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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Nov 1884, p. 2

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Just Arrived School Books, Slates, Copy Books, Scribblers, Crayons, Pens, Ink, and everything necessary for schools, just arrived at W. E. ELLIS’S . I . n I DIIITC} S'I‘Olf F2. ', meat. drc; A. P. DEV LIN, I in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. MARTIN (it HOPKINS, I ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c any to Loan at 6 per cent. Kent street, Lindsay, Ont. l’.S. MARTIN. G. II. IIorxixs. F, I). MOORE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, k SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. ._._._. ll A. lIcnsrmu. 0'11 ski O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Doheny Illock, Kentstrcct, Lindsay. Anruoii O‘Luav. IIL'nii O'eranv. MCINTYRE & STEWART, ARRIS'I‘ERS, A’I‘TORNEYS-AT-LAW, I Solicitors in Chancery, kc, Lindsay. Oflice over Ontario Bank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ccuritica. D. .l. )Iclxrvnn. .___-._._ -...-__ “4.. )I()NIGX'I “70:14]?” '1) on security of mortgage on Real and I’er- IIIlDSI’IE'I‘II A: JACKSON, AItRIs‘TI-IRS, SOLICITORS, kc. ficc, William street, Lindsay. A. JACKSON Of- Ollice, 'I‘uos. Svawanr. sonul Property and Promissory Notes, ut' riusonablc rates of interest. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, ISAItItHTIZII, Lindsay. ________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"1â€"â€",-: I l u "MEDWAL: .. A. W. J. DBGRASSI, M. I.)., ,ORONER, Physician,Surgcon, are, kc. 1 Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. HDIIS. wnsox .t in L )III'SICI chi-rs. clon I-‘alls. l').S. \VILSON, u a, it. n.. (7.3L, .\i. C. r. .l it, Out Dr. A. Witsos, M. u., M. c. r. a 3., Out. SON, Office, Francis Street East, Fenâ€" )IIYSICIAN J: SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County ofIIuliburtou. I . .. A..._M.....-c -...4.I Mo~ r l November 7th, 1884. Office, A TTO RN EYS-ATâ€"L A W, I ANS, SURGEONS d: ;\f,‘(.‘()l'-. _ , to cut the mill race, the present tempo- irary bridge will have to be removed, (l.ln HARDWARE MERCHANT, large stock of EJaczxzrlsns, well worthy the attention of lumberinen. “ Ahead of any ” Cross-Cut Saws, the best in the market. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, a general stock of Hardware, Pllllllll 8i tllllll Sllllll, l Amusmn' A“°”‘”-"'“""““" Swim“ l and carpenters’ and other tools bv the best manufiictnrers. ~ ulicfciitlou falls @ugcttc ‘ Saturday, Nov’r 8th, 1884. l The Presidential Election. The election for the presidency of the United States took place on Tuesday , last, the-1th inst., and. after two days of doubt and uncertainty, an Associa- tion Press dcspatch announces that Gro- ver Cleveland, the Democrat candidate, : has a majority over the whole of New York State, which, as the result. in the other States was known, renders his election sure, and his portrait as Presi- : dent appears in the city papers. 0.. Public Works. Since our last notice of the canal here the contractors have pushed the . work and completed the first. or entrance liock. It was their intention to raise the wall of the upper lock to such a height. that the permament bridge could be put on ; but a sudden and unexpect- ed turn in the \letlit‘l‘ has taken place, and, having no reliable Weather proph- ets to consult, they fear that they will have to close work for the season. The ‘ long; talked of mill-race has at last been decided upon, and we are informed that. the rock excavation will be gone on with this fall. and that next summer it will, as proposed, be connected with the -anal and made part and parcel of the Government work. In order, however, and another one built across the canal I Do. J. n. Lowu, l I l facing Colbornc street. There is also a stone pier to build for the swing bridge on the railway line, and the railway au- thorities intend, we believe, to avail themselves of the opportunity thus af- ad)’ (lilice next door to the .\Ie.-\rthnr t fouled to build pic”, of smut and In” House. Residence, the house lately occu- pied by Dr. IIryson, on May street, Fcuclon I-‘alls. "HS. l)lll’SICI.-\NS, SURGEONS, .kc. hotel. William St, Lindsay. Calls from the till KROWS .k GRAHAM, and residence directly opposite Carr's: I‘. PALMER Boaiiows, II. II. Guam“, .‘I. n, .u. n., o. u., M. C. r. a c. )I., luic Soho lIos-' ii. o. Graduate. M’Gill pital, LondonJ‘. r. s. . Collcgv, .\Iont,, Iflilil. ] u, M. n. i'.s., England SURVEYORS. J AMES DICKSUN, ) L. Surveyor, Com nissioncr in the Q. R., . Conveyunccr, tkc. dress. I-‘enelon Falls. mscELLaionUs. _ BARG A “1â€"K St"â€" l-‘ivc good Building Lots for sale cheap In l’enelou Falls West. Apply to JARVIS & Mt‘DtlI’t‘u‘lLL. l‘enelon Falls, June lilth, [SS-I. IT-t.f. p...- J. HEELANDS, DEN'IISI‘, LINDSAY. One ot'thc firm will be at the McAuriiiva llousu, Ram-mos 1".