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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Jul 1884, p. 2

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Arriving Every Week 1w:â€" IIEW DRUG STORE, I’rrrh Drugs and Patent Medicines. Brush", Combs, Soapi.'1’er!imery and Fancy Goods, Fun and Reliable llye Stills, new assortment of the DIAMOND DYES, also always on hand, a Full Stock of School Books. including Campbell k Gngr’s Sew Readers, Copy Books. Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, lulu, Pencils, lllolting Paper, Pass Kooks, Account Hooks, Time Books, kc. fi' Agent for the leading Newspapem Magazines, Music. 6m Farmch will do well to call and get a supply of the famous old Thorlcy Horse 8.: Cattle Food. It is the only genuine Food, and will pay well to use it. ‘ \V. H. ELLIS. I'enclon Falls, NIIVI! Klli, 1883. ‘ ______â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€",-’ LEGALth. ' -A‘; 1.7â€"; ’ ~"’_ A. I’. niivmx, p liai'vésii’lools It is now generally admitted ‘lllflt there is no Grain Cradle in the market equal to IlllillSll'S, lll llllllllll, and this is not so much by the number of first prizes awarded it as by its being tested in actu- al use. I how: a large stock of English's Grain Cradles, Scythcs, Siiaitlis. Forks, Italics, &c., for sale at. lowest prices. IN BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, on ANY OTHER HARDWARE, Ifwill inidersold. G. Anderson. â€"A? r l l ARRISTE l, Attoriiey-atâ€"an, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ‘ , __._---. ..._,._ u; lie ft uttmrfitlls ®u3cttc DEAN & START, V; 0‘ A ) A ItIllSTI-IRS, SOLICITORS, CONVEY- ) uncerii, kc. Office in Mr. Jot-Inn's new block, Colborne SL, I-‘cuclon Falls. 11. fl. DEAN. C. 1. Sum. .\'. ll. Money to loan at lowest rates. No commission charged. 1 AthfflTERS, SOLICITORS, arc ney to Loiiu at 0 per cent. Kcutstrcct, Lindsay, Out. P.S MAiiris. Satu ay, July 19th, 1884. . macaw” We are pleascd'to be in a position to state that gratifying intelligence has just arrived from Ottawa with regard to the cutting of the watcr power race on the locks. Some two weeks ago Mr. Page, the chief engineer of the Domin- ion Government. csamincd the Works in company with Mr. Rubidge,‘the‘cngiâ€" liner in charge. Mr. Page has since made a. report to the Government, which has been approved of. It recommends “ that the Government should at. once make the head gates of the flame as far as Colbornc street, after which arrange- ments can be made for continuing it to a mill and for leasing the power.” The canal would be of but small value to this village without the water power which the locks create. We expect to see the village, at no distant day, not only in a position to grind all the wheat grown in this part of the country and to send it to the sea board in the shape of flour, but to manufacture large quan- tities from r'thu North-West and the Western States. ‘Naturc never intended such a water power as we possess to run to waste, but that every pound of it. should be fully employed in driving machinery. ‘zWe congratulate our mer- chants on the plospcct of the return of their usual business, which has been di- verted from the village for some time past. MARTIN A: HOPKINS, Mo- Office, G. 11. Ilorxiss. If. I). MOOR E, 1’ ARRISTI-IR, ATTORNEY, A: SOLICITR , and Notary Public. Money to Loan. ()flicc, Kcnt street, Lindsay. iiiiisric'i‘ii ibdAUKSON, .ARIIISTI‘ZRS, SOLICITORS, kc. I Iicc, William street, Lindsay. A. IIUiisi-nru. A. Jacxsos M._...-.H. .____.__,__..__.... t)’LEAllY St (I’LI‘IARY, ARRIS’I‘ERS, ATTORNEYS-A11.AW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Office, Dolicny lllock, Kcntstrcct, Lindsay. Aiiriu‘ii O'Lmnv. Ilcoii O'LnAnv. MCINTYRI‘I A: S'I‘lilll’All’l‘, .lthIS'I‘BRS, ATTORNEYSAT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Lindsay. Office ovcr Ontario Ilunk, Kent street. Mo- ncy to Lana nt 8 per cent. on real estate 'Ccuritics. D. J. Mclsrvim. Of- Tiios. SrizwAnr. DIONICX' 'ITO LEND on security of mortgage on Real and Per- sonal Property and Promissory Notes, ut rcnsonuhlc rates of interest. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, llAiinisrnn, _ Lindsay. ‘ A MEDICAL.” I A. w. .1. DEGRASSI, M. n, ()RONI-lll, Physician,Snrgcon,kc., kc. Residcucc, llrick Cottage, Wellington llll’l‘t'l, Lindsay. The Unnspiracy Case. Vice-Cliunccllor Proudfoot, Judge Scott, of the county of Peel, and Judge Scnkler, of the county of Lincoln, the Royal Commissioners appointed to con- duct. the investigation into the conspir- acy case, commenced the proceedings at Osgoodc Ilall, Toronto, on 1‘10nday last, and they have,bccn continued from day to day. A very large number of wit- nesses have been subpccnacd, and the evidence given by those already exam- ined is substantially the same as has al- ready appcared in print. The investi- gation, being