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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Jan 1885, p. 2

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N0 W IS THE TIME .â€".. "fin- CHRISTMAS CARDS, PICTURE BOOKS AND EHRISIMIS PlllSllllS. of All kinds at Ellis’s Drug Store, PENELUN )‘.\ LIA. LEGAIthac A. P. IlliVLIN. ARRISTHR, Attorney-nt-Imw, Solicitorj in Chancery, Kent Street, Linosay. MARTIN .v HOPKINS. ' ARRII‘ITERS, SOLICITUIH. .kc .\lo-: Office.‘ ncy to Loan at 0; ps-r cent. Kent street. Liudauy, ()ut. IRS. Mattnx. (i.ll.llot-x1vq tin. non n n, and Notary Public. Money to Loan. (Mice, Kent street, Lindsay. IIUDSI’ I'I'Il & JACKSUN. BARRHTERH, SUthiletllI“, .kc. Of- fice. William street, Lindsay. A. "titan-1:111. U'L IAltY d: () Ll'lAltY, ARRIS‘TEIIS, ATTORNEYS-ALLAW, Solicitors in Chancery, .kc. Office, Doheny lllock, Kcntitrcet, Lindsay. Anrnctt 0'l.r..tnv. llcou (l'Lnxuv. MCIN'I‘YRI'I rk' STEWART. A ltltlS'I‘l-I l8, AT'I‘OIINICYS-AT-LAW, Solicitorl in Chancery. kc, Lindsay. Office over Ontario flunk. Kent <trcct. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'cr-oritiea. D. J. Mclxrvnn. BIO N F} \'l 'I‘OJIAIGNI) on neurity of mortgage on llcal and I’cr- aonal Property and Promissory Notes, at rrusonablc rates of interest. Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, II.\Itlll"Tlv2ll, Liods y. _ , MEDICAL.‘ A. W. J. IltlflIlASSI, M. D., DRONHII, Physician, Surgeon. .kt'... kc. 1 Residence, llriek Cottage, Wellington street. Liml-my. DItS. WILSHN & WILSON. ])ll\'SlCl;\.\'S, Sl'RGl-IHNS k ACCOU- _ cltrrs. Ollirc, Fr ' “3-7 Street East, Peu- elon Falls. I}. S. Wuaox, M. n , it. n . 1'. 31., it 121'. I: 5., Out Dr. A, \7u.xos,.\1. 11., M. c. r. a ' tint. Dtt. J. ll. LOWE, )IIYSICIAN .k SI'IIGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of Ilalihttrton. w Hillel: next door to the McArthur House. Residence, the house later occu- pied by Dr. Itrysou, on May street, Fcuelon Falls. DIIS. IlllltIlOWS rk GRAHAM, )uvsuzraxs, Stumri’txa, .vc. Dflice and residence directly oppnvitc (‘arr's' hotel, William St .Linrlsny. Calls from the country promptly attended to. I'. l‘atatnr. llotruows, u. 1)., o. .\1., )l. 1-. 1-. a c. .\1.. law Soho llos- a. n. Graduate M'fiill pitul. London, r. r. 54. College. .\lout., lt‘til‘u. I 51., 31. u. c.s., England SURVEYURS. JAM I‘IS lllllKSON. ,) L. Surveyor, Com Itissioncr in the Q. ll.,* . flottveyunt‘er. kt‘. dress, I-‘enelon Falls. Residence, uttd ud- V__ MISCELLANEOUS. if :1 sAiiGA IN s.“ I-‘ive good Building Lots for salczcheap in l-‘cuelon Falls West. Apply to J.\ll\'lri .k .\chNH'(IAl.L. I‘cnelon Fully June 19th, UNI. l'i-t t, .I. NEELANDS, 1) I'IN'I‘IS'I‘, 141 N l)S.&1’. One of the firm will he at the McAttrut'u llotrstz. Fizxutox FALLS, on the third Monday ofcat‘h month. T-‘clh ' extracted by laughing git: without pain or injurv. or no charge will be tirade. no)” (“live established in Lindsay ucarly fifteen years. fl‘lll'i l'l'l‘Y Ul" l.tl.\'l)ll.\' I-‘lIlI-I INSI'II‘ .nc: t‘o. ('apitul £2.tl'>tl.tlml sterling. llnpmitcd with the Dominion Government. . 5 palatial, Tu: ltouL l\ll‘lt\!\‘l; t‘o. or l-Ixot..v.\'o.â€" ‘ I'M-ital. Slitgutopoo. Illl'llnntla,$t;:tt1.ttt.t>_ Tm: Wurmr‘ lut'tuxe: (‘0. or Fauna. Capital and Abels, 51.5.37 33.3. J. n sturn. .I;;«~:.. Fem-loo Falls. Jan'y ‘.'.'nd. IBM. 471. Important to Farmers.“ Having :emn-d the control of the " .\r- x “I'tlilllt‘ Tum-raw: t‘tn-rtx " for the town- ;htpt n! Yer-alum an»! Sutnerville. and hav- ing arr raged for their rtmuut‘.rrtorr \t Fen- I-Iurt Falls. by Patrick Ileasctln r-mprr. l oluli be prepared to fill all orders in a {:w day: I‘urtia “III consult tht tr own intrr~ mt by inspecting this claim before buying n.t_\‘ other. WILLIAM DAVIS, I'cnclun Falli. June filth. l« mealtime: GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, Conan! Insurance and Loan Agent. FENELON FALLS. 02m, reprucnts the following firpt elus cornpn-' um, Itlli winch tumor." can be trnumctrd unto the 1mm .\‘\.t1:t.ageou§ terms. The l‘nnadu I‘rrtuvtcnt Luau .k 34! ‘ngv t'o The Imjothnl Insurance t'r-mpauy. e! Lon don, Hugh-ad. I’hc (Hunt-rs Insurance Company, of t‘nnn- d: Pier .2: i .tcrtjrnt The lancuttrre Invariant-v ('0 .t‘v.’ England Tho t‘.- «S ‘e" 'l. :v \§.«~i.\'i--n l-t'l‘crh Tuos. Srizwitnr. : II. II. GRAHAM, .\1. n ,. Dopufllt’tl with I'D-l tuinion (:m'vrument and otherwise vested ' ..-,.. ...... v G. Anderson. Penelon Falls, bch to call attention to his large stock of QAXES, lutnbertnen. “ Ahead of any " Cross-Cut. Saws, the best in the market. ,a general stock of IIardt'arc, Pllllllll it lllllll Silllll, , by the best uranttfitcturcrs. l v .