whammy Week {COURT OF, REVISION; â€"11 Til-â€" NEW DRUG STORE, Fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines, Brushes, l.‘ 0mm. Snpu’Perftzmery and Yancy Goods, Pure and Reliable Dye Stills, new assortment of the DIAMOND DYES, also always on hand, a Full Stock of School Books. including Campbell & Gage's New Readers, ‘ Copy Hooks. Note Paper, Envelopes. Pens, . I-r'li. l’cnrili, Blotting Paper, Pass hooks,- Arcoum Hunks, Time Books, kc. an? Agent for the leading Newspapers. : Magazines. Music. 6w. Fannie}: will do well to call and get a. supply of the famous old Thorlcy Ilorsc S: Cnttlc Food. It is the only genuine Food, and will pay well to use it. Fem-Ion Falls, Nov'rjtth, 1333. . LEGAL serr- ‘A. l', llEVLIN, )AllmSTHit, :tttorrtey-ztt-lmu, Solicitor ) in Chancery, KentStrcct, Lindsay. DEAN a START, I ARRISTBRS, SOLICITORS, CONVEY- uncut", Arc. Ofï¬ce in Mr. Jordan's new block, Colboruc’Sl., l‘cnelon Falls. ll lt. Dru. C. E. Sranr. _ N. ll. Money to loan at lowest rates. No Commission clmrg..d. ' ___.___....._ MARTIN .5; HOPKINS, )AIUIISTEIIS, SOLICITORS, dtc 'Mo- ) nnyto Loan nt 6 per cent. Oï¬icc, Kent slré'ct, Lindsay, Ont. 1’. S. Mums. G. 11. llorxtss. l", I). MOORE, PAHRISTI‘IR, ATTORNEY, d: SOLICITR ) and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ollicu, Kcnt strcct, I.ind~‘n_v. ' ' 11U1JSI’E'1‘11 .k JACKSON, )Aitltli’l‘l-IRS, SULIUITORS, étc. ) tico, William street, Lindsay. .\. lltft'h‘l’tflll. A. chxsos Of- 0'1.1C.\1tl’ & OLEARY, ‘.\RRISTICRS, ATTORNEYS-ATâ€"LAW, W. E. ELLIS. : Notice is hereby 5:†that the Court of Revision for corporation of he \{illagr it. le’nelon Falls frat be held in the cam. cost... In . Jordan’s Black, in the said village, on Mondayflthe 2nd day of J one next. at the hoor'of 10 o’clock a. m.- - All ’pu'rties Interested will take notion l i and govern' themselves accordingly. _ l ' ’ can. ccsstsonan, Village elerk. Penelou Pulls, May lat, 1884., '9-t.d. ' Elicftitclntt'ï¬ills Eugene sonny, May 3181:, 1884. T he War in the Sondan. The following exfracts from a letter. received this aft-k bythe Rev. Mr. Watch from bisibrnthcr. who is attached to the civil branch of the royal navy, , and isseryipkg g prosetttunder Admiral ', llcwitt as an engineer oï¬iccrhon'bonrd H. 51.8,,“ Eni'ynlus," will no doubt be digitereï¬qutflcaders. .Al; though the junior of the Methodist. minT istcr of this village by two years, yet Mr. Watch haqsoen muchof the service. He was with Admiral Seymour in the " Active " during the Zulu campaign, and during the Kaï¬r warhprggiqgstq the Zulu, he~ rgggivcd withothcr ofï¬cers the .thanks of the colonial parliament for services rendered. He is a Medalist, - in naval eogjpcggipg npd architecture, , of the Royal‘t‘laval‘lluiversity; When . the recent marvel in naval warfare, the , torpedo rain “ ,Polyphemus," was put in 3 commission for trial with a crew picked from the entire navy, Mr. Watch was given charge of the torpedo and electric light scrviccâ€"oo-the ship. Front thence he ivas't'novc‘d‘t‘o‘thc " Euryalus,†and . is now writing from Masawwa, lied Sea, 1 under dutc.ol..x\pril 25th, 1884. He says:-â€"- . f “ We w‘m‘cin‘Bom‘bay when the news of the debut of llicks Pasha reached us. We wcrc ordered at once to Sua- kiu, which place we reached Dec'r 17th. The place was undoubtedly in peril, but the presence of English tncn-of-wnr made it. perfectly safe. Though the en- ctny camc'vcry close. several times ï¬ring ....-. .. .s. . Solicitors 1" Chancery, kc. Ofllcc, I)uheuy1ilock, h’cnt strcct, Lindsay. .\nrttun U'lnxtnv. Ilcou O‘Lunv. MCIN'I‘YR 1.; & STEWART, I) A ltlIIS'l'l'IRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ) Solicitors in Chancery. &c.,’ Lindsay. (mice ovor Ontario bunk, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at it per cent. on rettl estate wnritirs. _ 1).J. Mi‘lsrvnr" Titos. Srt-zwan'r. s..- . - “WMâ€. 1 L‘I().\'ld\' ’1‘0 LIGND' ' on SI'I'ill'Ily 01 mortgage on Real and Per-ll sunul Property and Promissory Notes, at. reasonable rates of interest. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, Banntsrnn, Lindsay. . MEDICAL?" A. W. J. Ill-:(lliASSl, M. D., URONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc... kc. I lit-sillcncc, llrick Cottage, Wcllington Rtrm‘t. l.fntl~u_\’. l'lllh‘. WILSON & WILSON, )llYSlCIANS, SURGEONS k ACCOU- t‘llt'l‘sl. Ollicc, Francis Street East,1-‘cn- l l'ltlll Fail 3. l 1': S \l-llï¬liw, \1 M ,u. n . c. .\1., st. r. r. a 3, Out , llr. .-\. “'nsos. M. n., M. c. r. s s., Ottt. “'M. incittrrjn. o. o. 31., ill.\Dl.'.\TI"I of McGill University, Mon I ll't'ltl,llll(l ProvincialLicentintc,P1tysi- cian. Surgeon and Obstetrician. Mcdicul Referee to the Stun-lard, thnix, Connecti- cut. Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Cont- panics. lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Ilus streets, I iullsay. . J , Illy crushed, as was proved when our‘ tho Provisional f‘ounty of llnlihurton. Dtt. J. ll. LOWE, 1)l1‘t'SlCI.