non-judicial, will not su- persede the criminal prosecution conf- menccd against the parties charged with the. conspiracy, but stayed until the question whether the offence is a crime of which the law can take cognizance is. settled. Among those present the first day was Mr. llcctor Cameron, and the News. in its.brief remarks concerning the different distinguished personages, speaks thus of the M. P. for North Victoria :â€" “ Ilcclor Cameron also appeared, merely as a lawyer, and not as counsel in the case. llig. white-haired, bald, oven-tempered Ilcctor,\vith the counten- ance of a Sunday school superintendent, and the learning of a Blackstone, had grave doubts of the jurisdiction of the court, and consequently thought best not to appear on behalf of anybody, not he. (iuileless "t'CIOI‘. ” I)R.‘. WILSON & WILSON, [)11'1'SICIANS, SIWtGI‘lONS k ACCOIV clicrz. (Illicc. Francis Street East, Fen- rlon Frills. E. S. Witsos, u. ll.,.\t. n., c..\i., u. c. r. .i 5., Out Dr. A. \VII.S().\’, u. n., st. 0. I'. .t s, Ont: \VM. iticiir‘r, M. D7631, lllADlTATE of McGill University, Mon I trcul, and Provincial Licentiate, Physiâ€" ciiin, Surgeon null Ob-itclricinn, Medical Rcfcrcc to the Standard, Pliri‘nix, Connecti- cut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Coni- pnuics. Ollicc and residence, in the house lately occupied by Her. Father Stafford, at tln- t-urncrof‘ Lindsay and Rus streets, Lindsay. Dit. J. II. LOWE, IIYSICIAN & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of Ilaliburton. W (Illico next door to the McArthur Ilousc. Residence, the house lutcly occu- pied by Dr. Ilryson, on May street, Fenclun Falls. SURVEYORS. JAM 1'1.“ DICK-SON, ) L. Surveyor. Coin nissioncr in the Q. R, I . Coiivcynncvr,&c. Rcsidcncc,undud- drcss, l-‘cuclon Falls. _â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_!â€" MISCELLANEQUfi “my 7 The 12th in Pension Falls, I “II! t‘l'l‘l’ OF LONDON‘ FIRE lNSIYR- Asci: (to. Capital £2,000.00” sterling. Deposited with the Dominion Government. sloth-mo, Tux Rout INSI'IHSI‘H Co. or Esottvnâ€" Capital. $10,000,000. Deposited with Do- minion (luvcrunicnl and otherwise rested in Canada, $6.110me Tint “"3”:le Issriusc: Co. or CANADA. Capital and Assets, $1,637,553. .1. D. SMITH, .-Iy-wil. l-‘ruclon Falls, .Inn’y ‘3'.‘nd, In“. 48. The morning of Saturday last, the 12th inst, was tibout as unpromising a one as could well be imagined ; and those who were to take part in the ap« prom-hing oelebiation, as well as all who wished it to be a success, feared it would entirely spoiled by the trou- tlicrpafi the ’ouiéntmis question “ Do you think it w 1 rain 1’" was asked by scores anxious for the answer in the negative which no one could conscien- tiou~ly givo. Rain it did, but not to the extent that Was generally expected ; indeed §lie day, as a whole, could not be called an unfavourable one. as the two or three showers that fell during the forcnoon- were. neither heavy nor long continued. and the afternoon was much more pleasant than it would have been with a broiling hot sun. Early in the day the members of Fcnclon Falls lodge No. 996 were out parading the streets of the village to music furnished by the brass band. and led by Bro. Roberts, the niushnl,wbo. mounted on a charger white as snow, certainly had a very martial appearance. ghat's spun, but you needn't tell any dy.) later in the day, when all the brethren who in~ tended to assist in the celebration had arrived, there were nine lodges present l‘(.) l{. 17413, Lot 5 Hist of t‘olhornr and south of I-‘rnn- rii streets, in the village of Penelun Falls. Tcrms easy. For further particulars apply to Mr. Jas. Dickson, I‘rnclon Falls, or to R. A. DICKSON. Lindsay. Ont. I'd-l. f. .i. IEELANDS, l) l‘JN'l‘IST, LINI)SA.\’. Due ofthc firm will be at the McAM-urn Ifousu, Pas-ems FALLS, on the third Monday of each month. chib extrpctrd by laughing go: without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. fl“ (We: established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. iivsnigANcn. GEORGE CUNNINGHAI, Lindsay, June 23th, 1853. and Burnt River lodges. which were and I'Iunsford lodges, which came on the steamer Em, and the North Vern. mews rm. 01m, l airs. with which bump“: can be transacted ’ am Fan“ in “a ‘5’” ""1"" "‘““""“~"'~“" . ed bringing a rims band with them The Luanda I transient Loan 3 Sayings!» H bud _ h , d I.) “‘l“"é‘“.‘“5"““ °' it??? as... ’. 3.22:”; as. an, nguu. u yjui , at 5 TI“ CIHKM' 18W!!!" CMP‘“!