b-.--- _....._ ._.___._ .._ NO 0' 15 T1115 TIJIE CHRISTMAS CARDS, PICTURE BOOKS AND Ellllllllilll PlliSllllS ll~ n'. Ellis’s Drug Store. PENINer FALIS. __ LEGAL &c. I'.‘lili\il.l.\'. )Af ISTI Altlrriir -l.‘t“', Solicitor ) in (dainty-:5 K~~nt Sir-‘1",Ici'irl51y. .,, .i». if) .‘lAll'l'IN a lll,il’l§IN.‘T. l).'\lllil.‘â€l'iill.‘i. F‘IIJVITI'B‘I. i‘iJC AID- I :l»_'.' to Loan at U pi-r cv-nt. ()tiicc. KW†vl-‘"“l. hindray , Um. I‘..\'. .‘ItiiTlh. l", h. .‘ll'illlll'l. ).‘.ill:iSTI‘Ill. AT'I‘HlINiC'i'. .‘t‘ SOLICITR ) null Nvittl‘y I‘llllil". (l l!» -, ICv-rlt stirrt. Iiiinl-ziy. III'IlSI’I'Z'I'II .\' JACKSON, ).\illll"'l‘lil£>‘. SUI.“ l'l‘llllS. .kc. ) lice. William .slrrct, Lindsay. A. Ill'ï¬l€l'i.ill. A. JM,‘ Of. (I'LI'IAllY it li'ldiAIlY )Altltliflilt‘". ) Solicitors in Chancery. tic. [Mill-n}: lllnr-k. vant strut-i, Lindsay. Aarnt'i: H'l.i:.\izv. Y Ullil't‘, .‘It'INTYIlI'l .k' STEWART. )Alllllï¬'l'l‘illt“. ATTllllNl‘iYS-AT-LATV, )Sliliriiors Ill Chancery. ($0.. I.iiitl-‘:i_\'. ('lllir'u: ovci' Unlnrivi f1: :ih'. Kent etrv-ct. ’ccurities. D. J. Mclsrrizz. )I().\'I‘I\' ’l‘() I‘l'ZNI) on srcnriiy of iimrtgagc on Ileal and I’cr- f'lli'll I’rupr-rly‘ and Promissory Notes, at reasonable rates of intern-4t. Apply to ’l'nns. Si swan-r. JOle A. BARRON. llam turn, Linds‘ v. . IliLllilA. *1. Bl. IL, filli‘lNl". 3, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kl‘.‘ / b-sidcnrc. Brick Cottage, Wellington nirv’wtl, Inlll‘I‘J-‘v'. Ill’S. WILSON & WILSON. )ii'i'Sll'lANS. Sl'lif‘diUN.q k ACCOU- I‘l."f.l. Ullivc, l-‘r ' 1'1: Street East, Fen- elon l-‘alls. 1-3.5. \Vliï¬th‘, “ n .ii o. 0.31.. n c. r, .r it, Out Dr. A. Wnsos. n. ii, n. c. r. J: 5., Unt. Ila. J. II. LOWE. Il‘i'h‘lClAN .‘v Sl'ltClil'lN, Coroner for lIlt' Provisional l'ounty of llulihurtoii. 1m)“ (lllll't‘ next door In the .\Ic.~\rthnr Ilonso. Residence. the house lately occu- piml by Dr. llryson, on May street, Fcncloii Falls. lillS'. Bl'lillHWS & GRAHAM. )IIYSIUIAN'S. Sl'lIGI-IONS, kc. Office and rcsidriu'l' directly Iipiinsilt‘ Carr's limit-I. William St .Iilllll~:l_\'. Calls from the Country proinotly oticnilrd in. l’. I'.\l.\il>2lt lloinlows, ll. ll Gnauaii. If. n. \l. o. c. )l.. \l. r r .l c. at . lati- Soho “as. s o. (lra-lnaii- .\l‘(lill ‘ pital. London. r. r. s. Guilt-gr. .\lont., ls'hi, | .u , ii a. c. s., England _ h _ r SURVEYORSrfï¬â€"‘mg-’ JANE." IilllKSllN. l) L. Surveyor, Coin iiissioticr in the Q. B., , (’onvcyancl-r, .kc. Itcsidcncc,niid ud- drcis, Fem-Ion Falls. _, HMISCELLANEOFS“. 1 :AI : ( s-A 13’. Five good Building Lois for salczchenp in l'i-nclon I-‘ulls West. Apply to .l.\ll\'l:2 .k Alchlll'GALIi. l'rncloii l’nlls. Jnnc ll'!ll, ii-t f. i‘ï¬'l. .i. HEELANDS, l) I'JN'XTIH'I‘, IJIN I)S;XX'. One of the firm will he at the .‘lvAin‘nru llorsiz, Fizxizros FALLS, on the third Monday oi’carh month. Tci‘tl: enrich-ll by laughing cu without pain or lay-xv, or no charge will be made. W Miller cstdhlishcd in Lindsay ncarlv ‘ ï¬ftou'ii years. ' ‘lll-I l’lTY Ul’ I.llNI)t|N Filth I.\.\l‘ll- .t\.')‘ l‘.\. l'.ii_l.l.tl L'JJ'W'J'Wl sterling, 1i moulth with the ibuninion Government $1nn_.\ It). To: Rout lvs"ii\.\'ri: to or Knitwâ€" Capital. Si ‘.“""."-“‘, Il-po-itv-d with lb‘- martin lio\'i'r‘:!:iv‘u'. and uli;~'r‘.\;~t‘ ‘v'csicil iii Inna-lit. S- ""‘d‘. Tiâ€; Wurlihs I\H"VH.\"IY ("o. Capital nix-l Asst-ts, 5i -‘ " ' . .i. n suira. 0r l" \\'.\i\. .l,-.-. Prat-ion Falls. Jaa'y 3:121, 1~~‘i. is Important to Farmers. Waring we irvd the control of the '- Av- .~-â€"‘ -¢ '1‘." sumo (‘it' in for the town- . 7 ‘.'~ - LAHI at. I S. iii-"vii‘r. .iial har- - lunar" ‘v: l'wir zi~n_:::x.lrt'itc at l'cn- Fxlh ‘ 1‘ Z'A‘Jd‘k I‘V"\'I‘Ii(, v‘no'u‘r. l - '5'! be ‘ "“arr~I to till all or-lvrs i'li-l .’ w 'l-_. ‘ " "s will Consul! t.,c :rvmn inn-r- m: “r “ Ich-ug 121:5 chum b1. fore bunt; say 03'.“ r. . “'li.i.’.\\l DAVIS, Echelon Falls. June Zlillu Ls-‘i. n f l<-.}. .ORGE CUflflINGHAH, «1 Insurance and Loan Agent. FEN'ELON FALLS. 0N'I‘., represent: llzr roll mm; ï¬rst :iau’ comra- rgn, Itth when b Z‘-“c.~a‘ cu; tr 'l'\..~.tc:\ ,5 upon the mosl .1 ‘vnzlisgwona (run The Coal-h I'rnnvu t-l In an A Sav ..:g- ("s Th. Impcnal Inmrnuce Cop.an ct Luft don. England f5: Court-is Ins-um†(‘ompxtiy of (sua- du It" our .I-ca v' T“9I.I-’1Cl§..f\‘I.l$‘..r‘.a _ ta. 3...: ‘ .. ,. .. . fact ~ aid-"nos Lac .kirsrt'allutznai L'aaw I sue P (i, ll, lloricissf .‘duni-y to Loan.‘ . M--. ..g. _-.-___... __ _a___ , A'l'Tl llINl‘IYSa-VIKLA W, - ilt'un U'Lissitv. ‘ .