- l Rove-tuber 1th, 1884. "vé'é'ttird’ziv The Nominations- Tnc nominations of candidates for the offices of ruayor. rccvc and council- lor took place last Monday according to law, and were as follows in this and the neighbouring municipalities: PENELDN FA LLS. For Ilccvc~damvs Dickson, nomina- ted by I) G. Smith and seconded by George Manning. Jo~cph McArthnr. nominated by th. McKendry and sec- coded by I‘ldwin Wood. II. W. Greene, nominated by Henry .-\u.~tin and Scound- ed by Wm. Deyuntn. George G. Keith. nominated by Wm. Dcytnan and St‘COtItI- ed by I). (1'. Smith. Messrs. Greene and Keith realigned. For CtlllllCIIlUl'wâ€"~JOSOPII IIcard, nom- inated by JttlltO> Dickson and seconded by Wm. Dcyman. Joseph chison,nmu- u inatcd by Joltu Slater and seconded by I Wm. Dcytnau. S. Swanton, nominath : by Wm. McKcndry and secoudcd by T. ‘ Johnston. I“. Sandford, nominated by i J. Nevisou and seconded by 1'}. Wand. John 'I‘homvon, nominated by Jon. Mc- - Arthur and sccondcd by Wm. McKcn dry. “wry Austin. nominated by D G. Smith and seconded by J. 'I‘womoy, ' Jr. Messrs. D. G. Smith, G. (I Keith ! attd T. Ilobson were also nominated and ‘ seconded, but resigned. The candidates, therefore. are all the old members of tile council and Mr. Henry Austin At the close of the nominatith Mr. Cunningham was appointed chairman, and about two hours were spent in the. exchange of accu<atious, rccrimit-ations and incivilitiea; but they answered no useful purpose. and a public meeting called on Friday cvt-niug for the purpose , of injuring Mr. McArthur had, it any- . thing. a contrary effect. li‘t;xt;t,o.\‘.â€"Ilecve. John Daniel and l Thomas Smitlnon; deputy-rccve, John I}. Naylor. F. If Berkeley and Jas. P. Palmer. Councillor-a, by acclamation. I.~.~'ac (I. Moyucs, George Pcrduc and J. 1 Palmer. \'t-:ttl.'l..-\.\t -â€" Ilccre, Chas. Fairbairu and John Junkin ; dcputy-t'ccrc, Robert l\'enttedy, by acelamatiou. Councillors. ! John Kennedy. A. I‘hlis, James Lamb 1 and John llredcn. Stotmtvtt.t.t:.â€" Ilcevc, John Fell. hr. . Councillors, IIeury Graham, II. F. Per- duc, George Ilumuey and James Wil- son, all elrcted by acclamation. The , only new member is Mr. Wilson. ' littllt‘aYttl:0N.â€"-Ilcc\‘t‘, S. W. Crab- trce and J. L. Ilcid. Councillors, 'I'hos. llick. II. W. Ilurchtner, Alex. Orr, tit-o. Tinuoy, Sta. John Kennedy. A. E. and W. flick. A Fire Extinguisher. , Mr. P. C. Foy, gcncral agent of Cog- , hill & Walsh. Toronto, manulhcturcr of lthc “ Canadian tirenade Firc Extin- l gnisher." was in Fettclott Falls last l llion of what the greuallev will do in i putting out an incipient conflrgration, which we take it for granted is what they are intentch for, as they could hardly be. med after a building wru ; fairly in flames. A large packing case, 1 III which an organ had been brought to stltc tillage, wa< taken to the end of l branch street near the railway track. and after the front had been taken out [and rai~cd above the back. so an to i make a wall about fievcn feet high. the ginsidc wan bedaubed with tar and match \va< applied to mine. kindling which had been placed at the bottom. and car‘pcutcrs’ and other tools‘ I; , I." LI I). If. "C ' , “um” I “a ’ J mwsur’ ‘ the lst of January. wasx kept. as :t sort 'l‘uesday and gave a practical iilu.~tra- ‘ well Worthy the attention of: l l l l . t t l l r I l l drenched with Coal oil, after which a‘ and the next invtant the whole of the. interior was on fire. stepped forward with a grenade in each hand and broke them against each oth- er in such a manner that that the Con- lt‘tlu’tl were Nleltt‘Tt'tI I'll] llltl fl.tlllt‘~. which in re extinguidu-d as if by magic. Mr. Fay thent | not realized; lti.~~ sufferings since he was Paints, Oils, Glass and Puttyr to turn to profitable account the cata-l ' charge for admission was 15 cents, and .to open them at the first tap. tin-y will find it in the Toronto .ll-Ii'f of the 17th ult .whieh gives an account of a highly rati~factnry test hell in that: c'ty the day previous. Died on DewflYéar-‘s Day. We regret to learn that Mr. James: Prescott. of Verulam, who passed the terribly cold night of the 19th ult. in the woods of Harvey, as narrated in~ our la~t issue. died on the morning of" New Year's day. From the fir~t it was v evident that he would have to ln~c lti< feet, which were both frozen aoiid : b-tt ‘ it was met-scary to wait a few da_v~ to determine how far the t‘ro~t had t-Stt‘ntl- 7 ed, and it was at length a>certaincdi that the right leg would have to be am- 1 putated between the knee and ankle; and the left a little above. the kuee.