-°f‘~“n"l the proceedings are and how they are d" r'" "1 Am‘m‘ conducted , but a good many have Dev. Tbe Laumrlnre Insurance Co , of Raglxud. a mu “ hn‘dmma “d glnydnwn'cd The Contvd'NIioI Lite .tssoctuion,otCau- “h evergreen arches as the three envied ggons, the lust mention- lon our main street, at no small pains and expense. by the members of L. O. L. No 996. After the usual marcliings . {of the sumful candidates at the en- l trance examination held at Oakwood on l the 3rd and 4th July, Its-I. Out ol' the '89 applicants 40 pascd and 49 were plucked. l and counter-marchings had been consci- entiously performed the brethren dis: ! pcrsed for dinnerhnnd when that had been disposed of they again formed in- to procession and marched to a beauti- ful grove on Fidler’s hill. where they and a large assemblage of villagers vrcre inddresscd by the Rev Mr. Lochead. Ilev. Mr. Watch, Rev. Mr. Logan. Mr. l Moses Mc.'cil and Mr. Charles Fair. l bairn. who spoke from a platform erect- ed ubout eight feet from the ground amidst a group of trees. They then returned to the villzigc. and in due course escorted the Haliburton and Burnt Ilivcr lodges to the station and the brethren from Bobcaygcon and Ilunsford to the steamboat landing 'at Smith & Fell's mill. Soon afterwards â€"â€"the day being far :ulvanccdâ€"thc oth- er lodges left for home in their various cnnveyanccs, and the members of No. 996 marched down Francis street to the Orange hall, where they deposited thq-ir insignia until the next occasion for their use shall arise, and emerged destitute of decorations, with nothing to distinguiin them from ordinary mor- tals. We are pleased to be able to re port that the Orange Celebration passed off successfully and satisfactorily to uh concerned, and that, notwithstanding the crowd in town, there was no disturb- ance of any kind and but few and slight instances of disorderly conduct. Somerville Council Proceedings. Rettic's Station, June 16th, 1884. Members all present and the reeve in the chair. Moved by Mr. Perduc. sccOndcd by Mr lluumey, That Charles Bowens be appointed patlimastcr in Division No. 2. instead of' Wm. Hamilton, resigned.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, sceondcd by Mr. Itiinincy. That IIcnry Perdue and Ilenry Donglity be authorized to have the bridge across the crack on 5th con. line on lot 22 repaired with as little dc- lay as convenient.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Rumney, seconded by Mr. Pcrdue, That a new pathniaster’s beat. be formed, consisting of the base line across the lst con., to be known as road division, No. 61, and that Joseph Eade be patliuiaster.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconded by Mr. Ilumucy, That the council now adjourn, to meet at the same place on June 30th, at momâ€"Carried. _ [The above minutes belong to the proceedings published last week, but were omitted by the clcrk.â€"E¢I.] Rettie's Station, June 30th, 1884. The council inclâ€"members all pres- ent and the recvc in the chair. The minutes of June 16th having been read and approved, a communication from Joel Henderson, respecting repairs on concession line between the 10th sand 11th concessions, was laid before the counciL On motion, Mr. 1". Train was heard respecting ari‘carsrof taxes, and the matter was laid over for future consideration. Moved by Mr. Romney, That the following acc'ts be paid: E. D. Ilaud. advcrtising and printing, $9; J. G. Edwards, onc kcg of wrought spikes for bridge, $10; for freight on same to Crego’s bridge, 35 cents; Wm. H. I‘Illgllfill,4ir days plank- ing bridge, Sf) 63; Michael Mansfield, 4 800 feet plank for Crcgo creek bridge, $52 80; Geo. Graham, repairing three scrapers, $13 50; Henry Doughty, bal- ance of collector’s salary, $15: Isaac Burnett, three day's Work on road, 33; ’1‘. Matchctt, refund for statute labour performed and charged on collector's roll, four daysâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconded by Mr. Graham, That By-Law No.â€"â€", a by-law to authorize the trustees of S. S. No. 5 to borrow four hundred dollars to aid in building a new school-house, and issuing debentures therefor, be now read and finally passedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconded by Mr. Perduc, That Bj-Law No.â€"-, a by- law to appoint three members of a Board of llcalth for the municipality of Somcrvillc, be now read and finally passcd.â€"â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Purdue. That By-law No. â€", a by- law to grant aid to the poor school sce- tions in the township for the year 1884 be now read and finally passed. â€"Car'd. Moved by Mr. Purdue, seconded by Mr. Sudduby, That the treasurer be instructed to pay the assessor, J. '1‘. Beech, his salary of forty dollars so soon as no process of court attaching the same is in existenceâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. l’erdue, That this council consid- ers that it is just and expedient that an equalization of the assessments for school purposes should take place be- tween the townships of Soinervillc, Gal- way and Snowdon so far as regards school section No. 3 of Somervillc, situ ate at Kinuiount; Therefore be it re- solvcd that the rccve take steps in con- junction with whocvcr may be appoint~ ed by the said townships of t‘vzilivziy and t‘ccourso to arbitration in making an equalization of the several amounts or proportions that each township shall pay for the maintenance of the said school. - Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconch by , Mr. llunmcy, Tuat fly-law No. , a lby-law to provide for the expenditure lof two hundred and thirty-two dollars l on the roads in the township, and ap- lpointing commissioners to expend the l same, be now read and finally passed.