) on securin of mortgage on ltcnl and l’cr- snnul Property and l’romissory Notes, ut It‘nsonuhlc rules of interest. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Bamusrnn, Lindsay. _ ___ $391941? " A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ()RONER, Physician, Surgeon, k0,, kc. I Residencc, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DIIS. WILSON )lll'filtllANS. SURGEONS .t: ACCOU- clu-rs. (mice. Francis Street Rust, Feu- elou Frills. I'Lb'. WILsox, \t. n ,.u. n., C.1t.,N.C.l'..h 5, (lot Dr. A, Wn.sox, u. n., u. c. r. .9: s., tint. WM. KI“MI"I‘, M. 13., C. M., IIIADUATE of Mctlill University, Mon 1 trcul, und I‘rovinciul Liccntiatc, l'hysi- cinn, Surgeon null Obsti-triciun. Medical Referee to the Standard, I‘luvnix, Connecti- cut Mutual. und Equitnblc lusuruncc Coinâ€" punivs. tlllicc und residence, in the house lately occupied by lll‘V. Futht‘r Stafford. ut the corner of bindsny and llus streets, Lindsny. ‘ Du. d. H. LOWE, )IIYSICIAN k SURGEON. (‘oroncr for the Provisional County of llnlihurtou. ”? Uflicc next door to the McArthur Ilousc. llcsidcncc, the bonus lutcly occu- pied by Dr. llryson, on Mny street, l-‘cnelon Pulls. JAMES DICKSON, ‘) L. Surveyor, Com nissionrr in the Q. ll, . Conn-your”. kc. llcsidencv,nnd ad- dress, Fem-loo Falls. “159391!” 1739?? f “if? (‘l'I‘Y 0F LUNDUN I-‘lllE lNSl’ll- ANN: Cu. (‘npital £‘.'."ull.l“"l sterling, Drpositrd with the Dominion Government. Sltltlploltl, Tu: llovu. lssrusscr Pu. or limit/tun.â€" l‘upilnl, $1-‘IIMloJino. IL-positcd with I)». tuiuion (lovrrnturnt and otherwise vested in Canada, Sfil‘ut'llml Tau \“Isfiltx isst'tum‘u (‘o. or ('nwm. Capitol and Assets, $l.¢l.l7.3.’-;l. J. l) Slll'l‘ll. .lgynt. I'cuelon Falls, Jnu'y ‘.:'.’ud, ISM. 48. 1“() [K Hut I 4 It}, Lot 5 rust of L‘olbonm and south of Fran- cis struts, in the village of Fruu-lnn Falls. ’i‘rrms any. For furthrr particulars apply to Mr. Jan. Dickson, Frnrlnn Falls, or to It. A. lJlt‘KSUN. Lindsay, Out. lint. I. J. NEELANDS, 1)122N'1‘IS'1‘. LINDSAY. Lindny, Jule sum, 15a}, 'Oue ofthc firm will be at the Mcxnrucu llocsa, lv’rzsuox FALLS. on the third Monday oft-uh month. Turth cxtnctrd by llughlug gun without pain or injury. or no charge will In made. fi‘ 050:: establishcd in Lindsay nearly . flflecn yen”. InsuthCE. GEORGE CUIIINGR‘H, General Insurance and Loan Ambl" FBNRLON FALLS. 0NT., rrprnents the following tint clus comm-f 6, 5-9 .. “' , "11 dd u , , hin,\n|h Itocb butl‘t" can be transactrd, h' x ‘ ’ M)" I i k p ‘ ‘ upon the most a 'vu-ata‘coul terms. The (‘annda l'rt‘nn.“ ut Loan 8 Sartngfi Co 1 The lug-«in! insurance Coup“), ol Lon 3 wow, says " dun, England. The Citiunt' later-unto Company, oannn- do. Pm and And-cu. The lauruhin- lacunae: (‘13., of Kngluud. The Coated-"Hun Lil: Juvk‘ialwb, ul Cw. “I Township of Penelon. 'COURT OF REVISION. , Notice is hereby givc-n that the Court of T ievision of the Asqessmcnt Roll of the above township will he. held At the Village of (llcnarm â€"(Illâ€" lMONDAY, MAY 26th, 1884. All parties intervals-d will please take II. J. LY'I‘LE, . Towns/rip Clerk. Fenrlon Frills, May let, Hill. ll-L’. u: i’riclnt falls (Buscttc Samarium” 17th, 1884. i l l‘ d. Our Neighbours and Ourselves. The Legislatures of the United States and (fanatic. exhibit at the present time some rather startling contrasts that so her tllnuglll c.-nnot commend 113' the sum of common sense. That of the States is deeply pcrpicxed as to how it can rrducc tuxntion without. lessening the tariff on protected articles of home manufacture. The rapid reduction of their public debt is the cause of this dilemma, as there is no need to nmlntwllt the same rate of lnXZIIIOH; but. how they ore to lower it without breaking down the wall of proâ€" tcctiou sec-ms to them an insolublc prob- hm. They are divided on the subject, and as a mutter of course are discussing it over the whole Union. [low it will end may for n timc be a matter of some doubt, but the. probabilities arc that the protective boirings of the turilf will be greatly modified. The Dominion Legislation is taking the surest method of maintaining the N. I’. by sinking the country so deeply in debt that there must of necessity be u. heavy taxation itnposod to pny the in- terest thereon. The Opposition, being powerless to prevent this contraction of debt, will be placed by its enormous a- mount at. so great a di>ttdvnntagc that. ~upposing them to be again reinstated in office, they could do little to modify tax-.Ltiou, the weight of the dcbt being too great to allow of much change in the tariff. DUUDIIU>S something could be done that way, but the country would fail to derive much or lusting advantage from it. The predictions of those who said the N. I’. would be short-lived are likely to be falsified in a way that the must acute could not foresee, the authors of that schcmc having taken the surest. method of giving it u long life. Debt! debt! and tens of millions of it, is the infalli- blu security for its permanence. And now Bloke, McKenzie, Cartwright. and the whole of the anti-N. P.