§ The operation was performed on Wedâ€" i nesduy afternoon by Drs. Lowe andl Bonnell, the patient remaining under the influence of chloroform for about an hour. There was a slight hope of saving his life. but unfortunately it was frozen and the shock of the operation proved more than Itc could bear, and he gradually sank and expired about 8 o’clock next morning. Deceased, who was ti?) years, and the owner of two good farms, leaves a widow and family, but the children are all grown up. ])lssot.t:Tto.\'.â€"'l'hc partnership be- tween Messrs. Whissile A; Wilson, as butchers. has been dissolved, and busi- ness will b.- carricd on by Mr. Wilson. METllttDlST SOCl.\L.â€"-The Metho- dists had a social last Monday evening blcs left over at the late festival. The $11 82 was realized. Rotth 8: BR.\NI)0N.â€".‘Icssrs. Wm. Robson and J. J.:I3ratrdott, who, as art- nnunced last week. bought Mr. J. A. I'lllis's grocery business, took possession on New Year‘s day, and their advertise- ment trill probably appear in next Sat~ urday's Gaze/re. BAPTIST TILLâ€"The Baptist tea on New Year's day in tltc basement. of the Methodist. church (which was kindly loaned for the occasson) was vary on- ntcrously attended and the amount ta- kco was about There will be a Baptist social in the same place next Monday cvuningâ€"admission ten cents. A GREAT Successâ€"The entertain- ment given by the Fcuclon Falls Dram- atic Comp-my last Tuesday evening was a great success the hall being literally packed as full as it would hold. Sonic- thing over 850 clear of all expenses l‘: s realized. Press of work (and work of press) compels us to defer a more ex- tended notice until next isxuc. A TllAW.â€"-Tllc second day after Cltristtnzh‘ a thaw commenced and con- tinuel until the. night of the Blst, corn- plt-tely clearing the. roads and sidewalks of snow. New Year’s day was cold and line, and this (Friday) morning the sun is shining brightly, but. the temperature is away down below zero, the earth is alumst as hard as iron. and ice of con- siderable thickness has again formed. 'l‘ut-z Gatsr M11.t..â€"â€"-\\'c have been too busy to visit. the new grist-mill for the last two weeks, but we are informed by one ol'thc proprietors that. a great deal of'tbc machinery is in, arid that the rollers are ready to ship, and will be here by the titnc the tnillwrights want them. M r. George Nic took charge thia week and is beginning to a~a<umc the flonry appearance which indicates business. Scnoot. ’l‘ttt:sr1-‘.t‘..<.â€"â€"Last \Vcdnes- day Mchrs. John B. Mo at and George Martin were elected school trustees by acclamation, no other persons being nominated. Mr. Martin is a new tucm- her of the board. Mr. Mofftt was one of the retiring lt'th‘tees. and the fact that he was re-clectcd without opp tion i< proof that his catrsc lia~ listen ' satisfactory to the ratepayers. The at: tcndancc was very small. as i< generally the case at the nominations of trustees; probably because people's attention is so monopolizcd by the municipal clenâ€" tioo‘s that school affairs are almost for- gotten. an YEAR‘S D.â€"\Y.-â€"â€"Last Thursday, of half holiday by the business men of Fcnclon Falls; that is to say, some of the store doors were. locket] and custo- mctspouuded at them in vain, while others had some one behind them, ready It. ap- pears that on \\'c.1l1rcsrlay evening on agrccmcnt to keep closed on New Year's 1 day was carried around and signed by the merchants; httt, as usual. it was vi- olated by some. of them. As we have said on one or two occasions, if our merchants really intend to have a Itoli l day on any particular day. the proper cnursc is to advertise it either by past- 5 era or in the previous week's issue. of the i (.‘uzelle, so that their country customers may know of it and not come to the village on a vain errand. 'l'ur. FttANt‘N Srttmrr CltEl‘.K.-â€"I'o.¢ l itively, something will have to be donel next summer about the creek which, IItHl‘s along the south side of Francis street cast” or we and two or three oth- er ran-payers will be under the painful Item-salty of raising “ ructinus." Not -'. only fun the creek been diverted from . its natural course. but it ii so obstruct- .\ ~‘vcwnd pair were. used. but only one . broke And very little of its contents. reached the tire, which would evidently lure gone entin .y out in a few aecottds The gro-nadc eon~i~ts of a glass glut». containing :1 pint, more or low, of won.“ chemical fluid, highly attnmted with and generating in tire-heat an immense \olutnc o! lire extinguishing gas, in which it i~ imponible for combustion to exi~t. It i.- ciidently a handy thing . to haw around the lt.vu.~c.:nd no doubt, as it: uwtih become known, the majori- ty of house-Leiden wrll have a few greet. sde.