â€" ‘ Carried. l Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by ibcap f six and scrumâ€"Curried. l Moved by M r. Sucldaby, seconded by lam. Silver Lake, Glenurm, Cameron i ML punk“, Thu a"; council nnw ad- . ' ‘. - . . ‘ um con. u cc ho coals were dro v: represents the following first class compo .od Cnmbn, lodges, winch arm-c mt .Oum. m we“ on me find “nmhy m S l seq on I. p August at the some placeâ€"Carried. , Dunstanâ€"Mr. Neelands, dentist, l Lindsay, or his nail-taut, will be at the i McArthur House. I‘enelon Falls, on Monday , and 22nd inst. l Mr. I’crduc, sccnndcd by and Tuesday next, the 215i. Snowdou, to endeavour to. arrive ut'an showed mm he had been very roughly i amicable arrangcnwut without having | handled l l_ l i l I 9. besides No. 996, viz, the Ilaliburton Mr. Rummy, That Alexander Murray y but um, one lnppmed m be temper“ - I’Oi'm’d mmmnflcr "n the gm" 3 Ir out of ord~r and after several ucs~ brougl t b th‘ train th' Robe: ‘gso 5 ' _ ' -. L ‘ ‘ q v I y L ’ L 'l L n “"9 "0"“ or MM“ mad hence" lo“ ; ttous and answers had been sent over‘ I l i ibridge had caught fire and that. fromidomn's. Iiiin Entrance Exaufination. ‘426, Annie Keith 410, Clarke Staples 376, Mary Bowcs 368, Peter Deyman l Justice in Quebec. 367. John Gilchrist 363. James Keith l l 360. Lana; Reziziu 349. John Ashman 3-H. Katie Archer 341. Levi Annis 340, Mary McLean 337, Maggie Gilles g 334. Carrie Irvine 328, Colin Camp- bell 326, Rachel Jarrett 319, Lottie Thornbury 317. Geo. Foster 315, Min- nie Pollock 315, Thos. Bell 314, Lizzie Eberts 309, Jamesfllarke 30-}, Duncan McFadyen 303, James. Pasc'oe 300, Sn- sie Rickett 1398, Sara Cronsbury Susie I-lyi'cs 2TB. licorgc Cunningham 293, Lizzie Thomas 292. llcttie Kcyes 288, John McKenzie 288, Colin Mur- chi-on 287, Agncs‘llunie 290, Donald I Mcchyn 285, Plimbc Ashley 281, Greene obtained 2285 marks and passed in everything bid spelling. Willie In- l gram obtained 1277 marks and passed in everything except arithmetic, being three marks behind on that subject. Arthur, our recve. has purchased the steamer Cabot-011k, and'slie will soon reappear at this ,“port.” she is lying in West Bay undergoing the operation of calking, which will be completed as soon as possible, as there is a good deal ,of towing to be done. 1y overhauled, repaired, painted, and qualified to carry passangers ; and when the completion of the locks enlarch her sphere of action, she will no‘doubt be kept busy and pay well. ment of Ray Rakesâ€"G. Anderson. is laying down a new sidewalk, five planks wide, on the south side of Fran- cis street west, from the Orange hall to the Presbyterian church, where it was good order in consequence of the creek but strong stone wall is being built un- der the sleepers, and the water can do no harm. of day's work was not satisfactory. sale by G. E. Anderson. of the sideli‘alk, Illilkbl’CI‘y day a con- sidcrabls adflijon is yf-aylc to its height. store and two single ones, instead of and stated two-ortlircc weeks ago. The owners. , said, English's Grain lfrxidlcs and Oshawa ; ed McLareu's creek, four miles from ltweuty to thirty feet of it had been more or leg burned. Repairs were It louce commenced by a strong force of , men, and by night the bridge was pass- ; able again ; but the accident of course lcauscd some delay to passengers and l i>'1â€"--â€"-â€" The following‘fs a list of the names mails. 280 marks passes. , W A. S. Whiting J: Co.'s celebrated Martha Cullis 434, Carrie Coates 1 Harvest Tools at G. Anderson's. | #â€" . __________________._____.__ The administration of justice in the province of Quebec appears to be de- plorablv lax. In more than one case the perpetrator of a cold-blooded inur- der is going at large without any ni- tcmpt being made to arrest him. The Ottawa Free Press states that a man named Woolsev, who killed his neigh~ bor. James Armitage, without provoca- tion on the 9th of June, at North Ons- low, is at large and pursuing his usual invocation, no effort being made to bring him to trial for the crime. It also says that a man named Osborne, who mur- dered his son-in-law French, with whom he had some disagreement at Gatiucau Point, is also going about uniuolested, although after the commission of the deed he offered to give himself up tojus- tice, but found no one who was stiflici 295. Willie Deyman .2294, Willie Beer 294, Minnie Ilich 281, Isaac Bowins 280. Seven of the foregoing were from the l’cnclon'Falls public school, viz, Annie Kcltli. Peter Dcyinan, James Keith, Katie Archer, Thus. Bell, Willie Dcy- cntly interested to arrest him. Tliisjs man and George Cunningham. Fred , a most. disgraceful state of affairs, and l if it prevailed in any part of the United States would be paraded by our loyal- ists us an awful example of the effects of Democracy and Home Rule. The prevalent neglect in the enforcement of the law is one of the results of the cor- ruption and wastefulness which have attained such headway in Quebec pro- vince. .