\i.i.s,’ on the third Monday ofeach month. Teeth f 3“, up,” a mu, 0p "incl viz. George, extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury, or no chargi- will he made. W Ollicc established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. f‘lII-I CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSI'It- “in: Co. Capital Jilol‘imlno sterling. Deposited with the Dominion Government. Stillman. Tu- Itorn. Issraaxc: Co. or l-Zscttxn.â€"â€" j Capital, $10,000,0U0. Deposited with Do- iuinion Government and otherwise vested in l'anada, Summon. Tu: Wurviut lhsl‘RlNL‘K Co. or Cums. Capital and Assets, 513137.553. .I. I). SMITH, .~I_-.wil. Feiirlou Falls, Jun'y ‘.".‘nd. ISM. is”. Important to Farmers. llaving secured the i‘unlrul of the u .\v- Mooruviuc Tum-tum; ('lll‘DA " for the lown~ 3, Ihips uf Verulam and Somervillc. and huvo lug arrange shall be preparvd to fill all orders in a few do,“ I'Iniel will consult thur own inter- at by inspecting this churn before buying any other. WILLIAM D.\\'IS.. Fcnelon Falls. June ‘JtSih. i834. ~â€" _.._ NSUIQNCE GEORGE GUININBHAI, General lam-moo and Loan Agent. FENELON FALLS. 0NT., lisl '. Rpfluntl the following tint clan tempo-- airs, with which bmineu can be transacted upon the no.“ u‘munfioac terms. The Canada I‘ennaacuiLoan 3 Savings Co The Imperial Insurance Company, ot Lon . ‘ _ . . ‘ one dint-mm and Mr. Simpson in an- i , other. dragging of? tl.e hounds. whichf don. England. The t‘iiiuus‘ Insurance Comp-any, MC.“- da, I‘m at! Art-Lint. The Lucasbirc Insurance Co . of England. the Coated-N's” Lite Aucciatioa.ott.‘an- “a i l a blc next season, and if the contractors Residence, and ad- ‘ l l l d for their manufacture at Fen-3 elun Falls by Patrick Dust-tic. cooper. I? I on an iron bridge in place of the present I wooden structure. I completed has been admired by all who lhave visited the Falls, the only fault Office The lock which is found, as far as we have heard, brinpr that the wall has not. been raised to the I height. of the rock ex 'avation ; but we country promptly attentch to. i I l have no doubt that. the rock face will , be removed for some distance buck, or in some way be made to present, a bet- ter appearance before. the work is hand- ed over to the Government. We are informed that the gates will be built and put in their places as early as possi- iuake as good progress as they have this year, boats will be able to pass through the canal by the fall of 1885. The single lock at Buckhorn has been ‘ completed, and Mr. Ross has been on- Igagcd, with his dredge and scows, to lremove the remaining portion of the ldain. The gates are not made yet, I but. stop logs have been placed in pesi- I tiou, and it is expected that the coming: season will see that part open for navi- ggation. We must. now await the next llsuzslmt of Parliament. to see whether ‘ the other portions of the Trent Valle scheme will be gone on with. i l l, A Big Hunâ€"tipg Party. I Whissilc, E. R. Edwards, George Cun- lninuliam. Billljilllllll Ilowman, Dr. A. 3 Wilson, W. [I Simpson. Henry Juukin. in. E. Ellis and George Ellis, Ich :bont half way between lIIaliburtou. Their M iudcu mission was and , with themâ€"besides canoes, lguns and riflesâ€"tents, provisions and ,cooking utensils. as it Was the intention ‘ of nearly all to remain for a wet-k. I'n- fortunately the irregular train on which they took passage was outlet-lied at Kin- _mount. and they had to wait for the 3 mail train in the evening, which occa- f sinned the lessnf the best part of a day. and they were not on the ground ready for the work of slaughter until about 10 a. in. on Saturday. killed seven deer. have shot since we do not knou’. but ‘ we expect to see them return with at , least a ton of venison and perhaps a: , good deal murc. On Monday Mr. Simp- ' son had an exciting adventure, of which circulated here. It appears that he 7 went into the womb without a weapon.‘ ’to put out some dogs. and. sicppin.’ over a 10:. almost trod on a bear. which ‘ made a dab at him with one of its forc- pails, slightly tearin: his trousers but not touching his flesh. Bruin no in wanted to tailow the bear: but be far- ed that if he allowed them to do 90;! . they would be killed Thf fir“ story i vigorously, and the engine, which, withl bl“ ‘hc Id“ derson, , of nearly all his clothes and badly laccr-l , ated. when the dozs gallantly rushed in l ' to his rescue and saved his life; but, lFenelon Falls,% begs to Call attention to his ‘ the store below. which has been fitted Early on the morning of Friday, the i, the ‘ extirpation of all the deer and otln-i" 'gamo in that vicinity. and they look’ honndx 1 huntin." , . . . . . ‘Lonstablc .\i?\'l~nii, of I'»:nclon llut : q . i . ’ H ~ ~~' I z _ the". 9.0,,“ made up h”. 1”, mun “my V ham. .l. I., of l\ininouut, ruptutiu; by Monday t‘h'tiltld. when Dr. Wilson .