‘ hanging arouud ready to use in They will keep for yiara, and if accidentally broken ulti do ho hunt to either person or t‘lfl’S bf \‘ltrl'rg‘t‘tlt‘t‘. ’urr‘n r tantrum. n regard"): the “ Ca- 1‘ law I; .'.~ "no Extinguisher," .33, 10 Cents. ciulllltt: I: mt ..l our readers desire‘ ed by building and other impediments that twice a year a ~tuall lake is formed jovt where the Haunt office stands. and t at present, in cotum‘prencc of the late thaw, our lot and Mr. Edwards's are almoat entirely under water. There is some talk of digging a drain along Bond <trect from near Mr. Dickson's. re~idcnce. and. by means of stoplogs,_ sending the surplus water in the apring . and fall into Cameron Lake, and the sooner it Ii done the better. Tut: tht.trtttcox.â€".\lr. J. Vcrcy'a grand moving panorama. the Zugnphi- cm). painted on over 40.001! feet of can- ' us, will be exhibited in Dickson‘s hall on the evenings of Thursday and I’ri» day. the 7th and 5th inst. Adtuisaion t :10 cents; children under 1‘) years of 0:: Friday afternoon: commencing at 430 there will be a grand matinee for children. to which; tllv‘ price (-t‘ adzuiédin will be only firef ‘ terms wherever exhibited. jwhcn they return north. ‘ duck's beak. f the duel; was drowned. ' tlhe old B. C. churchl Pcnelon Falls. ; we duet cc'its. A um i; the beautrful and inter- tsting 5C:llc: exhibited will be thirty" from T. S. Arthur's well known work . “ Ten Night; in a Btrrmm," which ’ alone will b: worth going to sec. .‘Ir. , Vcrcy has lately rctur ted to Canada. ' after an absence of eleven years. duritt'.‘ lia, Egypt. Arabia, Italy, France, Eu:- land and the United Kingdom, and hi: ‘ which be has travelled through Austra-I panoran'a has been spoken of in high ' Half the rc-C ccipts iu Penelon Falls arc to go to the 3 bold . Honouring Gladstone. LUNIMS. Ill-C. 29 â€"To-day is Glad stanc's 75th birthday. The occasion is being celebrated with great festivity at Ilawarden. Birthday greetings reach Gladstone front all parts of the empire. The Prince of Wales has sent his con- gratulations. Many Liberal bodies have presented the "grand old man " with addresses exprca<ive of continued confi- dence and profound admiration. The newspapers, without distinction of party, devote leading articles to eulogies of the great statesman. -9 Spiritualistic Iusmity. Camus, W. T., Dec. 30.â€"On Sun- day night William Pearson, a farmer, who is a strong believer in spiritualism, imagined he had received an order front a higher power to kill his infant. This he did with a hammer, and when he had finished the work he showed what he had done to his wife, who is also a Spiritualist. He then said that if she would cut her throat he would do the same. and both were found yesterday half frozen with their throats cut, but not yet dead. Pearson revived sufficL cntly to make a statement to the above effect. The p-tir will probably die. 0-.»»â€"â€" Railways. CHICAGO, Duc. 27th.â€"'I‘he Railway Age says the pa<t year has not been an auspicious one. for railways. Their earnings have been rednecd, while tltc tlltlllitgt‘l‘a' and crnploycs are apprchcn- sivc for the future. Fifteen bankrupt roads, with a mileage of (380 miles. ltavc been sold under foreclosure. llcccivcrs were appointed for 43 companies, sever- al of them of much importance. Not. a fcw companies are struggling with a difficulty to keep their heads above wa- ter. About 4,000 miles of new tuain track have been laid on 166 different lines. Most of the construction has been on extensions or branches. The very large number of railway enter- prises commenced or projected during the year indicates that railway building will still continue in spite of the busi ncss depression, and when good times return it will assume an extraordinary activity. 0-. The Prayer Cure. DENVER, Dec. 29.â€"A peculiar sect. who have their headquarters in Cltica go, and who believe solely in tltc efficacy of prayer in curing human ailments, has been discovered in Denver The establishment. is known as t‘ 'l'nbcr; uncle of the Lord, and is'c». ‘I W. T. Williams and his wife. .4 old ladies conduct. a fouudliug-S borne Children who have been abandoned by parents, and other waifs. who have been taken in flout the poor-house, are raised until tltcy bee”; °1c stout boys and girls, and are then iscnt to a farm near Boul- der belonging to the same sect. The :cct utterly (lisbclicve in the remedial powcrol pltysic. Yesterday a little wait died after a short illness. To procure a death Certificate a physician was called. who refused to sign the paper, slatiug that. the child had died of inattention. Williams said be relied upon prayer, which had always cured children before. . ._._‘_.