‘s may rail against it as loud and long as they like, for it. is rendered all but interminable by the grants to the railway syndicate. Verily Canada. has statesmen who are equal to the task of first making Sclfish- nztss u stepping-stone to their gaining otiice, and then making debt. the guarâ€" dian of their position. Let’s Have a. Steamer. A supornbuudnnce of work this week renders it impossible for us to urge up- on our fellow-villagers, as strongly as We could wish, the advisability of protect- ing their houses and property from the ravages of fire by procuring. as soon as possible, a first-class steam fire-engine and all the appliances necessary to work it. We know the objection that almost every man has to paying taxes, and have more than once pointed out the un- rcasonublcncss of it; but, us' Mr. lion- :ild, of Brussels, proved at the meeting, last week, the purchase of even the larg- est and most. Costly engine in the mar- ket would actually put money into, in- stead of taking out of, the pockets of in- surers. while the very trifling sum non- iusuiers would have to pay would be more than compensated for by the pro- tection afforded by the engine and the comfortable feeling of rccurity caused by its prc>cuce in the village. Though the cost of a good steam tireâ€"engine and its appurtenances would probably foot up to bl'lWUCll four and five thouxaud dollars, it would be. wise to proxidc our- selvrs with them even if they had to be paid for at. once, but when payment can be extended over n number of years and the total amount be saved in insure-nee. to say nothing of the destruction of property prevcutcd, it is duWnrlgbt lolly to be without them an hour longcr than we can mold it. A tax of about $1 25 l per auuum for tcn years on property val- l l l l the engine; And if any nntcpaycr doubtn that this outluy would be repaid chr nod orcr again by tho rcductiou on in- surqucc. let him tend the following, the truth of which con very easily be sub- atlntlott‘d: The Town of Pembroke, Ont., dcsirom of gutting oneof' the Bruxs'cls Steam It‘irc l . . . l to leading Insurnncc Companies to nod : out what inducements they would ofi'cr l in reducing rates. The following rcpiil. s, ln‘wi'rvd by the .‘layor cf Pembroke.- peak for thcmulvcs. ll )lchrd. luvuruucc Manager of the l Union Fire Insurance Co..'l'oroute, .‘lny I 'l bu Western luanrnuu: th:m;u.-v.'l‘o- lwnt. worn with a Slum Fm: Engine ! tbnn Ilthout it." l l Con-pony, o Glugolâ€"Caundiau bad~ lquutu: in uluutu, says, "Wll. Kudzu. _l__.. notice and govern thcnisrdvcs accordingly. ' ucd at $1.000 would meet the cost of Engines for Fin: I'rotretiun, lntcl)’ Wtulc ‘ nut 20 pct cent. if you ;.\:t a Sumner." ; Will reduce 15 to 20 pow The Scottish Commcminl Insuncce' : the ran: with a Steamer the some as we ‘ do other towns, with such protection and privileges; without it rates will be kept . high." l lunada Fire and Marine says, “Will l reduce on brick building I quarter and l wooden one-half per cent., and on stocks y of goods even better. An engine Would ; bc oi'immcnsc use to the townâ€"5mm pay ‘ for itscif, to say nothing of the feeling of cmng-aritivc sail-Ly the public would ex- writ-rice." 1 Companies Were not written to on this ,2 occasion, but have agrccd to the some reductions. ', The following is practical proof: F. C. 3 Rogers, General Mtrchnnt, Brussels. carries a Ten to Piltccn Thousand Dol- lar Stock of Goods in a frame building. l Before the Corporation got a Steamer he ,l paid 3 itnd per cent. to insure. Af- l tcr getting the Steamer it was rcducud l first policy 2% per cent., the second time I he In>uftLI it was reduced to ‘2 per cent. He now insurv-s for 8100 what formerly. without a Stutmcr, cast. him $150 and SltiU. - Somerville Council. The council mrt this let day of A- pril, 1884 pursuant to adjournment. . Members all present, the rccve in the - chair. The minutes of last. meeting were read and confirmed, and other nint- tcrs brought to the attention of the Council. M red by Mr. Rumncy. 