‘ f and Mr. Junkin had to leave, they had , How many thcyv _ _ , ' tiou rC‘Cl'IYC'I a warrant for the apprc- ~ that went the rounds in the Fans with regard to the encounter was to the ef- fect that Mr. Simpson had been stripped , I first reports generally exceed the truth. l and Sh it proved in this case. . LATEST â€"â€"Thc party returned this. (Friday) forenoon. l-ut thcv only had i ‘ six deer, a~ one of the seven had to be ‘. u-z'd for fowl. and aft-3r Monday the weather \v:i~ so bad that the hunters could hardly get out of camp. North Verulam. i I l (Corruponfftnre oflhe Gazette.) l Examinesâ€"M r. Slater. of I-‘m-nlnn Falls, gave a grand exhibition of solving: views in Bolton's school hens. few evenings ago. {, SAULâ€"Mr. Samuel Patti-l; has sold out his stock and rent-ed his form to; Mr. William J. Killaby. ‘ I 1 dis- . ll. . SOCIAI..â€"â€".-\ social was held at Mrs. Kelly's on Friday last. Proceeds were to be appropriated to the liobcaygeon church fund. What with speeches and singing, to say nothing of the good fowl , prepared for the occasion, we had a 5 great. old time. , â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" DESCENDED.â€"Mr. St. Lawrence has descended from Ingratn’s hall, where he Ilnti been located for some time past, to up for his reception, and is now engaged opening out and arranging his stock of goods. When that is done he will write out. an advertisement, which will appear in next week's Gazelle. A SILLY Gooseâ€"Mr. John D. Nay- Ior has a goose which commenced layin! not. lon;_r ago, and produced her ninth fall egg last Saturday. Geese are pro- vorbially silly birds, and Mr. Naylor's certainly is, or she would not thus waste her energies at a time of year when she won’t be allowed to hatch goslings, as is probably her intention. 353' Parties in want of Dry Goods should see the stock in Ingram's lIaII. Jonx Sr. LMYREXCE, Manager. Posrroxnn SALE â€"â€".\I r. Thomas A. Byrnell's auction sale of farm stock and implements, household furniture &c., advertised to take place on Tuesday last, was pestpoucd on account of the weather until Monday next. at 11 a. in. As the list of animals and articles is a Ionf,r one and the terms liberal, thorc ought to be a large attendance. Ilisuol'Jasminâ€"During the heavy rain last Tuesday afternoon, Bishop Jamot, of l'cterborouuli, drove to the Falls from Victoria Road. where he had gone to consccratc a new cemetery. His lordship delivered a lecture in the R. C. church here on Tuesday evening and celebrated Mass next morning, after which he left. for Br-bcztygcon and En- oismore, and thence home. 328’ Dress Goods, Cashmeres and Prints selling at prices never heard of before, at Ingram’s llall. Joux Sr. stanxcn, .llanaycr. PERSONAL.â€"M r. James Ross, who about thirteen years ago was in business at. Fenelon Falls, has been in and out of the village during the past week. and rumour says he is about to commence storekcepiug here again ; but as we haven't been able to capture and inter- view him wc cannot speak positively ' s to his intentions. He is as big: and illy as ever, and no doubt many old friends will rally around him if he makes up his mind to return to the Falls. “ALLOW E'nxnâ€"The evening: of Fri day, the 3lst nlt., was llallow E'en, and the boys of the village phiyed some of their customary pranks, but not so many as usual. and none, as far as we have heard, entailed any serious loss on I the parties whose property was inter- fered with. A {law light gates were taken 00‘ their hinges, and, what. was worse, laid on the sidewalks. Where they miuht have tripped up pedestrians. but no accidents are reported. 35" Men's all-wool Serge and Tweed Suits for 56. Oxford Shining, II and I" vards for SI. The same goods an; L“: and I24) cents elsewhere. Joux Sr. LAWRENCE, Hunt/1,- THANKSGIVING I).\v.~â€"~'I‘lnn-.-dny of: this week was 'I'Iiaiiksgiviu': Ilziy. and our business men observed it >0 far as to refrain from exposing goods in their doorways and on the sidewalks, though all or nearly all the stores were kept open. In the evening service was held in some of the village churches. As we l the boiler. arrivcddast Saturday. . ready in the room prepared for it. It is from t perfect 3* new, of forty horse the same pattern as the one will. The boiler, which will soon be I . . . ; damning the Scott law with faint praise, . while out and out revilers of prohibi- in place, is also new and is built of steel. It is somewhat larger than is absolutely niccssary. being of the size usually furnished with a fifty horse- power enginc, and has fifty three-inch tub-3s or fines. Other portions of the mills contents are expected almost im- mediately, and. if no unforeseen delays occur, the farmers of this, vicinity will i be able to get their coarse grain chop- ped at Fcnelon Falls by the end of the present month, if not sooner. .___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-'â€"'_'â€"'â€"'~ _._.._.._ Railway Accidents. a: 141- 1 Who in... Administer the In 7? well-known factan at Guelph, , power. and l in the pulp I it has (From (Ii: Norm-MI Witneu.) The cold water papers, whose mifiion been to pour cold water on every temperance movement, have taken to ’ tion. like the III'WIIII, finding the wind ; almost dead ahead, have dropped ad a point or two, and now roar gently, as Bottom. the weaver, was taught to do. Both kinds are very anxious that the tompcranca people should know that their law is no goodâ€"at least. not un- , less they are willing to do the detective i work, and the police Work, and the crown prosecution work, and everything. Well, that is as it happens. A corres- pondent from Northumberlaud county tells us that such is the case there, the reason being that the hearts of the gov- I.I‘~‘I-<.1.Y. Nor. libâ€"A Fall Nelda" l ernment ofiicinls are set in them to make tori. yiac; lii‘l‘.