I". SANDFORD has a large rtt-(‘li OI- WAGGONS AND on hand, all guaranteed to In: first class. which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. Ilc sure and see his stock of PLOXVS AXD lï¬-IARROIVS, lo well to inspect his Spring: ‘ u;- Fariners requiring a liarrow'wHII « I . 'I'ootli Ilari'ows. which ltl't' ,Illrl the thing tor rough land. also keeps the t'ol'iov.‘iii-_r farm riiai-liines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, is bound not to be undersold by any one. _____â€"_._â€"â€"â€" and Various patterns of Morn)- W All kind! of l’l..\.\'i.\'u don-r :it short notice. ‘ llonsrLéIi-‘iruxu and JUMISINH lMls kept on hand. and sold at tin: 1mm! pro-wt. a specialty. Ail IIH' ' . ' H . cheap secondhand Ill bully: tor sale. ' . re thanks, for the liberal patronch bestowed on him during the ins. to merit a continuance of it in the future. (fl no lie returns. since- past 14 yearsfaud Wlll spare no pa Ir J ill] All fl [I1 r] 1301's AND 011.13, GET READY FGR' WINTER. NU ll" 1 ' THE TLIIE TO FIT OUT. l... BUGGIES, \ius dnin: in a first-class manner and on short notice. Sonic ; L. O’CONNOR, Manufacturer of First-Class cilities .or {'X‘H‘YJIEBL’ :le work in the above lie respectfully solicits a call from tho warranted as A. l. , Every pix-re or work in this establi: kao-wledgwl. to that done in factorh . win-re i received three first prizes. lion. and they obtained for no" sales and e: v â€"3 Lindsay. November lst, 13:2. ~.â€"â€"â€"-.. <..-._.._ required. ‘ HHII'ITIIINU NEW FOR FAIUI- l I l l ERS, DAIRYMEN AND OTHERS. Tine Connhin'od MILK BUCKET. No PLACE LIKE onus STRAINggscsroon for all grades ainl styles of BOOTS AND SHOES. I‘Ixti'a ctlbrls have been made in my selection to have IHl lllllilSl, Bill lllll EllllPlSl llllllllliillll ever seen in Feuelon Falls. MY GROCERY AND CROCKERY Bowman-"t is :iIsi) l‘ull~ Great. Bargains will be given and satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. It is no trouble to show goods. . if» I have purchased my stock indho best markets in del'v competition for Cash in the county. 1}. 7‘1“. 13U'1‘IJEI{. Feiielou Falls, Scptciubci‘ ISth, ISSI. ’ "'Slï¬lllll’ E?â€- The ethereal a stem. Canada, and I _,..__.___._.._.__. One rum-r... < New goods arriving every week at this establishment. Parties Ill Want 01‘ Dry Goods I ' ' u I , ‘,. ,.. should inspect our stock. and they will lind oiii 1 11.65 (Leary n’ozun dr/ozu tU/J‘TU/[t‘l‘t‘ else. A SPLENDID RANGE 0F NEW PRINTS at \‘ei‘v low prices. .__.._______.___- .. . , H ..,- Dress Goods in ('.\.\'ll.\llilll'.> in all the new colours at 2):) cents, worth till cents. Also a rang ot NED" liliï¬U'llTIilI) A'LILXOOAS, ol' Muslin (Aireuadines i I IS cent goods worth 211) cents. “or stock and Niiiis' Veiliiie‘s l'roiii Ill cents: good 7 where at 27) cents. Iii staples you will Iiiid our stock the best In Select from. i V 1 ‘ :n‘ ‘i tit-3?- .\lii.i.iNi-‘.i:v (iooiis we are t‘lt.‘:ll‘lllf_" out at 1:111 pi iii, as, we. are giving: tip the branch. llzx/‘i'rlnnz turf/id. .‘IITI‘l TIIE AIIIIIIIISS. ‘2 IIIIIIIIS NIIIITII III“ THE POST OFFICE: li‘eiielon Falls, May Ttli. ISSI. | New Ilai'ilinirejl‘iiiii‘tire and Store Shop. cur; PEP. ’l‘lâ€"Jf-llll nu : Jones’ Spades, Shovels and Scoops? ot'supei‘ior quality in all sizes. WELLAND VALE HOES, RAKES, Spadinj: Forks. Manure Forks. &c. s that. are selling? else r1 ; L r) I1) I We are offering th this pring at Taranta prices. 