____._â€"â€"â€"â€"- an. ConocosK.â€"Mr. Joseph Mc- At se t , pm n Australian Wheat. South Australia had 1846,1531 acres in wheat last season. The official rc- turu ofthc harvest shows about 7 bush- cls of 56 lbs. to the bushel, or 14,649.- 230 bushels in all, of which up to May 17th more than half had been expOrted. The crop was the largest on record. and the yield per acre was twice as large as last year. The average of the three harvests preceding the last. was 4% bush- els. The figures given show that as a wheat raising country South Australia is of little account. The crops report- ed cannot pay the cost of cultivation. In Ontario, the spring wheat crops of the past two years, the only ones of which, owing to the very recent organ- ization oftlic Bureau of Statistics, there is a full record, averaged 16 bushels to the acre. The very much more import.- aut fall wheat crop was extraordinarily poor lust year, but still it averaged 50 per cent. more per acre than last season's crop in South Australia, and in 1882 the average was 26% bushels. South Australia, it would seem, is not likcly to prove a formidable competitor in the grain market. Before next season she will be thorough- Rcccivcd to-diiy, a large consign- NEw SIDEWALILâ€"i‘lr. Joseph Post very badly needed, as the old one was in a most unsafe and dilapidated condi- tion.‘ Opposite ‘M r. Robson's it was al- ways diliicultto keep a sidewalk in undermining it ; but this time a rough The sidewalk is being laid by contract, as the council's cxpericimc If you wunt’a first class Canoe Pad- dle, get one oanrd’s bird-eye niuplc. For o- Stabbing Afl'ray in Ashburnham. About one o'clock this (Saturday) morning, Dr. Clarke was hastin sumâ€" inoucd to see an Italian who had been severely stabbed by one of his coiifl-rrrs. The particulars of the means by which the man received the wound. us far as can be discovered, are as follows: Sonic. of the Italians living in the general boarding house at Ashburnliaui, it seems, had iiitendcd leaving that domi- cile, and, in the final settling of money mattersâ€"or perhaps, and with more probability, owing to an attempted a voiduncc of such final settlementâ€"there occurred apparently a gcncral tourna- ment. Angry discussions, abusive lan- guage, and the usual predecessors of such afl'ucus were, of course, plentiful. Matters soon came to a crisis, knives were frcely used, and the result was that one man was very dangerously wounded in the right side about the region of the spleen, another received a flesh wound in the arm, and a third a cut in the thigh. One man, whose name we have not yet been able to discover, .lias been arrested and placed in the lock-up by the Asliburnham constable. The most severely wounded ofthc thrcc, Dr. Clarke informs us, is easier this morning, but not yet out of danger.â€" I’ctcrborougli. Review. A Queer Scene- NEW BRILDINGsâ€"Mr. Jordan's new block is now several feet above the level It is very nearly a, In, measuring '54, x 50’fect. and is to [contain one double two double and one single, as we heard front and south side are of white brick. the buck and north side of stone. The foundation and cellars of Dr. Wilson's house were finished a fortnight ago, and then a stoppage in the work was caused by want of brick, the first scow load of which arrived from Lindsay on Thurs- day evening. It is expected that the building will be completed by Novem- ber lst. South of the river tlirec neat frame houses are being erectedâ€"one for Mr. John Robe, one for Mr. Thomas Redner, Jr.. and the third for ~.\Ir.Johu A. Ellis. The last mciitioncd will be rented as soon as finished; the other two will probably be occupied by the We keep constantly on hand a full stock of Cut Nails and Bliildcrs' Materials, which we sell at rock bottom prices. 0 Anderson. ‘ i A STABBING .lrritAY.