‘ iii-day. Donald McArâ€" tl.ur. a brakvman on the G T. 11.. was on duty at the station and in the act of shunting his train. After he had ad- l. . . ' if. inoperative. This is too often the , case. What are government oficials ? Too often tavern politicians gone to their reward. So long as the taverns jusied the switch the train commenced I last the coumry “in be largely mled to move slowly backward, and whether by mom. his foot caught in a frog. or Iic slipped and fell is unknown, but the cars passed over his head. The deceased was a- o.) I It. is partly to rid' us of tav. ern government. that we fight for the Scott law. Suppose, then, the Gazette and the [lei-old are right. in their belief, years of age, and lived with his father and the Sam, law “in be passed in w,“ and mother here. in some counties, as far as securing im- wllllnm BC“. c'mducmr 0" a freight mediate prohibition is concerned, will train. while at. Lorncvillc yesterday pro- h, be indeed in “in ? By “9 means ; “Oiled to PM 0" “’0 brake-5i “he” may the people will have spoken their mind 3-33“? “8F: PWCIPltall“? I‘ll" ‘0 the and parliament will have heard it. 0"“ 03”“ le‘l“ Passed 0"” this is a sslf-governing country, the around. his limbs. tearing: the flesh from them, mind of the people must be obeyed; and inflicting: several bruises. to say, no bones were brokernqtliouch he was badly shaken up. He brought to his home in Lindsay this morning, and is doing as well as can be expected. . The Michipicoten Riots. Sll‘allgc and if the Scott law is not. a workable instrument, parliament will understand “'35 that the country must be pI‘OVIdCd “‘llll I something: that is workable. That will i be a very decided gain. The fact that the Scott law has nowhere been repeal ed, shows that either the people do not think it a failure. or that. they do not. propose to mend its defects in that way. SAULT STE. hI.\ItIE,-Ocl.. 3lsf.â€"Maâ€" It need be a failure nowhere if good gristrate Burden and the Toronto police returned today from Michipicoten with five prisoners implicated in the rioting, four of whom stand committed for trial, and one has been Summarin convicted. When the police reached Michipicuteu on their upward journey, they took up quarters in the house formerly occupied by the Magistrate. There were no signs of opposition, but immediately alter dusk shots were again fired into the building, one of them from a Winches- ter rifle wounding a cook named Du- fuult. Inspector Ward and his men at once turned out, when the firing ceased. and the victors disappeared in the dark- ncss. Several arrests had been made in the forenoon, but four of the ring- leaders took to the woods, three. of them armed with repeating rifles. They have not. been captured. but will likely be taken by the Dominion force now on the way or by the special constables sworn in for the purpose. â€"â€"-â€"â€".â€"-â€"o.-. Graduated. The Cobour: Sen/incZ-Slur says :â€" Thc Gazette announces that Sergt. Ken- neth Boswcil Cameron has graduated from the Royal Military Coll’suc of Cin- ada, date of diploma ‘ rct., 1884, and that he has ch33 , _J newt a coin- inission in her Majesty's re: 11‘ army. Mr. Cameron is the. son of HccfEfr' Cam- eron, Esp, Q C., and cousin of llis Worship Mayor Gravely, and nephew of Mrs. Vance Boswell. of this town. We learn from the Mall of last week that. Mr. lameron is to not his commis- sion in that celebrated regiment, the 79th Cameroniau Highlanders, now serving: in Egypt. He will join his rogl. meat in a month or so, and must be considered highly favoured to have the chance of seeing active service so soon in his career as a soldier. May he cotiic back covered with medals and decora- tions, and add one more to the roll of Canada’s sons who have so worthily maintained the honor of their country in the regular service of the empire. fl.-. Rainiey’s Dog. The I’vterhoroucli Ifnmmincr says: ~â€"Mr. (licorice lannoy's little brown spaniel is a mmt Illtclllzcnt dog. Daily he gees to I'lavis's bookstore for his ma-~t»;r‘.~' paper, the Mail. Me enters the door and stands looking :it the pile. his eyes all alight and his tail vigorously wagging. It is folded. Charley opens ’how to go about this. \)L given a fair trial of the law, for it men are willing. for the sake of their country, to bear the reproach and the expense of'doinj; for the country what its public officers are bound to do for it, and by degrees they will discover The past has is not. much over a year that its consti- tutionality has been out of question: We ask temperance mcu everywhere it. take action that will silence these guin- sayor‘. .Q.__..