‘lo-. ncy to Loan nt 5 per cent. on real cstaic3 shown: .taiu‘ a snail li'll'lllt‘i 'Hli Iii~ L'Clllitv. N...» am.» "awe-4. G. Am crson, HARDWARE IEBGHAHT, Fenclon Falls, begs to call attention to his large stock of AXES, well worthy the attention of lumbermen. " Ahead of any " Cross-Cut Saws, the best in the market. "Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, a general stock of Hardware, 3Pllllllll 8i lllllll Silllll. and carpenters andï¬bther tools by the best manufacturers. November 7th, 1884. c fcztclait falls (Bagcttc I ll ‘ “Saturday, J an’y 3151;, 1885. . ~(lbod News from Egypt. After the battle in the Soudan, on the lTih. between about. two thousand . Biiiish and four or five times as many ' Arabs; so long a time elapsed without a: yihing being heard of General Slew- art‘s movements that it began ir-arml lilzil his little army had been an- nihilatcd ; but news has at length been _ incl-ivud which happily puts those by no means groundless fears to flight. The battle alluded to tonk place at Abu chn Wells. and two days later. while the British were on their way to Me- , temma, near the banks of the Nile, the gem-my appeared in great force. and a short but fierce engagement resulted. Early in the light Gmcral Stewart was wounded so severely in the thigh that he will he laid up during the rest of the einlpaign, and the command dc- volvvd upon Sir Charles \Vilsou. The , l Arabs \vci‘c repulsed with the loss of fire cmirs and 250 turn left dead upon the field. and Several hundred wurc l \voundcd. The British loss‘ is not sta- tc l. but it was no doubt Comparativer trifling. On the 22nd Stewart's force cncampcd at Abu lied. two miles SOUIII of .‘It'lllllllllll. and was soon in enininu~ ,nlcaiion with (ii-neral Cordon, \VllOic , sicainrrs came down the Nile. Gordon l ~a_\'s his position at Khartoum was b. . no humans as desperate as l‘t‘pl'l'ted, and Ihat he could have held out for years. The British have new but little to f'c..r, as they have the Nile at their bick, a strong reinforcement is on the march, l and Gordon’s steamers are securing supplies and material. Stewart's wound is progressing favourably, and he has been promoted to the rank of Major General. An extraordinary fatality ap- pears to be pursuing the war corres- pondents in the Soudan, for, of ï¬ve lscnt out by the London papers, three have already been killed and another wounded. One of then). .‘I r. Cameron, ircprcsentcd the AS‘IIIIIIIIII'II, which puts its editorial page in mourning for him ; and another, .‘Ir. “when. of the Post, was secretary to Lord Duffcriu while the latter was Govcrnor-Gcneral of Can ada. The latest account says that the total British loss so far is 104 killed and 216 wounded, while the enemy's loss in killed and wounded is 3,000, or about ten to one. l An Atrocious Crime. The most diabolical crime of which , the dynamite fiends have yet been guil- lty was perpetrated in the British nie- tropolis about 2 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, when partially successful at- . tempts were made to blow up the Par- liament buildings and the Tower of London. Of course, anything like the fatal destruction of either of the ini- mcnse structures is impossible without using a ton or so of dynamite divided into several charges; but what could he done was done. and it is estimated that . it will take nearly or quite Sluohull to? ; repair the damages. At the Parliament '3 2 buildings there were two explosions, one near the House of Commons. and the ‘v other. three minutes later, at Wcstniiir stcr Hail: and the part of the tower buildings known as the White Tower » was almost completely wrecked. the m: f' lithg ln'co blown clear off. In the Ilouw ot'l‘ommnns .‘Ir lilavlstoiic's scat lira-1 turn in plums by a Ina-sivo beam ,of wold that was projected aminst it. 'aol it is said that if the members had all been in thwii‘ places when the explo- si-ui ct‘furrcd from vn- tn iwo hundred ‘ . of them would have b-‘cn killed. The money loss is as nothing to thcgrcai ,and wealthy nation; but what excited the poop t‘ Jill‘le to fro: 1) was the law! that the :ttcitipts ‘Tt‘rt' IlidlIt‘ when thi- illullaliilgs Wt’lt‘ full ot'visitnrs. a gram ‘ many of whom it was probably hop-.1 * would be LIill'lI. Fortunately no one ins Ln.~.-~l on the sprt; but between thirty .Aud forty persons «many of them - liiiir t‘!iit-lrr‘II--\tt‘l’L‘ more or low s ri- ou~iy injured. and one or two cases may \vl prmc t‘dd. A polio-man mar-d C l.-_ all: made a gallant but uu~uc~ .‘-~~il|I “tempt to carry out an infvrna. ‘II-Il‘lillk‘ while the fuse was actually lnrni- u .s so badly hurt that hi‘ Ilrk' - was Ih- piiic-I of; but he is rI-c~'lvcriu_-, and :1 sulx-crlpiio'i . which will no doubt i4! Ivi'eu (qr-(h 'I'ln- rip M‘llrs uri'l' fired by tin-ins of .1 chemical luvs. which IAL"‘ imnvv minuzu to bum, nul the cumin .'.-‘ liJ'fl furs lad Iii my of litre to we vpc , but an Iti-li-.‘.tm~ric.ui named l'uuiiln..i am. who is believed to be im- plicitul, ins lwsi arrestrd. and i- said to fan; made Pt‘llIL‘ inn-errant rcvcla-. (mm It in l’u'eu tintinitcly ascertain; (cd that Ihn‘ pl-at was hatched at the-l ‘ w as manufactured . l l [U be ' residence of 3 mil known Iri:hm.iu in I’ali- ,a'ss r- ;- w-rnting tl.c dynamiters o: A: “an lireat Bri- ll» iii!