â€"Lnst Satur. day Patrick Barry and Archibald Camp bell, two labouring men of this village, had a row about something while under the influence of whisky, but did not come to blowri, and on Monday were on such good terms that the former invited the latter to go to his house near Green A: l‘illis's mill. While there it. is proba- I blc they had liquor, for a quarrel arose I between them, and they finally left the house for the avowed purpose of having a light, during the progress of which Campbell drcw a jack-knife from his. pocket, opened it and made three at- tempts to stubhis opponent. The first l and second strokes made two gushes ly commenced operations, however, be- likc an X on Barry's breast below the fore two or three scnre of the drnizcns heart, and the third ripped up his trow- : of this noted thoroughfare congregated, scr leg, but did not touch his flesh. and with astonishing rapidity demolish- 1“ortunately._ tke strokes of the knife ‘ ed the buildings and removed the ruins. were both aeross the ribs, which preâ€" The nblebodied men protested, nnd'fi- vented the blade from entering vcry nally offered to be satisfied with the far, but the cuts were so deep that Dr. crossbeanis and rafters, but their ofI--r Lowe found it necessary to stitch them . was rejected, and in less than an hour up. Barrie boasts that notwithstand every piece of wood connected with the ing his wounds he was able to thresh , building had (“sap arcd. It was 3 Campbell, whose black eye and cut lip queer sccnc. Hoary-headed old men and women, some of them too weak to carry away more than a handful of shin- gles, while others were too drunk to do more than swear at and hurry up their children; young women, mmc well. even stylishly dressed, others clothed in rags; boys and girls who should have been at school, and even to‘ldling little babies ; all were eagerly at work gathering in fire-wood for the winter. There was no fighting, but the air had a brimstonish smell, caused probably by the immense amount of profanity indulged in. The The Tomato Ncwx of the 16th says: â€"A somewhat unusual scene occurred on Lombard street on Monday, or it would have been unusual had it occur- red on any other thoroughfrre in the city. ,A company purchased a couple of old wooden buildings in a lane facing the rear of the post oflicc, and early in the evening sent three able-bodied men to remove the lumber. They had hard- I l 95? Notwithstandibg all that can be: Scytlics. flay I-‘orksun-l other tools are the l “u i i I host. At (1. L. Anderson a. A Balms ox Finnâ€"Last. Tuesday evening the engine of a timber train ; lost her ashpau somewhere between llal- l iburton and Rottie's, and when the loss ' was discovered two men were sent on a and-car to Fcnclon Falls to telegraph , for instructions from brad quarters atl l'cmrbmmlflh- The "‘Ply “'39 that the able-bodied men did not attempt to in- engine M Katie's "M m be "I"!!! '0 tcrfcrc, thinking discrctinn the better Lindsay by an engine then at the Falls; part r f valor, but even they could hard. l- , 1y restrain their mirth at the ludicrous i sights. Our: old man who had no axe ‘ , to break up the lumber put a disman-l : tlcd closet on his back and staggered i away,«followed by his wife and children. who carried a whole flight of rickety old I stairs poised on the tops of their heads. s 3 The company will have a heap oftrou- l the wires, the engine without its ash- pan had to be put through. As a nut- ped in numerous places along the track. The timber train passed through the Falls as I o'clock on Wednesday morn~ bit: in collecting pay for their lumber. ing, and when, about nine hours later, .__.__._.-,_.._ ..... the regular "'in “'0'” ‘he “uh "‘ch' fi' Purr Paris Green for sale at 6. Au- ; dcnon‘s. Lindsay, it was discovered that ilzel fi- rm". .21 "M1,- mncd u c_ As. : l i . Bloodshed in Ireland. REVOLVBRS, SWORDS ‘KND STONE [YSRD ; AT BELFAST. _.__ Nswuv, July Ritaâ€"During the Dr tinge demonstration a party of Orange- men were stoned and repelled the at- tack. A Nationalist. was shot by an Orangeman, who wns arrested. BsLi‘As‘r, July I3.â€" During the Dr- auge demonstration yesterday an Or- angeiuan shot a Catholic. The police arrived and the Orangeman was arrest- ed, but rescued by his friends. Fight- ing ensued, and at last accounts. altho‘ the mayor Ind interposed, fighting was still continued. \VHI'I‘EIIAVEN, July 13tli.â€"Thc 0r- ange procession was returning yesterday to Cleator when attacked by National- ists. Several persons were injured. lie- volvers, swords and stones were used and windows smashed. . Life in Montana. HELENA. Mont., July 12th.â€"Bill O'Fnllou and Rattlesnake Jake, horse thieves, quarrclled with a party of half- brecds at Lewiston ycstt‘ rday. All hands drcw weapons and hogan tiring. Rattle- snake Jake had his fingers shot off. The desperadoes then determined to clean out tlic town, and fired at every- body iii sight. O'Brillon was mortally hurt and fell from his horsv, but got on his knees and shot and killed a man named Smith, whowns not taking any part in the battle. The thieves fought until they weru’ riddled with bullets and covered with blood. Some of the citizens were slightly wounded. -0â€" Marked tor Life. Conovnu, July l=lili.