-â€"â€" The circulation of gold coin is stead- ily decreasing. Dakota brags of an ear of corn hold- ing 1.742 grains. A fortune teller in Cincinnati claims to make 8300 a week. ' There are forty-four religious denom- inations in the United States. There is an agitation for the abolition of grocers’ licenses in Hamilton. A thousand Chinamcu sailed from San Francisco for home last. week. Of all the ocean tonnage comng to Quebec and Montreal the latter gets 92 per cent. Louis Captaiue, a Caughnawaga Io- dian of the Canadian voyagcurs, has been lost in the Nile rapids. The root. of the burdock has been in- troduced into France as a vegetable. It. is said to resemble salsify in flavour. It has been held in the Quebec Court. of llcvicw that. an unpaid vendor has a right to seize goods wherever found. Ol'tlic 270 fuhninating factories start- ed in Europe during the present centu- ry, 261 have been destroyed by explo- sinus. Altorucy-Gcncral Miller was hanged and burned in effigy in \Vinnlp'g, for ordering a rc-captured runaway prisoner to be flogged with the cat-’o-uine-tails. There are in England 80,000 scam- stresscs who earn o:in a shilling a day ‘aeh, making shirts by machines and working from six in the morning until eleven at night. Lena llaberland, aged ten,ofSt.. Lou- is, died of trichinosis on the 30th on. Her brother is seriously ill, but. will probably recover. The children had cut- en half-cooked meat. Edward [Iowa is dying in the New York hospital from the effects of a scratch from an anteater, which he re- ceived while employed at the Aquarium on Conny Island last. September. Dr. Carvcr’s tales of the wild, wild west have had a bad effect. on Hamilton bnys. A number of them lassocd :i companion the other day, aml dragged him about. till he was so badly injured his mouth and with it darts out to his that he died Shortly afterwards, master, carrying it carefully until he is relieved of it. Bartholomew Binns, the English ex- A bll‘l‘ll'lg ‘10:: ‘5 um" ccutioncr, has brought his mother-in have flnrlllull-‘I: rlmmrkid. {or three l." ICE 3 II the Palm," “5 “0‘ Promll‘l)’ S'VC“ law into court for stealing his watch, W” 303'” In". Thanksgiving Day wrll him he plants INS W0 from fuel 0” ll": while his own daughter has been l'riuht- counter, and by his impatience secures cum] 0.", of his house by his experi- ncver be generally observed until it is held upon the same day every year or it is more widely announced than by a few words in the city papers. WiNTitY.-â€"Thc weather has been very wintry since Tuesday morning. when a l punch,“ 1.2,”. bound p0,. “wk hkL I ‘ considerable quantitv of soft snow fell. . t a, : ; ‘, 1- ' ' It was followed by rain. and tho twol mixing and freezing, the sidewalks were} con-rod with rotiin ice that made walk I in: very ditlieult. .-\~‘ \l't-dnesday and l Thursday were very Cold and more snow came, it looked as if wintt-r had set in, and one or iWo farmers drove to l the villa_'e in sleighs. but the general opinion is that we shall have line Wca- i ther yet. This tl’riday‘) alternoon the | air is warmer and a slight mist. that may turn to clthcr snow or rain, is be- ginniu; to fall. I Slzsr rou TRIALâ€"Last Tuesdayl Pails, reocivc-l a telegram from IIt-nry Ont-t i him to 5:0 to that village and make an arrest. lle accordingly took the after. noon train. and on reaching his destina- hcnsion of Hugh Cameron, who was charged with having, the previous oven. ing. violently a~t~alliletl William Ihiwm-y in Iluiibar's hotel. The accuse-1w» ‘ “n- onuguucd “cum,” in“. been . captured at his boarding house and at [once taken brflre Mr. Graham. who: after hearing the evidence, sent him for trial. and Con-table N visor: took him to Lind-ay and bulged him in the noun. ty jnii. Cameron committed the avault‘ lit-cause. some time am. his youth-ch brother undertook to but Duwucy, but got beaten himself Inslt‘ld. Tun i‘. aisr MILLâ€"Since we last no- ticed the new grist mill the work of fit~ ing up the interior has been pushed; attention. One day he was neglected. so he seized a paper off the counter and ran out, but he had not gone far when he stopped, opened his mouth, and, dropping' the paper, ran back and waited for the right one. The fact is Charley is a Tory, and by mistake he had got a I I I .. . l . , . l nauseous (nit mont iful, the Club»; this I, “.aq “nunmmy executed in the dim, , i he discovered. and >0 he went back for his tidbit. the did”. from that of the (flu/m. Charley's taste is cultivated. and he knows quite well when he gets a paper of his own stripe of politics. «â€"â€"-~. - o---â€"--â€"-â€" Camels in England. An interesting suggestion has just been made for the introduction of cum- els into the south of England as beasts > of burden for farmers and others. a number of wars they have been in , use in Australia. and their dociliiy and endurance in that country are hi1:th praised. ' about seven huudrwI-wcight each. but in a team they are able to draw as much as a ton apiece. By the Australian squatters they are extensively employed. and in districts where water is scarce they are almo~t invaluable. and