“ 1' rain and Ireland. and tl.;.t the explosive. in small cakes and sent by degrees to Hogxind. It i: al most needless to say that the dastardly and utierlv uswlws crime has excited pn-f-und horror thrmi‘éhont the civi~ lizcd world. and we are glad to sci: that action is at lvngth about to be taken by the [hired States against the wretclics wlm. under the shelter of her flag. plot against the lives of a people with whom she is at peace. The I‘lnglish collect- iver are neither emotional nor vindic- ,tive ; but this. int-t outrage by the cow lardly scoundrcls All†bitterly predicts. will make their , (who, the London next attack on some infant school) has . ment which has begun by discharging several hundred Irishman from their l l . . nationality. The Skaâ€"ting Carnival. i l l l l - held in this villageâ€"came off last Tues- ! day evening as advertised, and was. ful- l ly as successful as the proprietors of the rink expected. the receipts amounting to 845. Owing to the intense cold when 1 water was let in on Monday the ice was , not as good as it might have been; but, notwithstanding this, there was a good , illumination brilliant. and the Hitlle by lthe build as good as it always is, the y numerous spectators were Iiighly dc- lighted. Amongst the maskers, who were about. thirty-live in number, were several from Bobcziygcon ; but, though some of' their costumes were very good and the wearers accomplished skaters, the best of them were eclipsed by the residents of the Falls to whom the pri- zes were awarded. At every carnival . there is of course at. least one “ clown," and there were two present on Tuesday night ', and the extraordinary artificial countenance and comical capers of Mr. .‘IcDermott provoked no end of laugh- ter. especially among the more youthful of'tlie spectators. At 9 o'clock masks were removed and the ice throwu open to all skaters. and during the following two hours the rink was as full as it could be with any regard to cmnf'ort and freedom of motion. We have done our best to get the names of and the characters taken by all who took part in the carnival ; and if any are omitted with the door-kntqicr, as requested. The list is as follows :â€" .\Irs. W. H. Simpson. Sister of Charity. Mrs. E Gal'lick, Bubcaygcon, Lady of the Lake. )Irs. .‘IcIntnsh. Winter. .tliss Kate Gouluis, Bobcaygcon, Fish Wife. Miss Smart, Bobcaygeon, Normandy Peasant. Miss Eliza Kelly. Queen of the Forest. .‘Iiss Alice. Moore. Flower Girl. .‘Iiss Ada )loorc, Tambourine Girl. Miss Annie Robson, French Peasant Girl. .‘Iiss Ida Henley. Fairy Spitfire. .‘Iiss .‘Iay (‘1!"0110. IIig‘lilaiid Lassie. .‘Ii‘. \Viu. Ilwad, Mr. V ' lil‘li, l‘mllc'guon. IIuntsmziii litti' “I'lll. )Ir. J .‘lcllv’i mull. lliin' ix'gi-oo. fllo'a'n. .\Ir. ll I) lit" J :l'ol’f~ (Ill, .\Ir. B II Wim. )Inpliistoplieles. Mr. J. Both-r. Tramp. Mr Frank .‘IcGl-o, Mariner. Mr. James I). Cameron. King Lovcjoy. .‘Ii‘ J. ll homo, Military Cadet. .‘Ir. 1']. Wright. Cavalier. )Ir. Wilfred Stafford. Kankcrvillc Dude. )Ir. '1‘. Belch, ll..- Littlc Cuss. l:.»ln:.t','vv-o:i, St. Mr. J. ll. Hand. Prince Chimpanzo. Master Vernon Smith, Little Trump. “ Willie Ingram, 'I‘urk. “ Walter Ingrim. King’s Butler. “ Geo. Cunningham, Robin Hood. “ Harry Ingram, Scotch Laxltlic. “ Harry Austin. Civilized Savage. The prize for skating was awarded to Mr. \Vilfrcd Stafford. and for costumes to )liSs Alice Moore and Mr. James D. Cameron. Ova Paiii,i.\uizsrs.-â€"’i‘hc Local Leg- , i~laturc opened on Wednesday, and the ; Dominion Parliament on Thursday of this week. 38‘ Dr. E. A. llcrriman has returned ‘ from the North-West and resumed the prac- ; tico of his profession in Lindsay. He will be found at his old oiTicc on Cambridge St., ready to attend all calls. Lindsay. January, l‘liï¬. dTâ€"I. county council met on 'I‘lilzsilay last, i and on Wednesday Mr. W. II. Brown, recvc of .‘IcIu-an and Ilidoiit. was clcct --d warden for ISRB. popular and respected member of the council. in which he has sat for the . past eight or ten ycars. Bio stisoâ€"Last Thursday Mr. George Jones and .‘lr. John E. Ellis sawed with :1 lancintooth saw ten cuts in an :1in in; in IIVl' IltIHUlL‘“. the Iâ€: b in; fouvtcvn inches in lll'llllt'lur at the butt end and eight inches at the top. The but was: performed on .\I:i. I-Illi~'- farm in Fem-loo. and if any other two men are cine-lied en lugh to think they cm b-‘at it iln-y IiHI butter try. Goon Si.i:ir.uiso.-lt is scarcely pas. siblc to imagine better sleighing than tin-re is at present. it bring so good that some teams are drawi lg almost doub'c what are ordinarily considered fair I As a natural cuis-upiv-nce any .l‘I.|»IV‘ quantity of Wood is being brought. into ‘ Inc vidagc. and it is down in the prim-s i! sold at Illl’t‘v‘ yo-zirs ago, before the hi: -‘l«i'.