50cmde by Mr. l’crduc, Thur. haviu: had under consideration a circuhjr from the chair- nnu of the railway committee appoint- ed by the county council, requesting a report from this council as to accommo- dation rates, crossings, bridges and sta- tions connected with the Victoria. brunch of the Midland Railway, we do hereby authorize and appoint the reevc to ex- amine crossings and stations and other Works in which this township is inter- csted, and also to enquire regarding rates of freight and other interests of the people, and report. to the county committee with as little delay as the exigencies of the case will admit of.â€" Carricd. ‘ Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Suddaby, That the rceve be an- tlioriZed to take such action in regard to the support of Robert Morgan at the General Hospital, Toronto, as he may deem necessary after enquiry as to the expediency of guaranteeing his support for two months, or annual subscribers on behalf of the municipal corporation, with the customary privileges, if any, connected with the said'hospital.â€"â€"C'd. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Perduc, That Mr. Graham be in‘ structed to get. the bridge at, Crego’s creek rcplauked and repaired with as little delay as circumstances will permit of'.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Rumncy, seconded by Mr Graham, That the collector, Ileury Doughty, be allowed the ubutcments on exhibit. marked " A " hereunto attached. sziid ubutclncnts relate to the collector's roll for taxes due for the year 1883, the aggregate sum being $948 53.~â€"-Cur'd. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Rumncy, That By-l:uv No. â€", u by-luw to appoint pathumstcrs, fence- viewcrs and pound-keepers for the year 1884, be now read and finally pusscd. â€"Curricd. Moved by Mr. Ilumucy, scaondcd by Mr. I’erduc, That the treasurer be an- thorized to loam to the trustees of School Section N0. 5 of the township of Som- erville the sum of 8400 on their own joint. and several note. said note to be made payable on the first day of July. ESLâ€"Curried. Moved by M r. Snddnby, seconded by Mr. l'erduc, and I'cxnfn‘il, Thu! where- as the corporation of the township of Somerville granted a bonus to assist the building of the Toronto & Nipissing Railroad, and the conditions of grant- ing the said bonus were that the said Toronto A‘: Cipissiug Railway Company agreed to build a switch to navigable waters on the Balsam river, in .such po- sition us would admit of bouts and scows being unloaded direct from the water upon the curs of said Toronto d: Nipis- ring Railway, and afterwards by’nn Act passed by the Ontario Legislature in 1832, Cap. 67. 45 Victorian, entitled no Act to consolidate the Toronto ck: Nipis- sing Railway Company and other rail- wuy companies with the Midhmd Rail- way of Canada, it is provided by SJId .\et, Section 39, that a certain bond cu- tered into and given by the Toronto & Nipissing llailwny Company to the cor- poration of the towuship of Somerville for building the aforesaid switch. and it is declared binding on the said (.‘ou- solidated Company; and whereas neith- er the Nlltl Toronto & Nlplssiug Ilull- wuy Company nor the Consolidutcd Railway Company under said :lbut’u- mentioned Act. huh complied with the conditions ofthc bulbrc-Incntitmcd Dulul. â€"-Tbcrefore this council have dutcr~ mlqu to enforce compliance with the some, and request. the sold Consolidated ‘Coupmy to proceed at once with the {construction of the said switch in ac- cordunce with said bond ; and in case lit be not Commcncod :ind pruccedcd with to Completion, legal proceedings will be c-unmcnc‘cd to enforce the cluinh oi the corporation against. the Consoli- date-l llailwav Coinp.my.â€"â€"Curricd. Moved by Mr. Suddaby. wcondcd by Mr. llumucy, Tint the following uc~ counts against the municipality be paid: i John Wukelin. statute labor, lot 4 onu- H‘ession A. $2; llonry lhuighty, pnt‘t salary as collector, lSS3<~L SUD ; “I. S Dowson, purchase of 5 copies of hand book. SS.â€"-Carricd. Moved by Mr. Ilumucy, seconded by Mr. Suddaby. That the new be em- powered to purchase three pert-pent for 1 use on tho wads ; one for S. Sudduby, one for Henry Grnlmu. Kinmuunt. and the other for John Ar:uc.-â€"-Cnrricd. ! n a court of ruriaiou.â€"L‘arricd. 