this sum is not deemed high by the inhabitants of the antipodes. The chicfohjection to limit introduction in- to England is that the country is too net, and camels never cot along; well on wot ground. After rain they are liable , to slip. and become useless. Horses also are much terrified by their appearance. A similar attempt was made to intro- duce them here some lian years :20, did not takenâ€"X. Y. Sam. The odor of the I papcror ink of the Mail is different: For ‘ Laden separately. tin-v lake‘ The price . of a young camel is from 82:30 to 8350, judge. who died in ITIJCl. The book is i meats in hanging cats and dogs. Expert. testimony in lunacy does not i seem to be regarded with much respect |iu China. The l’ckiu Granite relates ‘ that a lunatic in that city, who, in a ;paroxysm of madness, murdered his grandmother with a vegetable knife, crccable manner known as the -‘ slicing process." The imperial warrant says . that , parricidvs and inatrieolcs "' mu~t ', be sliced," and contains no saving clansi- ' concerning the insanity of the prisoner. l Kido. an attache of the Japanese llezation at Ilcriin. recently embarked at. Marseilles for Yokohama. To make. sure that if he died at 3-0.1 his body I. would not be con~iznnd to the ill-op, Ii»: Stool; with him a beautiful coffin and ilcverything iii-cws~ary' for ens-tailinim-nt ‘ All his papers. and his will in suczl an I event. are to remain in a box which has I been placed in the hands of the captain l of the steamer Sindli. Gen. Kawcugi, l the Japanese prefect of police. who was i in Paris four years ago. took a similar precaution and [Hell {It sczt. .\ Icttcr purporting to give a (Ir-scrip tioa by an eye witness of the execution 5 Iished at the end of the present year. It has been found in a manuscript book among the papers of Lord I'ldnck. the all written in one hand, apparently in l the first half of the eighteenth century, 2 and the account of the exicution is a 3 copy of a letter sent by special desire. 1 Lord Eliock's father managed the af- i fairs of the Duke of Perth and of other : ifamilies devoted to the Stuart cause, and it is conjectured that the document is 1 copy of a letter written by a item: I l_ I ber of one of these families. -._ l h-” of Mary. Queen of Scots, will be pub- , At. the recent great Liberal demon» stntiou at Bristol. the motto on one of the flags was:â€"â€"“ The Lords will be done." The body of Miss Adams was found 1V 0 '1‘ i (iiâ€"1:. Notice is hereby given that any person or, persons found trespassing by cutting or re- trieving wood or timber of any kind from the east half of Lot “’ Con. l Venilnm. -o . _ ~ r ' in the woods near M attonsville, “ . \ 1., on my ,muns‘, “bun”. "mm", my PM. Oct. (Hat. with Ashbnry Atwatcr. who is missing. It is thought that the pair were attack- . {ed by panthers, with which the woods are infested. An excessively hard winter, from a i business and financial point of view. is | looked for throughout southern Europe. ‘owing to the cholera and failure. of l , gust last sold strychnicc in mistake for l crops. The curtailment and stagnation in trade are complained of as unparalâ€" leled in central and north Europe, with no immediate prospect of relief in view. At London, Ont., Oct. 31st, the jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter in the case of ,George lliiigmau. druugist's clerk, of Mount Brydgcs. who in An- sautouine to one Enter, to be adminis- tered to his two young: children, who died shortly afterwards from strychnine . poisonin". l. ___.â€"â€"â€"a-oâ€" “ Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€"(With face enveloped in a roll of Iiot cloths)â€"" Oh! I'm crazy with that Neurnlgia that continually troubles me." , " Well, how foolish! Why don't you go to Wm. E. Ellis's Drug: Store, Fi-nelon Falls, and get a bottle of [fluid Lightning? * It cured me in less than than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only If costs 25 cents." James Ilrnyley, Hamilton, says: ‘-I read the testimonials for McGrcgor's Speedy Care, and found that I had not to go to New York, Philadelphia. Louisiana or Tex- as to find living witnesses of its value; “'0 have plenty of persons right her to prove its merits. I got a boillc and it helped me right away. I was as bad with Rilious I-‘eâ€" ver and indigestion as I think any one could be. I have taken three bottles and um iii-ar- Iy well, and can eat any kird of food with- out it hurting me. I may say that I am bi-i- tcr than I ever expected in be. Free trial bottles at Wm. Ii. Ellis's Drug Store, helicâ€" lon Falls. If you should he so unfortunate as to llurn, Scald or Wound yoursi-lf in any way, the proper thing to keep clean and heal it is McGregzor .k Parkes (‘arbnl‘u- (‘crai-nl Insist on having, uiid be sure you get. .\li'~ Gregor & Purkc's Caxholic l‘ciaie. Price, 25 cents. Wm. E. Ellis, Ilruggist, I“cllclun Falls, has the genuine; . 