\-~lvirtii~ .iu-I iuipissahie roads ~I‘1ll it up in manly any part cant, abovu its rvnl \Jl‘dt’. Thu 5 \i.v \TMV Artur â€"â€" The r mc‘t‘ri of [hr Sadiitimiists who i:\.\vl'-tl Item‘- loo Fads last win-k arc. highly griizticd bv their ~ll(‘c.'~- «l lat; and not without has-in. if it b'.‘ tru". 1s rep-med. that oinvtrcn rvcruih “'krt.‘ enlisL-d on Sun- day t'\‘t‘i.lll‘_'. Already they crmplain t1.“ Ingraiu's hall. which was crowned aim-M to sllï¬ocutii'vn Iv IOU small: tut. lashed them almmt to fury, and a nmve- . employment may, with but little more: provocation, end in something like a‘ War of extermination against all of that ' The skating carnivalâ€"the ï¬rst ever ‘ exhibition of plain and fancy skating, ; : and as the costumes were excellent, the ‘ it is because they failed to leave cards ‘ ll duxiygcvui. dolly Irish- i Mr. S. Fallowlield. Clown. Mr. W. C. 0. Logan, Bachelor of Arts. Mr. W. H. II. Cameron, Prince Dareall. l 'l‘ni: Now Wampumâ€"The Victoria . .‘Ir. Brown is a > , lights were brought two of the stranger.g the attendance will protably diminish r somewhat when the novelty of the thing wears off. Ban Nrws â€"â€"Inst Tuesday Mr. R. .‘lacdnnuld, of this village. received a telegram stating that his brother George had been very seriously injured by an explosion at the fay Canal Works. Ber. cridge Bay. From an account that has since been published in the Toronto pa. pers. it appear- that while Mr. .‘Iacdon- r aid and two men. named respectively Lewis and Buchanan. were in the en- gincdiousc, six cartridges which Lewis had laid on the floor exploded from some unknown cause and blew the build- ing to atoms. At ï¬rst it was thought that Buchanan was the only one of the three who would recover; but we are glad to four that Mr. )Iacdonald is pro- gressing favourably under the care of Dr. )Iacdonald, his brother. Dynamite Found. l _â€"â€" l KANSAS, Jan. 23rdâ€"A box, which l was supposed to contain dynamite, was found near the Hannibal A: St. Joe railroad bridge yesterday. A local pa~ per professes to have information that it was thrown offa train by John Nee» lian, who was en route to Australia, to blow up a prison in which Fenians are conï¬ned. It is said English detectives were upon the point of capturing him when he threw the dynamite out of a window. The detectives made no at- tempt to arrest him, but allowed him to take train for San Francisco, one of them taking the same train. It is said 1)lcehan arrived from England a fowl Weeks ago, and obtained the dynamite from O’Douovau Rossa. l I Socialism in Chicago. The Socialists held their regular meeting in Chicago on the 25th inst., presided over by a negro woman. Dy- namite and the explosions yesterday were the main topics discussed, and the usual incendiary speeches were made. Ono speaker, J. P. l)usey. in the course of his remarks, said: that dynamite could be made out of the dead bodies of the capitalists as well as out of hogs. All Chicago could be set' oblate in a minute by electricity. thit was the use of fools iii Waglii‘ngtl u' saying they were the masters. Another speaker ,said there were ï¬ve thousand men in Chicago who knew how to manufacture dynamite in their kitchens. Mrs. Par- sons said she had often wanted to be a man, but since she had heard that a \vonnn had blown up the parliament buildings in London she Would not swap places with any man in the country. l Heartless (land not. I The Flintmi correspondent of the l Believille Intl'llfgcncm' writes zâ€"Anoth- , er young man of Andrew Wilson's fam- . ily has succumbed to that fatal disease. smallpox. This is the fourth of that. family who has died. The community look upon the father, Andrew Wilson, as the slayer of his family by carrying the disease straight home some weeks ago from the smallpox hospital at Stoch (where. he had been engaged in assist- ing the nuns and would Iyork) and illl't‘Cll'lf-l hi5.6lilldrcu.. 'l’lie man was prevailing on the constalhlle to get hiln ,lumbcr, &c., to make :tcoffin for his : wife and child about In week before they died. Failing in this he sent. an order to the undertaker in this village to provide coffins, but he paid no atten- tion to it. not knowing but the parties l sick might survive. This man also had their graves dug on Sunday morning. nearly a week before they died. Being a near neighbour I know this to be an r indisputable fact. l -v A Novel Causa for Desertion. Alcxmider Harvey, late justice of the peace at Gloucester, N. J., is defendant ,in an action brought by his wife for alimony on account of alleged desertinn. The defence offered to the wife's charge is quite novel, and is without precedent in divorce proceedings. The defendant alleges that he left his wife for the jus- tifiable cause that. for a year she kept him in a state of constant. physical pain i by the application of crown oil to his umlcr-garmeuts, and that when the oil came in contact with his skin and was subjected to friction it acted as a tor- ture, especially when walking. Ilarvcy was a club man and was frequently. as his wife alleges, out evenings. After the application of the aroma oil he was always home at night. and was a pecu- liarly submissive husband. His wife revealed the secret. of his tortures to a number of married ladies whose hus- l hands were also members of clubs, and , "er 1 they informth him of'thc real cause of _ his hitherto uricxi‘liicahlc sufferings. gtion, and we too have expressed the ‘ ticians, ol' Globe shareholders. and of, 0113} De- eagle measures four feet from tip to tip. , This is the ï¬rst eagle captured in (irccn ‘ County for many years.