___. A Doomed Spot. The streets of London are. about to Illrt} another historic pileâ€"Staple Iutt. IIolbot'n, by far tltc most picturesque ol all the ions in Lortdon. Several of the house." are 400 years old. and were scm'chcd by the. great fire of London. which reached its northern limit. just at this >pot. The react-able trees in the court yard and the ancient. buildings with their shade made a resting placc in summer such as nowhere else Could be found lit the metropolis. The Wor- shipful Ancients lltth sold the ion to a railway company for $400,000, which will give thorn the handsome considcra lion of $00,000 each. The chinkng of the guineas heals the. hurt that historic» or antiquarian interest. feels, and the instinct ofthe nation of shopkeepers is once more vindicated. People are flock- ing to the doomed spot, where they may be seen brooding pcnsivclv in front of z the window at which Sir Matthew Ilalc ; often sat. â€".»â€"- nâ€" V... -o An Oyster Whips 3. Duck. A rough and tumble combat between a wild duck and an oyster occurred here to-day. The duck mm a large and 3 full grown one that had recently enmc { from the north to enjoy our winter cli- tuatc. It was of the diving species, which inhabit the bays till the sprinu. When the oyster fccds it opens its shell wide. till itnc full oyster is plainly visible. A sight of such a llltlrzt‘l was too much for the duck. He made a headlong plunge, in.~crting his bill between the oy~ter'a opt-n shell. Like a flash, and with the The r. .31 not... TERRIBLE scrrmmx m- AND nm'rn or oxr. or Tum. DENVER. Dec. 23th.â€"Tuesda_v week, when the snow~torm began, X. R. Smith , and I‘Ilbridgc Forsyth started with teams ? from Dotscro to Coffee Pot Springs. for lumber. La.~t Sunday the men had not been hetrd from, and the storm still raging. a relief ptrtv was sent, and after a severe struggle through the drifting 3 <now found Forsyth half dead from hun- ger and unable to move. Smith had died the previous day, and wai found boried in the snow frozen Forsyth's clenched hand was a scrap of paper on which he had written a brief 1 note to his wife. He is badly frozen. and if he recovers trill be a cripple. He says they shot a deer the first day. The storm then increased and hemmed them in so they were unable to proceed. On Wednesday they saw the mail carrier, passing on snowshoes, but were unable to attract his attention. The men sub- sistcd on snow and raw dccr flesh for three days. but could get no fuel and finally sank bcnumbed. Smith was a pioneer in the region. .__"_..â€"..â€".- ._. The Earthquake in Spain. ,TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE KILLED SINCE CII ItlS'l‘MAS. MADE”). Dec. 3I.â€"Further earth- quake shocks were experienced yester- day at Valez Malaga, a city of 13.000 people, near Malaga. Thc shocks were violent, and many houses that had been previously datnagcd were utterly dos- trnyed. The people were terror-stricken and in haste abandoned the city. They are encampcd outside the town, and the telegraph station has been removed to tltc same place. A thou>and houses at Alham are in ruins. Th: work of searching the debris for the dead was vigorously prosecuted 192 bodies were recovered. occurred between seven and ten in (Int morning. There was a further loss of life and property at Pcriaua, Riogcrdo, . Vcnncla and Alfanatejo. It is estima- tcd that the total ttumber of persons killed since Christmas is 2,000. The town of Albuquaros was completely dc- stroycd and many people. perished, in- cluding several local officials. Subscrip- tions for the relief of the sufferers have been started at Madrid, Malaga and Granada. The king subscribed $6,000. -0“... Sent to Perish in the Wilderness. The following letter has been handed to the Toronto Globe for publication. It is from a labourer who was lately sent. into the wilderness on a wild goose chase after a railway contractor :- DEAR Mm‘tltut,~â€"I write you these few lines which I hope to find you in good health, as the departure of this leaves me at present. To think of tell- ing you about my journey would be im- possible. Thirty men left Gravcnhurst. We cante 40 miles on slcighs, attd then the tcnmstcrs got up before day and turned back. From Stony Lake the main road went no further, but the teams could have gone the whole way, but. there was a plan between the etu- ployrucut agent. and tltc tcamstcrs. We had to walk 110 miles through the bush. We made a fire in the bush and .sat around it. utttil morning. There were two loaves of broad in the crowd. We shared it round and had a supper of bread and snow four nights. We did that, and last night I reached my des- tination, Callandcr. The contractor that. we were Sent. to is tint on the line, for ' ltc sold all his teams and