\.\' .k SURGEON. Coroner for 5h)“ (ttlicc next door to the McArthur llousc. llvsiilcltcc, the house lately occu- pi--r1 by Dr. llryson, on .\1i\y street, h‘cnclon ‘ Valli. sunvnvons. JA M 1-13 DICKSON, ) 1.. Surveyor, (font nissioner in the Q. ll., ! , (fonvcynnvcr. Sc. dress, l-‘cnolon Falls. ignitSCELLANEOUs. 7 ‘11P. l‘lTY OF LONDON I-‘lRE INSUR- 1 nor: Co. Capital £2,000.00†sterling, Dr'l‘tlsllczl with the Dominion Government. ~3tuopoo. Tux Rout. Insurance Co. or Emanuâ€" Cnpiml. $10,000,000. miniun Government and otherwise vested . in Canada, $800,000. . an Wrmns lssnncn Co. or CASADA. Capital and Assets, $1,637,553. J. D. SMITH, Agint. Fenelon Falls, Jan'y 22nd. 1884. 4R. 130 R SA LE, Lot 5 east of Colbuntenud south of Fran- cis strveu, lit the village of I-‘eneloa 'r'alls Terms easy. to Mr. Jar. Dickson, Feuelon Falls, or to R. .\. DICKSON. Lludsay, Ont. l9-t. f. -,_‘..-,..._..m- .-. .. .. J. HEELAHDS, DEN’I‘IS'I‘, LINDSAY. Lindsay. June 23th,1853. One of the ï¬rm will he at tho McAarttt'n llocsn. l‘nxzmx FALLS, ml the third Monday ofurh month._ Teeth extracted by laughing gu without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. fl' our: established in Lindsay nearly ï¬fteen years. . INSURANCE. GEORGE GUIIIIBHAI, General Insurance and Loan Agent. ..- Other- and residence, in the house i | Residence, and ad» Deposited with Do“ For further particulars apply - on the camp, ycttill after Baker Pasha’s defeat we had nothing to do but exer- ciscn moral cfl'ect. It was then the Ad- miral was made governor and the expeâ€" ditionary force was sent. * * It was a great. pity we had to ï¬ght these Arabs â€"virtua1ly tbcy were ï¬ghting for their .country and against. Egyptian tyranny and rule. Osman Digma is not. a very exalted personage nor a brave man; merely u largo. slave owner who has boon ruined ,hythc English stopping the sl:i,vc_»traflic; .but he has obtained the lcztdcrsliftfbf these tribes, being the Madhi’s lieutenant. Tho ,tribcs who fought against our troops are inï¬nitely superior tuthq Egyptians, who till late- ly have suicd'lthctunvith a rod of iron, and every praise‘ds‘duc them for trying to throw off the Egyptian yoke. They are probably fanatics ; their religion makes them brave; but no amount of religion would make an Egyptian brave. They are 'a despicable and degraded race. with scarcely a redeeming feature, and I believe it they were removed cu- tircly front the Soudau and English governors appointed to the different places, so as the tribes would know that justice woulanIways be given, every- thing wouldgo on quietly and the cotto- try would be peaceful. After Osman's defeat. several chiefs said that ifnn En- glishman was permanently appointed governor they would have given in at once; but. that if any attempt was made to place an Egyptian over them they would fght t0 the end. I fancy our troops were taken away much too quick- ly. 01' course the rebels were complete- troops advanced thc third time and the rebels all ï¬t-d; but I think more steps should have been taken to show that i the country was opened up for trade l again, and that caravans could safely pass from“ Sunkin to Berba and vice verso. I should not be surprised if we had troublc with, them. The whole af- 1 fair was very distasteful to our troops, lus thcy felt that simply killing thou~ sands of th’csc brave Arabs for no other ; reason than rebelling against the Egyp- ltinns wassnot tho correct thing, and ‘ there was no honor or glory in the af- 1 fair. At 'l‘amnoicb there was very bad i manngctnqnt, and the loss on our side was enormously heavy through no other 1 reason than that ppg. square was badly .handled. The naval brigade suflcred i severelyâ€"as the square broke they were , left at their guns. Before they lost ' their gunsahretr-Iieutonants out of ï¬ve : prcscut ,E‘eï¬l’tillcd undone wounded, , We lbs? one teutcuant fr‘om‘ the “ Bury- inlus," a very nice fellow he was, and six'tï¬mourac'ihcy recaptured their gum, buttit was a terrible strug- iglc. Tho other square was well han- ’ dlcdiby General, Boiler, and this only ,saved diszï¬tcr." * ’ * l was landed l with the military forces during the op ,crationv,"tlt_tg_chicl, myself, and an as. isistnnt. in connection with the water ’ supply fqnlll‘t} forces. .~\s.therc was no ‘ \vulcr, tlicy'wcrc entirely dependent on . what “0 could di~til from the sea. We . :OIJI distillcryriggcd up and kept up 'sn abundant- and constant supply of pure distilled water for all the troops. We. runndnpd at tho base, and could sec'thc‘ï¬fihk from-where I was. It was a terrible sight‘to see the poor wounded fellows brought in‘ after the battle: I , had plentyuto do to kesp me well em- ;phyedtlLUn‘d": nico‘ tent for my own Lust, and icons always pleasant to turn in after a long day. I enjoyed the liv- ing st.th9 damp." . . . . . .A-.a -.o .n..