â€"â€"I.mo'srillc (From Mt Tim-auto .\'rr::.) } Courier Journal. “'hen the minister of education suc- cceded the chief superintendent of edu~ cation. even the Liberals Spoke of the i new system as an experiment. ' Mistakes in the Educati partment. 0 .~â€"â€".â€" Protected by a. Horse.- It was : feared that the well-conducted school business of the province would get mixed with our badly-conducted polities, and it is a matter of regret to those who be-i have in popular and responsible govern- mom that the present school book deal will do much to prove that the personal interests of unscrupulous politmians are making themselves felt in our educa- tional system. “'e have already cu- deavourcd to state fairly and honestly the difficulties which beset the Hon. Geo. W. Ross, the minister of educa- lladv wci advanced in ycars was found recently wandering along the road ucar the residence and, on being questioned. she said she was searching for a buggy containing a child. She had left the buggy a short ‘ disinnci' from the house. and the horse attached to it had waudcrcd ed. The j night Was bitter cold. ; was discovered that the horse had wan~ dcrcd into the woods. and. blooming tired, had lain down. The child. a bright little girl. was found by some opinion that a more honest or Capable man for the position he occupies could . head lyiugsniigly on one of the animal's not be found in the province. These , forclcgs. admissions. coupled with the fact that‘ become cold. and when the horse lay an unjustifiable deal has been consumâ€" down went to try to make it got up. mated, leaves the whole affair a Charge when. the boys think, the sagacious auv against the system. Perfect men cau- imal managed to place it with its brad not be found. neither in nor outside the on its arm. so to speak. to keep it from Grit and Tory camps, and the problem freezing in death. The inqthcr \vas of making our schools as cheap and as overjoyed to recover her child, and will nearly perfect as possible will alwaysl- kccg’.‘ the faithful horse as long as she largely depend upon the svstcm of man- lives. i w 'w 1- ~ .l w--.†“Mug agcment at opted. hen . 1. loss has 3 -- ‘ brcn unable to resist the clamor of poli- ’ The weather is iinpreccdcntcdly cold in Germ-any. shrewd and not overscrupuloUs publish- ' I’arneii predicts that Irish [Ionic crs. it shows that even with the best 4 little is innninent. available man as minister. the people of Custom compels an Icclandcr to kiss the province are continually in danger r every wmn'an he meets. of having their interests disregarded ' Six persons were frozen to death iicai‘ and the cï¬icicucy of the schools im- paired. It seems evident that the present sys. tcm is not a success. but it is not to be remedied by violent attacks upon the minister who fell heir to the great mis- takes of his predecessor. Neither is it necessary for party organs to denounce the whole system as having' been 001‘ rupted by contact wi.h the Grits. In our mind one of the most alarming ,phasespof the' case is the possibility of the office of minister of education fall- ing to one of the hungry and, incapable politicians who constitute, with the ex: ' ception of Mr. Meredith, the best tim- ber the present Opposition would have to offer should the Mowat administra |tiou be defeated. It would be wise for the teachers of the province to emisider‘ what safe- guards could be added to the present system, what. powers should be taken from the minister, and in whose hands they should be placed. It seems to us that a council of ï¬ve or six leading ed~ ucationalists elected by the teachers of the province would infuse life into the teaching fraternit' . and strengthen the minister's hands and preven‘t‘ liinr from being swayed by his political associates. With a minister to representeducation- al interests in parliament and in cabinet meetings, a council elected specially by the class which should know best. with At Curlew, Dublin, on January 21th, regard to the affairs to be considered, thirty-four men. women and young lads a repetition of the late mistakes would .ii'ei‘e‘>0iitctiCird to thirty days' imprison. be avoided, and charges of I’avouritisni incnt each for tlil'cuUHIillfl