â€"â€"On Saturday last as Lena Boswell was washing her wearing apparel. which she has in daily use at the woollen mills, she was ap- proachcd by Minnie Stilwell, who took up a bottle lying on the window, and telling her that she would anoint her with holy water, lll‘OCcctlctl to pour the liquid on the young girl's head. She commenced to scream, and soon all in the mill was in an uproar. The holy water used was found to be vitriol. The side of the young woman’s face, as well as her neck and arms, are seriously burned. She will bc marked for life. .... ..._________ The widow of a man killed while un- loading a steamer at Montreal sues the vessel for $5,000. A man has been captured at Louis- ville who has ten wives living. _ One of them is a Montreal girl. A railroad in which the cars run a- stride a single rail has been so success- ftil in Africa that one like it is to be built. in France. Another excuse for using whisky has been rendered nugutory, as the liquid fire has failed to keep a man alive when he was struck by a rattlesnake. Emma Kemp, of lluciiie, Wis, wont riding with filt'riiuk hliirlcy on Sunday evening. Agsiuirkfrom Shirley's cigar fired her clotliing,and she was burned to death. ‘1; Au unknofi'n man. stealing a ride on the top of a sleeping car, was ground to pieces whilc‘passiug through the Con- tral tunnel ut Syracuse, N. Y., on Sat- urduy morning. A test case was taken before the Que- bec Superior Court to try the validity of the municipal law under which a tax is imposed upon commercial travellers. Judgment was given on Thursday night declaring the law illegal. England has again justified the su preuiiicy for the snvagcry and severity of her sentences by the condemnaiimi of five prisoners to an aggregate of 35 years‘ pcunl servitude for stealing two ducks, four bullocks. seven fowl», one apron and three small pieces of jewelry. Russia has 1,000,000 horses fit for military service, and is making prcpar- utions that will enable her to put 300. 000 cavalry soldiers in the field. These men, armed with the Bcrdan repeating rifle, will fight on font. the home beiiiz.’ used for transportation only. This is Russia’s solution of the cavalry problem. filven British curls have organized a select party for hunting elk and other big game in the Rocky Mountains next autumn. They will leave London next month, attended by a small army of servants, and provided with every port able luxury known to English sports- men, and will start for the west from New York in Scptcinbcr. Private advices from China confirm the report that \Htl‘ with France is in- cvital-Ic. All the Chinese in the Uni- ted States are to be taxed for the pur pose of providing funds for the Imperi- al treasury. Hqu a million was sent to China, July 1st, and half a million goes by the next strainer. It is reported that a secret treaty was made by Gor- maiiy and China in lSHIl, by which Germany will support Chin in a war with France. It has been discovered that the can- yons of the west act as gigantic speak- ing tubes in Conveying sounds. Speak- ing of the Grand canyon of the Colora- do, a writer in the Oakland Tribune says: “ A train of cars crossing the bridge at the Needles is hard on a quiet day at Cottonwood island, eighty- four miles away ; the music of life and drum at Fort Mojave is rcCognized at Bull's head. an equal distance; the sun- ri.~c gun at the fort. awakens light hlccp ers at I'll Dorado canyon, ninety‘nix miles beyond." __â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"="-'. .. . _ . . -. )IARIIIIGD. I’rmnâ€"Wzna â€"â€"0n the 9th of July, at i the residence of the bridc'l father, by the Rev. Richard Strnrbnn, ll'lllntlfilliiill‘d by the Rev. Charles 8. Perry, Mrnf‘urd, the for. I. Washington I’ufTrr, Illuirtnn, to Josephine Mary (Inn), second daughter of John 1’. Weeks, Midland, Ontario. Annaâ€"Fm -â€"At the Mouse, Pcnrlon Pulls, on Thursday, July 17th. by the RH’. Wm. Luchmd. Mr. Francis Argue. of the township of Somrrvillc, to Hannah, second and voungaLdnuglner of John I’oll, EH; , n M. P. P. for North Victoria. M D1161). In Pcnrlon Falls, on Friday, July Ifllh, Mr. Edward Ellil, in the 60th year of his Age. ______________.__-â€"â€"â€"-â€"- fl‘ Go to Andcr was for I'Alnu & Oils. 1...“ . m, Port Perry has issued an appeal for help. A Kleinbut‘: farmer has commenced cutting full wheat. The fruit crop in the Ottawa district promises to be very poor this season. The King of Abysiunia has s‘r‘ut' Queen Victoria an elephant as a tub»? of unity. Salt Rheum Cured. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin. I’iniples or Canker Sun‘s? If so go to W3 E. Ellis's drug store and get a pack- age oerGn-gor t I‘arkr's Cnrbulic Orr- ute. It was never known to tail. John R. Yen, Hamilton, says : “ MrGrvg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Indi- gestion is cheap at tiny times the price ult- cd for it. I am a commercial man, rind travel Continually, and would no more think of” leaving home without it bottle of .