- .v.. 4»; Found-‘â€" "a. .. ,. thouy. the ‘Frenah'Oeuadisn-who drowtr . ed 63mm in {b} ï¬ver,tbis_rillsgo on i 1 say doctors. 25 years of age, whose name we cannot learn and who appears to have been a stranger in Lindsay, was put into the lock-up last Wednesday night for some trifling offence and liberated next morn- ing. time he went to the lumber yard near the old station of the Victoria Railway, where an engine was at work shunting, and deliberately lying down in front of it was out completely in two. pears determined to have the last word on the subject of horses running at. large, and we are quite willing that he shall. passed years ago, apparently for the purpose of having it handy in case it. should be wanted, for we don't rctncm- bcr that it'was ever enforced. summer a number of horses have been turned out to graze (as some are doing now) within the corporation, and ‘I‘ Ob- server "_cntcrcd no protest until Mr. McArthur's mare accidentally upset a child hardly old enough-to be able‘ to toddlc out of her way. Our correspond- ent appears to take the ground that the rccvc ought to have enforced the by-lnw, which was violated by scores and which no one asked to have enforced ; but we venture to say that, had he done so, his action would not, only have proved un- popular but somebodyâ€"“ Observer." as likely as notâ€"would have called him a tyrant, and said that, because he was well enough of? not to feel tho expense ofn horse's keep during the summer, he wanted to prevent poorer persons from having the beneï¬t of the grass growing on the village commons. pondcnt denies having \vrittcn last week merely (that is, solely) for the sake of havinga slap at the reevc or us. and says he would not have noticed the “ ac- cident" at all if we had told who own- ed the animals, &0. ; that is to say, he Mr. McArthur. over whom the wheels fraction of the by-law if we had inform- ed the public that it was through the instrumentality of M r. McArthnr's mare ‘Bay'bt Bunwar snowmanâ€"Last Satur- day evening as the train for the north was leaving town it collided" near the Court House with. one of Mr. Archi- bald Campbell's delivery waggons, and a bad smuh-upwns the result. The horse, - which had two of its legs broken, one hoof twisted 08 and a terrible gash in its back, only lived a few minutes. and the waggon, which was dragged along- side of the engine, was. rolled over two or three times and broken alleto pieces. There were 'two lads in the vehicle at the time, but they both almost miracu- lously escaped serious injury, though one of them got a rather severe cut on the back of his head. The driver, we are informed, said that he did not hear the whistle and was unaware of the ap- proach of the train, which he could have avoided, but the horse, becoming frightened, dashed {crward in spite of his efforts to stop it. Runway ACCIDENT.â€"Last Weds nesdny Mr. John McArthur. of Ops. father of Messrs. Joseph and Alexander McArthur of Fenclon Falls, met with a very serious accident, from the effects of which, as he is over 70 years Of use. his recovery is doubtful. He was dri- ving into towifvrith' a‘hire'd man, and both were edited on some bags placed on a ladder tied to therbolstcrs of the Waggon, on which there was no box. Meeting a carriage in which were some ladies with parasols up, the horses took fright, and, running into the ditch at the roadside, 'Mr."McArthur and his companion were thrown from their scat. The hired man escaped unhurt; but passed, had his collar-bone and arm broken and his hip seriously injured, though to what extent is not yet known. He was carried into Mr. Gillogly's house and afterwards taken home. where he now lies under the care of two Lind- Dnrnmtmnn SUICIDEâ€"A man about After rambling about for some The Last Word. Our correspondent “ Observer †ap- The by-law he speaks of was Every Our corrcs would have said nothing about the in- the accident occurred ; though why he was so anxious to have the rccvo's name mentioned he does not tell us. Village Council. Fenclon Falls, May 26th, 1884. The council met at the call of the rceve. Members present. Joseph Mc- Arthur, Esq., reeve, and councillors Thomson, Swanton and Nevison. Moved by Mr. Swanton, seconded by Mr. Thomson, That the following ac- counts be paid and the room give his orders for the same: Joseph Dumand, four nights watching ï¬re, 84; John Hughes, three days' work on streets, 83 15; Joseph Post, do., 83 75 ; Robt. Wallace, i day's work on streets, 81.88; W. Fountain. do., 81 '88; Thus. Levis; work on sidewalk. cleaning creek and building culvert, 814 ; L ,Deyrnan, one armchair for court-room, 81 75; Jns. Snntcrs, cleaning ï¬re engine, 81 ; E. D. llnnd. printing and advertising,837.74; P. Kelly, cleaning court room, ï¬ne.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by Mr.Swanton, That the. following per» sons be appointed a Board of Health : Messrs. Henry Junkin, Thomas Rob- son, G. [1. Mitchell, and the reevo and clerk as provided by statutc.