9â€"3”... _ About n hundred and fifty pounds of clycerinc in Mr. Dunbar's magaino at Port Colburnc exploded the evening ‘1 May 12th. The men had quit work nbout an hour bull-re it occurred. It I» caused by the building taking fire. The shock in: fult for miles; no one has lajutcd. *--~- l Bobccygeon . (Corny-amine: of the Gazette.) Quite n sensation was created in chi: vil.ngc last week by Dr. Bonneil and Dr. E. S. Wilson engaging in a fisticufl' duel on the street. The combatants were sop. amth before serinn= damage was done. with the exception of Dr. Wilson having one of his fingers severely bitten by Dr. Bonncll. The following day both par- ties had to appear before J. L. Read. The ' Mercantile, Royal. and other the rccvc, to answer for their conduct. when, as each blamed the other, the mutter was laid ovcr for further hear- ing. Public sympathy is greatly on the side of Dr. Wilson, who is generally "38Mde 3-“ one “M likely ‘0 quarrel lf- brass band, and it is to be hoped that he can help it, and there are rumours of his taking proceedings in a higher court, so the public will then get a full view of the motives and actions of these med- ical belligercnts. The dwelling-home of John Juukin. Esq , late dcputy-recve of Vcrulam, took fire about 11 u. m. on the lBth inst , and in spite of all efforts was soon totally consumed, but some of the contents were saved. Mr. Junkiu bad at small insu- rance on the house and luruiturc, which will mitigate the severity of the 1055. and it will be some consolation to him to know that he has the sympathies of a. wide circle of friends who feel sorry for his misfortune. Verulam. (Correspondence affix: Guzdtr'.) SEEDlNu.â€"A few of the farmers of this locality are reported as having tin- ishcd seeding. Goon \rVE.\TnI~:R.â€"Thc wenthcr,as far as seeding is concerned, is all that could be desired. The warm rain of last. week caused the grass to take a rapid growth. Gonnaâ€"This beautiful black horse, the property of Mr. Isaac Walker, has commenced his season for 1884. Mr. Walker informs us that. he is nearly 200 lbs. heavier than lost your. A S'rth.râ€"-Thc following story of the fate of a young man while travel _ and we give it for Wll'll it is worth 2â€"- Mr. H. G. considered it his duty to call at the house of it neighbor, but prolong- ing it to u later hour than he had ex- pcctcd, had to plod Ilmncwnl'd in the dark. The night being considerably cold and his hcurt and feet light. he of first. travtllcd of. a rapid pace, which was suddenly stopped by the appczu‘-‘ ancc ofun animal which to his imagi- nation appeared to be a wild cut. A cold chill czltuc over his naturally slight frame which almost. from his young heart. Instant. dcuth probably awaited him should he proceed, so he dccidcd to remain where he was provided the cat did not commence an attack. With chattering teeth and fingers bcnumbcd with cold he stood on the centre of thc roadway. The cut rose to its fuel, but only to lie down again on the other side. The first glimpse of'durn at lust canoe, and our young pcd.- in ,' “gun to breathe inan freely, ' 3.33.1)“ 9‘3uw c'cu'ly see his (li‘i-uilcw.’:%oiy which was not the frightful cut hc iningined, but only Mr. John Dubson's gray gout. DENTAL Nortonâ€"Mr. J. Nel‘lrlnt‘ls. dentist, of Lindsay, or his assistant, will be at the MeArthur llouse, Fcoelon Foils, on Monday and Tnosduy next. the 19th and 20th inst... prepared to wait on all who need his professional services. Our llcn Lao BItOKi-lN.â€"L:Ist Sut- urdwy :1 cow owned by .\l r. Andrew Tor- runce Went on [0 the railway track and was struck by a. train, which broke her left hind leg below the hock. As she bud lately calved and \vus consequently of considerable value, the limb was put. in splints and bound up, and there are some hopes of hcr recovm'y. REMARKABLE Enosâ€"Ir. is some lit- tle time since any hen in k‘cnelon Falls or its vicinity distinguished hul‘sclf, but this week we have two aspirants m fume. Last Saturday Mrs. Andrew (jiliis, of Vcrnlum, brought us on egg that weigh- cd just at quarter of a pound; and a day or two latter a hen owned by Mr. John Moffot, of this Village. laid :in egg that. contained three yolks, each about the ordinary size. Now Bcn.m.\'o.â€"â€".\lr. lichnrd Coop- er, harness mukcr, who wa< burnml out by the lite fire it few weeks after he commoneud bu~ine.~s, is putting up in neat frame building on Mr. Noble lu- grnm's lot on Francis strect cost. As thcrc is a good height above the nhop. we thought that perhaps Mr. Cooper intended to fit it up as :i dWclling with a view to matrimony; but he repudi- zttcd. with many blushes, :iu insiuuntion to that effect, and informcd us that the upper story is to be cmvorted into a photograph gallery for Mr. Sylvester. (lzmcmttrzs, SICâ€"J. McFarland. like nearly all the other merchants, wanted his advertiscmeut changed after the page containing it was made up; but our reply to the question whether we would substitute a new "ad." for the old one wus, “ Not for Juscphâ€"nor any ullll'r munâ€"at that lutc period of the week's existence." and so the intcrcsting inlhrmution [but he has a splendid stock of cruekcry and uldzatl'nl‘u, cunned good: of all kinds, tcns, sugars. tobaccos. ken, for sol: Very cllcup, must. be withheld until next. Saturday, when he will also inform the public that he is prepared to pay the hi_-lm.