death l0 3 and (Ii-‘l‘t'flfll'd 0f the people's interests tenant whohad rented a farm boycln. wrluld be met in a different spirit. If tcd because of the eviction of a former jobbcry were attempted in a council tenant. , composed as we suggest, unless such “ 'l‘l‘utli‘" says 1â€"“ The Irish llrtiid- jobbcry was concurred in by every incm- owner's llit is‘rtot‘ a happy one. A bar- ber of the board, the Opposition would ouct stated' in the Westminster I’olicc be informed, and the legislature would Court on Saturday that he was not pos. be well posted on the subject. sessod of large nit-ans. his property lying These crude suggestions are made in Ireland. The explanation was ac- that discussion as to necessary and pos- ccpted as mild. siblc safeguards may be excited. We A genius has invented a cushion with have no wish to return to the ancient aspiral spring, to be worn by skaters and non-pregressivc system in vogue be. where it will do the Illlls'l good When fore a minister of education was ap- a skater who wears one of these eon» pointed. It made tyranny and injus trivaoces sits down unevpx-cii-dly and in tice possible. and was too far separated from the influence of the people. Let what changes are made he progressive. vcrc storm. _ Two graveyard vaults at Kingston have been forced open and blllijvclrl sio‘ lcn from them. The Sultan of Turkey has bought in London “ a tricycle for the use of the ladies of the harem." News has been received of the death contingent in Egypt. “The whole Mormon community of Utah' is represented to contain but om- upostatc frotn Roman Catholicism. Two hundred persons have been bur- ied alive by the terrible avalanches in the districts of Ivrca and Aoslin, Italy. A disgraceful prize fight between two society men, in the parlour of a Madi- sou-avcnuc, New York, mansion, is re- ported. A sensational marriage in (‘lniebcc'rc- ccntly was that ofth eleventh son of one family tot'he eleventh daughter of . another. Printed cnpics of the Scott Act hear- ing the cudorsalion of the Archbishop of Quebec are to be distributed through out the Province of Quebec. While Capt. Blinkhead, chief engi- neer of the Grafton and (li'cl-nhrii-r rail road-survey, was lying ill at Wheeling. ‘W. Va.. January 23rd, his false teeth came loose and strangled him. he is fully aware that thcre has been an accident. The richest silver mine :it Imadvillc was Sold by the discoverer for 810000. and during the following year the two purchasers made a million each from it. In the meantime the disCovcror ‘qllrili- dcrcd his $40,000 in prospecting. and the other day, a homeless trainp. sought a night's lodging:' in a Leadvillcï¬tatiuh house. A Georgia man has not slzpt in a house sine.- the war. He travels from place to place within the State, carrying . his entire wardrobe with him, :is well as his cooking utensils. and spends the night \vhcrcVI-r darkness may overtake him. He iicvcr reads the iiewsp'ip-rs, .-.â€"â€" How Cripples are Made. The attention of the police at Chal- ’ ons was lately attracted by a little boy with one arm, and another child, a cripple, wheeling himself about in a small wooden box. Both Childrin ap- p-arcd so utterly miserable and pain Istrickcn that they were taken to the station, where they told a sad story of suffering. About two yuirs ago, it transpired. the boys, who are cousins. aged respectively eight and ten, were living with their parents at Barcelona. Whilst returning from school together. they were accosted by a man and im- . man, who enticed them to the railway l station and brought them to I’crpignan. There, and suhsrrpionlly at or near Chalnns, one of the boys was made one. I armed! I"? flaw" “ crllll’l‘h the “WI†ll old son to death. beat lit-r tcii-vvur-old was requisite to suppress bullig IH'III. i ,p,,,,_,1,,,,,. 5,, 5,,,.,,._,,,,,. Wm, ,, hm,an ‘ and Stml‘llc‘l “D I†ll": “I‘ll†cru"l "‘“l' 3 club lIl'lI. it. is believed her injuries are: Alter a time the little lad, who. pawl, and “H.†(.m I“, ,,._,.,, Um,“ “.5â€, wheeled himself about in the box. was 3 “mm ,,,.,,,p,.,,,,._. awed}. ,pmllh TIâ€. ing the Bible. A terrible tragedy occurred at. New. port, I\'y., on January 23th. .‘Irs. (,‘arv -oâ€"- ' A “ Dance †in the Indian Nation. “ l at the house of Jim Bounds, in Chick- saw nation. by a " renter " named Buck ‘ v Nuith. back.conlly ticd tlmirhnrscs and cntcrcd ; the house without an invitation. They were ti‘calctl iiirlidci'triitl)’, and one: of" the >ti‘:lii;t'l'.~. fir-3d ti. revolver toward; the cci.ing. This was a signal for al general fusiladc. A gul‘rl. named lior- i don opvncd on the leader of the intro 5 din: gang and killed him. but l'lorllon l immediately rcc--i\'cd a bullet in his: heart. The lights wcre extinguished and the battle raged, over a hundred shots btiu: fired. The women ran. screaming from the roam into the woods Alter five minutes continuous tiring two of the five strangers rushed out. mount. ed their horses, and escaped. “’hcu the were found dead on the floor covered with blood. Nvfll' by lay three dead guests. including (‘i‘rdv-n. While Buck Smizh and another guest were found dying. ..