â€"â€"Cnrricd. Moved by Mr. Swanton, seconded by Mr. Thomson. That Dr. Lowu be ap- pointed medical health officer for this wrporntion.â€"_Cnrried. PtnsottAL.â€"M r. Joseph McFarland, of Benelon Falls, bu been elected by -the Lindsay District a delegate to the Quinta Methodist Conference, which meets at Napsneo on June 19th. shits-vs 1:1 Manâ€"It is something nth. ~--. It? midst to as anyone wearing mitts in‘tbo month‘of Hahbut this (Thurs! day) morning a boy passed-.01". oï¬o, window with a pair on his hands ; and. smallpox scare. ingly prevalent in several of the metro- politan districts,nnd is spreading from the city to theadjoining provinces. The city of London. since the start of the plague last November, has expended $250,000 for additional tions for the number of the afflicted. It is now proposed to erect a new metro- politan smallpox hospital at it cost. of $750,000. the coming summer, the fact that he has men at work digging out a. founda- tion looks very‘auspicious; and we hope to soon see the space between his pres. eut block and Mr; Twomey's ï¬lled by s ooupjeuuf hagdsome brick stores, for which there isjust room. . Sr. «Luna‘s CEUB'GB.'-We are re- quested to give noticer that there will. be no service in ‘St. James's Church on Sunday next, 's‘s Mr.‘fLogan ,has been summoned to {rive evidence on church busino- of thesDioce-se at Osgoode Hall,, Toronto, at10 am. on Saturday, May 3lst, and to remain there from day to day until the case is determined. The ,Liidies' Aid-.Absociaiion will meet it Mrs. Simpson'm' . .i ' ’ Sntcmz AT AWMAX.â€"'Mr. Pat: rick McAuliï¬'e,;_'tylto r'gsidcd _iu Fcuclon Falls about two years and a half and left- a few WW» forâ€"liis-former home at Ashburnhnm, drowned himéclfin the Otonabee river on the 19th~inst., and. his body was um-fouud-nntil -thc night of the 20th. Before jumping into the water he ticd"a.largc stone weighing nearly-50 lbs. to a rope, which be than fastened around‘hls neck. The unfor. tunnto umnprw-hg was - 3‘3; years old, leaves a widow and three young chil- dren. There is no doubt that: the rash act was cotnmittcd iua ï¬t of temporary insanity caused by his Isufl'crings from a disease with whichthc‘was afllictcd. and which is believed to have been the cf: Iects ofn Iallg,‘ T ' Slxounan laminarâ€"During the fore‘noou recess on Friday of last week Mr. Cundoll, the school teacher at Cam- eron, was playing ball with some of his scholars, and while he and a youth" uanied‘Pratt were running as fast as they could from; opposite directions to catch a ball that had been knocked high into the air, they collided with such vi- olence that. botlmvcrc badly hurt, Mr. Cundell being cut so severely over the eye that Dr. Wilson, of Fem-Ion Falls, had to be sent for to dress the wound. Both were badly bruised and shaken, and Pratt. had the. cap knees partly displaced, besides being struck so hard in the face that his nose hled copiously. yet been able to resume his duties. of one of ltis Mr. Cundcll has not m The’l‘lorwegian Skating Corps. Perhaps the most-curious battalion in any army is thoNorwegiau (lorps of ska tcrs. It is. composed of picked mcn arm- ed with rifles. which they use with great precision. ably adapted for: travelling over rough and broken ice, and frozen snow, being six inches broad and between nine and ten inches long. inanmuvred upon ice over the snow ï¬elds of the mountainswith a rapidity equal to that of the_bcs‘t,traiucd.cavalry. an instance of tlte‘spced at which they can go, it is stated that a messenger itt'i tnchcd to the corps has accomplished 120 miles ill eighteen hours and a half, over mountains. " ‘ ' T-hc'skates used are admir- The soldiers can be As - Bees Thane... Bavarian. Stove. Miss Valhc Casc,-.tn‘~iiiolp.rl of La Si- orra public school, in this county, is ro- sponsible for the following boo story :â€" Rcccntly on opening the stove, in which there had been no ï¬re for several days, she was surprised to ï¬nd that a colony of bees had taken-fposscssion of it. and had commenced to make honcycmnb. 'I'o down the chimney and pipe, making the turn of two elbows before reaching the bottom. _ turbcd in their work, attacked the pile vigorously and drove them out of the school house. _ escaped injury by farming the bees in- dustrionsly with her pocket-handker- chief. ly subdued by being smoked out, and killedâ€"Sun Bernardt'na Index. get into the stove the bees came The bees, on being dis- pu~ The school ,mistrcss The been were at last thorough- .