\le- (:regor's Speedy Cure in my valise than 1 would of leaving my team at home and go- ing on foot." Free trial bottles at W. R. I-Illis‘s drug store. Regular sine fifty cents and one dollar. Fluid Lightning. Cures Toothache and Neuralgin quick as flush, relieves any pain instantly, the cheap- est and quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Nt-urnlgin. Iii-ud- uchc, Rlicumotism. Lumhugu, Srintini. Sore Throat. or acute pains of any kind when you can go to W. E. Ellis's drug store and get u pcrfcrl and instantaneous cure for twenty five ccnts. Ask for Fluid Lightning. FHNELON FALLS MARKETS. Heparin! by 11.41.)“,an .i- Iinrndon. Font-Ion Falls, Fridny,'.luly I8tli, I884. Wliciit, full, pcr huslicl - - $0 90 I 01! Wheat, spring. “ - - ~ I 00 I 03 llurlcy, per bushel - - - «IR 55 Outs, “ “ - - ~ - IN 40 l'ciise, “ ‘I - - - - 65 '10 Rye, “ H - - - - so 5:; l’otutncs, “ - - - - 60 6‘5 luttcr, pcr 1b., - - - - - I3 14 Dressed Hops, per ioo lhs., S: no $8 on Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 11 1: Roy, per ton, - - - - $8 00 to $9 M.) Wool, pt-r 1b., - - - - ~ l6 l7 _â€".â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" New Advertisements. llucllnn ldi ulllnuse and lot. The undersigned has rcccivcd instruc- tions from .\I r. (itZttIltII-ld. Nu: to 8?“.II)‘ pubâ€" lic auction, at the “ McArthur House," On Saturday, 19th July Inst... of L’ p. “1., his wvll known and desirable house and lot at the corner of May 1k Prun- cis streets, Fenclou Falls. The property can be inspected any afternoon or evening. 'I‘iziiuszâ€"I’nrt rush. and the balance on time to suit purchaser. There will be u rvsctvc hid. JAMES J. POWER. .-furtionrrr‘. Fcnclou Falls, Jilly 3rd, 1884. 19-3. IIOIISI‘J 'I‘O ItIGNTl‘. To rent, on vcry rcnsonuldc terms, it good story and it half I’rumc House, with kitchen, ('l‘lltll', \vcll,stuble uiid hull‘uu new of land, u short distance from Mr. William Jordnn’i-I rcsideucc, on the Lindsay road. Apply on the prcmiscs. MRS. .10le ELLERY. Fencinn, June 25th, lHH-t Ill-3w. iiiTiEi‘. iii FARMERS. Ilnving sccurr-d the control of the “ AT- iiinsi'uiziuc 'l‘izui'izuisu Ciiitits " for the town- ships of Vcruhfin nud Suiiicrvillc, and havâ€" ing urruugcd for their inunnfiirlure M Fen- elon Falls by Patrick [Jessi-tic, cooper, I :illllll bc prcpiircd to fill all orders in n fcw days. Purlics will consult their own inlcrâ€" cst by inspecting this churn before buying any other. WILLIAM DAVIS. I’cnclon Falls, June Qi’lth, 1884. ‘ “My. if 33A} «REX iiiâ€"s . I-‘ivc good Building Lots for solo cheap in Font-Ion Falls West. Apply to JARVIS & MCDOIIGALL. l’t'nclon Full-i, Juiic lath, 28M. I'l-t I. Bankrupt Stock â€"UP'_ BOOTS & SHOES. The undersigned informs his friends and the public flint he has opcncd out in his old shop on Colbnrnc St. the bankrupt stock of Roots A: Shocs of Mr. I". Ailnnui. Campbell- ford, which he will sell Below Wholesal Fries. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. WILLIAM MARSHALL. Fem-Ion Falls, June 12th, I834. Zlm. __.._,___. . _”-M -_ ...4 NOT BLII_l'_'_I_EII our. W. W. BLOTT Ill-spccil'ully iiif‘iriiis his friends and the public gent-rally that, having Imcn uncorr- moniously hustled out of his lute prcmiscfl by IlII.’ firc on the 20th "It, he has resumed business in om- of Mr, Jordan's ncw NONI on Cnlboriic 51., wIn-rc, with bcllcr facili- ties than cvcr. he liupcs to gain many new Cllftllllllt'rll. Null: the following Cut-sh l’rices. HIJ(;JtI‘- 15 lbs. Medium [fright Sugar for SI 00 H llm. Ilriglit Sugar “ $1 "0 I15 lbs. I'ixlru Bright Sugar ” 3| (in 11 lbs. Extra Granulated Sugar SI 00 CltNNI‘ZI) (JOOI)H. Tomatoes, 3 "I. this lint-It - - H 0'!!! I Apple-s, It lb. tins, in syrup - I'll “ Corn, 2 lb. tins, fincst - - - I!) “ I't'lll, 2 lb. tin», fun-st ~ â€" - 12} “ I.uli«lll‘r!, '2 lb. tin», finrnt - - I‘ll ” Salmon, 2 lb. tint, new fish - 1.5 “ . Sardines, l lb. tins, French - I!) “ l, Sardiou lb. tins, do. - '.'l “ ‘ F I}. I} I T S . , Cnrranll, new crop, Putrnt, lblb. {0'51 00 , Yul. Raisin! “ Mnruud, Iblb. “ $1 00 i London Layer Raisins, - - par lb. 21) H 5 Figs, Turkish, - - o - lilo. for $1 00 ', Oranges, per down, â€" - - - - $0 35 Lemons, per dozen, - - - c - so 30 l Green Apples, Ilium, Pine-Apples and all other fruits, and a large and well i snorted stock of l GENERAL GROGEHIES, i which will be sold It the Ion-cu living yn'rn. l Do not unit for crrdit, no hit hurincu ll l, conducth strictly on a cub bull. : CASH PAID POI! BUTTER it EGGS, and anything that can be readily turned lu- l to money will he lulu-n in pay for goods. l fir Give him n rail, and you will he ‘convinord that the short: statemqu In true in every particular. ; 'w. w. BLOT'P. , Fcnelon l‘nllt, Mu] iii, iaei. tO-Iy.

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