1 l llllll ISSlllllllllllI Ill MlllllllllS' lllllll kept constantly on hand. Paints. Oils. Glass, White Lead and Turpentine. Builders Din“ l‘iti,ri.\'i:. .\'o one should be without it. as it keeps out cold better than brick. Lariliue. (in ccriiie and \ ir gin‘ia l.i'i:i:ic.\ri.\‘u: this. and 3X l)x\I‘S\‘ ()I“ ;\:V () II} S'I.‘(7\'l‘3. No more roasting over but tires? It cooks a dinner in thirty minutes. I‘uNI of running all day. three cents. WE? (.‘ain paid for skins and Wool picks. a .1 5’3 .3. J... JOSEPH HEARD._ ‘ Fenclou Falls. .\I;i_\' *th. IVSL : 1):Lil_\' 4th’l'i"1l ls ‘iirsie m This lliicket (patented last June) has llm-. ny advantages that. make it acceptable to all who require to milk Cows. The milk is: strained while entering the pail through the funnel, and is: ell'eetunlly protected from contact with any foreign suhslnuce what- ever and from the odor of the stable. the inilker sits on the bucket. to be appreciated. Protcssor I.. II. Arnold speaks very highly of it, and Professor W. lirown says, ‘~' we use it at the Ontario ex- periiiieutal farm," and “it is admirath ll-l dapted to secure cleanliness, coiiveiiieiicc,, and safety of the operator." .\Iaiiufuctured by the ()N'I‘AIIIU MILK BUCKET .\IA.\‘l'-, FAC'I‘IFRING (ML, Toronto, ll. W. SUTII-i FINLAND. Manager. Sold by special agents only. )It'lltll'tlAliL (\2 BRANDON. agents, I’enelou Falls. z'i-Ilui. ThOOIll Stand. Sleiglis, Buggies, We glad to show them over his new Carriage and Wagg L. 0 Connor. being the oldest practical man in this, section of the country, is enabled to guarantee a Pint-Class Job in any dep; nu?†All Repairs dune Cheaply and l‘roturitly. kept constantly on hand and UNDERTAKINC A SPECIALTY. A large number of Collins to select from. and a handsome llearsc furnished when Orders solicited mnl stiti'sjiictimi giiaruntcctl. Sash and Doors made to order on short notice and of the best materials. It ; does away with the olil-ï¬ishioucd stool. its. Should a, vicious cow kiek over the bucket. no milk, is lost or injured. ' It needs only to be seen gens. d0. -O. *-_â€"â€"â€"- r of \\'i.’ ii..cs wl ‘ ~h c.-..r.nt lie excelled. so Icq‘ ;; anything in his line, and will be u!) Shops. triment, and every article turned out will be :anl i: done by hand. and far superior as is tit-i, act proved .--t the South Victoria Exhibition, (mg), 1 did not gr! an my Work for prize cxhibi- . tiers quite unexpected and unprecedented. A few second-hand Buggies for sale. 14. . a NEW FIIRNITIIHE FABTIIIIY. O The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new factory ON FRANCIS STREET, PENELON FALLS, is now in full running order. and is titted up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at short notice, in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS sold as cheap as the cheapest. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. gGROCERIES i â€"â€"z&NDâ€"' ROVISQNSN J. McFTnLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of ï¬ne frein i l l l a .5 require" in his new premises. lormcrly ' "I and lichens treats. has 51-. H...’ __._..._.. . warning“rsonm'rmii l i it may rain. it may snow, and it may do neither. but one thing we may rely on. and that is that summer is getting l ready to shedaddlc. and the result to the unprotected will be cold or cough, pneumonia, neuralgia and other ills whom ; name is legion. thereby causing those who are so unfortunate to wear a face as long: as a pumpkin vine. unless as a pre. i‘cnution you pay an early visit to THE CITY STORE and procure some of their nice. ï¬ne, All-Wool l'aderwear and i Flanncls. which we are offering at Unparagnucd Bargains. Just stop to think. We are selling; All-Wool Grey Flannel: inches wide for 2'3 cents, acknowledged by everybody to be the best value in Ontarioâ€"a big word, that. but it tits like a blister. Our stock of Flannels and underwear has no superior in the Midland counties, while the prices are un- i touchable (copyrighted) elsewhere. Our new stock of Fall and Winter Goods now complete, and never before have we ' shown such a large and varied assortment. and the goods never were so cheap since Adam was a boy. and a very small shaver at that. We are selling Dress Goods at S. 10. If) and 20 cents a yard. worth double the money. I‘lverytliingv I It‘ you are a customer elsewhere it will 927 ‘ new and rare in notions, and Fancy Goods are sure to be found on our counters. well rcpav you to have a look through The City Store before making your choice. as we carry goods different in styles‘ difl'erent in qualities, and difl‘crcnt in price. So truly difl‘ercnt are we in giving.I bargains to our patrons that on fair and Low Prices in all kinds ot‘Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. .‘Iillincry. i honest comparison you will be fairly astonished at our I .‘Iuntles. Carpets and Clothing. Huston hither, be prompt. act suddenly and in earnest. and you will find us on the qui t'ft't‘ to welcome you and furnish you with goods that will defy the freaks of this fickle climate. SOOTHERAN, oaTnuo & MA an, CITY DRAPERS A‘ND CLOTI‘IIERS‘. 2 Doors West of the Post Ofï¬ce. - n J J Kent Street. Lindsay. irERY. No. 2 Dobson’s Block, ECONOMY MILL I i ~‘â€"IS CITIIiFln-H-r I Mrsnnnnnv illll Pllllil Dill llplllllflllllllllllfllllli HllllSl. . Tins just received and opened up a larg 1 stock of ODS, including This Fall we are going to introduce ourselves as ‘ . ‘ i 1. 7 ‘ ,1 p ‘q , A â€"aiidâ€"â€" Domg Busmess 011 a Cash Bash , ALL “NBS OF WOOL. WE HAVE CUT DOWN OUR PRICES ’ LESS Tim Linisu l’ltlt‘ES. to Rock Bottom! *- I _. _ iNEW G O FANGY DRY GOODS, and in order to give Special Iinluceiiicuts M, “MIMI w,†,‘0 mm M A nice lot uf New Goods Arriving Daily, Holiday Presents, such as Dolls of all sorts and sizes, Toys in great variety. Toilet Sets, \‘iiscs. l-‘aiicv Illllllh-thrt‘ and various other articles. iii which the attention of intending purchasers is respectfully invited. and by October 1st our Fall Stock will be complete in all departments. Remnants in Tweeds, Dress Goods and Prints; I Oil 8‘ 6 C S , lI ' 7 5 Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos. lice, laisius Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries,- which he will sell Cheap for Cash, ‘and to which he invites the attention of the public. Elllllllllll, lillllllllll, l Earthenware. Brooms, I’ails, Washlubs, Hacking-brushes, Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned Fish, Fruit & Vegetables of the very best brands and at the low- " Ms: possible prices. ton-,B’tltlcr & Eggi iirni produce. V ~ "Iced kept constantly Josnrii Illeli‘ARLAND. I’euelon Falls, May 22ml, ISS-t. Cash j IMF". hit... on hand. Wanzer Sewing Machines again ahead. transfer _..