~t price in tidal] for any quantity of butter and cggs. Tut: CANAL. â€"Ln.-t Saturday Mr. Ross succeeded in discovering the lis-= x-uru through which the water found it: way into the cnml, and on Monday fin ished the work of stopping it; nl‘tcr which the pump was put into operation and soon had the apJCO brhiud the cof- -\l"""d b) M," Pc‘dues “mfmiw 1’3 fer-dam quite dry. It is to be hoped “,3,” ML Ruw‘lcf' n‘“ ll“? “‘“ucll do “U” l tlnt no more links, which cause grral wd hauling ol’ rock. htter l’coummil. will continue without interruption until the requircd depth shall be ruched. l l l 0:: run novaâ€"The old Mcthodiu of 5 church. which um nuctiourd off two or lthrce week.- :20 nod bought by Mr. ‘ Newman. is being brought dot-u town by Mr. Thomas Littletun, who took the job of moving it to Its new aunt-r} lot Uh UVlDUKUU auwi, any“. n. our m. coin ling along the 4th concession line on , Sunday night, has been related to us, | l verted into two stores. Mr. Littleton's lfir~t stop was to provide himself with four first class maple rollers. which he ,turned in Mr. .‘IcKcmvn's lathe. and ' for which he will no doubt have plenty of use in the future. The building. though a small one for n church. is vcr heavy ; but with the assistance of a le ver stumping nnchinc a span of horse: can draw it. though of Course slowly. with great ease. BASD 1‘:XCURSIOX.â€"£‘a3 many of our rcndcrs have already learned from the posters issued this week. an excursion to Lindsay by the steamer Em is to take place on the Queen's birthday un- ldcr the auspices of the Fcnclon Falls it will be patronized by all who have not good rmlsons for spvnding the hull- day in some other manner. _ To guard against a repetition of the delay in darting which in past. years has dis- gustcd so many. it has. been arranged that the boat shall reach here the pre» vious evening ; and as the progrmnmc of amusements in Lindmy is u pzirticu htrly attractive one, there can be no doubt. that all who no on the excursion will have full value for their money. A CHILD Hour â€"Last Thursday two mnrcs, that had been turned out that morning to graze on the. commons, were attracted by the whiunyiug of Mr. Two mcy's horses on his lot on Bond street, and walked up to the fence that enclosed it. Some young chidrcu were playing close by, and us the murcs were leaving one of them knocked down and severely injured a little buy, only two and a half yours old, son of Mr. Gabriel \lartin, who lives on the some street. as Mr. Twomey. As the child, which was at first l’oportcd to be fatally hurt, is fast recovering, we are inelincd to bulievc that the animal must. have accidentally struc'; it with her knee or foot, for if sue! a. mere baby Ilzltl either been kick. cd or troddcn upon, as some say it was, instant death would almost inevitably have resulted. Three or four persons witnessed the accident ; but no one of them appcors to have been ncur enough or in the right. position to soc exactly how it occurred. A NEW ENTERPRISE.~â€"-Mcssrs. Mc- Dougall A". Brandon, who recently sold their business in this village to Mr. II. M. Butler, intend, us soon as thcy can procure at site that pleases them, to put up a large building and commence the luunufuctul‘c of barrels, tubs. mop nod broom handles and other articles of \voodemvare for which suitable raw mu.- terinl can be obtained in this localitv. They talked ofnpplying for the fog crid of \Vtttcl‘ street left by the canal, which the council would no doubt willingly have granted, but it. proved too small, and their fiictory will, therefore, prob ably be situated somewhere on the shore. of Cameron Luke. At ll recent sale at Midland they purchusl‘d ll first‘eluss 75 horse power engine and bollcr nearly as gOod as new, and inform us thit they intend to commence bui ding as soon possible. Any new industry in the. vil lagc will be welcomed with enthusiasm. and the particular ouo they contemplate is wis'cly chosen and almost certain to be at success. ' A Namww Escrow â€"-The weather this week has been miserably cold, wet and windy, especially on Wednesday. which was the worst day of the lot. Bid as it. was, however, Mr. B. ll. Wills, hCCl'tlllll‘Y-ll'czlSlll'ul' at the pulp mill in this Vllhtgc, thongllt he would rather cross the railway bridge than go all the way around ; but he was pretty near paying deur for his temcrity, for when he was about two-thirds of tho way ovct‘ it high old wind in a quarrel- somc frame of mind come. [curing along. grub‘ ed him with u " side bolt," lifted him bodily and threw him about. four feet will such force that. he only saved himself from rolling off the bridge by grasping an iron rod that ibrtuuntoly was within his rcuch. Probably Mr Wills knows how to swim, thougth forgot to (Ink, and swimming is no ac- complishment. by no means to be des- pised ; but if he intends to persist in wanking over tho railway bridge on such days as “'cdncsduy last, we strongly advise him to learn the on. of flying' as soon as possible. Journalistic Pedestrians. 