- A Smallrpox Scare. â€". London (Eng) is threatened with a The malady is ulartu- uccom modn The anti-vaccinationists are making capital out of the scourge by pointing to its'steady spread as an un- answerablc proof of the futility of vac- cination. Theregular practitioners de- nou‘nce tho anil-vnccinationists as cne= mies to the public health, and insist that tho enem’ctio preaching of their propaganda hug been the principal cause of the prescotépropd of smallpox. The doctors grc'ge n‘g up'p‘etitlon's urging theUGchrnmoutt-to-immediately adopt the most coergctiomoasnreovfor putting an end to the Eischievous work of the antiwarcinafiontéts by making penal the further inouloaylpn of theirpropa‘gandti. â€"â€"‘*' A Good Example. The townéhlp council‘of London a month ago oï¬'ered a bonus of 25 cents per rod to assist farmers in building wire fences on grands running north and south. At therdiscussion held at that time it was not ï¬nally decided what. an- ture-’of construction should be followed, but__evc 491'“! was allowed to adopt any oft 0 "€qu were hog 'prboï¬â€˜cattlo‘ strong and horse high, and» tbmtsnot more than : six- teen fe'et ipsft,†This action was taken on soooquthT'thb impassable state of the roads thmugbimb'vr-drilt; last vhf- ter. Thiooinmon'r‘sil aid board Inn’- oes caughti all that westerly-sod easterly storms. By statitglabour on direct grants the municipality spent a great deal df‘Tï¬a‘bnoy in l’ coping thou raids clear. Besiduyhigki‘ï¬c wns'impgdod for days, and legalaotton was “thread-m: ' vinces is about the'only one which does plans,pro’v‘id'3d they: An Insane Murderess. sun curs m caunana's mucus as can? are sam' ' mo. y 24.;Mm. Alena- 181'. 141013.31 . .. - det- Edmont early this morning forced open the desk ofher husband, took his razor therefrom, and with it cut the throats of her thrtc-montlts'old child Gersler, and her fou'r-yonr old'daughter "Carrie. Shadow the weapon across the throat of her daughter Emma, six years 'old. but the cries of the child woke the father, who cared for it. Mrs. 'Edmont then out her own throat. The 'woman's wounds are not necessarily fa- .ta1,'butiahe lies in a critical condition. Emma willmecorer. The two younest are dead. Mrs. Edmont has been in the insane asylum. _ French ‘ Brig .Lost. cansunn nv 'tcsncno‘s also sEsK wrru ' ALL ox‘nosan. - ST. JOHS'S, Nfld, M ny 24.â€"Thc fol- lowing details of the loss of tho French brig Senorine are reported :-â€"-This ves- sel left St. Malo on the Ist of March, not on the 5th as previously stated. She was laden with salt, provisions, and general cargo. and guys bound to the . gFrench colony 958;.qu Pierre. She had it ’ship'sjcumpany of nine hands all told, and 53 French bankers awaiting their .arrival at Saint Pierre Island. About the 20th of-‘April she was signalled in ,_the..drift ice on the eastern edge of the Great Banks, and .a few days after a Strong galc' of‘iv‘i'nd‘hrose from the south- soutthest and with various changes and veering continued into May. On some date. in the ï¬rst week of May hcr bows and sides were crushed in by the ice and she rank without giving any warning, carrying down every soul on board. The British clipper schooner Consuelo passed by tho scone shortly afterwards and picked up sufï¬cient deb, rt's and general wreckage to identify with certainty-both the missing vessel and her actual doom. The Consuelo took on board some beds, trunks, bas- kets and clothit-ig. that doubtless floated out and up from rlte- crushed and col- lapsitig-vt-«cl. No further particulars are nscel'taluu-bit'. .. -.__._. “-9. . . TarSmoke for Diphtheria. ( From the New York Sun.) Ruth Lockwood; thc niuc~yearâ€"old child of'l‘homai Lockwood. n compositor in the Timcs oflico. hccnmo violently ill with diphtheria on Tuesday night. She was so weak that it Wit.“ deemed danger- ous to try mtclicntomw,.nt- cutting open the \vindpipe. 0n Thursday Dr. Nich- ols, of 117 West l‘iitshiugton place, who was attending hcr, received a copy of the Paris Figaro, which contained at report made by the lj‘renuh ;\~o:t.lo.t.y of Medi ciao by Dr. Dulthivl. Dr. Dnlthil sail that the vapors of iiquivl tar and turpt-n- tinic would dissolve the Iibrinuus exuda- ‘tions which choke up tho throat in croup and dipthcrin. Di" llcltltii‘s process was: described. VIL- pnur ctpgutl parts uf tur- pentine and liquidvtnr into a tin pan or cup, and sets tire to the mixture. A dense resinous smnku arises, which ob. scures the air of thnroom. “ The pa- tient," Dr. Dulihil says, “ immediately seems to experience relief; the choking and rattle stop;~tho puticut falls into a slumber and scouts to inhale the smoke with pleasure. The ï¬briuous membrane soon becomes detached, and the patient coughs up microbicidt-s. These. when caught. in n glass, may be seen to dissolve in the smoke In the course of three days afterward the. patient entirely recov- crs." Dr. Nichols tried the treatment Cures ‘fonï¬ydrophohia. A few days ago a child in the west- ern part of the state was badly bitten by: mad dog. s‘hd the parents were anxioum to ï¬nduvhe whereabouts of a mod stone. T ms were sent out all over the State making inquiries for the some} Oï¬o‘v‘t‘ss found in Lincoln, 111., and we believe another in Linn county, lows. But now comes one Hin- selwood, a native of Glasgow. Scotland. who is now 70 years old, and saysâ€"that