tools and went away four weeks ago. The employment ngcot knew that as well as I d I. Now, he is a murderer. am] a cowardly one at that. Out of the 3f) tucn that started only six reached here. went, back. more lost their way it) the bush, and I was one of the men that lost their way. I lost. my way and could not, find the track for three hours. I lost my pipe at 7 o'clock in the morn- ing, and I thought I was going straight, and at 12 o’clock in the day I thought [was at. least six miles from where I lost it, when I found the pipe in the; snow. It. was the means of putting me on my right road and saving my life. I got ctuploytllmtt for myself and six more from a man I worked for out at. Little ‘ York last summer. Joux I)arscot.t.. â€"~â€"V‘..â€"â€".. . o~â€"â€"oâ€"vâ€"- a“.â€" An ingenious German has invented an electric horse, which he claims can trot a mile in 1:04. It is alleged that there. as many In-» tlianfl in America as were here when 00- ' lumbus made his discovery. Last month, in Madrid, a remarkable collection of fans was sold at high pric- es, One of ivory, painted by “’attcau. ‘i and which formerly belonged to the Princess Adelaide of Savoy. fetched- 87-10. Another, which was paintrd by Ilouchcr, sold for 8950, and another,’ which chrun painted for the Duchess, l of Medina-Cell. wont. for $3.30, The I‘inglizh [flu-trivia" (Ntitnntcx the '- lcngth of all submarine cables at sixty- 1 night odd thousand tnilcs', or nearly three times the Circutnfi'rcncc of the. globe. (living each cable an average of forty win-i. the total length amounts to 2.),fl00,fttlfl milesâ€"ten times the di-'- ' taunt: between the earth and the moon. Ono of tltc large-t balmon evor known to have been taken from a European , river was netted a fcw days ago in the power of a rice, the rthcll closed on the . Then came the utrngzlc for life. The oyster, which was quite a large one, was dragged from its bed with three smaller onev clinging to it, tilt" elu‘ter being heavy enough to keep the duck's held under water. In this way I“ buoyancy was sufficient to that with the oyrters, and thus it drifted near the dock, where it was captured. When taken out of the water, the animal heat had not left The oyster Mill clung to the duck's beakâ€"Carp": Christi ('uII. hâ€"u 1- -.-~â€"-~--- r«â€"â€"- ’I'ay. near the month of thc Almond, a few mile» above I’crth. The weight was e~timatcd at abmt 80 lbs. The fi~h was 5 ft. in length and 2 It. 5 incite.» in girth. It was a male, fresh run, and in splendid Condition. “0 board the othcr day, says the Newman. Ga. [hr/1H. of a belligerent gander in the flock of J. I". Stephens, - Carroll county, which met with a singu- lar accident three trot-ks ago. .‘Iakin: fightat n ltt‘ifcl’ in the lot, be seized her by the forehead. when the heifer, by n (dexterous turn of a horn, struck the The Rueian Government has closed - numerous Catholic mavcnta managed ,by the Sisters of Charity in Ilouina Poland, became they favoured Polish patients and tried to make prt).".‘l_\'lt;.‘. gander's neck and cut out the windpipe, leaving it Imaging down like a Snout. The old gandcr's wound healed over with the windpipc. (Ilft-UL'I'I which he breathe-a still hanging out. and be up pcah to be as hearty an L'Vct‘, though , not a: L;iii:'cr«::tt a: befora. hard. In ‘ yesterday and- Thc Shocks v Sontc ‘ A motion to allow street cars to rtm ,on Sunday failed to find a secondcr in ; 'rwo nns‘. the Toronto c-iuneil. . From a single grain of wheat planted in 1831. says the Gum Valley (Cal) Record, grew twenty-two stalks, each bearing a full head. These yielded 860 grains, 760 of which were planted the I next year. producing one-fifth of a built- el of splendid wheat. Thiv was planted last spring. yielding 17 bushels. making l.0‘_’l| lbs. of wheat from the one grain in three yearS. It is said that a new proccsv for dry- ing lumber has ju<t been discovered. It consists in surrounding the wood with common salt. In ordinary kiln-drying ' the albumen is killed or destroyed. and the surface dries out first. thus sealing the juices inside, to escape eventually through cracks caused by the uneven expansion of the wood. The new pro- ecsv is vastly better. ' The Frenchman's tall tower to be erected in Paris, and which is to eclipse , everything of the kind in all creation, is t to be 1,000 feet high, tapering gradual- I ‘ Iv frotn a base of 330 feet wide to 30 feet at the summit. Two hundred and thirty feet above ground is an itmnense hall., The whole structure it surmount- led by a glass pavilion. serving for an i clcetric lighthouse and obscrvatr ry. l There is no man in the three king- :doms, says an English writer. who is tworsc housed than