'I‘hojourunlists oi'A_tluutn, Gm, closcd a twelve-hour walking mulch on Sutur~ day. One was carried off the truck dy- ing of hemorrhage. of the lotus. and un- othor is iiuugcroihly ill. .\tl.mt;t dm‘su't snow to be .1. good plucc tor newspaper men. There ltlllnl. be something the matter with the ciiomlc. Scht'ul To routojournnlists could Wth twelve llnlll" without gcttlng tlrcd. 'l‘wenLy-fiw thousand people witncsacd the Allunto walking match. If the editors of the Globe and Mull would arrange for a walking mulch they would interest and :IIIIUM.‘ many thousand people, which they don't til now, and the alpcttlllllll’n Would rum] Tm; Saws us thcy watched the progress of the ruco. The grout dif- ficulty Would be that the editors would Wil‘lc n0 much time coding each other names that the pvople w ld get. tired and 50 home.â€" Toronto .Vcwa. l l l l l l __._.._.____...H Death of a Hero. llalrry Leslie. the "Hero of.'i mam," died Sunday, April 23.7, in the [mono n~ylum of I’lntbush, N. Y. to which he had bcco committcd April ‘13 . llc bud bccu in poor health nllltfic leU, in which Eyenr he had sustained an injury while trying to have u llll-c girl's lite. While hulking a tight rope ctr-etched across the l he saw the girl rolling down thc Mccp l roof before him- He had almost fininlr l cd hi.- walknnd was about to stop from lthc rope into an uppvl' window of the " boom when this night “3::3 his gaze. llc gcd to catch the glrljust as nhc full, but in no doing but llln balance nud fell. adjourn, to meet on the 31:: dnv of May l dab“. will occur. “my ",3, “w mam"! In rum": he lucked his he, “wad we rope and swung bead downwind. the uhild iu hilt urmn. At t!:' first smog be struck the house, And whcn he Wu res- Thia was the remote cunsc ofhi.’ insanity and death. -._....._<»--- .â€" l l l l l i l l 3 ion.- wt.th in Trauma, Tuna, owl-u}- . in: nu «clbncu. l street from a theater in lliclunuud,Vat,~ cued a deep gmh was found in Illa heal. ., end. fw"g-gv.:~ ., Bystander on » 'Bystander attacks Mr. Blake in a most bitter and unreasonable tnshion on account of his speech and vote in favor ofthe Irish Home Rule resolutions. He mmt unfairly takes it for granted that the Opposition leader was influenced in the matter solely by motives of policy, and thrctv out his masterly speech mortx ly us a bid for the Irish vote. "If to bribe with money is bad."sn_vs this truc- ulent and cynical critic. "to bribe with ("infusion and blood~hcd is worse." Such reasoning is buncntlt coutcm t. We have not much opinion of A‘ r. Blake's capacity for leadership. but he is the last. man who could fairly be charged with set-king to encourage an- arehy and bloodshed. The Irish resolutions ofthe Cunndinn parliament were intended to encourage a constitutional agitation. \Vbctbor the granting of Home Rule be advisable or not, nothing can be clearer than that the Irish people have the right. to ngitntc for it. and to seek to obtain self-govern- ment. such as we enjoy in Canada by all lawful menus. Tin.x resolutions did not Contain a single word that could be con- strued as favoring rebellion, riot, 01‘ any illegal method of accomplishing their Thcy were moderate in tone and appealed to the sympathies of every bc~ lievcr in popular govcrumcnt. What. right has Bystander Smith to ussumc that Mr. Blake was acting a part in speaking and voting on the resolutions? He is an Irishman by descent, and his sympathies, which are it good denl warmer than indicated by his mmcwlmt frigid manner, are strongly with his na- tive hind. If he is a Protestant, so is Parnell. (-0 was Isaac Butt, so ore, and have been, ngrcnt runny of the most strenuous advocates of Irish nationality n‘ We believe that Mr. Blukc spoke. from his heart in advocating the Irish resullr tions, and certainly in doing so he voiced the honest sentiment of many Cunn- diuns, both of_Irish and othcr with“. who love liberty and desire to SL"- tl- l : people of other lands in possession: of 2 iw time rights as they themselch enj._ . There are, lbrtunntcly, not. many so narrow-minded and prejudiced us Byâ€" stander Smith.