ï¬fty years ago he was bitten by a mad dog and was 'cul’je‘d by using a tea pre pared its follows}, One pound of ele- campane grated, apd divided into three equal parts and each part put into a pint'of-milk‘ and boiled down one-half. Drink one of thesqdoses and fast about ten hours, then eat lightly and repeat the dose until the three doses have been taken. Mr. ll. says that he has known cases to be cured after they were at- tacked with spasms. and relates many cases that were cured of rabid dog bites. â€"1’}tt'IudeIpltt'iihVeirs. ~- Romanism for Negroes. The'attempt about to be made by the Roman Catholics to spread their ‘faith among thc‘Gcorgin negroes would be a matter of little importance to out- siders werc_.it-uot._probablc that the propaganda will bo.pducstional as well as‘ religious. TlIcUhtliolics wisely take the school-book to‘ those they would convert as" well as the missal. As no one else, the state being careless and the federal uovcrumcntJndiflerent, scents inclined to take hold in earnest of the task of educating, the ucgroes, those who are about to 'dlo-so-descmxc encour- agement. Whether they will convert them in lat-gc'numbcrs to their faith is probletuaticul; Certainly: they. will have little success with the older ones. who are dccply attached to the exceedingly emotional usages in matters of.faith to- which they are accustomed. lint: chil- dren are pliable. and the mission priest, at once pastor and pcdagoguc,,will be able to influence them to a large extent. The movement will he. watt-lied with interest. at. tho nortlt.-â€"«N. Y. Journal. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€".4r.â€"â€"â€"- Suspected Dynamiters. LONDON, May ‘30 â€"-Two men from Calais were arrcsmd at (lluiriog Cross Railroad Station this tuul'ltiug. ’l‘llt'll' luggage contained n quantity of vxpltv lives, with what are supposed to he in- fernal machines. 'l‘hcqucn declare their property was intended for. a perfectly legitiuuttc purpose. The dynatuitcrs cluded the detectives at Dover until the train was about to start, when they I rushed into the station and attempted to bnard the train. The detectives scizod. the mo", who clung, to. the run- ning train, and a dcspcra-tc struggle on- sued, tltc officers aud' the man bring ldrngged a considerable distance. The dt-ttctivcs ï¬nally scoured their prisoners uud brought them to London. “H The Ontario and Quebec. Although the ncwly completed Ontn rio and Qllt'bttc Railway has not yet been tipcncrl to regular traffic, special freight truim are now being run along the line. The first. through train lcfl Montreal on the 12th inst., and from To- rnuto procncdcd dirt-ct to Owen Sound. It consisted ol'lifty cars. containing ttgri. cultural implements and dry goods, dos- tiucd for the North-West. On Monday last, May 19th, another freight..trnin ot twauty-thrcc cars was despntchcd front Montreal, and on Thursday the ï¬rst East-bound freight train arrived at Mont- real loaded with floor from Wduuipeg. yesterday with little Ruth Lockwood. The freight ofï¬cials state that the indi- Shc was gasping for breath when he vis- cations are that there will be an abund- itcd her. First pouring out two table- spoonfuls oi'liqueticd tar on an iron pan, once of west-bound frciglttthi3.sfl.tt1utcr. The road-bed withstood the. heavy strain he poured us much turpentine over it and of the large trains very- satisfactorily. -sct. it on ï¬re. The rich resinous smoke which rose to the ceiling was by no means unplcasant. r\~' it [Had the room the child's breathing became natural, and as the smoke grow douse she fell asleep. ____.¢â€"°......... Better Terms For Manitoba. It is stated that the Manitoba dele- gation to Ottawa have succeeded in ob- taining an additional subsidy amount- ing to about one hundred thousand dol- lars a year, the government havin: a- greed to take into account the estimated increase of their population in advance of the census. The other grievances of which they complain are still unredrcssâ€" ed, and it is doubtful whether the peo« ,ple of the. province will be nppcascd as easily as Promier Norquay and his co- delegates. But the lesson will not be thrown-away upon them. Seeing that thcyhnve obtained a small concession by a small agitation, they will agitate to more purpose the next timonnd get 'u bigger haul. It is only a question of timc,'and a very short. time, too, when government on the principle of yielding nothing to justice and everything to clamor and tncnaccs, must cause. u the meantimotbe wealthiest of the pro- n‘ot juin in the scramble, and- quietly submits to be plundered for the beneï¬t of pooreraud more clamorous members of the Union}- Turonlo News. ...