131 li'l‘I 1 Pi. Bl' ranâ€"Jo- Fetitdou Falls, on \l'i-dncsduy, I Noveiiihert'ith, the wife of Mr. Charity Ili'imtl ' of a son. 1)} 1‘31). Molsrvaitfln the General Hospital, 'I‘o- ‘i’on’to, on Friday, October Illst, Mr. John (I Mclntye, of li‘cuelon Ii‘alls. aged -tl years. donutsâ€"In Fciieluu Falls, on Thursday, November 6th, Jiiuc Phillips, wife of Mr. John Jones, Jr., aged 28 years. __â€"____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by .llcllouyull .3' Brandon. li‘euelou Falls, Friday, .‘ov. 7th, I894. Wheat, fall, per bushel - - :Sn (:5 i) it? Wheat, spring, “ - - ' 0 ii?- 0 it? Ilarley, per bushel - - - 45 57 Oats, “ “ -' - - - 25 Eli I’ensc, “ “ - - - - 50 5;. Rye, “ U - . - - no 5:; Potatoes, “ - - -' â€"' 1'” 20 Rutter, per ll)., - - - - - I? Iii , Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs, :30 00 $0 51! Eggs, per iioan, - - - - H 15 Iluy, per ton, - - - â€" $10 no 10312 no Chickens, per pair, - - - 20 Ill! Ducks, “ - - - - 3?) 40 Turkeys, per Ib., - - - - i; 7 Geese, H - . - - 0 7 New Advertisements. The undersigned offers for sale, cheap and on easy terms, his two-story dwelling“ house and quarter acre lot on Francis Street ' west, Fciieluu Falls. For particulars apply to Mr. John Mollitt. JOIIN (TLI'ICIIUIlN. Pctcrborough, Nov'r Glh, IS‘M. "’ " .Il‘u. Notice to ])cht 01's. All parties owing accounts to the late firm of Robson ll: Allan are hereby notified that the same must he paid f'irihwiih to the undersigned, as it is necessary to settle the affairs of the said firm as soon as possible. THOMAS RUllSON. Fenclon Frills, Oct. 28th, Iii-Wt. Elli-2. __. CASH FOR BUTTER. The nudersignedd-Iiâ€"prcparcil to pay The Highest Price in cash for any quantity of good merchant- able Firkin Rutter. .I. WILSON. Ilohcaygcnn, Oct. 2901, IR‘H. :lil-‘J’ ,______.__.â€"v.â€"â€"â€"..__ w. wfiorr Ilo:pr-ctfully informs his friends and Ill!‘ public generally that, having been uncere- ‘ by the fire on the ‘.’Htli nlt.. lu- l.a-: ri‘sIlIiiI‘Il on (Jolboriii: St, where, with better Incili tics than ever. he hopes in gain many new custoim-rs. III: has a choice stock of i 3 Family Groceries, consisting of crass, COFFEES, SUGABS, SYRUPS, ‘ AISINS, CURRANTS, RICE, DRIED APPLES, _ Snap, Starch, .‘t‘c. .k:-,:tn-l as his busini-M. l I-xprnsi-s im- wry ollu‘ll, He Cannnl Possibly be Undrrsnld by any person in the village. Fruits and Canned Goods of all kinds .1 pr‘ciullv. .._â€"â€" or the Best Brands always in stock. _ ’5’ The highcit pride: paid for Butter. 3 Eggs and other farm produce. ' An awirtmeut of glue l'remvc Jim fur , nit cheap. ; Candler-o In grout variety. W Give him a rail, and you will be. ! COH'IHC"’I that the above rinirineni- are i true in every particular. , xv. W. BLOTT. l Penelun Pails July we, rain. 2 Tobaccos Nirr BLonsu iiiif. Inoniou-‘Iy hustled out of his late promises- I business in one of Mr. Jordan's new sinrm . She. was elopln‘.’ In I Imus,“ A mission.will be prosecuted as the law. made land provided in such caugdirvcts. Any one Wishing to boy would do well to exam- inc titli- betcha so doing. , . _ . C. J. LOGAN. November «till, 155i. : t 3H. ADVERTISE)! 19:52.1". A STATE)! EXT IN CONNECTION \VI‘TII THE .\Iln\'l2. It is unpleasant to have to come-dictum the public to explain famin affairs: I do In, however, by the advice of friends in whom I can confide. About two years ago a writ was issued against Mr. Walter ll. Steven- son I'or the foreclosure of a mortgngv on hls’ land held by the executors of the Archer- estate. Mrs. Stevenson came to her sister and pleaded with her to try to prevail on I me to borrow the mom-v to pay it off, othvr~ jwisc their land would he sold and they l would have to leave this part of the coun- try, promising to repay the money by in- stalmculs in three years. I accordingly borrowed for him $50” on a matured life as-‘ suruucc policy payable at my death. (In so doing I explained to Mr. Sicvciisoii,agniii and again. that if he failed to pay Illt‘ inâ€" ; (crest it would endanger the balance of Um I policy. $1.500. lie as often assured me that i all would be right. and ofl‘crcd to give mo , a second mortgage on his farm. I let tho 1 matter lie in ahryanci- on my daughter's ncs l i l l l I count, as I thought that by my being aux» ions for a mortgage Would argue want of confidence in her. The money was obtained about two months before the lst of January; one of the times of payment of the interest: Mrs. Sit-reason came to IIN' about that time and asked if I had got any nolicc froln 1hr: company about the interest then due, as they wanted to pay it. I told her that I had iint.:ind that I supposed, as the interest‘ had only run for about two months, it would be addrd to the interest of the next half year. which turned out In he the case. Mrs. Stevenson died in the Illt'ullllnlt‘, and befoi‘t‘ the next half yearly payment became due. When the interest did Iii-conic due, I. with great difficulty. got from Mr. Stevenson 53' on the payment of it, and nothing since. When. on or about the Illihof January but, I \\'t'III to Mr Stevenson uiid asked for the second mortgage. which he had proinisi-Il',‘ as I wanted to make u will. and to dispose of the borrowed money. which I intended to give to my grandson. he told inc to try and pvt it : ihal he had that money and he! Would d‘sposc of it us be pleased. After it \vhili’s arguing. he said: “ If you will give me n It-asi- of the place, to llclp me to par the money. I will pay it all." I thought, as l he had had the almost sole benefit of thiv' laud since it leltl been bought, without 0va "paying the taxes. with the consent of my sun,l could be no worse ofl‘ than before in making" such an arrangi-im-nt. and l iuight' be much better if the land were properly managed, and in such case I had every reus- on to believe Ilnil my son would Consent II" the arrangement. It has not, however, turn- ed out in l‘lllll‘l‘ case as I expected. (In one occasion .