â€"â€" Toronto Ncws. on immigrth fumin from Dennmrk. consisting of husband and \vifo. and lif- of the numerous family. children were all j-incd together by u t l l l A bwarw ofiucusts nine milcn wide , no. Little Children Tied Together. (.llilwuu/rrc Even fog ll't'sconsiu .) A novel night was witnessed at the Union dcput. a few days ago. There nr fired on an early morning Chicago Ll'dl'l tccn children. When they :tlightcd from the cars the man and woman ench Cill‘ IICII in their arms on infnnt, and were followed into the depot by tho rcmriiudcr The thirteen small-sized rope, which was fastened around the arm of each child They were tied together in Denmark, and in this manner the lnngjourney was made. The strangers remained at. the depot until afternoon, when they departed for Minnesota. where thcy will settle upon a form. All were cnmlhl'tably clothed. and the happy futhcr' appeared to bc well supplied with money. The father and mother were app‘irently ubout. forty- fi\'0 yours of ugc. The vl~itors nttruct. ed considerable curiosity during their bi'iefstay at the depot. 7. -o...___.._.. The Grand Duke Louis. The rcccut conduct of" the Qucnn to- ward the Grand Duke Louis IV. of [lease has spurred the l‘l'igllsll press to publish nus-luriugly cvcry extract from the 'memoirs of Princess Alici- calculated to show the meanness of the (lormau Court toward English princesses, in con. trust to the lavish llbel'ulily shown by the English pcnplz: to every (lei'nnan “bu has entered the Royal family of Great Britain. The publications dis-play in the most glaring way the pitiful duin pinching which the Princess A.icu was compelled to resort to, to make ends meet. in her l).tl'tuhl.udt Palace, the pnâ€" thctic appeals she was forced to make to trndl smcu for unpaid bills, the IiCt‘llllCrh' with which she felt the disgruco of her poverty when entertaining roan visitor, and, worst of all, the pcnuriousness of her husband in making it neccssary for her to often mood her own clothes, and even to turn the garments of herself and children for new Use when too thrr-ad bore on one side for future csliibitlun. a - o-.â€"â€"-â€"â€"._....- A large body of Itulinu labourers on the Cnnndiuu l’ucdic are on strikc, and serious trouble in lisurcd. The IIHIIJJS on ’iupnt's rescrw. N. W. 'l' , nre inning the resume, and much uneasiness is felt in consulutnce by the settlers ticul‘. For n ecrtnin grade ofmurdcr the Japanese low not only condemns tho criminal to death, but all of his fumily null his sclioulmzh-tcr. The Austrian Government has httuly issued rigorous regulations rio.~p«-,r.-iin,; bcitutiliers, huir dyes, patent medicines. ilk Those containing prison mu~t be mld by upothccartcs only by medical pro~cription, and none are to bc uold of which the authorities do not know the Colllpunlllhll. or which they I'Lcuo’anU as prrjudiciul to health. M. G. l’t'lcrllhlll, in former living: in the subm'bs of l’ittnburngmlisc .. a way of manufacturing wildillcd . ky, making it into pocket plugn likt. bacco. llo claims that he can also in til it in liquid form w it will be the c-piirulcnt of two and three years old whisky as it came» from the still. He has: refused $100,000 for the i ivcntiou. A fcmalc child was born in a county n o. l jail in New York one day last Vicck,i which is aiming tho Mtulluat biLs of hu- mmity ever well. She measured thin teen inches from her crow" w the mic of her tiny root, tipping the ncalc at two pounds. Ilrr qudn arc abuut an inch to lcngthmnd can be completely covered out of sight with n ISO-cent cum. A ntualuttr h." arrived 1t Buffalo from up the Inked with “33.0110 bushel» of o its on bourd. To ,;ivc llu' ave-rage land lub- ber n fair idea of the sip: of this cargo, the Buffalo rflllf‘l flair-Al it out. and found thut it would talus sixtucn hun- drc-l nod thirty tcmus, formic-,1 a pro Orrin" ovaâ€"r nine mil" in icngth. I»; more it. 'I‘bcy can do more bls' tuiugn on the who beside: blufl. :~'. s~ Over $000,000 Ih‘t‘s were pluntcd in Great Britain in 1333. It is pmpmod to form a Canadian BcefExportntlnn Compmy at Montreal. The Duke of Marlborough has nfi‘cnad to sell twelve pictures, including Raphâ€" nel and Rubenfi' pictnnw of the Holy Family. to the English Government for $2.000 um Henry I-lrlien. the oldest church organ builder in the world. died in New Yan last Wednesday. There are 1.734 churches in Europe and America which cmnain organs built by him. Major M nrautmf Dulverton, England, has a rabbit farm. The animals an: kept in hutchcs, which may be moved from field to field. They are killed when fourteen works old. Rev. Mr. Tulumgc dncm't believe that the finding of a horse shoe brings good luck. He found one recently, took it home and hung it up, and the very next week a comic wcckly had a caricaturo of him with n month about six inches wider than usttul. c-.