~ - . - A Town Destroyed. Ravasswoon, Loiig Island, May 34. --The box. factory of the Erie Preserv- ing Company here was entirely burned this afternoon. , on_ hundred women and girls em oncd than: escaped with diï¬culty. be ï¬re extended three or four blocks, and some of the ï¬nest. resi- dences in' Rsvenswood are destroyed. The ï¬gé‘deplrttqmt'irmtcrly demoral- iscdï¬tnd no one in in command. N9 water can Ire-obtained, and from all pp. arinoo’stlrere irnothiag to' check thp prorgrpl'sdr‘be dimes? ALI no houses (or, ’ ‘9 along th¢_rive_r_.lr‘ont are dec- 9 Several bus-50m in the rim. 1 ‘l The regular freight service will not bu inaugurated till the lst of .l‘llnotâ€"Jlml- [rial Stu-I. ‘C-.~â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" Extensive damage by floods in Spain is reported. Thirty thou<and women spend their lives in driving and steering the (MINI boots in southern and midlatnl England In France then: are now 4.575 miles of navigable river-a and 2,900 of canals. ' while in 1852 there were only 4 190 miles of river navigable and 2 440 miles of canal. Six thousand head of cattle stampe- dcd bclow Uotullo, Texas, on the Nut-ccs river, recently. The animals had been ï¬ve days without water, and when they came in sight of the river they were so maddcncd by thirst that, in their frantic endeavours to rrnclt' the water. hundreds Wore killod- nodumaimcd. Altogether, two thOusnnd m missing. Not. long ago a big'whalc got stranded on one of tltc Shetland Islands. ' A ven- turcsomc small boy thought. he was (loud , and sat down on his snout“ ll'ho whale showed that he objected to this liberty by giving. a snort which sent the small bny' 'into til? water ï¬fty fcct away. When he swap) ashore he knew more about tï¬tnlcrthan he ever did before. The upper story of the Mail building. Toronto, was oomph-tidy gutted by ï¬re on this mortu'tig'of the 25-1“). The total 1035, which was: fully covered by insur~ ancc. is estimated at from 830,000 to l_§35'),01t0. The printing otï¬oo plant. was I, but slightly damaged. Six young girls. telcphnnc operating-were for some time in Considerable danger; but they did not lose their presence of mind, and all heaped‘or-wcrc‘rcscucd unhnrt. There is an iuVrutinn spider-2i of which it is thought may air: rain the hit. It i- cnlled the carrngo, or anti homo torturc. Tt'is'compose'd 'of a HM" wooed. The ouutor claims for this snbstitpte‘foenhohit that it giro. oom- platc gontqutu tho driver over the horse wiibont'iï¬ï¬foï¬higuhe least discomfort or torture to throoimif-itnelf. - -It has ache nearly kills me. , Urnn‘el, per douu, - hand placed , over the trout boon-bf the horse's uni", -_ and.to thisâ€"qpplisoco the reins are at ‘ OOHUHICATNNB. Tb 151.8% of“: tendon Illâ€: Guards. 8!! I I regret that you should have taken my short epistle in your last issue so much to heart, and most emphatically repudiate all intention of having written it merely for the sake of huing a slap at the reefs and giving you one too at- the some time ; but had you, in noticing the accident, funk" ly stated who owned the animals, and ex- pressed some slight regret at the ocean truce, I would never have noticed the mat- ter at all. This slight courtesy the public‘ think they were entitled to from you under the circumstances, and having failed to do' so, leave you small grounds for complaint of my epistle. Of course the accident might not have happened If Mr. Twomey's horses had not whinneyed at the others, and I am‘ free to admit that it was decidedly cheeky for the horses of a blacksmith to presume to whinny to those belonging to a reevo and editor, but then in their horsey igno- rance they might fttil to comprehend why others should enjoy privileges denied to them. True, I have on one or two occasions availed myself of my privilege as a rate- payer to criticize some of the public acts of the reeve, and if you now deem it your duty to become his champion, I trust you will begin by showing a single one of my statements to be incorrect. and trust. also, that you will use better logic than you did in giving the reason why your own and his mare were running at large. For you to say they had as much right to be at largo as any other person's is the vertest twaddlo. If the by-law has not been on forced of into years whose fault is it? or whose duty is it to see that the villugo try-laws are eu~ forced ? Yours. OBSERVER. ,_ l-‘enelou Falls, May 27th, 1884. l 'â€"=~â€"_â€"_ 3530mm For any testimonials recommending Mc- Gregot’s Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Costiveness, Headache, etc, that are not genuine; none of which are from' persons in the States or thousands of miles‘ away, but from persons in and around llwmv i1ton,0nt. We give trial bottles free of cost, so that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article, but know its.vn.luc before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given frco at W. E. Ellis's drug store, l-Teuclon, Falls. Fluid Lightning. Winnâ€"What’s the matter now, John I llUSBAND.â€"Oll, thatncuralgia and tooth-~ \\'lrn.