the average Skye l croftcr. Even the squalid cabin of the 1 Irish peasant is more comfortable. than the wretched hovel which in the Isle of Mist is often the common abode of two or even three generations of human bc- ings, of a cow, of a pig, and of a small collection of chickens, geese, and ducks. An infernal machine wad found on the 26th December alongside of the track of the Jersey Central railroad, be- tween Fanwood and Wcstwood, Pu. It contained fifty-eight dynamite cartridg- es and a quantity of gunpowder. W here it came from is a 1ny~tcrv. Railroad a men think the. intention was to blow up Had the package not been I discovered by the track-walker, it is be- ’licvcd that it would have >truek the next train and many passengers would have. been killed. Official reports to midnight on Sun day show that 5'26 persons were killed in thc provittcc of Granada and If!” in M alaga by the late earthquake in Spain. At Alltama over 3.30 bodies have been recovered. At Pcrsana, in Andalncia. great damage was done aml many II\'C.~ lost. Sixty bodies h:th been recovered. Many pct-sons died of fright. The con- victs itt Seville prison took advantage of the excitement to create a mutiny with the hope of escaping. The disturbauci- 'as quellcd. About. six o’clock on the morning of December Blst the cutlmukmcut ol 'I‘raiu’s milldntn at Mcal'ord gave way. and the immense body of water held back by it swept across the road and down the road in front of Chief Grant's. In a few hours the bridge gave way. Over five aercs ofland have been sub- merged. F. Abbott's cntirc lot, dwell- log-house, and outbuildings are .~wcpt away, and a part of Chief Grant’s orch ard, 'includiug seventeen choice fruit trees. What was once a line street i.~ now the bed of the river. The voter i~ still rising, and it is imposxiblc to call- I mate the damage at present. ', the train. MERIT Pnovnn. Dollar upon dollar is frequently spent art the faith of recotnmcmlatious for articles entirely worthless. Not so with )lt'flregor's Speedy Core. You are not asked to par- Cllllst‘ it ttntil its merits are proven. Call at Wm. H. I'lllis's Drug Store, Pent-Ion Falls. and get a free bottle, attd if not 1- nurtured that it will cure you of the worst form of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, ctc., no matter of how long stntrding, it costs you nothing. Sold itt :‘t 1c. and $l bottles. Sec testimo- nials frotu persons in your own towtt. FLUID LIGHTNING. There are bttt few who have never .qul'u-r- ed almost intolcrahly from Toothache, Nett- ralgia, or like acute pains. To them such an instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing in time oftroublc. No dis- gusting offensive medicine to be taken for days. One application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Wm. H. Ellis's Drug Store, l’cnclon li‘nlls. WHAT TO DO. If troubled with an unhealthy, slow-heal- ing sore, use McGregor & I’arke'.‘ l‘urholic ; Cerute. You will find it invaluable for ht-al- 'iug, clcunaing, attd completcly removing I your trouble. If tltc Illood in out of order. ‘ take with it a few doves of .‘lt'fil'l'flltf'ri Speedy Cure, from W. E. Ellie's Drug Store. _â€"__â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ I-‘I‘INELDX FA LLS .\l A it K HTS. It'rlmrlhl It]; .llr [Mull/all d' [Iran/Ion. I’t-ur-lon I-‘alls, Friday, .lan'y 2nd. Ill-“ft. Wheat, full. per bushel - - $0 .11; o Git Wheat, spring. 1‘ - â€" . o at; n on lturlt-y, per bushel - - - -l.’l 5" i (lute, " “ - - - - ’13 1'? l I’cusc, “ “ - - - - 4R 5:: ‘ Rye, “ “ - - - - 45 47 . Potatoes, ” o - - - 20 2.5 llnttcr, per 1b., - - - - - ll. 18' -- :3 C Dream-d Iloga, per 100 lbs, S!- no fl) :9 leaf. per too lbs, - - - $1 (to , Eggs, per dozen, â€" - - - 18 20 ' (Ynickcus, per pair, - - - 2!- 30 Ducks, " - - - - 40 (to Turkeys, per lb., - - - - 7 H ! (let-Sc. “ - â€" - - fl 7 Slrccp:kins, - - - - - 30 1; llt‘t'f IIilIl'j, - - - . s Hardwood. dry, sawed, - 5' Ilardtvnod, green, awed, S Ilay. per ton, - - - - . to c‘ C 3 ’0 C 1 n 3 I: .. c m E 00 New Advertisements. I"() l t (,‘()I ' N (2‘1 I4I.(I)l'€. To Ilrr Elrrlora of (he I'fllugc of ["13m‘- Inn I'll/I1. Contains..â€" Av it appears to be the with ‘. of many of the village ratepayers that I ' slumld retain my seat at the council board, I have consented to “err-pt nomination, and therefore Folitityorlr Villl'h and infloenrr in l the event of thrre being a content. During f my year in offici- l havr- done my best to serve you faithfully. and will continue to do no if you honour me with a renewal of your confidence. lam. gentlemen, Your obed't oervnnt, JOHN THOMSON. Fenelon Falls. Dcc‘r lEth, 1384. 