-. The i:‘-nu:igc of the " limit I'iiitcrn " has been c input "I to be greater than tho. of Nash‘s ark. It has never been liiifsvi u-clill. At l'liro. Ii. :3 short time 3:0 an old soldier sun-1rd out of his tin-c a bullet that had brin Ilubt'd'lt’d thy-re during the lab. war. On Thursday night a dance was held ' During the progress of the‘ dance several whites arrived on horse- l . neck and cru~hed it to dvatb. The boy . put about the loins with a knife. euro“; \voman was insane. ; ivc liquid being poured on to his “m, ,,r ,1â€, my.†{Eu-m. on thr- [ML-.- ‘m‘md’h “Is It,†“1T†{WWW "W'l" of lloxhurgh's l-st'iio: (Farninginu. mar i hated by ropes tightly Wound round ; Np“, Mg. jug, [,,.,.,, rap, I.†a r,..],,.,. rim of about '13 p~r cent as coinparwd _ g with the rent. HHIIl'l‘ the last, lease. It » and success; having attended the horn-1 "mmqh ,0 pm“, am“, (If “mph, lump blc process. they were sent out to be. r in the streets of various French towns. , Happily the man and woman who tor-j turcd them have been arrested, and will i be tried for their inhuman offence. l lyml ,.}.,,;,,.')..~Hbl I‘m crazy with that ‘ Nt-eiralgia that (nationally iroublw inv‘ â€"â€" ~ \l'u-ll, how f’l'lll‘lli Why don't you ' go to Wm. H. Illiis'» Drug Store. Frill-lull ; them ; in short. for two uioilllin the lit~ I tic martyrs ivcrc operated upon daily. â€"-’= “'hyl \Vimt‘s the mall"! 7†0.... An Eagle and a Boy. An exciting and novel battle tonk place in one of the pasture fields at the Soldiers. ()rphan'a Home this morning. Wallace .‘Icad, a fiftccn~ycar-nld boy. it Cured ml- in lr-s than th Ill our: inLn'ltv. I lllhvil)" keep a bottle in the Il'llli“. It only Cry-l5 '.'.'. (-i-nts " |‘ ' a l . had gone out to “all. for some milk. hm“ ,,,.,,.,,.,., “munâ€, m,“ .., ,,.,,,, when he. was attacked by a large eagle. V Hâ€. ,,._,,,,,,.,,,;,,1, (U, Menu-guru: Emmy When the boy first saw the eagle it was * Gum and {mind ilai I had not in {(0 In New York, l‘l.il.i ll'lpilid, Lulu-4...... or Tr]:- percln-d in a tree, and he started on a > , as to find living “Hind-J“ of il~ ‘mlultz WI.- ruu for the institution. The bird of freedom gave chase and soon Overlook the youngster. It buried its talons in the ill-shy part of his leg, but the boy * W1". able to shake Ill‘ flï¬lliitlil “if. It then jumped upon tho.- liiiic fellow and hit him nu'ir'l’o-i)‘ upon the arm. Th».- boy commenced to light the eagle and went at the noble bird in true pugili-tic style with his bare. Ii-ts. Ht- succeeded . ii. getting a good hold upon (Iio' eagle's 5 i2: Iill'lils‘. 1 ,‘ul .i ll'lllli' aw i‘. l-ulpi-«l nu.- rigm aw vcr and i.. ligc-ziioi. in I i’nuk any on" mold in, I have taken thn-l- battle: and an. near- l'r Wail. .in-l can I- ll any iLilJI of fun-I Milli- on: 2'. hurting :Tn- l n. I m). that I run lu-i- i»: il {in I ("-‘4'.’ Pt “ml in l.» I'row haul Iv liil"‘ n'. “'11: Ii. Ellis a Drug Slur“. Foil"â€" lnn Pall-n If. and -‘?::,l.il be an unfrvrtunatlr u: in lillfi'lj-‘ii illlh.’\‘A.‘.‘il.i}4‘;f“'lf1'llilly‘duay, the Hop»: 1‘!†i: in Lei-p char: our! {ml ,1 .‘ilcfrr-gor I; Park» -. Mast on l;\"i.'l;: and tar um- (irl‘Z'u' A I‘.:rl:- - l'aibnhr ( “'52: f; In! It: 3, :ue ; --. z. I‘Miuii", I‘cralr. was ('Slilu~l~:4I after tin: mnflirt and bai to b- link! it to tin: l.n.~piial. when it was found that in? had iâ€: Eviel many ~A:.'Ail‘i.i“ and Tim: Indy of the ratt- I‘ch, ,. . ‘u v-Il';. bites. fall ,ma The’ Lcavériw’orth Tinirs says :â€"â€".k '3 of .‘Irs. Colonel Hunt.» chtc rd .i_\' it , bovs next morning snugly sleeping a-; gainst the breast of the horse. with its , The little one had evidently , St. Anne's, Quc., during the recent sc- l of three other members of the Canadian , italics, as it were, the spring throws; him right on :0 his feet again. b fol-oi ; a d devotes all his spare time to study ‘ rio I], Winslow choked her Slf\'('l:»)'l‘l|r°i A large farm on the .‘I'irchinunt est IU‘, I near livruirkshirc. ha~ hvt'n rl- h-t, after , a valuation. at a rmluctinn of 210 per c't. 1 l.:ul_'.'â€"-(\\'i’,li lar‘f' enveloped iii ii roll of l"nll-. and L'ct a bottle of fluid Lighting/'7'}- have plenty of perwm right her- to wow.- r Ivrlii .t-i l-I'l Willi liiiirlilx FLâ€- vou gri. )Ir- ‘ 31 _»\1{ {£1 X'ID. At the resilience of the bride's fallicr. or! Tiu‘szlly. January '2"lh. by the Rev Mr: . .‘lch'cc. Air. War Wadi-3. of Fenclon Falli Q in I‘v‘llib‘fl. i'uirih daughter of .\lr. Janies' - Burr-Edge. of the village of l‘iilioconk. ! .__â€"_.__._. â€"â€"~-.â€".â€"â€"._ l r , Dim). v V‘i'z'..~l'n Fcr‘r‘icii Falls.on Sunday. Jan: nary ‘_'.‘Iih. ,\lr. 