\ND-â€" GRéicERY J OHN MOFFAT begs to iut'omi his customers and the pub-i lie that, while, carrying,' on the Baking busi-: . ness as usual, and turning outdain : Choice Bread; Cakes. lluiis kc. he has ‘ust o cxzcd out a l 4 . J nice stock of FRESH GRMERIES, I all of which will be sold at the very lowest I Ilviug,’r profit. The Finest Flour kept constantly on hand : also OATS, BEAN & Slltlll'l‘S. FARM PRODUC takvu' in exchange for goods. and .‘zish Paid for Butter &I 1 4 .A ( 5’13" The llll'li‘l':l"llf‘,ll will do all in his- powi-r to merit a con nuance ol the patron- age so liberally bestowed on him during the past iivc year‘s. JOHN MOFFAT.- l’eun-lon Falls. .luue l'.‘tl'., l~.-'::. lT-ly. (I? GHRISTMI‘ISP VEDODS BOOK 8' ‘OIilE i return. Came net Came Allll and t'\.ll:.illl'.‘ good: li-‘t'urr' w Lerc. G. A. METHERELL. l.‘;‘ 4371' TE'I' IZ\':3 ‘~ll I Hi If". 1(vnI-Stu Lilith-any. .Enilsav. “ruin-t -.:'.. . .‘ i L. ‘1 1 A; XV. v t‘.\ltPIi.\"l‘lill .\ nt'uaii-zr. FENELON FALLS. TIM a-lrcrtuirr : ilv‘vrs with w' B IJIVGI‘ I i 5:3" (7 WON THE BRAND [illlll Mlllll at the great. Central Exhibition at Hamilton in 1883. Buy no other before you see the Wiinzcr, the Uhcapcst and Best, For Sale by J. Austin, agent for the best makes of Organs, and sald r/mqi/br (VI-1]! or on the instalment plan. See MV Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit you in style, quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE in first rate companies at low rates. 39;)“ Money to loan on easy terms. 3". JXTTS'L‘IN. Feuclou Falls, Nov‘r 23in], 15453. IE I) \V A I}, I.) S’ OLD-1.: r-\iii.tsn l-ID y Stable. ‘rwr l ti‘t)‘< :D' ' The subscriber returns his sincere thank: for the liberal patronage I)".~'l0\\'\'tI on him V Iduriug the past nine years. and lie-gs to in- t'oriu the public that they can obtain .l’irst t‘lass Horses and Rigs, l any hour of the day or night, at his stable iOn I‘l'nlu-is flirt-01 1‘:11Ht.; i iit very moderate charges. l oiiiiucrcial travellers and their luc- Tuaigc couvcyml safely and c.\‘pc«.litiousl_\' to Eariy desired p-iiiit. ' The siilm-rilu-r never had a stzi‘nleful of, iictlcr lioisvs than at present. t.‘onn- and ‘Il_\' tin-in. I l 2 E. II. EDWARDS. Feat-Ion Fall=, Fi-Ii'y ï¬lth. lr‘n l. Til-Lt. ‘(tkllll OI" 'l' S. Oorncil. -I.‘£* it! than {on .Vnhwl [It .r~.rm.-» I'u. /.l'- lbw. II.\.\'I\'.\'. l loin: Si"..â€"â€"~llari~ the unoilnr-s: to convey to the Directors of tin: " London Mutual our thanks for their fll'llll.[|ltlt“w’ in paying our claims it: (all. arising from Illffl‘a' by tln- rrri-n: lillsll tin-s: Alexander t'laer, ON. 3707 , .. lit...iv. icon ; l2 -~ 0-“ f - “.10 I I “17:, 9'3 I i ' 51M ‘ :- .‘Iaripoca, (W: ; ' . Emily. 4W T . _ . . ‘ .. A, , . l ‘ i. 4* .‘ \‘crtilnm, 33'! - 1‘. l3. ‘livri. " #72 9 Limit" 213 i- by r 254 . Year-Ion. 35:0 F H: a‘ I)". i Linings. {"1 i’ig.‘~ 3'.†.ï¬ ",'.~’t v- v ' . rulers, 4-" Cheaper Than Ever For Cash. ' in advance. ' this l«.-<-:'ility in any other paper, We will almost give you at your own prices. We ask the public to give us a call, and in return for their patronage we promise. Fair Dealing, Straight Goods and Rock Bottom Prices. SPECIAL NoricE.