__â€"â€"â€"-â€" 3500 Reward For any testimonials recommending Mc- Gncgnr'c Sprcdy Cun‘ for Dyspepsia, ludi- gcatlon, Costivcuess, Ilcndnehc, etc. that ttrc not genuine; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles uway, but from persons in and around llam- ilton, Out. We give trinl bottles free of Cost, so that you cannot be dvecivcd by purchasing a worthless nrtirlr, but know its value before buying. Trinl bottles Ind testimonials given free at W. E. Ellis'a drug store, Fem-Ion Frills. Fluid Lightning. Winnâ€"What's thr- ninttcr now, John 7 Hausaâ€"Oh, that neurulgiu‘nud tooth~ ache ncurly kills ")0. Wornâ€"\Vhy don't you go to W. E. Ellin's drug store und gut n bottle of Fluid Light- ning. you know it cures nil such things as toothuchc, ucurnlgiu, hundnt‘bt‘. lumlulgo, cnrnchc, sore thront, etc. It gives instant. rclict. Pimples and Blotohes. Cull at W. E. I'lllis's drug store, nnd get 11 package of llctlregor d; l‘nrkc's (Turbnlio ll"l'llll' l'. is composcd of \‘nsrlinc. lnr- ‘u-‘iv \viu . r. l l't-mtc, and hits never fnilcd l» xvii 1. i'-n:,~»les, lllotchcs, Ulcrrutcd lt cures when oil oth- l)l I'll). ln lltt‘ township of Vcrulmn, on Thurs- dny, Min; Huh. Christiana, rclict of the Into Mr. Philip I’ulry, SD, in the 79th ycur of [HT "git. W FEM-ll.th FALLS MARKETS. F'cnclou l’ulls, Friday, May llillt, 1881. thut, full, per bushel - - $1" 1!!) till Wheat, spring, “ - - o 95 1 0‘1 llnrll-y, per bushel - - - 48 5!. (hits, “ “ - - o - Ill; 3:! Pulse, “ “ - - - - 6.”; (l8 llyc, u u - - - . no 5:; Potatoes, “ - - - - 5:) (it) llullcr, pcr lh., - - - - - 15 It; Dressed Hogs, per Hm lbs., $7 (HI $8 00 ll 1:: $3 no to So on Eggs, per lltlZL’ll, llay, per It’llv 'Ncw Advertisements. in} BLflj‘IED our. W. W. BLQTT Respectfully ILfII'IIIS his friends llllll the public g-mcrnlly thut, buyingr bI-cn uncere- moniously hustlcd out of his lntc premises by the fire on the '1 th ult , he has rcsumv d business in one of Mr. .lnrdun's new stores on Colbornc St , where. with better facili- ties thuu ever. he hopes to gain Innny urw customers. Note the following Cash 1’riccs. S If (i gt 1!. . l!- lhs. Medium Bright Sugur for Si 00 H lbs. llright Sugar - - “ SI 00 12 lbs. l-lern llright Sugur “ SI 40 ll lbs. lixtm (.lrnnolatcd Sngur $1 00 CIXNNI‘JI) (xlOOl)S. Tunmlocs, .‘l lb. tins finest - - l-l it’ll) Apples. It lb. tins. in syrup - l2} “ (loru, 2 lb. tins, llllt'rll. - - - [25 “ Ports, 2 lb. tins, liucst - o - l1!) “ Lolun-rs, '1 lb. tins, filll'fil - - 1:54 “ Salmon, ‘1 lb. this, new lith â€" if. “ Snrdincs, 1 lb tins, French - Ila “ Surdi..cs, 5 lb. tins, do. - 21 “ 1’1: U’I’rfii. Currunts, new crop, Pllll‘lld, '5"). for Si 00 Yul. llnisins " .‘loruud, I5”) " SI 00 London 1. I_\‘l‘l‘ Raisins, - - pcr lb. $4! 1-! Figs. Turkish, - - - - 17b). for $l 00 Urnngl-s, per dozen, - - - - - S" 35 Lrlnons, per dozcn, - - - - v $0 30 Green Apples, llntcs, l’lnc-Applcs uud ull other fruitr, and u large und wcll assorted stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, which will be sold ut the ['Ill’l'll lining print. Do not nsk fir credit, on bin business is conducted strictly on u cosh basis. CASH PAID FUR BUTTER 5‘. EGGS, and anything that con hr ri-udily turned in- to Inuncv will in: lnkr-n in pny for gnodu. m)“ (live lnm u hill, and you will he convincch that thc nhovc stutmcnts uro true in every pnrliculzlr. ‘V. ‘V. [314()'I."r. Fcnclou Falls, Muy lat, Mil-l. lO-ly. COURT OF REVleChl. Notirw is hurl-by giro-n that the Court of ltrvinion for the corporaliou u! The Village of ienelun Falls will ln- lwld in tlw (Soimcil Chamber in Jordan’s Block, in the mild village, on Monday. the 2nd day of June next. l ..l -..' in o'clock in. m. ..m-rcntml will take notion ~ lien m-Cordinuly. fLU. CUNNINGHAM. Villugc (Yr/k. lt'm'lun l‘Iutm, ilny int, 151‘”. 11-141. \.l ’-.El .. . ,, .. z, . .. ....._ CzX I: I) 01“ 'I‘II;X N lit-5. The nn-lnnignrd hen-by rcturu their most . Iinccre thanks for llu.‘ palrmmm‘ It: lllrrmlc . lj' Ifl'tlllwutl “pun tin-m doting ll"! p'iil film yarn, and rcnwctlully unlicil {or thrir mo- ccswr, Mr. It. M, flutlrr, the mpport of their Hume-Hm. frirudn And cu-totnv-ru in Fenrluu Full: uud the nurrouudln' (wuntry. M‘JDUUGALL k ltllANlllIN. Vonoluu Fullu, April 23th, MPH. lU. ~. .. _. "'"wfvâ€"me 1’01! HALE. Kettle“ ‘bmleu will be received for tho pnrchaw u! II": inn-l on which “nod lhu bull-lingo lntrly occnpird by 8. B. John-u!) nod L. Lilith-rte. halving n front-go.- u! titty- f-rur feet on the west ll'lt' of Cnllmvnr KL, Pant-loo Fullo. Apply to Jmm W. Kux‘mr, . Deputy ichmum, Wmniprg. Mon . or to 5, ,N' ,-.WMA.\', Varmint: Pulls, fwd.»1-'..li»,.‘zl.ayoth, la“. y .-...... li'w'

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