â€"-\\'hy\ donll you go to W. E. Ellis's drug store and got it bottle of Fluid Light- >ning,,_vou,know.it cures all such things as toothache, neuralgia, headache. lumhugo, carnchc, sore throat, etc. relici. It gives instant Bletll 1111331). Srnvrssouv-Drscn.--0n Tuesday, May 27th}, by the Rev. C. W. Watch, at the bride's res- idence, h‘enolon, Mir. Walter, ll. Stevenson. to Mrs. C. R. Dench,nll.of1-‘.cnclon. DIE'Da In the township of.'Feaelon. on Monday.“ May 26th. Elizabeth Ann, wife' ovar. Lovl Wag-tr, alga-d 31 years. RENELON FALLS M ARKM‘S. Fenclou Falls, Friday, May 30th, Hills.~ Wheat, fall, per bushel - - $0 90 1 00« Wheat, spring, ‘1 - - - 95 1 02 Barley, peltbusbel - - - 48 5.5. Oats, .. u - . - - 34 40. Penn, “ “ - â€" - - 65 70» Rye, “ †- - - - 50 53 Potatoes, " - - - - 50 (:0 Butler, pcr 1b., . - - - - 1:1 13‘- Dressed Hugs, per 100 lbs, S7 00 $8 00 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - ll 12. Hay, per ton. - - - - $8 00 to $9 "0 ( Wool, pcr 1b., - - - - - If: 16' New Advertisements. ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF" VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council ofthc Corporation nfthc County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber.» II THE COURT HOUSE,, -â€"in theâ€" TQWNI CDF LINDSAY,, onfl‘uoadny, The will day of Jane, A. D. 1884,, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the transaction of~ general business, pursuant to standing rules. of council. T. MATCIIICTT, County Clerk. Cocsrv Ctzna's Ovrtce, 1 Lindsay, May 26th. 19M. { not BLO_'_I'_'[ED our... W. W. BLOTT. Respectfully informs his friends and the- puhlic generally that, having been uncere- moniously hustled out. of his late premises by the ï¬re on tho: Z'tth ult, he has resumed business in one of Mr. Jordan‘s new stores on Colhorne 8!, where, with better incill- ties than ever. he hopes to gain many new customers. Note the following Cash I’rices. sum-AR. 15 lbs. Medium Brightï¬ugnr for $1 00- H lbs. Bright Sugar “ $1 00 1'1 lbs. Extra Bright Sugar 31 no 11 lbs. Extra Granulated Sugar $l 00 CANNED GOODS. ll Tomatoes, 3 1b. tins ï¬nest - - H c'ts Apples, 3 lb. tins. in syrup - 12 “ Corn, 2 1b.t1nl,tlnest - - - I2 “ Peru, 2 1b. tins, ï¬nest - - - 1’1 “ Lobsters, '1 1b. tlns, ï¬nest - 12 “ Salmon, 2 1b. tins, new ï¬sh - lb “ Sardines, 1b. tint, French - Ill “ Sardines, 1b. tins, do. - 21 “ F R U I T 25 . Currants, new crop, Pnlrll, lblh for 81 oo. ValJulsins " Monnd. lalb. “ $1 00 London Layer Raisins, . - per lb. so H Pigs, Turkish. - - . 1110. for :11, g: Lemons, per doses, 30 3° Green Apples. Dates. Ptaolpplee and all other lrnlu,nud a large and well assorted stock of GENERAL BROOM-t which will be sold It the Iowa! ' ’ plea. Do not ask {of credit. as his bosons lg n . u u - . - mama rams. 0102.,“ ed against the main on this account troy . by‘itiverbl ratepaydr’n ;‘_‘-heooo' 1hoirï¬bé " conducted strictly on n cub buts. ‘ . . _ t safely tawny, bu}. several nftsw'tf- - ‘ .xqiiu waist if our}? ' "dun ram ron sumac zoos, and anythlngthat can be read!) turned too to money will be taken In The‘scui‘ot Joseph hi .the 33"] “CHI“. $113.3 [ï¬st SE not without reason, lnr the wuthcrjubs repute-u the following ï¬rst class eon-pact W' 3m 5%.,†a". now is cold and yiody enough Ibr- nies. u nth which business can be transacted ' . in in the water over ï¬ve woeksit' MINI)?“ '30 5° “355.04 ‘0 5! thé, upon the Inuit I. Menu mum. #mï¬jTâ€"I marroF-uslyguvd in ‘hhh ‘ The Canada Permanent to: h SnviunCo, ‘..“,3"."l_lfl,'.h_fl, "‘5 y" “PM m < I ' . ‘5.†The Imperial Insurance Company, at now, Mum, Mdbt fcwfbhbtuw from P‘d-ci.‘d havoc dRflIIg Toad" \‘t‘ridï¬g satisfactory results. . ersl 09’ny It , at»: werp'de‘stroyoill- Tho-flimsy. '. ..:. 7. : . . _ . -‘ mupjci , 'tios 33mm)â€. on exéur .uictéd'memiou logic.- York" wob‘l’ °m@m“.m._ Pk- "1 “I" mange ill: fences on as it broke out on noogunt of~th'e dense l 0-" I! W- 3- "M “Imm- "4 3" pg: or food! don. England. .. 'F 'uy iv.“ '1'. bidmnt'snd revolting. “335k , all than blocked roads. ' -, . ; smoke which arose over the scene. A i emt'ï¬:{fgggggï¬rvnhgawgï¬ can'tnuzlvpb‘h‘hqh: :nbg,cs:uy:‘nfll‘: TM ill-six: ï¬fmf-fonmr. ofC-n- spectacle. It was placed in a cofï¬n and Suspiciousâ€"Though Mr. Goo. Cun- ~â€"â€" aloud repm Is at the explosion of In ml: 501,, â€wagonâ€, â€a i... never failed ,m ',,, "a, particular. I so T’r o' A. ï¬re in the Atlantic Oil Works, at ’ tank luat colour to lbé "PO†ll'“ “"3 l to remove Pimplel, ' ill-Ir l Philadelphia, destroyed property Aggie Oll works It limiter s Potot‘yct‘o :blasl‘ scrunnngh gym borne street during‘ gatin: $600,000 in value. . The li‘t't-$ «77.1 Hzrcgzte agitation, . m fol Try 1- Blotches, Ulcersted The “Mum†“mu" C0 ‘O, England. , taken at night to \ Ictona Road, for tn~ utngham tells us he has not deï¬nitely " mm â€,1“ m M). f," ,_\,,,,,‘,,.,.,v,, L," “mam. om“, . terment in the Catholic burying mood 3 made up his mind to build on his va- ,..-,. . the" not property on (a. ‘V. W. BI Frnelo't Palll. Mn} In. in“ n 9