-â€"-All parties indebted toils, either by account or note, are. reqlleste'd to pay “P “t once. & Fcnelon Falls, September 18th, 1884. h FULLY CUNCEDED FACT. :o:â€"â€":o£ That in buying SHOES and BOOTS it is desirable to get them Cheap. NeatiFitti/ng and Substantial. p . . That in wearing such Shoes and Boots 1t is Imperative thatl BIC'Cal‘pS they should prove Durable, Well-looking;r and Sliapely. I ‘ ‘ - That in choosing Shoes and Boots, as aforesaid, it is liupera tiveâ€"to get best choiceâ€"to pick from our stock at once, the largest and most complete in all lines. That even the poorest people have more. or less money. and on hand, and w,“ he can't. do without Shoes and Boots; and that said inoncy, let it belong to. rielnor ionr, farmer or mechanic, catiiiot be “ swapped " for toot-gear more satisfactorily I than at MAGUIIII‘J'S. . That MAGUIRE has been in the Shoe and Boot business ‘ ' for some yearsâ€" at leastâ€" and is the piouecr in furnishing much value in Lenih- 0]] 100011“, “f pnc 3, b) or for little inoucy of Lindsay town. W m. Campbell. The above clauses form One solid, invulnerable and general-- Fcnelon Falls. April ‘Ith, ISM. _ MRS. KEELEY. I-‘ciiclon Falls. Nov. ’J’itli. 1883 Patterns ! Patterns l A full assortment of Bazaar glove- fitting Patterns always sent by mail post paid ' Iy CONCEIM‘ID FACT which buyers of Slices and Boots will clear cash by mmmbering- L. MAGUIRE, Shoe 84 Boot Maker. INTEREsrnie T0 ALLT The undersigned has just received a. good n=sorlincut of I’IIITL'III'IS, I’Itl'l'lfllll FIM II ES «\nd I‘Inuhling'rd. Lindsay, June 14th, 1884. JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of BOOTS AND SHOES and seasonable DRY GOODS, which will be sold which are wi-ll'worthy ot' linipcctlon and irII/ [w ,m/il (Inn/n FRAMES MADE TO ORDER in any style at the rbortcr-t poasible notice. I'MIHIIIIL', lx'nlsoniiniing and Paper Hanging done in inuul. A pond stock of PAINTS, OILS. GLASS AND I'I'T'I'Y kept constantly on hand. H. NI‘IVIFHN. I’enelou Fall-n I’I-b'y le, I“ t. furâ€"t l'. W.‘A. east-mm . G. G. KEITH. liliiHllD-llllllllllll 1:13: llllllllll Papei ll Picture liames .w..~-v~~â€"-â€"~-â€"‘- ‘ liii't Inlay (tardy-i. ()II l’ulnling'r-o. ( ’III'UnIuH. 1'1â€ng vingr-t. HIT LESS THAN ('I'I'I' I’Itlt‘ES. Albums. Plaques. Oil-Painted Window Shailen. Mirror Plates. Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ Materials. llaki r illwl'ri. lit 1.? ft, Wir'. Marlin}: ltut. t i N6Eï¬5â€â€"" _ a At Dundee it Flarelle Bros: vou can buy for cash HEAVY ALI. WOOL TWEEDS, usually sold Tllo. to SI, for -l7ic. to line. BLANKETS To. III-«peritoil‘r. I‘.‘-.i:i. ‘-'.‘.“.\. (nadir. I‘.'. l I i :l'llt‘ -' l'i-iieloii Falls Gazelle " l. . . .I In prntnl ’ 2 " a :--.i 1;. ratim. .j.‘ at ll." «New, on tin: Lira†Ll \Ia} .‘. l'mnn.» Mir: I'. as heavy as ordinary SI} goods. Ioi‘ FLANNELS VERY LOW. These goods have recently been purchased by us at. less l ,hl'bht ltll'TltH 81 I IIIII‘ IV IIIIIN If. .I..'ii' 4):; I" nilili-due long .1 It ii..i’;.. mipr ‘or our: two! per “m ’,. .Aclvt-rt lying; nun-u. I'rol'v‘hloii‘il «r li'iilril-N tabla, ’.'x 41-1]!- ur line prr not: .l.l. l' no it aluth im-ut-, ’- trri£~;u-ri.r;r1ur 'in- but lint-rtion and ‘.: rt» ' to: «any ILIquuvul iii-wr- Li A'sif-IC'.’ Ila: )rnr. lmlt firzi! Ul’ 'I‘ull'l‘f. .‘or .11., n '.-r Ii-u, upon tl'ualu,‘ ‘ 1v run. than the cost of iuauutiictui'e. DUNDAS & FLAVEIEILE BROS. eut Street. Lindsay. ‘-!--.v-... .., . .. 2:13. II'IA‘ »-- JOB PrHN'TING at All i 5511??" ' Subscribi- for the " “antic. Oiin a year if paid V You can't get reliable accounts o! rx.~eiiri‘crict-s in K: trM'flI-d nettle Fl}!- 'I’ilv' :u'r; .'.'. I). “.8 VI) l'l'-/‘I"'0’. tFIiIY «3‘: frat;