'I‘houirl! F‘lf, Sh, aged 71 _\‘i‘.lt’$. ~ . . t‘i l.l\\\' win I‘vm-lpn Falls". on Thursday. January com. Mr. John Cullou, Sn, aged 57 years. Fl‘..\'l£l.tl.\' FALLS MARKETS: Rap ml.“ i' lay .V.‘I’ivl15':t.lfii' Brando-I. Fcnclon Falls. Friday. Jan'y 301b, 1885; Wheat, fall. pcr bushel - - 5U 75 0 77 l Wheat. spring. “ - - ~ 0 76 0 7!? Harley. per bushel - ~ - 50 59 «tits. " ~ - - - o 28 3o I't‘uit‘. “ " - -‘ - - 50 {\5‘ lye. -- u - - - - 45 50' l’i-laincs. . - -' - - '20 ‘15 Iilllll‘l'. prr lh.. - -' - ..- -. Iii . 1K. onus-a Hogs. pct" no Hal. 5:- no :5 :5 let-f. per lllll ills, - - - $4 50 $5 00 Eggs. per doxcn, - - - -- IS 20' , Sheepskins. - - - - s _ , 30 ‘ 60' i:.-.-r units. . - - - 3' oo‘ so no Hardwood, dry, sowed, - 5’.‘ 50 $3 00 = Ilarilwood. gi'i't‘li, sowed. S‘.‘ 00 $2 50 IIa_v.ilvriou. - - - - 51' 00to$ll 00 New Advertisements . _......_. Dress & Mantle Maker; is prepared to do a good class of work‘al her“ Residence on Bond St. West. next house III. .\l‘r. 'Ifw‘oiulgv‘s. and will ho. s‘llllplit'tl with the latest English, Paris and1 l New York fashions . . . , , H Fl‘llt'lnll Falls, Jaii'y l'Jiid, 1884: 484‘ 4\ (' 2(le H l’l‘lLV. A fall SliH'I’C of laiurancc‘s famous Spcc-~ ‘ larlcs at Ellisjs Drug Store. lh'cry pair' guaranteed. Call and see them. 4bâ€-ly.' 'cd. I Xvil't‘r Std-u) , Strliycd from the subscriber. about tlic lic-' ginnintbof November lost, a dark rvd IIvilcr' rising two years old; shows ,Ilcvon breed ;' has the shell of one horn lirokcii'ofl‘. Wit. LOGAN: Fcnclou Falls, .lan'y lilth, 1885. 47. , .. .. . . _ -4...-__. ._..___.__ BARRON & SMITH, )AlllllS'l‘l-Ilth‘. SOLICITORS, kc. Money‘ ) to Loan on security of mortgages and. promissory notes, kc. Jonx A. li/lintos. . ll. SMITH: 13;)“ line of the firm will be at their Feli-‘ elon'l’nlls office every 'l‘hnrsdny. .ir-xr. G. A. .i'Cimas, Manager: Dissolution of Partnership.- Notivc is hereby given that the partner-' ship hitherto subsisting between the inich signed as butchers, in the village of I-‘ouc-, Ion Falls, was dissolved on the lllst day of‘ December last by mutual consent. All ac-' counts due to the late lirin iliust he paid to’ John J. Wilson, by whom the busint-ssw‘illl ht: ('ulllilllictl. manner: \vinssnm} .lllllN‘ J. WILSON. FOlIl'Ilill Falls, Jnn'y ch, 1985. dtll-ll' ' . ' ‘ x ‘ o ' r- I New Tailoring I‘AIIIIHISIHIICIIIJ The undersigned, having conimcnc't-d'tlio' Tailoring business in rooms over the post-' .cllicc. "x-irpcclililly solicits a share of public’ patronage. (lariiil-iits )linlle‘ln llic lintcs‘t'Stylcl- and custnnn-rs may rely on getiing a goodl lil. thing/rsrmmnublr. , , , IA, CLAItKu Fem-Ion Falls. llrc'r lfllh, 18M. 41!? IR... \V. ’1‘] l():\l I’HOIV‘.‘ , Accountant. Commission'and Real Estato' Aqant- Loans Negotiated. l Farr-s. Houses and Lois for Suh- or to Ilcnt .' Mam-y to Loan at llic llilicsi current l'flll'fli' Mortgag-s and Notes negotiated. (lnllcc- IIIIlla l.i.“Il‘ expeditiously and returns cxc-' cutrd .1! pure. (lurnrr of George and SimJ i-m- Strrcts, over “ (‘hinn Hull," I'clerburo'; iii iiiiiiihsr Sillllil ‘V. ‘Vr. :liI.4()'1Vr' begs to call the attention of the public to' the following iizw Lisr or CASH Pincus. . . . (- the lowest r-vr-r yct nth-red HI I- vnclon I'allo‘ or its vicinity by any dealer in grocericsn SUGARS. go lbs. b-liin-d Sugar for - . $l 00‘ LL", “ (iranulnird Sugar for - I 00‘ I I7 “ Ili'ighl Sugar for - - I 00' | . SYR U PS. Tl gallons Holden for - - - SI 00 TEAS- :s‘pi-cial lint- in Japan. jun! arrived, lineal value in Canada, equal to any [:0 cent lens 1 in the market, :tu cums per lb. IU'EW FRUIT. I‘lnwi l'nrranls. 1': lbs. for - - $l 00 , “ Valentin llai-iiis, ll lbs, for I 00 i “ London Layers, per lb. - - IS “ Fig~ in Illill‘, In lbs. for - I 00 " I'ilcinv I’ll," in bum-s, per box I5 Alto a lli‘ge llr‘lll'lull'lll of (Images and Iu-inons. Gripes, Nuts, kc. "' ‘I l 0 {5'1 ERS in tin: and bulk, ni closer quotations than .\ii|l «an obtain in the Toronto market. CAIU'NEID GOODS- lilili‘ll American Salmon, l""I tnilttll - - - I III. tins, I50. v New Lilli-tn“ - . - _ H u If)". 3 il',i-ril . ._ _ I: ll 12". i J' 'lt-iu‘ill 1'; - - - 3 “ “ II'I‘. " (’urn - - . . . gu u up!" " l’wrs - - - 2 †“ l'zlc. I‘ .Allillxh - r - - :1†“ “if, " llvane - - - 'I u u “in TOBACCOES- lint i’linm- of Wales ('bcwing - 42c. Ih. llright Flanking 0‘1 - 50c. lb. l'nt (flu-wing - 50c. lb. Tln- allow hg'm-s mint convinci- you that il.v~ only way to buy your good: cheap in to pay m‘h. W. W. "LOTT. 35," (meter Illinm! npvgtuin. '9‘ fenvloti l'allz. .‘i'ov I With, Iii“. .. . a“. .a...__.__. liiA‘W, (’Aitl’l-lx'l‘lilt .t lll'lldlEll, FENELON FALLS. Tim- :xdrrrrliwr u prrpnrrd to excnm. all n,- l-‘ra with which he may be favoured, ft -x:: laygv “lunar-ta in ihr unnllut job. W b “in and doors of all Itindl made on -- and «f good materials. Viol}: flu]: n-l Francis Street But; "If- ‘ir rice nil Bond Nrw: Hun. FILWARD HAW. l‘.lh, lb“. Lt. April