\Ir. Stevenson asked me ii' the land had not been bought for him. and on being told that his necessities had in soun- IIH‘IIS- nre suggestrd the pili‘t‘liusv-,iiiiil IIIIII lu- hull got the, use of it to try and make something out of ii, IIt' let me know t'i-ry plainly that, he Would like to have the devil, which, of course, he could not get. Mr. Stevensonf was in a great hurry to get the lease, and the same day that I consented had the lease drawn and I signed it. I have been told by! several parties lhilt he Illlll not got homo; with the lease before boastng that he IIIHI‘ now got. me where he had long Wished to have me, and that he would now he rchng-' ed for the way I had “ liuinhugged him"â€" I suppose in not procuring a deed of tho land for him. Mr. Stevenson obtained the . lease, 1 think, on or about the lflili of Jun- uiiry, and it soon became apparent what his" object was in getting it. He at once coni- iui-nccd such a course nfdcstructinu on lhc 'Ianil as he knew wuulu be objected to, and" he klll'W also that such objection would‘ give him an opportunity of offering to sell‘ the lease back to me. Such objection win." made, and such odor of sale was Illllllt' and several times ri‘pt'ttlt‘il. tln February ‘Jnlllu little more than five weeks after the Iclutz' was obtained. this followiiipr offer was math" 9 tb'm'c by Mr. Stcicnson. throuin his solici.‘ tor, nziini'ly, flint he agrees to give up tho lease on the condition that I release him- “ from all claims of whatsoever kind or dd? scripiion heretofore incurred" by him. This inili-llimitless-45.hilt-:ii-ndcnt ofcvcrything I gave Mrs. Sh-vcnsoiiâ€"nninunit: to ovf'ri' $I,i'firl. I would have accepted this offer as punishment for my mistake if it had not. been suri'oiindcil by it number of other obt’ ji-ctirnoihlc conditions that could not he liv- ci-pii-d, as they riff-rcch my family as well I as myself. The last offer was made on the 8th ot‘tlctuber lustâ€"the very day on which I paid for Mr. Stevenson $1.52: for borrowed- money for which I was s-I.-curity-â€"â€"and haa' 8:300 and Several other III'IIN added in tho cluiln of l-‘obruary lust, making the sum for the [llIrCILII-‘I' ofthe louse considerably more“ than the land cost. I make Illlllt‘llllf‘llrill or' inference from this statement. \\‘Ilil'll I sim- ply make in self defence, us I find that Mr. Stevenson’s version of the affair is widely known, and not Illlll‘ll to my f'rl'llli. I Fill)- init this statement to the ki-i-n scrutinizing. cyt- of the public, in Whose hands I feel pch fi-clly safe. And I make this solemn declaration, be.- lit-ving the saun- 10 In: irur-, and by virtnu' l of an Act. passed in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of Her Majesty Quilt-u Victoria, entitled An Act for the Hippies-ion of vol- untnry and extra-judicial oaths. \\'.\I. LOGAN. l)"(:ll|l'l‘ll before Inl‘ at the , Village of l-‘I-ni-Ion Falls, in I l, the County of Victoria. ibius l-ltli din of Nov'r, .\. It, IHM. l JAMES iyirtitsox, : (ll-l. .I f'mnml-Honrr .l‘r, Dissolution of Partnership. iI-‘r the style and thin of Robson L' Allan ' has this day lll'l'll ill-solved by mutual rim- ‘wnt. Thv I‘nxitl-lry lvrisiiir-d ill l'rnrlou Pulls. will in fulni'i' I." f'ZIflll‘ll I)" by TIXUIII- ll‘ Itobmu, who will 1"lilll'l'l all outstanding du-Iyi‘ and pay all claims against the Into firm. Ilatrd Ilii‘n' L'ith day of “I‘I'llil‘f'. IV‘H. 'I'IIHIIA.“l IIUISSUN, It‘lltl'ZIt'I‘ CEI‘II. ALLAN Anni II: lurizrn, ll'ilmn. l l The purint-rahip Ili’lI'IUIUN‘ fjlffll'll on un- . l i i I l :t'i-Z. ' '[VII1‘.,I.‘ ‘V(i)(,)1). The subscriber, havingr li-uwd lll'! one: hilf‘l'lml ‘17."on.l.‘v’wroluin,i~ prepared to h-t rowan-ti for clearing land, and rut- 5 tin: Woo-I and shingle-bolts by tbc roril t and rods luv lhc thousand. Alm, any per- , Inn tic-irons of obtaining wood mud Apply t in W. ll. 1".rvlvnron in plaf‘I' of the Rev. i Win. Logan. ‘ W. II STEVENSON. l Fen-lion, (Mfr Nth, ts't. Im-t,‘ ensu'uaéé"o6+i'6é. The nnvlrriigned having moved into tho c'trnv-r rtrms in Mr Jordan'» new hrirl: Mark. and being about to enlarge his hun- nru. hereby noidim ali pi-tium indebtul in him that tiny "I‘Ml Mull: Ill"lr uremia”, ruher I} rat-h or now. on or before the firit ‘ day of December next, ' SAUI'iIL IOIIN'S‘I‘ON', l PtIit'l'JI Fa‘fir. fit: : "with l'ril. 5"! .)

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