42-23. I! you should be 10 unfortunate u to Burn. Seald or Wound youraelt in any nay, the proper thing to keep clean and heal it is Mcfirrzor k Parka-‘5 Cnrbolic Ceratr. Invist on having. and be you you grt 316- i Gregor k l‘nrke‘k ('nrboltr (frtntr. . ’.‘ '- crate. Prmr. Wm Ii Ellie. Draggiet. I'cnclon r b.5121, La: the genome. ? New Tailoring ItshililiShmcnl: l The undersigned, having commenced the‘ ; Tailoring business in room: over the post: ‘ cffice. respectfully solicits a share of public I patronage. l Garments Made In the Latest Style. 1 and customers any rely on gelling I good 5 fit. ('Auryv: reasonafdr. , A. CLARK. l Fem-Ion Falls. Dee‘r lSth, ISM. 43. THE R IC}3}'ESIIII;. To IIreL‘lq-Iors‘ (1/. (It: Village Qf Prue. for: Falls. Glxrt.uvx.-â€"‘ . , fl _ flaring consented. at the fe~ quest of numerous friends and supporters, to become a entitlidate for the village reeve- ship for the ensuing year, I respectfully :04 lieit your votes and influence on the inf Monday in January next. As I have had the honour of seriing yo! for three years and have been twice re: ele'cted by ac'elainatiqu take it for grant- cd that my course has given a lair amount of satisfaction: and you my rest: “pure that I will (if re-elceted) continue to do do? 1 best I can for the ratepayers generally. I am. gentlemen, Your obetl‘t servant, .tosm'u account. Fenelou Falls,Dcc'r 17th, IS! . 43-:3. lHllISllelSl-flllllll, â€"and theâ€" Variety Hall is still the proper heml‘qnnrtets for TOYS, BllllKS, illNEl llllllllS, SLEIG-HS, WAX & CHINA DOLLS. BHIIISTMAS BABDS m hull'prioe. Sunday School Libraries, Prize Books and Xmas Tree Supplies of aperitif disrountn. W Agent for the Canada I'acitie It'y, White Star and State Iillt':‘ of ocean steam- sltips Tickets issued to any point in the North-West. Western States or llrilish Co- lumbia at lowest rates. Rena-tuber the place, i .l. ll. Fastou's Variety “all. next door to the (hilario ltank, Kent street. Lindsay, Nuv'r 27th, INS-t. 40.4. ll . \V. '1‘] I()l\l I’S()N. Accountath Commission and Real Estate Agent- Loans Negotiated. Fora rt. Ilonscs nml Lots for Halo or to Rent- Money to Lonu at the. lowest current rates. Mortgages null Notes negotiated. (lollrc- lions uuttle expeditiously and rctnrna exo- cutt-d at once. Corner of George and blim- cot- Streets, over “ China Ilnll," I'ctcrhoro'. [Ht 2. .. .. - .. .. lHH-L. HEAD-Q ARTERS --l-'tlllâ€"- liclures. Mouldings and Frames. w. A. GIBBDWIN is prepared to offer I$Al{.(}AIN H itt Picture Frames, Room Paper and Fine Art Goods. All kind: of FILIIIES MADE 01’ T0 IIIIIIEII on short notice, cheaper and better than imported bankrupt stock. Christmas Cards by the Thousand from I ccut upwards. Also agency for Steam Dye. Works and ltcll Organ (7o. itt Fltlllt‘ shop. 352)“ Itukcr‘a Illock, Kent Street, (near the tnarkct,) Lindsay. tit-4. at until" CASH no \V. \‘7. FIJ(’)’.1"I.‘ begs to call the attention of the public to the following NEW LIST 0F CASII PRICES, the lowest over yet offered in I-‘ntclon Full! or its vicinity by any dealer in grt-reriel. SUGARS- 130 Hot. Ilt-fint-tl Sugar for - - 3| no Ill; “ (Iranululcd Sugar for - I “0 II " Ilright Sugar for - - I O" l SYRUPS- 3 gallons Golden for - - - $I 00 TEAS. Special lim- itt Japan. judt arrived, fines! , value in thittudu, mme to any 50 cent ten in the market, 2’.” vent-I per lb. NEW FRUIT- Finest Currants, It; lba, for - - 3| no “ Valentin Ilai-itli, ll Hot. for l 00 “ London Layers, per lb. - - L': l ‘-’ tha' in tttulu. lH Ibo. {or - l 00 " I‘llt-nv- high in boxes, per box I.'. Also a. large :Is-orllm'tll of Hrnngnn and Lt-otoun, Grapes, .Vutn, kc. OYSTERS in lion and balk, at closer quotation] than you can obtain in the Toronto tnnrket. CANNED GOODS- Ilriliuh American Salmon, “‘54 catch r - - l lb. tins, Mt. St." Ilttftfilrrl - - . . o It '56. “ Mackerel - - . u u ’21.. “ Tomatoes . . - 3 u u um >' (Tom < - - - . I.) a u I... c. pour! - - . . 2 II n '21,:- “ Art-1's - - ~ - :1" u Illa, “ Ileanrt- ~ - - . 2n n TOBACCOES. Fiat-tit Prince of Wale-u Chewing o 42¢. lb. ‘- llrighth’rnokitrg G’s - o - MC. lb. H (int Chewing - - - - ~ We. lb. The above tiguru molt convinc' you that tlu- only way to buy your gomll cheap I: to pay cash. lfljc. W. W. KLUTT. fir Oyster Room! llp-lllffl. 'a Fem-Ion FRI“, Nov‘r 217th, IBM. 13. IIAVV’, .IrlltI’I'IN'I’EIt & BUILDER, FENELON FALLS. The Adverliltr is prepared to execute . all urdrm with which he may be favoured, ' from lug-.- contract: to the nmnllrlt job, ’3‘ Sub and doom 1:! all kind: nude on i nbort notiu: and 1.! good materials. Work-thorn on Ham-,1» .‘atreet Pint; rui- 'It'nc': on Bond Sum Brut. : EDWARD HAW. ' liczrelur. falls, .‘.er:; lith, léet. Lt,

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